HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-04-12, Page 6•
111150.TH NSlitriG
Ilia?resee Needs Asedsteace b 'M14119.1\1'0,
Fleeing fle se1ela year Seeeteme
ra:ede, tunino up. In tee epeiree yen
enuet heve new Neal, lust sse WO.
'11.W new ear,. Natuee de:Tondo
it. IN ttleaut •Tteett:
week piet lansielele ydu may lave
ehruniatiein (Or eieurelgi;a, ee-
eeeieetee besitielieriei.'alit'idlt•-) aPPO4t.e's;
Pimples .oe eeneitiens.'91 thC\ Or a
,2P4fer,• _emnitic,Ni011. Ttieee are •snre
esTgra Wet- the;;I_Joaleie out Of order. IS
tenie• 'need61 10 give new •energy.eDe.
Willie:us', Pink. aee'the beste'etoltig
U' world. They mahe. new; riela
bleed 7,Y0111. groat 6st 'need ha spring,:
They clear The skin,- delve 'out •disease
'and inakii tired, depresSed null and wo-
men beight, active and etrdng. Airs.
Chas.,,Alasson, Yanmehielte, Que., proves
the, give vaItit of Dr. winiams, einic
Jells in lealding up people who tiave be-
come weakened and run down. She
says: -"In the winter of 19C5 I was very
much run down and lost flesh rapidly.,
My blood .was poor. I suffered from
indigestion, severe hea.daelies and gen-
eral debiL'y. In this condition I &cid- t
ed to giesee Or. Williams' Pink Pills a
trial, and thanks to this valuable medi-
cine I am again enjoying perfect'
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills cure all the I
ailments due to poor blood or shelter-
ed nerve. That isewhy they cure anae-
mia. rheuniatism, neuralgia, kidney
trouble, indigestion and the secret ail-
ments of women and girls. Sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents
a box oe six boxes for $2.50 imam the
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockVillee
Had a Cane in His Hand,When He Fell
-at Khartoum.
In some reminiscences of ,Sir - Fred-
erick St. John, a diplomatist who serv.ed
his coufitry well, we hay° the -facts
which prompted General Gordon to
earry•rio weapon but a cane when lead-
ing the Imperial troops during the.Tal-
ring struggle. How heecarae to do FO
has not, soefar as we are aware, before
beep told. We therefore quote Sir Fred-
erick St. -John's 'explanation:- •
"When acting in conjunction with the
Chinese general, San-ko-lin-sin, against
either Nankin or Foochow, Gordon re-
ceived a message from the rebel lead-
ers, offering submission if their lives
were -guaranteed. Having obtained the
'consent of the Chinese commander, ne
egreed. The. town surrendered, and the
three rebel 'chiefs appeared before San-
ko-lia-sin. Ile seeing that they had not
shaved their heads in sign of submission
bed them decapitated -en the spot.
_Whereupon exasperated beyond control
by such treachery,: Gorden armed Win -
self with ri revolver, and was. hastening
to- the, general's tent with the intention
of chastistng him in the most summary
manner ,for his ,breach of faith,- when
'Suddenly he paused, and coming, on
reflection, to the concluaion that his
contemplated act was simple murder, he
threw away his weapon and registered
n Vow that, so longas he remained' in
,China, he would never again carry. any
eapon. more formidable than a cane."
LAND OF 1111171 PAnis cinmsN.
Liam to W11,zie4flc Returns With Ms
Savinu to 11.31ad.1115 MY&
11 1.9 a pecallerity in Pori% eetdeb
e:eitoe 'wive Livaee• enough, .Ld'enrit ti
1 '1ovie\ dieicet fveiti anuilier id'ast
noticed,' that ne,elyaijPai,'10 eelianete
V,,egn ,ihra.11'.10 part a %he'
1i sIV8tl Lo un Standard. The
• faime tidies is la no 01 ,e0a1 merehends
Owl of '110iler..i in roasted eliestaids, who
Cfl('frotii;Auvergete; of the .goatileade,
`Wilt) 1.SVI t1P1 Willi: about the eelVeets,
e‘ho are' Ilretene pea ant. and of Many
otlikr 119(10.,
Te eati'd4versland is 'probrdelY
Cr known to'Fsagiishinert. e It is down in
the _Aveyran, and Bedeseis its (Capital, (I,
where the worst lan'guage
alai the 'best hearts in all Fra-hce areto
be found. , The eldeet each family in
Rothe& takes the ,land and the paternal
cottage. TW‘ otd folks live wiiif him un-
tiletheir death, and the younger sons go
to paree anddrive eabs.
For years they drive about in all,wea-
thers, serAping together sou by sou Un-
til they have garnered enough to go
tome and pay for their board and lodg-
ing for the remainder of their days. They'
go with tile 'elder -brother to, asfflotary
011 the first day of their return home
and sign a deed by vehicle he is bound
Lo keep them for the remainder of their
days in idleness in return for then. say.
--es •
05: somewhat vexatious.' law in • China
compels _every- doctor; • after dark, to
tang up in front of his house as many
fighted lamps as he has had patients
One evening a European who- was
staying in Peking on business set out in.
seare,h•of a' deetet for his son, who had
leen suddenly taken ill. He called at
'The houses of a good many, but was de-
terred by a large number of lamps ex-
hibited. before each. At length, after
tramping about for several' hours, he
earne to the house of a doctor where
only three lamps shed a melancholy
light over the entrance. The happy Eu -
llama dashed into the house of , this ex-
cellent man, wakened hien, and took him
oh to his lodgings. . -
"I presume you are the best praeti-
- toner in the city?" he said to his corn-
' panien as they wept along. .
"What makes you think so?"
"Because yon have only three lanterns
liens 'over yolir door, while your' wt.'.
- leagues have dozens ontheir hoirse-
fronts." -
"Ahl is that the reason?" calmly replied
the medico. "The fact is., I only lately
set 'lad • in 'practice, and have had but
three patients." „.
• -
There is an old priest in Rodez who
thoroughly understands his flock. He
never asks them to enter the church, but
chats with them outside it, and preaches
inforrnal sermons as he thinks rd. „ A
few days ago a deputation of the men
took him a plaster statuette of St Macre
(falsely believed to be the cabmen's pat-
ron saint), whose rake -for St. Fiacre
was really a gardener -they had cut
away, and substituted a tiny cabman's
whip. 0
:THAT itiptraco.ts ALWAYS CURED
Quebec Man •
Dodd's Kidney Pills, and his LUmbago
Cured his Kidneys with
, Quebec, Q., April 2. -(Special).-
1 John Ball, a, bricklayer, residing .8.1, 57
1 Little Champlain Street, this ..city, haS
added his slatement to the -great mass of
proof „that Lumbago is caused by dis-
ordered Kidneys, and . consequently
easily cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Mr. Ball says:
"I was troubled with -Lunibage for two
years. I could not work. .I had JO get
up et 'nights to urinate's° often that -my
rDest was broken. I read of cures 'by
'odd's Kidney Pills and made up my
mind to try ' theme•-.After.the first tax I
!could see and feel a change. Three boxes
cured me completely," , a
. Lumbago, like Rheuniatism, is caused
by uric acid in the blood Uric acid Can-
not, stay in the blood if the -Kidneys' are
working right.' Dedd'S Kidney Pills.
make 'the 'Kidneys .work right..
If your servants knew as much as you
expect them to know they would not
te your Servants.
Ilow long • have -your Kidneys been.
sick ?-IIere;s South American Kidney
Cure evidence that's convincing: "I am
a new man -three betties cured me."
"Five, bottlee cured me of Diabetes." "I
never expected to be ured of Bright's‘i
Disease, but half a dozen bottles did
"I 'thought my days were num-
ibered, but, this great remedy cured me."
It never fails. -134.
'no Geeat We! Crop
Last Yea.
AfilliOn3 ef pneapfle'y.'flee lee% upon Ike
cdpital of the lempire risanything but
are agrieultural cealre will be surprised
te: lUdra that Online; lite5 2,,(13131 iblif•Ji1C4P
t"..'"Qre' e'win iqa We i7c)illity
The agricultural returns, which ellerc'
iesued reveritty, show • that the acreage
undLvcultivation iri 1oretto:4 and the
,estunated yield Were as follOwe:-
• • Acreage,
V1/4dheet: '2,0SO 1MShb1$ 4 65
-1 ar;c7 .. t319 bueliels 22, -
Oats . liushele
Bean; . • .., " 440 bushels' no
1.10ZtS • • , • • Oltrbushels'21
1'olittc;e5 1,060 tone
Turnips and
Sunlight' Soap is better than other soap!,
but is best when used in the 6tilttit vw-44.
To ,
appreciate the simplidity d.'nci ease of
vv'athing with Sunliz.ht §aap.in:the Suiiieht
way yfiaii shd folkyvy, directionsi,
ttei' ,ruaing ora t1-4;$peti- roll up ea'fAl
poe irinteiw int thewaer411d tO
eyeedes . 701 tons 50
alangolds ... 4,919 tons 246.
flay .. 4,032 tons 2,871
The only class of produce included in
the general returns which London did
not raise was hops. •
Doctored Nine Nears for 'Tetter. -Mr.
tnertiValfit,, -of SeWillies::
barre, Pa., writes: "For nine years I
have been disfigured with Tetter OD my
hands and face. At last 1 have found a
cure in Dr. Agnew's- Ointment. IL
helped me from the first application, and
now I am permanently cured" -135.
"Boo-hoo-hool" roared Sammy, "Billy's
eaten all my cake." "You said I might
have a bite, said Billy, "and it isn't me'
fault if my bite is 08 big as your cake."
.l'APS did it. Thoy supplied the Menthol
found in tile "D L" Moath.r1 elaiter, which re-'
liovas instantly backache, headache, neuralgia,
rheumatism and sciatica..
A native Indian ruler owns a musical
bed. The weight of the body sets the
works' in motion, and it playhalf an
hour, while life-sized figures of Grecian
maidens at its head and foot finger
stringed instruments. Fans are waved
be a concealed motor, whiell keeps them
going the • whole night long.
No Heart too Bad to be Curerl.—Xes-
timony could be piled high In common -
'dation Of the wonderful cures wrought
1— Dr.°Agnew's Cure for the Heart. No
case stands against this great remedy'
where it did .not relieve the most acute
heart sufferings inside of thirty minutes.
It attacks the disease in an instant after
being taken. -131.
• Ilivers.,: "What have you gol, that
string tied around your finger for?"
Brooks: "By George! I'm glad you men-
tioned it. yhat's to remind', ree te ask
you for the fiver I lent you three months
ago." .
'' DONOTALLOW youraelP to becomevalarmod
because you have lost your appetite a.,nd, are 1osin3
Rosh, but commence taking "..Ferrovun" the 4.14
tonic. It will build you Up ,quickly.
Mary had a littIe man, '
With liver White as snow, .
krid everything that Mary said
Was pretty, sure to go. '
1 Cure the Nerves and you will control
almost every disease that 'flesh is heir
Co. The foundation of health is a perfect
stomach and good digestion—elhese right
and you are insured plenty of nerve
force, perfect circulation and pure blood.
South American Nervine is a wonder -
worker -gives nerve force -makes rich
blood. It's a veritable "Elixir of Life."
Mrs.. De Lush -What has kept you
out so late? .
Mr. De Lush -Been 'Lakin' inventory.
Mrs. De Lueh-1 knew it. I smelled
it on your breath the minute you open-
ed the doer. •
1311111161)1 floap lo better man 0121614 Soaps,
but la imat whin nced n the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and. follow dir" cations.
Adel!, an Austrian artisan, adored
Anna, an aristocrat,
Anna. adored Adolf.
Another aristocrat, Alfred, an ambas-
sador, adored Anna. -
Anna abhorred Alfred.
Alfred addressed Anna, admitting ad-
miration. •
Anna' assumed amazement.
Alfred adjured Anna.
Anna admonished Alfred.
Alfred adopted agresaiveness.
Alfred's audacity alarmed Anna.
Alfred attempted abducting Anne.
'Anna, afraid, and agitated, ,ecqualnIed
Adolf accused M fr( d.
Alfred, angered, abused Adolf awfully.
Adolf answered Alfred.'
Alfred attacked Adolf.
Anna, aghast' aided Adolf.
Adolf and Anna, almost annihilated
Alfred. •
Alfred abdipate.d absolutely. ,
Aniur accepted Adolf.
Adolf and Anna abruptly absconded,
abandoned Auetria 'altogether, arrived
at Antwerp, and always abided. 'abroad
aby's Own Tablets are equally good
tor little babies or big children. If a
is suffering from any of the minor
)111s, of childhood re feW doses of the Tab-
lets will cure it. And an occasional
dose to the well child will prevent sick-
ness. Mrs. A. Mereie,r, fliviere Ouelle.
Que.; says:—."My baby was cross, irri-
lable, did not eJeep at hight arid did not
eeem to thrive, but 8111Oe 6iv5ng her
Bay'sOwn Tablets .all this is changed.
the now eats 1„tre11, sleeps well and is
growing fat. z'the Tablets have proved
r, blessing to both myself and the child:"
to say all mothers, who have used this
,medielne. Baby's Own .Tablets are -sdid
ky all druggists, or you Can get Ahem
rrom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
:Brockville, Ont., at '4 cents a box.
r.,AYING PROFESA'101'..q.
The thieet profession In the world from
meney-making point of view is the
law for theta; who -get front places, as
witness the. case of the Bari of Haig-
lury, Ole resigns the Lord Iiigh 'Chan-
tellorship en a . comfortable peneion of
105,0U0 a year. For five years---1315-80—
be was Solleitor-Gerieral, drawing, about,
$45.0en per annum in ettlary and —feea,
and he haao. eecupied the 'Woelefack, with
Let a brief intervete for •eeventeen
pare at a salary of .$50,000 per annurn.
• ta!the present, therefore, lie has re-
cdved for his eraviees to the State
ain't $975,000, to wid(th another S5,..
ioa meet now be added for every year
11141 he ur\ewei k Irish Lord Chan-
cellor. Lord Aalibeurne4 teiheree retire -
"Merit wie neeeeeita.ted by Mr. Ball-
ree3ignation, / has reeeived front
1110110y aboat $76,000. fire WM
stow 'have to reel C011talt with the MO -
• pension of %MCA annum. .
.ce.,be Da you love nie tei ninth *heir
4pia rinl away from rae? He (ferveritly)---
leare you were. 40104 She AN
eaet tekt I COM !ANA. yoU tbeni
will do its wpicic in thirty to sixty minutes.
Your clothes will be cleaner arid whiter than, if wash. -.,-.'d
in the Old-fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing.
Equally gcl.od with hard, or s'oft Water.
Levee Drothorn Meseslo Tec•-.•-itO
by express, publi 410,1 price ,ut $A)
including in pait Lite of William Wallace and
Stray Loaves tr.iin lOii,Ii mud' Sc itch 111A iry,
' 400 pages, cloth, puir.i ;had at 9.50; mailed for
3''S cents; Ungeno Suo's 6lysteries, of Paris. 20
Cents •, Painos As of Reason, 20 cents, lager -
soil's Mistakes /of hlosos (abridged); UIc; Adven-
tures of shorlock Holines, by Conan Doy!o, 20o ;
ra%gaziuos and n.yoLs, four bound n ,vals fu each
Pareol; 2,10 songs, 1.,c; " Ga11104," 24;
eopular Scotch 6.)tigi, words 0.1241 music, 10. -
lu.teated imidou Now, Tit Bits, Murray'
Broadsides, • eto, etc. Books specified mailed.
postpaid, at paces qu,)tei, anywhere in Postat
Union, (n• the whole It togetbor by express fort
$1, Canada ealY. Vat aleguei free t ...customers
only, others mui,t enclose stamps. Mention this
piper. Norman Murray, 210 St. James *tract
so •
Write for iirtees.
London Opt:
We will shortly offer for subscription
a limited number of Founder's Shares
in a Company recently incorporated.
Investors, this is your * oppertunity.
Take leitsstll Sage' - advice an "buy
when stoats' are cheap." Act quickly.
Write for particulars without delay.
Brokers, Etc., '
Confederation -Life Building Torontcf.
Canvasser -"Would you like- to buy
any stove blacking, rna'arn?" Young
Wife (critically) -"Er -yes; What col-,_
ors have yOu got?' . 1
MONTH AFTER moerris .a cold sticks, and
seems to tear hole 3 in your throat. Are you aware
that even a stubborn and Iong-neglocted cold is
cured with Allon's Lung Balsain ? Cough end
worry no longer.
fle-"1 knew tote,' of women that
haven't any sense 'oof humor."
She -"Well, what of it? I know lots
of men that haven't any sense at all."
This announcement is made without any
qualifications. • Hem•Roid is the one pre-
patation ih the world that guttrante4s
Dr. Leonhardt's Rem-Roid will cure any
case of Piles. It is in 'the forth of a tablet.
It is the only pile remedy used internally.
It is impossible to cure an established
case of Piles with ointments, suppositories,
injections, or outward appliances.
., A guarantee is issued with every package
'of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-noid, winch con-
tainseeenionth's treatment. *.
Go and talk to your druggist about it
The Wilson-lryle Co., Limited, :Niagara
Fan, Ont. ' ' 1
When Mr. Finnerty returned after a
eitty:s outing with Michael, the only '014,
his face was long and doretil; arid,
quickly drew inquiries from the mother.
. "1 mistrust Mieky is not long for this.
world," said Mr. Finnerty,. with a deep
sigh. "I rnisthrust there's a speill over
him already, and he'll not be long -wid
us." .
"Arrali, what are you !attire about?"
demanded his wife, as she removed some
light brown sticky decorations from the
countenance of the sleepy. Michael. "He's
one of the long, thin kind, but he's got
his good health and a fine pair loongs
riinnerty shook his head with
stubborn ,convietion.
"Yon eztn say what plazes you," he
remarked, sepulchrally, "but I've got
this to toll you, woman. On the plat-
form o' the station there was a large,
big scales, .an' etipped ' on, holdin'
Miehy by the hand. They tipped ,an'
balanced at wan hundred and elventy-
two pounde, Thin 1 lifted Micky up an
hild iiiin in the air, --411 free Of the plate
form, mind ye,—and, woman, thim
sealesnher dthropped a pound. There
,wee.enly a bit of a triable.
"I'd hardly the stringth Iri ine lege' 16
valk borne."
Father: "The idea, Of marrying that
'young fellow!' lie Couldn't acrape
enoraelt money together to buy tesquare
lineal." Daughter: "But what differenea
need that nialo? Wo haViget either of
us had a bit 1rf appetite for Months."
Plenty of Land
along the
In Land of plenty-
. Not .as much unoccupie4 hand as
'there was five years ago; but, enough
for your needs anyhow.
Tell me what section you are most
interested in—either Kansas, Okla-
homa, Texas, Colorado, New Mexi-s
co,' Arizona or California.
I will mail descriptive literature that wik
interest you. Gen. Colonization Act., A. T
4 S. F. By., Railway Exchange, Chicago.
."Ignorance," remarked young Borem,
"they say is bliss." "Ohl that probably
acounts for it,' rejoined Miss Cutting.
"Accounts for What?" queried the youth.
"The contented and happy look you usu-
ally wear," she replied.
A SKIN THAT. BMWS with eczema., anti if
(savored with eruptions that disolia,rgo a thin fluid,
may bo mado smooth and sightly with Weavor'S
Comte. But this external remedy should be used
in -conjunction with. WeaVer`o Syrup.
The moat careful man in the world
Was about to rbe hanged recently — we
forgel.,for what crime. Before stepping
on to the platform he enquired anxious -
it Safe?"
iror 33 Years
Shiloh's Consumption Cure.. the; LIM
Tonic, has been before the public, and
this, together with the fact that its sales
have steadily increased year by year, is the
best proof oft& merit of
as a cure for Coughs. Co*, aad afl
vliseits' es of the lungs and air pasingei.
Thorn Who hoe tisei'Shiloit would not
& without*. Those who have never
sued it alteuld kaow that tvesy bottle is
aolcl with a poitive guarantee it, if it
doesn't ewe you. the deaki iI1'refund
what you poid id( it. '
as Cured.
4..4. of *ha mat obstinate cases 01
caught, eel& aid brag trouble*. Lot it
"are Ye,
9Ast visas: Cosvalted f.i dial maths
**IP 9-eittl=ittetr
h liges ern eareaq%
er el lainii
. revtipus,r14:11911t!
Saakatc2roWn.0, only 8 raihn from two railways, C.P.R. iGear:
sa• •ngil, 90 por °sat. plmU L it apri4,4 rwoolr, 1.11 sloughs.
Ali nit 40 miles N.B. of In lila /lead. Price 0.1Q Per 41,4014.•
Write for in 1,1) and fnll particulars.
. R. PAR .ONS, 9t Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada.
Next Surne--10' er'e;
Plan now on -seeing Yellowstone Park, Wonderland of the World -i"
The -finest coaching trip in America, The greatest of Natures wonder-
ful phenomena, on every hand. Geysers, inud pools, tinted terraces,
megnifIcent mountains and bracing and invigorating, mountain air.
Thor best of hotels and accommodations. Write for "Wonderland
1906," six cents. It tells about the Great Northwest and Yellowstone Park.
Go via GARD4IER GATWAY, the Official Entrance,
10,44115.MT,,, stMlfffiltay'V'''.easc-.1reese.V.2-Irde,
orthern Pacific
St. Paul and Minneapolis to the Pacific Northwest.:
Write for particulars to
General Passengek Agent; 75 Yonge' St,
St. Paul, Minn. Toronto, - -- Can.
Two .thousand designs suitable for all classes .of woek such as
Churches, .SchOols, Stpres finlis Atso special designs for Houses, Kit- .
• chens, Dining -Rooms, etc. Nothing has ever been -devised to cqual Ped-•
lar's Steel Ceilings for Farm Houses. Cheap as•Jath and 'plaster and will
never crack or fall off. r
Avoid Accidents by Using
Pedlar's Steel
Made to fit any size room and can be ..nailed qn by any mechanic..
Shipped from our warehouses painted all ready to apply.
0114, CATALnGUE, NO. 44 C, inEsierttnrq MANY 'DESIGNS.
, 7L7 Craig St.
70 Lombard St.
423 Sussex St, 11 Colborne St 00 Nuncio t3t.
VANO01/109 Mu.
Warm Youn NEARAST uFFICE. 016 Ponder E.
Oshawa, Ont., Canada
Head Otiice and Works,
Aso -
We Own The Largest Stock flood /Tattoo The World.
it cOvers over a city block, contains over 18 acres of,floor space, cod'
-$500,000. Size of our office 360x120, 300, office people, 150 tYPeWr1teri3
and we use fifty minion letter heads and envelopes every Veer. A. car'
load every 30 days. our chemical Laboratory is one of the best. Our
office is one of the greet sights oftheblieiiiees world. MAUI veil
SMall concerns advertise large buildings. Vire invite you to W.sit our
factory 'and see that we have everything we claim.) '
zsanateetniee and Guaranteed by International Stock food Co.
NaternationalSleck, Food" • • 'Internalises' Pefillry.r.r-,
.,,Mirtteniailotiol Heave Cure" "international Louse Killer '1
. "Infatuations' Worm Peeler!. "Internatienal Distemper Curco"!-"
• "International Gall Cure" "Internatiosal foot Remedy"
Silver Pine Nonagon'. . , 'Internatissol Colic Cure" .
" international Compound, Absorbent" "International Sheekfile *
Nalernationst Then* Clare" "International noel Ointment"
!Tea Patch Stable Disinfectant""Lsternationatliarnass Soo"
Mos *le** incubstsrah and r:rooderi, Slat Jewel Chick and den reed.
DAN PATerit3-7,Lrel" niktriitl) PRUE; .
Ve luivei_a Ileautiftil 6 Color Picture of our Champion Pacer, Dan
:Patch 1:55n, size 16x24. Vree Of advertising, fine picture for framinit,
gives an the records made to our Pad= wonder. 'We willInstli you
one free. Postage prepaid. if you Will write us lure, much stock yon •
own and name thigs paper. Write at once to .
INTERNATIONA17,11TOCK F(1,011' CO., Minneapolis, Minn.,U.S.A.
Irnrima4Naliimmantait•••••... „ . . .
."Did Jerrold get anything out of Jtis
rieh uncle's estate?" "Welt, rather—he
married.the daughter of the o1 'r ler
the estate."
,Arnericart Pouftry° Farm.
We Breed for Color, Vigor, and neure ESit
Production. der Inborns and Wyandotte
hem have record* Of over no° egg* per year.
for Hatching from forty .11reedine Ribs of
fled And White Plyinatith Itockgs, Whito ttuil
liver Wyttiadottil, White and Brown Leghorn.,,
Kjgs 400 per lts, $6.00 pr no. $15.00 per 160.
Bronze Tortola and Jeitekil Oath,. an years' rig,
porionee in Smeding._ °Waist and' Pritas Poo.
P. it /AMOUR. SONS. Usgalb, 111
srARR's mACIC onulitri to
cure „ ening,.
. .„,„,,,,,te,„,,..
RlirlifillAilts itstastaatoy or I Chronic;
4 lig IMIli I 1 v atzdliouralata,fIciatica,
Zenith/we, tine tit Md
cuRExey 0,00,10,,, ,...,.. um .
front thO Ordain, OTOS inkt*.ditatts
. relief, Dont sur, but *and tor,*
bottle at ones. Osborn* Ressedy. 176
Yong* M., Tormit4 Canada. $1.06 r bottle.
OR ii21.411;;;I:!;Nff
r 6 klackneys: 'farm 2,yini1ea from end of street ear
line. -0, sOltnY, Guelph, Ont.
In any fain and oold, perapiring hot positive
cured, within 80 dos, by our newly patenteg
Mullett° Diana' or money_ promptly
WILiled 311t.00., Write or deleripttra
oklet Agonter wanted. MA 'IMO IMINII•
KAMM (AMU CO.,fikahrooko, quoaoG Canada,
Before) buying write us, or t ee our
*gent near you for priees. \We lut
the largest stocit Ofrait treo to
lOund in Canada. We pay the freight.
nroiviiBrothera (4'enipany,
Nurseriflen, Limited,
01'04118$ Mirettletl, OM,
WI% NO. f4-4- 1$