Exeter Advocate, 1906-04-12, Page 843,00,0co...6,,41,0%.0agok." . *---V-v,iir:Ail"tif2t0r4if"Wr-Virir ------.------------- Mis5 je:-.:5110 Camoroto,North, end, is ill. i Mr. Wee. Treble ice tins week. eon'ilit-
Meo. Itl„ A. Begshaw to havinet. her
honeehela emeto Inov,,,a to nes. , &Ian.
*aro eceideace, where elle will reetle.
Mr. A. Itagehaw WM MOVO illt0 the
h01450 venated by• leis IlicDthor 'on Mill
6' tl'Aeleil5t; Itfay Wood! who le.ft 'here a
. ehort,titne ago to visit,friends in Lont
don, was taken 'ill last week and had
tonhe removed to the hosiPital ,for
treatment. Iler iteatty friendS here
will hOpe:for ber speedy recovery, '
, .,,
'While Mr, • Chest Sanders, Exeter
north, "vies engaged, in cuttittg wood
for Mr. WID. Horton in. Ueborne on
Thursday last he bad the misfortune
to lee the ate slip and it coining in
contact with bis left foot cut a severe
gash that required several 8titches to
close the wound. He is now, confined.
to his home and can only move
around by the aid of crutches.
LocAL 1)0ING_s . Revs, (toilets, and tteiwin exehateged ed to ills bottle °Witig tilL'4iner3S.
1°' ! sieetatetateetteetneetteentsalastelietta The Ri'.1ter 1-30h091'h011tdayri vetla Ilaet
until Monday, Apra
Ilk To...wpTirow in 00011 rtall-117. 't1441,'N.' . estateot Satuuti Horne. ineoi-
. .
111 i titollg 011°°te • , . ' ' ' vent, . will pey -0,teett ,',?.,7) coats ete. *leo
It Mr. V. .4%.. ii:15140:11i, lia.s, Pneeletieed,Mr. (1,011,11,4 ,
. , . ,._, . pzrl11)11,t,3' 413INtZnac,171ta4,4111.teg,
John Mitchell's PolaY,, met (Jets. Hodgine who heS been
y,w ot n some,swell
Spring 'S4itings last
The,' re right up ,to the
Oats are twO inches Rower • than
beet, year, and the lapels are, so much
troacier and deeper that yon can't help
hut notice them.
The vests are cut With five buttons.
The pants are just a little gegtoppy.
Whey are beauties alright for $15;
$18.and $20, and no matter where you
go yeti can't find anything that will
fit as nicely as they do.
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, Ontario
Business 'Locals -- flea!! Them
Splendid values in. men's new Under-
wear at Stewart's. The 60 cent line is 'a
Ammer. .)
All kinds of garden and flower seeds -
3 packages for 5 cents at Charlton's.
Ladies, hare you seen those lovely, new
two tone Gilt Belts for only 35C. at
One trial will convince you that Cole's
Pure Cream Tartar Baking Powder
is a leader, only 25 cents a pound.
What about Trrall Paper'? Stewart is
showing some swell lines at 6c.,10c. and
Wm. Mitchell has* just received •a
car -load of Cockshnet plows -of all
kinds. If wanting a good plow call
and see thern.
Forrnalin or Formaldehyde the best
thing kneiwii to modem seience for
stout on grain. Per- sale at Howey's
Drug.ttore with full directions for use.
Stewart's is the spot :for your new
Carpets, stock large and values big. ;
• Dispensing, a speciality at Cole's
Drug Store. Let us .fill your spring
tonin. preseri lotions• .
Howey's Drug Store for disinfect-
ants. A new supply of Chloride of
. Lime, Bine Stone,. Coppeitap, Fot•mal-
tiehyde, Kress, Zenoleurn and Little's
S'olplable Disinfectants, etc.
Special values in )lens Spring Ol'el"'-
viats and 'Raincoats -3.50,' 4.50 and
Apprentices to Learn. Dresstnaking
.A.pply to Miss Tom over Snell &
Rowes store/
A a.00d sine:it girl tole;trn vest makt
ing. Apply to W. Johns,.
GOOd reliable lady to take orders for
our tailor-made `costumes and skirts.
Write quickly. Dominion. Garment
ter Town, May lst•
De. Anderson wishes- to announce
that he will remain in town and will
do business as usual until the 1st of
Lost. ,
A coon skin gauntlet between *Win -
Chelsea and Farquhar on March 22.
$1 reward will be given the finder on
teaving same at Farquhar pose office.
Pakkhin seitlinqt havo ellrmged its qniteill is nettle to tnove 614 aronnti
mind sine() la.st week area has aided agetet.
t° 114" °14 5114'Y 21t1ht " ' The iih'of the bow, is Still out .the
have purebneed a large. hell'which they this week.
The trustees 'Of S. Ni. ,3; StePhen, jeete ea, pieleot $74,40wee pi,e4 here
wilk box° Plaeedi ()))4,1 the 6eh°°14°11S° 1)1Vj1 0)0175Ce Will be held in 'the
shortly. Triette Metoorial church on Good Frie
Messrs. Bittatee aud Telantalltvireterill' dayott /I as we and 7 P. 7•41.
ary siirgeonte.of London, were bere • T
ItatnsaY with epa.
Mr. Gomans ofUseorne was un -
Friday assiettngDr.
itfre. Richard .Renamer was taken
Monday and Tuesday owing to illness.
qinte ill of ,quihasy the hitter part. of Mr.. George homas has almost re -
to her \bed. is yet•unable •to fulfil his asual duties.
able to• attendto his teaching duties
last week since been. confinedc°
vereci from is recent' accident, but
and has '
The annual vestry meeting 'of the
Trivia Memorial church- will be held
in the school hall next Monday even-
ing at eight o'clock. e
Galt ratepayers carried by-laws
ranting- $moop to complete the new
collegiate institute and granting privi-
leges from the Galt: Preston & Hespel
er Street Railway into Cowan St Co.'s
1..„„j. Dickeon D. D. G. M. &
A. M., paid an offieial visit to the Lucs
an Masonic Lodge on Thursday night
last, and was tendered the usual ban-
Messrs. Bert Muir and ReSsell South-
cott left Monday for Darliineford and
Winnipeg respectively, They were
joined in London by Roy Howard, .a
former Exeter boy. -
Miss Jennie Taylor sang "Just For
To-Day"in good voice at the James st.
church on Sunday evening. She is
posseesed of a sweet, and symptabetic
„voice and her enunciation is good.
Dr. B. F. Butler the noted eye speci-
alist of London will be at the Central
Hotel, Exeter, on the following Mon-
days, April 23rd, May 21st, June 181h,
July 16th. Hours 10 a. in, to 5 p. na.
The many friends of Mrs. F. J.
Knight will be pleased to learn that
she has suf6.ciently recovered from her
recent illness to be able to leave her
bed and on Saturday hist was able to
take a short drive.
Samuel Ricks, who is employed with
Mr, : W. D. Sanders of Stephen, while
jumping over a fence OD Thursday last
in some manner dislocated his arm.
It will be severtebveeks before he will
'twee the use of "The injured member
Thos. E; Handford shipped two cars
of horses west on Saturday; Dow &
Tennant also shipped one car. Jas. Es-
sery of Centralia, and Gilbert Dow
Went with Mr. Handford's loads, while
De. Tennant had charge of the ezither
The marriage took glace at St. An-
drew's Presbyterian manse, London,
last week of a former Eteterite, Mr.
Rochford Redmond Nelson of Water-
loo street to Miss Francis Amelia
Crawford both of London. Rev. Dr.
Ross performed the ceremony.
. Some of the so-called baseball en-
thusiasts desired that a meeting to
organize a club be called for Friday
night. Such was done. One or two
of these who were mildly interested
made their appearance, but the en-
thnsiests .didn't appear; consequently
the meeting was called off.
The many friends here of Mr. T. W.
Hewkshaw Who we reported Berne
time ago as being ill. will learn with
regret that he is still confined to his
home in London suffering from kidney;
and heart trouble and his medical at-
stendant thinks it will be some time be -
'fore he will be able to attend to his
'We are indebted to Mies Gertie T're-
vetiiiek, for a copy of the Melfort(Sask.)
Moen, In looking over itscoluhms
we noticed an item referring to Mr.
Wm. Trevethick, who went west from
'.1tere a couple of years ago, in which it
states that he has.just returned from
the Dauphin hospital afterbehtg con-
flnea therein for two months.
The weekly Albeit -took -place on
Thursday afternoon. The Scores were
out of possible 10's: F. Kerte -7, 6, 7;
Chester Stanlake, 9, 5; D. flareleib, 5,
9. 7, 5, 8, 0, 7; N. D. Hurdon, 4, 3; T.
,Creech, 6. 4, 7; Herb. Ford, 6, 9, 5; F.
•1 Snell, 9; J. Triebner, 6, 4; T. Carlinge.4,
5; S. Fitton, 8;" F. Trieheer• 7, 5, 5; F.
Ford, 5, 2; W. Johns, 5, 6,4 J. Creech,
1; Jos. Sutton, 3., The shoot this week
commences at 0 p• in. to -day (Thurs-
Gilbert Horn, of Carnduff, ,Saskeone
of Exeter's former well-known young
men and Miss Rosa Barrie of „Work.
man were recently noltedin marriage
at the Methodist Parsouaae, Carnduff,
by the Rev. A. J. Haw. , The bride-,
was assisted by, Misteltlary Horn, Sis-
tep of the groom, and the' groom" was
supportecittity Mr. Watson. The bride
wore a travelling suit of gray and
white ,and the bridesmaid gray and
pink. The happy -couple will make
their home six miles south of Carnduff,
Mr. Horn bas fine farne. ;
In earta4ian and Import-
- edTweeds,4iTorstOs',
Cheviots and Serges
Made up in the latent style to
ynrflt. Call.and See hew well
!can do for you. 1
Everything. in: Arens' Smart
tatikat Tenor,
Exeter, Ontsrio
The vacancet in the Sovereign Bank
here made by Mr . klunte'r'sreMOVal to The follovving is the report of room
8 of the Exeter schoolfor rnarch;.---Jr.
Roe 02, R. Fleming 00, M.
Knott 89, A. Mack 88, E. Day 81, W.
Manson 83, E. Welsh 82, B. Hoclgert
76. SteePart IL—A. Bell 91, M. Cate
00, E.-Co'ward 80, F. Bowey 76. Jr.
Part IL—E. liorney,91, Harry Parsons
70, W. Mitchell 75, Majorie Huston' 71.,
No, on roll 40, average 29. L. M.
Jeckell, teacher:nee ,
Zurich has been filled by Mrs 0. Gray-
biel. •
Mr. and Mrs. ThomasKernieli Of Us -
borne, near Roclgerville, have moved
into the house recently 'purchased from
Mr. R. S, Lang.
The Exeter Gun Club have a number
of the prizes they will give in the Mer-
chandise shoot Good Friday on exhib-
ition in the window north of the post
office. -
Mr. T. Dayman's Auction sale° of
liousehold effects was quite successful.
The furniture was nearly all new con-
sequently brought, good prices. Mr.
and Mrs. Dayman will leave shortly
for Regina, Sask. .
Warden Hugh Spacial:ion has receiv-
ed word of the collapse of a part of the
wooden bridge at St, Joseph, Owing to
one of the abutments being washed
out, Mr. Spackman thinks that a liew
bridge niay have to be built.
Warden Spackman last week purehas-
ed a beautiful bay driver from a gentle-
man near Sea,forth. The price paid
was a good one but Mr. Spackman can
boast of having .a prize winner. .At
the horse show Cliiaton,she was a.ward-
ed a prize.
Mr. C. W. Gilmour a former mana-
ger of the Crediton Branch of the Sov-
ereign Bank of Canada, has been in
this district during the past week in-
specting the various branches of the
bank, Mx. Gilmour is now assistant
inspector. , He is 4, clever bank man
and his promotion is deserved. •
A large tarantula was discovered in
ta bunch of bananas at Mrs,EnSanders'
Confectionery store on Tuesday.. They
are said to be very poisonous insects
in their bite, consequently are very
much dreaded. By the aid of a pair
of large pincers closed on its carcass
it was soon put out of business.
A"certain• few of the lausiripas men
mitten the Library Rooth of the Town
Haired Thursday evening last for the
purpose of discussing early closing.
The opititons of all present were that
it would be for the. benefit of both pro-
prietor and clerk to close at 6.304each
evening 'except Wedneedays and Sat-.
tirtlays, but since a number of. the neer-
chants were not present no action watt
taken in the matter, further then that
„they 'decided to make another effort to
interest others, as it evtis fele that the
businese men should be unanimous to
make such a movement a success. 'Un-
doubtedly they will ell be agreed in a,
short tint', but inight it not be a8 well
to do so at once, that the, public may
hernaele aware Of ehe fact.
The variouo eoliths ittees reported at a
general meeting of those . interested in
the 24th of 'May Demonstration on
Saturday - afternoon ,itt the Central
ilotel. The reports were very favor-
able and were all accepted. The
sports committee , reported that they
,Itad held two meetings and arranged
a c,oceplete list of the spoers bteth for
morning and afternoon and the order
whieh they are to follow. The games
are of the triost interesting'kiniis ;lLll
will not fail to attract the best con,
testanfs aa the prizes are certainly
very liberal.eorntnittee re orted the band and i1 all
e 1 onsiderable . pro , The band and con . ert
1;ngaged, an , cress
bad been Maile in securing- talen for
the itrogranitne. Softie of the best en-
tertainers had been secured and ne-
gotiations were on for others. The
printing committee reported and they
were giyert instroctions to have large
hills printed shortly, `awl other *natter
later, .. After advising the committees
PA) itttegid to their several ditties faith.'
fully the meeting adjourned to onset
at the eall of the president. •
The following services will be held
in the 'Trivia Memorial church on
Easter Da,y : Holy Communion, 8 a• DI;
Morning service and Holy Communion
11 a. in.; Childrens'e service 3 _p. in,;
Evening service 7 pt in. J'here will be
special .Easter music including- a sole
by Mrs. Perkins at the evening ser-
vice. . .
An 'tern is going the rounds of the
dairy press regarding Mr. A. Bagshaw
which seems to be entirely without
foundation. The article says he ar-
rived recently in VVinnipeg with a.
carload of horses but has since disap-
peared and his friends are anxious as
to his whereabouts, How the article
took rise, we are not prepared to say,
:hut the minds of his friends here are
prefectly at ease, be having arrived at
his horne here on Wednesday of last
. _ .,
vveekr.' John Thtior:Pson
M ' left, on Friday
laet, for hie.hoine in ' Seaforth-to visit,
tilt)previous to his leaving With a hand -
: to going to „London township
services Mr. McDonell presented him
man for the summer. Mr, Thampsen
where he haetvgaged with a horse -
has been employed here with Messrs.
Bawden 4 McDonell,horseinent for the
past sit years: In recognition of his
some gold watch and chain. John
will be tnuch missedbyhis friends
here. .
mosque ,
- Mr. Thos. Harvey has moved into
the house vacated by Mr. Thos. Hawk-
ins, Andrew street. Mr. Marchand
will move into the house vacated by
Mr. Harvey ( re William street; while
Mr. Neil Bellwood will occupy the
propeety vaca d by Mr. Marchand. '
BowlOs Meet. ‘I''‘' .. ' ,
A meeting ofttlie, Exett:r Bowling
Club took placeiht theTown Hall on
Tuesday evening A goodly nuniber
Of ;the old inepabdt Were ptesentiet
members' and $4 tatentefeet tetecti 4,0.
adnaiSsiOn fee vva fitted at $s for old
Some new 'members tevete. *admitted
the sarne eveniea, .ti".nd other ner8ODS
debiting to join may do Baby a pplyin
to the secretary. The following o -1
cers were eleeted:—Hon. Pres!. Rev. '
Wm. Martin; Pees., W. H. • Livett;
Vice -Wes., F.- W. Gladrium; Secretary,
W. J. Hemline); Treasurer, Jos. Davis;
Ma neging Committee, W. ,Ws Taman.
L. 11. Dickson,O. B.• Snell, Wm.
Blatehford, John Alnir. , . •
Hicks' POrccasts for April.
A regular storm period extends'
from the 15th to the .1911), haying its
center on Monday the 16th. As we en-
ter this period it. rapid -change to mew))
warmer will Jul trainee from weaver)
parts, the barOmeter. will fall ,corre-
spondingty feet and low, general elondi
n( s-; will incietiettfrom the west eital
more etoreas of vain and thupder will
touch many parte during the ea own tel
march of storm areas, , feomeltlenday
the 16th in the west,/to Tburbday the
lOtle in the east Another' change to
tieing- barometer ark muelfcoolor will
posh the western sides of these storms,
causing tnore „very cool_ nighte, with
decided frost in central to northern
sections, from about the 18th to 21et. "
Forbidden MktrilageS. .
Till)„Provincial Secretary's ,Depart -
merit hits recently received several let-
ters from isstiers of marringe, liceaece,
Who ask whether licenees should be le.
eued for aeroan to marrY his "brothi,rte
wife,” for so the istittitte defining mar -
tinges which at. prohibited on thP
grounds of consanguinity reads. The
department's answer in every ease is
the same,and it is to the effect that
under the statutes of Ontario, a man
earinot lawfully -inaitey his brother's
widow or brother's divorced wife.
Most of the haquirere tisk the question
apiparentbP in behalf of partiee who
want to *navvy brother's wiclOwe. It, la
fetid that eeveral sueli merritigee have
liktely taken glace hi the Ptottinee.
A. quiet wedding took place at the
Janaes street Methodist church parson-
age on, Tuesday eifternoon last, the
contracting parties being Mr. Chester
Stanlake, son of Mr. Silas Staula.ke of
Sodom, and Mist; Louise Dearing.
youngest daughter of Mr. A,brahatri
Dearing of Stephen township. The
nuptial knot was tied by Rev., A. H.
Going at about four o'clock, the bride
being assisted by her cousin, Miss
Rose Dearing; while the groom was
supported by his brother, Mr. Nelson
Stanlake.. The ceremony over the
young couple took the evening train
for Toronto where' they will spend a
short honeymoon. The Advocate'ex-
tends congratulations and best wishes
for the future happiness and prosper-
ity of the young couple.
Social sate Eatertatutaitiit;
A unique and interesting entertain-
ment and social was held in Senior's
Hall under the auspices of tthe 'Wo-
man's Institute on Friday evening.
The hall was comfortably filled and
the program was well received. No-
tica,ble, features of the entertainment
were the fishing pond and a ghe'ssing
conigetition. The former consisted of
a supposed, pond hidden by a scrren
from which the angler, who paid five
cents for the privilege of fishing, would
draw from the pond some useful or
ornamental article. This was well
patronized and furnished considerable
amusement. ,The soap and food con-
test Comprised a number of disguised
wrappers, labels or advertisements of
Soaps and Foods. Each had the priv-
ilege of guessieg to whichof the re-
spective articles' the different wrappers
labels ,and advertisements belonged:
The prize in the soap conapetition fell
to Master Fred Shaddock, while that
of the Food was awarded to atiss Jan
hate -Brown. • A much appreciate
luncheon was served, including Wood'
Stuyverant Coffee, donated by Mr. J.
A. Stewart. The prizes awarded we;'
donated by Mr. Willis Powell, who al -
SO furnished Gramaptione. selections;
The ladies are to be congratelated on
the success of the affair.
Additional Locals on page 1.
Star Flour
Ithe ideal Family Flour—good it is • superior t� flour made
• from all Manitoba Wheat, so we
PP s
fpr,Bread or Biscuits.
are told by many of our cestorn-
,ers, aod eo we think Ourselves.
The prices is .less too—$2125
per cwt.
We ;dee manufacture and sell
PRINCESS.(Choice Pastry)
watATLET• -
Special prices for feed.
i •
elk" .ere tees& a& eekatteeneeehe
0'01'1 Pareote, see what via like, the
often tell the teitth, Yon know tha
pereonally modeet and don'
like to tectelnen, gowls too !mesh. Oii
redly though ise't (het wey. It talk
the live long day abnut tier ,
^ S A IN APA 111
trriti its virtue. Repult ib people kee
00 buying it in en, fug' tithe and v
doctoit'S bills awl ketp their. blow
pare. Bay a bottle. Yon need it ale
in;ed it not'.
Chemist tind Hen. EXtrria
Phone Mt
. from
the instant
1 samples
have'a full steck 'of john .A: Bruce & ,Cb. ov-
tested seeds. Call and examine before ,you
(limner°. ' .
are ag.ent for the Atherican Hinge -Pint fence
will withstand sudd.eri and severe pressure
contact with animals Or otherwise, without .
the stays,the fence springing back to place
pressure is removed. Call and, see our
and our, prices. , '
have the Sherwin-Williams Paints in all colors
shades, which, covers the earth, . Call and get
card. . , .
a paint
, . .
We Will offer
so many
Call and
',' OWE
odd pieces-
entire stock of Furniture,
. .Room,
.... and Hall
and Rockers, at a
the manybargain
Room /
great reduction.
we 'offer,
Dealers and Funeral
The Leading
No time like- the present.
Will be at house-cleaning.
rush in the Carpet and Curtain.
choice ii3 the best so those
ii to be phised with our
First quality 13ruesels, newest. designs
Bed shades. - e•
, Our range of 'Tapestries is second
. and patterns may be found
Room size Rugs,. also in Tapestry,
round at prices no higher than
Three- plteall wool„ two ply wool,
Floor oil -cloth in widths rowing
.Linoleumns both fieral and tile patterns,
. best quality and prices right.
, .
Our range of Lace curtain e is far
of each line separately, snffice it
, complete assortment, in Nottingham,
. makes in the latest deigns.
New Madras ttilushns in Oream and
' wash perfectly. The lathing
'Complete stock of new Roller Blinds
Very shortly
and there
Who come
large stock
in Green,
to none.
here. •
if bought
unions and
from .one to
tOct large to
is to say that
for ding
and Curtain
at once
of new
All the latest
shade's with
by the yard.
hemp carpets.
two yards.
and four yard
, ,. , ,
perrnit the
we are
Point, and
.500 to $5
grounds Warrented
rooms and
be a big
are sure
Fawn and
border all
shewing, a
per pair.
Headquarters for -the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing,
Just Arrived ,
i All at Special Low Prices.
7 Come p,.nd get an, Early ,Choice.
1 We are payinno Big Priees for Butter and, Eggg.
.., SI; BOWE