HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-03-08, Page 4Oole's
Por Info* ad Yong Children,
In*taut1y relieveoliee cranws,
teetbiug troubles, restleeeness, peev.
jamesis, arid sleeplessneee.
As it contains no opiate or narcotic.
It will also prevent that exceedingly
troublesome affection of the membrane
•of the mouth arising from, acidity,
known as white mouth. Prescribed
for years by the medical faculty.
etss seett-70t
Price 25 Cents;
o •
W. &COLE Phill B
Central Drug Store, Exeter;
Toteter brorate,
Sanders, & Creecte Props.
1WAR 8, '00
Among the bills to be discussed in
the Legislature at Toronto are 'three
broiliebt up by South Huron's member,
H. Bilber. They are: -To amend the
Insurance Act; To'amend the Munici-
pal Act; To amend the House of Refuge
Act, Regarding the latter it is said
that it has the approval of and will be
...supported by the, Government. The
till proposed that .where the inmates
lot such institutions are known to be -
possessed of means they shall, be come
pelted to contribute Something for
-their own .support. For instance,
;among the 96 inmates of Huron coun-
ty's house of refuge, at Clinton, it has
!leen found that there are several with
paid-up insrtice policies, afew who
„,--6-wrceerifte ecks, and one man who is
.the owner of a house and lot.
• On the face of it this is an atnend-
ment that should carey. There is no
reason why the public skould. be bur-
dened with the care and expense of
keeping people who have the means, of
paying for their keep.
Chas, Alswortb, while engaged with
other teen seeing wood with a circul-
ar paw at Ames Wildfoeg's on Wed-,
'seedily of last week, 'met with a very
eieeoetitate accident. By some menus
his coat got canght on the shaft and
' winding around threatened to draw
him onto the saw. • To save hin3self he
threw out his arca and it came -in con-
tact with the saw and was lbadly cut.
He also had one rib broken.
• Mr. Tyler of Beyanstete spent a few
idayelo the village. -Miss Anna Cue-
aline:ham, of London spent Tuesday
visiting her cousin, ,Mrs. Eli Carter. -
Last Tuesday evening a eBox Social
'was held' at We homepf Lou O'Neil in
aid of St. James • •chureh.. "'A - very
pleasant evening wee spent by all
present. -The funerbl of the late .Mrs,
William Carter, of Parkhill took place
to St,. James cemetery on Saturday
last. Mr. Carter, husband of the de-
• teased, is a son of George Carter of
this place. Rev.:Newton of Parkhill
.conducted the frineral service,
' UNR7rPEC'kED bRAT1i(—Sad and un-
expected was was thel death. on 'Sunday
,Iast of another of our oldest residents
"in,thePerion of Mr. ,IM -nes Cunning -
been of the 2nd Con, of McGillivray,
mid his, sudden demise has cast a
gloom over the whole community.
The deceased had attended the funeral
.0f Mrs. Carter on Saturday, 'after
Which he went to O. C. Hodgins' sale,'
and while there was taken euddenly,
ill of paralysis. A physician was im-
mediately called, bntonothing could he
done to relieve him. He vvas removed
to his home where he died Sunday
morning atevro o'clock. Besides thee
Sons, .be leaves heir brothers and two
•raaterti. His wife predeseased him
about two years'. Deeeased bad been
,a liffelong t•esident -of McGillivray anti
was highly rPspocted. Tie was 58
; `37'6a,rs ;of age. The funeral tidies place ,
to St, James Gemetery on Friday „ I
des the auspleee of the 'Workmen, ef*:
white) order he wes a valued Meinber,
'rho lag eave0 smes have the sympathy
of the whole counnunitte. '
Mon your blood must be in
very bad condition. You
ertainly kno* 1711at, to take
then .take 1t-7- Ayer's Sorsa;
parilla. If you doubt,, then
consult your, doctor. :We know
ite will say about this
grand old family' medicine.
This Is ths, first question yeur hem? livened
'eAte estir esesis rosatiar?" Ui knowa
eat d-ti,ly action of tb w1t U.0100011
ag 841 rvr
doses of Alor's rills,
I/ re wilt cum
ok, amount Prow.'
Wm Miro 111.10,40t We hflsi
els formaisal �f*ii ottr thadiefitos.
NIA3oficr One rian4c3, PoltTs Vxwarifc.,r any'co,:o
of Vat4;.b that egppret ifs4U'o Catatib
1V:e the urOersignabava 'known Osten fes
tee last 1.5 yrar*And bcilevcki";-,4prfiAly toneraile
siM busiUesa trausaztions and itNaociaity a9e tQ
oc.ry out illy ob144tiona wide by bia firm
KnegAN4 sEukFrs,
Wbo Pw,iuqgtit$, Tolledo)
'Lars 0.4tarrii Carols tte tvtuafly,ficting
'redly orethe blood wad mucueus 4tufw;*0 otthe
System:, Testimoni4la scot free. Sold by ratigg14,.
por bottle.
Wats 11411'ffYiunlly PWs toronstf»itlon,
Chiseihurst •
WEDDING.—Wedding bells peeled
forth yesterday (Wednesday) and thus
cupid reties another victory. We , re-
fer to the marriage which took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. PaulBoa,
near hete,when their second daughter,
Miss Margaret, gave her ,heart; and
hand to George Smale, a prosperous
young farmer of .A.ssinihoia district.
At four o'clock the 'bride, gowned in
a handsome creation of white, entered
the parlor leaning on the arm of her
father where the groom awaited her.
IHer sister, Miss Addie, who was also
attired in white, actedas bridemaid,
while the groom's brother, Henry, did
the duties of best man. The ceremony
was"perfortned by the Rev. W. Martin
of Exeter, in the presence of over one
hundred guests This being over the
( * .
company repaired to the dining room
whereu tnost sumptuous ,and dainty
supper was served. Probably no bride
in this neighborhood ever received
more expensiveornumerous presents
than the present'one did, which is an
indication that she is highly:esteemed.
The evening was spent in tripping the
light fantasttc toe and other amuse-
ments, Mr. and Mrs. Smale leave on
Monday next for, their home ,in the
West.The best wishes of all are ex-
tendedlo the happy conple and may
their future be bright and prosperous.
Mr. . L; Hamner and wife Of
stone, Sask.,have been during the past
°week the guest of Mr, Wen..
Several eters of horses have been 'sbip-•
ped to Mrellarouer. by Mr. Elliott this
year. -Mrs, Wm. Elliott left the hos-
pital Wednesday of last week, the op-
eration' having ben petirely suecess-
ful.-Pred Bloomfield, Who has been
Pressing hay for Mr. A. Hicks, has re-
turned to town. -Luther Pyle and
sister.Mrs. Win; Mallen, of Loudon are
visiting their father who is very ill. -
Alex Mefalltels still confider to the
house. -Marshall Bloomfield Who has
been working for W., J. Moffatt for the
past two years is taking a rest on
account of ill laealth: his place has
been filled by Thos. McFallse-Lelaines
Curtin of, Detroit, Mich., is visiting his
parents here. -Lawson & Brown ship-
ped two cars othoge on Tuesday last;
price $6.95:-E. Simpson eattendeci-the-
funeral of the late Mr., jamtrs Cunning-
ham of CIandeboYet on iraesdaY.-e
• Wesley Luker, who has been working
in St. Johns for the past threeyears,
returned home Saturilay.,=-The leading
business men are very busy those days
looking after the affairs of aeenew
school which we :expect to have, soon.
Keep on .etrikiing gentlemen, while
the iron' is hot.----Qeo. Hodginse of
Lu -
can, is visiting friends in the village. -
Milt; Atkinson and lonnie Carrail
attended the ball and supper in the
Town Hall, Lucan, last week. --Wm.
Sando of Chicago was here this -week
'attending the funeral of his father, the
late ,R.fehard Sando.
Dmo.-There died at the banally resi-
dence yesterday (Wednesday)
Pym, at the age of 77 years.
SAD ACCIDENT.—.A:. sad and larneritl
able accident happened, in our enidst
on Thursday last. whioh resulted in one
ofour hot known residentslosing his
life. Mr. Salida, was engaged id draw-
ing hay and wa,s on his vity to get a
,load weighed when it is supposed the
roughness of the road, caused the load
to upset, and Mr. Sando unfortunately
wae buried underneath. By his ago-
nizing cries and groans he artraeted
the attention Henry Mills, who
ran to :his assistance and succeeded
ifl ektritating him from his uncomfort-
able position, but it Was all too late; he
never regained consciousness. In the
fall he struek his bead on the hard
ground which caused a ; iarge .wound
and , fractured the skull. He was at
once removed to the ,station where his
injuries were dressed and from there,
was taken to his home, where he died
next morning about one o'cioek:
ceased wae one of the oldest t esidents
of Centralia and hie sad awl untimely
end ha$ cast, a gloom over the cote-
tnunity: Deceased had been success -
fill as a fermer and although to some
degree eccentrie, he poseessed meny
good points. Ile„was Aged 10 years,
end besides tw6 or three betithers
leaves one son to mourn hiSlosp.e 4I'he
funeral took place to the Exeter come-
t eey Sunday.
Sorrow., itesemet -The following is
he'report of the Sr, and Jr. Depart-
.if•nto of 8.1-1. No, I, Stephen, for the
ion tir of February. -V,- Harold Dii-
el in 770; Enos Wimleor '752, Vernon
‘Vilson 715, S. McCoy 743,, Wiift.ed
ibelgins 703, W. Sims 262, Sr. IV.-
'litdys Essert 851, Margery Hepburn
828, Lily Robinson 821, Gifford lio.
92I, Gordon Wilnon 0/1, jos.
VC bite 701, Fre Mitchell 783„ Czar
:i .on '7'M, Archie Robineen 666. M.
Elliott 627, Newt l'ItcOtitlly. Jr. IV.
Naze' 'Deka 823, Austin Deplan 822,
Vervin'igh)t.on VS, Eddie; Stine 710, J.
Drimpsey .591. Sr. nr,--3-ati lIogartb
;. WalliS '777, °Malvan ()alibis
;.„ I va EeserY 670, Afaxwell ilaynhain
WO, John, White .569, Norman Ileatuan
-Minnie Jctt era teacher.
• Jr, Department. -Jr. III. -
Davey 1114, Earle °elites 1101, Edna'
DaVey 1066, Harry Windsor 990, Roy
Iliihert White 916, Bessie
A tiderson Ki3, Elytner Wilson 83i.
Ella Baker 627, Willie Alexander. Sr.
II. -Lloyd, England 1177. ?Loved EsserY
1116, Anthony White 923, Fred Fair -
hall 923, Elva Brooks 372, Jr. IT.-
Milevan Califes 1203. Everett (lelltas
1132, Eetella Neil 1017. Lower Jr. II.
Malvan England 1196, Viietor llogArth
1113, Othelle Motz 110fi, M. Mast, 1062,
Mot z IOOR, W. linker trio, E. Cul.
bell'. W. Culbert., U. MeCiirtty. Pt. TT.
Hearn s n 815, H., Noll Lrinyo•
:37. R. Walli
e Porter, t
Messrs. COWaril & Bloomfield were
io London Tileeday on buoinees.•
epeetor Toni vieited our eetiool
-Miss Cilinore of liklotitsina, who bee
beee opending the winter with friendo
on the Thaniee Rosacelled on Mr.
entl,Mrs. D. Coward on Sunday week.
Followingis the February report of
S.S. No.6,110borrie. V. -A, lieYwood.
W. Mord, E. Gardiner. Sr. LV. N.
Campbell, le Godholt, IM Heywood,
Jia IV. -A. Johns, A. Word 11. Hun.
ter' Sr, Washburn, 0.1DiverY,
E. jehns. •
jr. Room. Jr. M. Title
hot. L. Godbolt. Sr. 11. 4, CenePbell,
A. Clarke, Jno. Brook. Jr.
IleyWood. Pt. Bloomfield, A.
Creery. Sr. Pt, Goulding, Inez
Creery. Jr41't. L -M. Clark, B. Bloom -
D. McDougall h
W. Howard
Eli Sweet and Garlielei -Hill left for
Edmonton, Alberta, on Monday where
they have taken up land, We wish
them a safe journey and every success
in their new home. -Mrs, John Young
and Mrs. Chris. Beaver are on the sick
list. We trust they will soon recover,
-Bert Clark is busy delivering his
wall paper and taking orders. Be car-
ries a fine lot of samples.--Ohas.
er was in Torouto last Friday on busi-
ness. -Mrs. Garfield • Oestrefeber and
daughter were the guests ofiMr. and.
Mrs, Dan. Oestrercher last Tuesday,-.
Miss Lydia Finkbeiner has .r.sturned
from Sarepta after visiting hier sister,
Mrs. -Daniel Trentnner for a few
wees;.:.-There are several cases of
chicken -pox in our village. -ellarrnon:
Clark, of Barrow Bay, is visiting rela-
tives in our inidst.--Mr. Heist, of Cay-
uga, 18 visiting his uncle, Mr. August
Heist: -Albert Wolf has been engaged
NS apprentice to learn the biacksmith.
ing with Alonzo 1odgins.1 Albert is
kept busy poundingiron and chit make
.the anvil ring in great style. -Miss
Ethel Farrow spent Jest Saturday and
Sunday with her parents in GodWiche
She WAS accompaniedby her friend
Miss ,Myrtle Clark. --The revival meet-
ings are still being conducted in'the
Evangelicarchurch. This is the- sev-
enth week and .almost every night,
there are new'Seekers. The total num-
ber who have found 'grace, will easily
number a hundred. Let the good work
continue. -The special anniversary
services of the Evangelical churph will
be given next' Sunday and Monday.
'Rev, Christain Stitebler, of Cleveland
atortrier pastor of this church, and at' new home
present editor of the Sunday school • .
literature of the Evangelical ',Associ-
atiOn, Will bei• the principal speaker.
He Will preach three sermons., on Sun-
day, the morning- and evening services
being in German and tire afternoon in
English. On Monday evening he will
give an address. All come and enjoy
these special services. ---The Literary
Society of our tillage are making ar-
rangements to give .atoncert. in the
town hall, on Friday the 30th. They
have secured the services of Mr. Geo.
Fax,..of Toronto, who le,a well-known
comedian as Well ail our Band. More
particillars•evill-felleeve 4
,•;'SCII001.; RRPO.RT,4-211& follOWide; is
report, of Crediton Public School for
eb.75% Of the marks are reeuired
or honors, 60% for a piss.- Names in
order of merit. Division III.--V.--
Honors, E. Park; Pass, .0. Short, G.
8weitzer. IV. -Honors, P. Gaiser;
'Pass, E. Hill, H. Meadd, O. Bill. ,Sr.
I11. -Honor, E. Gaiser, L. Finkbein-
er, M. OestreicherePass,ff. Oestreich-
er, P; Etaist, H. Trick, A. Wuerth, A.
Finkbeiner,' C. Holtzrnatm.
•• Claude Bleett, Teacher:
' Division II. --Intermediate
Pass, E. Fakeer, G. Beaver, B. liedden.
lairtzel, P. Treitz, R. Redden. Jr.
E. Haist, G. Appleton, II.
Shenk. Jr. IJ. -Honors, L. Redden;
Pass, E. Bloeit. • A V. -Pass, V. Gai,-
seri. A IV. -Pass, Lelledclett, R. Eng-
lish A:- Sambrook. • •
Miss Farrow, Teacher.
rieitidigqd and unscrlipolousivetidors truly augost others, lad compare it***
way you .will—purity. freedom from acidity, palatableuess---Labates Ale izsurpsiss.
.0;1t bY1:101AC, equalled few—at about half the price of bpatimported 'brands.
A Baker'triumph
The Mooney Baker cannot
produce anything better than
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
Thvery best of flour, butter
and rea.m,— the most modern
Plant, the very best baker in
Canada ; bis9uit 'superior to
any other you have ever tasted.
Say -"Mooney'" to your grocer,
`Miss Susie McLaren spent a few days
during the week with her sister, Mrs.
Stewart, at Seaforth.-Mrs. Will Mc-
Laren have returned from an extend-
ed visit with friends in Walton. -Mr.
Brown has moved, into the store re-
cently vacated by Mr. Miller. • May
every success attend .hint. -Mrs. J.
Weitzmanis visiting at her old home,
owing to the continued illness of her
father. -Sandy Miller has sold his fine
farnr to J. Laing. Much regret is felt
in the neighborhood at losing so good
n. citizen as Mr. Miller has.,,moven hhn-
eelf to be. -George Oliver and family
leftStaffa, last week for tire Province
of Saskatchewan; where they intend
making their future home. Mr. Oli-
ver's. litany friends hereabouts will
wish hin3self and family, a properous
journey, and muchprosperity in their
Division 1. -Sr. II. -Honors) Q. Hod,
gins, F. Hill, Pass, L. Oestreicher, W-
Motz, W. Flaist, F. E. Anderson.
M. Brown. 3r. 'Me -Honors, G. Ben-
edict, F. King; Pass, T. Erb, H.Sbenke
A. 111. -Pass, V. Hifi; Wolfe, V.
Redden. A II.-Pass,R. ging, E. faai-
ser, Oestreichers-A. Carter. A I. -L.
Haist, M. Guenther, M..Gaiser.
• Miss O. KienzlesTeacher,
Women •Angrily Aroused
AII Over The Dominion.
information from variOnS Pr,ovinces
of Canada pointj. to the -feet that many
women have been deceived and induc-
ed to ilSe the weak and adulterated
package dyes put up by unskilled and
tuidcrupulous manufacturers to
tatelhe popular DIAMOND DYES.
Our Canadian women, thoroughly
aroused, after lo. ;of time, money and
Valuable materials through the use of,
muddy, blotchy and weak dyes, have
directly:laid the blame for their losses
on the retail merchants whocioid then'
the. deceptive dyee. This actictii of, in.
dignant women has' camp& many of
our retail and wholeeale. dealers to
peck up and return to the Irian ufactnr.
ere responsible, their worthless and.
dategerourr dvere
teoltate-I'Vhen ladiee &Tide to do
home dyeing Work, it paye to else the
celebrated. arid popular DIAMOND
DYES, which have been the home
frieede of the ladies for over 25 yeare,
when buying, yee paekagc
handed to you heave the worda MA
DIAMOND DYIPS 600t) become ex.
ret te in the faee,inating work of liCine
eoloringoind find that a ten cent park -
age Will Velletc tile life of any faded
and dingy suit, dress, rikirt,
jecket, cape or iniehand'e or Nees coat,
v(et or troueete. Allow no 'dealer to
Offer you tlio, 80110,0141g ca)13.qt1ST
AS 000I-)." Noother dyes equal the
DIAMOND 1,17141f3.
Send yonr nan10 and attlater.St
At Richardson Cm., Limited, Montreal.
P. Q., and you wilt receive free of cost
new liyei Mel of Dyed Cloth
He itiplee and Booklet in t ersee, entitled
"The tempjoliteeI rip to the 'Kline"
)11.014SQW$ TiANIK
(Incorporated' by Art oi Parliament :455
Head Office, Montrea1
Capital Paipieprved ruuct... -.• • • • • • • • • $3,000,0,00
d . • • • • • • • • • • • $3,000,000 I
OFFICE IIOURS 10 a. ta, to 8 p.lo. SATURDAYS, 10 a., . tot p. m.
L A GENERAL BANKING BpsiNass TRAiNtit.cirten.
Farmer s Sadie Notes cashed or collected, .,Forms supplied on application.
' DRAFTS on ell points in the Dorninion Grea,t Britain and . United
States bought, and sold at,lowegt rates of 'Exclunge.
ADVANCES made to Fa,rmers, Stock Dealerand Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Reoeipts issued and highest current rate of interestaalowed
sits °yet and Upwards received. Interest cora-
Saving Bank Department
ti,tdeeedertablygiasrly., and add0 to prinelpak June 80th
Agenth at Exeter for the Dominion Government. '3
DIOiSON Si aprixo, Solicitors. N. D. ITURDQA Manager
1,1VIcKillop: An -interesting event
took place on Wednesday afternoon at
the -borne of the bride en the 5th con-
cession when Mr.- Win. Snail, of Sea -
fort hiand Miss Mary Hugill entered in
te matrimonial partnership. The mar-
riagiS eereOlOrly was performed by Rev.
F. 'IL 'Larkin. The wedding was a
k Vett quite one.
Ali. and Mrs. John Stewart and
daughter of Emerson, Man., are on a
visit to friends in this vicinity. -Our
grain market is receiving a good share
of the grain. -IL MelIis is the oldest
resident in this village. Fifty years,
ago this -February be started in busi-
here, and hp -,s -been COntinuOuff -resi-
dent here since that time. The wish,
of .h is 'many friends is. that himself and
estimable partner may be spared for
'some years yet.-T.N.Foesythe,teiteh-
er in S:S. No. 2, Tueltersmith,porposes,
holding an examination and en
meet n a few' weeks. ,
Wiemeess-e-On Wednesday • there.
was a pretty and interesting scene in
the Kippen parsonage, when Sterling
McPhail took "for better orfor worse",
MISS Hannah, fifth daughter of Wm.
Ivison; of this place. The bride and
groom were unattended. The nuptial
knotwas securely tied; by Rev. Wro.
Baugh at 4 o'clock. The bride was
ttir d a neat and 'becoMin travel-
liug Batt L. and Mrs., McPhail left All driligiste have. a Bustu " or will
moon trip to Lonion, Detroit and else- ••
laite,ds "Bu -Ju" if be wants to.
• alcoholic, ,beverages-•
keec...Ltisultealtht Beer, whisky,
lirittite the kidniys. Pain in the
back, bewitches, brick dust de-
posits In the urine --prove that
the kidneys are seriously in-
flamed. '
. ;
Lumber, Shingles,tath, Cedar
Posts, Sash, Doors, 'frames
and all Building Materials,
----Water Tanks—, -
Finished or in Knoqi down,
always on hand.
Highest.'price paid for Saw-
logs ofeterydescriptioni.
Ottstoni sawing prompt1
"attended to,
Estimates cheerfully given.
• strengthens and .invigorates the
'kidneys, heals the inflanenatiou;:
clears the urine, and takes -away
the pain. • "
Buiu " is not -a 'cure for the
drink habit, but "Bu -Ju" does
,protect thestody drinker against
kidney disease.
the same evening for a short honey- I get them or you.*
where,'after whieh , they: will settle'
down to the sterner realities of life in
the groom's fine home et Porter's -Rill,
The bride is one of our most popular
young laaies and we join with the host
of friends in wishing herself and hus-
band * pleasant and profitable trip
over the matrinmeial sea..
Messrs. Moses Gascho and Noah
Ripfer left lasteweek for Illinois where
they intend remaining.s-A gentleman
from Montreal opened.* up a general
store in St. Joseph last week. -Meters,
Clayton Smith and Norman Geringer
have returned frointheir visit to Ham-
burg. Mabele Heist and Calvin
Williems have returned to . Buffalo,
aftei• a pleasant visit • at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Cori•iveau is laid up -with Job's COM'
•f0 r te rs. -David S eh war t zen tru bey and
Sohn Gerber of Bronscln line, speht a
few days itt Wellesley during the week.
'.-Miss Laura Fleecier and brother, Da-
vid,left a few days ago for Hopedale;
where they intend residing with their
brother, George. ---J. Ort, of the Bron-
son line, has disposed of his farm to
Mr. Moser of Darihwood, for which he
received the min of $0000. The farni
consists of 140 acres and is one of the
best in the township. -R. R. johneton
has disposed of ble dwelling 'to Sole -
mon Knepfer, .the sale price being
$1300; The former will take poseeesion
the end of this month. -Mr. Tallman
Wurin, who bee been clerlein Mtninee'e
:t 01t' for eonie years, lieu severed - hie
connection With that firm and accept-
ed a poeition with J. Preeter.- Wm.
Kropp has disposed of his fonts and
will retire. Ilfie son, Elmore gets. the
homestead, aril his two eons. Horace
atid Oecar, the farm purchaued three
ye41.114 from Henry • Eicher. M
Is.lop1 hap been a very enceessful far-
• mer, and should be able to . enjoy a
retieengeita-John fleeter
of the Babylon Lim; hue dietmeed Of
hie "Minnie" mare to Thoe, Iiiindford
of Exeter, for which he, received the
ouni of $175.- Wm. Beerier hae re -
tinned front Smith Itivete-Albe.rt, the
• youngest Son of W. .1. Roemer, of Drys.
drkit., While Walk through Joshua
Settler's yard, fell and broke his,
Ieft arm,- -Mil S Lama Itichardaii•on af
Stanley has gone tt .Petrolea where she
will further permit) her vocal Studios.
Joe Sinkeon of Itev. and Moe Sink,
of Port Heron, who were here last Au.
fcliSL t,htlif at, tlie trualitifpf E. Brisson-
homy, while at. the icy side.
walk, slipped on his back with
the result that he is totally blind. The
ph yeieia 114 in a t tei Attlee hal 17('' 110 hope
(Ike;0. M FIHotf, fnr 100 long of reliant ing the sight.
/quieter ef the Mepla Leaf Oro
d China Hell, hnii sold out to 14ite1e1l: Me&,41 Nfipion Davi&
-Ttvren Mole, o he Tiolford anal fiPo. 114,4. ‘,10,40,4
into the Jen, 1,) 111
4.p .11••••—
This scho'ol 'has become the leading Commercial
school in the West. No similar Institution is doing
More to thoroughly equip. young people for respell-
sible poSitions, Our coursea are thoroUgh andprae-
ticat while the teaching is done by experienced in-
structors. All grathistes get good positions, Yoir
may enter at any thne. 'Write for cafaloge.
?yin ci
A Beverage of
. • ... . 444 •••
0, Grand Mogul is, the
nicest possible' blend of •
the finest. an'd ripest teas.
Grown on the sun,
°hi d highlands,„ each
paclo.,ge a whole
c),„,..quet of delicious fla,
•t'cpd or ,hot„. it i$
CA.IWOyS a family 1uxur3,.
rcasing to mothers, palat,
thle to child, en, it is Ceylon's
bit 4riunto.in gat to you.
High i 4i6n (tea -ton)
and lo.,v in tannin (bitters),
it i di 17,41vcragc of hy7
rieine 30c 40e iant
50G ot4-0.
olSeq rife ia pacl(siteslhtd with
prffr...el rvr,, ncver bpe''Aenetts
Dees end premium eon,
pont Ut eeli ekcksgs.
e •
but more lasting and far less expen.
sive. It'd wonderful what exquisite
odors can be extracted Iron] nature,
PERFUMEis always necessary in tbe hondoir.
We sell ,perfumes of stenditrd mike.
AvliPato, Raft' me, of•ln,bzng -odor, ie. •
worth a dozen others Met ere itrairior.
Tiitere safe when you buy of us.
WS; Howey,PhmB,
.01berniet and Optician
- • es,
•VO0aVil *719
274e(, -cat Elie& Bewail
.A. p0itivt cute for all forms of •
Sexual Weaknecs, Mental and
tzvoat AND Al3T811 train "Merry, Emicaion4, SPer. '
matorrhoert, linpotency Eirehtl Of Ahnce or
Exceas, all of which lead to COnennigiOn.
Infirmity, Ingmar anl an curly grave. Piker
01 por pitg., oit or 15. Otto i11 mote, six will
coye. 001 hy all tligglilto or mance en plats
rltafrO; On receipt of exice.Wiete ter "'amplest.
eh° Wood Medioitio Co., Windsor, Qatari°,
Aliiepta, act!
Saskatohowalll .
Witliiive stock arid eirecte from Toronto at
s eke pan.
t •
tvcriy TUOAY buniNG
tOi:ONI8T OAttiti ArrAtiica
tio_rg:111tA Ofr fAlrIGE
tiers travelling wifliont, Iive oferl:nlOUtd
ii tuntrain frCif.-2
o ri3112`i.3131r3' li-1410,t1 :la Oat*
t of nieopiDix truths 319 WilOWCI:- •
„ icon 14.1,2111,;,, rag)
&tie celicary aoo
-i-rtticr#e fluido" and " Wratern Camels.'
Nookion of prTtrAleal its and inteTi•st t0Aet-
t1et-i, vvith ratand 'full inforinatioui frAe
opno oppIN'Atiort to noaroat tio.ossliftn Ps4(1110
AV4•91, or_ write to L.;. ruatilr, It P.
17. P. K, TOtonfo.