HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-04-12, Page 1fl P 40. e IteftiollAber t6>,•at thi etsth the Aavca- wcal vee ,rack wore perpic than ti rr'aatagh ;tiny eatlice g:;ltatinel. 4,i riliy g•e of�%�at eadd, ureic �''4 wexc 'hints for ef;`"'.“tLfeQiil`yi� lfd r ;ara,r;ii iia+try Apply- * 'Che pply -*'„he . EXETER. N A JO..' THURSDAY, APRIL- IL .12q WOO. . , The art of saving money . is the art of making money,a',' '. o start saving money requires a- deposit of One Dollar, in �e Sovereign dank of Canada, Deposits of $1 and upwards received. interest paid 4 times a year. Put your inion yn a place w ere you ean.get it.when you want it.' BEN6011BH IS 6000. "Delighted' only mildly expresses the feeling of.: -tach and very one who attended the entertainMent given in the Opera House on Monday evening by Mr. J. W. Bengough, under the auspices of the Epworth League of Main. Street Methodist Churcli. The house was well filled, the Darner "Ben- gough" goaa�,h being sufficient to attract .all who Wereable to be present. The greater part • of the hall was reserved and the advance bale of seats was per- haps the largest the town has known for swam years. Mr. Godwin intro; duced the entertaainerrin a bri'efaddress. Mr. Bengough in cern mencing stated would wit give a regular lee ture but would try to please all by. giving•vatrieLy to hie r'emaarks nd1his rd .awings, so as to better entertain the mixed audience- of old and young, male and fecmaaale. Uis subject was the "Pic- torial l?oesibilities _of- the Alphabet. From letters, words and figures he . rapidly and deftly (l reav pictures relaxes sentative of various nationalities, peo- ples, etc.,all the while giving a huni- orous running comment On his work, on characteristics of the suhjeot in h arid;.or on conclusions which be had come to' with reterence, to the social natures of the different subjects, His stories were good. As a talmorist and comedian he istaxcelledwhile his s nlarlc99.`n words 1s second only his imitation with the crayon. "He ended the ` entertainment by giving four sketches of beat persons, Rev. An- drews of Centralia, and Messrs. IL E. Huston, T. B. Cnrlinlind•Jas. Beyer- ley. eyer- le . Theywere lifelike, and like all the previous sketches provoked con- tinfal roars oflaughter. Nothing -is. wanting Where. Mr, Bengough is the entertainer, his versatile talent enab» ling him to pleases all classes. ; - Before the•introduction' of. Mr. Ben- gough to the audience, Mr. Brown of Eden took his place_ at the piano and. kept the people in happy mood byren- deringchoice instrumentalmusic. .Mr.. Brown, is late of Yorkshire, Eng, where he WU a sncot ssful and accomp- lished nluuic. teacher,, but desiring to learn farming, he, came to Oar &da this spring - and is tow engaged with Mr.. John Essery at Eden. .His; ply•- ing was certainly of a a,high order and nmeh teh appreciated. The members of the League e who brought Mr. Bengough. to t JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Dashwood, and Zurich. RUNG BRS. Now, Y With '�'� h Th s 9pporunitY U Ipu'11. probablysay: "There are sig days ip whicb'to buy" -and thus f " oare right, but you can't buyTuesday what was sold on far r Y and we shall hate to saytoyou "Verysorra.. but ' Monday �every one of that line was sold." Then you'll say its- a fraud, We didn't. have any Such line, That is why we say:"Come early and at least convince yourself that we advertise nothing that we haven't ,got;'" What we wish to draw your attention to is our nobby, Silk Waists in'Orearteand Black,' This i ;'the second consignment we have received and they are going fast. - iDepartment`was never in better shae.. •DurReadV made Clothing p Ourc`double-breasted snits for young men are very stylish and best quality. Rats, Caps, Shirts, Collars and Ties the '•very newest. N • As for Shoes, -we take no back - seat foom any of them. The As- toria Shoe is an the top notch. • We have a. first-class Milliner in. the person of'Miss Moiloc, ni connection with our business and..will..3.aecep t produce the sarne as cash for Millinery. . Price paid<forProduce x host P �. This " iresk 'Your Can Buy Al recleaned Dutch Setts :for 15e, per ib.. than lots of urieleaued Ones at 10c. per lb. You' Can Buy 2 packages of,Rennie's Garden Seeds for 5c. P ba from other, eo le -where they sell seeds on commission at you canYp p •� 5c. per package. You Can Buy 4 lbs. of best select"'d''raisins for 25c. 31bs. of .recleaned currants for 25c. 8 lbs. of Tilsob's Rolled Oats. (best made) for 25c. These. setts*, ape cheaper' Just the same seed thxit. We expect to have. at Exeter ,on Thursday at the latest 1 big ear load of Al FENCB„POSTS—•best high •dry land cedar --none less than 4t inches at• top: Also -5i Anchor Post's --not less than, 8 inches-} at top and 9 feet long. , These will: be sold at Iowest possibler. prices when taken off the car by customers. ;;w; ars POWARD &z i3LOOMFIELD Winchelse , •. •a. r. Medical A F. �MALLOY,' M. B. (Tor. `tin v.) MEMBER ,t1.. College of Physicians and Surgeons; Ontario. Former Htuse Surgeon, Toronto Western Hospital. Successor to Dr. J. A."Rollins. Residences Bast on first • street north of aloe, Exeter, Ontario. Legal �IOKSON & CARLINGt, BARRISTEhs, SOLIOI- 'tors, bi•otaries,'Conveyancers, Cominissioners. Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. ,, . . 1Kolioy to (,oats at lowest rates of interest.. Offices, Stain street, Exeter, I. i#.. klan .rine, I3:A., L, II. DICKSON MONEY TO LOAN 'For Sale.. 1� That weil"draii d, well, improyedand 'truly up-to- date farm, being composed of Lot No. 11, in the 7th concession, in the Township of Biddulph, in the County of Middlesex' conta•ning 160 acres of land. Situated on the premises.;are a good 2 storey brick house, bank barn 00x40,,tement hog pen, wind mill and good young orchard. This is truly a most desir- able property, well supplied with water, convenient to school :anal .churches and one of the most improved farms in the County of Middlesex. For further par- titulars apply to , PATRICK W1II�L'IIIAN, DICKSON & CARLING, . Whalen 1', O. Barristers Ete., Exeter, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Eliza-' W's have to large amount private funds to loan beth Turnbull, late of the; Township, on farm and village properties at low rates of inter, of•Stephen, in the County of Huron dst" OLADMAN STANBURY, Widow, deceased. teamsters, Solicltors,3Yain st., Exeter 'On Notice is berel3v given Pursuant to See. 28 of Chap - 'ter 100 f therevised st t it fo t' ,180" th t obey To Loa.. ,...„,„11f,j I have priv;ete,fufdt to loan on farm and village 1, properties at lowest rates of 1 interest, RN1:SE rrLIOT Office opposite Central Hotel, Main•st., Exeter i 2 oa t es a nano r a all creriitors,and others having claims against�die es' tate of the said Elizabeth Turnbull, who dried on or about the Oth day of Dee., 1005, are; nn or before the y ;74th''DAY OF APR/Lr 1906, to send liy post prepaid or deliver to Kenneth G400d- f ie town o I'a��Cttill in the("ount of Biid- dlesex, Solicitor for the Executrix of the said tte- teased, :their ehristian names and surnante0, act y� dresses and +leserip�itiondi, the full partioulars of -their 110YD P. JONES claims, it statement of their accounts and the nature of the scc uritics (if any) field -by thein. Orgimilt and Choir Blaster of Mitchell Siethodilif ' And further take notice,that atter the day last Ckur -h. 'Teacher—Piano, Organ, voice, Harmony. .aforesaid the said 'execrix will proceed to die - Modern methods, Thoronedmesl man, a t o f y . . IPJIoperty , for Sale. Al fine pasture farm m tho'rownsltip of 1laty, nt,ar Sareplaa; one hundred aacres 85 acres seeded, frank~ pause And good strblc•, good water, eie., tribute thc`tusets of the said deeeased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above( required, and that the said Executrix Will iu be liable for the said onsets or amylpart thereof, to ny person or person$ of whoseelaiane notice all, II not have been received1'by Mein tit the time of en ;h distribution. ' ATeii lam" LOVE t ,.-utri all"pdit,414 !Vire. A. King, Who. Lae .been u the ADDITIONAL OCALS hospital ret lereticall for twine ten daayk,. (Aur' itiid rw S►tarY wane brought .to her home mouth of the ,.Rani lir�:an,gersTele alfiutlithern `cin a,. village :on Saturday listMrs. Klieg as the elide of t;ha rare. soda/ e�:.ory is i efering fa•oh 4W -hat is*atapposed to which eommetac'es in this issue of the be kp haat treadle. It, lints come on AIrPvc PesrE, China, le at pleasant a gradually dining the past three.yi.'aira country iaf great interest to the Wee - 81'4 .t apia=taring as' severe pains in the teas World for several re:as:ins,: one of heard, aitteravaa.rds spreading until parts which is that extra 1xiishi;;1i try. work of tele body are in partially paarall?.d is being promoted and an uprsstug of csrdikidn, iiaKing's mother is also the tiv s i6 t13i aicd» 1-e tai Haus quite ill, as zt . esailt sii` Aver.exertion story and yon wi d lake it as wen n:- a111(r ,'a consequent rain down system, the one one Wleieia his tlst emleei. It We trust to hear of the early recover- will the found very interesting. ing of the letter and also the improved averosesemsseaseeeepiaesevaeeleaetwejle Piindition of the former. • Last Wedpeeday night a meeting of ► PEIZSONAL. the hueiries tried gas well as other rest. e► dents of out. town, was held in the fire Mtiiii3s '°'► hall sand it was decided__ toacelehrate Rev. W M. Martin •Wats iri-LUrcdr t. :the i' l' i1 ty. • Sports will be held � Moialay. during the day salad in the evening ail�Mies Mary Nelson is visiting Miss concert will be giyen in the towo hall' ges,a I:4artori. by the Band .;land local telent. .More .ttli•, A. Moore of St. Marys spent paart1eu1tars will follow;' It is now a Suedes, here. number of years' since we had a tele Ma. Fr'anla Oke of .Torotnto was lo bration of this kind. Let all help to tows} on'rhoredaay. -�! make this celebration a success.---1+'red Mrs. W T. 1).' Yoe �is in ` Toronto /o Kerr attended' the shooting taurnaa-. the Easter vacation; merit :at Hamilton, which was held Mr. JaalDes Murray was la 'Winghana during' the week.--hers..Bernard. Curl- this week on business. • ninghatn of Ehiva was .the guest of ,Miss Edith' Glanville returned to her Me. and Mrs. Albert .Cwanninglha m for lainne in London. on Friday; a few *litYs the past week,— Dr. and . Miss Wheatley of Clinton visited' Mrs. Fara Hoist mtle.risiting friends in r ow `s e .Toronto and Hamilton this week. else henry Rowe rind week. ' 1' i i London 4 . Gold i f L nd a visited h� M � t Mrs., Y. --Give€a Scotchmaaii at, footing on as -.nem, Exett't Ndith,iaa.st week.. ladder ;and he Will soon climb. The re- Miss TJattie Sutherland .of• ,H�ensaxll cord,ef Met. t . VV. Gilmour a fcit mer- visited friends . S d • atnagex• of the Sovereign Bank here ie. an itnstatnce. Mr•..' Giltnoirr as now assistant - inspector of the branches• and was here on official duty this week. We are pleased to ►.erten of his advance- ,nneut, -Best Clark is• limey , at. hanging pat -per. tie is quite: an expert at it end le it gonad "sticker."---WIn. T. England hats` coil nieneed enlarging -his store.- \'Ve are_of-ry to state that Mrs. Johti McIssila's health is' still very poor. 1'ie1 u iuy 'friends trust she will soon r ecovei'. Henry ' Filber, 1i, .P. P., of Totem tospen t Sunday at hone.—Dr. 'McCrae was in Toronto Saturday on• l►iisiness --Speeial services will be held in the ~Jvangcrl cal church on .Good. ;Friday at 10 a. rn.-The revival meet - hags which have been held in ,the Methodist chtirch the past six weeks, have Been very successful.--•aLest.Taies, day' evening while Joseph Hoist' and Mr. Fred. 3f'ekell, after to six inotatbs' e resumed. •a v^' l ' his parents ha. tiro. st. ,y'� it i s p trer is r , " . i �� is or�i laatttai.�, on bis rvn,ndextn in a 1 zX Sakit,`dai last, leavingfor N...1)akota. y' 1-1r. Fraaricis Walker, who :.has :.been site In town. ADVOCATE Goes hit more homes and read':.more *pe%y ole flan any other .ubh%eation y circulat- ing in this district. That is a. plain, un- qualified stat + u and easy to .rove. Any reports to the contrary are quite in- correct and without foundation on fact. ;star aa.North, i visiting friends here, left this morning. Ides rs, i•ickwvt�rtd, Exeter forth , for London. to spend the Easter vaca- .•Wesley Winer were returning.froni a, o�vrl, de- Sale On the 22nd coneessio;n, theiriinrse serve credit for their excellent choice of entertainers arid` trent they, were en- abled to clear $40, ie at' ,stetter f or' fi - ditional satisfaction t ther•n,- ; � iii► ` The Mines for .the People Preniieta :Whitney last week' an - pounced. -that sa< mineral beaaring dis- trict adjoiningCobalt, and one which ie believed to equal the latter- in the richness of the ore carried, is to.be de veloped.by the Government as a ..Pro vincidl enterprise. < The * Sun speaks with moderation 'Rwhen it says ;this is the most important announcement ever made in the Legislature.: It is as gratifying and unexpected as it is im- portant. The Most that `anyone out- side the Legislaturehoped for was that the Government would, in disposing of the property to private `capitalists, make provision for the ' payment intb -the Provincial treasury Of'a fair per- centage er-centa e of the'value "of the output ob- tained.: It teared that the &overn- ment.would, following precedent, sup- plied in abundance by other Govern- naents, make use of the property as a piece of patronage to parcelled out among its followers. •By declaring that, the,entire returns from the mitten. al production of the location, less cost of operation, are to be retained for the.. people Mr. Whitney has fulfilled to the limit, so far as this part icular.trans- action is concerned, his pledge to ad- minister the affairs of the Province in the interests of the people. The Gov- ernment can scarcely be expected to escape its share of mistakes in the new field on which it is entering just las every private enterprise has mrlde IDIS- takes, The people must be prepared to judge leniently where nothing more than error of judgement is shown. Selfish . interests, which ex- pected to secure for themselves all the profit of this great Provincial heritage will seek every opportunity to alis - credit the Governments actions. .Ilene. fits the extent of wvl''ch we as yet dim- ly foresee will follow that step if the Government is keenly watchful and, scrupulously. ' •honest, and the peole ate but patient in judgment and thor ughly • alive to their own in-, terests:•--Frorn the Weekly Sun. r bV ISI NIv"LTIi G oonmAN, her Solicitor. Mitcrl thio s!Otir day of March 1006. Another 10I acre farm for sate, in the township of lisbordiCaaoilth of Elinaviilc,d onvenient tosehool.wcll For Salle or Rent drained, small or,^barn, 10 drag biuh, frame houee. barn, stable and grain,; • ', r,t i 6 Apply to IN residence in (good repair, and14RCM , IANDI ItE3 its t�ILI';�1;t'Il. Exeter.land. Good fruit trees *IA the best 0f Water. Will dell chop, p, Apply to G Mout t: Stranbury,., • sealliaillihea be foie frightened aed in wheeling it upset tike •buggy throwing theoccu- pante an the .road.;, Mr.,Baaist thud at. lione.in his right shoulder. ° brenteri and Mr. Winer received a severe shakilrg up. Mr -Relit intended' tomove. this 'week -into the dwelling he•bought from August .Sweitzer, -bat •_ will. now be aarlige € io- tp►cane` elle removal,. ' .Wt' tense fe atilt sewn' 7a'gxaln the ,11sn of, arta.-- has. E ienzie has been ;it the -beck end of the township the ;past week grading the roads. Rev. R. W. Knowles of ..Fullerton occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church • last Friday.evening.—Mrs., K rein •has mov- ed' into the : dwelling she recently bought from I3arry..Finkbeiner.--Ed. Wurm of Znrich spent a few days in- town last week.—At the morning ser- vice held in the Evangelical church 'last Sundays a resolution was passed• authorizing,the pastor, Rev. Damm, to invite the•conference of the Evangeli- cal Association to this village next year, It le : noQv about .fourteen 'yea -,s Anted as held hers and- •we' fetal sure our people' Will be pleased to have as session of the conference. etre in Thedford.this week on business. 2Jr. Dawson of the Molsuns Bank staff, 'leaves to-dayto visit in Aylmer. .,1rs. Win. Barrows maid daughter,, Maliel, spent Sunday visiting in Shed- den. Miss Elsie McCallum leaves to -night to visit. her sister, Maas Edna, in Toron- to. - -. .Mrs. W. T. Acheson spent Sunday the guest of Mrs. Geo.,Knight at Mier- ton.•- Miss L. M. Acheson leaves to -day .•to:: spend a week with relatives in Kings- ville, • ,e Miss Belva Holland of Lowell. Maass.,, is the guest of her parents, Exeter North.' ... Miss Templeton of Kincardin,evisit- ed the Misses Sweet, Huron street, last week., „ • Miss Laura Jeckell: ie spending the Easter holidays. with her sister, : Mrs. .Rowe of Toronto: Mr. ()hate. Benjanaim,of Tbamesville' was- the gnest nt .J; -T.`.' lestcottthe first of this week. • Mr. Donald ` McInnes left Tuesday for the west,thea' he intends remain- ing .for some trirye. . Mr. and Mrs: Chau. Lindenfelt were Z teiei1 (iri,Su .day, the. 'i;ad ets OfMr,; aatd Mrs.�s. ,Merner.. FDr. L. L. and _MISS .. Mabel Ja oilick .of St Marys sent Sunday here: the, guests of their parents. Mr. :.and Mrs. Geo., McLeod have re- turned from visiting, relatives in Eg- mondyille and Seaforth. • Mrs. ,'John. Wood was in London Monday visiting her daughter May who is confined at the hospital. • Mr. F. E. Brown and wife of Strath- roy spent a"fevv days here and at Win- chelsea before going to Dutton. Mrs. Wm. Hayes., 7th -con,, Moray is on anextended visit to friends in Lond- on, Exeter, Ailsa Craig Banner. ^ • W. Allison of.Exeter,Ont., is visit: ing , t the home of his sister Mrs. Wm., Gardiner.---OrystaalCity (Mau )Col tier. Miss E. J. Cunningham of Clan:det boye spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Yager, returning home Monday, Mr. Marchand and two little daugh- ters were in Berlin Monday and Tues- day attending the wedding of a rela- tive. ela-tive. Mrs. Fred Havvkshaw of Toronto, arrived here Saturday and she and her husband will make their' future home here. - Miss Addie Boa, after ;t weeks' visit at the hti"ie of her aunt, Mrs. John Cookson, left for her home in. Chisel- hurst Tuesday. , Miss Lilly Blatchford returned from London Thursday and is now engaged in the millinery department of Mr. J. A. Stewart's store. Miss Nina Carling arrives home for the Easter vacation to -day. She will favor the James street congregation with a solo on Sunday evening. Tenders For Drain. Sealed • tenders marked, "Tenders for 3lud Creek Drain" will be received by the undersigned up to Monday, May 7, 1.906 at 12 pin. for the repairing of the 1fud Creek Drain and its ex- tensions. Tenders wilI be received ill Seetions or in Block. The lowest or any Tender not necessarilyaccepted. For partieularri, and the examination of plans and speeiticationa call at the office of the undrsigned, HENRY EILI3B11, Township Clerk, Crediton, Ontt WANTED: by Chicago 'wholesale aud mail order house, assistant manager (neon or woman) for this eounty aud adjoining territory, Salary CO tend oxpenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleaSant; position,' permanent No investment or experience required. Spare time valuable. Write 'at once tor fall particulara and enclose telfouldressed enveloped. ' SUPERINTENDENT, 122 Lake St., (11) cago, Ill. House For S le Double IMUSe for sale on Albert street, in class condition, Apply to Joines & Clark. ' rot- *For,Sale or Rent The Epworth League purpose hold- ing their anniversary on Easter Sun- day and Monday. On Sunday Mrs: (Rev.) Sutcliffe of G -rand, Bend will preaeh mailable- and evening, while on .Monday *a New:England tea will be served, after which a choice 'program will be given. Miss Allen of Parkhill, and Fred .Pert of Luean will teke Jeart in the progrann.—Mrs. ,Richard Hicks. Who. has,been visiting her daughters at Newbury and I ondon, has returned house.,-DMiss Lillian Elliott is visiting friends in London this weeka—Earl Mitchell left for the West 'net week.— Frank Boyle left for Stratford last week. Be intends . remaining there for some time.—jas; Wilson -is slowly recovering froin the attack of ppeu- monia which laid laim up for some time. ---Jas. Godsaveittarted woIlk with John Colwill on the farm. He has hired for the sunitner.—Mr. Wm. Ma. fatt is busily engaged breaking in his broneho: Ile hate a beauty and seems justly pr,ond of him, He env there iS nothing like a good broncho.—Richard Wakes who bas been engaged with Hanlon & O'Brien as clerk for some time left yesterday (Wednesday) for Dungannon to accept a shnilar posi- tion. Mae Curtin will fill the vacancy neeees-Win. Bey.le is now working oh railroad, haying tip other. day com- menced his ditties-194am sectionnea,n at son Is going into the chicken raising on an extensive scale thm year. Hensan Peter Stewart bought the Same] Moir house and lot at the recent sale, Geo. joynt bought the laundry build. ing and lot, The latter intehde ming the building'. as a 'storehouse in con- nection with the evaporator...L.-Mrs. Chao, McDonell has been viiiting in Forest.--Josepb Cook bats , gone to the West to reside.—Dr. and 'Mrs. Fergu- son and children left fast week for their new home in Georgetovvn.--The twiny of Alox. Brandt wilt shortly move to Berlin. here Mr. Brandt has .tt gone into btisine se—R. Oudmore{, will erect' a floe resid nee on the Robinson estate. It will I be occupied by Ben. Xaiser.—Ilaving finished bid course in railroading and telegraphy Lorne Mc- Taggart, has returned home.—R. Cud - more has'sold his tine brick dwelling at tile CAW end riC our village te Abate moving into Itenstkil in the course:of a Conple of menthe, 1 leisterv residence in *food repair, atad KO* WA, oct fruit I reps #114 the beet of sfer. 'Rill 801 tionuptior to returning to itincardine. Mr. ,Clattield Sheere Was here on Friday of last week, His mother and sister, Blanche, accompanied him OD biSrettlro to Brantford the sarcie.even-; Mr: Percy. Weetaway of London and ars. Win— Westaway of Toronto are the guests -of Mrs. A, 3.. Ford. Percy has not been iu the best of health of UM. Falls of Belmont and._Miso,_ Smith of 'Watford are visitorii at Mr. Stratford was also a visitor over Suet - Mrs. David Mack was called to Mor- ay on Friday...owing to the serious • illeteee of hee sister, Mrs. Walter Hilt' The latter has since been renioved to -the Vieteria Hospital, London, Mrs. 'Meek accompanying her. BIRTHS Itosstra4—In Exeter. April 5, 'to -Mre QUANC0.---Io Snowflake, On March 31, • to Arr. and Mrs. John Quance; a Son. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ritchie,' a &NAVE. —in Exeter, on Aprd 8tII, to Mr. and Mrs, Thornton Baker, a son. • Street Parsonage, oti Tuesday, Apeil Chester Stanlake, to—Miss Louise, youngest daughter of Mr, Abraham' Dearing, -both of Stephen. DEATHS SOLDAN. —At she 14tlt con. Hay. on April lst, lizabetia Becker. relict of the late Cioraci Soldan, at the age of 79 years, 11 months, 27 days. MoCula.oen.—In Seaforth, on April 6, Sarah I3obb, eelict of the lane David , McCullouch. aged 00 years. ' purh,ey,on March 30th, David J. Ait- STE'VVAAT.—In McGillivray, on Mon- day, April 2, John D. Stewart, aged WisE.--At the slinron County House of -Refnge, en April 4th, Mrs. Ed. 'Wise, aged 79 years. MoAnatiserte—In Parkhill, on Friday, Match 30th., Mrs. Ellen 1VieArthur Balms:a-In Exeter; on April Oth, the infant sdn of Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Baker, agtd IN NEEDS READY MIXED PAINT'S The Biggest Assortment of Colas in Town from which to make your selec- tion 'Varnishes, 10e a ean, up Brushes, good value., 10 15, and 20. Galvanized Wash Tubs, Mops, Clothes Wringeils, Wash Scrub Brushes, Wash Poilem tin and copper , eattJareslardware 16 Stove Store. Gay' abized Iron and Tinwork of every deseriptio'