HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-04-19, Page 4toki,s; .Bakitig . Powder .THE „BECAUSE .1'it makes the ' lightest, whitest and inota'..elelieiotre tea bis - colts and co.kee, thus Producing resulte thae eaunot he oht tined by eising any other 'pewelen • without • seccesional failhrea WholesOme and., Nutritious: Becamo it is a pure (dream. Tartar 'Baking Powder aLtontaiiiing no AKn Phosphates or • other Adulterants er ,fillings. All wise cooks will accept no other. ASK FOR -- s Baking Powder The kind that never fails To Please. ' —AT—.. COLE'S DRUG STORE Exeter, Ontario *zeter Abilorate, Sanders & Creech. Props. 4 `a.HITI‘ZSDAY, APR. 19, '06 Crediton , Rev. G. D. Damns is attending the ..• Canacle. Conference of the Evangelical ;church at Bismark this week. As this is the last year forMr. Darena's pastor - Ate among us, we are anxious to learn svho his successor will be. -The follow - ling took advantage of the Easter holi- days and visited friends at a distance: :Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Lawson, Jno.. F. Brown and wife to Detroit; Robert Walker and son,Otta, to Sarnia; Misses -Lydia Finkbeiper and Mary Rader etc Hamilton, while Bert Clark, Herb En- ter, Ira Brown, Art Zwicker, Fred. „Harris took in the sights at .London. —C. W. Gilmourewas in the village. the past _week inspecting the local :branch of the 'Sovereign Bank. --Jos. 'Heist ineved into his dwelling at Creds 1ton East on Monday. -A number of --our citizens attended the entertain- -anent in the Methodist ch arch, Cen tied, la, 'Eastee Monday evening. -Our citi- zens are busying cleaning their yards. .:Now is the time. Ito get busy. --Eli „:0-44-froo.e.a bousobold. gd'aeler .zhipped to Alberta on Monday where' he has -.1eought a farm We wish- him every -success.-e-The threatening weather on .Easter Sunday caused the majerity of sour ladies to leave their new hats at lunue. Sometook the risk and no :doubt were delighted that 'they got -ahead of.theesthers.-Work has been -eisothmenced on the cellar of our new %Achool bowie. • Geo. Holtzman, the -..e.ontractor, will Make things hum frova snow on. -Henry Eilber, M.P.P., re- turned to Toronto on Wednesday, af- ter spending the. Easter holidays at • '.'l'acerte.-Easter Sunday was observed with appropriate music and sermons ;In both church, 'and large congrega- tions as a rule were in attendance. .71oral emblems were much in evi- dence in honor of the risen Savior. - Miss Stella Andrews' spent Sunday with friends in Parkhill.-Ed,'King of Yale, Mich., is here visiting his moth- ,e1r. who is very ill• but is impeoving Vowly.-Anumber of our sports at- tended the shooting neatch at Exeter _on Friday. -Jas. Haist.who met with a accident a few days ago, is slowing at.recoyering from its effects. -Frank Finkbeitter has accepted a- position .•.with Mrs Henry Kraft at Dashwood. —On Saturday. Messrs. Lamport and :Baxter bought from Messrs. Handford .404 Kay of Exeter, that imported en - ...tire horse, "Neteby Prince," for $1,200. This horse is one•••-bf the best in this .-district, has proved himself a sore foal „getter and farmers breeding,their ;mares to him can make no mistake. :Messrp. Lamport and Baxter are ex. eeSerience horseman and are capable of handling a horse to the best adva.ntage. St. MerYs: Willie.Tudd had one of bis lingers badly jammed by the pump handle at the Garnett hoiel on Thurs.. . eloy, the top of the finger'being nearly :severed- • For Thin, Poor Blood You can trust a -tneslicine tested 60 years! Sixty years of experience, think of that t Experience with Ayer's Sar. saparilla; the 'original Sorsa.' parilla ; the Sarsaparilla the doctors endorge for, thin blood, weak nerves, general debility. int Avon this grand cid Medicine' owlet do ilrbstte7gliCptiltetie ist'l*A1 it%ettlrtlf,Tlet,4°. si1tsshriuld take laxative doses of AyCr's tins Ishiitaking the SIrsaptilis. 11,0.0.Avar eoi,towAttpilfas Also suntiauiturons or , sin most. - A* re, Afitin neat. vias•gar C.1010' PEGTORAL, VP:stave no lisoretst tni Tonsil the orniolao oral; our medicine'. 4 14. C.Idsellturst Jelin Lehrcosier visited it•ielab i 142Gt Heinen -a moved Thelreday Erato his new home formerly owned by Win. Unite -Wale ter Baxter cold a thee Iloree to iZobt. Beeteini hot week.-Cikei tweee Addie 61-igg back to Lb work again.--Alvie Arnibtrone• =eyed to tile 14 con. a Steetheraioat Tneedey. Alvin is geing te WOO.: the place of Jerry Beophey.- Miss Arenie Besterd, b bottle from Limas don ependilig her Easter holiday.- Mra.John Mereichea and berdatighter, hieve- returned home) after `spending a few weeks in Detroit visiting friends. -David Webb, was ip Loudon Friday 'on huSinees.a-SireOn Sweiteer bee in vested in a bronco, Look out now -- Frank Beeterd 'left for London last Monday. -Miss E. Weston s spending her Later holidays at her home in St. Iiialeye. 'We hope else nasty not forget, to come back to her school work. -- Chas. Baumgarten sold's', horse. to Jim Eagle of Mount Carmel. • ClandebOyea . Mr. B. Seale and family or St. Matys haVe moved into th.e village. - Mies Mi mile Cu nn itigha met fter pend- ing several months in London, return- ed home on Friday.-Arehie Rout- ledge vent the Easter holidays at hie home in Desh wood. - Mr. Charlie Hariton an Slater, Della, are in Port Hump thiS Week attending this wed- ding of their brother, Manforcl, to Miss A Baleer of Port Huron. -Mr, Harry Shoff of Toronto is spending 4 few days with his friend, Hale Eludgson. -Mr. M. Farrel of Port Huron is visit- ing hie parents. -Rev. Thornas held divine service la St. Jarnes church on Good Friday.-Artlatir Legg and Ar- thur Parsons of London spent a few days in the -village. -The suit held in the hall Saturday. between A. Otl weir and R. Grunday over a drain running through farms was not settled. Mc - Beth of London and McDermid of Luean pleaded the case. -Mrs. Ed- ward Irwin of Belgrave epeut a few days with her cousin; Mrs, W. Cun- ningham. -Miss Elm Cunningham spent Easter in Exeter. • &Mom A nurn4aer from bore attended the shooting match at Eeeter on Friday. -Our school teacher, Miss McAreer, is spending the Easter, vacation at her home in Brussels. -Easter Sunday was a very disagreeable day but neVerthe- less we noticed several Easter hats. RECEPTION.—The home of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Stanlake was tiseongecl with a happy gathering on Thursdaya the occasion being to celebrate the home- coming of Mr. Chester' Stanlake with his bride, who returned that evening from a short visit to Toronte. After the newly wedded couple had been warmly congratulated the company. sat 'down to a incst dainty luncheon, which all enjoyed. The home was then thrown opento the merry makers and ere long the young people were,enjoy- ing the favorite pastime, "tipping the light fantastic" while the older ones spent the evening in &mild chat • and various other ambsements. The wed- ded couple were not forgotten, by, the friends as an upper neorn would indi- cate, for laid therein were numerous, costly and useful presents, testifyihg to the high esteen in which the bride eta groom are acad. , At a reasonable' hour the party broke op and if good. wishes counts for anthing the happy couple frill have's', life of sunshine and roses. They have taken up house- keeping on the old homestead,. recent- ly vacated by the groom's parents. Many thanks were extended: to Mr. and Mrs. Stanlake, Sr., for their kind hospitality. Grand Bend , A. Bossenberry and Mr. Allen of Parkhill spent Tuesday here. The former has closed his engagement at the Hastings House as wine clerk,- Mr. Beaman, of London, arrived here Good Friday to spend a few weeks. - Miss E. Wilson of London spent Sat- urday and Sunday here with her brother, D. Wilson. -Fred Page had the misfortune to cut the .end off his finger on Monday. -H. Steffen, • who hasbeen attending the Business. Col- lege at London, is a visitor at the•home of Chris. Walper.-Mr. and Mrs. Teide- man of Sarnia were here •Widay at- tending the funeral of the late. Mrs. Wilson. --Chas. Morrish has rented his farm for five years to Win. Pickern of Shipkae-Miss Victoria Gill, who has been visiting in Parkhill returned home Saturday.-Robt: Hamilton has made about one hundred gallons of maple syrup this season in A..141ollard's ,bush.-Hattnon Gill is giving his house a coat of:paint.-Mr. Fulsher of For- est spent Friday in our burg.e-Mr.and Mrs. McLincher of Stanley. • spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, Zapfe.- Mr. Linney of London was here Fri- day and let the contract for building ei summer cottage. -Mrs. Ward of London spent a few days here during the week. -Bert Flynn of Exeter has accepted a position with Wm. LIViett for the suminer.-The township grad- er has been over the roads in this sec- tion and ft is hard to say vvhieh has made the worst job bf , the roads -the r«ient heavy rains or the grader.- flamiltoti ,Bros. are busily engaged 1 refitting their steamboat, "The Scotia" which they intend putting in the ly along his secret path ways; Death has the coming season. hest of shape before launching it for DEaTet.-In moving incline iusinate- Price more entered, this locality, claim- ing Nes. Edmund Wilson tte his vic- Itim, at the earlyage of nineteen years. ffer departure from this life is WI and pethetio in the extreme and has cast ,a gloom over the neighborhood. Death reeve his harvest, without regard to ali. e tality of the pain.' 'Thetendee entitle the hardy adult in thoprime of life, the COO fraught parent, declining A ge ,a, tid frailty Wee it'll alike his vidtime. Deceased had been ailing all winter from that inneli dreaded diseaee, eon - ',u and although,every possible eare and inedicaPtteatment thabeould be lied vill9 laviehiel upon her but all to no avail her work on earth Ililit3 com- pleted and5t3heine,w rests at peaee. She W as a true frietid,a loving wife and motheie the happinese of whoee home soul the high esfeein of whose ft ietara 'Nile( ted fn(' influence of her many itliti;imii10 ltd 11; of °tweeter. rive %elate ago ehe WAS enited in ntarriage to 1101' now bereft husband and with him is left one child. W commend i ha -.orrotving ones to Him who daetit all thioge well. The funera on Fridany wan largely nttended, tne ioterment taking E)lach the Graild Ben cemetery. `1110 63:1'nfi niaiag FeaScAl is LiCAV pretty ovese-Miee F.hiaina R(si.‘"ilr4 accepted a poeition as clerk with our genial storekeeper and postinase tete-mese Lottie Beet witS a pleasant vieitor at the hnnekit her aunt, Mre. Wea. Leitch,dntng tlie Ieetta, who has been eeffering Irani a severe attack of pleinisy, is, we are pleaeed, to learn, reeeveriesee Mra. Cal Newell le al60 eofivcdeseitig.-Mr. etair uf Hensel has wheys'. to we. _fine fiirm on the llth on -+ Lhtusa11' tiliSSQS 0 u a Wad Aun Maartalaw ere'. borne, from Ter -Onto for 'tbQ Laster .holulay.--:-Alex. Taylor is on trip to the Northwest, leaving last •week. --A. McPherson is recovering from his recept illness. -W, J. Miller left last 'Wednesday forStilliveter, Al- bertit.• Ile wilhprebablyreniain there. --e-Miss Tina and Ag gio Sherry were in London during the week. The for- mer is nowei pptient in Victoria Hos- pital undergoing treatinenta-Andy Yungblut has gone to Bianclon where he has aceepted a, position. -Jas. Ross fsoprent. the Easter vacation in Brant- d. Dhalee.-The death took 'place in Hensall on Friday of John Scott, an old and respeoted resident of this vil- lage, at the age ef 77 Years. He had been ill a pneumonia for 601110 days and his death was expected since the previous Tuesday. Mr. Scott was a native of Scotland, a Preshyterian in religion and a Reforneer in politics. About twenty years ago he retired from farm life, after having been en- gaged in farming for many yeara prev- iously in this neighborhood. He was at one time Reeve of the village. He was twice married and leaves a widow and grown-up family to moura his de- mise. The funeral took place on Mon- day to the Rodgerville cemetery Itnd was largely attended. Winchelsea One teachers, Mie MeDotsisall and Miss Howard are each spending their holidays at their respective homes. - Miss Ethel Godbolt, who has been teaching .school in Essex County, is spending her Easter holidays at home. -We are sorry to announce that Mrs. Chas. Gadbolt is suffering from the ef- fecte' of a sore knee. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. -- CoW- arcl & Bloomfield have then -new light established in the store. The acety- lene gas gives a bright, steady light and there is not a 'brighter store 10 - day in Western Ontario. With their up-to-date stock and the splendid man- agement of Mr. Bloomfield there is no reason wile our store should not do ft larger trade than ever. -George Ban- thorpe sports a new Campbell buggy. There is nothiik, like .being.sporty, George. -Miss L. Aakg and little niece spent Easter with the fornaer'ssister, Mrs. Thus. Washburra-eMr. and Mrs. Fenton Brown are spending a few days here with friends and relatives prior to leaving for .Dutton, where • Mr. Browne has secured a good position, managing a large butter factorve-We are glad toriotiee that Master Arnold - . • Clarke„who has been from on ' suffering attack of -pneumonia! is improvieee-and will Spon he well again; -J. Bloomfield spent Sunday in London. -Miss Olive Berryhill, who has been attending the Forest City Business College, is spend- ing her holidays` at home.' Olive is only one of the many who are yearly leaving our Winchelsea schools and fitting herself for a better position in McGillivray , • The eick,of our neidst are all on tit mend: .A.niong the number are Jos Amos; Wm'. - O'Neil, Rose . Lightfoot Fred Windsor and Xr. and Mrs. Wil Darling. -John Birney is now settled on his new farm as is also Gee. Lee,jr. --Dame rumor says we are to have ft wedding shortly. -Mrs. J Durr ha returned from a four months' visit to Port Huron. . Her son, Rev, George Darr and grandson, Ralph spent &few days with her during the week. --Alex. *McKay, of Nome, Alaska, is visiting his mother on the town line. --:Maple syrup making is the peder of the,, day. -Thos. Prest of Toronte is home fait the holidays. -Miss Della McGeary, of 4th eon., has gone to Toronto where she intends residing with her sister. While there she'will„take a business. course in one of the colleges. -Mrs. Walter nut of Moray was taken to St. Joseph Hospital, London, last week. She has been very ill for sev- eral weeks.and an operation was deem- ed necessary which was successfully performed on Friday. Her many friends will be ieleased to learn that she is now deilY ineproving.--Much sytnpathy is expressed for Win. Prance of the 81h eon., who has had the mis- fortune to lose eight head of cattle during the past few days from a, di - ease that baffles the skill of the veteri. nary surgeons. Mr. Prance has more cattld sick with the sanie complaint. Robt. HUtchinson has also lest sever- al from the same disease. -David Reid left last week .for Manitoba, -Death removed from our midst On Sunday one of oar most highly and well be- loved . young ladies in the person, of 1111130,Susie,Lowis which sad ev'ent 06- cUrred at her home on 411i con. De- ceased had been ill for smile time but she was patient and resigned to her lot. The sympathy of altis extended to the bereaved parents. . Dipa).—Word was received here a few days ago, of the death of Mrs. Jae. Gilbert, *Well sold event took place on Sunday, April I. at her home in Wol- seley, Sask., after an illness' of 8everal months duration. About five years ago Mr. and Mea. Gilbert left Corbett to make their beetle in Saskatchewan, and have been very prosperoue. She was fortherly Miss Raehael Grieve and resided, in this township the 'greater partiof her life where she wee highly respected and esteemed. -Her life was a useful and connecrated one, her aim, being to make people happy. Iler ago tvaa 49 -years and 9 months. She was a member of the Preebyterian church at Corbett and Vaught the infant jAise for manV yearei• before her &ten titre to tite West .1101I her gentle, kind dis. ponition end4etred her to the hearts of all who knevv her. In apeordance with Inv ostvn wish a memovial 8CleViCe Wog lithit 10 the clitireh here Sunday, Rev. Caerieee offidiating. To the bereaved husband aria family ,we extend our heartfelt sympathy. l• ----**--7.1"1""7"7"*'"`"11111111111111111M An inviting Prospect Nothing !)etter fr YOU-anothe itge more ii la V iti e,s g than a. Meal or • ,100iiieVIS 'Perfection Cream Sodas .1 IMooney's Biscu.itS are an evenly balanced, vvholesome, nourishing . food, equally good for young and old, Made from Canada's finest wheat flour, rich cream and pure butter. Baked by the Mooney baker in the Mooney way. Say ' Mooney's ' t9' your grocer. Anderson Talbot Hardink-fs`spending the boll; days under the parental roof. --Miss Ruby Werry is spending a few days the guest of her sister, Miss Lou 'Merry. -J, A. Hewitt spent Sunday under the parental roof. -Two ,young men in the person of Will Hodge and Percy iSnarling attended the Model Sunday - school held at Elimville and report 4 good time. -Miss Bela Malloy who is seriouslyill' is slowly improving. -j. i Murray s sick. His many friends wish her a speedy recovery. -Miss Mabel Wiles is spending a few days in Lon- don --Mrs. G. Dickenson entertained a few of her friends on 'Tuesday even- ing last. -J. Johns of Elinaville and L.' Beavers of Woodhane were visitors at our Sunday School on Sunday, April 7th. -We are sorry to hear that the Rev.' Mr. Vela ho is seriously ill is still very low. Zurich Mrs. Kreuger of Detroit is visiting. .her mother, Mrs. S. Sipple. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Ort 'are'visiting. in Detroit. - Dutch setts are being shipped in large quantities from this village. -Miss Freda Hess is banjo from the Seaforth Collegiate on her ileolideYs.-Abe Ben- der has gone to London to accept a position AS shbeinaker.-Peter La- mont has sold his properte; in Hills - green to his brother Robert. -Mrs. H. Zimmerman is visiting in Detroit. - Ab has returned from his vis- it in Stratford. -Sam uel Faust and Ed. Winer.] left Idaho and WaShinfOon states respectively last we ek. -Rod olph Heideman visited in Detroit during the holidays,-..Valentioe Esenhoffee of the Babylon Inc is ill with plight hope of recovery. -Joseph Gascho and family have moved to the 'farm he re., cen tly purchased from Be- Kuepfer on the the Bronson line. -Jacob °ascii has bought an additional 25 acres 'of - land on the Goshen line. -Miss Verde Puss is quite III. Sam Rennie has bought a large tract of land . in the west. He will leave for there shortly. -Fred Benedict was reeeptly injured in the car works at Toledo, Ohio. His aunt, Mrs. Hill, has gone to see hini. -Rea. W. J. Yager Was on Tuesday last piesented With an address and arm chair by the Members Of his church. He expects to leave after the next non- fereece.-Gilbert Plante of St. Joseph leftlast week for Buffalo to prepare for sailing len the hikes. -Peter Hoe!. ler is having the cellar excavated prior. to erecting his4iew dwellingiF. Bel - Anger is hiring men to continence the work on the dock at St. Joseph. -An Indian captured an otter along Black Creek reeently. The otter is a rare animal in these parts. -Miss Annie Hess is visiting in Detroit, • ,The Gentle 'KICI:ney Cure. Dettl think that Buj'it is not effecave because it does not • "tearthhIgsloote." The man who talks most, doei leut kidney rensedieS that pnrge-- , andoves-stituulate the kidneys --upset the. stosnach,..are goint t• do roil *mighty little good. rrejudicod and unscropulonIveridors =s5z,ougge,st °tilersbmt oaqiitoire 11WIT ' way you svpl—purityfreedom fro= aOicgtF, palababieness-1,14bStt's Ate is suryns$1, cd by 220)i1C, egfwillcd bigew—at labout•balf the rice Of best linvorted briAncisi, 1 TNE 11/01.4801STS BANK (Pioorpoi•ated by Act of Porliarnent18.55) Head, Office, - Montreal Capita Paia Tip • ..... $3-,0 CO 00 Buoyed npact,,•• 0,0 ••••$3,000,000 FORTY-EIGHT BRANOHES IN THE DOMINION OF CA.NA.D.A. - EXETER BRANCH oFFIQE HouRS 1.0 a. m. to p. SA.TUEDAY.8, 10 a. m. tO 1 P.°M, A oinktanat. BANKING BUSINESS TRANSA.CTED. Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms.supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States bonght.and sold at lowest rates of Exchange, ADVANCES naade to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men. at lowest rates and on most favorable terms, DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department' . pounded half -yearly and added to prnimpal June 80tb posits of $1 and upwards received. Interest coin- ' and Pecember.31st. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government, DIOKSON & PABLING, SOliOitOrS. IC D. HURDON, Manager, Guaranteed .Cured or No Pay. If you ever hadatiy constitutional, acquired or hereditary blood disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison has been -removed from the system. You may have had some disease yee.ra ago, but now and then some symptom alarms you. Some poison still lurks in your system. •Can you . afford to run the risk of mote serious symptoms appearing as the poison enultiplies? Beware of merettry,or Mineral drugs usedlndiscriminately7 they nia.y ruirethe system Thirty years' experi- ence in the treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe specific remedies that will posi- tively cure all blood diseases of the worst char- , acter leaving no badeffects °lathe system.- Our New 'Method Treatment will purify andenrichthe blood, 'heal ..up ell ulcers, clear alieselciin remove i bone pains, fallen •out hair will grow n, ands swollen glands will return to a normal condition, - .and the patient will feel and look like a different person. 4.11 ,eases we accept for treatment are guaranteed a complete eueeer no charge. „ .Reaider if in doubt as to lour -condition; you can, consult us PRZ OF CHARGE. Remember the old adage, "a stitch in time'saves nine."' e Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or reliability, 'Drs. K. & L have been established over 27 years. You can pay aftt3 r .cure. • • WE CURE Narvoas Debility, Varicocele, Stricture Blood Diseases, 800 - ret DIsess.s. Kidney and Bladder COmplaints. Consultation Free. lf,tokabie .• - to call, ,wra.4 fuF gueation Last for Home Treatment. .; • 148 •SHELEY ST., iDETROIT, PAICH. omee Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p rn Stindayn, 10 to12 and 2 to 4 p.ni Lift .:••••tp Marriage Licenses Issued at the ADVOCATE OFFICE Illoott's PhoegioiLize; nee Great Bugrish .Renzedv. Tones and invieoratesthe whole nervous systetn, raakes new loodln old Veins. ("WM Nees- ous Debttitih Mental and Brain. WOrtIlt Deg. poudsuey, Smuai Weakness.. iihIli4914071.8. Riper. saaterehesa• and Affect& of .Ongetifi'Excesses. Prioa S1 Tar box, six fortipae 'will pleaasoax willeure. Sold by 6.11 or mailed In plain pkg. on receipt of p cit. New pamphlet mailed free. Theo Ifi0o4 Modiolno CO. (folrer111 Windsor) Toronto, Ont, prig naraaiu :THE GENTLE KIDNEY COPtE, „• ' toes about cluing you gently, mildly, comedy. You never know you are takingitbedicina --exceetthet you begin to get better and keep on getting better. . Bee/it heals inflame metion in the kidneyseetakete Away that sharp pain in the back and the dull eche through the hips --stops excessive urine ation-and enables the discs - sed portions of tbe kidneys to , heal and strengthen. Cures Ith.ounuktisim too. THE 01.4ruN oNeivitem. Co., LIMITER wiNeion.0t4T. • • Kir.W YOftx. $ 100- EtOUND THIP oDgFpcii TO E11101 TUESDAY, JUNE 19 -IrkEttlitNINd JUNE 01 St.* alteltifOlIND 2 hive in DONA • b` r • ea., * At Dashwood. Spring Suits Better can't he found anywhere. They are the latest styles and the , values are great. They range from $10 to $20. Yeti can't af- ford to pais us if you peed a suit. Rain Coats $4,50 to $10'. These are splehdid goods and every coat is te bar. gain. Call and see them. Wall Papers Will you need Wall paper this sprittO We sell them so cheap that, you will think we flee giv. ing them away.e 'Wily pretty patterns. A splendid range 'of STANT PHD MATS at 20, 80, and !Soc.' Lumber, Shingles,Lath, Cedar Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames • and all Building Materials, --Water_ Tanks--- RPE-HiiMS .Finished or in Knock down, always on ban& -Highest price. paid for Saiv-: • 'logs ofevery description. OusOta sawing promptly ° attended to: Estimates cheerfully given. The Rots Taylor Co., Ltd 1, 4 Exeter, Ont. •44,4444m. • CHINESE HAND LAUNDRY', Having received ail cite necessary applicancee foie, tiirning out First Class tatMdry work, in future all work tient to Inc will be executed at home and not sent to London ea eretofore, 14MES Shiite, 8 petits ii Collars 3 cents per pair 0 oentli .130t 'of 'work guaranteed 11 4.4