HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-03-29, Page 8SPRING 1 SUITINC+ moriecivrirmw Sfty we got in some swell $prinK Suitings , last week. .Their are ricrht %it() the - mo4 moat I Cats are two inches. longer than last Year, and the lapels are so much broader and deeper that you can't help but notice them. The vests, are cut with five buttons. The pantsare just a little pegtoppy. They • are beauties alright for $15, $18 and $20, and no matter where you go you Can't find anything that will St 11$ nicely as they. do. • W TAMAN IVIerchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Business Locals-- Read Them Stewart has them all "trimmed" in wall papers, 5 and 10 cent lines are very spec- -. i ea. See them. One of our specialties,Creme Dentri- fiee, a tooth paste for , preserving and beautifying the teeth. 25 cents a tube at Cole's Drug Store. Yes, Stewart's is the spot for dinner sets, 108 pieces semi poreelean, gold dec- orated, very fine goods, $12.50 the set. A good smart boy wanted to learn store keeping. Apply to Carling Bros. iiirsogv—vele,vArAir II, LOCAL DOINGS. LiiitififdtkikAtalkAicatitatit2&26‘, What about the vew Linoleum? You • should see the swell lot at Stewart's. People who want the bestsuse Cole's Pure Cream Tarter and Baking, Pow - tier. 250, a pound at Cole's, the Cent - rid drug store. *nice lot of Boy's rain coats at Stew- -ores—$:1:85, $2.00 and $2..25. Seed Wheat.,,. • A quantity of first class Goose seed wheat for sale. Apply .on Lot12, Con. 3. Ltsborne. Josh. Heywood, . What a lovely lot of ladies hats at Stewart's. The ,styles are the/latest, and -*dues the &wt. pr. °volts. coating. -Dr. ()yew, London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, willbe at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on Friday, April 6th. Hours,2 p ui. to.8 p.m. Glasses pro- perly fittedand diseases of Eye,' Ear and Nose treatea. _NeXt visit 'Friday 'May 4th. Mr„ blearing, indisp Ot Thursday afternoon. Mr. Nolui Charlton who has been suffering from an attack of pneuesonia, ie recovering. „ Harry 13iesett bee been laid of linty the reeult ofin accident to hie riglit aEU a caused, by a fall. It is reported that an organized gang of eat() hlowere are operating through- etst Western Ontario. Me. M. Sanders ,nioved, Monday Into 111f5 neW home recently pUrebesed from Mrs. R. II. Qolline. r. Richard. Snell last week purchas- ed. Mr. Geo. Heathen's residence on Albert street. The eonsideration was $1A50. Already 200 farmers of Huron Coun- ty alone have applied for -farm help to the Superintendent of Immigration at Ottawa. • . • Miss Edith Sanders Was unable to attend to her millineryduties at Mr. Stewart's a few days this week owing to illness. , • A number from here attended a fare- well party given at the home of Mr. John Caldwell; east of Hensel', on Wed- nesday eyening last, -Mr. Geo. Crawley, who recently sold his dwelling to a Mr. Lintet of St. Thomas, has purchased it again and will continue to occupy same. , Mr- F. G. McTavish of St. Marys and Mr. A. T. McTavish delighted the`eon- gregetion of the Alain Street Metho. dist .chuich .on Sunday evening with an a.dnairably tendered duet. • A swell lot of men's npv ,English and "American hatsjust opened at Stewart's - 41.80$ V,7.# and $2:00 lines are special " values.. Flarry Carling dislocated his , left wrist ,Moriday as the result of falling off a beam in the woodshed at the school: He now carries the arm in A. HaroldBissett, whom we reported last, week as being afflicted with a serious illness', is, we are pleased to note, re- covering very nicely and is expected ,tse be able to leave his bed, shortly. The frame residence on Ann street, occupied by Mrs, Piper and OWned by the late James Wile was sold by pub - lie auction on Saturday, the purchaser being Mr. John Piper. $400 was the 'price paid. MinnilVpill 4 Coniiiifil SaaINC1 Litid&R,Y0 ttiO Mill W110 was luNise through Meese, te have appeared iTfori., the' toigis- TholThyal ricruplars" C,ArvcritiQn thatcs hero on Tcae4lay %wet. Ittn-NItOn last week ad.Ipted tlew me, Laing fifteen per cent higher than tbe prec,cla, yestorday gWedetectlay) was a t( t; delightful apring day. The air hal thatbalmy, exhilarating feeling pe. culler to Inc season. . Mr.'1). Urquhart of Ilenoall„who hes 'been buying grain on the Exeter mar- ket throogli the agency ofs Mr. 11 Mack, bast Withdrawn.froin the busi, twos... • Tie bill reepecting the BirbeeleLoau ComPany of London,- introduced by Mr. Either, in the Ontario Legislative, passed the pi t1 bills reennisittee Tuesday, Messrs. Carling Bros. have secured the services of Mr. Ernest Buswell of town and Melviflc Hoskins of Kirkton for their dry goods and grocery de- partments respectively, Mrs. Holloway. of Wingham was called here an Taesday owing to the severe illness of her mother, Mrs. Welsiewho, on that day,was in a very low condition, but now shows signs of improvement. Among those going on the excursion to the West on Monday were the fol- lowing: Henry Dearing, to Maple Creek, AWL; W. 0. Welsh. Richard 'Welsh, W. H. Penhale and W. C. Cann, Winnipeg. Berigough, Canada's greatest car- toonist, has been engaged.by the Ep- worth League of the Main street Methodist church to give an enter- tainment in the Opera House on Mon- day, April 9th. Admission, 25 and 15 cents. ' Hermit; the cocker spaniel which Mr. Ws H. Leven recently sold to Geo. Douglas of Woodstock, cleaned op everything at tbe dog shove in Detroit last week getting two firsts, winners and three specials, The Exeter Lodge of the Independ- ent Order of Oddfellows will attend divine services, in the James street Methodist church on the morning of Sunday, April 29th,when the pastor, Rev. Going,. will preach. Mr. James Beverley has -moved his household effects to.. town. 'He will reside on Gidley street in the house recently vacated by Mr, Albert Pym, who has moved • to the house vacated by Mr. P. Gardiner on the same street. Notwithstanding the teinpestuons blizzard that raged on Thursday after-' 1300/1..Mrs. llawkshaw's sale was well attended, and prices realised were good. The dwellieg`waspurchased by Mr. John Muir. The price paid .was $1100, -• The horse ad cattle sale of Messrs. Dow and Tennant an Saturday last was well attended: The horses. real- ized'fair Prices while the Western cat- tle went low, the prices ranging from $35„ to 5-10, .thus realizing`the owners littleor n.o profit. Ut IV h Pl-141177'11'11$ At9r9110 Irian who stole iiminty have requests to find homes lied with his bride to Jamaica, has 'the Ohl dren'e' Aid Society of this 'the $40,000 from the CF6Wii Ba-„irg, a11.4.1 for two infants --one about six weeks. , been senteiced to four -years. at King- ston. Mrs. Banwell was let out on snspended-isentence. Ban well's sent- ence s consIdered-veyr hght. • • On Thursday evening, commencing at 8 o'clock a free congregational s0'- cial will be held in Main street Metho- dist church. All the members and'ad- herents of the church are cordially in- vited, both young and old. Light re- freshments will be served and a pro- gram will be rendered. Only one cone dition is irnposed upon those' who at- tend and that is that they be sociable. and the other a brightlittle boy of ten mOutlis. Any one willing to 'take either 'will please, communicate with James Mitchell, President, Goderich. welts' Forecast4 for April. The first regular storm period ex- tends from the 2nd to the 7th, having its center on the ,4th. By the 3rd; marked fall of the barometer will be noted in western sections, change to warmer will. beadvancing eastward out of the same region. By about the 4th these conditions will grow into cloudiness and rain. During the 4th,' 5th and Oth; wide areas or cloudiness and rain will pass eastwardly across the country, breaking into severe squellsethundergests and hail in val. • ous Inealities. Wherever the baroin- eter falls much, below 'notarial, with great increased temperature and close, humid atmosphere, severe storms of thunder, wind and hail should be anti - DON'T MONHE I WITH THAT COLD. USE HOWEY'S CHERRY CORDIAL. ONLY 25 CENTS AT 110WEY'S DRUG STOREVEXETER. CLOTHS SPRING SUITS In Canadian and Import ed Tweods, Worsteds, • Cheviots and Serges 'Made up In thelatest style to yoqr fit. Call andpee how well can do for yoti. • . Beatty Martin, son of Re° v. W. M. Martin, when about to jsimp to the ground from the lumber roern of the Presbytertian church sheds on VVed- nesday last, tripped and felt heed fore- most. ID the fall his head and one shoulder was bruised and one wrist badly sprained. He was rendered un- conscious bythe fall, but „,vv,as, soon himself again, and his injuries are much better. on charge of tbroatemng ineferred by memberS of the Rosehart family of Hay township, it. who elip. ped, out t wn on Monclav night; was Captured and br 'ought ba.ck on Tuesd[ty of this week Iv Con sti ibie W. J. IiiSsett, and is now in the cooler. waiting twat). pear before '$essra. Nay 4titi, Faiuler. The Victoria Day demonstration sports eoninsittee -met • on Thursday evening last in the MolsonsBaek office and, commenced their work of decid- ing upon the particular sports for the day and the allotting of prize money. The work was not completed and the committee adjourned to meet in A. Q. Bobier's office this Thursday evening when full arrangements, will be made andelfterwarde-a report will appear in the local papers. - Mrs. Southcott . and two children, who have been in Manitoba . and Cali.: fornia for several' , months, returned ,home oe Tuesday evening. The boys, who have been keeping a seroi-ba.che- lor's hall in theinterval; are highly de- lighted t� have their mother back. Orvie went to London to meet the home comers. while the other boyepre. pared a most enjoyable supper , as a welcome home. Mrs. Southcott's health remains about as .beforeher trip. The merchants of town are Consider- ing the advisability of closing their places of business at 6.30' p.m. except Wednesday and Saturday. Several have decided' to do so. We have al- ways advocated such "a movement and at'l tinibs the bustess :leen have eatne to -i - agreements but gradually broke away on the approach of the winter months. This should not be: There is no need of the proprietor and clerk being kept' in the stere all day and half the night either in 1,,vinter or ,saramer. There is, no more business done. In, order for the movement to be successful it is nec- essary that the merchants be unenith- OUB in .raaking the agreement., and in keeping it to the letter. Miss Julia Spicer on Sunday sustain- ed an injury to one knee. It is sup- posed the bones were partially dislo- cated and the ligirnentsstretched in consequence'of an uneven step while walking in the house. The injury is very painful and she is confined -to her rooro. , Miss- Edythe Beers delighted the congregation of the •jaines street church on Sunday evening by the ten i . dition of a solo n • excellent voice, .Besides the notes being ell well taken, each word was eleiir and distinct, a feature which is niost pleasant to the listener, ' Lattiftsiorit Wowed; People who ha,ve been tra,velling the London Road South during the past sixty yeers or less Will miss an old landmark, Ms large ,elne tree which stood jiiet/ west of•the,road on the Car- ling property' recently purchased by Alm Geo. Mantle, the tree having been felled on Saturday morning last at the hands of woodman. It Wa.e cut down owing to the factof its having becotne decayed on the inside, and the owner feared that, although it had stood the blasts for many years, it might be blown down and do some damage. The tree was about four feet in diam- eter, while the,hollowed inside,was al. most three feet across. It is stated on good authority that when the country wap surveyed many years ago the old tree sva.s found to be within a few feet of midway between London and God. erich. Here and there along the roads in the vicinity of town are noticed a few old elms still standing, but their number is becoming less year by year. If able to talk what stories these old trees might tell of the struggles, tri- umphs and failures of the old pioneers; of the turning of the wilderness into green fields and thriving towns and Of the many storms that have swept over the country. Many a good story re- mains untold because man knows not the language of the trees. „ Werything it Mew' Smart Wear. 0 ilimaist Tafloi, Mart 00do — Some of the juveniles of,Exeter North got into a bit of a scrap 'recent- ly, with the result that the affair was ventilated in the Magistrates 0ouet on Saturday last. After reeeivingi the ev- idence and sifting it well it wits found that the matter was trivial and was dismissed. , Though the day was very stormy the weekly shoot of the Exeter Gun. Club at blue rocks took place on Thur day afternoon. The following is the score out of a possible ten birds: ,T. Carling 5, D. Hartleib 6, S; Pitton 5, R. N. Creech 6, Well Snlins 5, Chester Stanlake 7, John Triebner 1. • In this year no holidays octur on Sunday, except Dorninien Day. NeW Year's Day was ou Atonally,. 'Victoria Day will be on Thnrsday. Other speei- al days are Good Friday, April 13r Labor Day on Monday, RalloWe'en on Wednesday, Thanksgiving on Thurs- day, and Christmas on Tuesday. " A mass meeting, of Sunday schools will be held in Main street chur ch at 3 p.m. on Sunday in the interests of the British and Foreign Bible Society, Rev. R. J. M. Perkins will preside and addresses will be delivered by Itevds4 Perkins, A. 11. Going, B.A., and B. N. Smith, pastor of the Itensall Presby- terian church. Special singing by the children, by Mrs. Perkins sand the Trivitt Memorial Quartette. A coliec- (ion, will be taken in aid of the work. At last week's tneeting of the Temp - prance people at Ifensall they organ- ized a South' 'Invert Anti -Dar) Mom League with the following offleers:— Pt esident, Rev. Mr. Martin, Exeter; vice, Miss J. Murray, Hensall; secre- tary, Mr, Paulin, Dashwoodr treasurer F. O'Brien. Chiselhurst, iS.. charrman was appointed for etteh municipality as follows: Seaforth, Itev, A. N. Birks; Tuekersmith, S. IL Whitmore, Bruce - field; Ushorne, Mr. Cann, Woodhani: Ilteter„ lbw. Mr. GoingzStephen. Rev. Mr. Corriere; Grata. fiend: Hoy, Mr. IleystreOter. DeohivoridrJbOMP. Mhos J. Mtirray: Stanley. T. Wiley, Varna: ltev. likfril Steadman. Death al Jonah" DIVW. From the San Bernardioo Daily Sun are taken the follawing particulars of the life and death of !Ars. Surr, of whom mention was 'made last week:— “The announcement° of Mrs. Surr's death came as a shock to her numerous friends, for though it had been known that ber conditionwas serious no. ink- ling of the gravity of her ” illness was known. Her health showed signs of failing last .summer and she sought the sea, coast where slight improve- ment was noticed. 1 Returning in the fall her condition rapid's/bebeene worse and some weeks ,ago she became a patient of a private hospital, but a cure was not obtained and she was, a few days since, removed to her home where her strength gradually ebbed. She was 30 years of age. As Miss Maria Jennie Drew, . she occupied a high place in'the educational circles of this city and Santa Barbara. Asa member of the High School faculty for four years, bolding the chair of languages, she became widely known, and. WQ11 warm friends among teachers and pupils, and• the confidence an es- teem of the City Board of Education, her success as an instructor being Most marked. Two slimmers ago she he. carne the wife of Attorney Howard Surr. Besides the husband a little daughter,Elizabeth,only afew months old, survives. In her home life Mrs. Surr showed a mind of the finest mold. She lctved.her books and her horne,and was devoted to bee'besband and little daughter. The funeral tookplace on Sunday, the body being interred at Ontario, Cal." Additional Locals on page -1. . A very interesting Epworth League service wits -held in Main street -Meth- °dist church Tuesday evening. Mrs. 'GOtivvin led, themeeting and Miss POP. ter, teacher of the ptiblic school near Centralia, gave a etreatrnent:- of the topie.• • The subject; ''Happiness" was treated ,in the style of -a story, repre- senting a young physician ,in search of happiness. All that educalion,.pro- fessional stiece5s, -wealth and leisure could furnish was made use of by'him in the search for true pleasure, but without avail. Finally he sought God. arecaound the source of genuineifeli- eity,r Rev, O.W. Andrews, B. A., and his daughter,.13rownie, were also Pres- ent. Miss Beers Sang it solo which was much appreciated. A vote of, thanks; moved by. Mrs. Munroe, seconded • by Mr. McCallum., was tendered Miss Porter foe her excellent and enter- taining paper. ' virvriermrAir.v.irwvvir Harveys' tar 'Flour . is the 'Meal Vamily iilour—good for Bread or Biscuits'. It' is superior to flOur in de from all Manitoba Wheat, so we are told by many of our custom-, , ers, and so we think ourselves. . The prices is less too—$2.25 per ewt. We also manufacture and sell' PURE MANITOBA FLOUR GRAHAM 'FLOUR - PRINCESS (Choice pastry) WRI1A.TVEr CRACKED WHEAT' Special prices for feed. We believe that Stewart is showing the best assortment of inen'S and boys' suitq in Town. Thir men's $8,00 and $10,00 , suits.aye eertetinly unfit value. Notices. , 13eginning on May 1st we will close out, shop at 6.30 sintrp. excepting Wednesdays:. and Saturdays.—J. A. Stewart. , "Millinery oper,dag. Miss Morlock Wishes to announce that she will hold her spring milliner y opening on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings of this week, to which all the ladies are most cordially invited. .. Cjilidirelea Aid Seclety„ .A. report just received of the annual meeting of the Children's Aid Society of the county says that the following are the elected orders for 1000:—Presr- 1ent. jatnes Mitehell; Viee-Pres..11. S. Williams; Sec.. A. Bisset Thom; Execu- tive Mrs. Jas. Roberteon. Mrs. C. Beck, Mrs, .I., P. Brown, Mrs. M. O. 8W:11)6.0fia MVS. S. Olaa.k„ It also says that, since the organization in 1897 'some twenty- five children have been eared for by placing them, in fust v homes 4.n, Jur proving their, condit ueets (if the society ttttend trii m ()M , ls of juvenile of- fenders before the ,Pf M. and County Judge and do all that is poesible to tottecor them Cases brought to their etteritiott in eny pert Ikt 60 reinntY *re easefully looked aftee. Anyone &miring informetion 11011 intro revery ersdetenee given thetn on writhig any of the officers. EDS We have a full stock of John A. 13ruee & Co. flrov- erment tested seeds. Call awl examine before you purchase elsewhere. We 4re Agent for the Apierican Ilinie-joint fence which will withstand sudden anctsevere pressure from contact with animals or otherwise' Without bending the stays, the fence springing back to place :the instant pressure is removed. Call and see ,our samples and our prices, 'NTS We have the Sherwin-Williams Paints in all colors and shades, which; covers the earth, Call and get a paint card. / AWKINS & SON. licilitilig 'lin]. llrg, irommomeameatemmaeo, ,We will offer our %Aire stock of Furniture, comprising Kitchen, Iiiiiug Room, .13ed Room, Drawing Boom, and Hall Furniture also many odd pieces and Rockers, at a great reduction..., Call and see the m.an:yl?argain8 we offer., ATKI be .Leading Furniture Dealers And :Funeral Directors. t HARVEY 13R6S. Ir EXETER ONTARIO ..ekAttgkikAirkas...ea ALL SENSIBLE WOMEN weav eye iiiasses as soon as they need them. And they need have no fear that the ghloketi will detract, front their personal appearoace if they come from L1. For we pay pat Ocular, attention to the frames as well as the lenses. We won oar costonters to look well and ek;e well. St) if yoa must WEAR GLASSES let 119 fit you mit. We exam;ne yowl eyes thorongbly without eharge. W. supply glasses gtrtranteed to snit yore eyes. And they will be 8rt made tleii theV will please, other peolde's (IPS el, ;reality his, when you weiir them "WV [ILLINERY .OPENING Friday and Saturday, March 80th and 3lst. AciardicAmAraar-leicAntattraik.21kAL -01,41.-AvA,21SraficancSawargig,„ Y011 are cordially invited to our Spring Opening this week. .Our Miss Cammelle with a Very efficient staff has for the past three weeks been busy preparing for this event.We will be pleased to have every lady in 'Exeter and vicinity call and -inspect our 'large assortment of dainty ereationsin headgear. The, very latest in ready to wear hats. ring Jackets We ,have a nice range of these in Fawn coverts and Black Broadcloths, ,,shown itt short- tight -fitting and also a line of three-quarter length garments, * hernist and Optician. , leensive Phone tit). New Capes Suitable for elderly ladies, made of black' ,cloth, some trimmed with self strappings, others with bands of satin. Also some very nice' lines in brocaded silk with Jace and Sequin trimmings. Dress Goods Our stoOk is complete With all the latest goods "decreed ,133r fashion, Light tweeds • and. hothespuns,delaines, silk warp batistes and crepe de chum. New silks -hold a prominent place in or..store. Belts and Collars We are continually adding to our stock and therefore al- ways' have the up -to -datelines. Ttle new kilt and silver belts, i so "much n vogue are tempt- ing to any lady. narters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing, rossw. SPRING JACKETS ANO RAIN COATS Women's Stylish Jackets Of Fawn Whip Cord, with fancy strappings and covered buttons. Special $0.50 Rain Coats ,) '25 different styles Women's Rain, Coati. Pkat ed styles-- Three-quarter length and Full lengths: -Made of .excellent • quality of Import. Cravenette 'Cotons---Fawn, Grey Olive. Jt $5,.00, $6.75, $8.50. NELL av :gown , 11.1. 41,