HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-03-22, Page 7tltE WO BLOOM Mece$saryv health, Strength and Happiness. Pure, rich, red blood is what is need- ed by every woman, young or old. Thin, weeli, watery nicod is the cause el ail the headaches, unit nackaelies, awl sicici ewhee ,— an the weakneee end wearinese• the nervousness and fainting- spent; that koliet...tiirls 'unit .wornen. The only thing that oien help you ie, Dr. atiniiatris" link Pille, These pills mince fiet-e, boti• vrd blood, that gives new life and etrerigat to every organ of the boay. In this way talitey unitke pale, feeble girls ieevelop into Wrathy,happy wonien, and for the nine reason bring erise and com- fort. and regutaritytto women tot allagni et nee. Onse J. Mortal., St. Clements, Vue., Is one of the many thousands inedet well.and !tonne' thrieugb the use ief Dr. Wigton-isPink Pills, She eaysi ot trice' several medielnes but got nothing to help me 'until I took Dr. Williams' lank flint's. I was eubject to palpitation of the keert, a throbbing in the bean, and *dizziness and .fainting spells. I tad no appetite., and wits weak, pale and discenraged when I began the we of i Dr. iWfillonts' Pink Pillte St beim*,Qf these heye made me feel like an alto - other ,dillerent enersort, and lame gia. en ine 'now health and strength." Rich, red blood is the true secret of nealth and strength,' and it Jo simply, be- cause. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new, pure blond, that they cure 'ouch trembles no enaernia, leiso‘of tuntetite, In. *digestion, neuralgia, rhettmetism, St. Vitus dance, partial paralysid, 'kidney troubles, and the Owlet ailments: flint only women -folks know. But you niusi4 melee genuine with tbe full name, "Dr. WilliarnsOPInk Pills for Pule People" on ° "the %Tanner uroiind aeh- box. If in doubt. "nil to The. Dr. Williams' Meni- eine Co.; end the pills will be moiled 'it 50 eoets, a box, or 131X boxes for $2.50. •••••••••••••••' InPRISING IN CHINA NEAR.' *Viceroys Are Poweriees to Calm Public Indignation. Wm. Hancock, for the past 31 years a resident of China, and a tomatissioner of Customs there, arriving in. San Fran- , eisco recently on the liner Hong Kong on his Way, to England. Spealting. of the situation in China bo said,: , "The principal causes of- the present °Unsettled conaiticin are the,clissatisfactiort In Southern China over -the indemnity to be paid to foreiga countries resulting from the Boxer outrages, which occurred in Nortner% China, and the outrageous treatment accorded to the wealthy King family of China ny a Customs ()Meer in Boston When he and his family Were en Joute from England lo Chine by way of this country. King And his family were treated we ordinary eoolles, and the head of tile fainini was furious over the, mat- ter. I think ,he was the, real instigeter int the boyeati." ° • "Yuan Sin Kaj., ,Vieeroy,, of Chili Pro- vinces, 'has donO all he, coukl, to stamp • out the boycott, but no one can do much when once public indignation is aroused in that oountry. Things are very •apt to become SerlOus bekra Peaeo again reigns. In verlous provinces the Chinese FROM BONNIE SCOTLANWTHEY MADE THIS 11401,E,S, OF intilfitEST FROM II BANKS AND Inittiataia liVitat is .GOinn or* is the 1001nm-tile und - Lowlends et Aunt Scotia. ". • The Parts Continitte Of Gloegow Cele poration tuomenOtait theit two bowling Ovens be laid out on •Glecgow Lircco 0/4 the east 4'1' kI the King n Provost Alexander, of Amman, tete intimated Me intention .ot, proWnwiil Portritit of ti* liijii1 lion. to et Olor Wye° M. tioOthee Arbreatle Public 141' Mr. 'John Rapt -met, of the Cotfee House Hotel, Dumfries, diode* Dumfries in- firmary from injuties he received at tLe centof hot week ley failing 'down a stair. Sir James Percy 14111et, flarL f Mans Omen, Duns., klerwiekshete, hat; Oted after a short illness. Sir lamest white Ittuninge coughtea, 011111., wbioh nevelopt ee „into pneumonia. A painter • named..Michael dtrrel• residing at Potterrow, Edinburgh, wets killed by inning front a :window on the top flat of 35 Drunisheugh Gardens, - a home of !bur stories. - The Earl of Boseben bast Per 'Mrs. Anderson, Plymoille, contributed £50 te the funds of the new municipal build- ings at Stornoway, which were opened IW. his lordship in September laste A, parcel of whalebone weighing three- quarters of a ton comprising the ketch of the ketch. Snowdrop, beet been .snlet to Dundee by private treaty at a rate, it is tenderstood, of X2„500 peti ton. • At Kirkwall, Alex. Mackie, aged CO, eattledealer, Aberdeen, for stealing a grey ewe from the farm Of Upper Howe, Hunecrath, 'Harry, was sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment with hard. labor. The statute of Alexander and Once- '' phalus in Edinburgh,' at {present situa- ted in St. Andrew Square, opposite the Melville Mouninent is to be shifted , to Nelson Square, to melte room 'for the Gladstone statue. The death has occurred at.Harwick George Cruickshank, retired missionary. Ile Witii a native of Aberdeenshire and etudied for the nainistey in Glasgow .UnivoialktY. Cruickshank" went to Harwick 32 .nears ago. , The Glasgow Parks Committee decid- ed to nee,ornmencl the -purchase of *York - hill Mansion House and estate which in - eludes the int Lanark Volunteer drill ground, and extends to 31 acres, as ri tepu60,000 b1ie opark. . The pri.ee to be pee is Incendiarism continues to be the cause sedons)darnages at Greenock. The iee-raising epidemic had previously beeeconfined to manufectories, but at- Ontion has been 'turned 10 stackyards ituated on fames within • the burgh oundary. ' In a private pond at lialmonsie the ody of a woman was • found floating a the terrace, and information WILS minediately conveyed to the police, who Ourld the. remains *to bet those of a girl, ella Cumming, missing Once Deeember are on the eve of a serious uprising. and 13 et is hard to tell to what length- they will go," W. 8. Allen, Canton agent for a flour cOmpariy, who arrived from the Orient on the- eame steamer, said the situation ki Chinn was very serious. "The prince: pal element in: the agitation over there • is the newspaper agitation," he said. Mt) 01ineS6 nOWSP8Per8 4a170 pro- gressed wonderfully. They are at la.st alive in the general eituation of Waits throughout the world, and they are fate • ooming powerful weapon. It has been • charged 'that they are being contr.olled by tieti”Japeatese, but. I have no eeldence of it. The Whole movement seems to me Chiriese-upheayai, national in scope. it Is fairl)sh to' saat the, boyeett or Ute re- elerm raceresirint in general he weakening. It would, bre more correct to say it is just beginning. I think the Whole .-trouble +rout(' cornpromised by allowing t eoolles seems- to the Planippines and ' Dowell," ' , - Mr. Mien was recalled -4'r= China en necount of the paralysis of tho- firm's Cleinese busbiees since ,the boye,ott. ern- GItEntli MAMA' AT ATHENS. Will Seat ICitality-tIve Iltansand S. ..‘taterts.. . The geed etadiunt ttt Athens, now ?n process of building on the site of the •• *indent streeture, is nearly finished, and it will be ready for. the'Olympian gam.en, 'which will, be heid.;during the l'ast week in April,• ' It is tenstriected entirely of dealing wbito marble, , is arnphitheatrical, shape, aniVvill have a stlatind ce.pacity et 85,000. The structure) has cost up. wards of, $809,000 to date, and when It kr complete it will rank next, to the Acropelle twang the "sighto " Of the city. • Some of the meet ancient die well as nearly all the 'Modern athletic) sports will agent ia the programme of games. and there. is (no dotibt that Contestants Won di over, 1116 eivilizeel world will be - present. ( Interest in ;the gathering IS not con- fined, to etblotics. A , great number of . distinguished. visitors will attend, chief among whom, it is hoped, will be King Edward, who, sorne lirne ego Condition- ( promised to open the meeting. This Newt!) aturallY result in a series of brit - tient receptione, garden parties and othe soeird functions. Tlic Greek post -office will isoue n see,: eio,1 $, of feurteen. stamps . 001111110110- orative of the oceaslon. IIXTECS SMILB. ' Baby's, ()wit, Tablets hag' a smile fri every dose for not tender babe and the ryowing child. These Tablets cure ine digeetion, wind colic, constipation diar- rheen, and feverlithriess, break up eolde and bring 'natural, hettlthy elev. And .- the triother WA the guarantee ef it g,or- , orementoerialyst tbat ,this medicine cone name no Opiate, itiirentio Or polsonoue "eoothingo etuttelt always does good and cannot do harm. Mrs. Soteph Doss, Hawthorne, Ont., tier tiaal have Used HOW'S OWD, Ttilikt,S and lind thoin nut the thing ts keep ehildren evel0 You can get the Tablets from Any medloine dealer or ley men at 26 ernta a box. front *be Itr. Alerlicine Cit., tirertik- ville, Ont. r 0 1 Sth. Tile town council- ot 'Dumfries at- tended itt the Burns' Ddasoleum, and placed a wreath on the poet's grave on the ,oecetsion of the anniversary,' and it the evening Sherif., Flerning, K. C., presided at the annual , dinner of the Dumbfies Burns' Clith and proposed tele principal toast. The remains of the late Sergeant Don - aid Maelceehnie, a - veteran of the Cri- 'man, war and Indian Mutiny, who died at the adnanced age. of 78 yettrs, were Interred with military' honors in the neat cemetery at-Tobermory. A native et," Mull, Mackeehnie in 1845 joined the Royal Marines, in which branch he serv- ed ten years, going the Crimean war. • .• The 'Demon of all •Disease. --Kidney dis- eases Are rightly. so-called—they're In, explainable, unaccountable and inside .ous. It in 'the function of the • kidneys to filter out all impurities. ;If they're clogged South American Kinney Cure - will put them to rights and defy the ravages of so grim a visitant as alabetes or other kidney complications. It ra. bey& in six hours. -118 se, 0.•••••••••••••••••1110•••••••••••••••••• LONDON'S Governiuent rteport Throws Light on Daily Rush. ' Wonders of London traffic, areenarratie ed and Illustrated In two blue booOtenf eingular "interest—nainely, Vols. V, Ond VI, of the report' of the fioyal Commis - skin on London traffic, just published. They .poritain a remarkable eerier; of plates. and mops, about one 'hundred in nuenner. They are costly in worlotaine ship and -,nniqUe as a eollection never before realized of all the feat -Lim Of the daily, rush of Loudon life. ,Arnong curious Teets obtainable from Wean maps and diagrams are the following: -- One-fourth 'of the population of Elite and and Wales living within a twenty mile radius- of Charing Cross."' Onanitinses in London carry in one year the whole population of the Vetted Itingelom -seven times over their ',mites. Mileage of railways within the twee now constituting the administrative County ef London WAS only 2iVi, in 1845. 111 1800 it was (i9f. In lege it hoe ins crease(' to 215X,eancl in 1000 in 2483; At the busy time of the day 642 onmi. buses pass by the Think of England Oti an Item', malting the procession two and (t half miles long, and .feur Linn - tired poss through Oxford Street and •Pieennilly,11 proeession one mile (Ind three-quartere long. - Autorriobile orrmibtises hold 34 per. f;oflo, iuf egainet the horst omnibus load el1,)6, SQthat if the horse onmibutiele cf Loudon. were replaced by autormilifie orenibusee the streete would, be relieved of orieefourth of, their eeisting eennibue , LAND OF LUXURY. Spaniarde spend $31,000,000 a year en wineo, $05400,000 oti eig1r8 and cigar. OW. 100.000,000 on lotteriee, $13,500,000 n bull-fi his, , and sizt50uoci on daye. martys le a Men who Nees up te Inte oilte's expeotatione Of him. a no/. /Arms wales Irv* OW 44 140445 oar beg.411(4. COUPLE, HAPPY ----- "mitre) Fortune. Grow« G.77, DODO'S KIDNEY 'PILLS DOING GOO •WORK ARM/VP POUT ARTII11.11. firoatost DiotriOt Moo WWI 0 tr_Ciii_i aVt.i41•41, 04441 Si* CIOIC414114131141 1$444442 31:4,1,Siii‘4141441):A 141404� MN nouvey and Wife Both MA ikidney Tronbleti and the Great Cana - Aiwa Kidney Remedy Cured Them. Pdrt Arthur, Ont., Mar. 12.04$peeitili. bocid'a Kidney Pills cut -elite hidney Ills of men wornen abite.has toen proved time and span in this, neighborhood, btit it is only Oecaelonal- le they get, it chance to da double work in WO Caliao house. This hes happened in the ease' of Mr. and Min. „Diet; Sou- veYt a fawner and his wife, living about setae 'inlet; from here. In an interview Souvey oak!: "My wife and myself litive Dodd.'S Kidney Pills, arid have round them it nid benefit 1,0 OUP health, We had La Grippe two winters and were exposed to much frost and cold. Our sleep was brOlieli en account of urirtary troubles, and pein in the kidneye.We each took six lxixee of Dodd's. Kidney Pills and enjoy geed health," • LIGHTS OUT. Parks—How did the ship corm) to Lang against the rocks? Barns—Why, a young man was court- ing the .lighthouse keeper's, daughter and they abOenttraindedly turned the • benet low, • netting• Minting Skin Disnases rellevt ea in it day, Eczema., Ealt Rheum, nar- ber's lent, and all eruption of the skirt gilicicly relieved and speedily cured by 'Do Agnew's Ointment. It will igive in otant comfort in, cases of Etching, Bleed- ing or Blind Piles, and will cure 'n front three to six nights. 35 cents. -419 StIE DID IT. "So little Flutterby married the strong- minded Mia Dairing. . I never supposed he had any tntentions In neat direction." "Ile hadn't, The ,intention originated with her," For Years Canadians have been "Tbe Menthol Plasters id thesalo for is greater than all ether pIaitos combined ; a ape. Cr backache,e1a0, ;sciatic pains. • EASILY REMINDED OF, Exeited. Customer—See here, you've made in awful mistake! I came .in here to got -some rtirid water -this morning and you gave inc carbolic acid. Druggist—That'll be twenty-five cents more. ' Stomach. "Scowls." ree. Ever notice the seams an'd furrows that's steal into the face of the' sufferer e'frorn indigestion, dyspepsia. and "chronic stomach. all - monis? Watch' the sunshinebreak in and the lines vanish When Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are given 'a etatn.ce to, show their power. OnelaelY', acy n leer. case, ealls theft "A heaven -born 'heeler.", 25 cente.;-120 111 writinL4 of their erne , ItiOrktt OF PEARL WO/tIcE11.9. Crude Methods 'Used by People f Rettilehem. • , The chief industry of tethlehem• in Judea is that of the mother of pearl workers. The. shells are brought from the fled Sea end in the hands of dative artistme are polished and carved, the larger into elaborate designa;.the small- er are cut up for rosaries and crosses. •The.work is all done by hand, and the mc .do ore amazingly .priinitive to a spectator from Ilse home of steam and electric power. But the results are extra- iordtnery. ° '"°- • The largest shell we slew wes carved. In scenes from the birth of Christ, the Agony In the Garden and the Cramillx- ion; and had the general effect of deli- cate 'frostwork. Under the amplifying gloss every detttil was sten fo be perfect in outhrte and in finish. It was executed to order for an American and was to cost .$160. About 150 persons make it living by thisindustry, which 18.560 years old. In tbe shops the workmen sit upon the floor,' their, benches in . front of them; the -air Is ' full. of whitisb duet, esad the light, admitted by the single wirldow and the open door,eio•dim• that the exquisite 'tilieerei °Of the wrought shells is a 'five- terg, even before the visitor notes how few, '5Oironle and 'ornde are, the instru- ments emlpoyed. • • REALISM. !Wow' did MeSosti .appeer at the fancy ball." , •"He went 'in the character ole eh gum!' • "Well, that couldn't have been very. realistic." . "Wasn't eh7 Why, he didn't know be Was loaded." THE ElaITOR:' ..••••••• Explains Hew to 'Keep up Mental and Physical Vigor.- A New Jersey editor writes: . "et ' long ledulgence in improper food brought on it condition of nervous dttre- pepsia, nearly three years ago, so severe that I •had to quit work entirely. • I put myself on 0, striet regimen of Grape - Nuts food, with plenty of outdoor exer- eise and in a few tritenths found my stothach so far restored that tile process at digestion gave nee pleasure ,inetead (11 dietreso. "It (i11() built up my .etrength eo that wcts able to reettme my bueiness, which 011014)00,00I not only edit my own paper, but al: do a., great deal of *out. elate' writing. "I find that the Greptinfute diet en. ebles 1,0 write evith. greater eittior than (Ala' btrOft, snit without the fed. frill of broin-fag with which used to. be troubled. Ati to bodily Vigoneil eau end (it) walk ranee every day ,Ovithout tai tiptoe tee few equareir 116ed to weary nee Were began to live on Grape -4%01 Nitrite given!, by Pestum ilattle Creeto Welt. ' there% -it %tan thei hook • lined to Went/111e," bit kgs, I SiAlinifi MACIO thmrit" - 4,11, , ton, A«re.cute, fa- 00Eu Tin fisnoury or Chronic; I I, al tt*.Ne/Jsr.siglo*Seiatie*; I • ___ :IA330 irad ail Kid, cuRERoy, trig111400; 1,01)3Cfrille Uric A„eld from the system, gives besintsbate relief, D4nt sinter, loot 1**4 losr a bv(tio at initio.-*- eibarns Itomody t.,30.,, 37$ , 0 * St., Toronto, i/ausilat. *Ai Par notinti , ete ___ ____ ,_ •• . . RHEUMATISM In any tom „aad told•pirripirivig foot IsodUlt rd with:* AV da,yo, , by ear omit patent Usguatis Dim,. or 111(011117 prosaptly seSuudeil. *mood Vhsiiiii $4.00. Writ*, La' d04eilPtitio lieolaott . wantod. 11A.GNETIti lidiElto • 41,41214311VOelilooshronkei (d4obies 40492,301 — , APPLE itneeto Before buying , write.. us, nr See oto agent near you, for prices.. We have the largest stock of. fruit trees to be found in Canada. WQ moo the freight. ' Itrowni Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limiten, 'Inmate Nurseries, tint.. Western Canada Land Co , witi OfFot., SI 11111TII ittlf,n, fo. S. atom. . randono Man. Improved farms and .uniraproved wheat and ranch lands, evholesale and retail. in 44enitoba, Saskatchewan Al - Ueda itnci, fruit lands in Southerie 'Oita,. rtagon Valley, 13. C. ' ,. Wheat lands on gaskateheeran Plains at -$7.10 per, acre, easy terms .till June ' 1st to makeselectione, .the finest wheat lands ,In the world. Homesteads located. ,Selections Made. Write or call for any information dee sired. - egteneeete..............„........;....edeoete ,PORTLAND • AND NORTHWEST wrniouT, cHApicle . • via --,. UNION. PACIFIC . Every Day rola, 1$ to April 7, lock. ' cotontot =test° many palate io the .no,-.Ihwest, Ic,0313 Chicago , $33.00 .. ...., .,,,,,,,,, . . FAST illia 51100111 ROADBM Tourist Sleeping Caro a Speelatter inquire of J. A. GOODSELL, Tray. Pass. Agent, . . . . - 14 Janes Bldg.,‘Toronto Ont. . 7 Mamma -"Ethel, my dear, do you ink that Mre-Spooner, who Lents so re'gularly and sits with you in thb r- lor every night, has serious, intentions?" Ethel—Ol•realln,don't know, mamma; tie Impsone so much in the daitc." Designs suitable for all classes of work mob am anarcboa, Solso0111. afrimit. Italie. Aleo spacial designs ter kildseno, Dining- NO01101. WC. 1440 - thing has ever been dervisod to opal Pedlar's lintel r.atieugs ler faros booms. 404p *a Litik and Oozier and matt wee crack or bee off, Made to fit any stze room and eariebe netted on Ity any seNthomitt 41141414.... -Red front ow WitielisDirsed— ---.1i- tet1 all ready to 'trial*. Our CaitatogSe, No. lte desorikettletang $1414.1011. Write tor It. V" nothinife Write to -day,„ TIM* ViI$1,7,31,:a..4114.111t losierriotte, got. orrAtire. oat imolai, omr. tam% *ye 44100413140. 11 .014401,111 St de MOO* it, 2Sia.aibar$t,riiiliftrat. WM*, Ufa Mistral*? Fload'Offloei and WOrka. • • Oshawa. Ont., Camila` SURANCE OF CANADA. The *Twenty-fourth .Annual Meeting of the Shireholdera was bed" at tbo 'lead OfIleeeof the Company, at, Hamilton, March 6th, Mr. David Dearer, Press !dent, In the. eltairO Mr. W. H. Devis, Acting 'Secretary.. when 'the following Report was 'submitted: ' InlItECINORS' IMPORT. , Your Directors have the honor to ',resent the Report anti FirtanCial Mates ment of the Company fertile year which closed on the 31s1 'December, IRIS, duly .vouched for ,by the Auditors. The new .business of the year consisted of two thousand tour himdretli and 'fifteen applications for insurance, aggregating $0,532,579, • of which two. thousand Mired hundred alit twelityteight applieettions for n3,320,637.03 were As in previona years, the ineeme of the Companei shows a gratifedng' crease, arid the assets of .1ne eCOMPanY .halr.6 been . increased by. $215,10.544 and have now reached $2,423,913.93, exclusive of guatentee capital. e ' ..The security for Poliey-holders, including guarantee capital, antounted..nt, tbe close of the year. to $3,293,913.93-, and the %liabilities for reserves and • outstanding claims, $2,213,698.15, showing it surplus of $1;080,215.18. Exclusive • of uncalled guarantee capital, the surplus to Policy-liolders was $210,e15,28. • Petioles- on seventy-eight lives became elaime through 'death, to the 411101111ft., of $156,886,00, of which $8,011 was reinsured In other companies. Including °CashDividends and Dividends applied to the reduction et 'premiums, with ann- uities, the ,total payment to Policyrholdera amounted Tot nes36,425.35. • • Careful atteetion has been- given to tlie investment of the Company* •funds In „first-clase ,bonds, mortgage .isectirities and Immo' on nee CentitnilY policies, amply seoure.d by reserves... Our investments !Aye yieldeda very 'fate , %factory, rate of interest.- ' ". • . • Expenstighave been confined to a reasonable %limit, consistent With due efforts for new 'business. '• The remits of the ,year indleate •a most gratifying- progress. Cempareel. ,.with, the preceding year, the, figures submittedby the Directora for yOur„, ' approval:show, an wive/lee of netteleo-Inirt per cent. in assets. , The assurances earrieniby, thei.Ontopano now, aniount to $17,204,13941, uPott nthe-compony. holds ,resereeitce.the full amount required by ' law, in addition, thereto,- a *co' siSidereble 'surplus. - • . ,The seat sofacers and agents of the .Company areintelligent and loYal, anti . are entitled' to.. Much. &edit ;for their a Lae ' representation of the Company, toreste. •The metabersor the.olilce stag' have also proved 'faithful to -the alpines service. '' Your Direetors are pleased. to be able ° to state that lho' bushmes of the Company for the past two months of the-curernt year has been better than iki. the corresponding rounths of lest -year, anel that the outlook for the future is most encouraging. , DAVID DEXTER, President and Managing Direct. Tiny tubercleon "the skin of midi:dons pee- pte produce the iiideens,disease eaffed Input. weaver's Oerate, ased in time, win save the skin troM, destrucredos. Apply to allaffeotod parta Cleanse the blood with 11reaver's Syni,Dt. "PVIlat started the trouble between' the Browns?"' "Brown asked his wife ' question while she was trying 10-putfier hair up it new veezt.'-' . .catairhtd .Vendaelles.--.That dull, envie ehed pain in • the head just .over the eyes is eneoiof the mired signs that .the Feedg of catarrh have been sown, ariti it's, your warning , to • edniinister the gliickest, and surest treatment to prevent the seating of tine dreaded malady. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal ,Powdere will stop all air' in ten minutes, And titre. 50 cents. 121. MANAGING ,..THE SErtirAN'It: • Mrs. JellyhoYe-"Heiw are you.- getthag E long wtth: your servants?" . Mrs. -GaybOya--"Splendidly. We 'iave made them a present of theehoute, tuad now we are boarding with Wein." Forffly Yourself against pidirionavrotibles P amount of new aesurteacea placed, 7 per cent in eanount of‘tattranceg Unto, 4c/tiding eionsuloption, with Allett's ring sam. It will loosen the cough and phlegm. bin Joao follow& .. . . FINANCIAL'sTAT MUNI' FOR UM. ' RECEIPTS. ' Preminm end AntaultitiOcome .., °". . • 4 • • •••kik fisKI70.1*11 Interest, Itents and Profit ins Sales atiot Soonsittes ... . 221,11g.gt DisnuniTmEnrrs. Paid to Pelloy-bolders 4 no 0. 411 .. • *.:11,•- 1'134,415.85 All *that Paymentait ..... .... • ••••• ••••••••••••;,.••,•••,41. • 11_•• • 1,1•11.044„. -111344040,10-, . . ••• .. • .. •• ••••••::•••••••••••••• ... • .4140 • • ille'r• • •,•.• •••114,• • , .. • . ' ASSET'S, DECE1.413Ell Not, 190.6. Debenintres and Bonds Mortgagos , . . Loans 9/*Pollefea, lends, Stocks, etc *. Ail ot.her Afoot* . , LtApistrEs. -Reserve; . . . Death Losses awalung. 1. roofs . • ...... •• • • • • • .. P °WI* Umbilitieg • Surplus 011 Policybolder's AccountIs*** • • 10 .. • • • ... • ••• t. • Met.V1 111% 0.17..50 • Ott AO, • -S21,105L0 • Assets... . ..... •ao • * etlarante:, .**, • • Vital Security 10.170,105.45 ,11,artio /11,t1/.18 skettituAt88 " le.‘itt,ttess ........ ,IWOMO.110 • le,3108,t3100 Policies welt Issued A.astiriiig .. ... . .... .. . . 111„00.5117.08 Total Insurance In Fore*. . . ... 417Pisaial Mr.' David -Dexter, President and r Managing Director, In moving the ttd‘tris' Pen of the report, said:re-I beg Itaye to submit, for your nonsideration - and adorittion the report of the Company for the year ending 31st December, 100. In doing so I am pleased to say thet it is the most. sidiefitetory, your Directors • ttave had the privilege of placing before you. • An tempered with the Isreeedlag 1, year it shows it gain of seven ,per cent. in prentlinnoineome, thirteen per cent* is interest earned, tsVelve per cent, .ia total Income, tea. per cent. ($315938 e REAL- FORTUNE TELLER. estrologer described you ex. actly, and said that I would marry you. sho—What, waste of Money. I could have.' told you the puma' thing myself if you,, had asked me. . ' Artet. westing Fevers linst6ri recoveny to bealtb bY the eso of "Verteree,. ft 13 tilt) ..b4.94 tO4titi; It Willits, ikzenotken9 and gives *ow ,rtsy it, it will nialFe you fool stroa% AN EXPERT WITNESS. "Are you one ofdhe expert witnessear inquired the coiert 'officer. "I- am," answered the higli finateler; "I've been on the Stand two boom and haven't told them a thing." • NEONIATHINI AND PARALYSIS. Thefeeleomplete, heene cure. Zest free to reederis Allis paper. rev limited period 'erase, A. iiitneee leo JD untrated., trentico. *Iv - Mg' full dtserrptiotk ci ithecariatieto anti puroiyMat With inetructiotto for tem- plet* home cure, dri;cribing .the Most intetoseul trofttMont in tin) World, re- comanievided by tby athtiotry and colleen. ,ed by *Indira! soon. /113 higialk fit14143.1t4/ beck 1,70:1 Written by W. M. *toe. a, giwitiotionn Who _ban nittilek tt moldy of tile* dieboanto,,- pvgfOge let h gradttate of the UPLivoroit, ef Wurilhers. „eked postol to-slatv mitt you will roccivo tilt, book fito by re. The Von* zee's, eh.* 24 E.iblif., 1:3 t,,u Welt TO tint°. SUC;68811178. .Onnier. photographer) ---Which way hal/ t,turn my eye? Photograph(li -- 'reword, that eign, ploitte. rotnts: "Terme each." N ISSUIG NO. It . 113 per, coat. in assets, 14 ' per 'cent. 10 ,reaerves held to provide for the pay- ment 01 Pelloy cop:4110v now in force, and 43 pit, mit. in the surplus seer a* ; ' The profits paid tete polf0.holetersi &et Dhow an intrease of 1 per cent.. end the payments *nide to policy -holders In per cent. in excess of the prevlottanotere The reserves now held to .rneet Assairanee obligations tie they mature aro ,111 (=Coss of the present resetiremente (If t14, Insurance Act, additions beteg made from .rear to Year to meet thehigher standard of , reserves aSeuratets Written prior to the. year 1800, .which the Adt requires that we shall held .at • the expiration -0f a term of years. Altepoliciee of assuranee writtes. since ale year 1892 and 'natty previoua thereto are eecund by reserves ou 3,% per meta and 8 per cent. leesis., , \ • . The -profits 'fo the policeeh'olders Nett:been Maintained.; in so far as it was Peseible to de so in the face, of the hstoleda thereon Ira= Vastlatts Sources, which may he etimarized fie ^ follows: The inceeaseel coat of new pliSillOIS 6W. Ing to the methoda2adopthd by Competitors,, radioman y some of' the American conapanies; the tees and taxes eliarged rind levied liy Provintial Governmentst the greater privileges and .advantages granted to the poliey-holder untie!. the 'eatodern poliey .contract. I would here rensark in explanation of the lett item that these' edditional privilegeo- and beneath etre increased ririvilegee of travel, residence, .oecuptie hen and continuance of policy,the tame betoroing noneforfeitable after aloe - years, until the reserve° thereon is •exitausten in payment of.preznitime. It *win be readily understood that some of the (*time which I have mentioneil 'bare tended to inerectee the cost' of assurence, mid °there to impatir the corniced' front which profits formerly iteerttect. . The ehareholdere vino provided ttla priid-up• tool additional gustrantee cap. Ito for oecurity to policy -holders when such it provi,,ion, WiL5 neeeseary have ji no woy encronehed upon, the profits to policy-holder:re, but have IL'S§ 111 ter their wilt investinfott than the *Scrag() rate 44 intermt earnea *It the Company on lavestmentle. , Your Directors have always endeavored to the best ot their abilikv to se. loot safe at well -aseprofitable, investments tor the funds entrusted to theitt care and the sectutities held will hear the ,most rigid inspection; Your Directors decided le erect it flreaelatee offiets building' est the Vero desirable riite evened by the Comnatiy end Eituattel on the north.west ciArlift ef RvillM gild lain Streets, to 'meet time Company's .ropaireiniinte. Competitive plans' were eistairted for n steel frame firepeoof buntline; of einitt ttofavs. Ten. dersf were received and it contendlet tor the construction of such a. building to he cenipleted In &Vint next. We tirti oorittilent that. the banding '41,41 prOve to he_a esitisfactory inveettotente affording ft rea.conable return 14 'Or1i:C413 lt111,111S- as well, as ,tletirable iittleeo tor the headquartere et IbeCompany. 'Lieuta-Oil. Items eeconded the itiotten, which was inutninaniteln tarried. 'OM ridivIng Direftorg w»re re-elietted. and et a iwbokatvat, merooit at 0)0 Ireetors Mr. DaVld Iffextir wait re.clected akI4 Marimests ,1ettter,41 Itcrio Ontit flet, gr, 'tons! Werct, nstItettli Vii*Prottitten ,