HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-03-15, Page 4DJ Cook's Best Friand
e s
, s king
• ,
wean -e shw gets reeults that catitiet
Le btanned from anteethet Peetatele
RIB a pure Crteun of 'Tartar baking
weeder, uniform he Strength and never
fads to give satiefaction.
4 A
' *Sale increasing Fast
Get the habit and use Cole"e Baking
Powder, :And you will never regret
Ask for sample.
LI .
W. *
I ' i
Central Drag Store, Exeter.
. ,,.
Ozerter brocate ,
- Sanders ec Creech. Props.
THURSDAY, MAR. 15, '06
H. ,Eilbeei bill regarding the • in-
mates of Houses of 'Refuge, lgesides
proposing, that inmates bayingin
thetrepptsession money or its equiva-
lent ahotiel bend same over to the
<iounty for payment of their keep, al-
so provides that the Houses should be
inspected by a government inspector.
* *
. .
The Whitney Government is being
skated to extend the time for filing ap-
plidations for veterans' land grant
cleims which expired December .31.
About 12,500 certificates have been is-
sued. and about 5,000 holders .'have
taken up locations. It is probable that
an amendment will be. 'made to the ,
Act, providing for the placingof all ,
locations 'together n, new, ,
townships; ' ..
.. . ,
On Thursday Earl Grey opened the ,
second session of the tenth Canadian ,
Parliana,ent at Ottawa with all the
usual pomp and display. The speech
from the throne stated that the coun-
try was very ,peosperous, harvest's and
trade had been good; the immigration
large, a treaty with Japite had been
signed, Canada, is to have charge Of
Halifax and Esquimalto Re -Forest -
ration, an . insurance enquiry, the
Preservation of Niagara Falls, a Lord's
Day o rneaeure, etc„ will be considered.
There will be no tariff bill this session.
The farmers living north of Thed7
ford, in 13o8aamtiet township, have or-
ganized a "mutual beef -aseoeiation."
The object is to 'provide the members
with fresh beef at cost, and in quanti-
ties to suit their need. Each member
furnishes a beef, one each week in sue-
tession during the year, the animal to
dress about 400 pomade. Age practical.. ,
butcher is employed to kill, scot up and
-deliver themeat to the members once
a week, in such a way that doting the
seesoneach member will receive all
•the different Cuts, and difference in
weight to be settled at the rate of six
tents a pound at the end of the season 1
DA.NA.DA'S gem*. ..'
The veterans 61 1866 at their last
gathering in Toronto passed a resolu 1
tion that said:
* "The fleg of our country being the 1
'emblem of Britain's might and glory 1
it ought, whenever and wherever dis-
played; to evoke feelings of patriotic i
pride in every British subject, but this i
associetion views with regret the pre- t
valent anctincreasing custom of tnek- 1
ing it , the Medium of calling attention 1
to auction sales and otherwise tieing t
It for adyertising purposes, demeaning I
the flag and tektite; from it the respect ,1
With which it ought to .be viewed; I
Resolved, therefore, that the president t
appoint a committee to act with kin- ./
dred associations or otherwise in en- (
deavoring to secure a discontinuance 1
of the priietiee of tieing the. British or r
Can ndianefhigs for such purposes."
We quite wove with the spirit of the o
resolution. HoweVer, we have failed 1
to notice any misuse of the flag le this (
district and trust itmay continue SO- i
.. 1
sY . our
• wnD o• GA)
If he tells you to take Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral for your
severe cough or bronchial
trouble, then take it. It he his,
anything better, then take that.
We have great confidence in
this medicine. So will you,
when you once know it.
The best kind 6f ii, tostlitiontel -
"Sold ter over sitter etettee'
. 1
31,04. Ili O. O. Alto 0... taw.% lgigges
*1i•immirellillterii «.,
/ latelePeltillat.
gen rats*'
itent IMO.
W. tAirimi iiitilltroMi f Wb pone%
Was tortsalas et *IL *or 70,~agge.
- op.n wfth on� 0 t
PM at bedtime, Just
Vtlird Witzel dispoeed of elle a ins
driving colt% "Nordiue," to J. Keller-
man a Daeliworal. for which be re-
ceived a good figure. -Micb.O'Rour kes
boree gave him a ease on Sunday
inorniug but eo damage was at ?nee -
Albert liaumingbatri, arid'wife of ''rditon visited' at B. erinningbam's on
1.w, Mi Kate ()aerie is visiting
4a,t Mount Oerniel.---Mr.." aud Mn B.
Otinningbam attended a fareweltparte.
at W. Hole* home, Shipka. Thursday.
horse belonging toAtigus MeDonald
broke its legothe other day and is a,
conseetnence bad to lie
man Neab bas gone to trriele Sam's do-
mainsd-giss Tilly "Witzel bats engaged
with Mr. Sheppard for the summer.
Wottiett Mlitersteis
a Vont*.
Diamond Oyes
Have Ailed. Millions est Wilk*,
• Mother* ,Sted Oresegireters
ils.PPY slid co*,
Mr : aoti Mrs. Thornton Swale and
Mi. and Mrs. Luther Sveeitzer spent
Sunday at the home or John Towle.
Mrand ges. Sweitzer leave tbis week
for the West. We wish them every
success in their new home. -Miss Edrue
dittylor of Exeter spent Senday at her
hem° here -Harry Powell and wife
(nee Miss Lizzie Parkinson) of Devizes
renewed ectinaintances around here
last Week. -Wm. Whiteford was kick-
ed by a colt last week which laid bim
up for a few days. -Quite a number of
our people attended the °Add meat
supper at Bethel on Monday *evening;
also the "At Hone" at Eliniville on
Tuesday evening.-eA number of peo-
ple in this vicinity are suffering front
. George Sherritt, who has been re-
newing old acquaintances in and
around BlyttSfor a few days, hes re-
turned hotne..e.Mr. and Mrs, .Aticlrew
Turnbull of Brewster spent Monday
at the home of Thee. Love. --All ,signs
and'predictions of the weather man
fairs to bring the storms and cold this
winter, as, according to the latest fore -
.cast this Ives to be the stormiest and,
coldest week of the season,-Jno. Sher-
ritt moved his bee house a second time
on Monday. 'Won deteif he is eeercis-
mg therm -Thos. Bonham, the peo-
ple's popular thresher,
is talking of
trying tb, form a'compan,y to purchase
an main to cut the straw and ,thrash
the grain with one handling. Wish
you every success; Tom.
Silas Stanlake, jr., is visiting at
Brussels. -Miss .Maude Isaac, who has
been visiting her sisters in St. Outlier
nes and London, has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford. and Her-
bert Dearing intend leaving for the
orthwest shortly.e-Rumor says that
wedding bells will ring in the near
future. -Miss Nancy Smith held a sue-
essful carpet -rag bee on Thursday
ast. The evening was Spent in games
and dancing. -Miss Jessie •Green was
visiting at her home the past week: -
as. Stacey is mi the sick list. -Mast -
r Horace Pfaff,- who has been suffer -
ng from an attack of rheumatic fever,
s slowly improving
ereditc•st. .
See W. W, Eerr's• new advertise-
ment in this issue. Keep your eye On
it a tirne. • • -
Miss Lizzie Itatz of Parkhill is visit -
ng her sister, Mrs. Chas. Zwicker.-
re and Mrs. Gottfried Oestreicher of
asliwood were, the guests of gr. and
Mrs. Dan. OeStreloher Sunday. -Our
ye are taking advantage of the
oordight. these nights to practice
football. They will have a team for
he coming season which will be bard
to beat. What about re -,organizing a
baseball team. -The revival meetings
re' being continued this week in the
vangelical church, -Rev. Andrews
f the Methodist church has had Rev,
oingof Exeter and elev. Andrews of
entralia, aseistinglini in the revival
services and so • far there have beet)
good results. --The fashienable sick-
esse La grippe,iettgain in our midst
and many a cure is given these days
ow to avoid this,- monster's grip. -•
lbert Zwicker of London was in ' the
village Tuesday. He has accepted a
ituation as traveller for a wholesale
iscuit and Confectionery firm in
Winnipeg and will leave for that city
n a few days. We wish him every
uccess.-Mrs. Keen has bought the
ouse and lot formerly owned by the
ate Henry Finkbeiner,-Joseph Heist
as purchased August Sweitzeesdwel-
ing ane will move into it at ohce. He
ill find this mere convenient to at -
end tcehis business on the brit* yard
hen he is at present situated. -We
hderstand that Dr. Heist has sold
is practice and drug store to a Dr.
cCue of,Torento. Rumor days that
•he Dr. is moving to Ilamilton.-Miss
nez Andrews, who is attending High
chool at ,Parkhill. spent Sunday at
er home beree-There has been some
elk of having sports on the 24th of
ay but from all appearances it has
ied out again. We bad an Al base -
and football team last year, who
mide things interessing for outsiders;
ortour,13and is well known through -
ea the length and breadth of theland.
hey could give one crf their successful
°tweets in tha evening. Oursports
ommittee shenld get busy and tree
eller could be done. -Mr. and Mrs.
ohn Praeger 'of Zurich. Sundayed at
he home of Mr. and . Mrs, Samuel
rown.-Miss Calvin of Myth has been
t' -engaged at C. .Zwickees to take
harge of the millinery department
or the coming :teatime -Miss Vetda,
otheringhem and Miss Nixon of Lon -
on spent a few days but week at the
ome of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sanabrook.
Rev, Chas. Staebler. of Cleveland,
hio, preathed three eloquent sermotos
o very Alamo audiences in the Evan -
enter! chinch last Sunday, it being
be neoita aniiiversary serViCes. nevi
twirler were' frienter Titotor 1k thi
Wage and during that time made
nany wenn friends, Who were indeed
ery glad to See hign again. Ile is at
meted Editor of the German Litera-
ure of the Evangelical Assobiation
Welt haft its publiehing bootee in
levelatut The Rev, gentleman is a
ety fluent etietiker and has thorough/
y mastered the art of keeping theca-
ention of his heelers throughout hie
"Aeoursed On Monday he gave an
ddrese on the groat "Student "Volun-
eee Convention" held in Nashville,
'ewe Rev, eitielder wag one of the
elegatee at 60 wonderful convert -
loin His address wag very interest.
ng and wirer listened to With rapt at.
ention throughout. Iie left for hie
vane on %wads". Him nutty friend*
reed be will be tonged opered to eon-,
hole the good work which he Is doing
one. for mankind.
touted. ,
Wooten -retro buy an& nee any of the
.adolterated, weak and worthless pack-
age dyes put up in huitatiou of the re-
liable and never -failing DIAMOND
DYES, must expect to meet with sad
trials a ntl•disappointments iu the home;
Crode package dyes with only fejety
names to recommend them, and lield
by some dealers for the sake of large
profits, are the direct cause of timer of
the feminine bad temper and irritable -
e1088 manfested in many homes.
If Our women and girls would M.VOld
trouble, loes of geode and hard cash,
thett must' insist upon getting the
DIAMOND DYES whenever home
dyeing work is to be done. One ten
cent package of the tinae-tried
MOND DYES willettways color more
goods than will two packages of other
eyes,, and give brighter, fuller, more
brilliant and more lasting shades.
Once used, DIAMOND DYES berenne
the chosen. dyes for all well -regulated
Send your name and addressto Wells
et Riehardson Co. Limited, Moutreal,
P. Q., and you will receive fees of cost
new Dye Book, Card of Dyed 'Cloth
Samples and Booklet in verse, entitled
'‘The Lopgjohn'e 91.rip to the Eton,"
Ray Council
Theepuncii of the township of Hay
met in the Town Hall, Zurich, Monday
Mar, 5th. All members present. The,
minutes of the previous meeting were
read and approved. Regarding a re-
quest of J. M. Ziler and E. Bender ask-
ing to change the boundaries of school
sections 8 and 12, no action was taken.
The) pathmasters Were appointed for
the ensuing year and a ntunberi or ac-
counts were passed. Council will
'meet again on Tuesday, the ' 3rd of
April, at g p.m. F. Hess, Sr., Clerk.
Shipliza $
J. A. Breen is laid up with. what is
called swelling of the ..glands. Hope
that he May soon recover,-Itevivel
meetings are stillgoi%on in the Meth-
odist church bere.-7 Holt Spent
a few days in Sarnia last week.. D.
Hannan has fullprecovered, from his
recent illnesse--liVin. Mason shot a
Wild goose last week, Will is a crack
shot and says that les got to be a dan-
dy that passes bin, -The Ladies of
the Maccabees called on Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Holt prior to their leavingour
midst. A midnight lunch , was given,
served with oysters, after which Phil
Belt entertained them with selections
fromthegrarnaphone. We are terry
to lose such good citizens as these. .
Austin Hewitt of,Exeterespenteerthr
dey under the,pareittal reef. -neve A -
Going of Exeter will preach in Aildet-
SOU Methodist cburch.on Sunday beirt.
Will Anderson of St; Marys, was home
on Sunday. 1.
0 ; (roo late for list 'svoCk), ' •
Mr. Baites of Salem spent. Sunday
with Mi'. ,Button. -Mr. 'Leslie . Wight
left here Tuesday moening for the
Wet. -A member of friends and neigh:
bolts gathered at the home of Mrs.
Leadstone Monday evening last, to hid
them farewell before going trie
Ephraiin Hewitt spent Wed-
nesday with friends' in Farquhar. -
Mr. Geo. Fletcher purchased a new
hay -loader last week. No more spoilt
bay for Geo. -Mrs. Nutt, is visiting
friendscin St. Marys. -jack Arthur and
his sister, Alice, of Medina, is the guest
of their brother, Wm. Areltur.-Ed.
Flobinser, spent Sunday at his homein
St. Marys.
-• Centralia
Miss A. Nuxtablebas recovered from
her recent fitness .in Toronto and re-
turned to her position in Rodney.
Death has again removed one of the
old settlers of this section, in the per-
son of William Pym, at the age of 76
years and 10- 'months.. Mr.., Pyre) was
born in Devonshire, England, and
came to Canada in 1858. He settled in
the township of Darlington and about
two years later married Catherine V.
Cracker, and the same year; with his
wife, moved west, settling on the 2nti
concession of Usborne. About 27 years
ago he tnoved to, Centralia.where he
resided until death took him.. In re-
ligioti Mr. Pyre) was a Methodist, and
for 25 years acted as local preacher for
that denomination, in polities he was
a Liberal. Besides his wife, he leaves
to mourn his loss, a family of three
sons and two .daughters. They are
Sohn of London; Edgar of Lennoxville.
Quebec; Luther and Mrs. W. F. Buller
of,London, and Miss Mary ate kerne.
The remains were laid to rest in Exe-
ter Cemetery, followed to the grave
be: a large concourse of. sorrowing
friends, showing the great esteero in
which he was held.. The family have
the sympathy of the entire community
in their sad bereavement'.
Your attention is called to the Atm -
tion Sale adv. of the late Jas. Moir
property tooth of the village.
Several from here went to Orediton
Monday evening to bear Rev. 0. Stab.
ler give hie addrese on the convention
regarding the student volunteer move
meat recently held at Neehville, Tenn.
• They were highly pleaeed with the
addreeed-Philip Hartman's Auction
ante of farm stock and implements on
Iliureday afternoon Wits largely at.
teteled and good pricer were realized,
-Mesers, Sam Kraft, Geo, and Win.
Schroder, Jett. Mcgatinuts end Wm,
Kaercher telt for the Weet Wed-
nesday. May they Prtspera-Simpson
Ireland, Who left Ittettveek for Strat-
ford, ham writtert feiende here eating
thus) far he like, his mitrettirm well.--
Rag-taipet beee treern to lie it; order
now. -Mies Loiter, kenweder, who
Ins been in Chieago since Xfp0.4, lia*
rent nett to het home here. --The re,
Witting of the infant child of Mr. end
MIM. John Wein were laid to ;,it;. on
Priltv m.ftitriMiNlit 111 the Grethen toioe
cemetery. ...Cleve fiteinhstren, in. we*
• in Thedfoed *revered days last week.
Goshon tine Stephen
The Stephen boy* and the 'Zurich
Gun Olub hail another friendly shoot
on Widow bort at Zurich. Aril the Zoe
kb bora bad all their club together
theY antieipeted AM easy victory, but
the reel* wee tether sorpribing to
them -groin, set the Stephen hoys clime
out victorimord Hach shot at 10 blue
reek* with following reeulte Stephen'
-Go ,liewhiuney 5; . Yeerly 8; L.
Krieft4; W. Mewhintrey 0; R. Meethate
meet 8; F. Snell 8; D. Mawhinney 0.
Mawhiimey 5; 13. Sh*nk 7. Total t3. "Crier --110.5;Felft;
104. W. 1le$8 5; Settel 6; L, Steil( lt
Id Rew 31.13, Otfireiti 5;11. YOungtilut 5;
I. Shettler Sipple 1; OemPion 7.
Tote/ ft
Mrs. Windsor of Bey City is visiting
friends oand relatives in this vteinity.-
WalterOenningham of London attend-
ed the funeral of his uncle, the tete
James Cunningham, here, on Tuesday.
-Mrs, Flanery Cunningham of Detroit
spent a few days with triends here. --
Jas. Miller and family tuoved to North
Dakota on Monday. -R. N. Jell, who
for the past month wes visiting his
daughter in Galt, has returned, -Miss
Lizzie Lightfoot left on a trip to North
Dakota on Monday last. -The ladies of
the Methodist Church held a, very sus,
cessful "AL Home" on Wednesday in.
the basement of the church. All who
attended were Well pleased, •
Wended for last woolt,
Mise Deliah Hayter of Harpley is the
guest. of Mies gebel Foster. -Mies
Amos of Brinsley was the guest of Miss
May Wilson last week. -Miss Jessie
Torner left Tuesday for Brandon, Mend,
where she intends spending the sum
mer. She will be much missed in the
'ehnich and also by her ,many friends.
-Jas. Waite who intends leaving
shortly. for the West,is offering' his
house and Jot for sate.. -11.. Brinker is
offering his farm for sale or tfi-
March came in like .a lion. -The first
meeting of the Ledies' Institute WAS
held at the Wane of Mrs. It. English,'
Great improvements on domestic sci-
ence will soon be noticed in the neigh-
borhood.. '
MAT fpit0 Come%
Inattet o where or whn
yop buy thetn,
They COMB to your ta,,
ble ust os inviting and de;
lie.10Ust as though you a,te
them PA ;he: ovens in the
bakery, At edl grocers in'
I and '3 lb. packages,
Everyone needs something
. create and maintain
strerith for tb'e daily
rceund of duties.
There is -n6t1iftig better
thite an Alre'Ser Porter, the
.ptixity and merit of which
, has ,* been attested by
ohemists, , physicians and
.experti at the,, great eithih-
bitiorre, 0
' AtthurJacktion 'bee token T. Cares
place as trectionnutta-Geot Trott con
templates visiting the West in April,
probably about the end ()tam month.
aTorntny Carr, who has been working
on tha section here of the L. H. ar 13,
has been appointed foreman at 13lact-
well, for which place be left last week.
re -Dr. Ferguson has located in George-
town, where be has rented an office
and residence. -W, 0011krill left 'Mat
week for Regina,Sask.. , where be will
resume his position in a mahufactur-
ing establishmentthere.-Dave Nicol
has sold 'his house and lot near the
evaporator to 'Miss lenett Carr- He
hes. purchased Fred Busche's house
and two lots on Arleen street west. -
John Berry, wife and daughter remeed,
to yonswi lest week and have taken
up residence in their flee new home
on Richmond street 4041'4.-1/Vale Sin-
clair and wife leave shortly for their
farni pear Chiselhursteerred Busch()
has purchased from G. C, Petty, the
house and two lots which the latter.
purchased from W. B. McLean on
Brock street, -The people of Hensel'
learned with regret last week Of the
death of J. Hunieston athis son's place
in- Manitoba.'" Mr. Flumeston after
spending over twenty Years in Mani-
toba returned honie over four -Years
ago and spent some Months in Kfppen
after which he and his wife -lived for
about a year irin,ensell.-Much'regret
was felt by the residents of Herilitil
last week On learning that Ed. •Pea; -t,
son of Thomas Peart, had died at Pert
Arthur of typhoid- fever. The decees-
ad left here about five years 'ago for
the Canadian Soo from which place be
went to Port Arthur section, where he
purchased a farm. Besides his widew
he leaves one little child. -Misses Doan
and Reynolds have resigned their posi-
tions as teachers in our public school
and contemplate going West after the
Easter holidays,.
lits Louise WOrna ha,s gone to Chi-
cago, 111. on extended visit with her
sister, Miss Mary Vtturm.-E. /lessen -
berry of Alberta and. Allan' Spreeman
of Iletoburg visited erelatives and
friendsio this yieinity the pest week,
Ecl„ Appel has disposed of his d well-
init to Jacob Ort who takes prisseesion
this month.. Mi. Appel and family
will Make his home" temporarily in
'Fred. Hess' new house. -3. D. Merrier
will open up rt, general -store in Elmira,
about the 1st of April. --August
Koehler, sOn of 0. Koehler, is recover-
ing from a severe attack, of the grippe.
-Mr. and Mrs, A. Resteinew who
have been visiting relatives and
friends in this vicinity .the teiet few
months. left on Monday for then; home
in Cavalier, N. D. -Louis Dullard, who
has been visiting relatives near Drys-
dale this winter, left for his home' in
Saeketchewan on Tneeday. Ferdie
Schnell accompanied hint and will
stay with friends near Neepewa, this/
summer. -Chas. ilartleib received the
Red intelligence of the death of Mrs.
Ilttrtleibte brother, Comte Schmidt,
which took place at Sebringville, 08
Wed., March the 7th.° The Young man
had reitched the age of 20 years. Ile
had made his home in Spokane, Waele
ington, until some weeks ago, when" he
was compelled to etop working on ac-
count of ill bealth.-Ed. Utters' has
purchased 50 acme of lend from Win.
Anderson, being smith belt lot 21. con.
3. Hay townebipee glee Beatrice Stein-
bach of Seafortin'fertnerly of Zur:ch,
has been engtiged at) head milliner for
Snell StTtowe. Exeter. ,-.The telephone
brie been moved and now will be
found 111 the poet offices. The change
makes it more coo venire) t to the priblie.
-reed Deters lisit purchrond the line
100.ftere farm of John Johnston on the
eon., lley, the coneideration being
$4d700. Mr. Johnston givee possession
next fall, When be will retire to Hen,
veil With his family to IiVed-M ears,
w. ew. 'Teta and John Schitettler have
reetatidelled Lotiim teable at the
rote .of, hie Ida ckereith mhotte -Aetord-
inlet() tlie rettirne reeeiveri itiy the elerk
of the uownehip of Irate there has been
oely ene derail) Ili tide township during
the month.) of Jentiery end Felirriery.
The poputetton of Hey, is over three
thrtumend end thie intikes the feet all
the more note worthy.
ancorPerated by Act of ParliaipOnt 1865i
4Pad Mee, , „IltOtareal
:Ce4ita1; Xrp • • ; • • • • • $3;000000
Regovea Tu4 $3,000;000-
017104 IIOURS 10.A. M. tO 3 1)..M. , SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 v. m
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collecte'd. Forms supplied on aPPUeatlen-
_ . DRAFTS on ell points.in the •Dominion, Great Britain and , Pelted
'Metes bought and sold at lowest rates of Excluinged .' • . . - Menat
* ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business .
lowest rater and on most favorable terms. .
. . DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interestallowed
, • .
. pounded Maltlel:lytt **V ilardddstdrecteeiipelrui.ciparnterunte c80°1310;
Salfillt Bank Department'. P°51tsmi.
. , . • and December net. .
_Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government,
,„'• *DWiteett.85 POILItictt Solicitors, - . X. D. IIVRDON; Manager.
Corbett;0 Sullivan aroe, have' pure
chasedanotber 1150 acre' kneeler-
ly owned 'by. the'Sutton
Many Women have
Kidney Trouble
and don't blow it Thee -at-
tribute their ill -health to weak -
tette" Dragging pains in the
hips, backache, nervousness,
tiredness, headaches -are more
often caused by sick kidneys.
If your kidneys are not well,
the other delicate organs are
disturbed and inflatned, bringing
on the horrors of female weak-
ness and the serious troubles
often attending- pregnancy.,
cures these cases of e Female
Weeknese'k because they cure
the 'Kidneys, They Prowl,*
reetore the Kidneys to health,
*Hay inflammation, take away
the ,pains; and make the deli-
tati organs well and strobe...
At druggists, or direct on receiptut price, sac.,
Wimolon. elm .
Ritter Tea
Is Not. Good Tea.
I4u-robert ShingIes„1,4411,: cedap
Posts, 84613, Doors, . Frames:
and all-i3nliding
-------Water 'Pal*
Finished' Or in Knock 'clown;
always on. hand.
Higliest price paid. fQt. Saw-
logs : OfOvry description.
Custom stvvin4proiniatly
attended to.
'Estimates cheerfully ghien,
The Ross Taylor Co. Ltd
'Exeter, Ont.
People who don't like,
tea know only the kind
that is just bitter, the low,
land tea that has more
tannin in the leaf than
.you can kill with any
amount of sugar.
q Grand Mogul is a High-
land tea, grown on the
motentains of Ceylon, up
near the- sun.
Of Balmy, breezes and light
soil produce the Inellovv
fla,vor that makes Grand
Mogul a distindive produd.
'High in theine (tea -tone)
and low in tannin (bitters)
it anomie to the palate and
tones up tha nerves
q sokt only ia pelages lint with
paper, never in peisonoto • fervid
"Mogul" p„-Cmiuitis Are simply a
• part of the advetiling epproprierion
- and do not decree from the quelay
of the tea, A 'coupon in every
',Moat rh
The Great .1344418 ,Remeath
A volitive enre for set foe= of
SOIUttrilireakiiesii,MOnteil 404
ammut Asa rarrla trainWorry Eiitifill0/0.8Pert•
inatottkoea, impotency, JE=1' et *Mao_ or
Ex all of which Lead to Consumesicte
Xnflrxffor $0. Ono Will
oper ID . igit wpm" 111X
tzi4Insanity and an early grivve). anee •
ouie, d byalldruggliti or maned in Oen
Tii•WoOd-1400101n0 CO*, Wiudaor. ()Marta.
When needing Laundry Work
done give me a call, and *
I will guarantee the
best of work,
Opposite. behtip,I. Hotel
Ezetpr, Ont,
This 8ehool has bgome the letullii; Conimeritt
in the IVemt, NO' eimilar in,titution is. eat e
more to tborotgbiy (gall ,' young, people tor respoti.
eib`e palitiaat, thr.' col* ritti ere thorough. mul prac-
a,s1 tI1i1t Mid teaching Ps done by txperichetti in.
structors, 'Alt grodwitrs get good peidti, 'You
mly matt st ally time, Write tor cataloge„
ELLI011., tic McLA.CII{LAN.