HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-04-12, Page 34-,V4-3:414)14-3C(43"A4-3ii - - '4"3E+K'•(,',4**+K-1+3g-+Mit-aFta40,4t3Q•i4•Ki+A.+0.44:4!teeide evonaeafut pottalere Of reels made tho paeti tete beee Vs own gellent! ttee gaieft peel 'of eie eloateee„ ahveas aarrlati3Dtheatiaiethe weeel, Of , some c„no cpreng from a elven a_frite., I "hey° . toileneyed way_ wilco Irranedtately up.re taterarw(1, will„,,catiegt.31c1nTe tiehaetIrtilr'.n!feilt, and looked eagerly at her—some one 'LI' 'Alma tne taaalft tte ejaculation Of ..eupeerea tmate c.744`2ne'6" Yffill re t'1111Iler th°' ,p evince of my own brother ttleele, alePPina forward, Praeacdc'd 11 1°11111711,1., 'ethie 130 long in et Tueleiett <.1 'C '10 embracer iler 1.1T.Q41419 eata5i.nr e7."viseneti et3111(ii never ,bave entilusiteent. . • ' 4 minute eepeacte if, famteett The, :littleMan waS Larrta, dere in deuld reriedried. Ittat that chipper, aPnarett1lY, 0( S'01e4, vi"n tail lb' believe your "stol'Y, dear Liiri*y. he etood by Or. Jack so lot4elly•during Leeryeaa dreailful fear,,aseaile the latters strange adventures 'SPaila, • r Me, ta, even now I, van not a. wife, lint Turkey aral China. t*Dr., Jack'3. forlern miaow. 'Yet, I have', NOS vvas,eonsiderably shaken bar thta raileninly vowed never to leave Caniesee meeting %vita the' New York •dUde;,sitilet,aoit until la hatte , myself verified ,ever,y- she bore herself in a .manner that Wa0'. facie and assured ray lititlgtar a4111'itiere e 1 ' Colored beetle , ashereel Ws:g-1,,,u,..it into Sririt, aidee by the eneare of forll,M00. , 1 • • ST TH All Japan tea* ult. Medi IRO ge+eeaeee,aHe-teeeet.+eeaaeetaere+,teeeeeea4tkeIA-aeet-atet,'aeeekeee+teH,aeei.naoee.eeee+gate liitte less than tistotashing; considering cei teoi eyen tea faintest shadow of eloper CHAPTEI1 I. •• • ee A pagan procession, carrying the In- evitable yellow dragon at its head, and winding in and out through the streets ref Canton, in Southern China, blocked the passage of a, gaudy palanquin teat ha4 been advancing from the European Island section as rapidly QS' the ability of the two coolie borers and the crowd- ed condition of the narrow thoroughfare pernaitted. • The rich folds of golden silk drapery were drawn; aside impatiently, and the face of an American woman appeared as she surveyed the grotesque figures of those Who paraded. Though handsome and resolute far beyond the ordinary, this ' countenance just at present be- trayed more of anxiety and Secret grief' than any other emotion. , Indeed, it required rnore than passing bravery to thus venture alone into the native section of the• great city, where teeming masses of moon -eyed Chinese hustled for a meagre living day after de,Y,. and filled the air with their chat- ter, together with the constant racket of exploding firecrackers, Miele'. the de - 11,1$10T1 that the more noise the better their chance' :of exorcising the evil spirits that hang constantly around, desirous of 'even occupying a sharetof . the graves with the dead. At another lime perhaps the picturesque and even ridiculous character Of the masquera- deas who trooped along. -behind the sign hersex, Avia quickly recovered; nat. per ience, one of aus nrms si rs of the yellow dragoti, each endeavoring . a silken sling, and there WPre ti num- ber of contusione upon his Eike, that could hardly be ctilled healed. - "Re seated, cousin Yoe have come a long way. and had no awfully tough voyage, I know," was the way h•e be- gan. "Your cable started me on the next • the grewsonate nature of 'her haSty remaining " • ' One of the coolie's, Whe understood English tO a considerable extent from years -of association in Hong Kong, new came to annottnce the arrival at their destination the abode of Kai Wane the idol manufactutter, woose gods exceed- ed all others in the excellence of their workmanship, even as his prices 4i.vere lower than. rival dealers in pet deities. Avis liad'itiot waited for thie ennolince- ment; she was already' on ,her, feet and out of the now lowered palanquin, for the eagerness of e great anxiety, of love and fear, urged her on. Th s h as ale. d th littl • r • Ion Natural GREEN Tea le ABSOLUTELY PURE. to ,Chin. t I She saki*tlits with the pOsitige man,' Sold 'Only Yo oo p e, .da y; y fared grotty; biet am so rejoiced to tie expression of determination upon her able to find you alive! God knows it is face that no -combination of clangers bad enotigh, as LI is. but it might have tl might daunt—an expression that gave been ,eyeti worse." she said. looking him Larry a feeling akin to mingled awe burning eves, and admiration, not unmixed with . tenderly in the face with ala "Y 1 1 1 r h ve stif- ' tier he Ienevie of yore and tbere Vats in Sealed Lead Packets at 40e,. 500 and 600.peroorterit By afl P 01 Q. .Grocers. HIGHEST a WARD, ST. LOWS, 1 Ile , flushed 'with. worth something 'id isfence %erns a matter tion In the mind of brave woman. • Avis looked arOu Wang for his kindne rm, as he yernembered the awful per- iPatieofiNsviirtet);11 t ithisweerx.e. bring, upon* her aced. Larry hecl'been ils such a resolution on her WI blight of some consldera- through the mill himself, and could this beautiful and spent( as with authority, so that, the bare nd to thank Kat forbidding path quite appalled him possibility of Avisa, venturing upon that ss; bid, that astute ec • u s e v u reinto e e ousin, 1 arn sorry to hear you say . Chinese shop where the maker of the individual, doebilese recognizing the thel—not because 1 am.unwilling to risk ' fact' that the srince he occupied was ot heathen gods 'kept on exhibition sam- _ . .. , e hnd my poor life again In your service, and pies of his remarkable work- . more , value than ma ruesene , lose 11 if need be, but you little know the the hanging screen and return - terrible danger involved, and what in - Doubtless to I he aVerage Chinaman dropped.to tits idols. these hideous monsters may be and are ''''1 1 h d . t h ed an ,arry Kennet y a no•c ang ; faience it was that brought about our ' objects of veneration; he worships in undoing," he ventured. iota in the years that Find flown; he wns 'suppose yOu inform me, then—that is one of the first things t desire to know." ; Larry WaS not equal to the strain of holding out against such a "strong na,! titre; as usual when he attempted it, ; the failure was ignominious. "Perhaps you are right—it is only proper you should know, and sooner or Inter a was my positive intention to tell all. • Since you insist priori knowing now. I can only obey your wishes under them the spirits of his ancestors, and,. viewed -1re that light. they, may even ap- tbe same consequential little individual Pear visions of beauty to his distorted whose importande was not to be mett- sight; but in the eyes of a European or smted by inches, and tivhose bravery in an American they are about as diabolical the hour of danger was on aapar with mer. He even maintained the identical feeble lit t le yellow puffy siderwhiskere at this which he was wont to tug desperately was when in need of an idea or in sore grin. straits; no one but berry ,hirnself knew f 1 t hose same small tufts had been at yariouS his rare diplornaeV, and piratioal a collection of monstrosi- ties as it ever entered the mind of tal.to conceive. When Dr. Jack's wife entered humble and ill-smeiling shop, she at first almost paralyted by the ning and frowning gods that surrounded what a wonderfulsti e y va ve er—some with one, two or even three heads. a crises in his later life. . . . Being a Woman in a thousand. hoeta He 'certainly showed sighs of having ever, and brave beyond the average of' recently passed through a severe ex. . . . . ' to appear more hideous than his fel- tna s tie such objects in su- preme contempt, and might have view tic might have appealed to arils - ed the ugliest idol of them all With lit- tle temperament of the brave -hearted difference, though* to run into snob a lady who cecupied the,. bamboo paten- grotque collection was quite. enough quint but her mind was at present so to Make. even the most valiant' of men plied by serious doubts and fears that hold their breath with momentarY ave. • it made 'little impression on her, be-. . . a feeble protest. 44 " You know what a• singular busieess. it was that took us to Pelting. 13y Jove, we .had to see .semany exalted mail. dnrins and persons -high in authority, it made my head swim, ducking and bow- ing before them all,' "This had to be done secretly, too, for • there was a rival- syndicate endeaeoring' to get hold of the seine, concession,, and several times we ran up against the ' Russian nabob .who was at the head of tt. "We exnmined mines far out in the , an suc i emrssaries of yonct, the feeling ef annoyance at having country: we travelled over hundreds- of ,, tory of the heathen faith coula not and underetand a donsider.able pert of I had yoer leiter at Singapore, miles where the railroad was to be laid; her progress temporatily delayed. fucius, or Buddha. or any. other digit- steamer. Even Chinese processions must have we had ninny narTow escapes from in - end, ' end finally, cliecovering an , hinder thie res 11 t " ' - o ii e woman fr0171 .posh, the calamity." she said. i.„,,,,,, her coolies to push into the crush; and marked oanortunity to proceed, the lady. urged in foreovuastr.d a ong the, line she had cuimioal Larry'sInsjy, a:ateicoyhile.eisitci n,tgvhei ever:e i:ittliciurisntbeefni‘nvadd'i hoot ssn ritinee;re. Steered of ever seeing dear old Picca- fueinted heaves, until by Jove, I de - The proprietoe. of the shop had ap- `vn ivesemighit, andtbbar„ OilYrhaegnaci% ie the last actein the drama, peered by thIS lime. and turned out 10 be I w • . then, suddenly realizing that she had . . become the cynosure of many eyes that beamed with interest or looked daggers, according to the individual tempera- ments of the beholders„ she allowed the silken curtain to fa in tape. ,1/4 One man, who - • 'er, and, to judge from his., stalwart figure, an Engliebn . all per- adventure, stood wit anced to find himself at the time -and stared after the palanquin that bobbed uie arid.down In the midst of the native masses *filling the street "By Jove! that is strange --an Altera ean lady In this melee, and unattended! Whe 18 she, and what does she seek And something tells me • I have !Mown her, though. when end under what con- ditions I can't quite remember. I'm hall Inclined to follow and find out.. But . that's an impossibility now, -With the howling, - chattering mob beween. I feel deuced queer—as though the old (spirit of romantic adventure were -crop- - up again, that takes nie to the , past, Can it be possible the sight of a faee—her fnce—has opened wide the gales I had thought forever ,olosed? Why ehould this he so'? What one 'Wo- man on earth hee ever dominated my career to the extent of— Great Hea- vens now 1 lcnow; now, I remember! What 'woman would dare the perils of this wicked,heathen city of Canton save that brave,„dauntless soul who faced the eoldriel in the cab 6f the,wild- , cat engtineerunning to New York, and defied him to- secure the papers she earried ? Yes, hang the luck! now I know, when it is too late to follow,* that the lady in the. palanquin was -hn rdnrtamanofmoretaoayinern-005 , . gence, if one might judge from his lea- 'son of the Wonderful control she, exert. which we thought would wind up the , , tures; though, of -course, the smallei eised over her naluen1 feelings. business --it didtoobut in a way we little expected , . canning eyes peculiar to 'Chinamen gave Lariat had Ione ago found out that ", - him waters min deenand he had.a Yoe. seeit became absolutely neces a shrewd air. as became the re- rslill nowned position lefi e lled. a e earret contempt for noisy exhijations . of once t-." . ith the Emperorand have him sary for us to secure a personal audi- w, Evidently Kai Wang cared little who' gilef' . ' " ' Max his eearto the docurnents in order made the laws tor his blessed courartt, ft was not the first time. bY long 'odd& to Mei:erne-grand transaction legal ad - so long as he was !Mowed, by favor of that this same "1 nrr‘f Kennedy found . - .. the great. Li Hung Chang, or perhaps occasion to desperately admire the enrding to Chinese law . . the imperial ulcase of the secretly pow- nerve of his fair cousin. - NowAt has been almost'Impossible at any aerie for a foreig,ner to gain a erfiel Dowager Empress, to carry on the "I am glnd of .0 that'. Avis, sinee it personal interview with- the weak Ern- ifellovv:Celestials with their grand public of supplying his breaks the ice and gives me a sin r'l in the horrid business. Heaven knows I've profitable business peror. because he is always kept . se - City, which, you know., is situated in. the I • 1 I I had given in to von and Tesser favorite houseaold 'gods." when we last talked it over, and a - (tic, retail milk., until 1894, writes F. Shan - As soon as Avis beheld bun she knew • • • . I. i heart of that great, swarming hive of , . on. , Each difficulty in the business can he was 'friendly to her race, a race — . . . drop . .1 huninnity.- Peking. surrounded by high lowed the great taimese puzzle To . be overcome. asi have overcome it, ey anomaly among Chinainen; perhaps teal Ivn its lee mysterious moats filled , hut he had reason to believe it MR a - - * t .1). hones-te-indtietrious practices and theem- Wang, having himself manufactured o with stagnant water, and -gurieded day chance In a lifetime fo milker millions. many thoueand - heathen gods, kneW 1 . • nigt afight by inmerial troops, among ploy bent of sober taboret's. I am etrong- onl too 11 f -ti t 1 t e lincl secure a copcessinn. . Alns! the , . i • V in favor of registered Jerseys ' and lave stuck to this breed because the ,eews produce ,a richer milk than any ether. At present 1 have about 50 milk- erS. One of the best of these produced 8112 pounels of milk inside of 12 menths, with the first calf; 20 pounds 3 eurices butter in 'seven days and :18 pounds of milk in •a day. • Other cows eluded an the palace In the Forbidden wished •a dozen times. dear coz. that Farms and B ocks of Lan arCOEZ 60.4111.X433 In !Mos to ellt purcha,sers. Ironing acres upwards, situated on or noar railways till fatuous !Nhoat growing districts of 'MANITOBA' SASKATCHEWAN and ALBERTA TERMS ID °ENO! a.nd *rpm that every induetrleus , Mint, MAP TO It pROPITABIX and COMFORTABLE Form Heins The- Oharuater and Purpose, is? our Compant,' tithl oh orgsinIzed mama TRX • AUSPICES OF TRE INOEPENDEINT ososo OF FOAESVEn11, tray naserwed as Mon. eeLIABLE. IIELPPUL, PATRIOTIC, 11......44.1411•4.441 For Information and Pric.11, sPP17 to F. W. HODSON c) metal= 1;01)- DUraitTUENT, Tho Union Tru3t Company, Limited, TEMPLE BUILDING, TORONTO.. •ADENTS , WANTED c, EVERY %HERE. When Writing Mention. This Paper CLIFTON SPRING SANITARIUM1 CLIFTON SPRINGS ri y. THIS 'Famous tilEALTH RESORT 011.10Y0 0 0 a world-wide reputatkin for its home -like cern- forts mud the excellency of the service rendered 1850 1906 to seekers after health or rest, by its staff of physicians,.trained nurses and attendants, and the increasing patronage from Canada and the PrJvinces is very appreciative in its commend- .. ation of our work. • WITH FIFTY-FIVE YVARsi EXPERIENCE in the use of the best in Medical, Surgical, Electrical and llydrotherapeutic Treatments and -the finest treatment rooms in the country, WO can assure our patrons of the selection or that which will prove most helpful 0.nd suited to their individualneeda, • To those seeking A AVEN OF REST extendspecial features that will not be. found elsewhere, and we invite your Correspondence and iu.pection. Our ra,tes are most liberal and our service is unequalled. No tubercular or insane cases received. •"'"---- Write for bJoklet X and particulars. ++++++++++++++++++++++ + • 4- 4. 4+ 4 MANAGEMENT _ DAIRY HEBD. bout the Far In 1875, 1 started dairying by buying a Jersey heifer, bed did not cernmence . • 4 - the hollow mockery by nfeans of which mhy go. once too often to the ee ter with i)1Icnber, they were constructed, toe il ' Larry was a philosopher in his wee, the cunning priests of the ancient fent) in, this generally hanpened after seam manipulated the six firma, of the great aTorapiire and are nototious throughout temple idols, forced their eyes eto roll 'nelefirl event had transpired. and wilt n tits o§tiohy ,no haw . and niry, the • East as the piratical Black Flags. violently, spat fire from their months, 'bthrmeek"Whard ell, it it was to obtain an le e .zeo . and caused them to roar sohad atin —frightfully to ow helowis. .exceed in giy _ atieekeree nudienee with the Emperor in the , past, that worshipers fell prostrate and.11 von ay. be -sure it is ten •to trembling at their feet, ready lo, pay career brions OSthe little nnow-m' had neyer 1111). consel 3011 ,isi ,i ,. mimes more ee ve varied from 43 to 47 pounds of lg. . "c-61 - rI 1 ,., fi!oint nowinn ; Of colirse, you have read a day. My -best butter' record is heavy tribute in order to cool the uu9 deity's Anger. Yes, fainiliarity breeds ness rushed over him thatVi , he ha et hull" ihe remarkable women of China. 24 pounds three ounces in seven days. mown. as the Dowager Empress, has contempt, and even Kai Wang mny when thbravDesr.' Jack yielded up the nct, nplen resumed the reins, banishing the seonFoout yboueltlhschlei,tiodffeteheof1=22rnr orva any cow, that in her prime will make e. t and most &weed) ef f nde • Let me say as emphatically as 'possible ' httve turned with loathing from the owing ,to Chinese treachery and schein- 1-9"14 Li Hierig Chang from court. de-- in Jersey, Lord St. Louisdairy contest, miserable creatures fashioned with his Petering him of his pencoek feathers end 1894, by aoline breed Coomassie bull; 200.1wo poends of honeet butter a day tea Ina for n Ihro'ne. 3ti days is A gOOdC0Walld a Jersey that own hande, to find respect in the faith giving him the task of •engineering the pounds fat, 120 days official test • The of the white stranger's. ' And if .his grief were so nverwhelming, 'tercet -teed inittro emente ' ' tl Y 11 second is a son of Wine. 29954, out of 'give Will not -make ten pounds a week e,r oeer ten quarts Ot milk a day with He • spoke fair English, which ....fact' an imported daughter of Golden Lad her second calf at three years old. is • might have given rise to consider.able 1242. The third, a son of- Wine, out .cf not worth keeping. And do not forget suspicion among his 'customers, could Elsie Harribee, 91831-45 pounds milk u• day -18 pounds eight ounces butter 1 Jersey !lure bred, nor does a, ecav with black tongue and . switch do not Make that fawn colore or solid colors with lest of 18 pcunds butter in seven days is , aougtraorif de- shotnseovfenGodidaeyns.u:Shewifo2u jahti white and lots of it, too, sometimes dam of Stoke pogis of Prospect, with innke a cow a grade. This is one rea- eon why there are too many eows, called from 304 pounds milk. , famous mountain clans. 'of Southern Chime, those desperate fighters who gnve the French so much trouble in • tcurized, and delivered next morning with the morning's milk.- All cream. left ove r is churned. I have two cypress silos, 16, feet in ' •meter, 24 feet above ground and 8 feet cff brick in ihe ground. The corn is cut just- frost, about September 18, in, hqlf-inch lengths, and not watered when rut in. The practice of siloing has been " entirOIS, StliiSfaCtOrny and my only re- gret is that 1. cannot put up more and feed longee. As soon as I startafilling the. silo, the midday feed consists of lege and this is kept, up as long tas. the silage lasts, namely, until about May 1: 1 like eilage; ,because every riartiOld of corn still can be used up alinoStatVith- but .waste, not only on a dairy farm or any fatal • hateing cattle, sheep or bogs. Farmers should keep thoroughbred 'cattle, as this cnn be done ta. better ad- vantage than keeping Poor .stock. f advise every one to use a registered bull , ne matter what breed is preferred. When a. deiry' bull is bought, buy one from a clam With gond sized and well -peal ced teats and well,balanced udder, tunning, up well behind, and if the sire is from such a cow, • SO MUCH THE --BETTER.' e what of Avis. 'Who hnti logl 1110 piiriner • . . ) River valley, so that the annual inun- or her happy married life. the hero of her romance. the, hest of husbands? dation may perhaps be avoided. which leek` is given simply in keep him at a "Now. tell me the filets you only hinted remote distance while great events are at in your letter. I am nerved to henr transpiring at headquarters. fIllYtilillg, Cousin, SO keep nothing back. (To be continued). they have been • present to hear, for to Avis, Dr. Jack's wife I" own,: their, bigoted ears no sound on earth is • While the big Briton thus held considered more detestable than the ex- munkin with himself the coolies had waled' language of the "foreign devils," made fair progress in the wake of the or fanquey. procession, for since the .curtains were In the usual Chinese'style, where ful- drawn the populace dared offer no in-! dignitY lest the vehicle of transporta- some flattery is a part of.every-day In - tion contain. a dignitary in.the shape of tradesmen, Kai Wang, bowing and rub the high mandarin—Mayliap a wearer of.. bing his hands towaher, began to com- the illustrioue peacock feather—who,. pare his lottely visitor to the moon and . would visit condign , Vunishment upon . the stars that glittered in the conseella- them. • - 1 * f tli bong o e heavens; when Avis. with an In and out they wound, always er- Impatient geeture, cut him short, and rounded by the crowd with its sh 111 • hut milk straiget ahead and dry only chatter, its everlasting rattle and roar held out her hand to him in a frank, en- e t primarily a dairy herd. ' A cow should 1 two or three, weeks in 1.2 months. Last, of firecrackers and such other hideous gaging way that quite won the old. Idol e et B er show a capacity to do well and put the nfelees as the ingenuity- of pig...tailed rna cer' e • First of all, tell rrie. is there no hope whatever?" Ile saw her eager eyes ftistened upon his face. and, although he would have given' all he owned. rind n11 he ever hoped to possess, for the privilege ,f making a favorehle anstver, the crpea house," facts would oot permit. Beit I'm going to put him in -pant At - "None," he groaned: next week." Her , face seemed to tern n 'shntle whiter, but she still. maintained that wonderful self-possession. "You saw him 'Iall—you were at his side—and yet -you linv'e survived ?" A- PHOMISE OF REFORM., "Ma'am, we don't allow babies in this jerseys eyben they should never have 1 prefer an aged bull of proved merit Leen registered. Anether fact, becd'use to an untried one and am opposed to a cow is a high pedigreed pure-bred Jer- cloee inbreeding, such tis father to sey does not mean that she is not a dairy cow or rather a Milk cow. 1 have dozens of cows that Will give 3,M0 quarts 'n • year; they dii net start withi. . 60 pounds a day and quit in six monitie, daughter, or spn to metaer. 1 get the very best animal 1.can afford' and try lit treed. as good or better. There „ ,are eften misses, but 'still I keep on ,trying. The herd, ts really a• breeding, and not but eesults of good feeding in the bucicet. not least, the .Tersey is not a mem; ous cow, but ploperly treated (Viet and "Ntoti are a friend of my cousin Larry "That is Igoe. kyle; hut the termini -1 . For tbe retail besiness, it is rieceseary Celestrals could invent, passing deeper' I It 'I Way to have cows come fresh throughout( • t .h h doci e s a very rare thing for eel —110 .sertt ni6 weird to that • effect—and sinmees Were dir""1111 Inek Iv" girmk into the heart of the mysterious 'oily, where Europearee seldom ,strayed lemii -you will be my friend as well, good Kai. down in the midst nf ethe heereiv, end ,iters p .e art p break in and 1 have the year. When calves are born they flot a kicking cow in my stables. . .. violence overtake them. 1 Wang: I know it, and, expect it." 14 ' Your slave, celestial creature," mine lings ... '1 saw a dozen of The Black:Flea hire- ' . jump forevtird with ' if 91'111. e tissues or tne' , , throat arc and raised by hand with- enlf fedders. are removed from the cow when dry - , ...4.6..........1 ' e fa i u o le r h . g mural 'this remarkable heathen, with a ords while if wns being dragged ordr inflamed and ir r i ta te d; you BEST sou. ion APPLE TREES. bound by gold or the sulAle InagnetiemsalaamThen that outdidto all its predecessors. .11.11je fellowsfield who was deeply bY Kai Wnng' cencerned in prinee of goo . cough, and there is more mnealoats also ita- . .- clover hay and a ration of braft and corn As soon as they, went it, they' are given Soil best suited to apple -growing is as Irinally the steady coolies, whb seem- , " take me him, if he still lives ., of a woman'a smile turned into a side , . tion. --more coughing., You take elay loam with a sub -soil tapable of' and has recovered from his serious ouT business enternrise." • WHEN NOT 'TOO COSTLY. holding a good supply of moisture dur- b b if wounds. x am well-nigh crazed to see 'yes—go on.", said Avis, rind if the a cou4h mixture and it oases the • street where something of peace and him, to hear froth his lips .the terrible trernbled at bearing these dread par eel- , The food depends largely upon the hi- tog the entire growing season. 1.10 't qUiet, might reas na ly bo expected, a fragment, of such heavenly bliss can be dividu ever, the. fruit is found to do well elvi't discovered -in any Chinese city, day or al; each calf should liek the corn - story of how my poor Jack fell 'a vie- lars of Dr. Jack% fate., She gave no sigri. irritation—for a while. You take ers of the fe,ed box clean. Owing to en- almost any ,good, strong toil' that is, tire to the treacheroUs, men in whom he "I shall concerti, nothing front ,you. At least there was relief from the ear- 4had trusted his fortunes and rids life." sinc!e You In* strong and h.av-e 111- seig,ht,„year In and year out. so There was, that in her voice and man- ready ma e up. your mind to flatten! the splitting rattle and , bang of metal 1 • n to om e1 oh di n • !worst. Yes, eVen heard file borrid ,-Minn pounded with a vigor only er P cc cc, some people, shouts Of triumph that my coridnelor .31 vironrnent we are obli tett to stable • , a propel ly di anted either by Nature or yotmg Stock more than is e,atisfactory Or artificially. If the black' toil of Our profitable. I Much prefe.r to have heig correspondent is low and Inclined to le; : fers calve not under, twd years. re that character which is called mucky , ° In the stable 1 „uee a modification 'ef it is quite certain that it would not bel born , to* corturtand, othere to obey. ; equaled at tour railway statiens, and for seem o rrie e (le( • ags a wn s Pn'ged ' E M U L S I 0 Bidwell and Drone stens provided with. well ,euited for fruit trees. A general this the tortured tympanums of the lady The Maker of heathen gods united fleet i ld, lb 131 , rl, . . 1.. .y : f water basins in each,' 'this pays, it ta nile in regard to the proper soil for fruit In the palariquin were doubtless deeply bowed, ttnd ovekly asked her to forH when illOY had ateniefeneo utter ere rev, and, I knew the were' bad enme to Jack , ,, ' guess work. During the winter the is found in the common eaving that lantl grateful. Peeping out through the ,nar„ give him tlea'gross tnisdemeanor of go- 1 1 ft d i an ' it cures t it cold. That'i cnr?4,14vt are turned out daily in dry wee- will,,,produce a frod crop 'of wheat 13 11 b 1 he so unworthy in the re, before I ost my•own senses. 13, high enotigh to grow .41 geed 'apple or. chard. High ground I's generally the most satisfactory for any orchard site, even though the soil should not 1)e quite RA good as valley land, for reaton that better atmospheric drainage, as it is called, ,i.s afforded. A better circulation of air te offered .on the hill top, and fun. gus diseases are apt to be se trouble. Cona6 as upon S; lower level. 'Another advaltage of relatively hirdt ground 13 that here is less danger to be feared fr<mt late, end early frosts. la the se. leetion of varieties we would always stag. gest those that haVe been(, found to dgi the best, in the immediate lemlity in 'tvitielt the new 4 ort%ard is to be ept., There they 1)e dektertained 11,4 little 144 vostigation, row interstice between the' flowing ctir- tains, she eagerly watehed, their pro- itence of such dMite beauty. 3re133,,willie_ehewingTetg3fwcrilerver Itg-110 moved Off he Continued these, *toss which were certainly excusable compliments; 'few women , of the far binder the intense strain to which elle WO, ever listened° to such'. gorgeous ' 110 been 3Jubjecte,1 i flattery, bait it fell ort deaf ears, for Eituddenly the coelles came to a halt. I Avis' kva8 eitgerlY Peering beyond the illiey were in front,. of a thatched haniging curtain, anxious to catch the building that did not differ to any g , reat la's!, glimPsa °f that messOgr who [extent froth the mores of others along alone could solve fcr 1101'the mystery, 'the street. 1 of Dr. 3ac1es strange disappearance in . , Could .AviS Evans have,read the sign itlIP heart of China' that hung by the doer, she mould have known that the occupant filled a very exalted ztttid roponsible p0M1fQ11 in the . t ,, C.1IAP'rnn n. ' Kingdom ef Cverlasting Peace,,,sfnce lie - The obsequious' ,Cantoneso led.. her WV, forsooth, a builder of the deities 1hreu33h eeverat enlaint, apartments, 'worship d in every patoda and humble, given up 'altnost ;‘,vtiolly to manufactur. Venle II Chtfltt---a Maker ,of gods., i ing 3iu1-3:4ses, an0 at length, bills) ing il °Stilt, YOU could1) knew L ! not swear Y°- , Wnat tS necessary. It soothes the ther. Grain is fed twice daily through - him to be dead: your own -eves did no cut the year. In the stabling Ecason see him -dead?" she. asked.1 clinging dc,-;!lirepat.' hecause, ,it reduces the sliape in p perately to a last straw. „..,).1 irritation ; cures the cold because peeks to. eae 1 . - . "I did not, but Kal Vial* heard ever it'. .drives olt the iriflairmiation ; '• bran and ltil dried corn meat is 1.000 pounds is tnixed ward, ore we left Peking., that it wal true; he even mantiged 10 weir° Overt! builds up t e ,wea n ti sues ke ed essues lot a'time, hollow,. About varYing the percentage. When reason to believe I might care for. 0 ,,, gth. That's ! are oats are not ever 1 emit a pound, they are added to lie ration. Whiskey grains things belonging to Ad( which Ite laid alf because it nourisli0 them back I course, they ,s,re : at your dispoJal I to their natural stren olleiiti.?, very good but too costly. I do not I animal. Only ?trietibile.'es1 even once dailA how Scbtt's Emulsion dears ‘Nitli re6 ghlteh ar c°11°n.'Eeed* 'rho ree(ling brave, blue eYee; evidently site had fib:, a sore Htliroat, a cough, a col jstall and yartl atid given aoree loWed tn build frail hones '111)01.1:K, Then .13 a 16013 of deMitir aoPeamt in her. d Is (lotto rifler milking. The Will is kspt ineal, bran and oats with clover hay. ,detociate chances', which tarry's de- hiat to retailed in bottles at 9 cents a elfir4lion ilaghed tb. the' ground. wet: tfttib YOtto (lUart and' creant at 26 cents a quart. About '.100 quarts milk and an equiva- "I freer f ,11+118f tIII7 Mind /0 A CANtft.t tht3,U. the ,tvor:./t, but it IS very 13'1).4 11 believer crierv fittuildin lent in cream are told daily. The even it Yo know What elititiCee he took iro' 4"1‘.%1 A a " 18V VII 41'C', %WOO" 00. inee milk is 8eparated4 the cretin pas. or 'bronchitis.