HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-03-22, Page 1e
tieo.agn ArEiTsi
s y;01. niere
t bar.- tiivitragil
any CA,ilei?
, r ,
SANithipq. & CHUM( 11,.
i's a' you kir 7. i-tokuoalloita
ida baoged
_ seiy
We extend to you, a cordial invitation to be-
iT05,51YAA' in the Sovereign Bank of
Ca,nada., DepositiOt—TcruirupWards received.
Interest paid 4, Times a Year. - -
A Safety Desposit Vault at your disposal.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada.
JOS, SNELL, Manager at tseter, brec3iiton, Dashwood, and Zarich.,
Spring Goods are 'arriving every day
We are readrin all departments for the spring rush:
Come and examine our goods,It is a pleasure to
Show them,
Silk Waists—White or black; -with the popular embroid-
ered Work on them; 7 different styles; all good value, $2; 3, 4
Vestings—All Otir vestings have that soft silky finish
*which_ is very popular.this season. They are -plain, polka
dot and. figured 1.5c 20c 25c
, 7 • '
Shirt Waist Suitings-71t the cotton and linen effects we,
-have-an'exceptionally nice displaydinghami, perfect
mafsbers for 12 1-2e; Mercerised ginghams, perfect Washers,
for 15e to 25c; Linen suitings, white or crearn,'20o to 45c.
We are the only people ` you can got them from her.e.
. Everyone* knows they are thd best shoe on the Market Once
worn, will convinceyou. -Only the price of cheap shoes.
•0•C•4••,.., ,
• _
e ftit n t he p Ude t to dd •
ta rale bordens, and therefore eon-
teltided that has titlit vase mopid liO ,
It Sek10111 that tbe Ai-wig:ATE corivenienve that you eould,not refuse., -
epeaks -of itself but at this particular , In. the itinerant life you have so lately
time we feel tbat'a,tesieworilseimeerie l'ttanPtPil yolt r1i1aten need an article
ing our pallidly increasing eireulation this iives-riptien. aceept, this
will, not be taken ziliaiss and it i* with gift at 04V 1 u.it. We do- not wish
a juetifiable pride we give expreesion Yenta treasure it as a ME men to -but
to the progress we are attaining in this ; !,0 weal' i„t'' out in service, and when9
partieular blanch of onrinieinees, We iirtIngh lionOrable eilrviee' its • useful -
crave the indulgence of our reaches •in bees le me longer a.pparent, return to
referring to this matter but to zaiver. Kseler 41“4-1 We' Will ebeerfillly furnish
tieers and. those who need ro advertiee 1. You with ahoth(4ar Yon will be
VI have no apologies les retake, know. does to awn in attisietive and snperb
ing full well tha,t, they appreciate eiw API)c-Leel as eou will no doulit,nieetwitit
etforte and can at least it ti it they matisastranecers and a neat, apPeeranee
ale being aniply paid in return for , 1,4 helpful tOwaid business suecess. we
the iloonoy spent for ai
dvertising n tile
eolunnis of the AUV0OATV.
For Some time the ADVOCATI.,1 has
been made to stand in V. falSe light re-
garding its cireulation and it is to ills-
'iliusethe public, mind of this file im-
pression that we refer to this matter.
To be plain sve can say that theADY0.
OAT O rettots6r-ntiOro 110Bieti, to-etay anu
enjoys a considerably larger circulation
than any other paper ever pub1u1iec1fl
this district, there being added tO..011D
WOIrld theeefore ad viee tbat eme keel)
your finest raiment in tins ease. Un-
hess driven by Aire necessity neier use
it as It gold hag, oe forniture box, or
eattle ear. it•will leive a longer lease
44 life if used for the single purpose
which sve leave Already suggested. All
'the members of the Board join in wish-
ing you 'unbounded suecess he the new
end ambitious province svhich you've
Selected tiS your fettire home. Our
praYere wili follow and accompany
you throngh the years. Keep close to
Ii e fotindations of the faith of our fa th-
Rreeiously large het Ayer 300 ”
, „new ers d mothers, Von arid ° your be-
naroes---sinee- October biet: This is noleved wife will be greatly miseed and
attempt at boastful misrepreeentation if people up yonder fail to give -you the
but simply a plain statement of faots treatment you deserve, pm will al -
and to strengthen' our claim aUfl verify ways find a bParty welcome in Main
what we Say, we invite an examination St. Exeter. We anticipate thee you
of our lists. They will 8peak for them. neeer be withent plenty of friends,
selves. .They are open for inspection Your genial nature, whaling seines
any time. We have earnestly -striven -
to make the Anvoceeres a paper Wor-
thy of the town and feurrounding
country, and by the aid of Our able
staff •of correspondents who have so
* R
and engaising'powers of conversation
will win in any vc11 organized emu-
' team i ty, Rest assured that your names
;will be-engea yen upon ontememories
and • we hop Jiv God's graze, to per,'
largely contributed to the ADVOCATEpetite te in heaven the associations
popularity'we have sucteededia.bring. forined nnnearth. ,
SAIIIDERS &' 'green,
ing about that mid, and to them, vise ex-
tend our hearty thanks: The m et-
ch an ts and 'hilsiness 'nen generally
have shown us by their evarm 'support
that they fully appreciate out efforts
in this direction. We thanie-them and
the general public ler tbehearty and
libetal. support given us andeprinnie
them if they are advertiseres . v
VV, Saperintendent.
Alpe. .1looper :4„pent Monday in
ee Art Wood of I.eindisirwas here' over
Miss Wickett London' is -the guest
st II of 'Mrs Goin;ei.
wider circulationit readero, .
still Mr. Loft -ot St. Marys eat,ed .
; Waving on saaday.
better .oper in the future than the
14 e wmies jean
Mlirray visited relatives
,past. e know no standstill et).
() '
as there is field te • - in Hensel' over SundaY,R A. 3'. Fondle of Erin visited
-1"-' • • PeletiVes li-erebiet week.
ADDITIONAL' LOCAL! • , miss Mabel. Follick Maeye was
• • * 'Ong her hoine Sunday. • '
addiese and Presentation. Miss Meeril areald beketaken posi-
Mte and Mrs. Wesley 0, Ituaton ton as Milliner in Distil., ''
ane:fa.milE kft. Saturday for Rugby. I miss Lola and Andy Johns 'spent a
North Da eta, vs here they 'evil', make" r.eddyeilv Loridon this Week.
-.' their future hemp, On Thursday. eve- .111r, Jae, WaltepS is in klaitzliltiiie and
., nixig last the teuetees of 'Main ,steeet re
e eoronto this week -on business. •
-Methodist ebureit met at the hone ne 'AU 'SVIII. VViiiion is visiting in Lis-
-rdt. H. ilneton and presented. VV. Os
towel'aild• feurbani for fesadayse
' • • •
with Ma addreee and a hendsoine ecMisS Qttanee We" resumed her
E;verything tput be sold. as we are
imoing out of business.
SALE IS or4 istow.
Anyone desiring more than their money's
- worth, come at once.
are in. store for you, as eierything is
Kerr, recliton.
' CreditOlt ,
Mies Lizzie :ititt„Z of Perkhill is vieit-
ing her eieter; Maas- Zwietter.—
Mrs. Obeietian $ilber end son, -Chae„
of Zurieb speot Siinday het -teas guests
o mr.: and M rs. Wm. Wenzel. -,young
Bros. have Amide smite linproYements
te,the inteeior Of their hardware store.
-,- Garfield 'Lawson is very -ill, but, we
are pleased to report that, he is ,eecove
eringeneder. the skilful treatment of
flr'IPLiSt.--:-Mrs.. Daniel Oestreieher
and the Mises Melinda Trick and"
Hannah Fin kbei n er are visi ti ng feieffids
in Tavistock. —The Liteeary Society
will meet at the President's home en
Friday evening, Mareh 23. Two 'in-
teresting papers will, be ;given. The
Literary coneeit'te be given' on 30th
inst., promises to eclipse Any over gi
on in Crediton. Do not ail to belie
Fex' the -popelaie coinedian.--Angust
Sweitzer, who recently Sold his house
to Mr..Tosepla Mist, is having a sale
of hiihoUeeleold:e6etson -4-Prit3i4-1.--
'The Mat of :Revision' -re- the Mud
Creek Drain was held inIree Town, Ball
on Saturday. The Work of those who
I had the drain beeineee in hand, Seeme
to have been. vleY s;itiefaeterY:, -OnlY"
Dare.McIsaae 'left on Meinday for
Clifford, where he has secured et, situ-
ation as blackstnith.—Louis
er is visiting hie daughter, Mrs. "Ed.
Edieleolfee at Bad Axe, .
anti Mrs. -E. O. Paulin attended the -
Temperance Convention at, Hensall on
MontleYeas.did-Wso ,Rev.,Clemens,G.
Kellerman and Mr. Oestreicher. • Mr.
Paulin was appointed Secretary of the
Anti-Barroofn Leagee which was or -
there that • day. ---Gee.
botferhas purchased a fine' Westside • ,
colt, —Bert Pilkey wears a pleasant
smile the past week, his wife -having
presented him with &little- baby girl.
Both mother and child are
ly.—Miss 011ie Quance of Exeter, has
reSiitned her position with .J. Netter-
'tiaati as head milliner.—Louis Moser is
busy gathering his things togetho pre- ,
11!M'ing to move to his farm be eteent. -
IS. purchased ft -Dui -Jacob Ort, north Of
the, Zurich road on the • Bronson Line.
—John Gritybeil of Zurich spent Sun.,
day, witti.his family bere.—The P. N-
A,,.'ineetdirg Sonday e.vening led by
Miss Lily. Harti.eib was ver iraitrue-
lye an iutereetiogeeeEzraReirrlerbeA
nt: ' a .. .
coiiiinen04 tO -10ortt Alio- tintinlIthitg '
-I,t; l'(.,.4. s- bei)(/ izeg .1?-,Iiii.4:7 ti' is,..aspe. soir' ' ee.' citnl. zot.: le' tit:oi.f1;e, Rt!0;02:141::,'ll1,Stew-
,„(,,c,ed,tvlioloh no doxibt he will.,
. . . , , • .
' a I td ' jCitrije tjg 6/ . town..,
ease inerecogoitieetiefra sieut e'en as riiiiiiner Dastievood. -eeaeo elight, changes weie inede.—The t eEp Nv g
forinance of diities in connection seritti • Air'. oitnipf)ell, Exeter: north'
tbe church difrine- his residence here. left,Thersday last far „Kinistigo, Sask.
W. O's friends here regret his de at.,
inclaelsea Store will surprise you ture but trti$t that he inay meet vi:lth
*- • • 'the iceSt of sueCess tlie West, The
. • following is the a liress: •
' • W; '0. fluston". and tvife. -- The
• aiembet,s of the Quarterly Official
This Store' has now assumed somewhat of the appear-
ance of an up-to-date establishment. '')Our turnover of
• the entire stook and ,store 'furnishings' during the last
- 'three' vveeks has added very:materially-A° the appear-
ance of Our store, and a deal more to the. convenience
and.'comfort of those who. do their Shopping here. .
BOOTS aiid .
Don't fail to see our -new' and 'extensive stock -of, boots
and shoes just opened up.' You will find* here the
celebrated Heavy Shoes. -made by Williams of
Bram.pton. Everyone 'guaranteed • wear .well - Or
.:, your moopy:*k, * :
Women's .and Children's shoes in almost every needful
style and „
Produce taken as gash:* • '
A F, MALLOY, M. D. (Tor., ilniv) MEMBEB I
ponege of ,Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
Former Hose Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital: '
Successor to Dr, 3. A, Rollins, Residence: Eat on
ire; street north of office, Exeter, Ontario.
. Legal t--
To Rent..
One,acres of land with a good feline house tied a,
stable' on Alexander street, Nortir-Exeter." Inanedz.
ate possession given. For partiOnlara aPP1S4 to "
W31.,14011,THCO,TT, Hay
For Sale.
Eight acres of land a good barn also a good ar.
tore, I.Totaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. den with all kinds of frUit. 'This p ACC la situate on
, Solicitors for Molsons Bank, de, '" • , 4,, ,ttliames RoadNorth Exeter, Immediate possessiOn
. 'd
Money to Loan givenFor particulars apply to at lowest rates of interest. •
• of6ces, Main street, Exeter,
' 1. 'It, a4inano, D.A., • L, 31; Dictutota
That *ell drained, well irnprove'd and truly up.to,
--'' concession in the Township of Iliddulpb, in the
, date farm, being composed of Lot No. 11, in the 7th
We baye a large amount of private funds to loan County of 'Middlesex, conta fling 160 acres of land.
1 on farm and village properties at low rates of inter. Situated on the premises are a good 2 BtOrey brick
I est, house, bank barn. 00x40, cement hog pen, wind mill
MADMAN Sz SUNBURY, and good young orehard. Thisis truly tt,. tnost desin,
'Barristers, HolicitoinNain it.. Exetor On abIe property, svell supplied with water, conyenienE
,, to school and clitrehes and one of the most inmroyed
-. - , farms in the County of Middlesex. Per further par.
, . ri.totiO3r To Loan.
. .ticulars apply to
1 Whalen B. O. lkwristers Etc., Exeter.
I have private funds to loan on farm and village
. properties at lowest rates of interent.
Office opposite Centr.11 Hotel, Main -rt., leatee
, The undersigned is offering ,for sale that desirable
farm, in the township of Stephen, being Lot 7, Corp
ee$tion 4„ containiog 100 acres Of first class land.
There is on the premises a good briek house, g bank
barns driving' 13110 good young orchard, two never.
thsgartist era Choir Master of Mitchell Aktmalt failing wells and other eonvereences; the land la well
drained and fenced and itt all under cultivation.
Will bt mold cheap and on tiny tenni, )39 tiltI proprie.
tor intend, going 1Vott. Apply to
V. W. BARE% Crediton East.
Board of Main street church. Exeter,
have met on this occasion to do you
the honor of a social evening and to
express ouaregret at your departure
from among us. The efAcient services
reetval _meetings which haye been held
in the Evangelical -church 'the past
1 eight, Weeks •elosed on Sunday evening
aftee being theenost'Soccessfill kiiowri
in nor midst for a long time. Some
135 have failed graCe. The revival
iwnetileokrw:nm:'61411) Wri° has been visiting,
Mr. and Mrs.•Robt. Sweet of C1b3ton
iting Mts. Poplestone in 13lyth this
fdis John 'Morgan of Usborno is vis.
it.oelsvaoti.v.es Wila,len, has returned
are spending a few days with relatives'
The Misses Siiirriy of Hensall spept
Sunday here, the guests of the Misses
you have rendered to the church can-
. Johns'.
not be too highly appreciated and
words but poorly express our gratitude.
.desire 'to -manifest our esteem by
.some•tangible token, but were at ein.
sicierable loss to linbw what would be
suitable to persons conteMplating a
•journey to the great Northwest, and
having so inanytreasures to transport,
(likurch, Teacher—Piano, Orgati, VOlilei
Modern methods. Thorowthne04 ,
e ,
• 1,
• Property for„Sale.
—,--- -- -
. ' ir, he undereigned in offering for sale the tants prop.
A tine pasture farna in the Townehip of Hay, near ertY in the townabip of libidulph„ Lot 9., North
' , Sarepta; oine hundred acres, 85 isereet teedrd, t,r1trite, Mlindo.Y cootAftilig 11.1A *creel.' Oft fain is diY1(1-•
' house !Ali pod )3table, good water, ete., ed hitt) VIVO AtetiOtIth PM acres and 04, and will be
imid together or itperatti There lain tho 100 aere
' Anoth4 WO acro farm for male; intim townehip of 1 1
hArdrrood bueh, twonever.failing wells, wind mill
ot a briek house, t obey k barns, orchard, ten acres:
' '1.17eitorne,e -Kith of Elimville,conYenient tone I well
- - h°4 ' ' -- Attikehed to ont. And other conveniencen, On the 01
drained, email orchard, 10* rte bush, frame hotiae acre lot there Ina batik baria 40x70 feet and abotit 0
acre% bilith. , i , ,.,
Th"Am property urn, be 'old sheep and on (AI tcrilig;
Appiy to Jog. r. ttEtit,V,'WhaleP.'
Sale. Registers.
TIMRSDAY, Malt 22.-NIllage Property, House -
Wm. 11,a.wkshow, Exeter.. Sale afl, o'clock, John Hooper went to Toronto on
hold effects, driving outfit, etc the property of Air
Mrs. . Ed.
aunt. , Monday -on. business in Connection
'Mrs. 0: A. Minis of Port Union was
the -guest of Mr. F. W. Collins for a
few days. .
Mrs..4,11, Colling-attended*the.fun-
eral of .Andrew Young in Seafotth
Saturday. - ' •
All*S. A. J. Ford left Wednesday 'ter
owing to the of.Mrs.
Wan Westaeva.y.
Mrs. Wm, Parsons left last week for
Langdon, N. Dakota, where she ye,iti
remain for a few monehe. ,
lave eteele ravI gridnAr;,, ,
• Apply to
SA1,21)1tB 46 (3ItitECiTA, T!liXtett,
With the Wol knew) of the World.
SATURDAY, MAncil Sist,--Stocic, Feed, Implements,
Household' Effects, Etc., the property of Ilenry
Statham, niacin Street, Exeter. -Sole at 1 o'clock.
14..1kreNvn, A.uctioneer:'
EfiDAY, April 0rd.—Hosisehold effects, the property
of Angnst Sweitzei, Crediton, East. Sale at one
o'clock. John Gill, Auctioneer.
• ' '
fieruania, March 24th.—Morses anti cattle, the ProP-
ertY0flifessr.4..DOW and Tennant'. Sale at Aloe,
WAY'S, Exeter, at ono o'clock. IL Brown, Auct.
Varna tor Sale. or Rent for • Pasture
The undersigned is offering for tale or rent for pas -
tore Lob 26, Cott 24, Ilsborne, eontaiiiing 100 acres,
of land, situated 21,4 miles from Exeter:.
For partieulars apply to
Township of Stephen
School Notice,
S "
Public Notice IS berpby given that By -Law 'to
dividd PtiblieSchool Sitetion No. 1,,of the TOwnship ,
brSteplien, into two sdeliona, Will be considered by
tin Council of the Township of Stephen at the Town
Hall, Orediten, on Monday, the 2ild daY of ADM!
1000, at Ten ti. 10., nt which all persena interested
will be beard. .
Township Clerk.
March 6th, 1906.
In the matter of the estate. of Eliza-
beth Turnbull, late of the Township,
of Stephen, in the County of Huron
widow, deceased.
Notice is lwreby giveu paranant to Oee. 88 of Chap-
ter 1291 of the ltevisedStatuteS ofOotario, 1807, that
all exeditors and othershaving claims Against the es
tato of thc eta Elizabeth Turnbull, who died on or
about the Otir day of 17ec., IVY, Alt. CM or before the
14th DAY OF APRIL, 1906;
tosend by poet prepaid, or &avert° Kenneth nod.
11101., of the tewn of Parkhill, !nth() County •of
dletex, Solicitor for the Exectiftix of the said de -
raid, their ebrintian name" and env:tames, ad.
dresses and descriptions, the foil particulars of their
claims, A stetement of their aceourtts and the nature
d further t ite notice that after the day latt
of the eectititiel,(if any) held lw them.
aforentsiti the aid executrix will Ir -*d to ail,
tribute the meets of the said deeelliff6d, Among the
pieties entitled thereto, having regard only to „tStieh
claims of which notice shall 1106' been given as
above romired, and* that the said Executrix Will
not lee liable for the *id assets or tiny part thereof,
to any person or persona of whose claims notice
ehall *sot hose beet% received by theirs at the -Hine of
such distribution.
T,ovr„ r•or.stibr,
by 'KENNETH 144 7017M AN„ her Solicitor.
Dated Oda reth•sttv of March 1906.
Mr: Geo. Gillies left Tuesday' for
Brantforde where he will spend a few
days prior to leaving for the West.
Mrs. Adolphus Hooper of the .Ltike,
Road is visiting in Toronto, leaving
Jr., -f1 Saturday Morning: •
Miss B. Johnston, of the Seaforth
Sun; was the guest of Miss J ean BeeWlie
shave Saturday, and `Sunday.
Mrs. Horne and daughter left last
week for Milverton to resid.e with the
former's son, Mr. E. W. 'Horne. •
Mr. Russell Soutticott of St. Thomas
arrived here Saturday. Russell in-
tends going to Winnipeg shortly. ,
Mrs. R.. R. Rogers and children haVe
returned,o Chicago after a visa With
IVIrs, Eager's-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Christie. •
Mr. Trid8;'Daytion Visited in Eippen
Tuesday. liis lit* sour Georgie', ac-
ciempaniecl him and will remain there
some time: r. •
Mrs. Boon'of Toronto and Mrs, Gra-
ham Of St. Alarys have returned to
. .
meetings in the Methodist church are
proving quite a sacceis and we 'hope,
they will do much good;The recep-
tion services -of the new•thembers. will
be held in the Evangelical church next
Sunday morning and will no doubt be
impressive.—We are pleased to state
that Mrs. Christian Beaver is recover-
ing from her illness. --.-Quilting bees
are the order of the day., ---Thos. Treve-
thick, our local issuer of •niarriage lic-
enses, had better be prepared as there
are the usual indication thatee'therell
be something doing inthe good old
...summer titne."---Thos, Zwiekeeeevas in
London On business Monday.—Joseph
Haist has bought a fine team to work
on his 'brick yard.—On Friday evening
a large ;number of youngpeople as-
sembled at the home, of Mrs. Alma
Chambers and Mrs. J'no. Chambers on
the • 8th eon, to spend the evening,
prior to their departure for the garde-
west.-- Mr. Wirt,,• England, on behalf
I d 4 n
It i
their respective homes aftee a yist
with Mrs. John White.
Mr. John Thompson, accompanied
by Mrs. 'Thos. Thompson, of Elgintield
visited /his sister, Mrs. Wm. Hawk-
shaw, over Sunday.
` Mr. L It. Bissett of Delhi and Miss
Ethel Bissett, who has been visiting in
NOIVith, arrived on Moiultiy owing to
the illness of their in -other, Harold.
Rev. R. J. M. Perkins left Monday
for Woodstock to conduct Lenten ser-
vices' in that city Wednesday
Ile was acconipaniediw Mrs. Perkins.
Sbutlicott and little son .and
daughter, Who have been' in California,
for B00141 mouth,s, have started for
home and are expected to arrive herethe
the latter part o the week.
Mr. A. Aloore, who has been with
NI3148118,, Snell & Rowe as dry goods
clerk, left' Monday evening for Owen
.Sound, where he has aceepted asimilar
Itlessra. Wm. Tager and V.n, NOW.
corabe left on Saturday night for Wit,
low Oity, N.Dak. where the former in.
tends remaining for a titne, while the
latter will visit different points in the
west with $1, VieW to securing a desir-
able plaee to loeate and start the box,
bering business.
of the cpnepany assemb e , rea a
appropriate address and . presented
therm with a beautiful present. • Af-
ter linich had been served the remain.
der of the evening was spent in tip-
ping the usual fantastic step. We
wish these' people who h.ave proved
worthy citizens every happiness 'and
prosperity. •
Hensall, on Mar 11, to "
Mr. and Mrs. F. Rannie; a Soh.
HODOINS.-,-.111 McGitlivrny, Igirs-et;
• to Mr. noel Mrs h Elgin Hodgins,.. -a.
daughter, . •
C.A.Nx.—On Thursday, Mar. Still*"tea Mr"
, and Mts. Cann, formerly of eaxete
_ eie a Sort.
'iteeetteres.—In Bay on Maroh 18, to
and Mrs. 41eX; Ingratn,.m.datighter..
Ouvicti.—On „March 8th, • to Ur. a.nd
• Mrs. Joseph Oliver *of Stephen, a;
daughter. '
BATRAIst—On March 14* .to Mr* and
' 'Henry Bat,rain, Stephen, a son.
lloneeeTs.—On March Ath; to Mr. and
.Mrs. Elkin .Hocigins, MeGillivray, a,
L daughter.
00Ioradoe on Feb. •13th, to •
and Mrs. Kay (nee Annie Stew.
art),a son. .
Coratsuy. —In Lucail,' nOti- Mar; 15,'
Sai.ah, wife of Richard Coursey, : er,,,,
$iged 64 years; 8 'months and 22 daYai •
Citoss-:-.In Luean, on March IS, Win,
' Cross, aged 38 years . • -' -
So the Weather Man Says.
Sal) Pails Sap Pans
Sap Kett1e:3 gap Ppiles
Sap Pails, our own make, 1.0e.
Leave orders for Pans well made
o any size.
Heaman's Hardware Stove Stores