HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-03-22, Page 4IMe, W. Tel. MeLean leis iteteedeced a
ibilt in the 1)eininicas Patliantent for
pdirillp firtyrnirmE
41111110 lir LPL I MI IU MeLean elesiree to give ()vet's- ineniteer
Ater are esiwie as le ea. ary ilia, e
a vote on it:
* *
An antiaeptio tsioth riaste delicately Mr. T. IL 'Lennox, M.P. P. for North
; , ',Cork, will hate -dime lietheLegislature
Pertome41 mid 3 Pi'''''''u)t'' PriN44"1"''''' this week a hill providing fele an an.
to eleanse and whiten the teeth,
ejtuivFNT4 iimAY.-
11A.IMENS THE '601.1'Mki
, -',F3WEE-t,131N8 'THE ITRIATZ
Impaete delicione sensation of clean-
liness en the
rnuuth Jt ;vim: are lent-
ieg for the beet DENTRIfilfIE on t*
market look into the merits of
In large 25 cent collapsible tib.,
Central Dry -Store, Exeter.
(5,,vettr buorqte.
Sanders c% ,Creeeb,„ Prdp$. .
James Tucker; M. P, P.; intends to
introduce an amendment to his bilI re-
specting the width of sleighs and the
probability is that all, sleighs in use
after the first a December .next will
have to be four feet in width. Under
the act as its stands to day only'sleighs
manufactured after that date must be
our feet wide.
Aniong the manbills being intro-
duced in the Provincial. Legislature
, with a view to furthering temperance,
is one by Mr. McNaught to prohibit
treating. The bill proposes that no
person shall treat another to spirituodg
orlermented liquors over a bar, and
any person convicted of same shall be
liable to a fine of from $5 to $20 he -
sides costs, or to imprisonufent. The
Vroprietor of the preinises, waiter or
other person serving suchto a person
whotreats is also to be contlikedf
guilty. It also.pro.,y11.*1-tint -the fur-
nish_ing time' 'at' a dinner in the
4-iltiiiroom shall not be an offence. .
A new bill has been introduced by
Hon. Nelson Monteith in the Legista-
tura regarding County Councillors, to
. take effect in 1907. Following is the
essence of the Every town not
separated from the county for munici-
pal purposes and every 'township and
village shall be represented, -0 by the,
Teeve,. and, in addition by deputy
reeves, as follows; If over 1,000 and not
more than 2,000 persons on the voters'
list„ one :deputy- reeve; 2,000 to 3,000
names, two deputy reeves; over 2,000
maims, three deputy reeves. The num-
ber of councillors is to be decreased by -
the number of .deputy reeves elected;
but this provision shall net apply to
!twos or villages. Reeves and deputy
reeves aretObe eleoted bygeneral vote.
In the election of warden, if there be a
tie, the reeve, or, in hisabsence, the
deputy reeve of the municipality that
bad the greatest assessinent,shall ha-ve
a double Vote," •
The largest and most complete news-
paper press in Canada is now installed
in the World office, Toronto, and the
paper now being printed is its product,
This 'machine will print, paste, fold
and deliver counted 50,000 twelve -
page Worlds an hour, It will print
pe front and back page in two colors,
if desired. The World • has always
Lbeert a strong advocate of public rights.
It has been in the foremost rank as a
fighter against the corporations which
have securrd centroi of so many of the
-city dailies. Lately it has been. con-
ducting a vigorous campat -go in favor
of the policy holder in the insurance
companies of Canada and the action of
the Dominion Government in a ppoint,
ing a commission to investigate maw-
ance has been largely the ,.outcorne of*
publiC feeling aroused by.„the World.
'The peoplenf Canada will regard with
satisfaction the fact that The World
is meeting with success.
Does Your
Heart Beat
Yes.' 100,000 times: each day.,.
Does it semi out good , bloOd
or bad blood? You know, for
good blood is ',good health.;
bad blood; bid ,health; And
you know'. precisely what. to
,take for bad blood—Ayer's
SarSaparilla. Doctors have
:endorsed it for ,00 years'.
cm§ frequent mute of bad blond Is ssluggish
liver. IlusDtoduceS eonstipation. Poisonous
sub:dances *re then absorbed Into this 14004.
Keep th&howels (..pf,,ft with Aieses
$ MIR VlsoOlt.
tielt,Q, Aivn CMS.
41,7 OitiltkY liKfORik ,
We love no woos% I Wa lattbileb.
Oa tiorannas ot all *or $1110410/110111.
1141 tv.e.fta,100 otralleinannerelat tea.
Inteinees in Ontario for
lionetessentelde the province. Thehill
01Zong the seine lines as the hills re.
eently passed. by the, Qiiebee and
tish t',10litlbga. Legislatures and US lre-
ing introduded as a nieitsuee of pro-
teetion, and retaliation, tie the request
of the OE tai eoinmercial travellers.
It, provideS 4. GOO 43500 eeee stny
onteidee traveller tat:tee tillers in the
province', without' first •taking out the
license, :While this bill may be al-
right as a protection, it seems exceed-
ingly ridiculous that such metieures
should be. considered ueeeSSary Or ad-
visable betWeen the Provinces of Olin-
ada. ,
According to the following clipped
• •
from tbe Mitchell Advocate, Mitchell
is having US troubles like other towns
in Ontario- regarding the removal of
Et; citizens and the leek of industries
and. other conc6rns to. keep them
honies,-"In sroue issue of last week Yeti
asked sehat setts the matter with
Mitchell that so titan y citizens "were
leaving? Now, if you as.ked those far
sighted ones who are leaving and gone
the reason what will they tell yon?
"Trade is not the sane as formerly.
It seems to have vanished. We are
,inoving to ft live town, where there i
incluetry and progress." Think of 20
Men and boys in, this town lying idle!
NO fault of their's far doing so, ,They
are waling to work, but they can't get
it without moving to live- towns.
Mitchell would be all right if we had
a few industries to keep , the people
here, and unless we secure some it will
Elgin Wight of Sta Marys elient
Sunday under the perental tThe
k. F4pwertiti. Leagiie s holding
tinnivi.eraaey cal • Sunday March.
20th, On the following Tuesday even-
ing there will be a Meaatiting htL
A. good praegratti is being prepared.'
teotteietiug of dialogitee. recitatione and,
instrumentals. Miss Miller will be
pr.esent to take the eloeuttieniet'e part.
all collie and have a good tna.- -1,eenta
141%e:till! event Sunday with friends a
Wallie left Monday foe MooSe-
, ja'w.-31r. Beat of Brentfor•d gave a
very interesting and instrttetive ad-
dres_s on the_ Witilidtel (.v;..,' •:
tesa. in
heBoston Met °diet church on San-
alay.-It is to be hoped the. lesson the
young men learnt here last week wur
be productive of mach good. - Quite a
nurnber from thiS vicinity attended
the eilverevedeling of Mr. and,, Mrs.
NVin. the other day. all 'enjoy-
ing an excellent time. Their inteny
ft lends wish them..many bnppv 'PtOrr;
of the day,
Mrs. Win. Holt was in Sarnia last
week on bueinees.--Mrs. Jas. Hannan,
Sr„ who was visiting friends in Merrill,
Mich., last 'week, has returned home.
-Miss Martha Oaiser was in Creditor}
visiting friends anal relatives last week.
--.Mr. ,J. McPhee •was in, London last
week, calling on his son.. -Mr. Richard
Patton wao in London last Wednes-
day visiting his wife who is very low
in the Ilospitah-The Muatard,King
wile visiting our little burg one day
last week. -P. Holt, who came here
with his wife to visit a short, time be-
fore his parents left for Sarnia, was
taken sick of Bright's disease last
week and is now coofined to his bed in
a very weak condition.
continue to grow -worse every year • Sodouct
of our existence."-e-PROGREss. A. shootingmatch took place OD ?Jr,
Henry Smith's premises on Wednes.
day oflast week. Sides were chosen
HenSali to shoot for a supper and each contest -
Bob, Cameron left a few days ago
for the West. -Mrs. Wna. Muir is vis-
4ing her daughter, Mes.Ciise, Toronto,
-Chris Fraser,was on a business trip
to Merlin, Essex Co.'a few days during
the week. -J'. C. Stoneruan attended
the Grand Council of the Home Circle
in session last 'week. --Nelson Richert
left Monday for the West where he in-
tends starting a barbering, business. --
Gordon Manns left Mondayfor Fro,
brisher, Sask., where be has taken a
position in a' hardware., store. -A. Mc-
. Morrie who has beedgpending a coup-
le of weeks with his sister, Mrs. %Vhite,
has gone to Lucknow' where his son
resides.... --Colin Smith -Hudson, SOD. 'or
Mr. Hudson, EgipondVille, and v4, -.5 -
has been employed 'for. three -yiears
past with Miller, hastielised the
paint shop and busine,s-Lit the. latter.
and is now in charge. -Another husi-
neSs change ht).; taken place in. .town.
40'e 1551.61ilio has been running a
harness shop here for some years has
disposed of his business to Albeit Mc -
Orme. We understand that joseph
iutends.moving to.the West in the
near futtire.-The rmains of the 'late-
Thos.E.Pea,rt, were brought 'here from
Fort William last week and had to
rest. in the flensallcemetery.Be was
a former resident of this place aOd a
son of Thos. 'Peart, and had reached
the age of 27 years. • Last Sanuary h
contracted typhoidfever. but was get
ting along nicely until , complication
Set in, which resolted, in his death
He leaves a wife and one child.-eFred
Daters, who recently purchased John
Johnston's fartn, has 'sold his back
50. acre to Walter Fee who gets poses.
sion in‘December next. -Messrs. Thos.
Boyle and Wilson of Exeter
have purchased the store business of
,Mr. Wm. Biewden,--which has been
run for seine MODttis by Messrs. Bayt-
den & Cook. Stock taking commences
next week and the new proprietors
will take immediate possession. -An
enthusiastic and largely attended
meeting of representative temperance
vvorkers of the south tiding of Huron
met in the Methodist church here
Monday. An. organization known as
the Anti -Barroom League wasorgan-
ized with Rev. •Wm. Martin, Of Exeter
as President; E. P. Paulin, Dashwood,
as Secretary, and Vice Presidents were
• elected from the different municipali-
ties of the riding. A. T. Cooper, re,
Preenting the Dominion Alliance, was
in, attendance. Several important res-
olutiona bearing on the temperance
work were passed.
• Zurich
. 'Zurich has organized a gun.. club
With V. Fritz, Preset and W. Cie Hess,
Sec. -Tres. A medal will. be secuted
and ' shot fore -Ed. Kalbfleisch has
moved into Jacob Deieh.erts new &mi.
ling. --Ed. 'Schnell has returned to
North Dakota, after 'spending the
winter at hishothe here. -Miss Mandie
Deieftertla friends will be pleasedto
hear that she is now able, to walk
about the Wiese without assietande.
For eight years MisS 'belched has
been unable to Move about alone and
it is to be hoped she is now On the way
to complete recovery. Miss. Deichert
ri daughter of Sohn belched,
Public School Inspector Totri on the
occasion of • his recent visit to our
school suggested the exchangingof
the senior room' for one of the junior
rooms in order to secure more accotte.
modation foe the senior pupils. The
change will probably lwrnade soon.
Levi Stelck and familyleft for Dau-
phin. Mali" last week. Mr.SteIch
work, hie brother's farm this year. -
Meagre. Heal & Deichert have sold
theie farm in Spunky township, known
as the Nlayo farm to R. a. Talbot for
4.i6n0.00. Tho farm conteins about 80
property deal ilaS been made
bete, eee .‘Tacob Gingerich of Stanley
and David Betittle of 131ake by .which
Mr. Gine:oriel' gets IO 0.4011 of Mr.
Beattgo cider mill at Blake, andthe
latter gi-to poeeemion of 11.01 re Gin gerich's
farm J. Merner AV06
confined to the hops() last week on ac-
count, of iliness.-114essre. Sol Zimmer-
man. jacob Ort and Henry BrOWn left
bent week for the VVest, evhere they
evil! epend the suminete-J.J Merner
heti o eeetion of land, 640 act es,, ili
the High River dietrict. Atlanta. Tie
pin eh1f-4 ti this land ttvo yeera ego mid
has made the settet Sind ifif $1004 by
•tef.1• Ao. Mr. Memel, still owile two
aveteeie lialf sections i the west.
ant shot at JO rocks,. Following Is the
resultr-W. Carrick, (capt) 5;.W. San-
derd 0, F. Nichols 10, A. FOrd 7, W.
Smith 0, J. McDonald 6,H. Smith 5, j.
Green 5, S. Ford 2, T. Harrison 3.-
Total'05. F. Triebner, (capt.) 4, D.
1-litrtleib 7, G. Snaith 9, F Kerr 3„; S.
Stanlakee5, C. Stanlake 7, 1. Stanlake
8, J. Triebner 7, J. Stacey 3, A. Hoops
3. -Total 51. After supper fiPotTIV
joyable time was spent at MrseSenith'sa
home, dancing, singing"and other
harmless amusement- being indulged
in until a late bolo:.
Samuel Horn, ,who has been on
an extended visit with friends in Tor-,
ontoand other. places, his returned
here again. He proposed residing in
Toronto, buthas decided to live' with
his Poo, Wesley, two miles south of
this villiage.-111r. Butler Dickens has,
left for Iluronville, Saik. Be took
with him 4 carload of.horses, farmim-
ete. His many friends wish
him success. -Mr. Jake Findlater. of
Crediton is engaged • with Mr: Richard
Hunter', jr„ for the coining summer: -
Mrs. B. Coiling spent last week with
relatives -4n Exeter... ---Rey. Fair attend -
:ed the sreiith Huron Temperance meet-
ing held at Hensall on Monday last -
The infant child of Mrs. H. Fair', visit:
hag at the parsonage, Was taken ser-
iously ill on Sunday. Medical ale was
summoned and we are glad to hear
that it is improving nicely.
Miss Clara Duncan left for London
last week to talee-ti course in St. Jos-
eph's hospital. s
Word was received on Sunday, by
.Mr. John Duncan, Sr., of Farquhar,
of the death of his brother, David
Duncan, in Claremont, Minn. Deceas-
ed met death by his team of horses
running away on'Saturdav.
One of the best sales that bas ever
been held in this district was that of
Mr. Sohn Duncan's sr., on Ttiesiley of
last, Week. - A large crowd was in at-
tendance and Dearly everything
brought a good price. One Span of
mares broeght $580; a cols rising two
years old $100, a thoroughbred heifer
$101 while the other stock and articles
brought comparatively good prices.
One span of firsi-cIass colts.. were not
offered for sale owing to them suffer-
ing from distemper. On the whole
Mr. Duncan has every reason to feel
proud of his sale,
Women Angrily Aroused
All Over The Dominion.
information from varibus Provinces
of Caruida Points to the fact that many
women have been deceived and induc-
ed to use the weak and adulterated
package dyes pat up by unskilled and
unscrupulous tna,nufacturers to .imi.
tate the popular' DIAMOND, DYES.
OUP Canadian women'thoroughly
aroused, after loss of titne, money and
.valuable materials through the. tise of
muddy, blotchy and weak dyes, have
directly laid the blanie for their losses
on the retail merchants Who sold then)
the deceptive dyes. Thie aetion of in-
dignant women has caused rtiany of
one retail and wholesale deitlerS to
pack up and return to the manuftictur.
ers reeponsible, their worthless and -
dangerous dyes.
Mottitte-VITheri ledies decide to do
home dyeing- work, it pays to use the
celebrated and popular DIAMOND
pyvs, which have' been the home
friends of the Wiles for over 25 years,
when buying, see that each package
handed to yon beare the words brit,
DIAMONI) f)Y108 soon become ex -
petits in the faseinating woek of home
coloving,and find that it ten cent peek -
age vvill renew tlw life' of any faded
and dingy snit, 'dress'skirt, blouse,
jacket, cape or busbatid'e 00 sonfe coat,
vest or trousees. Allow . no dealer to
(dee you etre t,iiirlet Mop; he cal1s-34187'
AS GOOD." No other dyes equal the
DIA.M011.) I)YES. •
Send your flame rind addrteaato
& Iliehaid, on Coe, Limited, Montreal,
and von will eeeive flee of eeet
new 1,4,c, I frlok. 1 Dyed Cloth
Seteapisi i i1 1;ttoklot ill VOSI., 1't) if
"The Longtelie's'i rip to 1 he.R.11 'white."
"just the
For i "bite at bedntitne
414 could be bettet
glass of rnilk arid
- Perfection
Cream Sodas
Cateada.'s finest craekerk
from Cateadat'e firie'St-hakery.
invitiere, delicious. • In
the'air-tight boxes,. that keep
them to faultless
,YOur emcee
•Undoubtedly the best eeewed
the continent. Proved to be eo hy
analysis of four chemists, and by
awards el the world's .great Exhi-
bitions, especielly Cineatio 1893,
where it receive*leninety-six points
out of a. possible hundred, inwli
higher thau arty other Porter in the
United Stales or Canada.
(Incorporated by liet of Par)iament 1900)
, Head °Mee, Montreal
Capital, Paid th • • • • • -$3,0001000
Reserved rund•-• • • • • • .. • • .$3;000,000
• Snake In Stomach.
For some months a daughter of Mr*,
Wm. Kiernan, West Ward, Mitchell„
haS oot been in good health and ima-
gined that there was something -alive
in her stomach. At times she could
fed it crawling up her throat and
,would have to take food to send it
back. The sensation was anything
but pleissantebut relief came one day
last week when the young lady was
visiting in thenountry and, drinking
a glass of cream which did' not agree
with her, took a fit of coughing and up
came a' milk snake measuring 14 inches
in length, Aand still alive. Judging
from the 'size of the reptile , it must
have been in the victim's stomach
about two •Yeais,. and no doubt WILS
swallowed while drinking froinei pool
of water. -Mitchell. Advocate; '
How's This P
We offer One 'Hundred Dollars I.teward for ani case
of,Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
r. J. CligNEY & Co., Toledo, O.
'We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for
the last 15 years;aad believe hhaperfectly honorable
in all business transactions and financiallY., able to
carry. out any obligations made by his firm,
WAfmnia, .111Xinfi &24Afori1i
. —
Wholesale Drnigistg, T01,0dcr,
Catarth Ctire is taken interna*, acting di-
rectly On the 1,1odd andfinu.cous surfaces of the
system. -Testiinonials sent free. Price 75e. per bot-
tle. 301(1 kr, all Druggists, • •
Take Hail's Pamily ills for eohstipatiOn.
Andrew Hieks has rented the Rich-
ard Satidofartn. The rear barn will
be'tnoved-along side the other, a bank
will. be placed under theria making it.
one of the best barns in the township.
Edwards, after a pleasant visit
With Mrs. C. Birney at Exeter, has re-
turned* to our village. -John Sando,
vvho,received a painful fracture Of his
hip bone recently by felling eff a load
of hay, is slowly recovering, but is still
in a serious condition. It will he re-
meneliered that bis brother, in a shill: -
4r manner, received injuries t ha t
stilted in his death just a week prey-
iously.-Thomas Willis is busy' those
days out among the patrOnse The num-
berof his patrons ,will be far in ad-
vance of previous years. Mudsnew
and distant tevritory will be covered
by his wagons.Sueh is the reward
that .coroes of good work. -Messrs.
Hanlon tte. O'Brien; have purchased
Benjamin 'Quarry!,s house and store.
The house is at present occupied by
Andrew Hicks, while the store is the
property now occupied by the firm -
.Mr. John Parsons, an aged gentleman
of the village, ,suilfereda stroke of pa-
ralysis at his h,orne on "- Monday.-Sev-
ernfrom this district are making pre-
parations to go West. -Mr. James:
Godsave is off duty owing to an at-
tack of grip. -Mrs.' Thos. Hennessy of
Lucan was the guest of Mrs. W. Hod-
gins over Sunday. -The rant snow is
very acceptable to the farmers as a,
preventive to damage of crops,
Liman,: Wm. Cross, travelling sales -
than for the E. T. Corset Ocinipany,
Montreal, died suddenly at his home
Pere on Sunday morning. at the age
of 88.Years. Deceased, viho had been
ill only 24 taatitsretinte'here from,Oalt.
HeleaVes a, wife and one 'child. Fun -
oral took Place on Tuesday to Drayton
uhder Masonic auspices.
News: of the Week.
Prince Arthur of Connaught arrives
at Victoria on a visit to Canada on the
The new North Street Methodist
chureh at Goderich w t0fohIly' open-
ed on Sunday. -
Sir Mackenzie Bovvell has, definitely
decided to withdraw from the leader-
ship of the Conservative party in the
Senate, and a ballot through the mail
will be taken, for the selection' of his
125 men and 72 game cocks 'were
tetptured at Montreal on Sunday by
the police who raided a codking main
on Notre Dame street.
Cornwall had ea $30.000 fire early
Monday morning' conemning a etiev.
mill and cash and blind factory.. .
Montreal is I* *18 the home' Of the
`8titieley Cup, the, big hoekey trophy,
wintijeg from Ottawa hist week. °
- taut, one of the World repoders ace
cuseil of being ao accompliee in Steal.
ing Government doetunents, lut9 been
The death (Keeirred at the Ilotise of
Refuge4'Woodstock, of MrP. itann
SteWurt. a iii•lryrSis, to1feerrt1fig'117116fD
f 1'4ffi1ct. alit horitii,S state they lei iee
actual to that alus wae between the
ages of 112 tied 120 yearts
OFFICE 1.101.70 10 ao in. to 3 p.m. sATuRDAys. 10 4na. to 1 p. ;n, •
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or co-llected,- Forms suppled on applieation.
DRAFTS on all points in the'Dominion, Great Britain ,tind 'United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and iness Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terima.
DEPOSIT Iteceipts isSued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Sating Bank Department' rounded ha f.yearly and added to principal June 30th
posits of 1$1 and upwards received. interest corn.
and December 3Ut.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
Demmer & $olicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
,Forty people were killed and many
were, injured, in a midnight crash'of
passenger trains on the Denver and
Rio Grande Railroad at Pueblo, Col..
on Thursday, The ears were crowded.
The weather was bitterly cold. It was
caused by the train crews overlooking
their ordevs.
Irwo freight trains carrying settlers' -
effects collided at South Rit,fer, Musk-
oka, Thursday. One settler, Earnest
Thurston of Stayner, was killed.
The Alberta Legislature met on
March 15 io, a skating'rink at Edmon-
ton. . •
During a . quarrel at Collingwootl,
Thursday evening, Louis .13artelle fat-
ally stabbed Fred Lewis -with a pocket
knife. Lewis died three hours later.
Hon. A. G. Jones; Lieutenant -Gov-
ernor of ova Scotia, died on March
14tb, 'There is a strong impression
that Sir Frederick Borden,. Minister of
Militia, may succeed to the vacancy.
he Human
is the urine. Where there is a,
constant desire to urinate-witen
the urine, is hot and scalding--
it means Bladder Irritation. If
the urine .is cloudy', ' highly
colored; or offensive -it indicates .
radney `trouble.
Heed, the clinger signals,
• -
11 lillf C11,,,S
• ,
Luniber, Shin .gles, Lath, C'eclar
Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames
and all Building IVIatcrials.
'Finished. or in Knock down,
always on hand.
Righest price paid for Saw- ,
logs ofevery description.
Custom sawing promptly
attended to.,
Estimates cheerfully given.
The lioss Taylorto.,
Exeter, Ont.
"Bu -Ju" stimulates and
strengthens thqe. weakened,
clogged., overworked ')Lidneys to
healthy action -and heals and
soothes the irritated bladder
"Ituara /' cures. We guarantee
it and you can get your money
lack if "Bu-ju " diSatipointS.
All druggists have " Btt-Ju " or will
,get themforyou.
'w.$aso. ONT.
11,11gli1and Tea,
is Pure Tea
Grand Mogul teas are
the products. of the high,
lands in Ceylon.
q They are the real
mountain dew of the Orient,
q Nature put into these
Highland teas a hilgh• per-
centage of theine (flavor,
ing) and a low percentage •
of tannin (bitters).
Q Pram! .Mogul teas are
a nerve tonic, a pure food
And an aid to life.
q Nervous people prefer
them to medicine -
q Healthy 'people regard
them at the beverage of
good he4Ith.
q Prepared by machinery
fro:a nt,t:on t tcapor.
• T.6-4 •
told only in, eastekee ati25e,
30e, 40o ctst eee foel;4 in
blade reel) cc racw,d, 1,06kfee
the ceiee_e and p.
lin in each eadesee. The cog of
these ceepcns is Let :Ate eat ef the
tea' but is simply a pat of the adver-
ApprOp iatiOn,
,lig4******00010016004161111000600100101.40601temikftiiklit40.001011.00060111.4 $
V700Cre narigleablep:
Tzc GPecatEnpiish,,Ronecke.
A, positive cure tor atones of
Sexual Weakn_ess, Mental to*
PIEFOXIC AND ATTU ErainWOrrY, 4177a88'10,r, spa%
matorrhoect, Impotency, Effects, of A use or
111x all of wilich, lead to Consurog190Iniirml.
gu, per D six for $6. one will pse, six will-
eality awl an early grow°. rrws -
01fra. Sold by alldruggiate or maned in i1laiu
package on receipt ot price. Write for Paul
The Wood Metuotne clem. Window; On
When needing Laundry Work
done give -me a call, And
I will guarantee the -
best of Ncrprk."
Opposite Central Hotel
Exeter, Ont.
Spring Term Opens April 2.
Why Should you content yourself in the ordinary
walks of life when sou can better your condition ty
tctldng s course in this othool? 'We give a thorough
practical edueation and'aosist Our graduates to gosti
raitions. Commence your course now. Write for
I rincipals.
Room) 711111 .
Pk!" C„-.4 1,4
JUN 19
t:ntU2NING, JUNE 21
2 bay* Is Balton