HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-04-19, Page 74 SPRING TONIC. Ailafe'SINIAN MONKRIES. 7Weal4 Tired and Depreseed People Need Act Very meal Lige leeman ovate a Tonic ,at ThIS, Season to Pat the Mood Right. 01 elle Country. , • Very eimilar reports are made feorn Sprinit blood i3 bed blood: diffezenat parte of North AfrieA regesal Lao airing the winter Inoiit-ht.i wfre:sfeijn-ro The monkey trilie3 that 'oecupy filet, oe 'oe ayeeei, %eatery, eteiputes 1010tele continent from leleiroceo to 'Aleyssinia. 11104' e, tonio to Wild up, The bleopl• Juet now ear seitiat lame= may slave In spring:1VA es . miteh es "a {11'Q ,Nrided V(IfIr. tile; species is ,a-cititislion. ticeds new eaP to give it Vitalltir, for tho ,eitete as ireneetalai wee tie RI.e;.:„..xegel suminer, la the spring the'shad blood to -which Profeseor Garner Itae glebe -leo thews itself ia niany weye. Irr Eonte much • stalely. ° .kiome points of interest' et; eieeeds pimples and 'e w)uol 1ere eound in an, Englieh VAT. .01ee9 le may be tieseogb, oeces- tonal to` . headaches, a variable •aleteetile, perhaps eeave mentioned thee large teneeeee tViiiigCS Of neuralgia, or l'heunlalinclo of neenkeYs frequentthese hills. They Or ,a lazY feeling in Jhe 'morning and:a move about in organized beads, • and desire to avoid 'exertion: .Fer theee their proceedings are arranged in the .$pring ailments it is a tonic you need, and the erreatest bloodmaking, health - giving tonic in all the world is Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. Every dose helps ta make new, rich, red, health -giving blood, which reaches every nerve and 'i -every organ in the- body, bringing health, strength and . energy to week, despondent, ailing men and women. Here is proof. Mrs. Chas, Blackburn, Aylesford Station,.. N. p. says: • "For . the past ten yecu'e -Dr, tWilliarris' Pink Pills is the only medicine 1 have taken when -I found I needed a medicine. Last epring I was feeling poorly,. was weak, easily tired and depressed. I got three boxes and they made me feel like a new person. These pills are the best medicine ,1 know of. when. the blood 1$ out of order." Thousands of people not actually sick need a tonic in the spring, and to all these a box or two of Dr. Pink Pills will bring new energy and new strength. To those who may be ' more seriously ailing, who are suffer- ing from any of the ailments lue ti bad blood -ea fair. treatment with Meet; pills will bring.new. health and vital•ty You can get these pills from any me 'i cine dealer or by mall from the Dr. Wit - name' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at 50 cents a box or six boxes tor $2.50 clump THE DISH -WASHER. An English Househcilder's Experience in India. The experience of an English house-. holder in India are declared, by the au- tbor .of -"An Indian Garden,' to lee sometimes trying and oftdn •amusing. An instance of one of the amusing ex- periences is given: • . The old 'gray -bearded butler announc- ed to me at luncheon one day that the dish -washer was 111 with fever, buf if the mistress would give some medicine • ho,, Would soon be able he resume his veorlc. I happened to have .n6 -fie by me, but as the. matter was urgent,- clean dishes being important, I asked: e:"Cari he go to the chemist's, do you think, for some physic if I •give him a letter? 1 don't 'know- what to write for "Oh, yes," he said he is quite .able L) go tlrat short distance." "I thought that was 1111101 the best why% and ether). the chemist eotild• give. him 'whet was proper, So I wrote; „ "Please give the bearer 'Na. dose of medicine.- He eitysele has fever." forgot, to inquire about him till, two days after. Then 1 aid: • ••".How is the dish -washer?" - "He is meteh betteri yout honor." "And then he took the physic?" "No, your highness, the -bazaar Coolie took the physic by mistake." -- "The bazaer coolie!" I exdlaimed. "What for?" "The dish -washer •said, 'Work is, therefore cannot go myself ; bazaar coo- lie goes errands; he may fetch rrie• the physic.' So bazer coolie took letter. Shop master prepared physic., then told baepar coolie to drink it. . .. "Coolie said, 'Not for me is the medi- -cirie, but •for another man. I take It to I him.' "'Not -so,' said the shop mastete 'The mistress has written, "Give to bearer," and she means you mut drink it here.' "Many times tootle said he was not the man, but they would not listen, and they made him drink it." ingst orderly and taaticarmanner. They are difficult to annroach, unlese' it is gra-. dually and cautiously done; but I. have sucemeded on a camel in getting sv,ithin a few yards of thein when they were crossing the path ahead of me, 'about fifty in single file following their leader, and looking with their mines like small lions. . Their Movements' of 'interest; end well repay observation; they have chiefs, sentries, and advanced and 'rear guards on the march. The mothers car- ry their children on their backs exactly like the larger human creatures in these countries,. They talk an chatter, the females being especially loquacious, quarrelsome and combative. These are „clearle under the command of the elder males, whose gesture alone is shfficient to reduce them to obedience, They live In small caverns among the hills, but will most certainly avoid 4 dl.r0Cl' return to their haunts if folio -Wed. They are less timid of men when these are . • mounted on camels, than when on foot, experience having doubtless taught them' that the former is usually travel- ling. to a destination, and that Ws steady, jogging pace is rarely inter- rtepted h» his curiosity. On one oCcesion I saw a whole fam- ily tribe on the rad home after a forag- ing excursion, and successfully tempted some of the younger °ne'to leave their ranks by quietly rolling Pieces of bread and sugar at them; but the older mem- bers, were above such weakness, and went on in a stately way up the hill, disappearing over the ledge, and re - Proving the youngsters as they retired: # RAINY RIVER MAN HAD TROUBLES Doop's moNcit, PILLS CURED 1.11S KIDNEYS. SAFETY FOR CIIICDREN. Baby's Own Tablets is the only medi- eine.that gives the mother the guaran- tee of a government analyet- that it centains no pOisonous opiate and is absolutely safe. This is worth much to every mother who Cares fer the fue lure welfare of her child. The Tablets are good for the tenderest baby or for the well grown boy or, girl, and cure the minor troubles that are inseparable from childhood: Mrs. W. J. Macintoshs, Clam Harbor, N. $.' says: 9 have used P,aby'e Own Tableta for constipation, vomiting and colds and have .found thenista splendid medicine. I •give the Tablets all the- credit for the Splendid health -my little one now enjoys. The wise mother will always keep a box of these Tablets on hand. „ They on be got from any druggist or by mail from The Dr Wi1lian Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont., at 25 cents 4 box. .LOSS OP LIFE IN COAL MINES. With terrible regularity one is re- minded of the dangers of coal -getting. Not a single week passes but that mine accide,nts • occur in sGreat Britain; and whilst the loss of life averegee teVenty lives per week, the numbee of report- ed injuries is about, four times as many. R is remarkable how colliery disaster atm. year after year, involing almost the same loss of life in the course cL One' year 'a's in the previous twelve /Lonnie. ,in 1000 the ttotal number of 'eyes lest In eoal-mines was 1,012, and in the following twelve Months' 1,131 colliers were killed. In 1002 the death- KAI numbereilL1,024, W11.8 inereased by eel tee renewing ,37(41r, and only by In 1004. During the past child. ,yeare over 8,000 lives have boon lost in our collieries, and for eyery death there are iteveral reelminga. )lOtTS'ElIOLD COMPteAINTS. "I ileelare it in' -dreadful lthe ,way pee - pie treat 1110," eomplaine&the Window, *I am always ready to shed light any subject, yet I azn frequently Shut "1 ooh at ine,".:`returned .the Door. "It L s daily emtttni to afford 'newt° an ripening, yet they are alwaye eiving nal lotiOcks.1 ' !then Ills. Rheumatism and Other Paine .Vanished Once -and Fer All. - :His Case Only One of Many. Barwick, Ont., Apr. -9 — (Special), — That Dodd 's Kidney Pills will cure Rheumatism, or any other disease re- sulting from 'disordered Kidneys is the experience of many of the settlers in this leanly River country. The case of Wig barn John Dixon, of this place, is a fair sample of the work the great Canadian Kidney Remedy is doing. • • "I had Rheumatism so bad I had to USC a stick to walk,. I had pains in my back and right hip, and I had no com- fort in sleeping. . "I could 'nomore than dress or un- dress myself for nearly two months, and I was for .nearly three weeks I could not lace my right shoe. "My brother advised me to try Dodds Kidney Pills, and I did so. After taking three,•boxes I. could walk around and lace up ,rny shoes and do my work. Six boxes cured me completely."' • Dodd's Kidney Pills are the one sure cure for silt Kidneys. Sick' Kidneys are the cause ofeninetenths of the ills the human family suffers from. - THIS WAY TO FORTUNE, PLEASE! Werk done is the criterion of ability; not promises, not boasts. " Accept every experience as an educa- tor. Look for the lesson contained; it is there. • , Don't let your work end with think- ing and talking. Act. If you get an idea, try itout td 4 conclusion. • Talk to the point. Don't waste time on preliminaries. , Theman who, in a lowly -position, gives proof of zeal and ability, is al- wayatthe man who later is found occu- pying a remunerative position of trust and., responsibility. a Work Ls net an -end in itself; simply en -leans to an end.. A humble position should be utilized as an opportunity to prove meritfor a higher post. - To do your bast is simply a matter of doing justice to yourself; to- refese to cif: so is to hide year /light under fa bushel. which othersehave neither dine nor inclination to lift. Sometimes a man may find dilmself engaged; upon work which he thintles (and perhaps rightly thinks) affords no seope for his real abilities.. There is a tendency under such circumstances to perform his duties in a prefunctery man- ner. 'Why? 11 is by the performanee of Work, and not ,by the Class of work that ability, is -measered. • 6 'Flannery—"What• rint do they elierge for a house like yours?" Finnegan - "Sivin dollars." FlAnnery--"Iely, thaVe high. Don't ye have throuble gett`ne it together?" Finnegarx—"Faith, Oi den% Jut the, 'agent doera".• DODD S tf, PILLS 'eti-IL/ Rt\\\<Ny.N,---0isfr'* ION E_054.c. Y an. u latialig130111 :151'In ic'eArt..70 ftr3 HARVEST HOME. Ono of the remarkable eight5 in tile. Orecit, Sett leike oi Wen, cieveirepcd iy the peogceea of svientific cindustry, the eystem til .1rannerbee 1341t Olidfi OR the eliere of the leko. At Suai,teir et.heenita,lie. aeciesantee „In linnipea 5nte lc 1iq fall totii:taAte Virm.Te the rnPull' /Ii‘,11,th 1(11703,1t iron ferupi evaln dr (iIntoot%;11114ir•vecieytainrg ponde;" are%i eflieigiiaelgvt0(1,fe ,111, cre_t„., o areand ex inchs a' ie vitt, wter ,alsP littoendzsvaarrsraktie(pnti stuopeps.lioend hfraorTe'hyegl-eaS:9e'pftheeineVavte';vtilalevningillduiir. peared, a de.Zzling.layer of salt,two, cr • three inches' thick, is found covering the el)ottorn of tile ponds, end this is broken' • up with ploughs before being conveyed to The milts, 'Where the final crushing and windowing are done. ' A Sure Cure for Headache.—Bilious htadache, to which women are more sub- ject than men, becomeS SO acute in some subjects that they- are utterly pros. trated. The etomech refuses food, and pre1sConstant and _ands dietiCeing - to 'free the Stomach Vow -bile which has becomelinduly seareted there. Par - melee's Vegble-Pills are a speedy el- ternative, and in neutralizing the effects of the intruding bile relieves the pres- sure on the nerves which cause the headache. Try them. A cook has been going round 4 station In the South of India with the following "character," and is somewhat surprised be is not engaged:—"Abdul -has -- been My cook for three months; it seems naich longer. He leaves on account of ill -health." ' 111M00.11,01.1. Couldn't Estimate Its Value! --Dr. Ag- neW's Cure for the Heart never fails. It relieves in 30 minutes, it cures. It is a beacon -light to lead you back to he,alth. Vv. H. Musselman, of G. A. R., Weiss - port, Pa., says: "Two. bottles 91 Dr. Agnew's Cure for • the Heart entirely cured me of palpitation arid smothering spells. Its value cannot be estimated." -7139 HONESTY EXPLAINED. • , I returned a dollar that the cashier gave me by mistake to -date" "No miStake. -Fle tried to work that counterfeit off on' me." ° It is Known Everywhere. — There is net a city, town or hamlet in Cenada where Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil is %not known—wherever introduced it made a foothold for itself and maintained 0. Some • meathants .may -suggest -some ether remedy as equally beneficial. Such recorynnendations should be received with doubt. There is only one Electric Oil, and that is Dr. Thomas' Take no- thing' else. - I, stopped 'epeaking to hiin," she te- marked, "because he paid such a. poor compliment to my taste and judgrrient." Mina ',did he dor asked her friend. "He wanted me to marry him." ' gunmen 'map 11 natter oats MOT Soaps, but is best when ussid in the Sunlight Inv, Buy Sunlight Soap antfollow directions. Pale, sickly children 'should use Mo- nter Graves' Worm Exterminator. Worms are one of the principal causes of suffering in children and should be expelled frorn the system. '7" cop401. 4;4' L.."N h 40 4 1:5 elein RENARD trill 't• rw"'". be. paid to any person who provers that Soap proteins any Onoui chenucal* or any form of a4Iiiitersation. • Sunlight Soap - is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap is pure soap, 'scientifically made. Every step in its manu- facture is watched by an expert chemist. Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the wear of • rubbing which COMMort soaps require in washing fabrics. ' Your money refunded by, the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find arty cause for complaint. ' Lever Brothers Liralted. Toronto , 154 Farms for; Sale. If you want to buy a farm ineOntario Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has send for our list of over 3,000 farms for proved a blessing to many a "man. bp- sPie--1. • fore theopublic" in cases of hoarseness, The western Real Estate Exchange, Ltd tad throat, tonsilitis and catarrh. Some - London. • of the most*recent evidence of its efficacy comes, from •a well-known actor, whose home is in New York City. He says: "I' Lave never found artything teequaf this remedy for quick relief." 50 .cents -137 in any form and cold perspiring feet positively --- • cured within 30 'days, by our newly. patented An old farmer said to his sons: "Boys, rireriLitireseweeireWrt:mrell-geeetrefeiunedtit don't you wait for somethire to turn de. booklet. Agents wanted. MAGNETIC IIIIEU. with a pail levixt your legs and wait sTA m m ERER for a cow to hack up to you to be - c9.. Sherbrooke, Queboc,Canada , . l'ou might jest as -well go and sit down 11431.814 °In"' on a 'stone in the middle el a meadow . H EU MATISM milked." •_. •To Those of Sedentary Occupation.— Men who follow sedentary occupations, which deprive them of fresh air and exercise, are more prone to disorders ef the liver and,. kidneys than those .1.e.ho lead active, outdoor lives. The former will find in.Parmelee's Vegetable Pills a restorative Without question vie most efficacious ore the • market. They are easily procurable, easily 'taken, act expeditiously, and they are surprising- ly cheap considering their exeellence. Titewood "I-ethought you said you wouldn't charge me anything for the little legal question I asked" you?" Law- yer — 9 didn't. 1 charged you for the answer." -• The Pastor's Pity. --A prominent pa.s- tor of a Durham, Ont., church, t'rites: sufferecrintensely from Intlarmilatory Ilheumatism. Just one bottle .ef South American Rhetimatie Cure healed me. I pity those who suffer so much and do not know how tam they are to a cure. t lcd like proclaiming it from the house -tops "---138 Miss Sharpe — "I celebrate my iwen- tv-fourth birthday to -morrow." , .Miss Oldage — "indeed! And isn't it singu- lar—so do I?". Mise Sherpe — "Oh, but I celebrate mine for the first time!" Halloway's Corn. Cut% is a speCific for the rernotial of corns and Warts. We have never heard of PIS failing to re- move even the worst kind. , Pet was nearing the end of all earthly things. IW had been sitk for a long time, and the doctor had advised him that lie had but a Short time to live. • AS he lay stretched upon his bed a savory smell was wolfed lo Ilia nostrils and, sniffing, feeblY, he called to his wife:' , "OP say, lIridget;i phwat is that 01 sinell?" • "Cern. bate. an' cabbage, Patsy; earn bale an' cabbage." i "Plase let me hot+ a bit av it, Brid- get, derlize. Oi've Only a Five Mime t' live now, an'' a little ity the earn bale an' cabbage s,ven't uiakc army differ- , Pal,v1" warned ilridget as She `stOed by herliusband's bedside, for th' wake'." The Arnett Method is the only- logical method for the cure of Stammering. It treats- the CAUSE, not merely the HABIT, 'arid insures natural speech. • Pam- phlet, particulars and references sent on request. Address, THE ARNOTT INSTITUT"E,. BERLIN, ONTARIO. • When it 'comes to house parties the ruchitect, and carpenter arie, strictly in it "Keep' Your Stomach in Good Working Order and your general health ,will take care of itself." ;this is the advice of dn eminent specialist on stomach troubles, and he "clinched" the advice by pre- scribing Dr. Von Stan's Pineaple Tab- lets as 4 wonder wetter in all phases of stomach disorders from the little. "fer- ment" after' eating lo the chronic dys- pepsia. $5 cents. -130 A man who is unable to hear money talk is. always watching to see if it will not make signs. A LITT- me QUIETis the best of ail1iot, yet it will not make bone and Muscle but " rerrovim" will. Try it. All drug and general Piton's. 31 bottles. „ Grace — Teacher says we Inust al- e eys do our duty. Wheit'ts dutik? Bob - the„ thing WO : our* to do when Wowait Oise, Dear Mother - Your , little °ties are a constant CAre nit Fall entle'Wietet weather. They will catch cold. Do you ',mow about Shiloh's Consumption Cute, the bog Tonic, anti whatit has deie for se many? It ts said to ha the only relit le remedy for all disease* of the ale *tors in cfalree. It is absolutely harm di' and gement tO take. 16's guatanteta to cure oc your money t is return.W. The psice is 25e. per beak, . and all dealers in medicine sell HIL EA 11 Two thou -mod designs szittaKe 'for all classe3 of week- Stile NA eihurebeSs 'Schools, Storee, Ilails., Also, special deeigns for Houses, 'hits diens, Diningr,Roonis, eic, Nothing has ever been' deviscl 19 egaal 'red- : Ides Steel Ceilings for Farm 111011SeS. • Cheap aa latie and plaaCr and will never crack or fall off, ' Avoid Accidents by Using Pedlar's Steel Ceilings. ammommomesamormsommumwmft, Made to fit any size TOMB and ,can be nailed on. by any ineallanie. Shipped from our warehouses Painted all ready oapply. OUR CATALOGUE, NO. 44 C, DESCRIBES MANY DESIGNS. WRITE FOR IT, IT COSTS YOU NOTTIING. WRITE, TO -DAY., • . . /‘c ' THE PEDLAR PEOPLE MONTINAL, QUI. 1 OTTAWA, ONT. I Toitarre. ONT, 1 1.41100ON, Mit 7ararissir itt. 1 423 Itussox itt. I 11 Clelberito St 1 SO lloollis 111. . WINNOW",' . Vii./101/1/VE11, ILO. la imoardst. NirstFrX Tama NE*xxsT OFFICX. 4011Pooderit. Oshawa, Ont., Quad* nem" Olike awl Works, LAN In Western Canadazwea:47:0 ed holds in Saskatchewan, only Smiles from two railways. C.P.1". G.T.P. Strong soil, 90 per cent. plough laud, spring creek, ao slough*, About 40 Miles N.B. of Innen- Head. Prios ;10,30 per agra Write for mop and foil particulars. . PARSONS. 9/ 'Wellesley Streit, Tomato, Gawk* ••. Summer Outings n Yellowstone Park "The finest place in America for ' a vacation of a week, a . month, or the season," Plan your summer journey now. In Yellowstone' 'Park you may , enjoy the finest coaching trip in America, the majestic scenery of the Rockies ; the study of wonderful n afore' phenomena ; a glorious. mountain summer climate; a view of, the magnificent Grand Canyon— these are a few things, others are described in "Wonderland 1906," sent for„six cents. Or, if you like, for , ' SIXTY DOLLARS a '(From Chicago $75 Round Trip) you can enjoy a round trip from St. Paid and Minneapolis 'through the heart epf the Great Northwest—act OSS two mountain ranges—to *Puget • Sound—" Mediterranean of America" and see Yellowstone Park asia side trip en route, golog via the Gardiner Gateway • and. the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY • • For full information write • StfliiMer Excursion, Rates W. G. MASON,.D.RA. June s1,— September 105. • 75 Yonge St.; .Liberal ',Stopovers. " Toronto', -- Can. !, • ,•• -" - ONE YEAR AT cOLLEGE FREE WE PAY FOR IT, _ _ • If you will devote only your SPARE TIME ua names of farmers and feeders and help ilcaAAIre if MW POO TRY FOOD TAR Ell A. Common -Sense Stock Food, at a Common -Sense Price of ONE CENT A POUND RATE iL00 por,100 Prepaid and guaranteed. Send us a trial order and ask for booklet No. 13 giving full particulars about 100 Free Premiums offered. THE BESAW 'CHEMICAL 00., scut:le-Dan Bono., • CLEVELAND, 0. OLD VIRGINIA FARMS IllitNITNATED OATAL00011 FARE.. ' LAMEST LIST MB SALE IN THE' STATE .eataztatAti VIRC•WIA. Rheumatism Cured. Why do you suffer -Stares Magic Rheumatism Cure will relieve the 'wont cases of acute, chronic, or inflammatory rhouniatitm in 24 hoirs. Hurry -bottle has * positive guarantee to curetItundrods of insi.rvelotts cures have boon Inade in all parts of Canada.. If your druggiet cannot give you Starr's, take no other, send direct to us. ,3.1..00 per bottle. llsbonsellinftely Se., 175 Venire it ,TOranto, ant Arrtericairl Poultry Farm. We Breed for Color. Vigor, and Heavy.•71: Production. . Onr Leghorn, and Wymutdot bona have maidm of over 24/4i eng per year. gs for Hatching from forty Brooding Pent of rred and White Plyassonth +nooks, White and. Wyandottee, White 31$14 Brown Leghorn, ugge $3.00 per '36 per SOL $15.00 per 100, II,rour4 TUrt•ra And Jersey Cattle. 30 years' ex. perience in Breeding. Circular and Prices Free. F. 71. MI.114.- it SONS. DeKalb, 111 , • • TWO OLD: TIME LOVE-LErrEits. They Both Show an Admirable Play Upon Words. In an .old book, dated 1820 there is the following curious love epistles. ' Madame; Most worthy of admiration! After long consideration and much meditation on the .great reputation you possess in the nation, I .have a strong in- clination to become your, relation. On your approbation of the declaration, I shall make preparation to remove my situation to a more convenient station, to profees my admiration; and if such oblation is vvorthy of observation, and can obtain consideration, it will be ag- grandiza.tion beyond- all calculation of the joy and exultation of yours, 4"estans I )issimulation." The following is still a more curions an sever Sir: I perd use'your oration with much deliberation of the grea.t infatuation of your imagination to show such venera- tionon so slietlit a foundations But at - ter examination and much serious con- tonplation, I supposed your animation WI1S the fruit of recreation, or had sprung (loin ostentation toi display your edu- cation by an odd enumeration, Or rather multiplication, of words of the 1.14.111C ter; tniantion though of great variation hi encli respective ,eignification. Now, without disputationi your laborious ap- plication in so tedious an occupation de- serves commendation; and thiaing Ilit Ration a sufficient gratification, I am, without liwitation, yours, u Mary Moderation." CAISTO.M. --Itow lit3- the world been treating you? Ilogp Not otiml enough, old man, T N i vi M. -611 TWO QUOTATIONS:a 9've got something important to do," eeaid this practical young mad, "and 1 just don't knew how to go about it. I e like you to help ine." • -"Yesr replied Miss Pechis. "What, is it you propose to do?" ' "That's not the question. It's what is it you do to propose?" • Do not let a cold settle on your lungs.. Resort e 10 Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup -at the first intimation of irrita- tion in the throat and preventdisease . from lodging in the pulmonary organs. Neglected colds are the, cause of untold suffering throughout . the country, alt of whieh could have been prevented by the application 01. this simple but pow. erful medicine. The price, 25 cents, tring,.s it within the reach of all. "HoW is it that You are alwayi.frt debt? You should be a.shemed of reline eif." "Come, now, don't be ' too • on a fellow. Yon would 'perhaps' be in debt, too, if you were in my pace.' "What place?" "Able to get credit." "ea. ONE OF fri/E 111CST old tine remadio for sit . • okin affections, such as Eozeint, Ringworm, Sertic..' ; head and similar affections is 'Weaver's Cerat It is ointment that hat 3gought ralief to :tliousioubC • • GUESSEB RIGHT. • "Mamma got it right in Vero guesses.qt • "Got what right, Luck?' "She said when your card came Up, - that you either, had a new scandal. soss some newclothes, or you Wouldn't be ceiling." ' Awrimaiiirrime, A TORONTO tilt TRIES SOISETHING,SEW AND IS DE. LIGHTED. rrizts LIKE A Bar. Mr. M. N. Dafoo, Manager The DU.St. lend Brush 0o., 29 Colborne St. Tor-, onto, is telling his, friends how he foundi, health after ram of illness and psun. Ito says : "I have been a great mutterer from Dyspepsia for many ' years,- I have been • treated by loeal doe. s .. tors *ma lut'vei taken MR, M.'s's'„,„., N. "A"E nearly all the adver. timed rC1.I1('11W6 with only. temporary relief, ie any at all, but since using Anti -Pill I eau eat anything the same ea when * boy. I" h&ve been taking one Anti -P111 at 'bedtime for tho past three months, ansi find they! egu1ate both atornath and bowelt, My, 1d time vir,or has returned, so that no* lit" 41e0 buoyant, and tompor norni*I. ih a result of this u ope!I, for otperlei4e I A113 ill duty bosun to gat all credit to this wonderful remedy, Anti.rilt." Every druggist , sells 1)r. Leonhardt'* Anti:Pill, or a so.raplo will be *Ant fre* by TholVilmon<lyle Co" Limited, Nisors. Fail", Ont.' Tho TfititOrtly 6106 CSIT4,41. Mt, Woo kb complottly issirroIY worth* trial. 602