HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-04-12, Page 5SP! ,r1 TJU exgter tworatv, putit01)44 evory Thur3day illeruini at the 'Ofifrei. 104.334-$`11..Z73.„ the APY00Ay PULJSH COMPANY ifi.EBIS•Or''SUBSC,KIPTION. One Dollar per annum' 1'p in advikPeO, . 01,not f3o "411.4-0..ari-Mut3.4 oxa, ' - - paper diseentfraia'ut;tii all arrearages are paid Advertisements vigilant sPecificd directions will be published until. forbid and charged aeeordingly. Liberal discount made for traisseiefit advertisements inserted for long perieds. Eaery description of 210B . FEINTING turned out in tho finest style, and at maderate rates. Cheques, .money arddre, 84c., for • advertising, subscriptions, .atc., ti be made payable to Sanders & Creech, ervous Women1 Around About Os,. ' BrueseIe: Geo. 1Valker has dissese eft Female Disorders perhaps to Geo. Robb, a weliknownreeiJent 4*f unuispected.. , thi$ locelity, at a good figeere said to he $5000. " 4 Fullartions Wm. Jacelt has field two : muiDiciNH . THAT CURES colts comiug, two yearo old 'for tho sum 'Their Suffering/1M* Usually Dio of hio livery barn and horses an I 0.444.4.,14 PEOPRIETOBS irrairesstonal Oards. ter. A . E. KINSMAN, L D. $., D. D. S., muter graduate of Toronto Univeristv. DENTIST, Teeth extraCted without any pain or any bad effects Office In—Fansonrs Block, west 'side Main ,street, Exeter. C. • Dashwoo Roller . of $.150 4114 000 Coming three years ic)Id , Can we (11 1-. fee .Theee colts were sired. be" tile well s known feet that Canadiart Lord Btisford., .stomen are ner- Goderich Townehipe 'Word was -re * How often do we hear the expres- eittin, "Tants° sters yetis, it seems tie if I should fly ; " "Don't , speak to me," Little thing' • annoy you and make you irritable ; you. can't sleep, you are unable to quietly and 'calmly perform your daily. tasks or care for your,ehildren.- The relation orllie. ileiVei.,3€111kt gene.' ceived last, week, that A. 13,Neetatt former resident ' eves while on du t Y as br`akesnlam in a .railway wrec'k. at Little Current, Saks Parkhill: The businees of the Haet. logs House ',was last week purchased bottle Newell Bros., of that town", sv bo took posSessionson Wednesday. Mrs. Zevitz, we understand, intends return- ing to .Allsa, Craig. Aisle Craig: 'Word has been receive ed of the deaths ie Buffalo and Teene- trea reespectittely selaJoina.ClunesOeolut, Lachlan ildeLean. 'Well known in this district. The latter ie a eon of Angus McLean of the village. Seaforth: Mrs. David McOolloch, another of the pioneer residents of this district died- at the residence of her son•in-law, Mr. Alexander Stewart Ito this town on Thursday morning, .She was 00 years of age. Her rnaidee name was Sarah. Robb, Kirkton: Mr. Will Brown and bi sister, Ed. Fletcher= and his wife, Geo Rutherford and wife left for the West last vveek.—Chae. Attele who practis- ed with Dr. Carr, veterinary, last sure mer, is in Kirktori. Itis reported that Charlie Stvept everything et his estarnis nation. Goderich Township: The township audit is yet in progress and has gone back about ten years. The ratepayers or at least the great majority of then)* think that ieerttite far enough and this week petitions were circulated among the ratepayers asking that the audit be now called off. Chiselhurst: Mr.. R. Bravaner, who had Wr.n. Sinclair's' farm rented for the pest two years bite moved back to near Toronto, where he 'name from. Mr. Sinclair has this week moved beck an the farm after living in Hensel' for two :veers. The farm work will be quite a change. . *Woodharn: A. sad accident happen- ... ed to Ed. Copeland On Monday even- ing of last week. While coming home with a, load of ,posts the tean) took fright atsthe report of a gun throwing him off and 'the wagon passel over both legs. badly. fracturing one and bruising the otherseverely. St. Marys: On Saturday, March 31, a very enjoyable day was spent. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Halleyt. when they celebrated their golden wedding. All the menabers of the family were present, also a few friends. The fainily presented them with two beautiful upholstered chairs. Brucefield: One of the oldest native- born residents of Huron °piety has passed awet,. in the person of Mrs. Joseph- ToWneend of . Tuckersenithe Deceireed had been ill' for some time. Dr. Stenburo, coroner of 13a,yfleld, IS a brother of deceased,- and William and George, also brothers survive. Clinton; Twice within Months has the family circle of Mt. and 'Mrs. S. J. Andrews broken by death. On the 27th of October last their eldest daughter, itirEt. Will aMoffat t, was cal- led. away. And Sunday lett they lost • their youngest SOn. Otto, after an ill- ness Of but a couple of weeks, aged 9 years. Maguire: A number of Young woe ple gathered at the home of Mr. Wm. Flynn on Friday nightlast and engag- ed in the Mazy whirl until elate hour. 'Mr. and Mrs. Flynnproved themselves excellent entertainers and the young people will feel happy at any time to have. the privilege of o enjoying that kind of hospitality, erative organ e in 'woraen is so close diet • nine -tenths of the nervous prostratioe, nervous debility, the bluets eleeplessness and nervetts irritability arise from some derangement of the organism which, makes her a woman. Fits of depression or restlessness and irritability. Spit• easily affected, so that one minute she laughs, thelaext minute weeps. Pain in the abdominal region and between the shoulders; loss of' voice nervou d ; 13 ys- pepsia ; a tendency to cry at the least provocation—all this points to nervous prostration. „ Nothing will relieve this distressing . condition and prevent months of pros. 1 tration and 'suffering so surely as Lydia 4, 1 I . Pinitham's Vegetable Compound, I.• Miss Lelah Stowell, of 177 Wellington St., 1Cingston, Ont., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinithara "Your Medicine 13 Weed a Godsend fo suffering women, and I only wish that they all knew what it can (1,-) for them and there would be no need of their dragging out White Star Flour miserable lives in 'yagony. I usuffered for ears *with bearing -down extreme ervousness and excruciating headach is now. Made from the very fittest of Wheat—acknowledged to be the best in America—The Mills,. the Millers, and the Milling Process all fhoroughly adapted for obtaining the highest' re- sults.—For strength. 'richness, whole- ness and appetizing flavor it is with- ottt equal; makes more bread easier and better than any other—gives solid , satisfaction to consunser and producer —Buy it and you will please yourself and your gond wife as well.—House. wives all over the 'county emdorse our Claims. We solicit your patronage. , es, Arealgood time to buy our famous Ponta few bottles of your vegetable Com- pound made -life look new and promising Wine; I am happy and I do not know what sickness is, and I have enjoyed the best of health now for over four years. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has sent sunshine into thousands of homes ' and h carts. ' ' Will not the volumes of letters from women mado strong by Lydia, E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, convince all women of its virtues? Surely you can- not wish to re,main sick and. weak and discouraged, exhausted each day, when you San be as easily cured as other Jos.Eidt,Dashwood NOW 11 1. Bran -and. Shorts and Wheat Chop Exeter and Coutrilia Elavators Prices: Satisfactory. Bring in your gram and load home with feed. Jos. Cobbledick. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The .greattiterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three degrees of strength—No. I, $L; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger 4)3; No, 3, for special cases, iff: per box. Sold by all dru ts, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address: TH C0OKMEDIOINIII00.,T0RONTO; ONT. (fonnerk Fri The firtiole to 0 FOR THE HOME. • Is that which gives lasting benefit and Pleastire. Nothing will so successfully do this HO a good High Gracie - PIANO or ORGAN Every member of.the family willful- ly appreciate it, . We carry these instruments` in the highest grade and our prices and terms are of the most liberal kind for the , Purchaser. • Our Sewi.ng Machines • s Surpass anything in the maiket for beauty aild durability.• Call and see us; vetrwill take pleasure in shelving you our goods. S MARTIN &SON EXETER CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Spring Terra Opens April 2. CENTRAL Why_should you content yourself in the ordinary walks of life when you can better your condition by taking a course in this school 2. We iive a thorough practical education. and 0.848t our graduates to good positions Commence your course now Write for. particulars ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN. Principals. liquor License Act South Huron District. In accOrdance with the 'Previsions of the Liquor License Act public notice is hereby iiven that a meeting of the License Board for the Licensed Dis- trict 'of Sonstli Iluron will he held at the. QUEEN' HOTEL, in the Village of HENSALL, Thursday, April -19 1906 At 10 o'clock a. in. to consider applications for the sale of liquors in the said district of South Huron for 1906-1007. . ' • Licenses issued for current • year were: Township Tavern 18; Village Tavern 8, six months 1; Town TavernS 6; Village Shop 1; TOW/1 Shop E} 2. Applications for 1906-1007 are: Township Tavern, 18; ;Village Tavern 0, Town Tavern- 5, Village Shop 1, Town Shops 2. Any petition against granting of License to any new applicant, or premises must be lodged with the undersigned at least four days before the meeting of the License Board. • JOHN'TORRANCIE, License Inspector, Clinton. , Huron Horse Slow. Clinton, Apt.il 5.—The first Huron County Horse Show was held in Clin- ton to -day and was • a grand sucoess. Every class was well filled and especi- ally the hottvy draughts, Shorthorns and Herefords. There st ere 75 entries of beaveeclasses, 02 of roadsters and 82 of cattle. Fully 5,000 people from the counties �f Huron, Perth and Middle. sex were present, The sweepstakes in classes were;a-Entire Clydee, Leiper and Moon, Royal Ed 'ward; Shires, Dom- mick, Reynolde,e Birdsall. MeIlanite; filly, Jas. Va n Egnionde roadster stal- lion, Peter Seott, Brussels, Kaptan; Shorthorn hull, Jas. Cowan; ,Dairv c`ove, Jas. Fair; gelding Joc Reynolds; saddle horse _ Dr. J. N. Gunn. The Judea were:'MV. Beith, of Bortianville; Dr. Routledge, Lambeth; Thos. Ens - sell, Exeter. Mr. Buchanan of the Agricultural College, Guelph, lectured to the farmers on spreading grate and grasses. $100 Reward $100. tee readers oethis paper *ill be pleased to learn 16 OM there is at least one dreaded diseaseihat sciefice 42 has been able to euro in all its stages; and MO is Oats•32 Catarrh, Catarrii Cure is the only positive . 444 ; • • Peas • II • i1 11 41 1, 11'11 0 .1 05 Potatoes, per bag.........1 00 'I. Hay, per ton— 4 1 4 I • 1, • 4 0 50 7 Floats, per cwt., family 2 Mohr, low g1,11 .6.rade .per cut 1 20 1 Better... 11 • • a • Ugg.C8. • .1( • LiveAtego, per cwt.... .1. 7 ShoiSte per ton ... 20 00 20 Heade per ton.. — .18 00 18 Deititd Apples 0 pure now known to the medical' fraternity. Catarrh 70 bOhatt a, constitutional diseas#3 requires a constittt• 'tiottal treattuqt. Iran's Catarrh Cure is taken in - 00 tcrnally, actingdirectly upon the blond and 10000115 20 1,5,1,111;tfiC3140/30nOt otttgi nigeoartil,e, nr the ansi „ thepatent20 arength and buildginnatiothca eoustitution an ar4sist yl The proprietors have 20 lee nature i dein it 14 8_0 olpeb, in iitiSrcuiroattunneiyo. tpifortivratitilaitatitthfcaynoaffteot, On tlundrrd 10! enree, Soo octet Of tesr 00 .AddreeS *T. CitItiNEY ; k'ote(lo; b. ..101(1 by ail nteraistl, 7S (sets, I • a re tinnily Pills fox. ees stipation. Rich hair; heavy hair; long, lux- uriant, hair, without a singlo gray line.in I flair that Grows rapidly and does not fall out. 'rho kind of . hair that goes with Hall's Itegett ble Sicilian Ifair 11.4newer. toe i7Illsko3s Mut, mOuntscht Wto Mitke BliCh: Nall teen, it teteet s Oda brnan fire a nosl. itiaok, V 'P. IIAT T.& (11.,,,Vsallnak 74. at. • t. Marys: The death occurred on March 81, of -Mr. John Machanseaged 63 yeers at the residence of his son-in- law, T. It. Waugh. The immediate •cause of death was ttimor of the brain. The late Mr. Meehan was a native of Scotland and a Presbyterian. There survive him4 his widow, three daugh- ters'and two sons. - St. Marys: Asad fatality occurred on Sundaymorning of last week when James Dunseith, a respected farmer of Downie, took his own life by means of it shot gun. The deceased gentleman who was in his 05th Year lived on lot 4, con. 18, Downie, with his son, John Dunseith and the latter's wife. He was highly respected. Mitchell,: One by one the old pie= neerS of this neighborhood are passing to their reward. The life of Jeremiah Reganwho settled in Logan in the year 1851, came US an end Saturday evening last, and his funeral to the Catholic cemetery, Mitchell, on Mon- day, was one of the largest seen here for many years. Be ,was 87 years of age. Hayfield: On Wednesday evening of last week a meeting was held when the following officers for 1000 for the Hayfield Lakesides, football club were appointed:-ellonornry President, H. EilbereM. Ps P, .- 1 t Ilonorary Vice - President, B. 13 Gunn M. P.; 2nd Hons minty Vioe-President, Dr. Metcalf; President, A. E. Erwin, 'Vice -President • Or. Woods; Secretary, Dr. '$inith; Teeasurert F. A. Edwards; Captain, T. -- Brownlee, • ,TA MoKillopt David .T. Aitcheson paned away very euddenly et his residence near narputitey, recently.' Mr. Ait- dhesbn had been end invalid for aeveral yeers, suffering from a species of par. elyais the result of an injury. On Thorsdey however, lie seerned to be better„ than usual. lie retired on Thursday night about his usual time and next morning wtta found dead in bed. Ile leavers a widow, three 60116 and three danghters. Seaford): ' The following were tick- eted out itist week:— .T. Duchartne of Sea forth to Edmonton, Alberta; Mini Krattekopf of Dublin to 1)a (.1811(1, Al - }vita; Itire. Geo. Stew:tit, Mine Lida , Stewart, ?dies Lott Cadmore, Mr. rind IS. Watooti of (4(ntfolth to Oryetal City, [Man.; Mrs. V. Knechtel and fatoily of St4aforth toM:;;.:; jaw, whero Mr. Koechtel 1.:engaeftl in hnoineso; join) A. Murray to Dauphin; 1Viloon Cook of Varna to flale, teGresd y; . Diale, J. McGtegote G. Ca (1well, 1). MaNevlat, and 14:ied Taylor, 11 of 1i 1'n, te Dee • %he coereitevete eteats Titere wa wy ae eompletit die' "ww-2° f°7 tho VullsoSe eoining mooeY isyUoCoOfederete States a Aotaerlea —that for a one ceet rieee, whiela wee , made by Lovett the Pinladelpitia en- graver, In 11.801. After he had tiniebed the diee Mr. Lovett found that he wee uuable te eetal them to the: wbo had' ,4rdered dee 'werk, dene',LtW beeensieg a1atrn6d, b 'strrn. otf" twelve Welted cent e and theu eareftille' , secreted 19Gth conr aju diete vor' twelve 'Joe? years the eagraVer kept' M s Reeret „which wasefinally ''revealed, through. tn,Aeeldeut. One day in 1873: hit went to the hiding place of the'rare coinsand selected one for a' pocket Piece, aud within the woad): passed St out unknowingly to Ilazeitine,. the Philadelphia restaurant keePek, „This man, knowing the piece to be Levett's work, sent it to J. C. Randall, the Stow C011ector. .After some little trouble Hazeitioe' and Randall succeeded in 'buying, till -12411e, Wildieom sit theystruck fifty-five copper pieces; twelve in silver and seven in gold. This accomplished, they mutilated the die, and coin dealers now hold Confedeiate -cents it a very° higb figure. • Hard Seats. It IS not well for sedentary workers • to. it on cushions. In man, owing chiefly to his erect carriage, •there is a 'strong development of the muscles • a the pelviseetnd the thighs, which • almost completely clothe the strong bones of that region. In the seated position, to ,-obvihte undue pressure, nature has provided a proper cushion oVer these bones. Hyrt,l's saying is well kin:mil, "We sit on the fat of the seat as oa ,11., mattress." In •sitting on a smooth and hard surface the body rests upon three main points, but in sitting ,on a.soft -cushion pressure is imparted to. the muscles and interferes with the circulation in • all their parts. — • Great attention has been paid to this matter in the construction of bicycle Saddles and, speaking generally, with very . beneficial, results. Nothing can. • be said against a certairr amount of Covering, if not too yielding, but the office stool, properly shaped, is an exs • cellent seat. Food Aversions. • • Cows' milk is said to be abhorred by • the Japanese, and rabbits are :never eaten by the Abyssinians, who explain that rabbits are too much like big rats. • The natives of the Sandwich Islands' would not take caviare for a gift. Cheese in Mexico is simply curds des- jeested and' pressed, in pancake shape, and even then it Is patronized only by the Caucasian colonlits. The half breeds ac,cept it with hesitation, and. a two ounce sli•ce. of limburger would statepede a tribe of mountain Indians. They resent it as a practical joie in questionable taste. But why. the. Ko•,- reans eschew ice cream; as a traveler reports is the ease, ie less ectsy to ex. phrino Perhaps theyshare the Japa- nese prejudice against dairy products or the Chinese predilection for super- heeted tidbits. . •• • A Queer Italian Custom.. On • Aug. 1 of every year the people of Val di Rosa, in Italy, gather in the greaksquare, which is also a thrashing,. floors and proceed to exorcise the devil for the benefit of their own dreams and for the- well being of their vineyards. The most intelligerit rain in the come =laity is chosen masterofeerenionles. A small fire balloon is made ready and to this the master of cerenionies got- eninlY attaches a puppet representing his Satanic majesty. Amid the shouts of the peattantry the balloon, with ths '410/11 -attached, is liberated. The good people believe that for the rest of dm year the evil one will not disturb their dreams or damage the vintage. Fiestas Slippers. Befors the • discovery of lucifer matches a- large hoof shaped fungus growing ots die trunks of trees was used throughout northern Europe for making amadou or tinder. The thick, brown, Woody flesh of the same fun- gus, cut into sliees and beaten until it assumes the appearance of felt, is used at th,e present day in Germany for the manufacturkof chest protectors, ,Caps, purses, bedroom slippers and various other articles. • • One Ere tictitl • "Papa, sis the hand hat cks thtt cradle the one that rules the odd?" "That's what I've heard." "Well, I know -One that don't." "Whet is it?" "Narse. e She vented to go down. town, .and mamma told her she'd fire her if she went and Vidtildn't give her no reeonira eadation." 11, A Citvorkle Habit. • "No," said the man who had retently made hie fourth pilgrimage t� the mat- rintonial alter; "I can't Say that mar- riage Is a failure." • • "Of couree ,not," rejoined his bache- lor friend. "With you it is merely tit, habit." • . triton tie Went.' ' Vathei41(at head of stairs)—Eihel, what thno fs "it? Lithel (in drawing room)—It's a quarter` past 10, 'father. Vather—:All ri&lit Don't fore,et to k.3• gtart the clock again after the young man one's out to get his breaktast. ' An Anxious. 41Lory.— A certain'New York restauranehas becomo famous for Ito high prices'. .4kt the entra1o.0 al man just leaving; hav.! Ing paid his .1.14 was recently over. heard to ask the waiter, '"X say,i-do S/ou charge anything for going out?".` , Gort‘rovittl3r Titotairgittfnl, '• RartM11 Tatters—Say, boss. ginirro 1.1'..0 price of a rneal. nearly,star---', StinlImsit---Can't do it, me Poor fellow but •the next '1111181I you ar4,*, mayo ;sa 11Cret4a toothli10L-1.e.kaanCe. Rose Tea is Clean Tea CLEANLINESS i a rze6e3ciavy to to,a. quality a any other foo, Tea rollet ,by ha,rut cured by hand; weiglletl, Men and packed by may or may not bc-. cleaf4 Every ' operation cif malting RcI Ro Tea, on the plantation and in. the warenokise, is Performed by Machines, the rolling and ,curing th‘eblending and weig. fling "ar all dOne by scrupulously, clean automatic madfinery. ' Red Rose Tea is riever touched by human hands from 0 the placing to your kitchen. Red Rose Tea is always clean. It cannot be other- wise, because it has no possible chance of contamination. Its 1 "rich, fruity flavor" ,7nnot be irn aired by foreign substance orany%22 is good Tea T. tx. Estabroolis St. John, N.B., °Toronto, Winnipeg ‘41011111.11111111, 4•111114 After an illnes8 extend- ing over more than five months, Mrs, Ellen McArthur passed away at la r home here ,en March 30, at the ad• •vanced age of 83. Mrs. McArthur came to; West Williams_ about forty- iive years'ago. Her husband who-vvas an °engineer was killed on the railroad and after his death shensoved to Park- hill, where she hatrresided for the last twenty-five years. She is survived 1- y three daughters and two sons. • St. Joseph: The work on the dock at St. Joseph, under command,of En- gineer Currie of Ottawa, is now irtAro- -gress. Many teams are at present en- gaged in hauling stones to fill the cribs. A few more days of mild weather'wfil be required to remove the ice from the shore after vrhicia time the builders will be enabled to construct the , foun. dation of the dock. Promoter Cantin is now absent from the place and his whereabouts has,not been ascertained.. 4 4 itt (1 , tiTt5:7' i , ' • .1111 ait 11110 ;#. 1 1 VVI5H -OUR OWNER' , WOULD USE PATERSONS WIRE EDGE'ROOF,ING AND KEEP US DRY. • • If you don't want sick. poultry, keep them under • " • Paterson''s 44 Wire :Edge" Ready, Roofing' Leaks and dampness are bound to creep in if you roof the buildings with• shinglek,pr tin. •• •- .PATRRSON'S "WIRE EDGR " Ltaakes. roofs air tight 'water proof arid fire -proof— . and lasts a lifetime. It keeps barns,,chiaken houses and tool sheds alwe..yh dry '"‘c heaper than shingle.s, You can do the roofing yourself. Our booklet • tells how. Write for it n4a 4free sample of the best roofing -made. Hardware dealers everywhere have it or will • get it for you. PATERSON MFG. CO. Limited, Toronto 'and Montregi, . 91S, aaraiScaticaas afic Arabgaietalk..illicaair.^.4*. aglicaticatkaik OXYDONO 9 The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age. What doe/3 Oxydonor do? It gives the body an affinity for OXYGEN, and makes it absorb nature's revitalizing force—oxygen—through every pore Disease, simply, cannot stay in the system that is surcharged with oxygen. Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Fever, Indigestion, Insom- • nia and all disease simply vanish before okygen—and Oxydonor gives the bOdy oxygen. Read What those who have used it say. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. ' Col. R. B. Hamilton, Provincial Board of Ilealth Registrar General's Office, Toronto,, Cab writes, August 31st, 1901, "My experience with Oxydonor has been most satisfactory in ever respect. Personally I can vouch for its efficiency in acute cases, such as la grippe and sever strain. • In both instances its action being remarkably quick, and the results agreeable and. ,pernsanent. .,. i Fer more chronic affections, such as neuralgia and rheumatism, my wife has experienced" very great local benefit, and would not be without an Oxydonor for many times its weight in gold."• •, , . •, . Send us yout name and address and we will send you our booklet "T" fully explaining the workings of this wonderful initrument. •••, , . DR. H. sANcpt & co. 1-.. , • ill 01 Fifth Stree4 Detroit, Mich. 2268 St.Catherine St:, Montreal . lyrics varlfirVellir ilirorrniFNFIliii"fil"UrNfr a40"%a' 'WL'Atiii. "lifrAir"laviliF INF 1 Celebrates Its 40th Anniversary, Of all the agricultural nsegazines t published in Canada t9 -day, there is none that So thoroughly and capably covers every phase of farming indust - lies as "The Farmers Advocate And, Home Magazine." of London, Ont. The quality of the paper and Mastro,- Ifildiniand County Councillor tells" • how Psychine cured his t Lung Troubles' IL KNOWN IN JARVIS, ONT. tions psed are the very best, and the topied reviewed are always live, up -to - date -subjects, of vital importance, to the farming cu maternity, and are hand- led in a seien title and masterly manner. First of all we find a general editori- al survey on themost timely topica of the day, followed by a section devoted to "Horses," anothee to "Live Stock," then "The Feriae" "The Dairy.," "The Garden and Orchard." "The .Apiaree," "Poultry," and "The ,Parrn Bulletin,' whioh includes, among other thinge, TeporW from the foremost markets on the corttineritemd a colorful for "Ques- tions and Answers," for the sole bole - fit of the subscriber'. Then there la the Home MagavIne, an ideal a epartment, choreal ngly :glop - ted tothe intereeta of farniez 'a' home and fitillii,Y0 AS eaeln one of the follows ing teetiona worild indicate; "Life., Hour," "The Children's Corner," ''About. the House.' "flealth in the Howe " "Ingle Nook Ohats,' "With: ;he Flsoivers,' and special articles by ot 1107'eontributors. `‘The 4arr1141Ad •10 voe a catnd Iforno )r Mae:lei) e" is thf. 411(leA fam t 'patter „ in the Doi iltiloil. 0 rid this yelli. is eele- brathig its 40th aniiity.evo•Lry, awl up sineeeely wish it tunny mote p-()-p.;- eettro, svhich it truly IneritO, Edwatd Itall. n 111(4)104m townLltip ar fa; ii;;, neWoodotstele wao killed by an .11ton pipe falling 611 his 'toad while pi (spat in to bore a st ell. issexamasmaaersomis. "I contracted a series of colds from the" . changing weather," says Mr. Bryce Allen; a well-known resident ofJarvis, Ont., atatt a member of Haldimand County Council ror his district, 44and gradually my lungs became affected. tried medicine arid . doctors prescribed for me, but got I no relief. With lungs and stornach diseeeeds nervous, weak and 'wasted, I began to use Psychine. Witittwo months' treatment regained ray health. 'lo day I ern 88sound 82a bell, and give alt the credit to Psychloe." There is a proof of what Paychine does,. It not only Ctire3 Colds and kills the gentle of'LaGrippe, PneumonlattndConeuteption0 Litenttille ' and 10ca lition," "The Quite but it helps tho Stomach, makes pure, ries 'blood and spreade general health all over the body. „You will travel. have ConeueSee tion if you USG 11.0111,11.1.110011110,V11111M3101011NOMONNEVIONINO 011 06. Per Bott10, entirety Week And *9-0.11 Orogghttik DR T1A. '81.001.1M. Limitolt Torchto.' •Li