HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-03-29, Page 5THE 05zeter aboocate, 0 peteiseee every Thursday 3Iarntsg au Me Olio* • --Py the • ' ADVOOAT taisieriseti NCI COMPANY TIANIKI Q USITO, - 04.Dollar per an10314:1114 414Viiitn61. $1.00 .• it not so prkikt, Sialtrxreortdaidatio Tars can Apidicres. paper discontinued until all arrearag es alce paid Advertiotaanta without specified directiond will be wblislied until for14 a lid charged accOrdbaglY• 'mina discount made for traneelent advertisernente inserted for Jong periods.' Paery description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the Aped style, and at moderate rates'. Cheques, money orders, &,e.,' for advertising, subecriptions, etc., to be va,s4e payable Saliderfi 4..t Creech " PROPRIETORS A TRULY IDEAL W Thames Road irr ITC leern thet Mr. Geo. Moir. le IIER 111USIOAND'S BESTIIELPER Vigorous Health Is tho Cleat SOuree of Power to Inspire and Encourage 'Women rehould Seek 14, One of the moat noted, mimeo:del anti richeet men of thi$ century-, in a, a,r recent artiele, has said, "Whatea ver I in ,el whatever ‘sitecesis I have attained ,in thie world 1 we. 41,4 to my wife, FrGIR Ole day lint knew her 131te has been an nation, and the greatest helpmate of rarlile." • • has been residing in Traveree es Mb haa Gilt Me *ale arid feed btablvbillAtle1,411 tbere. awl will move to Iisborne mad reelde on one of the farms of his father, the laate Janiee Moir, near be1e.---Rev,..0(i1in Fletcher ba$ receiv- ed word of the death on March 15 of his brother, Ed. Fletcher,' at hie home in 'elle', Scotleed. Deeeased wee also 1, !brother of Miss. Irving, St. 'Afars's. Aiitlersoii "Mies. Andereort• end* Mr. Peebles -of St -Aleut; spent Sunday at, the house of John Andersorn-Miss.Lettle Kirks by and Ella flewitt of Salon spent Sanday at the latter's home.-Mre. Airtbrope of l'ovvie Lineewbobas beim. visiting friends on the 21st con. of Btanehard for the pasit month, return- ed hame last week.-Qpite a nunaber 'front:Chore took in the Literary at Sa- letn on Thursday night. • They report having a; good time.- Mrs. J. Mader - son is visiting friends in Windser. a. A. It. XINdliafi, L. D. S., D. D. Ilonor gracivtate of Toronto Univeristv. DENTIST', Teeth extracted Without any pain, or any bad effects °face in • Pansen's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. , wo Roller lVEil I A real good time tobuy our famous( s . White' Star Flour .. . , i isnow, Made frowthe very finest of , heat -acknowledged to be the best :, in America -The Mills, the Millers, ! and the Xining Process all thoroughly adapted for obtaining the highest re- sults. -For strength, richness, whole- ness and appetizing 'flavor it is with- , out equal; makes. ,tnore bread easier and better than any other -gives solid', satisfaction to consumer and producer I -Buy; it and you will please yourself and your good wife as ,well. -House-- , wit:7es all over the county etndorse our • claims. , We solicit your patronage. JOS' Eidt Dashwood ran and Shorts beat Chop xeter and Centralia Elevators Prices:-.Satisf6dtolI. Bring in your grain and load :home with feed. Cobblpdick k's Cotton Root Compound: •The only safe effectnalmonthlr ,medicine on which women eau depend. Soldin two degrees of, iitr.ength--.No. 1 for Ordinary cases, alperbox4 No. 2,_ 10.de- stroll gor fog __Special $8,per bOrs. Bold 'by all druggioto. .A.ek for Cook's Cot- ton Root Compound; take nO -irobstitutd. The Cook eliodioine co.. , Windsor, Outario- . .. .. . o 111010 i�BU FOR -,THE,H0Mg Is that •which gives lasting: benefit and Pleasure. Nothing will, so sueoessfully do this as a good High Grade PIANO or ORGAN gyery member of the family' willful 1y appreciate it. , We carry these instruments in the highest grade and our prices and terms ,are of „the tweet liberal kind for the Pui'ehaser. Our Sewing Machines Surpass anything in the Market for beauty and durability. Call and see us; we will take pleasure ii ehowing you "our goods. ` L MARTIN &SON To be such a successful wife, to retain the love and admiration of, her husband, to inspire him to make the most of hint. eelf, should he a woman's constant study. If ?, woman finds that her energiets are flagging, that she gets easily tired, dark f3hadows appear under her eyes, ehe has backache,headaches, bearing -down pains, nervouemess, irregularities or the blues, she ehoulcl start at once to build up her system by a tonic with speci fic powers such as Lys cita, E. Pinklaanes Vegetable 'Compound, Following we publish by request re letter from a young wile: Dear Mrs. Pinkhare ' . "Ever tette my child was born 1 have stilt fered, as / hope few women ever have, with luflaMMt-itioni female weaknes ,s beating - down pains, backache and wretched head- acheS. it affected my stomach Bo I could not enjoy iny ,meals, and half my time wee silEtYt dnIaltaPiiikbanaf s 'Vegetable Compound made me a well woman, and I feel so grateful that I am glad to write andstell you of my marvelous recovery. It brought me health, new 'life and vitality," -Mrs. ,Bessie Ainsley, 611 Smith 10th Street, Tacoma, Wash, ' What Lydia E. Pinkhanes Vegetable Compouxid did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do for every sink and ailieg woman. If you have seymietonas you 'don't un- derstand write to Mrs. PInkhare, daughter-in-law of LycliseE. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mese. Her advice is free and always helpful. • AUCTION- SA LE Of Village PrOperty dn FRIDAY, MARCH 80, at 2i80 . The Exeoutors of the Estate of the late las. will offen cotsale on above date, on the premises the t011owing valuable property being • 4 . L,OT6 232, and 233, MOIR'S 'SURVEY; 'a On the premises there la a corafortable frame house I% stones high, on bridle foundation with kitchen and woodshed; also the Henson laundry with upper stoity fitted for living'xootne.' , • . TERMS: -18 per cent. or. equivalent of purchase price on day of sale; the balance in 80 days without interest. For particulars apply to the undersikned. E. S. PliitLIPE.1, • J. D. seewmae Auctioneer. ' JOHN TnAguAnt ettettaline and ST.A.NBUIrit, Executors Ilensall , • • Splieitors. • • uctiori 1, a FICI.TEHOLD *EFFECTS, ETC. , 'The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction, on London Road, ' Usborne, .14 mile south of Exeter, on ; SA.TURDAY,f APRIL 17111, 1006' at ONE O'CLOCK the following -valu esble propertys,?aviz: • 2 Bedrqorn Suits, quarter cut Oak; 3 couch, 1 guar - ter cut Oak, centre table, 1 window table, 6 dining room chairs, cain bottomed, quarter cut Oak;1 Side- 'board,,quarter Oak;•1F.xtension dining table, quar- ter Oak; 2 Kitchen chairs;,3 Rockers, OA; 1 drop- leaf* table, 1 single bedstead, 1 tenet set, 2 screen doors, 2 boilers, 1 wash tub and., board, oil cloth, new stove, new cutter, r robe,,tet single ,harness, lawn mower, sewing machine, 2 shovels, TERMS: -Cash. THOMAS t:ApYroldirettor. BROWN; • Auctioneer David Hodgson entertained a num- ber of friends on Monday • evening in honor of his son Lloyd. All report a pleasant time, -:John Torrance spent Stmd9y nt Bethel. -Mr. and Mrs. Etf, Avery Sonclayell at Ziop.-Mr. and .Mrs. John Hutchinson spent Sunday here. -Mrs., J. Wright of Elithville is home on tec;vialt. Mr. VVright was hero on Sunday.: --Christopher Carty has engaged with James Hodgson of Gran- ton for the summer. -Miss Ethel Mills son is on a visit to friends in Winchel- sea, Zion and Elimville.--Mrs. 3. V. Millson received the sad iptelligence on Monday apprising her of the sod- detedeath of her father, Mr. Jhn ell- bert of McGillivray. Mr. Gilbert has been to Ailsa Craig on Saturday for a load of 'amber and while returning home one of the horses dropped dead, thus causing Mr. Gilbert to fall to the ground the wagon and lurttber falling on him, killing him instantly. Much sympathy is expressed for Mrs. Uni- son in her deep Borrow. EXETER MARKETS. How's This P fIA.NGED WEDNESDAY We otter One Ilundred Panora Reward for any ease otueets,tersh that cannot be cured by liall's Catarrh 10 e ,13 riey.......... ......... 40 42 F. J. 011ENEir& Co,* Vial°, 0. We the undersigned have inotvn 11, J. Cheney for the hot 15 years, and believe hien perfectly honorable Iii all bus1nee3 transactions and llnaneially Ablo to wry out any obligations tnad,o Itie •WAVOINO, HOMAN eMAILVIN, • . Whoiecale Druggistg,,Toledoi3O if,.11's Catarrh tj.itirp is taken internally, ag. etinsil reetiy on the bloou anti antv•onq surfaces 'or the system. Testimonialg cent frec. Price 7fie 'per bot- tle. Sold Druggitas, ...... 0 Take Itall's Funny Pills for conotipation. "teat 11 4 4 411' Oats..„,................ Peas. , • ...... 4 ... M 4 65 /0 Potatoes, per bag., ...,.. 1 00 1 10 Hay, per ton . , ... . 0 60 7 00' riour, per ewts fttmily.. , 2 25 Flour, low grade per cwt 1 „.1 20 Butter.. - ... ......... 21, Eggs e 14 Livehogs, 'per owt....,'75 flhorts per ton 20 00 20A tort • 18 • 18 00 Lake our Make nevr I Get rid of that iver fradollliolooar 10, .i4,,eirrrettongtol ol,droatgle °443;° Ire to yotu. gray hair! Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Iteriewer will do all this. Sold for over half a eentury. Tor the yrinskors ana moustache iro nutko BUCK" sinTA.Wa iith n collars a eta bream shf 1.!*elt. Tr... V. 11*I.T. eft Vigighsi 11.iT •.Zuriett Mr. IV. jarrot has fully recovered from hie/ recent illness, which caused him toreturn irons Toronto vvhere be wan attending business college. -Ed Appel moved into E. Hess' new dwell- ing last week. -Miss Bennett of Blytli has taken charge of De ReFaust's mil- linery department. -Henry Albrecht has returned to Langdon, N. D. after few months pleasant visit with relat- ives in this vicinity -Mrs. Casper Weber left last week for Crosswell, Mich., to attend her daughter, Mrs. James Laidlaw, who is Ile -Miss E. Gibson of Blyth has taken charge of J.Preeter's millinery department. Mei.; Gibson was Milliner for D. S, Faust a tew seneo,res ago. -M. A. Bin chestnut, of the staff of the University of Chicago is.visiting his patents, Dr. and Mrs. Buchanan. -The large num- ber of horses being shipped to the west from this section at present is making. it hard for farmers( to • buy good working horses at 4 . reasonable orice.-A meeting of the directors of Ray Branch Agricultural Society was held in the Town Hall on Monday at. ternocib. Parts of the Prize List were revised, and the ladies' work depart - went ,will be ehoronghly gone 'over. - Miss Minnie Doan returned home from Minneapolis, Minn„ on Wednesday, .wbere'shehadspent about four peon tlis. -Many in this vicinity are making preparations to 'sow a large quantity of onion seed this spring. -Miss Mc- Dougall of Exeter has taken charge of je J. Merner's millinery depart- rnent,-.7adob Ort has moved into the residence he recently purchased from K. Appel, The Gun Club is getting in one of the best traps made for tbre'Vee leg blue rooks. • -- e • 111cGlilivra,)' AROUND ABOUT U$ • firantein IV. 13, Swat ba$ hie renew to MP, teuilloyle of Laean, who taite$ peeeesSiert the 10th of April. Mr. Stewart has eecured lucrative poeitionLIlSteThoureee where he in- tend"movies with hie family in a ithort time. s Clinton: On Satprday She and Moe John Bricketalen celebra,ted their golden welding wedding. They are both , natives of Soinereetebire,. gags land,end carne to this coen try on their honeymoon and ainmet ever sioee have been reeidents of Clinton eir „ Beaforth: A, quiet wedding took sdace at the thanse, in Egmondville. on Tuesday of last week: when MiSS Nets tie .Aberbeartedaugbter of 'Wan Aber - heart, of Eginondville, and Mr.: Mac. Weetiless, of Seaforth, were united in 11IU the ceremony ,being per - ravened by Rey. Neil Shiew. Kirkton: On Alonday evening 10th, a very largegathering considermg the inclemency of weather, assembled in the basement of the church to spend a short titne socially. First part con- sisted of greetings and eecial talk, sec. ond part, program and third part Junela. All parts seemed to be enjoyed ully, Mex. Todd, Sr, of Maguire, is res coveripg 'from recent ilInese.--Robert Patterson and son, Sandy, have. gone on a two 'months' trip to New Ontario. -Miss Jennison, town line, whohas been very ill suffering front an attack of inflammationof theitingrand heart trouble, is showing eight. signs, of int- proOment.- Prior to their departure, for their new homes Messrs. W. J. Nichols and Albert Banting and fam- ilies Were presented with well Oiled purses by their neighbors. -Jas. 'Pat- terson Of Craig has accepted a position aeblacksmith with J. 0. Reid, r..aieury. -Mr. Ross, lsieury, rho has been ill, is • recovering. -Frank Boyd's 'many friends will bepleased.to learn that be is rapidlarregaining his usual health. He is receivit3g treatment at 'Victorie Botspital, London. -Messrs. Isaac and Jos. Damned left Thursday for Sa- skatchewan, where they have a home- stead. Success boys. -The tittle' chtld of Wm. Carter, rith con., who was ta- ken very ill last week, is recovering. - Ben. Shepperd has laurel:taxied George Nichoialuense at Parkhill and will re- move to that town in the fall. -Wm. Lenshrough left a few 'days ego for Manitoba where he .intends residing. His wife and daughter have gone to Owen Sound where they will spend a feee months. Edgar Darling has rented the farm vacated by Mr. Lonsbrough for a term of years; and moved there- on a few days ago. s • ManittEn.-Capid 'scored another , victory and thus two4nore, of our rep - idents are Made happy, We refer to' the pleasing event which occurred at the Baptist personage, PA1103111, 013 i Wednesday last, the nterested par- ties being Wesley Neil. of Lieuty, to Miss Anne, daughter of Win. Reid of the 8th. con. The bride was unattends ed and was attired itiett' pretty travel- ling suit, The nuptuil knot was se- curely tied by Rev. McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Neil will reside near Lieury. To the .happy con* we extend our heartiest congratulations and may the choicest blessings of earth ever rest, On them. On the Monday evening prev- ions to the wedding a number of the members and friends of the •McGillive ray Baptist church met at the borne of the bride to spend it pleasant even - ng. Mile Neil had been the organist of the church for eome time -a position she has well and honorably filled -and her many friends felt they could not lot the occasion pass without, showing their reepect for her and her duties, so during the evening she was presented with a handsome couch, accompanied by it flattering address. Crashed to Death Jan Gilbert, a well-known farmer living Ott the 8th concession of Mc- Gillivray, met with a fatal steeident on Saturday last. Mr. Gilbert and a youtne farmer named MeMahort had been to Alba, Craig, and were return- ing home in the evening with it loaded wagon, They had gone but it short distaoce from the town, and were drill- ing along at, a good rate when one of the horses dropped dead. The animal fell' under the other horse, and- threw it aloo, eompletely overturning., the wagon. Young McMahon jumped and was not hurt. Mr. Gilbert failed to do re), and the Wagon and he load fell on hiiii ehrusbing him to death. Several pernoneeesere on the read at the time, and thee noon extrieated Mr. Gilbert from beneath the wagon, but nothing maid be done for him, death having been instantaneous. Me. Gilbert wee over GO yenl'S 4)f,4tgv. well known itt bite iteighlun hinid, and V,ory Ile eurvived by it widow and a gi own. up family tit •ololtont the srfreopatley of their many Mende eeteetled. e, Tucketemith: The beautiful new scbool building in section ,No. 2, Tuck- erstnith, was formally primed on Fri- day by a public exaroination'eof the pupils and an entertainment during the day and a musical and literary en- tertainment in the evening. Both were successful and enjoyable and were largely attended. Seaforth: Mary Ann Dunn. relict of the 'Ate Robert Oarmiehael, died on Tuesday of last week at the age of 80 years, Death was due to old age. She and her husbapd settled in what is now Seaforth about forty years ago. She is survived by three children, Mrs. George Whitley and Mrs. Rob't Laid- Iaw of Seaforth and Robert Carnaich- ael of Washington state. Wingham: An * explosion of the water tank in connection with the vheating.apparatus of the new a T. R. Station occurred on Mar. 20, resulting in about $1,000 damage to the bnilding. The east wall of the station building is padly wrecked. Roadmaster Pender's office and the baggs,gE!r00113 are so bad- ly damaged thatethey will have- to be rebuilt. The force of the explosion caused the breakage of windows in the building. The new station ' has, been in use only it few weeks. stAnn: This ueighbOrhood has lost one of its most veined and esteemed residents in the death of Henry S. Yeo which occutred on Tuesday of last week, at his residence. For some years he had been. in poor health, and some einoeths ago took a trip to the coast with a view of• regaining strength, but. be received little benefit. Few men' were more highly respected, and his 'sotrowipg family have the deep sym- paiby of their many acquaintances. Grantor': The cell of the Granton Presbyterian church to Rev. Mr. Au - bre,' has been sustained by the Strat- ford Presbytery. The induction ser- vices will be held on Tuesday-, • when Rev. McIntosh will preach: Rev, Grant will address the minister; Rv*. Martin of Stratford will speak to the congre- gation. The service will be presided river by Rev. Graham of Avonton. A big supper; and eonce,re willbe given the satne evening. To Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan The Difference Between Expert Unskilful Tea Blending THEqualities of' different teas prove that there ii distinct difference between expert I:x41, Rose h: in illethOdS and , the Usual meths,. s. Several kinds of teas may be blended, but if un fully selected they w11 not combine tr.) Make a perfect blond ; they will retain their original inddual character- tstics with their roughness and harshness emphasized5 Suh tQa isbitter, poorly flavored.rn thc cup Case there is much of it in bulk and pac1:4ge f)rra. market). It emphasizes the fesult of inexporience;', lac% (4' knowledgeof combining qualities of' different teas, feet blending, poor selection, and the hundred and Q213 other causes of poor tea, But my expert Red Rose blenders 40CCt the right grades of strong, rich Indian teas and de1ie4te fragrant Ceylon teas,' and produce Red ROSQ Tea with entirely new characteristics—a tea with that rich fruitrilavor" —a tea so exquisitely different and better than any brand of Ceylon alone, that no one who once tries it .ever goes. back to -Ceylon again, nci 4 is good Tea. T. H. Estabroolis St. John, N,B., Toronto, Winnipeg 1 Tuckerstnith:" Thos. MeL. Grieve Parlehill; Thfs infant child of Mr% has sold his farm on the 5th conces- Zavitz died on Friday. This is the, Si011, to Alex. Gorden of Eginondville, fourth she has sustained through death for 6,800 during the past few month. , ,.....................s. ItommoW OLD yo*.)u Ira PATRsotils "WIRE EDGE" READY ROOFING It I the one reof that is not affectedby heatsend.eold.. It never, leaks -never harden' . . , or 'cincleseeis• rain, snow. and fire-proof-aud lasts a lifetime. . Cheaper than, shingles. as - You will want it for every building after you know how thoroughly •satisfactory it iS I .1 't Our tree booklet gives lots of information about it Write for copy and Ate sample of the best roofing 'lit the world: , .Hardware dealers eveywhere sell Paterson's ." Wire Edge" or will get it for you. ATE RSO N IVI FG. CO. Ltd. Montreal and Toronto SPECIAL TRAINS FOR SETTLERS With live stock and effects, from ToroAto at 9.00, pan. , EVERY .TUESDAY DURING MARCH AND APRIL COLONIST 'CARS ATTACHED NO EXTRA CHARGE Settlers travelling without live stock should usol.46 p.m. train from Toronto daily. TOURIST OARS on Theodor', Wednesdays, Fridays and Sat- urdayn. coot of sleeping berths rut Winnipeg . ;4.00 Regina - Moose flaw - 6.00 Cary • 6.00 "Settlers' Guide" and "Weatezn Canada" booklets of practical use ,and interest to seta, tiers,, with rate and full information, fro upon application to nearest Canadian Agent. or Write' to C. 13. roster, D. P. A., 0. P. R., Toronto. OT It SISTER ANIfitROMER Died of Consumption,butthis Linden lady used Psychine and is strong and well " My mother, brother and sister dies! of COnsumption*" says Elia M. Cove, of Lin- den, el.8., "and I myself suffered for two years from a dietressing cough and weak lungs. I suppose I inherited a tendency ia this direction? But thank God I used Peyebine and it built inc right up. My lungs are, now strong. I enjoy splendid health, and I owe it all to I' chine." Cottsumptiote whether hereditary or COIA- traded, cannot stand before 1)eyellitte. Psyelline Mile the gertii, no inatter how it attacks the lungs. Psychine builds up the body. and mak; It strong. aod able to remst disease. Pvciiine is all aid to cliqestion and a maker ot pure, rich blood. The esreateet giver of general health is YOHINE 0 en eeenouuset Si-keent Per Butte Lstror *Nor SI and 112 -all druggist*. DR. T. A. SLOCUM,' Limitnds Toronto. The Most :Wonderful Discovery of the Age, . What does (tylincr do? It gives the body an affinity for OXYGEN, and makes It absorb nature's revitalizing force -oxygen -through every pore Disease simply cannot stay in the system that is surcharged with oxygen. Dyspepsia Rheumatism, Eeveri Indigestion, insom- nia and all disease simply vanish before oxygen -and' Oxydonor gives the body oxygen. Read what those who have used it say. • ••' , 'NEURALGIA: AHEUMATISM., cot. IL B. Hamilton, Provincial Board or Xlealth Registrar General's Office, Toronto, Qin writes, August 81st, 1601, "My experienee with Oxydonor* has been raost'sittisfactory in ever respect. Personally Icon vouch for its efficiency in acute cases, such as In grippe and ee'Yer strain. In both instancesits action being remarkably quick, and the result* Agreeable and permanent. For more chronic affections, such as nrIgia and rheumatism, my w(fe has experienced very great local benefit, and would not be lhout an Oxydonor for many times its weight in. gold." Send us your name and address and we will send you our booldet "T" fully explaining the workings of this wonderful instrument. - DR. II.18ANCHE & CO. 61 1411th Street, Detroit, zit oh. 2268 St.tatheritte St., Montreal Iter "Ur Vr'llrirAir larifirAirlgt 10"0"IFIF7arnr'gr, Air The World's Greatest Cleanser Is IA 4 0014 Dust Washing Powder Its yearly eale exceede that ef all other washing tiowdere celnbizted. Loo13 3u5t a, bit as if hoireawivee app eciated merit, doeen't C'iOLD DUSX tleane everything from aellar o attic. OTIIMZ GIINL•RAL 1 Scrag:Ina de es, washing tinthee and disfrYs, eetiniat w1ott- 11811-1 FOR _ work, ell cliltb, c;livorwars and thware oSs!i g Lies work, GOLD 131.1fAT Omer -4 beet tome ems, ttS., and teelenetht bnt soft spv. Male by Tn414. PA1le13e14C COMPANY, Montreal, I% Q Makete of 14,t`<1.11r .01.10 DUMP° makes hare, wafer, *Oft •atuat