HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-03-22, Page 8sas Ansenitass see eta its&
• Say, we got in some swell
. ..
Spfing Suitings last week,.
, They nye ricrlat 4:to the mo-
&, ,
ment .
OSats are tufo - inches longer- than
laet year, and the lapels are so mulch'
broacler and deeper that yon can't ,heila
but notice there.
The Yeats are eut with feYeaiv;iops,
The pants are jest a lat.tle pegtoppy.
asNlssWitcNirit"tesiststStilStlilkliKFAIF41 dale° Aikiteene who: lies Feeee, •Mr. Red Mee, A, J. MeTatieb, end
. • M. for sense winses, aiipro,vings: • twa einkleee aeseve4 here tea week
, • ..
ti104`11-tA',1-7.:24 WLU,A
Atx.3114‘ 311p,ikafax.afir.:4‘,.414,41k..31*. AICITc1%,:i6WLS Itlqhsa',, Me. J. N. liewesei,
Mee. IlawhelenitSTheist take31)31ace
Ifieleted Weiehte sede tea Feidtw wau
Harpess has been confined,
to his hnd fon sev6,ra1 by 'through
Mr, Alex., Dow returned last week
from Manitoba. " lie brought a earinf
rattle with him.
Ma Jos. yellow has rented Mtl,
Tboe, 'Ruseell's am on the south side
of Mathes Read, Ushorne, and Will
move thereon this week.
Miss Elsie 'McCallum, teacher,' was
M during the latter part of Lest weels.
eon,sequently there was no school in
her row on Thursday.and Friday.
Messrs. Walter Pumphrey, PerCy
G, Wood and, A. T. Smallacombe, left
Monday night for the Northwest.
The hist named visited here during the
They are beauties alright for $1 , winter
a d $20 andn matter where yoirs Mr. John Pickering of Blenheim was
the guest ef Mr. A. Dow part of last
week. Ile was here buying a few fine
worning horses which • he, shipped to
Since the provincial asylum was- in-
stituted in London, Middlesex has
sent in 1335 patients;Ltunbton 517i Ox-
ford 418, Ient 387, Huron 510, , Essex
332 and Elgin.304.
go yon can't find anything that will
fit as nicely as they do,
W • W
Merohatit Tailor,
Business Locals Road Them
A good smart boy wanted to learn
store leeeping, Apply to Carling Bros.
What about Wall Tapers? Stewart
has an immense assortment. Speeial
values 5 and 10 cents. "
Cole's pure cream tartar: baking
powder sells on its'inerits-25 cents a
. poupdast Cole's Drug Store.
Buy your Linoleum at Steriart's.
Styk, quality and value are all in your
favor- • •
Seed Wheat
A. quantity of firk-class Goose seed
wheat for sale. Apply on Lot 12, Con.
Usborne. Josh. .Heywood.
' Stewart is showing the best range of
Dresden Ribbons that we have seen thi8
season, 10 to 50 cents.
We take this opportunity of thank-
ing our nutnerous customers for their
patronage during the last four years
and on entering on our fifth year we
are in a better position for supplying
all our customers and any new eusto-
niers who wish to give us a trial.
LOUIS DAV; Milkman.
A lor,ely lot of . Ladies' fartelj eollrrS,
Allsamples, 144 different hinds. 25t
75 dents di'Stewart's.,
a faVorite with the travelling polio.
Dr. DeA.Iva—who recently visited
town with a medicine 'company, was
arrested and fined $30 and costs in Til
bury hist week forpractising medicine
without a license.
Mr. Well. Johns on Thursday teat
purehaeed that handsome residence 011
William street previously occupied by
Dr. 0. Lutz, Mr.. Johns gets posses-
sion about june lst. •
In the report handed to the press
last week it was stated the James at
Methodist church's contribution -to the
British and Foreign Bible Society.wae
$10.30; This should have read $20.05.
• Mr, A. Bagshriev left for the North-
west on Friday with a car of horses
for T.,E. 'landlord. Mtn Bagshaw in-
tends remaining duripg the summer
and will seek a location. That se-
cured he will then move his family to
the West. • • .-
tee Sateen:lay last, ne tor ef St. Pat -
Ieinclete eldest son of Mie Jes. liar -
ay is suliforing IZ;(11-1), Ee,v(To attnPk
Mr. W. S. Cole received on Tuesday
one of his silent salesmen show eases
for his dg oie,
Mr. Wm. Sillery, hae rented hie fif-
tY-abre ram Aid the 5t1 conceesion of
Ushorne, to his beother, Mr. HAL Silo
Up to this present the month of
Mareli lute harried out more reta wrn
ter weather than any of the previoos
Miss Lizzie Taylor, who ig still con
filled 1w:the London Hospital eubSe-
intent to her reeent operation,. is im-
proving nicely. •
At the elogsbew held at 13uffalo last
Week the spainie/ dog W U Isevett of
town sold to Mr. Douglas of Wood-
stock took several prizes.
Mr. Geo. Thomas, while assisting in
removing a threshing engine wheel
frorn a. car at the depot on Friday last
was -rather painfully injured by '•the
wheel falling on him, causing a wound
to one of his legs which necessitated
him laying off dray for a few days.
Rev. Veale of Kirkton occupied the
James St. pulpit on. Sunday. He wee
formerly connected with -this church
and large congregations greeted_ hirn
morning and evening., His discourses
were both interesting and instructive.
The • pastor, Rev. Going, was at Kirk -
Conductor Dune McCalltann the gen-
nil and ttecornmodating ticket tnincher
on the London, -Huron Ss Bruce Rail-
way, -has been railroading for the past
36 years. He .started as porter at
Walkerton and has worked his way
Turkieh Scalp ood, guaranteed
° the front. Conductoe McCallum
leair dreSsing to remove dandruff, and is
restores grey hair to itis natural color. Miss Maggie Luxton, daughter of
At Cole's Drug Store. 50centS a bottle. Mr., Feed Luxton of Eden, -received the
intelligence Sunda.y evening of
! have you seen the latest New sad
/ark faa i Two Tone Gold Belts, the "Aden de1deathfromPneumonia of
• Mr. Prank Greenbank, of Mooseman
Stewart has them at 36 cents. Sask.Much sympathy is expressed
feces' Forecasts for litareti. •
Lor Miss Lnxtots in her sad bereave -
merit e
A regular storsil Period is eentral nsthey were soon to have been
with the New Moon on the 24th. The
Farmers are much pleased with the
recent snow fall with which we have
been favored owing to, the fact that it
will prevent to'a great- extent damage,
being done the wheat and clover
crops. Warmdaye and frosty nights
at this season Of the year are often
.very damagilig to these craps. A coat-
ing of spew is very beneficial.
Oa, Monday evening 'a fairly good
crowd attended the carnival at the
rink. The winners of prizes in the
several events were:—Lady, represent-
ing a nation, Miss Anna Martin (Chi-
na); Gent, representing a nation. Frank,
Weekes (French soldier); Gent's comic
costume, John Rumford; Local take-
off, Feed Bawden; Fat Man's. race,
Fred Bawden; Open mile-ra,ee, Frank
The general store business in He
sail milted by Mr. Wm.- Bawden and
conducted by his son Mr. S..13atvden
and Mr. Wm. Cooke Was this week,
purchased by Messrs. Thos,,,Boyle and
Wna. Wilson of town.. Steck taking
will take place next week and on its
completion the new firm will take'pos-
session. The members . of the new.
firm are well and favorably known
throughout this section and'both hav-
ing knowledge -of the business there
Mr. Henry Dougall'a second son,
Loudon Road, north, sustained a se-.
vere kick in the face by a horse on
Tuesday. It required several stitches.
We have a little sleighing as the re-
sult of the mow faltof • Monday -and
Tuesday. It is quite au unusual plea's-
ure to be able 'to take a sleigh ride
this winter and thesnow is being taken
advantage of.
Thetnngle horse on the dray took a
tornble Tuesday morning while John
Gillespie, Jr., • was trying to drive
aerose the sidewalk beside Dr. Browne
ingte-* After a little excitement things
were righted. Nothing was damaged,
Mr. Rich. Davis', has purchased the
pretty brick cottage on the corner of
James and Andrew streets, owned by
Mr. Virm. Sillery, and occupied by Mr.
S. M. Sanders. Mr. Davis takes posses-
sion about lst April. Prim paid was
. .
Venus period still exists during this The weekly shoot of the Exeter Gun
ThuesdilleetiboOno Ten hie :rocks friends here Will wish for them every ;
period, adding its inti4encetoEttrth'§
Vernal Equinox, at, its center. The
Moon is also on the celestial equator
on the 25th, nearits conjunction with
Earth and Sun on the 21th.By the
23rd almost a phenomenal change to
waruaer will be noted in western sec-
tions: The barometer will fall rapidly
to very low readings in the same Bee-
tionsIlinli-Winds will blow from the
eaet and south, cloudiness will inmate
as: these general storm conditions move
eastward into the eentral valleys, and
on next to'Friday,lhe'23rd, to Tues-
day, the 27tb, storms of marked inten-
sity and violence will visit naost parts
of the. country, moving according to
the progressive la,w governing storms
from west to east. • Regular tropicel,
thunder,: rain ' and buil storms Will.
strike Minty localities, especially south-
_ ward during' the eastward, sweep of
these disturbances; but no one ehoold.
' Iose sight.of the fact that severe Mar-
ch blinzards and a full-grown cold
wave for the season will wind up this
period from' the northwest.
DOFT .momcnf WITII
VSE HowErs
Tn.-Canadian and Import
ed Tweeds, Worsteds,
Cheviots and Serges
Made up in thelatest style to
your lit. Call and see how well
I can dofor you.
Mr:Joseph II/ay:London Road south
will be laid up for SOMe time owing
to a'cow, which, he was abotitto
having' stepped on his footeand after-
ward kicked him, tbrovVinghim
against the edge of a board :andinjur-
ing his side. The accident occurred on
Friday and he is still confined to,the
house. • -
411161V4,W Ott`e0t. nit'..7.)leraviehts many
frieede will regret to hear that he ie
qisize ilLoeffinvines freest ehentniatisin,
enestiorierersratious mace:,
The directors of the Agrieffititri,11
Society and a -ethers interested in the
With veining ,detuoustration Itlay
21th met in the Mansion Melee at
nrday afternocin as per aciprarntrient.
A, peed trim(' was. presentund collet&
erable important bueinees "even traeo,
'acted, A report wens received from
the donistio(annmittee. Thie clean-
snittee met with (ands excellent soleness
ththe dernonstratiOn is already," an
assured Sa&1((5 JitLIi4kai3 aud now
all that is required in continued eon,
thusiastee steady pereistent work on
the part of the committees and a fine
clay.- The meetion decided that the
trials of epeed elieuldenonetet a four
events; a Farmers' trot, Bronco run.
ning race, an open trot orepace, and a
slow race (owners' to ride °titer's horse
and last bone in to win). Libertl
prizes are te be given r the letWses win-
ning let, 2nd and 3rd. The Trades
and calithumpians protession and the
athletic'sports of the,varioue kinds are
to belein the hands of the, sporting
conamittee, which will get to work at
once. It was decided to confine the
tog -of -war to triborne, and Stephen
townships with the Leonclon road as a
dividing line. 4. prize will be given
to both winners and losers. Mr, jos.
Davis was elected treasurer of the cele-
bration. A meeting of the sporting
committee is called for Thursday even-
ing and a full attendance is requested.
Board at Health meeting.
The local board of health naerner
call of the chairman in the office csf„
the secretary. Members present were
Messrs. Bobier, Sanclerie, McInnis an
the Inspector and Dr. Browning,' the
Medical Health Officer. The minutes
ofthe meeting held Feb. Lith read and
adopted. The Inspector reported hav-
ing secured Bailment milk and made a
test of same. He reported the milk as
being fairly satisfactprye Day's test
being A. M. 3.5 Percent. butter fat to
the 100 lbs of milk, P. M. 3.2; River's,,
A. M. 3.6; P. M. 3.3,- He asked that
the Board secure a piapett for a proper
test in 'fiatnate. ' • He found the premises
in good shape, clean and well kept.
Per D. McInnis and S. Sanders that
the report of theInspector be accepted.
Per S. Sanders and D. C. McInnis. that
'the secretary secure a piapett.—Carrie
ed. Per D. C. McInnis -and S. Sanders
that the INiolsons' Bank be notified
that the pit on their property must be
cleaned. The same must notsbe dis-
tributed anywhere within the corpor-
ation; sante to be retnoyed between the
hours of 12 o'clock midnight and 4
o'clock a.m. The leo'ard recommend
the freeuse of sulphate of Copper OT
-carbolic acid, also sand, .Plaster, and
ashes; and when • cleaned must be cut
:away from the:draine-Parried. The
committee Appointed to visit the prop-
erty of Mr. Rivers, milkman, Thames
Road, Usborne. presented their report
which was reed showing the Property
of Mr. Rivers as being very clean and
healthy, cattle being in nice condition
and all the ,water tie'ed being from a.
new Well. The water being sparkling;
.bright and remarkably cold and pada-
table. Per D. 0. McInnis and S. San -
dere that the report as read be adopt-,
ed.—Carried, Per S. Sanders adjourn-
hined efforts of these gentlemen will
lace the new firm in the front rank of COM-
. . .
is every reason to expect thatthe
011.Wok place" on their gl;ounels
ay on let:we're business houses, Their many
We have a fall stoek of Jolm Ilrnee Co„ (kw-
Quaent tested seeds Call ztud examine before you
purchase elsewhere.
We are agent for the American Hinge -joint fene,e
which will withstand 'sudden and SQVere pressure
from ,c(Mact with animals or otherwise, without
bending the stays, the fence:springing back to place
the instant pressure removed. Call and see our
samples' and our ,prices.
We have the Sherwin-Williams Paints in all color
and shades, which covers the earth. Call and get
a paint card.
were shot at by each contestant. The
result was as follows; W. Johns 0, 81.
Fitton 7,, D. Ilartleib 8, T. Carling 4,
J. Creech 3, T. Creech 0, II. Ford 10,
F. Nicol 8, N. 13. liurdon L The club.
will continue their 'weekly shoots on
Thursday afternoon.
Reeve Bolster received a sketch .of
his recently oidered antombile last
week: The carriage will carry from
twenty-five to thirty passengers. May. Bobier expects to have it here in May,..
He intends drawing cream with it be-
sides giving, pleasure trips to Grand
Bend and other desired points. It
will carry twotons and- run at a
speed of fifteen miles an hour. • Mr4,
Kurtze, with whom the town is negot-
iating to establish his plant here, is
the manufacturer.
The annual meeting of the Board of
Trade was' held in the Town Hall on
Friday evening last with the president
Mr. T. II. McCallum, in the chair, and
a goodly watishee , in attenda.ncee Af-
ter .the usual preliMinaries several
matters of importance w`ere taker up,
the retnoval of the depot coming in for
considerable discussion. The Ilisiness
being concluded the election of fficers
followed, with the roma that all the
old officers were re-elected. It was
decided to hold the regular meetings
0/3 the feet Friday of each month. ,
Mrs. Frank ICnight received the sad
tidings on Saturday- of the death of
her eister, Mies, Surr, (nee Jennie
Drew), in San Bernardino, California,
Deceased„ it is understood, had been
ill for some time, but the exact nature
of her trouble or the immediate cause
of her death are not known as only a
.telegrarn was received. She Visited here
about three years ago and *vas then in
the beet of health. IIer many friends
here will regret to hear of her defnise
and will sympitliiVA with Mrs. Knight,
who is herself not in the beet of health.
The Exeter curlers iourneyed
through the snow storm on Monday to
Liman and there engaged in a friendly
'game with the carlers of that town.
The visitors are greatly pleased with
the cordial manner m which they xvere
received' by, the home players, and are
loud in their praise of the entertain-
ment extended them. In total seore
the Liman players wiin out by 57 to 48.
In detail the score is aS f011OVOS:
Exeter Lucan
G. Crawley T. Coursey
A. Taylor G. Damien
verytlii g in Iteris b/Ilart J. OritWe I W. IIitwkshiew
„ 1;
litilort Eieter1 Ontario
E. Jones, ip, '8; W.Shieldr, ski
Dr. Itollina Prost n
R. Taylor C. Ilawkshaw
8. Swett 'J.Forest_
G.Anflerson,skip,15; A.11odgms„ikkip,8
'Grieve, skip. 12: W. Shield. skit, IR
Mr. Harold Bissett, Who hagi..heen
engaged at the .Molsons Bank here fel.
some time was stricken down peculiar-
ly sudden tvhile an duty Saturday last.
Fbr-some time his health has not been
of the best, but he was able to etterid
to his usual duties Until shortly after
noon t on Saturday when all of a stul-
den heivas stricken down and he lin-
mediately lapsed Ant° a state of un-
conseithistiess. Medical aid was 'sum-
moned when ;it was discovered that he
was suffering from•a -severe attack of
kidney trouble. He WaS at once re-
moved to his home wherehe was car-
ed for mot, assiduously and every
111011 t1, known" to medical ki11 tvas
used to* revive hini. Ile, hovvever, re-•
untitled unconscious for many hours,
with very little hopes entertained for
his recovery, but at the time of going
to press his copdition has sOineWhat
improved and be ililw gives promise of
being restored to health again.
Nista Law. $
According to the new peistal
newspaper publishers *can hold, for
fraud, an, one who takee paperefrom
the post office' and refuees payment,
and tbe man who allows his subserire,
tion to remain unpaid, and then orders
postmaster to mark it paper refused,
and sends notification to the publisher
lay; himself liable to arrest and flee.
siattare educational.
All the members reported at their
last monthly meeting held in the Town
Han on Monday evening, March ifith,
The rainotes of the previous meeting
were declared properly recorded. IL
E. Mutton reported a cupboard desir-
able for each room and the chair stattql
that the bell fittings hnd required re-
pairs which wet e attended to. Some,
possible changes 111th e Ed ti cationalAct
likely to effect our High School De-
nartment were noted and II. E. Iluston
wee appointed (per W..1, (at -ling and
S. Martin) as a delegate to the ap-
proaching Trustees Convention at
Toronto toilet in sympathy with the
delegates of other school.% similarly af-
fected in regerd to this` natter. 'This
design submitted by the nigh, School
Committee of it leaving certificate of
honorable mention to be given Wall
Public and IL S. studerite lea.viita our
school with an honorable record Was
(per 11. 141. Huston and Sv.Martin)
/tortuously endoised. The staff reclusive,
microseope and , B. E. 'Huston
(per It. N. ItoWe and F. Wood) Watk op -
pointed to look after the best far High
School and public school purpOses.
The Icoo of another serult of the noor
of Minerva's, Temple here Wag not de
bated and' pasaed pot. It, N. Rowe and
P. Wood amount $0,36, Mr. W. J.
earthier rentid441 nt) the tneeting sii41
closed it out of session in hi* Ofillai oil
hand mariner at least thatt'S whet the
sen,retary's liook repot ted and we antra,
to take bur Davy.
0,„Aralersonsk1p,13;A.Ilo4g1ni.sk p,10
Star Flour
Cilitill111.8 Flifillifts
We will offer our entire. stock Of. Furni.ture, comprising
Bed Room, Diawing,Rootri,
and Hall Furniture
Is the ideal Family Flour --good -
for Bread or 13iscuits. '
It is Superior to flour made
from all Manitoba Wheat,4so we
are told by Many of our custom-
ers, and so we think etirselves.
The' prices tie less too --$2,25
per cwt.
We also' miinufacture and sell
PRINCESS (Choice Pastry).
Special prices for feed,
Lganssaessekstis' sistarssalessers-sarei
also many odd pieces and Rockets, .at a great reduction.
Call and r3ee the many bargains we offer,,
,T14. Leading
Furniture :Dealers and Funeral Directors,
Our store has long. been knowfor its leader-
ship in first-class wearing apparel.. for .men. Fro
ess being. our motto, this season 'opens finding u
with a larger and better assorted stook than ever.
• ,
• The celehratedsW. G. & R. -firm
make all Our shirts and collars. The
,negligee goods, being most worn, are'
our strongest line but for these who
prefer the stiff bosoriawe have a nice
range of neat patterns. .
Price ' 750, $1,$1.25
. With Easier drawing pear the de-
mand steadily increases for new ties.
For to meet this we are prepared
with a full assortment of the swellest
goods sham 'rhe leader being a wide
four-in-hand in plain light Greys,
Fawns, and Fancy Effects.
Price 25 and SO cents
As before stated these are bought
from the same firm as OUT' shirts, there-
fore it is needless to mention quality
'except to say'that they,are of the best
fourlply linen. The 8tyles shown be-
ing" both new ltud.nurnerbus make it
easy to suit the most fastidious,
Jot arrived, a beautiful range of
•nice light, coloiS Plain whit, black
and white in stripes and small figures.
alsopleasing patternd in favvis and grey
colorings. ,
Price $1, 1,25, 1.69
, .
The early buyer will have no diffieulty in choosing, from:
our new stoek as we have just. opened up ten dozen of
. .
Hartley's and Battersby's finest goods.
, t
Headquarters for the celebrated W E4,.anfoi:d. Clothing,
wear eye, glaeeea as soon as they rieed
them. And they need ,have, no fear
that the glas1 ea Will d etract from their
perennal appear (nee if they Come, front
us. ,ror PO particular attention
W the Ironies as, well :is the lenses.
Wa want nee ceefoitters 'Ea, look well
and see well. 8 I if you meat,
let us nt, you out. 4ez.111140. row
.eyes thorougbly without etv.ti
supply glasses gis » teet,110 =-11
0VPA0 And,they (still be so stifle .
they: will please Other people' te, e
pecially his, when you 110 4) them .
S. OintlEt, 111.1
.Chetnistand Out ieian,
Mime :;(0,, EXErvir
Woltielfs Stylish 'Jackets
.. , .
Of Fawn Whip Cordt with fancy strappings
and covered buttons. Special $6.50 '
Ramn. doats-
, r
25 different 'styles MT( men's Rain Coats. Pleat.
e,d styles-- Three-quarter length and Mill
1 tirths-----N,iade of ex epent 'quality of Import -
c Crayoned° „ Colon - - Fawn, Clref. Olivc
Pi ice 5.00, $6.75, $8.5o,'
;NIL 86 ROW]