HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-03-29, Page 1Itenieteber That theotigir the ,AfiVif, (-sax yeer react, move people tiian through limy other channel, ether pristeary . bought or each for )UL dJreatit) et firm $s:s ogee, Cf4KISCII. ere- NEsTETEt&r.en EXETER. ONTARIO. -URSVAY,_ MAR. 29 1906. is always tb.e ;best time to do anything. Now is the best trine to opei. an account The Sovereign Bank of Canada. Deposits of $1. and upwards received. Interest paid -4 times a irear. JOS. SNELL, Afanager at Exeter, Crecliton, Dttehwood, anFZurith CARLING B , The' eatincil met at the Town nail Monday evening last. .A11 the menu- •bers except Councillor. Creech were! present, The minutes of the leet meeting were read and eoirtirraed. 'A eorunaunication WaS read from the I head office of the Telegraph. Co. giving notiee that they wished, to appeal against their asseesment. Vhe• following accounts were pre.. sentedi—Queen city Oil Co.. two bor. tele gasoline, $16.30; R. W. Treble, One cord (ley wood. $3; Joa. Cobbledick, nixie for cemetery, 750; W. J. Biesett. cherityefor Mrs. Delve at $1 Per week, $12; Geo, _Brooks, bread for Wm, Brine acotobefatnily, $1; Thos. Creech snow. plowing, $2. - Some discussion took place regard. ing the payment of the $12 to Mr'. Delve by the town treastirer.unknown to the present council, The Reeve and Councillor Heitman thought that. this charity had been dispensed with. It was explained that the 1905 council had instructed . the treasorer to pay such charity in this manner and that the s motion had not been rescinded, coneequently it had been continued this year. Mr. Beaman, rno-ved that the item be lidel ever and , the Matter investigated,„Is-To seconder, TlierXme. Reamer* moved that the accounts he paid as read, that the 1005 council's motion re charity be rescinded and, that in future .orders for claarity be made by this council. ; Seconded by Mr. Treble and carried', Councillor Fuke stated that the cat- tle men had complained of the had condition of the stock yard and the -market building. wind's being brolv• en, table reinoved„ efe, He . thought it elsould he kept in good .eoridition for doing hosinei3s, and moved that the building be repaired. .Seconded by Mr. nearnan.-0arried. Councillor. Treble stated that G. Bissett wished permission a council to cat certain trees in front of his resi- dence on 'lltircin street. This wetter was left over till the council.tookthe .spring tour.. „ s Mr. Bolder brought up the matter of industriei. He had been in cone, mun4eation with Mr."*Iterrtze and the Wester n Foundry Co. of Winglaane Mr. Kurtze seY' s tie had reeeived favor- able propositions from: , Seriforth, Whitby and his itOnifit bot Pre- ferred .Exeter and intends ,making an- other visit, when if he could rnake sat- isfaetory t.ernis with the Banks he might accept the possible Offer of $250 B Exeter Council, Spring Goods are arriving every.day. We are ready in all departments for the spring rush. Come and examine our goods, It IS a pleasureto show, them. •Silk Waists—White of. -black, With the Popular embroid- ered work on them; 7 different styles; all good value, $2, 3, 4 Vestings-4A11. our vestings have that 'soft silky - finish which is very popular this season... They are plain, polka dot and figured, 15c, 20e, 20c.. . Shirt Waist Suitings—In the cotton:aid linen 'effects We, have an exceptionally 'nice' display. Ginghaimi perfect. washers for 12 1-2c; Mercerised ginghams, perfect washers, - for 15e to 25c; Linen suitingsi white 'or.e.rean; 206 4) "A.STORIA, $1:TOS; We are the only people you canget. them from ,here. Everyoneknows. they are the test .shoe on the 'market. Once worn., will convince you;. Only the price of cheap shoes. . . a year. Mr lierrinan believed things evere tzlooking bright for A,Oanuitig FitetnrY in town as be knew of people who bad, signified their willingness .to strbsceihe for stock to the extent. of 15,000; and $8,000 would be sufficient to eusnre success. The joint stock cnin Pat y tbat WOUIcl be formed would not ask, for a bonus, but might ask for exemp- tion from taxation, for tr” period. The cntIncfllope, were `1111allintOttS in their opinions that the industry was a good one, that Eater was Well situated for 'such, and that there wouli beno.difil- eulty in Sebtiring exemption. The, Woollen Mill Industry. .was brought up by Mr. Heiman, who sta- ted that the ma.chinety was here in the building and all was ready for work, that a large amount of wool was year- I'Sr marketed here, but we. had no one to run the business. Therefore he ad- vised thatethe town advertise for a capable man. On motion. of Messrs. Heaman 'and 'Treble the Reeve and Councillanc• Fuke were appointed • a .committee to draft advertisement for -a• man, to advertise in the Mail and Empire and 'Globe and do anything „else in toe matter thatathey might deem advisablearried. Mr. Bobier was also asked to try te secure a capable man to manage a Canning rectory. ' The council 6cided to meet on the setnnel. and. fourth' Mondays of the month in future and, on n3.otion of Mr. Puke Adjourned to April Oth. 1•1.4) other Stock Vs ood filo cheap No other is better for general use Feed it to your Pigs, 'Horses, Calves, Cows If will 'show for your money more profit than any other food investment $3.00 per; cwt. °WARD & 131620MFIELD Produce taken as Cash. moic.t .o ,Rent.. ,, ,T. MALLOY, M.. 12-. (Ver. Univ.) MEMBER •, ',, .c -A, • floilteo iff Phyialatlis turd "6-11,4„ePhfilegetarloa! satrearsete ei.alaereeiteeeptike frame bouse and a. " V,iirmer Hon%) Surgeon Toronto Western Ifospital. stable, on Alexander street, Natrilik*/* T 111 ' SUIC0t880f to Dr. X. A. Rollins. Itotitionce;•East on ate possession given. For particulars s.pply to first street north of office, Exeter, Ontario. . : Diottrut2gr.po, SOLI0/. Solicitors 'for Afolsol;s C°111°)1691°"1.8. • MOILIOY to LOOn, at lowest rates of interest,Olices, Main street, Exeter, 1. IL CATUANia, 1.1.A., • • L, Dxessox 11,11014EY TO WAX. .4.Y1 We have a large amount of 'private funds to loan on farni nee village properties tit low rates of inter,' e9t. • GLAD111.411 & STA./1E171W, , liarriaters, Solicitors,Main st., peter ,On 1Vroney To Loan. ha.vec private funds to loan On 'feta tind village properties at lowest rates Of interest. EltNESZELMOT Oflke opposite Central Hotel, Slain.St., Exeter LLOYD P. JOIltS b7Orsonfat and Choir Motet of Mitchell Methodist Chore*. Teaeher—Pianot, Organ, Voice, Ihottriony. Mode", me a. 10ronk, ems astal -Property for Sale. flne pasture fcirm tit the Township of flay, near) Sarepta; one hundred acres, 85 ete.reft deeded, frame hOuse and good stable, pod water, et,, Another 190 acre fang for salt, in the township of Ifsborne,south of Ellinville,conveident toathool.well drained, small orchard, 10 acrotbush, frame hue, barn, mtable anti , - A)n)ly to SA,IIDERS & CREE011t Exeter. "WM., XOETIICOIT, Ray tegal. For Sale. Eight'acres of land, a good barn, also a good gar - * den with allkinds of fruit. ,Thig place la situated on Thames Road. North. tauter. Immediate posseSsion given. , For particulars apply to WM. xottnicorr, Hay P. O. • .For Sale. - That well drained:well improved and trot,' up.to- date farm, being, Composed of Lot 11, in the 7th concession, in the Township of Biddulph, in the County of Middlesex, conta ning100 acres of land. Situated 'on the .preintscs' are a good storey brick house, 'bank barn 90x40, eement hog ;an, Wood mill and good yottng orehard. This is tnily a most desir. 'able property, well supplied with water, convenient , t'itlXsicgittneticcaitgro31 tiliZsg.nrfurther par. ticulars apply to PATRICK WIIELIIIAX, 'DIORSON .1t, CAMARO, Whalen P. O. Ilarristers etc., Exeter. FARM FOR SALE, Tho Midersigned le offering for tale tliat. tiesirablo farm in the township of Stephen, being Lot 7, Con. cesSion '4, containing 100 acres of first class land. There is on the premises a OW brick house, 2 bank barns, driving shed, good young orchard, two imver- failing wells find other conveniences; the land is well' draioed end fenced and is all under .euItivation. Will be sold cheap anti on eas, terms 0,s the proprie. tor toteneseorne ‘4,,eat. Applyto V. W. BARER, Crediton EsSt. 1PARIVI Fi()11 SALE.' . The understroacd is Offering formats the farm ro , erty in the •tow:nehip of Iiicklulph, I,ot 9, or h Boundary containing 104 acres. Tins farm is divid- ed into two seebions, 100 acres foul' (14, and Will be sold tawnier or moverAte. There ht the 100 acre LA a brick heose, two bitok bath*, crAard, tto acres hardwood tangh, two beiver.fainng %hid mitt attached to one, and other convenientea °tithe& ere lot them 0 6, hank barn 40x70 feet anti about,0 acres bush. This prop( rty Pi be fodd cheap end on r'ele ternis. Apply to 308, E. KELLY, whaler!. House For Sale ADDITIONAL LOCA1,11 Alio Fanny Bawden is, ill, Miss Olive Wrightis at werk again aftee a few days illness. It is thought the Legislature will not prorogue before Miiy 10. Harry Renelle has teiken o, position cletle with Mr. 'J. A. Stewart. All kinof garden and flower seeds 3 paekageefor cents at, Charlton's.' Aliss Anna. Martin wait thehoses Wee pleasant eveniug at her home on Tuesday. MrS. Geo. Heitman eutertaineil a few friends Monthly evening in the ,old home which they vacate this week. Mxt This Jacques left .1),Iiiuday to enter Vietoria Hospital, London'. where he will he treated for traralysis, • T; E. Hanclford this week sold half a. cu of la'..,.;rses to Mr. R. EsPick- ardwho vvill ship them to his farm at rrobieher, Sask. „ 'Word has been received hereof the death of Mrs. Suvtle of 'Toledo, Ohio, a forrberceesident or Exeter, being Mrs. Albert Box's mother,. -She -was- over 80 years °lege. It is understood the Agriculture and Arts Act will be so amended that after this year fairs where horse racing and aide ebnet predominate over the pure- lyagricultural features Will not he fOr the grant. , petitimhas been presented to the etlOnse of Commons, signed by 0.P. R. officio ls ash ing for an ex tensioit of time PA, the construction of the South On tatio Pacific 'Railway Company's lines through Woodstock, Enihrot and St. Marys to Port Silvan. This is the liue that is expected to go through Exeter. This line seems to be tio myth and Ex- eter must , be alive to the fact, and do al/ in ire potver to secure it. pfeditt Russommo„ There passed away at the' borne of Mr, and Mrs. Alexander licalgert, on Toesday of this vveek,their second son, Albert, after n prolonged illness from pulmonary trouble, at the age of 21 years., The deceased began to feel the inroads of 'the disease about two years ago and as is characteristic of the trouble he graluelly but -surely sank till the end came. He was a young triari much 'respected by his assechttes and friends and his dismiss will be deeply regretted by All. The funeral takes .place to -day (Thursday) to •Roy's Cemetery. a Bauk Changes. M1'.. W.- Da'W-8011 of Alymer Is re- lieving at the.Molsoni Bank.:owing to theillness' of Mr, „Harold Biseett.- 4, arreri Reuter, who ` ha e been engaged as Ledgerkeeper at the Sov- ereign Bank bere,has been transfereed to the &rich brancheof ,the Mr. Vain (TUC] ner ‘viin bas been tel- ler it the -Sovereign Bank here, will leave th service of the bank in a few days and tntends going West with his • father shortly. During , Mr. Gardin- er's . cOnnection "with the Bank he made himself unifernily obliging and popular. itexiiRra PERSONAL: Stallailia***& • Mr. John Muff was in London Tues- , XT verything must be sold as we are going out of business. NOW. Anyone desiring utore th,an their money's worth, come 61 once • Double house for sale on Albert Wed; in first. class condition. • Apply to Jones & .M.rs. D. Johns is visiting in Sarnia, REAT BARGAINS are in store for you, as everything 'REDUCED IN. PRICE. Farquhar, SUDDEN'. DEA.TII. —The community was ehocked on Wednesday, Mareli 28tb,' to hear of the sudden death of an old, and 'highly respected resident in the person' of Alexander Duncan, at the stgEt of 77 years. Deceased, siVice the death of his. wife ?some six 'years a 0,had been residing with his son; avitieClon. 12, Ushorne, On Wednes- day morning he arose es usual and had just finished hismorningwaeli; when he was stricken with -heart.failure and died a few moments Afterward. His heart bad .been affected for about a. year, but there was no reason to snP- pose his taking off would come at-. this time, Mr. Duncan came to Canada frem Scotland when 22 years of ege, and lived for three years at Pickering • Mrs. A. J. Ford has returned from Toronto. „ Miss Norris of Stiaffe, is the guest of Mrs, Mantle. • Marshall Box spent Monday in London on. business. Mrs, Harry Parsons spent a few clays Public School Inspector john E. Tom is on duty in this neighborhood. Miss Loe -Briroacombe returned Thursday from a visit to Toronto. Mrs. Egan of Detroit is visiting her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sweet, . Mr. Alex. Pordon is confined to his boarding house through severe illness. ' Mrs. Win. Hay of Parkhill is the guest of her sister, Mrs. James Shad- . Mr. Fred Ilawkshaw returned to his home here this week and intends re- maining, in London during the week. r _Sate or ,Rent. the guest of her claoghter, Mrs; W. Goodison. . d 0 11 I f esidence' in goon repair, and 14 acre tatibure formerly of town, left Monday on a sell cheap. Apply to Ontomart ' "" --„,trip to Europe. Sale R , ea. ewe gtesetta aria tee tisAt :f Water. Will Mt; an pg. . „Bay y o London, istrs. e'est eitetwes, nettle o imeeton spent SnuttnAr, MAToln 31st,—Stock, Feed, *implements, Sunday here, the Finest of his h;;Ashe Stathant, Unron Street, Exeter, Sale at I o'clock. Mr. Anlill'Oee 00t, e. uonsehoid tireots, Et'., the Property of Henry Brown,,Auetioneer. MiSS ROXle Eac ett of Brantford who 11. has been visiting at Farierdrar spent TO1Snmr. April arde—HOnalge.4 .44, the property Suncill with Me° sin. t°". Cliandeh( Ye. Mrs, lililEechn le Of Efoldbridge,Nelit, is visiting her old friends in this village and vicinity., --Miss Minoie Patton, ot London is here visiting her parents. -- Grinds prevalent in this neighborhood. There are seVerat cases in the. village. —Mrs. Robt. liodgins is visiting her daughter, Mr. Gorge, in Putman.— Mr. Jas. Miller has gone to North Dakota. The fano will leave shortly. lion.Mr. Hanna states that the Gov- ernment dive not propose to issue liquor licenses to steamers, • • EIRTMS K141411T.—In 'Merton, on Mir, 23, to reevions to moving to 'Osborne, where 1 Mr, and *Vs* Geo. We Knight, a SI)t14. cleared alarmend-had resided ever since.. . He is survived by three sons and four daughters. They are Mrs. Robb of Stratford; Mrs. McKenzie of Port. Arthur; John on the bornestead;, Mrs. Wm, Monteith, Thames ROAci; David*, with whom ' deeeased :resided; Thomas Of 'Winnipeg and Mrs. A. Mosser of Stratford. The funeral will takeplace on Friday, •tit 2 o'clock to .Roy's cenwecry, near Farquhar. The family have the sincere sympathy of the neighborhood in their sudden be- reavement.. • DEATH OF DAVID Dreee.eatt --The Dodge CountyeMinn., Star, Or the 22nd inst., contains the follewing sad' news of the death of a former resident of this locality, being a brother of Mee- srs, John and Alex, Duncan of :Us - Ned, to Miss - borne. "On Saturday,,,March 11, the. McGregor, Wesley accident, resulting in the death Of a•Li"r37.• commimity was shocked by a very gaze Annie, datighter of Wm. Reid, both Mr. David' Duncan. Mr. DM:waxes team became frightened by e train at the railroad crossinge, east of Clare- mont and he Was thrown from the wa- gon. HeIri came at once, but Was of no avail, for the spirit had fled.' Mr. Runcen who had been a consistent nietnber of the Presbyterian, church for nearly fifty .years„ was known for his sterling honesty and integrity and his dealings with his fellow men in- deed exemplified -the Golden Itele. His loss will be deeply felt by all, but es- pecially by those who knew him best, The family appreciatibg ' the kindly spirit of sympathy of their friends and neighbors, wish to return their sincere thanks for. all the kindness • shown them in this time of trouble."' Mr. Duncant was a 'native of Scotland, com- ing to America in 1854. He first set- tled in Ontario and after remaining there for seven years moved to th p county in which he died. Deceased was twice married abel is survived by a widow, one daughter and three sons. His, age was 65 years, 7 months,23 days. RottExtms.--In on , March rg, to Mr. and Mot , Jae. ra Roberts, a eon. .0entralle, on 'March 22, to Mr. and Mrs: Jos, W. liodgins, a ' datight er. 1)toteeett.-10 Exeter, March I *25th to •Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dignan daughe- ter. ' 410 MARRIAGES. Sotrrrteeeeant--WathartIGTott.—In Clin- ton, on Wednesday, March 21, by Rev. II Manning, MissMaggle 'Wash- • ington, to R. James Southcombe, of Hollett. • - Mtn-A—REID—At the Baptist parson- age; Parkhill. onliarch 21,,,.lay' Bev; , Alex. McKay of West . Zorra was trampled to death hy a horse. DEATHS ZAATITZ.—On Friday, March 10. Veleda, infant' daughter of Mrs 1 Zavitz, aged 1 year. 7 montlia, and 7 -clays: DUNO.Alc...—At Dodge Centre, Minn., Davie Duncan, formerly of Usborne. • aged G5 years, 7amonths, 23 days. LinlicAlsr. —At; Farquhar, on Man 28th, Alexander Duncan, 41.ged 7.7yea.rs. Girinuarr.—In McGillivray, • On March 24th, john Gilbert, aged 05 years; McLtore—In Ilibbert 'on Mar. 20, Ann McLeod, a.ged 85 years, - YEO: —In klibbtirt on iMarch 20, Henry . S. Yeo, aged 53 years, and 8, months. • FLETOUEIL.-- On Mareh 15, at his hotne, IelaYeScotland, Ed. 'Pletcher, 'broth - of Mrs. Irving, St. Marys, and Rev, • Colin Fletcher, Thames Road, }lure on cqunty. • • BEANE-ft.—In Orediton, on March gO, llortense Siimm, wife of ,Mr, Beaver, aged 42•years. HOtiGEnT. —At Russeldale, on Mate27, Albert Hodgert, son of Mr. Alex- ander Hod.gert, aged 21 years. of Augnet SWeitzer Credaott, Atet. gale at one Mtidan wife of Seeforth o'clock. John Gill:Aucitioneer.' , ere tbe guests ufimr. and mrs. T. E. Farm for Sale or Rent for Pasture mtnatora on Mrinday. . • Mrs. Samuel Thomas, who has been The undersigned 10 Offering for sale or. rent for pas. .VroTtintlenginhiejiiii. rribfiattohnesr'atiti'ertdt'aryne. d eh" tare Lot 25. Con. 1.1aborne, containing 100 aeres, • . rotoriiirmstrioilettilaramlintiltir,osiittoutted 2g miles from Exeter, Mr. 'Wilbur sv'ent to "c't' W. M. IlLATOIIVOUD Exeter. ° Varaester Wefineday to attend the fon- S 1 of, his cousin, Mr. Crockett. Rev'ds • Fletcher. Martin and E'er L111 this week -attending a oonvention of theiDoininion All;ance at Toronto., Mrs. Jas. Gould, Jr., has gone to Brown City, Mich., to attend her sis- ter, Mrs. '1,Vin1sor, who has under- gone an operation. ' • Victor Sanders is attending the fun- eral of his grandfather, John Gilbert. who was accide'ntally killed in MiGilit- vi'av on Saturday last. , Messrs. P. Gs. McTavish and W. L. Ldfft. of St. Marys spent 4tu-1day at Mr. 1 N. Howard's, guests of the for- nor's brother. Mr. A, J. lifeTavish. Mrs. Wm. Dayidson of London who came here last week to visit friends. WAs taken 111 on Pridayl and for several days was unable to leave the house. She however was able to return to her home Tuesday eyeninA. Mrs: Win; llawkshaw and daughter, Mims Jean, bid adieu to their many friends -in Exeter lot peek tool left Saturday evening Mr tht,lt nevi 110010 In Yellow Grass, Assn. They will carry with them the best wielree Of all for their futurlfare arid prosperity. NOTICE TO ,CREDITORS In the matter' of the estate of Eliza- beth Turnbull, late of the.,Toivnship. of Stephen, in the Coun‘ty of Ituron WidoWideeeased, Nutter, is hereby given pursuant td Se'o. 88 of Chap. ter in, at tfic Revised Statutes ofOntario. 1897', that ail creditors and others having claims against the es- tate of the said Elizabeth Turnbull, who died on or about the 8th day of Dee., 100, are„, on or before the 14th DAY OF 1906, to seed by post prepaid, °or Oliver to Renneth nian, of the town of Parkhill, iii the County of Mid- dksex, Solkitorlor the Executrix of the said de. cooed, their ehristiati Intones foul surnames, ad. dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their e statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if tiny) held by them. And Wither take notice that after the day last aforesaid' the said exei;utrix will proceed to dia. tribute the mots of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, 'having regard only to such claims of whir* notice ahall have been given aft 14boite reouiettl, itnu that the *aid Executrix will intt lie liable for the saki assets or any part thereat ti any pertott or persons of whose notice shell not have been received by them at the thno of such distribution. l'AVE, Executrix. by )(Xt./NEU( her Solicitor. Dated this 20th day. Of March 1000,. 1 u Prepared For ga ap Pails, Sap Pans, Sap Itettles:', Spiles; Anything 8v Eiveryttling ' for making Syrup. Our own make Sap Pails for 3.0o. _ ]ffixed Pan*Itig 11o11y*food ilepbant In 15,25 and 45c..Tins. In 15,25 and 40e, Ting Floor Points, 40c. per, qt. Floor Lac; all color, 40 and 750 a tin Paint Brushes, 5 nth liearnan's Hardware & Stove shwa AktVa' e• else. ,te .es•