HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-03-29, Page 7-11IE ROAD TO IlUALTIL ties Through the Rich, Red Blood' Dia William:: Pink.Mils Actually Make. COMIII011 pillo purge tho bevels- Dia Will]aiee" Pielt Pills mate neve aleee. Fireghog, pine eailep threiReh g)v.70s - tomug tlesece„ ieriteleig the oreetee wad weakening the whole Dr. Williand Pial; •Piile riet e urea, at ell. They"re tonie pills, pille, eireegtnening- Ville, Wood- litalitlog , Dr, Williams' Pin% Pate ' aettlailY, Make new blood. Thel is why they tire the only seienhile cure fer alt 'hnnldiseashs. „That, is why they. cure liteaducheS and taeaacites, kidney troei., blee, indigestion, neuralgia, rheumatism,. 'wart teoubles, „ rand the speelal , 9 ; FielltS of growing girls rand mature wo-, wen, Purging ,pills act, only on the syMptems of disease; The Williams' Pink Fills go etraiglit te the.root of the twit-, Ile in the blood and cure. Mr. John Burke, Elendale, se'vs: "I think Jr.' Williams' Pink' Pills the best 'mai - eine in the world. I had an atlaelc pneumonia which was followed by ex- treme nervousness and rheumatisrn. tried Some of our best docters but got nothing to help me until I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After tatting ihe pills some weeks I 'could actually feel the new blood they Were making coursing through my veins, and in the course of a few weeks wore I was com- pletely restored to health." Remember that it Is only De. Williams" Pink Pills that can ing`te this jlew, "rich, health - giving blood. Imitations and the-- so- called "just ae good' roedicines never cured anyone. !meet on the genuine evith the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale 'People," on the wrapper fin each box. Sold by all medicine dea- lers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by writing The Dr. Medicine Co., Brockville,Ont. ' IN A LONDON BUS. „ _ Jelin Lane's description of the Inmates of a London 'bus makes a pretty gooti picture of our own car, types. -The two passengers at the door, phe '15aYsin the Fortnightly Review, are ei. • tiler good Samaritans or misanthropes who rejoice when you stumble getting In. Then there are the oblivious ladies whe resent teeing mildly urged to "move up," the young peason who doesn't know where. she is going, but has it written en. a piece of paper, which she. can't find and the suspicious female who studies the list of fares with the intention of catching the conductor, cheating. One is accustomed also, to the woman who has received too little change, and who, just when the bus tlinks it Jooks pretty had for the cendector, finds d, stray shilling on her lap, vvh.ereupon she , looks more grim than ever._ . e Of course, there is always a choleric gentleman, who is. hauled in pant- • 'Ing, and threatens te report the conduc- tor for inattention. That there are -al- °•eivay,s innumerable people who, are plea - kill' Proceeding in Alia opposite direction tom their destination goes without Say- Inbad weather there is always an Am.: erican inside with -a handbag and an in- quiring mind, whose destination we are 111 once told, is either the British Mose. • UM or *Westminster Abbey.. She, ,asks • .rnally questions, but to her the bus heart "•.'opens in overflowing Sympathy, She is not a foreigner; no, indeed. Infer- -taetion is showered on her. 14it'' Fatherly end 'gentlemen emerge* fr�rfl eirotecting newspapers and evelunteer Advice. , Even the conductor, affected by epidemic of benevolence, allows his :his to come to a full stop as he helps herout and points out the right dire4., lion. Ah, yes, blood is thicker than 'Water! , There is the benevolent, .Party who leaves his morning paper as a legacy to the cenducter. • And one 'hitter winter eley I saw one dear- soul give' him his o evarni• gloves, for the man's thin, 'worn hands were 'purple with the cold. Of course, there Is always tile fond • "Pother, usually Without front teeth, who . hold's her ,4olinny in her lap as on a throne.' elohney wears on his head a *bite Plush nniffin. He IS a friendly tittle soul withbut ae lazy notion as to . the emasculine -author of his -being, • for he greets rapturously ' a very twagger young mari with a monocle, and.other 1ea1iroarkt3 of, extrione faelnofa ns "da -da,' to the young inan's unspeakable angu- ',and ehe eteny aropsement of the ether passengers. - We have all coino acrosethe strenuous Woman .who strides, In and .clainors for -fresh air. She boarded a bus in which. I was the otho day --a bitter cold day: Without apology she flung open the window, and her thin Roman nose *gulped in with rapture greet icy whiffs cf a real hurricane. Then she sat down end said something very impolite about Microbes*to a companion. • . She fled a loud assertive voice, and Abe talked with a great displaY ofewhite , teeth, like toinbstenes. Whereupon the whole bus felt ',humiliated at having 'leen so obliviouS, to microbes. . Suddenly•oot of a •corner there rose o little old lady like a mouse, and with a determination that was like 'east iron, but pleasantly eovered by velvet, she closed the offending .window with a soft thud. For, a sewn° the lady vvith the Boman nos e stared at the mouse, and ihen the turned- awat with a toge of her bead, but did not open the window sgain. • A faint smile of triumph flitted across the bun. What right has, 'anyone. in a republio th demand- fresh -air at the point of the bayonet? It is really the most burniliating MAUR you can offer to any One. It puts you at once on a 'superior isocial footing, for the lower yea are in the social scale •the 'less you care What you eireathe. MOTIIER AND BABy., Every mother- who ha a -Used italerte Owie Tablets will tett yoti that they are the beat medicine In the world for the Cure of constipation, &Me, 801114 MOM. indigeetion dirrehoca, sleeplessness, teething troubleseeind Other aihneets childreet. Yon OM give those Tehiele de n. nitiw-bern baby with ebeollite t!afe. 13- Ih4' 1ilWnVt 410 oodl eannot Oesitely de.. harm. Their use mearie" alga for the thild tlftd comfort 'kir WO her. Mr. . C. V. ,Kerr, Elj.iin, date sayse--"Itaby's Oven Tablets are the best Medicine 1 ever used for storuaith arid bowel troubles, ond destroying Wernie. NO Maher thietdd be without 11 bek of..Tablets in the house, Get thent*at yeur drliggietei Or by Mail frern 'Ih Itr, Williems' Wtticitte Iltnelo. Natio, Ott, at 25 costs aki•xii: POISON -GIRLS IN INDIA Tim TEIVRIBIX POWER WHO" `IllES POSSF•S.S. Living on Poison, Their Breetli Devon Fatal to all Approaching *Them. Private Calcutta lettere to Englond"to member of the arietoeiacy tell of elate, orate preeauteme When by „tee (Jav)n- Inent to k;uttrol the,Prince and Prime el Notes apinst "poiso1-01s and Tel- eoteenco." i hese dangerous creatureeee winch • Natlidniel, Hal:Meow inimortal- , ized in hie "Itappaeinis' Daughter." are euposed to le:able, to kill a pereore by breath or touch, and the Indian Govern- ment hae no more euccoecled in exter- minating theln than infant niarriageh end other Indian. peculiarities. Indian medicine men and priests knew long before Prof. Koch and other Euro. peen ailenists that the 'persistent eon. euniption of poisens makes the body im- mune against poisOning. Accordingly potentates, priests and others who had occasion to wieh for the death of cer- tain. persons every little while kept err hand a number of poisoo-ted indiviclu- ols to send to the persons that they wish- ed to do away with. Both boys and girls were trained for this murderous office, principally girls, - THEIR TRAINING. The Indian prince.ss caused beautiful and healthy female children to be Pat under the care of physicians and medi- cine xnen soon after they were born. The Medieine men strewed the floor un- der the baby's cradle with dried 'helinet flower, or nionles hood, that is such from which the deadly poison, 'aconite, had been partially extracted. After a few months, unprepared, monk's hood was pieced natter the cradle and in vas- es in baby's eharnher. Later the fresh Wilmer was installed and baby wies0- lowed to play with it,And suck it. • Still later a mild solution of aconite was added to baby's milk and other food after a graduating scale. As the little bodies became ,inore and more used to the poison, the doses were in- creased, and usually when a girl was ten or twelve she could eat aconite in the same quantities as some Arsenic eat- ers devour that poison. INSTRUMENTS OF DEATH. It is a fact, though, that few human natures can: stand the aconite treat- ment.- 'We are told of an Indian prince 'who succeeded only in raising oho poi- son girl net of more than 8, hundred. But " ' girl was so venomous that , • .d nothing , could live in the bouee eae inhabited, both human beings and animals dying from breathing the seine air as she. This particular p,oison, girl whom na- ture had endowed with all the graces liable to capture a man's heart, was used by the Indian prince at various tithes to murdeeepretenders by te single kiss, to rob his,. enemy's army of lis leader, to kill off inconvenient relatives and °Mei*. • GIVES TWO REAL GOOD REASONS FOR BELIEVING DODDS KIDNEY PILLS CURE ALL KIDNEY AIL- MENTS. Cured His •Backache •, elf Twenty -Five Years Standing ,and Satisfied Every -- one Me Reconunended Thene_to. Econoney Point, N.S. ' March .19 — (Specialei-George S. MeLtitighlin, of this Flab°, gives two splendid reasens far his belief that Dodd's Kidney Pilfs ar the • one remedy for Kidney ailments. Here are the two reasons in his e, own ^ "I was troubled , with lathe back for 25 years or more, s,ornetirnes so severe that I could not turn myself in bed. One Fax of _Dodd's Kidney Pills cured and I have had. 110 retUrn.of the trouble since. - "I have. recommended Dodds Kidney Pills to a nuniber of persons 'who had Itidoey Trouble:. All wha .have used them have been benefited or cured." Dodd's Kidney Oils not only relieve ah Kidney Diseases, from Backache to 'Bright's Disease,' but they absolutely cure thern. But sornetitries where one er two boxes relieve it takes more to make a coinplete cure. 44444,4444.44.444.4......4•04.4,44 tA. PAPER„IIANDKERCHIEFS. Several leading' London, physicians now are advocating the use of handker- ehiefs made' of paperThis is not only with the idea „of combating the spread of consumption . but a myriad of „dis- ee•see. •is arglied that a, linen 'hand- kerchief which is carried in the pocket and becontes heated, is necessarily a' dis- seminator of undesirable germs and, vvitei the aid of laundries, the constant circulation of deadly organisms is kept up. It is euStomary in many English eanatoria to provide patients with paper handkerchiefs, which after, use are placed hi receptaeles, where they are Mime- diately cremated, Most Of the handker- chiefs used in sanatoria are of Japanese make. The English make have not COMb into great favor on aecount of their be- ing ilutch harder DI texture` thim the lapenese, • CHANCELLOR AT TWENTY-THREE. Pitt was only 23 years when he tio. cepted the Post of Clurneellor of the Ex- rheqUer undo Lord Shelburne, having refused en office he the previous Gov. erinoent of less than Cabinet rank. tore he bad reached his PAth year the Premiership wag offered him by the King, with full „ authority to name (*infamies, an offer whith be had wit., dom anti tielf-restralot enough to decline. But at 25 Pitt IV s Primo Minister and inviter of Engla , as no Mill had CAW been betorsti V en example Of early tame that is to unparianelea, L • 40141 1 $00 YO 1 lkisSintr 111Y f1at/011er, eirl" I realty 4(0'4 know, Or. 1, woo too mutat, oottio;zett� the time' to no. UNLIGH AP • Wash oacloths ' and 14 -totem -its with warm water arid Surljght Soap ,er..5e dean and wipe dry. The cclers will be preserved and the surface unharma Common soaps fade the colors injure the surface. Sunlistsr Soap cieanl„ freshens and preserve oircloths and linoleum% Sunlight Soap waihes clothes white vvithout injury to the most' delicate fabrics, or to the hands, for it coritains bottling that can injure either &this or hands. ^ Sunlight Soap is better " than other soaps, but is best wheni used in the Sunlig,ht way (few directions). Equally good with hard or soft -water. avEct DROTtlEttS LIMITED. ToroX d."4* 1.11":7 4 CUDDLE -DOOM; The hairnies cuddle doon at, nicht WI' mettle fought an' din; "Oh, " try and sleep, ye waukrife rogues, Your faither's comin' in." They never heed a word ; speak I try to gie a froon; But aye I hap them up an' cry, "Oh, bairnies, cuddle doonl" Wee Jamie w• i' the curly beide ,He aye sleeps next the ewe, — Bangs up an' cries, "I want a piecer The rascal starts them a', • I rin an' fetch them pieces, drhiks, They etep awee the some', Then. draw the blankets up an' cry, " "Noo, weenies, cuddle &Dent" But ere five minutes gang wee Rab - Cries toot, free 'neath the clae$, 'Wither, mak' Tarn. gie ower at anee, He's Malin' vet' his taes1"--, The mischief's in that Tam for trieks, He'd ' bother half ',the toone Bet aye I bap them up and cry, "Oh, bairnies, cuddle doonl" • • . At length they hear their father's .fit, An' ese, he steeks the door • - They turn. their faces to•the-vvaa While Tam pretends to snore. "Hae a' the weans been guld?" he asks As he putstiff his shoon; hairnies,, John, are in their bids, •' An' tang since cuddled doom," . . An', lust afore we bed oorsers, We look at or wee lambs, 'I am has his arm Tome' wee flab's . neck, An' Rab .his airm round Tarn's. 1 Iift wee Jamie Up the bed, And as 1 strath " each croon I whisper, till my heart fills, up, "Oh, bairnies, cuddle doonl" The hiitirriies cuddle dben at nicht WV mirth that's dear to me; / But soon the big vearl's • emir an' 'care Will quateri doon, their glee. ' Yet, come what will to illta ane, May • Ile who rules • aboort Aye whisper, though their Pows he bald, "Oh, bairnies, cuddle dont"' ................+._. . FupiEBAX.., THAT .CO -'1' $14,000. , . • , A remarkable story is published of the 'eccentric will left by a wealthy lady Who died in Paris, When- her Will was open. ee the relatives were astounded, for 11 set ,forth that out of her fortune 70,090 II. ($14,000) hed•to be spent on her fun. era), . The executors, e hots/ever, &inset- eetiously carried Out this order. Severe) doctors were engaged 'to embalm 'the body,, and the coffin Was the best and roost expensive, that could be obtained The funeral was a sight .Io see. .For an boor the ` bells . of St. Sulpiee plural) hang. /Both inside -.on& outside' the,. church there were black *hangings, edg- ed With silver. 'The coffin was literally covered with rare and costly iloweig. e`—..........-+......., ...:........ GRAND TO Live And the Last Laugh is Always the Best "Six months ago I would have laughed at the idea that there could be anything better for a table beverage than coffee,' writs , an Ohio iwoman—"noiv I laugh It knowthere is.", "Since childhood I drank „toffee as 'freely as anyother. member of • the family. The result was a puny, isicItly girl,' and as I, grew into womanhood 'I did ,not gain in health, but was afflicted With heart trouble, a weak end disorder- ed etornach, wrecked nerves and a gen, (eat hrertking down; till last winter at the age of 3$ I seeined to be on the verge ct consumption. My trier -WS greeted me with siloVv, bad you look/ What a ter- rible color!' and this wasnot very COM - forting. • .. The doetors and potent medieines did fele absolutely no good. 'I was thorough- iy, discouraged. "Then I gave up toffeeand com- menced PESITTri—Fl°77-rio fee. Ate, firsh I didn't like it, hut after ,11, few triaTe and' following the directions evactly, It WOS granrl. It wits refreshitirlig matisty- , a.s.a.p.- inge In te &Triple of weeks I nOticed a peat, change. I beeame stronger, my hraiti grew eteeree, I %yam not troubled ' with forgetfulness cis in coffee times:, my power of endinamee was more then dotibled. The heart trouble and indigo - tion dieappeared and any nerves beeaine eteady Alld strong. "I began to take en intereat he -Arlie -me abut me, llottsework and lueme-ioalthig eaereene a plerteure. My frientle ihave loarveled ot the change, end when they 1 enaulre what brougliteit about, I .answer 'Poetune Food cAtieer, mid nothi»i? elso in tile worlil," Nome edeen by Pot -tont fere _Rattle remit. Micit: There's-11 t.f.as.-.4.' Iteloi the litti,,, 1461c, "1314.,,, Road to Ureilvitio," In pkgs. She --"Do you know what l' ddo if You should try to kiss me?" , He—"No. Why?" "Oh, nothing; only you don't Eeern to heve any curiosity." , B• ad Heart — Could Not Lie Down for Eighteen Months. ---"I was unable to lie ,down in my bed for eighteen months, owing to emothering spells caused hy • fleart.Disease, One bottle of Dr. Ag- new's Cure •for .the Heart removed the treuble, and to -day 1 am as %Yell as ever 1 was."—L. W. Law, Toronto Junction. —123. Daeher—"Look here, old fellow; • l'm painting a pieturee and want to study the expression, of surprise—utter, entire, unbounded surprise.. How am 1to achieve it?" Friend—"Oh, I know; go and pay some of the people you are owing money to." " A Little Cm14, Von' Know." 'WM bee0M10 .a great danger if it be allowed to reach thejongs. Nip the peril in the bud with Allen's Lung' ROM, a sure remedy*containing no opiates. A story is told of a German shoemak- er who, having made a pair of boots for a gentlemen of whose financial integrity ' he had cohsiderable doubt, Made the fee - lowing reply to him when be called, for the artieles:—"Der . peas. ish not , quite done, but der beel is made out • Moines Hoskin' Nerves.—Mr, llos- 'Ulna, a resident of Durham, Ont.; for a esenee of years, was a martyr to stomach and nerve disorders. Sampled to preju- dice against "patent medicines," hg St(Irt, ad' using South Arnerican Nervine eS, be says, "aelp,st resort," but six bottles of this great remedy prayed A° be his "ssiv.ation physically. It can be 'yours. The Creditor—"When are you going to pay me? 1 can't go to your place every day, •trying to mike, you settle up. rye got other things to 'do." Tbe Debtor—"Are you at liberty on Satur- day afternoons? Come every Saturday." A Moment, Feeling of relief from pain is ex- perienced the minute you put: •4 Vho D & IP Afen- thol ;Plaster olea lame back, a rhenmatie joint, aeuralgia., sciatica, or pain in the side. • "1 soi, rd giveanything td be as 'strong and healthy as yop are," remark- ed the lazy man, ;!What d� you live on?" "Nothing •buthikrpit, answered the other. "1201a kind offrult?" "The fruit, rE industry," was the brief- but signifi- cant reply. COmM011 Sense and Modern Medical Science have ,reversed the almost univer- sal belief that Rheumatism cannot be cured. The ggeat South' American Bhp, matt Cure los turned the tables and has given to sufferers a tried, safe; sim- pleeand permanent cure. Thousands )ave teslified that it has cured them in three days. -----122:-- • Nagg---“Wlien a Man , and his wife think• the same thing simultaneously, it is a sign that they are exceedigly con- genial." , Wagg—"Well, then, my .wite., 'and Lore very congenial, for the other night, when she said ',that silo. wonder- ed why rd ever been such a fool as to marry her,'.1 had been Sitting there 'for half an hour quietly wondering • over that vOry point." • Put ou• t *elk* In a hot, itching, smhealthy skt7 with Wester' Collate. Ilse it tor OCZOLN • no le rasb,'IattarAu, Id salt rheum NEWS BY PIPE LINE. I.ondon and Glasgow Connected by Un- derground' Cable.. • ,0 The underground cable ;ystern be- tween London and Glasgow, on which the 'Peet Offlo Department has been at work since 1$95, is practically completed and in a few weeks will be opened to the ptiblic. _ , The object of !hie underground cable has been to insure the steadiness of the telegraph systene between London and Scotland, ' which hive been frequently in- terrupted by etorens. 'The Poet Office Department showed a coneiderable amofint of coninhm mente iri putting all wires undergreund in 0. cOliduit. As a sectiOil was tiniehed it waa opened' to public 11N4'.,- 1.011d0I1 to Biratiegliam woe tho first teetion, and einem then the line, has been gtadtlaty extended 1)131-111. ward;, connecting' Ali the principle, cities and totem on or DOH' the route. About tt00 entice of ',pipe have been law, and 40" ot wire have been run. throtigh 11.• , A8 a ,truly petite 138t011 the Memel) undoubtedly lead the woild. ,The tither day a foenous Park eleinist'S eieryant Op!. ('11(11 the door to it' Woebegiele patient. "Anil wleee inaiietarliienieeetieeieyien ewee, der, reeleen "Shag:. I:Itave the atit,ory'4,1 anizOtratiligri PEDLAR'S STEEL CEILING ;Neighs, 6til4le fer 11 1.18SSCS. cf work eueli as Churehes, Settool, Stores, lifall3. Ats,) epeeial deeiaes ler Ileusee, Kitchens, Inkling -Rooms, eV. No- thing hos. ewe'1 een decieed to. equei-Pciiiiiies Steel teciliraee tor farm houses. Clieep as lath mot plaster and viill never creek or :ace of „ Avoid Accidents by Using P far's Steel Ceilings. Made to IA any eiee room and an be nailed Qn by tiny nieehanic, Ship ped from onr warehouees painted all ready to apply. Our Catalooue, NO, Vie describes many designs. Write tor it. It fogs you nothinn. Write to -day. THE PEDLAR, PEOPLE . . 14811TPTAI., MIL OTTAWA, Olt untorro. on', •tonal, oil, ymnapiro, vkusgovio, . qi, 787 oraiic lit. 423 Low at, 11 Oalborsa iltf. 80 LOU' St, 781.011knirglit. 818 l'Uoilor 111. Wn1711 "roust NEARMT ovrtcr. , , sieod Office and Works, . .•ip Oshawa, Ont., Catmints rui Blocks of Lan Paget,SoilliZeirila •jn sizoi to Solt suroleasom from 180 ?Lem toward., situated on or near rallway. In the felheise whet Wrewhet dietriota SASKATOREW4111 and ALBEttrii• so, eetizawn And Iftioiret that went induntrifin, man mar anis pitortimss awe IIIIMMATAIII1 Farm Some • The Cloaractor And Purpose 40 °Ur Cloounstr, WOW* .1e organized MOIR TOR AtIIIPOIES OF TUE 01173001121EHT 080E3 OF ribleSTO431, may be *Willed us 4T11/018,, OXLIA81.8, IITLPAII., PATRIOTIC. • irorintornation and PriG,10, *ROY to P. W. HODSON, MANAGE& LAND rsPART1iltlfr, The Union Trust Company, Lhnito(11 -TEMPLE BUILDING, TORONTO. When Writing Motion This Par"' \ • AgEhT41' • WANTED EVEReWilghl. . • " ext-Suimmer's Vadatipn Plan now on seeing Yellowstone -Park, Wonderland of the World7 The finest coaching trip in America. . The greatest of ,Nature's . wonder- ful phenomena on every hand. Geysers, roud pools, totted terraces, maginficent moantains and bracing and invigorating rneuntain air. The best of hotels aid 'accommodations. Write for 'Wonderland 1900," six cents. Retells about the Great Northwest and Yellowstone Park: 'Go via-GARDINER GATEWAY the Official Entrance • AND •THE Northern Patifio . ,Ftailway s, . St. Paul and Minneapolis to the ra.cItle Northwest Write for parliculars • o A. M. CLELAND.; W., H. MASON, D.O.A \ General Passenger Agent, - 75 Yonge $t' $t Pied, Minn. Toronto, - Can. FOlt SAIE — .T17ST ARRIVED AND 1101e Sale 24 imported-Clydeldale stallions and R II EU M AT I S M b liackneysi farm 21 miles from end of street Oar, . • " in an form and • cold perspiving tent positively SORBY, Guelph, Out. • Rhottmallem Ourod. Why de yon stifter-LStarriEs htagio Rheumatism% Cure will relieve the worst 'cases of acute, • * ohronie inflammatory rheutiatiem in 24 hours. -Every* bottle'has a positive guarantoo to cure. Hundreds Of marvelous enrol have been made in all parts •�f Canada. If your druggist cannot give you Starr's, take no other, 1011(1 di rect• to us. 31:00 per bottle, Osbonsotrn eody80., I75 VOnge Ilt ,Torouto, Ot. n Billington: "I supPose that old Mill - yule& -troubles are at an end now that he has got that daughter of his off his hands?" Willington: "Not at all! tte. .will ,Soon flied tbat, he will, have to pur' hertusband on his feetl"' The Happiness of Health. — Exhfietra. lion is the ripple -and laughter of pure Wood its it Courses through tile veins. South American Kidney Cure drives out al( impurities and insures the richness and purity that is essential to perfect licalth—suceessful because it merits it— ropuiar because it fulfils . every promise —a -Kidney. medicine solely and purely. It -nbVer good sumbrella means a frequent chrome 'Of owners'. . • ' Regola Your igtougth by taking "Forrovim. It's the best ttinie eYer compounded. It nourishes and strengthen.1„the whole system.° "I can't decide," she said, "witeteher to take the hat or not. 'But, it le lust the dearest thing have .ecen this season." "The dearest?" asked the husband, with a !sardonic laugh. - "Then it's' certain that you'll lake it." ottalialst deep is barter man otiter nottpo, but Is whI171 Iowa the Sunlight way. Soy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. Ttin, LION'S SI IARE. TWO bretliers got on /MO LOO Wen with eatli ,otlier, for reasons' which will lie plain to all-, "Itere,",,taid their teenier to the oider ti them one (11137, "here le aebanana. Di-, vide it with your little brother; end sot fillet be ,g4 -t:3 tlie lion's ehare." • The Yel.Mger child 'a low minutes tat. er eet up great liaw,linge "Mamma," he 'shrieked, 11051)'[given Me any banatier "Wiltyr0 this?" inquired Vie mother, hurrying in. "Why," eiiiloined the eldo, boy,"lions don't- eat barionan-" "My dear lino," eta Bit rnietreee ef • lioutehtild, *you have ettived uS neve faithfully Mr twenty.tive years.' We • hey/vet:40h rep** you 48 (1 WOW, t)(1' 6t cur temily Yen Will- reeeelett It* worst" ou 'iviphin 80 days, bY our neWqy /Patented tie 71)1.4.el or money vrorotly iefunded. Maked anywhere 81.00. Write fdr de.iciptive booklet. Agents wanted. ki16NETIC •Rtia • • 16W11311 CI.JIIE CO., bherbrooke, Queneci APPLE TREES& . Before buying write us,' dr see our agent -near- you, for prices. Wehave the -largest stock of fruit , trees to to found: in Canada. Wa pay tile freight.* ' 1111*OVt'n IbrOillerS 11111rSt.p3 mpti,'Limite41, : Brown's„Nurserlea, Ont. ' Western Canada Land Co • HERO OFFICE, 38 !OHM 11T4X8T4 O. TOX Sa.° Brandimp 113n. Improved farms and unlinproved wheat and ranch elands,' wholestile mid retail, in Manitoba, SaslattclieWan,Al nbealgtaonanvdttllfryti,itnl,argi.,s,. in Southern -Oka- :Wheat lands on Sasleatehewan Patina at $7.10 per ;acre, easyterms till :lime lst to make selections, the finest wheat lands in the world.• Homesteads located. Selections made,. Write or call for any. information de- sired. TOWN OF MARBL,E., , Tlie"lown of Carrem-near the famous quarries of that rittine'le lkterAfly built ef the white •statuary marble. The paving stones are &unposed ef this ma - toes' and where these are not used the roadway is made up and, eovered with Marble chips. Tile popenation of the town IS about 12,010, and its adult male inhabitants are practically all ernpided in &inflection with the adjoining, quar- ries, which,furnieb to sculptore the fat - est statuary ,otone ifl tlie %%nig. Cash or Cure if $1111614 Orbsuriptittri Cure falba cut* ,your Cold or Cough, you Iget bakokillybe ptid for it. Wit int ow for a ewe lit the , 11 it **As iouri tat*, gas idiot woolil elate enteile. 'Ca* itoytliiag tam , *You. linvt's Cat tet aiiyAstokte *I ***nue* bleal• of AuIc r64lees* by SHILCO4 •• • • liti811.10 IMILISI 2