HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-04-19, Page 1•
Itetnensber • 'that
throtigh tho liebero,
• (ATE, YoS1 reaeh se ore
eseople than through
• - te:;•.
betigL esgeisenged
3i atreasobahlis
.filessi)eeee '4,,S..Cssieesteets
The art Of savingmoney is the at of
• making money-. To start saving money -
requires a deposit of One Dollar in
he Sovereign Bank of Canada.
Deposits of -$1 and 'upwards received.
Literest paid 4 times a- year.
Put your money in a place where you
.can get it when you want it.
JOS, SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Dashwood. and Zt,Ocb.
ow, Do Not Daily With This Opportunity.
You'll probably say: "There are six days in which to buy" and thus
far you are right, but you can't buy Tuesday what was sold on
Monday and we shall hate to say to you "Very sorry but every
one of that line was sold." Then you'll say its a fraud, we didn't
have any such line. That is why we say "Come early and at
least convince yourself that we advertise nothing that we haven't
What we wish to draw your attention to is our nobby, Silk
Waists in Cream and Black. This is the second consignment • we
have received and they are going fast.
Our Ready-made Clothing Department was never in better shape.
Our double-breasted snits for young. men Are very stylislrand best
quality. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars and Ties the very newest.
As for Shoes, we sake nb back seat foona any of them. The As.
tOria Shoe is on the top notch. •
We have a first-class Milliner in tbe , person of Miss Morlock in
connection with our business and will accept produce the same as
cash for Millinery.
Highest Price -paid for Produce.
s Week You Can: Buy •
Al recleaned Dutcli.Setts fee 150per lb.
than lots of uncleaned ones at 10c. per lb:
• You Can Buy
these setts
are cheaper
2 packages of Rennie'sfGarden Seeds for 5e. Just thesame seed that
you can •buy from Other people where they sell seeds on commission at
&epee package.
YOU Can Buy
4 lbs. of best selected raisins for 25e.
3 lbsof recleaned currants for 25c.
8 lbs.. of Tilsoo's Rolled Oats (best made) for 25 .
We expect to haAre-at Exeter on Thursday at the
latest 1 big car load of Al FENOE POSTS -best high dry land cedar -none
less than Vs inches at top, Also 50 Anchor Posts-noLless than 8 Inches at
top and 9 feet long.• These will be sold at lowest peesible prices when taken
of the ear by customere.
„ IiitinoheiSea
Medicfsl •
AP.. MALtolti he B. (Tor. Univ.') MEMBER '
41 College of,Rhysicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Pomo' Hose Surgeon. Toronto Western Rospital.
Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on
first Street northof office, Exeter, Ontario,
"Irila.ltSON CARLING, ,13A.ItRIETE1tt 80L/01:
itfkittc7:611:11c:,;8(?3°,1V,YeLger14 °°Inn11631(mern'
P40110y to Load at lowest rates of interest.
Offices, 3fain street, Emeter,
, . 1910xsOn
L It OAS:mita; 11. A., 1,U
WiihaVe a large ffiliMunt of privatejtinde to loan
0 n farm and village properties at loW 'rates, of inter.
. Earristers, flolicitorsolfain at Exeter On
Money To Loan.
, •
)have private funda to loan on farm and village
properties at lowest rates of interest. •
'00Ico Opposite Central Ifotel, Main•St., Dater
* tri9Y1) P. JONES
etessibt and elfoir Master of It\ tchell' Methodist
Chtirch. Teacher -,Piano, Organ, Voice, intritonv.
*stern methods. ThoroutiMeee , •
11:,Propprty for Sale.
A fine pasture farm intim Township of /lay, near
fisrepta; one .hurolred acres, 85 acres heeded, itAllI6
hoax...mai good etable, gOod water' etc.,
,Another 100 aore farm for cafe, the township of
rebotnt.south of Elimville,eonvenIcht tencitoot,wen
douses, mill orchard, 10 acres buShtf frame house,
bare testes and grainan%
Apply to
()1tE,Ecpr, txete
For Sate or Reht
1% story residence in good repair, and 14, acre
land. Good fruit trees and the beat, of. water. 'Will
sell cheap. Apply to Gladroan & Stanbury.
For Saleor Rent.
1% story residence in good repair, and 1-1 acre land.
Good fruit trees and t best of water. Will sell
cheap. Apply to S. IrtE'LAND, Dashyood;
WANTED: by'Chicado wholesale and mail order
home, anoistant manager (man or woman) for tbio
county and adjoining territory; Salary $20 and
expenses paid weekly; expense Money advanced.
Work pleasa,nt;position permanent. No investment
, or experience required. Spare time valuable. Write
at once for full particulars anct enclose self•addressed
SUPEPINTENDENT, 132 Lake Sti, Chicago, EL
• For Sale.
That well (trainee, ese inleevea and truly up•to-
este farm, being compooed o Lot No. 11, in the 7th
conceeaion, in the Townohlp of Biddulph, in. the
Cotintv Middlesext coots, ning IM acres a land.
Eituqed on the premises Are a good 2 storey brick
Wise, bank barn" 00x40, cement hog pen, wind mill
awl sesayoune orchard. This' la truly a Most desir-
able propkrt,v, well supplied with water, couVeffient
to school and chutchee and one of the moot Improved
forme iIi the County of Middlecex. For further par.
, Oculars apply to
Whalen P, 0. Barristers Etc., nester.
Tenders For Drain.
Floated tenders marked, "Tenders for Mud Creek
Dente' will be received by tho undersigned up to
Monday, May 7, 1900 at 12 pug'
toe,ths tepteringee tee ACud Creek , Lorain and its ex.
Serieete will bo rceeivain Cecti »ie °On Bleck.
The loWeet or any.Tender otnc;141wArayrteceptcd,
rot partieuldrS, and the exatniiMtiOn Of plans old
svelte:stems reit at the office Of Hit unersignse,
Township Clerk,
Crditon, Cat.
a EVPilt, NO 9 Me ri 'etw
ow Educational Bills cbse.9ire:
herD of prizes with their combieed
of 19 ee a ere sleet at.
The new Edu-caii-onal Meaeures in- 'Ics°e1;Tit.Tg:-.-allesokMuliAtchisa,lrItlittritoatliiiearney
eabinet; Mellor 18, brush and mirror;
E. Shearilowe 17, fruit spoon; Breeken
17, box cigere; Centelon 17, hair brnsh;
Dodds 16: pair gloves; Seeder:1 15,
eliroino; Webb 15, fountain pen; Gunn
15, raz,,r; Johns 15, bottle of perfnme;
lierr it, one year's eubseription to tbe
Ad vteette;Sne1114, one year's subscrip-
tion to the Times; Hirtzel 13, two ties;
SmiU. b,Siorridge &steel?. akiebner 13e
$1 woeth of hread tickets; Gillies 13, 4
pounde of butter; Anderson 13, pocket
knife; Kennedy 13, pipe; I3ice 12, whip;
l. Mellor 12, 2f.i pound s flour; J, Shear-
dowill4 box ben bons; John 13issett 12,
WhiP; Jas. Bissett 11, horseshoes and
setting; J. Triebner 11, hair eut itnti
shave. About 20 oehers shot in this
event it. made less than 12 ont"of 20.
Event No. 3; 20 targets:-Graharn 15,
Hoyer Cantelen 16, 13luett 14;
Dodds 17, Brecken 13, Webb 15, Ken-
nedy E. • •Mallor 8, Weatherspoon
15, thii 10, A. Mellor 15, Kerr 14,
Doherty 9, E. Sheardown 12, thee 14,
Reilley 40, Gunn 14, Ford 11, John Bis-
sett 14. J. Sheardown 9, Jas. Bisset t 17,
Hartleib 15, McEwen 12, Carrick 14,
J. Teie,tiner 12, Statila,ke 10, Sanders 16.
Event No. 4, 10 targets:-Grahani
HovOr 8, Cantelon 8, Bluett 9, Dodds
5, Breelien 7, Webb 8, Hartleib 0, Kerr
0, Sheardown 7, Johns 6, Jas. Bissett
9. Ceiling 5, Fitton 5,- Creech 2, Ire-
land 5. Gunn 0, John Bissett 7. Durdle
5, Hesiley 0, Kennedy 6, Bice 8, °lilies
E. Mellor 6, Weatherspoon 7,
Bloomfield 6, A. Mellor 7, Simpson 7,
Snell 1, J. Triebner 6, Carrick 5, Ste n -
lake 4, Sanders 9, J. Sheatdown 7,
Saab 0.• - • s'
•'EventNo. 5,10 targets:-Grahairi 7.
Hovey leCantelon 10, Bleett 9, Dodds
Breoken 8, Webb 6, Kennedy 10, E.
Mellor 7, Weatherspoon 7, Wiles 6,
A.\-Altillor 9, John Biseett 7, Kerr.. 9, E.
Sheardown 6, Gun: 6, Jai. JBissett 9,
Diet, Hurdon 5, McEvvan 9, . 0.
Shearslown 6, Hartleib 7, Sanders 7,
Sneli 4, Webb 7.
School leports.
The 'following is tbe report ;or S. S.
No. 2, Stephen, for March: V. -Roy
•Hill 71. Sr. IV. -Laura. 'Sims 75, Clay-
ton Stine 71, 'Herbert Mitchell 71, Olive
King .671, Everett SiILIS 59. The re -
etas ef the uniform promotion exam-
frietiorteare as follows: From Ix.. IV.
to Sr. IV. -Beryl Hill 63, Mary Cham-
bers ao,.. Jr. III, to Sr. IIL-Eli Sims
67, ur an,Stabls 63;, Matilda Edwards
deems). According t ) the report of i'53isestistie V. to Sr, • 1L -Viola Cornish
the Minister of Education ;for 190b tne,[78, ing '81`t,th1s `671,,stiertrircie King
average salar3r of male teachers in 60, Andrew Flansgan. Tho.eeretaineel
reral schools is $372; for female teach Areas follows: Jr, IC Elizabeth Sims.
Jr. Part II. --Myrtle Sims, Russell
O. M. Turner, Teacher.
trodueed by the Provincial Governs
Ment of Ontario in the Legislature
last week are far reaching, very im-
portant and deserving of special mens
Lion as, they touch directly on the
whole nationallife. They are of par-
ticular interest to the rural sections,
touching as they do upon the higher
training for the teachers and the ptty-
[Irene cif increased salaries to rural
*teachers. Not only do the bills re-
eeive the support of the Government
party, but ex-Prerneir Ross and Mr.
Harcourt, both former 'Ministers of
Edueation, have both expressed them-
selves as pleased with tbe measures,
and state that they are along tbe right
The outstanding features of the two
bine provide for the appointment, of a
superintendent of ed,ucation, to super-
vise under the Minister in a technical
and expert capacity, all classes ofpro-
vincial High, Public and Separate
school, the professional . training
school, the work of school inspection,
art school, etc.; for the establishing Of
an electiveadvisory council, represent-
ing the universities, the teachers and
the school inspectors, to have execue
tie e powers with regard to the con-
duct of matriculation examinations;
etc., and to act generally in a consul.
tive and° advisery capacity with the
the Minister; for the appointment of
'commissioners of enquiry to make
special heirestigations,in regard to Any
subject connected with education; the
first subject for investigation being the
text -books; for strengthening and ex-
tending of continuation classes in pub-
lic school; for ineretieiug the salaries
of public sebool inspectors h.na giving
greater permanency to their positions;
for a better system of training for
teachers, and finally,. for a substential
increase in the salaries to rural school
teachers bse way of Legislative, county
and township grants, es and the fixing of
minimum 'salaries. -
The two last meetionecl features are
tbe,niegt radicaland important. 13
abolishing: the county and city model
schools, by requiring teachers to take
henceforth a Normal school trebling
of one year's duration and by demand-,
ing at least a second-class nowprofes-
sional certificate, a higher standard of
professional equipment will.undolibt-
edly he obtained.
The provision in the bill providinn
for increased salaries to rural: school
teachers touches proistbly :the basic
defect of Present public ,sebool con-
ere $282. There are altogether over
6,060 rural School teachers in the pro-
portion' of about one male to three
females, :LS compared with sabotit 3,500
teachers in the urban schools, include
ing ities, towns, and incorporated
villages.', The smallness of the salaries
paid to rural school teachers has been
a constant bar to good men entering
the profession, bas given an undue
preponderanee of female teachers and
has tended to make, the' business of
teaching merely 6. temporary Stepping-
stone to Some More renaiinerive cal-
ling, The new bill makes the mini-
mum .salary for rural teachers $300 in
school sections where the assessment
of school supporters is less than $30,000;
$350 where the assessment is between
$30,000 and $40,000; $400 where the as-
sessment is betWeen $40,000 and $80,-
000; $450 Where the assessment is be-
tvveen $80,000 and $100,000, end $500
where thb assessment isat least $160,-
000- The average salaty for -rural_
school teachers under the new Act will
probably be increased by at least $100.
The burden of the increase will be
shared by the Government and by the
A Successful Shoot,
The Exeter. Gun Club' has every
reason to be well pleased with their
first' shooting match bold on Good
Friday. The weather was not exactly
all that. „could be deeired. The day
was fine, bright, and warm but quite a
strong wind was blowing. Even that,
however, was in the best possible di-
rection. The number of contestants
waslarge,many beingpresentfromoet-
side points, Clinton, •Ailsa Craig;, Lon-
don and Orediton, being particularly
well represented, while hundreds of
spectators watched the sport with the
greatest of interest. Five events were
shot--tvsti jack -rabbit system, two for
a division of purses and one merchan-
dise shOot. The e'ntries .were large in
each, event. In the merchandise event
some forty -dive warless were made and
twenty -she peizes were awarded. .
Clinton men were particolarly suc-
cessful in this, event, three of them
making 18 out of 20, A. Mellor- of
London, also got 18. These foxy drew
for the first four prizes with the result
as given bel w. Mere who made
even scores lrew, for theirprizes as
wen, flan telon of'Clinton, SAS. Bissett
of London, tiui Dodds of „Seaford), in
order as na ed, were the winners of
the larger sums of money in the other
,events. All the contestants were well
satisfied with the days'seport and With
the way"in which the whole affair was
managed. Cousfdering the 'number Of
green shots it is•remarkable that there
wile not eyeti an accidental discharge
of a gun. The shooters were so Care-
ful that at no time W0.8 there any dan-
ger to: anyone. The. follovving is the
result in detail.:
Event No, 1, 10 targets:-Graliai 0,
Hovey 4, Cantefon 0, 131riett 7, Dodds
Breeken 8, Webb 3, ICkniedy 5,41
Mellor 0, Weatherspoon 6, Ganes 5.• A.
Manor 0, Kerr. 8, Doherty 0, I Shear -
down, 6, Bice 7, Iledley 8, Gunn 6,
Sheardown 1, John Bissett, 0, helm,'
0, Ilartleib McEwen 4, Ford 8, Oar.
riek 0. 3. Triehner 7, Mt anlake 4, San-
ders 8, Simpeon 1, T. Ceeech 4, Sas.
Ilisett 8, Carling3, L3ohns 0, loitton 0,
Durdle V. Triebner 4, Iiirtzel 0,
The following are the results of the
P»°'11 tion examinations held Apr.' 5th
and 0th, of the pupils of S. S. No. 3,
Stephen. Names are in order of merit.
III.. to IV. -Required to pass 375.-
F. Hearnan 544, S. Willis 512, G. Dear-
ing 502, E. Triebner 430, E. Parsons
418, 4., Sanders 380. Jr. to Sr. III. -
Ta pass 375.-P. Dearing 442, G. Hicks
40, E. Sha,pton 380, J. Willis 375, F.
preszcator 355. II. to III. -To pass 325
A. Willis 537, G. Sanders 503, F. Trieb-
ner 405, W. Shapton 350, O. Parsons
347, A. Willis 330, O. Preszcator 329, G.
Penhale 240. Jr. to Sr. Part IL -M.
Willis, R. Parsons, C. Triebuer..
Percy S. Banes, Teacher.
The following is the result of the
promotion examinations held April
5t1i and 6th, in Ss S. No. 12, 1Jsborne.
Names are in order of merit: -Class
IV ---Lizzie Kinsela, Hilda Gunning,
Wilson Morley, Maggie O'Mara, Mar-
garet McGee; Gordon Morley, Mary
Whelihan,.Alrna Tapp, Clarence Mill -
son. From Jr. 111. to Sr.
Hodgson, Earnest Knowles, Olive
Gunning, Myrtle Squire, Ed. Squire,,
Garnet Harness, Jas. McCarthy, Frank
Lingard, Vera Ogden,Geo. Artsey.
From Jr. II to Sr. 11. -Hilton Ogden,
Albert 'Knowles, Verde Morley, Philip
McGee, Tessa Gunning. From Pt. 11
t� r. eUseeTini • MAI ata, Mabel Lin gard ,
Arthur McCarthy, Michael O'Mara.
From Pt. I to Pt. IL -John Knowles.
Clara' Morley, Nelson Squire, Josie
Whelihan, Earl Hodgson Melvin Gun-
The folloWing is a report of the'stande
ing of the pupls in S. .110.4i Stephen,
. •
in the receut review and promotion
examitiationse.--Sr. Mor -
lock 06, GladyiKestle 60, Sybella Mor -
lock 64, 'della Schwarz 55, Willie Presz-,
cator 51. Jr: IV.- Herbert, Wein 50.
Sr. i11, --Leonard Schroeder 69, Beulah
Smith 65, Arva trokenshire 60, nets
bert Kraft 53. Jr, -- Will Schwarz
63, Mabel Coxwo, 0,60, Clinton 1310510
59 Mildred Klutripp 58. Sr. IL -Gor-
don Cornish 70, Otto Brown 69, Ir. II.
Lulu Kestle 68, Sr. Pt. IL -Edna Amy
70, Clinton Morlock 74, Emerson 'Wein
73. Jr. Pt. IL -Lavine, Smith: 91, Ila
Eilber 01, Joseph Schwa'. z 90. , Sr, Pt.
I, -Eddie Cornish 04, Jos, 13r okensbire
93, Anne Aubin 92, Mervin Coxwortb
83,-G. W. •Lawoon, Teacher.
Following is the result of the, recent
Promotion eXarnirettions held in ,S. 5.
No. 6, Ueborne, together with the re-
sult of a test examination for the ‘En-
trance class. Names are in order of
merit, and for the Entrance class the
percentage is given. Entrance class -
L Heywood. 82, Ulla Godbolt 75, O.
Heywood 75, C. Fletcher 74, N. Camp.
bell 73, N. Clarke 69. Promoted to Sr.
IV. -V. I3ertyhill, A.Elford, A. 3ohns,
E. Heywood, Lulu Godbolt, N. Bey-
wootl, 11. Hunter. To' Jr: IV.
Corinsh, 13. %Vashbuin 13. Vale,
Creery, E. Johns A. Wilson, 11. Fletet.
et, To Sr. Glibr, M. Talbot,
Godbolt, 13. Illoomflelil, 4. Creepy,
A. Beerybilli. To 3 r.III, -E. 'ley wood,
J. Campbell, 3no,13roe,k. To Jr. 11.
.f, Illoomfleld, A. ( 'reery.
I). McDougall
W,Iloward r Ataeuerti
, I trt f tie "11 f he eat.
Etster Examinatiops.. tb:p,e1i4e43'-‘) `t1 - as
onueln .;tppreciatear''.1a7s° A421Lbco"
The followiireis the result of the I Knnwle" °C Lon'innp MI° ba4 beeH
Easter' Examinatione lu H.S. aud En- engaged ha the place of Mr. Porte of .
trance Forms, • Luczen, who was ill. The Proceeds.
Jx". Leaving Class.-(floners) •Alvin ; clifinnn tea to abaLt $60,1
Brintneil. (Pass) N., Russell 63, Erna
McPherson 01, M. Sparks GU, M. JonesDaShWOOd
50, M. Coward 55, M. phar 48, 51, '1%.1,
Knight 50, M. Muriay 50, I. An mstrong
Nork- Kibler
1%1s Tb
47,1't. Olegf, 44, D. Dining 43, short vieit with her friend Mie,Yof 1,;ttowd -Mai esiTfiliveli:; -
man 37, W? Trieener 34.
54j-; e'SiltaiiiitrtitertsliCialti, 9111'1 ..e'laitlent7"& 411:ind 0-(13:11111% 1:1411411elaYvilatetirailliPr-
Stoneman 40, E. Davis 43, E.Senior this vveek visitinel friends inthe vile
T. Carling 40, H. Gar.di
8:.tRerr.ack"htte-. 1.04fgEe.x_ertieernfroyr uvv.inii(i)efrt,s7itia(s: wee
er 37, H. FairL2.6,0L. FDli6; sold his four horses to Thos. Handford
Form II. --E. Taylor 08, G. Thomson,' consisted of three heavy horses and an
68,43. Stoneman 68, T, Sanders 62, E. aged driver, He has since purchased,
Willis 59, W. Daymitn 57, A„ May 51, '11 tea,ns of greys and as he is an expert.
J. Walker 54, L Martin 53',` IL Geiger in fitting up a teen) we feel sore that
53,-M. Hitwkins 52, 1. Rowe 51, M. Bo- .ere long he will hitve them in good
bier 51, E. Goetz 51, 13. Martin 45, F. emelition.-Mr. and Mrs, Win. Bren-
Foss 45, E. Going 44, M, Johns 43, L ner of Stratford spent the Easter holi-
Coultie 39, G„ Brandt 35. days with feientis rn the villag-e.-Simp- ,
A. E. Dorrington, teacher. son Ireland who has a situation in
Oonnnercial Department, -(Honors) Stratford spent a few days with his
family here, returningto the eity Tues-
Wagh McKay 83, 13, Welsh 79, 13. Lux-
ton 79, M. Quance 79, A. Howard 78, daY nuirning. '11 is Mr' Ireland's in"'
el71,aVr Russell7117
l713, bEs.eFtete73Rp
6.(Pa'stsri ttbernatin 1
a°•$ 4: clannc)iS7eehis
lloir'I'114tYtofillls 'llS
A. 1VieCtirdy 08, E. McKay 68, B. Snel here. --Rev. M. Clemens left Monday
07, O. Fee 64, I. Dinsdale 63, G. Jenes morning to attend the annual .0onfer-
60, J. Harton 59, M. Willis 58, M. Ors_ ence at Bistintrels.-Mr. Hamilton has
weirs 59sold his saele and door faCtory retain -
find 74, L Mulholland 74, L. Bir.oeY The other inerobees of the firm are
only a quarter interest himself.,
Regular Olass.-(Honors) I. Hand- jog
74, J.. Oestricher 72, E. Jones 70. (Pass) Messrs. Geo. Keliernaav, Ezra Otters -
B. Mack 09, L Amos 67, K. Collins 06, bein and John Floffrnan. MP. Holt -
L. Hodgett 50,• E. Down 65, A. Davis men will be roaneger of the businesses.
61, se.Seedees 64, 0, melees 63; F.seSee( --Messrs. Archie Routledge of Ildertote
61, a Howey 59, K. Stewart 54, As and Geo. Wasiabold o Blytli spent the:
Dow 53, L Godwin 31, D. Stewart 51, Easter vacation at their homes here.
Hodgert 49EFarmer 49MAmey -Rag-Bees are still in order.. Mondir
, . , .
40, D. Godwin 38, 0. Dunsford- 37. afternoon Mrs, Jos. Wambold had ones
to which the youog girls were inviteti'
• i . , .
and in the eveping it ended tip in a
good old-fashioned party at which all:
thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Tues-
day afternoon at the same place there
was alike occurvence to which, only
merrier] ladies were.invited.-On Mon-,
day evening the Lutheran congrega,
tion gave a, very enjoyable Easter fes.
tivel which is very highly spoken a
by those in attendance which reflects
credit on those whis took part and alsoe
dee management committee. -The ea* "
mill is again running in fell blast and,
is now a busy ,seene.-Easter ,services -
were conducted in the Lathered,
Church . -A v`ery interesting game of -
ba.ceball was played. here. on Good
Pi iday aftern0011 between elsoeen sides
'of baseball 'enthusiasts. -john Elberss.
raised a sttaw shed Monday eie .whicles •
nine nuniber'were rnutt.endanee..,---;
leg het. sister; wee; j.J Wbite 11bS Ieene Rannie of.liensal/ vieitea •
cousin, Miss E. Guenthe'r, las*
Mrs. Wm. ,Dearing„ Sr., spent • the 'her
weeke-Mrs.*E. P. -Paulin after a ,visit
holidays in teicen with relatives. • .
it Berlin returned horue on Tuesday, -
Miss Rose Dearing spent the Easter
holidays in Kings% ille and Detroit.
Frank Sheere leaves for Brentford
to -day to accept a positfAli tailoring.
. • Miss Annie .Nott of Londesborough
wes"the guest of Mrs. Harry .Paesons
for the Easter holidays.
• Mrs. D. Johns, who haw spent the
past three weeks with friends in Sar-
nia, returned Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McTavish, after
a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. How-
ard, have gene to Lucknow to visit the
forrner's parents.
• Sr. IV. -W. Amos 72, C. MeAvoy
69, L. Snell 67, A. McPherson 60, C.
Pickard 64, 0. I3issett 02,. R. Hooper
02, I. Merchard 01, L. Heywood 61, L.
Day 60, V. Welsh 60, A. Pickard 59.
V. Sweet 59, H. Gardiner 59 J. Man-
son 58; W. Bradt 58, G. Acheson57,
W. Birney 57, E.Barrows56, R. 13rint-
nell 55, H. Oarling,54. E. Heideman 53,
C. Bebier 53,13. O'Brien. 53, 0. Atkin -
Son 52, G. Ford 51. No. on roll 43, aver-
age 40.-F. E. McLean, teacher.
,111iss Viatoria Miners spent the Eas-
ter holidaYs ip London. ,
• .11fise Dotseingtop spent the hiilidaye
wieh 2iend p F'alinerston.
Leuesbery o Deteoit is visite
Samuel Hicks of Usborne and Geo.
Coward, Winchelsea, • ttended Prnuse
& Ennis' sale of inn roved fillies at
Woodstock on Friday. Prouse &En-
nis left Scotland 'Marcl 13 and binded
in Woodstock April 3i¼1 with a,,yery
fine lot of young 1flOICi 1 frbin • one to
three years old all of whkih ,brought
good prices.. There were four came to
this part of the country. Thos. Berry
of Hensall bought one rising three ,for
'$400; Satn. Hicks one rising -two for
05; and Mr. Grundy a team rising
two for $460, • (
The anniversary of the Epworth
Leagne of the Methodist church here
was held on Sunday and Monday last.'
The Stmday set vices were conducted.
by Mrs. Rev. Sutcliffe of.Corbett and
large congregations greeted the speak-
er, who delivered interesting sermons
appropriate to LIIO occasiiiie while the
choir rendered choice ,music of a sped -
al character. On Monday evening the
New England dinner and enteetai
ment was well attended and wastho
oughly enjoyable. The ladies deserve.
SEERE-In Brantford, on .",April 13e
to Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Sheere; a
POLLOCK-L-In Stephen, cn April
Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Pollock, a son.
LOADMAN. -In Winnipeg, On April 12,;
to Mr. and Mrs,. Arthur •Loadinan, a
daughter. -
Usborne on April 16, to.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coates, a son.
SNELL--Fmtworp--In Clinton, ore
April 18, by Rev. Manning, John
Snell of Exeter, to Miss Annie -Flin-
toff of Clinton.
MEDD-L1am-1n Helletton April 18' '
Breese Medd, to Miss Annie, daugh-
ter of ei-Reeve Alex. Leich, all Of •
Hullett. •
• of the bride's father, on April 18,
George, Harrison to Miss Jennie,
daughter of 13. Churchill of Hullett.
en AMBERS- 10ELLY-In Toronto, on
April 12,. J. W. Chambers of Wine
nipeg, to Miss Nellie Itelly, Clinton.
PVtus.-In Tuckersinith, on April 14,
. TAlly Passrnore, wife of Wm. ' ybus,
aged 30 years and 6 months.
Scolur -In flensell, on Apvil. 13, johre
Seott, aged 77 years.
,Wsieote- At Grand Bend, on April
Mrs, Edmund Wilson aged 19 years.
j1111" AEI
. I
Is wind and water proof. s
is made of all No. 9 hard steel galvanized
vvire.and lasts 'longer than any other fencing:
7 wires, .40 in. WO, 35c.
18 wireg, 41 in. high, 370.
We lend, stretcher for putting it up.
eon's Hardware & Stove