HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-03-29, Page 4SOMETHING
Weise; r s -e f sitie need's
anti no one can well ,do
watT o lit.
A aeleaxcittfle'Sk-inY Food; Ilighl"Y
recommended for rough; hard., rosy
irritated skin, 'cheeped bands, face
of lips.
Thoeli'tlioeaa iea lett for Grautaaa
last week .-Messrs, il:tnt.:lta & 3wcit-
EQr were in Sareria last week on fbusi-
uess..--Walter Baxter solei as v alezable
ipa rse to Malik Adams .one day last
weee.- filbert Smith returned borne
The rsd ay from North tH ay, where he
lies been working through than watntee'
montes. •yank Fah nuur!eft i few dape.
ego for519an>i°is, Man ., whets he has -en-
gaged to work with Dap. 'MeJhee
founder resident of Shipl al.- -Miss Tilly.
and, Julia Mason of rprkltill called' on
Mr. acid Mrs-. Lewia Schroeder on Sein-
daay.- W.�Biel of ' reterleiree preached
in the.Metlesdist church here„ on ,Sain-
day'.evening. fl isdoing..grand •veirli
in�a'id'u1 tu.p'., Vl1it.' ()SS ► ocie'ty, i;A,
braatach of tie' 1V.C.T.rV'.
An dote fog Matclt Winds
We recoanmend`this preparation to
you' as one of,. our Specialties because
we know it to be the nnost elegent
preparation for general_ use upon the
- hands and face.
Used Once Always in Favor.
Sold in 26 omit bottles.
W. S.COLE P1111L B.-
-Central Drug Store, Exeter.
'Miss'"Ohrissy 131'aatan, who has been
visiting relatives in Chesley for scone
time, returned home Monday evening.
-Art. Zwicker spent Sunday In Lon-
don with his p:u ents.-The Misses
Clara Hoist and Saalonwa Hirtzel are
learning the millinery with Mrs. D.
Link, who has charge of the millinery
department at S. Brown's, -Wesley
Finkbeiner was in London Saturday
en business.--Juo. Chambers and Mrs,
Alma Chambers left for Manitoba on
Monday. We wish : them every suc-
cess in their new hnrne.--Miss Roby
Essery is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John
Crone, of West Nissotlri. --Geo. Eilber
sold bisdriver ou Monday to Robert
Ross, London Road, Exeter, for $I55.
The horse is in first-class, condition
and is cheap at the figure paid for him.
-Messrs. Laughton Sc Taylor of Park-
hill• • e Fridayin ` the
were in the villas
interests of the Imperial Life .Assur-
ance Co., of .,Toronto. -• Mrs. Matthew
Winer has just finished a quilt con-
taaining 2480 .patches and all done in
two weeks time. As the quilting time
is see band, we would like to hear of
any who can beat this. -D. L. O'Brien,
06weter Atwv:ca#.e,
Sanders & Creech, Props.,
Nelson Stanlake, who. spent the past
few months at Collingwood, has re-
turned home. -The snow has neatly
all disappeared and thud is nowthe
order of the day.' --Rumor• says. that :a'
wedding will take place shortly. Of
course Sodom will be the 'gainer. -
Mrs. Boslaugh of London is the guest
of her brother, Mr. Adolphus Hooper,
Lakeoad.---Wm.Carrick, Jr., has
engaged to work with Chas. Alsworth
for the coming summer. --James Staa-
ce- a left Monday evening for Maple
Oreek,'SSask., where he intends speed-
ing the succimer. --Robert Sanders of
:Exeter very pleasantly entertained a
number of his friends at the home of
Silas Stenlake, on Monday ° evening
with. his r€ari,aph
one: •
storm of -Wednesday eveiiin of
The ts m ,. 8'
last -week upset a straw stack for -Al-
bert Penwarden and buried six head
# cattle underneath: They were
quickly taken out, and alt but one are
well again; -that one is unable to stand.
:butwill recover. The same storm
picked a hay rack, off Sohn Slemon's
wagon and carried itsense distance. -
Wm., Ford had a large wood bee on
°Thursday"last.' A big pile was cut -
Rev.. Fair aed W. Here are in Toron-
to this week.as'delegates to the tern
verance meeting being held there. -
Mr. Gubr has received -his new dredge
',slipper and expects to soon begin °per:
.tions on the PRIM: ;'isle creels again.-•
Reviva:,i -e :ie� a sewn here on .Wed-
, nesday evening. All are cordially in-
' vited to attend this meetings: -Mr.
-and Mrs. R. Skinner spent Thursday
In London with friends. -Quite a num
ter from here attended the sale at Jas.
Moir's'on Friday. Mrs.;J•. Wvight is
visiting under. the -parental . roof at
Whalen. --Geo. Andrew disposed ' of
a bull calf to Patrick Ryder of Bid-
-•tlulph a few days ago. The animal
wadi only 6 months and 3 weeks old and
who hes been pro manager at the
Sovereign Bank in this village since
last fall, received notice on Tuesday
that he has been transferred.. to Chat-
ham. We are sorry to lose Dennis as
he is a fine, jovial fellow and 'made a
large number of friends while here. -
W. W. Kerr is certainly slaughtering
prices at his store. If you want a bar-
gain call on hili. --Don't forget they.
Literary Society concert to -morrow
(Friday) evening. Fax,. the funny man
will be there and a good program, bus
been prepared. --Miss Soloma Hirtzel
has fully recovered from her illness.-
Rev. J. A. Schmitt of Berlin is • in the
village this week in ,the interests of
the Mutual Life Assurance Co., of
Canada. --Henry Eiltaera 1VT.F,P., spent
Sunday in Ubly, Mich., the guest of
his brothers, la • Sam -del and
Ben. -=Mas-
ter Fraser and Miss Idella ; Brown are
enjoying a few days' visit with friends
at Plattsville and Berlin, -Mr. Ma-
whinneyof Lucan is on a visit to ,his
daughter, Mrs. James Lawson. -Mrs:
Wnii. Sambrook spent a few da s with
friends in Centralia last week. -,Our•
milliners are
kept bus. y
days pr
aysPre-parin for te operiengseesMiss Laving
Klump,whohas been illfits.cavales
eat as is also Oscar Mos
e ..
d'� lie r tic
'azr axe t e
, who:has c 5 c
Cue, p h 1a,
from Dr.. Hoist arrived in' the village
Saturday. ` We extend the ha hdl t f
welcome to hire and wish- him every'
success, -The Misses Finkbeiner of
Dashwood were the guests of Miss
Mary Wolfe on:Sunday.--LastSunday
morningreception services were held
in the,vangelical church; • Over 125
were taken in •as i iennbers' "rof the
church. The service throughout was
very impressive., We trust the church
will prosper and become a powerful
instr.un.+=n t to carry ort the good work.
of winning sonis forthe kingdom. -
Our assessor has been in the village
the paast,week assessing. Don't hide
-the dogi-Friday evening : abont • 75
young people` called at the, home of
Rev. and Mrs.• Damm to spend the ev-
ening and congratulate. Rey. Damm
on. his, 40th birthday. The, gathering
,was a complete surprise. 'After the
company had enjoyed themselves sing-
£ing they gathered in -the parlor, when
J. H. -Holtzman read a: `:well worded
address after Which Chas. Eilber pre-
sented Rev. Darn m with a well -filled
purses who made eefeeling reply. Mr.
Bluett, on behalf of the . assem
Mr. Cin-ia°iea ,Caerc , Mid Wife who
haw) been visititag` friends in ale,
Mich., foreev-r.il, wee 1-A.4urned
homelast week. ---The ,1:;trot. Metho-
dist elaoir arid a. Dumber of oilier
1metals spent a very pleasant —aunt evening
on Feeley last at that home of Mr. •rand
Mts. John Gill, Grand Ben
Qltate*adell for is ;t s eci:.l
,'Miss • M 4'y McDoeald• Wass vlsitirng
friends its McGillivray for a' fete days
last week . --ll, Cunpingii rn has .per.
ehaased a fine driver. ` It is a pmol one.
»Mitltael O'Rourke e weave a striele
tbose dztys. It ,is a girl -Mr. Jacob`
Qaterin. wito Was on the sick list is able
to he out again.--Sinaon. Hertz Inas re-
turned 'home frees London college.
Simon s going,to stay home for the
sites:ter months,-- Miss Nora Doyle of
Mt. Carmel is visiting her sister! •Mrs.
.m e. Dignan nt Sylvatic.- -i%lr. spiel Mrs.
Thos. Lone of Mt, .Carmel have the
sympathy ;f their many friends in the
loss of .one of their infant children.
The: funeral took place on Tuesday to
Mt. Caarmel cemetery,
weighed 730 lbs.The farmers -who company made a brief address,. after
purchased a quantity of the American' which all enjoyed a lunch which was
'fence 'trim T. Hawkins, are;- busy get- `-reed by the ladies. Rev. Damm has
ting their cedar posts home. -Mrs. -en four years pastor of the Evangel-
-James'Rowclifl!e, -who ' recently-dispos, . foal church here and asthis is his last
ed of her farm`to.Philip Hern, moved' Year ;with us,we a are sorry to . see him.
ber household effects to the home of leave, which `will be about the middle
'her son; George, on this line on Mon- of next month. He has wen many
slay. -One of the largest gatherings of friends while here and his .sermons
Sunday School workers which h'as.been have always been listened to with
held in the twentieth century ,_will be great interest.
-*t this church on. Sunday next, at 2.30, Deem'or Mas. C. B;vER.-After
> noxa, Everybody welcome. --Some peo. a lingering illness of about, a month
le talk about the, wonderful laying Mrs. Christian. Heater paaised Away at
ulties" of some different kinds ofher home•bere, at 8:30 &'clock tete. on
fowl but we have a farmer in this vi- ` Monday. .Her•illness .it first.*as not
einity who has a flock. of corm/ion . thought to be of any severe character.
Brown Leghorns and Plymouth -Rocks
which started to 'ay at New Years and
h i ►e averaged ; since that -time +f'ro'm
4'`twotosix dozen; fa day, and during the
e 'cold; bitter weather of this month
All that skilful physicians and''Iovieg
friends could do was done`foither with-
out avail and therim reaper claimed,
hie reward. She boree her illness with
Christian fortitude, and died trusting
– wed 50 eggs:sorne days, or nine dozen in ber Saviour. Mrs. Beaver's maideri
-inn two days. Who ban beat this;' iia fixe *as Hortense Simon 'and she
hail been twice married. She was born
about 42 years ago at/Elmira, in the
Corinty of =Waterloo,,, but about sen
The Taking
Cold Habit
The old cold goes; a nest- one
quickly comes. It's the story,;
•of a' weak groat, weak limo,
at tetrdeney to consumption.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
breaks tip the taking -cold habit.
It strengthens, 'soothes, heals.
Ask your doctor about it.
kbnct tai' sc testimmnta1-=
? oia't `or' rsrrr�er sixty voabatrtl."
i(ade l+ `. C'.:A +►rd's„ Le�vrtl, itacr.
ern matt users at,
YersPIUS. ..
NAlR 1.160 14
W. es** its- se -emelt Wei
ski . alas of*11 Ha? aaedfeinsr.
rirele regular with Ayer's
one pill each iffiest.
Extra steam force and workmen are
in evidence at the mill these days, Mr.
Pat ,Royle having his traction engine
in operation, the extra force being for
the purposeof.cutting barrel heading.
-Mr. James Wilson bas been an the
sick list, but is now improving. Mr.
Wilson is an oldresident wad touch
respected, and hisimprovetnent is good
news to his friends.- Messrs. Percy
Simpson and• Frank Boyle attended
a night. -Clar-
the basil in Lucan Friday n gh , Clar-
ence Duplant is ill of scarlet fever. -
Mrs, Elliott has returned from Toron-
to Hospital and is now quite well.
She enjoyed a drive to. Exeter Friday
last. John Parsons is improving in
health although 'badly, crippled. -The
home of Mr. Wesley Hodgins ,was
blessed,' with a bright baby .girl Thurs..
day. --Jas. Godsave resumed his duties,
at the store Monday after several days
illness. -Mr. John Carl is laid off work
for a few days with a heavy cold. -Mr.
Thos. Elston has started his heading
machine working,
Hensall -
Mrs. Hat and children left last week
fbr Haainilton to join. Mr, Hart. ' They
regretted leaving the village. -The
Hensall Foundry and Machine shop is
'for sale. -Another family of emigrants'
lass arrived,... -H. Richert .bas m
from Kippen to the farm he recently
urchased from . John Berry. -Miss
Harris has resumed_ her position as
milliner_ at J. • Weismiller's.-James'
Beverley - bus moved his household
effects,to Exeter. -Mr. E. Rannie has
engaged, Miss Ross as Mill iner.-Messrs
Boyle and'' Wilson, who purchased the
Hamden store business, are takin
week. -Mr. John : Caldwell.
east of here, entertained a number, , of
friends : on . Wednesdayevening,it
of his 'and Mr. Thomasa
Dodi son
ah sDay
menExeter, r olea e, shortly' fo'
maxi of B etc , wb v. for
the. West..' Dancing' and other amuse-
indulged- '
Tents were rn till the wee
emu' ,o
ur .w n 1l depx e
1 to thetr.
respective homes, feeling that they ha
indeed spent a pleasant evening,
years ago her family removed to Dash.
wood, where she had lived the greater
part of ber life. About 16 years ago
she 'married Wesley • Norsworthy and
five children were bnt'n of this union,
four of whom died in infancy, One
little girl of six ' ears still survives.
Her 'first husband died six years ago
and about two and a half years ago
she married Mr. Christian Beaver of
this elsee and a little baby boy nowsix
rix =tats+,a is• the result of this marriage.
Ili-: marriage with -Mr. Beaver has
been 6iri u1arly happy and the sorrows'
ing lire bend has the sympathy of a
Vetylarge circle of friends. Besides
her two infant childten and her sor-
row -het husband she leaves her aged
parent!. Mr. and Mrs. Lentis Sinnonn, in
a state of feeble health nt Dashwood,
three eisters, Mo. Joseph Snell, of Ex -
pen z
x-trsi'; Mrs. Philip Helsel and Mrs. Chia
`titian 1+':;sail both living at Elmira. One
blather. rare cis . itriet-i,. Jr., died nt Cav'«
allot, t, N.D., WI la, yea rte ago. The fairs.
snarl took p dace on Wednesday . ,fter-.
a'.aoan to tlne Crefliton cemetery, The,
I (-rge at a evidenced the esteem
iii %''laeet..�da'eeai:,ed' %tai' h;+11. 1
To His
els. d CuMoniers
The wise grocer studies
his customers—knows their
likes and dislikes—knows
that hiis best trade want
M+oone 's Perfection
Crean Sodas
He lets them know that
he has their Cavorite biscuits
---and sees that they ars: not
asked to buy sornething'just
as good," which is NOT
as good.
Grocers who want to pleads their
patrons. always have Mooney s: Per-
fection Cream Sodas In their
hygienic packatess--•airtight
and moisture -proof.
A . paZ.F. ALE,
Fralata. hie, 11.111 �y
tiie vi4-toes, of LYs,it
nod l o�a, acid aaa,
pati�li:a condi-
tiers, is, the 'ideal •
beverage. -
'Now wlreia chemists, ;Announce its'. purity-, end
judges its merit, One need tools no :further..
. • • .$3,000,000.
• • $3,000,000
(Incorporated by Act of 1'arl
Head Office, -.
petal Paid 117,13 .. • . R v
0FFIot aourti io u. m, to s p. zn 'SATURDAYS, ID a m. to 1 p. t]t,
Farmers Sale Notes casted or colleeted, Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the. Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of `Exchange
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rated and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate- of interest allowed
poAits of $i and upwards received. Interest rain-
ounded half -yearly and added to principal . BMSaving inst.
4:genta at Exeter for the Dominion Government
Dioesott & Caitense Solicitors. N. D. l uuia,DON, Manager.
• 'Hoc:c .Y. -In a fast and exciting
game of hockey played :here Monday
evening the Hensall-' women defeated
the Goderich•women to the tune of 7
to 3. The features of 'the game was
the: star playing of Misses Hebb, Mc-
Donald acid Fox for Goderich . and
Misses Benggoughs Neelands and Doan
for ` Hensall.....: The game was bard
foughtfrom start -to ' finish and we
exceptionally clean, none of the, Play-
ers being penalized. After the game
the Goderich women were entertained
to a supper and dance by the Hensall
women, :•' McIntosh, of Goderich refe
reed, and was net mobbed.
DRAM—Airs. John McGregfor,'one
of the old settlers of tbis section, died''
on March 17. at the age of, 69 years',
The deceased had been,in poor health
forsome time and a severe attack of
pneumonia following, she wasunable
to-' withstand it and succumbed' ate
atbove statede Her maiden nameevas:
Isabella• Mustard. 'She was -born in
Scotl ed and carne to this country
with- z parents about fifty years ago.
For many years she and her bereaved
•husband lived on; the 2nd of Tucker-
smith but, for the pest five years they
have been residents of Hensall: Five
sons and two daughters also survive,
3t. Mairy: i' Walter Oliver of London]
formerly of this place, passed away on
M -, 'delay rot tho adwanneed age of eel
'gippen, By the death of Mrs. Ma-:
tibia : Brurnmett of Toronto her sister;
Mrs. Junes Sproaa,t,sr., of Tuckersmith
is left the income of about $311.000 dur-
ing,her life. At her death it is divided
among - a number of nephews and
nieces. •
Women Miserable and Croda,
Diamond Dyes
Jos. Cook of Hensall was here last
week and rented •W m. Zimmer's 'house
into which he will move his family
shortly, while he will take a trip
through the. Prairie Province with a
view to locating there. ---Wm. Heatnan
who _recently .rented hie farm to -Mr.
Henry Pfaff had an auction .sale lest
week and on Monday moved` with his
family into Simon Miller's house in the
village. -Mrs. Andrew Birk is at pres.
ent visiting her daughter near Sea-.
forth.--Norunan Ruby • left -"Monday
morning' for Linwood where he has -
employment as tinsmith. We' wish
Norman 'success. --.-John Preeter and
family were visiting friendsin the -vil-
lage tie Sunday. -The annual business
meeting of the Evangelical' ;Society
here will be .held. in the basement.of
thechurch, on Monday afternoon, App'
ril 2nd. A full attendance is request-
ed. -Louis Moser moved to his farm
on . Thursday of last week. -William
Shrine :has '. a wtaron on the road •,in
connection with his general store here.
e Qiiilting bees seems to be all in order
now, .almost a daily occurrence. -Mr.
and Mrs... Louis Simonreceived the
sad ;intelligence on. Monday morning
of the death of their. daughter, _Mrs,.
C, • Beaver of -Or
edition Much s
y m=
pathyis felt for• the bereaved friends
in this their severe loss eeeir. and Mrs.
Henry Guenther visited 'friends In.
-•.a o
Hensall '�+ leis D s Ivo d se tans'
He 1 on r y h_ seenis
be the `1na -vest field for the ••incur'
rance man just how..
Tototito, March 27. -s -The Executive
Clotamittee . of the Ontario branch . et
the, .Dominion Alliance .presented the
following •teport this morning at the
*convention Assoeiation.
.Tbe Exectitive Committee, after a,
cereful consideration of the said bill,
desire po exPrese deep regret that' it
contains proposals thet are decidedly
retrogressive in their character. They
approve. the provision requiring a
that has •been adoptee by the eleee
ter% bet they desire to protest against,
the following proposals; •
1.. TP legalize liqtiot selling in hotels
gueats eertain hours on Sunday,
'2. •To legaliFe .the sale of liquor on
dining and cafe cars.
4. To require a three-fifths majority
to adopt. a local option byelevs.
The Exeutive recommends the con-
vention to strongly condemn these
.News of the Week.
Wreck Near Sarnia
Shortly before 3 o'clock Thursday
morning' two. London firemen, Nathan•
iel Hughes and Richard Crapp,` were
killed in a head-on collison two miles
east of the Sarnia Tunnel station.
The trains were a passenger and a
double' header' freight, on the Grand
Trunk. There is a double track but a
switch had been misplaced ' and the
passenger train leaving the tunnel was
ori the wrong track.. The three engines.
were wrecked, butthe .engineers" and
the passengers miraculously' escaped.
unhurt. •
Three men' were.injured and two en=
gines ines demolished inanother ` collision
on the Grand !Thunk at Hamilton .on
the 22nd.
Walter . Bexters a young man of
Downie township,committed. suicide
by hanging himself itf iaieefatbexts Bairn.
Luber l
Lumber, lin
n� S l CS Latb Cedar
Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames
and all Building Materials.
--Water Tanks`
Finished or in down
always on band.
Highest rice paid for Saw -
logs of ever .: description.
attede to.M
Estimates cheer fully given
Jacob Beck. father of Hon. Adam
Beck, died in Detroit.
Iobn Hill; the Indian, was acquitted
Pour firemen lost theirlivee end a
score were injured in a factortfire in
blew York.
Brantford livery stole hy the fixtures
:Mr. Alex McCaw of West Zorra was
,f13und dead in his stable; and tt is sup.
posed he WAS trainpled toe'llea.th by
tiWains:ipeg with`rio marks of violence
Annie reterman, a young Polish
girl was found dead on a Vacant lot at
on her body.
Ottawa, boy, was shot and, seriously
wounded by a companion while, the
two were hunting in the woods.
grant of $4.000 to the Consumption
Sanitarium of Hamilton and an allow.
ante of $1,50 per week for each patient.
e AM on g the con -Mantes given charters
last week by the Ontario Government
were: -The Maitland River Power
Company, Ltd., Goderieh, cattiest $500.
000; .the, Oxford -Knitting Ootaparite
fed., Woodstock, $50,0iXe and the
James A. Cline, Ltd., furniture, Strafe
ibll'i'414$(11a=ile Mete Thos. teee;;Itt,
of Logan wass bringing a pail of evater
from the well 8110 slipped and broke
her left arm Islet Above tile wrist, , A
little over a year ago she had, an a Pe
inisatep lied broke her leg,
Have Made 1VCltticins. lie drives,;
Mothers ' and : Daluglliters
HoPi7y , end Con-
tented. -
Women wiao buy and use any of the
adulterated, weak mad worthless pack-
age dyes put up in imitation of the re-
liable and rieverofailing DIAMOND
DYES. must expect to tneet with sad
trials and disappointments fntliehonie.
Crude package dyes with only faney
names to recommend them, and sold
by some deatere for the sake of large
profits, are the direct cause (if much of
the ferninipe bad temper and irritable.
nese inanfested in Featly homes.
If our women and girls would avoid
trotible, foss of goods and hard Ash,
they mast insist upon getting the
DIAMOND DYES whebever home
dyeing woik to he tIone. One ten
(lent iiackage of the time -tried DTA -
MOND D'YES will alwaye color more
goode than will teo packages of abet
dyes, awl give brighter,' faller. more
Once used, I)IAMOND DYES beeoine
the chosen dyes for all well.regulated
itichodson tee. Montreal,
iiew Dye llook, Card of I/yed Cloth
Semple s arid Booklet vetoes. entitled
"The 1,ongj oh Ws "I rip to theKI ike,"
e Ross Taylor
Mealeffeet, brit, Dec, t, 1903
".1 had suffered for seven years
with kidnej trouble. Could
.sdarcely Valk end, was unable
taking the first few pills, felt
puch relieved. " ...After taking
half a box, was able to do a
full. day% work. I know one
box of Bused ie saved. the
S40.00 dootor
It costs only 3e a clay foiake 84313.-Ja'i
-the • kidney pill. that never
All druggists have "Bugu" or will
get them for ion,
..„.1.141t CHEIPaipAi. 00. 1.11111TED"
Marriage Licenses
ir,sued at the
pure 'Tea
Users Of Pran4 Mogul'
Tea pr9riounce 'it the
beverage Of good'
GrOwn on the sUn-kl
mountains of Ceylon, it
has the delicious and
mellow flavor of purity.
Prepared by machinery
from plabtation to cup. The
packages, lined with air-
tight paper, proteet It from
store dust end microbe%
Never s9ld in bulk nor in
poisonous 'lead. The effort
to substitute, some other, tea
to " lust as good" is the
desire cf some deakrs for
an excessive profit on an
,inferior article.
'iGrend Mogul
*00e0 rbightellPi
27/4 'Great Eigtia.lietnidi.'
'A positive cure for anfornu.aul
Expose.. Oil Of *which leacl COnaOto
Infirmity, buianitylkoltin Tiff ifray
done give me a call, and'
will guarantee. the
best of work..
txeter, Out.
Spring Tenn Opens ApriI 2;
Why should you eontete yourself in tho ordinary
%%las of life when you can bettor your 00/46011 by •
practical education and' asAst our graduates to good
positions. Commove your C0111116 1101V. WritO tot*
Told 2!tc, 30e, 40, end 50c ptr
pound. LA,. ro: the premium 'cow
pular-. I
Days to Detre