HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-03-01, Page 7iriee
TI -W CASE ' •
. °
onvineing Proof That'Curb Wa`4 Permanent -4h Five Years
the Patient Has Had no Relapse—Faits in ,a Remark..
able Cas Substantiated by. Sworn Statements
, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills fire not a
pelmet medicine, but the prescription ef
physician, placed on sale with full
"direotions for use tinder a trade mark
that is a gu.arantee of their genuineness
L) every purchaser. They contain no
stimulant, opiate or,aparcotic, and while
they have cured thousands have never
injured anybOdy. To show that 'cures
effected by this remedy are really per-
manent and lasting we recently invee-
tigateci the case ,of Mr. Frank A. Means',
of Reedsville, Mifflin _County,. Pa. Mr,
Means has been an • elder in the .,,Reeds-
ville Peesbyterian church for 'many
year: as 'county commissioner and os
school director for nine years. He
was aillieted with creeping paralysis,,
loping the entire uee ofthe lower half
of his body, and, for a year was a help -
lees mvalld, confined, to his bed with
este power or feeling, in either leg, and
physicians had given him up as hope -
Mr. Means was cured by Dr. Wil-
eliams' Pink -Pills and his tesirnonialewas
iprinted five years ago as follows:
"I hacl. the grip for four" winters and
etasa, result my nerves broke down. I
lost the entire use of the lower half of
fulY body. My stomach, liver; kidneys,
Iteart---anderead- wereneverarNeTed,- -Ftlt
ethe paralyzed condition of the lower
e"part or the body 'affected' my bladder
and bowels. ,For a Whole year I lay in
.e'dped perfectly helpless with no newer in
either limb and the feelinggone so that
couldn't feel a pin min into, My legs
at all. 1 couldn't turn over in bed
withetzahelp.. TQ move roe a pulley was
igged up on the ceiling and & windlass
on the floor.
"During two years of my affliction I
ad six.. different doctors, but none of
tent gave me relief. A specialist from
hilaclelphia treated me for three
ortths, but he was no benefit ' to the.
hese doctors gave me up and said it
as only & -question of a few weeks
Itlyme as nothing more could be
one. After the „physicians had 'given
e up, a friend' sent me a' phsupplet
c:ntuining'statements of two men who.
lg• ad been e afflicted something like .me,
•18• d who had been Cured- by the Use of
• e. Williams' Pink Pills. I began" take-
• g them at once and although my im-
• rovernent, was slow it, was certain.
• *ow I can walk most of the time with-
ut a elute and everybadyearound bete
hirik,s it is a. Miracle. that 1 can -.get
f as. I do. Your pills have certain-
ly been- r rocl-settd to me. .Within
• ' the last three' y ars I have answered
'dozen of letters' feortainvande who
0; . heard of my case andWho askedtme
s, •--„:e41e jt eves true that I had been cured by
. Dr; Williams' Pink Pills. I have told.
- .thern all that this remedy cured me and
lk • .1 arn oto Of this opportunity of telling
P, about my case so that others may find
t5 relief as I have done," .
• Signed, -Fe A. MEANS
•`; Subscribed and sworn to before . nie
• . this 17th. day 'of April, 1901,
, • •
liotary Public,'
1 - •
a One day recently Mr. Means was via-
tteat at his handsome home overlooking
e • '‘ the valley of Honey. Creek, near Reeds
ville, where he madethe following
statement: *
. "Before I began taking Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills I had beext treated for a long
time by my home dector ietto pronounc-
ed my trouble creeping I
always believed that to be my trouble
and 1 do yet believe so. I had also spent
five weeks in the University 1IoPita.411
Philadelphia without the treatraent bene-
fitting Inc and had returned home to
die Iibegan taking Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills- n 1897, but did not give a state-
ment of my ease for. publication until
I was sure that I was cured. After ;e -
turning from thee hospital I did'not take
any other medicine for My trouble and
,I owe it to Dr. Williams' Pink lailla and
to them alone that I am able to be about
to -day. Since my cure, as related in
my statement on April 17,, 1901, I have
never suffered any relapse nor had oc-
casion to employ a physician except for
„Minor troubles such as coughs, colds,
etc. . 1 endorse Dr. Williams" Pink Pills
as fully and ,heartily to -day as I did five
years ago." ,
• Sescribed and sworn to before me
this 22nd day of January, 1900. •
- • -.7. JACOB. ICCeelLER,
• Justice Of the ,Peace.
Justice Kohler, Of Reecisville, before
whom the affidavit was made, volun-
tarily gave' and signed the following
staternept: '
. "I have personally known Mr, Frank
A Means for the past forty -live years
and 'know- that any, statement he Makes
is entirely reliable. I personally' visited
him When he was confined- to bed , and
utterly helpless. I mitt/ see him daily
and know him to be in as good health
as most men of his age.'
Mr. Daniel W. Reynolds postmaster at
Reedsvitle, Pa., stated that he had re-
ceived many inquiries from all parts of
the country concerning Mr. Means' -
marvellous cure, and he cheerfully ad-
•ded his, confirmation. of the truth as
. "I certify that the facts. stated In the
testimonial of Mr. •Fgank Means are als
solutely true. 1.knew him when he araa
unable to move and I see hint every
day now on the streets and in my 'of-
fice," • * '
- Signed, .DANIEL W. .11EYNOtDS.
Here is evidencethat must convince
tho,. most skeptical. But because many
of the cures accotnPlished by Dr. Wil -
llama' Pink Pills are ,sb -marvellous as
• challeage "pellet, the following offer
is- made; - • -
$5000 'REWARD -2 The Dr.,Willianis'
Medicine Company will pay -the porn of
'lye Thousand Dollars for proof , of
'fraud on its part in the publication of
e foregoing testinionial. •. -
No sufferer from paralyalS,lodometor
ataxia, St. Vitus' dance or any sof the
lesser nervous disorders can afford to
lodger, neglect to try Dr. Williams'
Fink Dille, the great blood builder and
nerve tonic. Sold by ale druggists' or
sent by mail on receipt of price, LO
cents per box; six boxes ,for $2.50, by,
the Dr, Williams'• Medicine' Co., Brock-
ville,, Ont. • •
YOung,Policenian (rueeeing in Old 0!-
O fender) -"Mind that step'there "
' Old Offender (scornfully)---'"Garn ‘wi'
yert I,-, Meowed these 'ere steps afore
yeu was born."
. The baby that cries half the night
does not cry for nothing. It cries be-
' cause it is not Well, and -the ohances
) -
, ore the trouble is due to some derange-
) •
, merit of the stomachof bowels,. which
` would be speedily- removed if adose
, • 13a.by's Own Tablets were .gbeen the
' little one. Theee tablets 'make children
sleep soundly and . naturally, because
• they rem*. the cause of crossness and-
, WIlkOfilille0S: They are a blessing to the
-little one, and bring relief to the tired-
' re orried mother. Mrs. A. C. Abbott,
▪ ' iludson'e Heights, Que., says:- "I have
found Baby's Own Tablets .e, splendid
• medicine efor stomach and bowel trott-
, blee, from which my little orte was trou-
bled. Thanks to the relief- tho Tablets
here given my baby -toter sleeps quietly
Anil naturally., and is in the best, of
1. olth." And the Tablets *arc absolute-
ly 8de-they always do' good -they can-
, net possibly do ,harria. They will cure
th, ailments of *a new-born baby or a
welltgrown child. Sold by druggists,
Cr :lent by mail at 25 cents a box by
wtiting The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.
Pe...olivine, Ont.
Long, ago, when inscriptions upon,
tombstones and memorial tablets ,con-
stituted Merger portion of tholiterature
of the time than they do at present, they
gave expression to sentiments, which
to -day scent outeof place. The author,
of "Princess , and Pilgrim" gives an epi-
taph from Winchester Cathedral that 14
characteristic of its day. In reading it
one will realize the changes that have
taken place during the last century ani
a half.. ,
aIN Memory of
a -grenadier in the North Regi. Of Hants
Militia, who died of a violent Fever cone
traded by drinking Small Beer whoa
hot, the 12th of May, 1764, Aged'26 yeare.,
. In grateful remembrance of whose
universal good will toward his Cern-
rades, this one is placed here at their
exPenee, aS IL small testimony of their
regard arid concern.
-.Here sleeps, 'Me peace a 1fat4siiire
Grenadier, .
Who caught • his death' by drinking
cold small Beer,. . • .
Ftoldiers, be wise ,from his .untimely
' fall, •
And when yore' hitt, drink strong or
not at till.
This memorial' being decayed, was re-
stored by the, Offieers of the Garrison,
A.D., 1781,
An honest eolitier never is forgot „
Whether he died* by Musket or' by Pot.
This stone was plaeed by the North
Hants :Winne,' when dieembodied nt WM-
Chester on 2011i April, 1802, in &me-
quence of the origniel stone 1':-iiig de,e
One can readily see how much impor-
lance is attached to the solemn wanting,
conveyed by the untimely fate , of
'flambee, Siiltle the original stene has
been twee replaced by a new one.
%'good' inerty people find it ie to
ig '9 atti •thine, .0 Lord," wheln they,
ititve left their purses at home in an-
eteer pooltet.
°NpViii, PUBLIC Ileit.444.
In the 'Botend of London there hap
ecently been opened a publie-hottee if
diettuotly novel sort, for theee it
Mt re 'Able to purehaee more, than a
otarter of a pint of ale et elate time, and
%int quarter of a pint 0, eandwieh attire
e taken. Nforeovere the pueelnieee fot
he halipentiy eandwah ,and the quarter
ient, of think, iA "iLiyalllwlU to fenmin
1!1154 bar tf :111lief101it thee for the :sin.
bus Mrtliee ordete are refused
taut he new net loiter th
e pren.ises.,
Matra what any WOUlar, is after hOt cup of fragrant,
Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap
ate 'cleaner and whiter than if washed
in any other way.
Chimicals in soap may remove tho
dirt bu‘ t always injure thg fabric.
Sunlight Soap. will riot injure
the most dainty laCe or the
hands that use it, because it is
, absolutely pure and contain.s no,
injurious chernkals.
Sunlight Soap should always
be used as directed. No boiling
Pr hard rubbing is necessary..
Sunlight Soap is better than
other soap, but is best when
used in the Stnilight way.
Equally good with hard or
soft water, .
$5,009 rawg? V•160146 ;
proves thnt Sunlight Soap contains
atlY iniurious chemicals or any form
Ot adulteration,
Lever mothers united. Toroote
ite k .4,12
"What Makes Peck tools so worried?'
11We been contesting his ,wife's will.".
"Why, I didn't- know his wife was dead,"
'Tiat's just it-eshe' isn't."
X t is easier to prevent than It Is td
cure. Inflommation of the lungs„ is the
companion .of neglected eoies, and oleo
it firulg,a lodgement in the system it ie
difficult to deal with. Treatment with
13ickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup will
eradicate the cold and prevent, intlann-
kliatiOa from setting in., it cogts
tle, and ls as satisfactory as it is, sur-
prising in its resuIrs.
Bifferley; "When you -and your wife
were first married you used to call each
other 'birdie,". didn't yeti?" letSwat :
"Yes." I'Do,you still /do It?" "Well, I
call her &parrot and a snaSpie, tiaed she
usually refers to 'me as a 'Atty."
"The D Cc ilenthol Plisiers are marr
ions in their quick action.,whon applied to Pomo
backs er.stiff rheumatic Muscles or joints- They
Live immediate relief., •
attentions to you 'have been
marked, have they not?" said the young
iviemanee experienced friend. ."Oh, yes,
He has never taken the price ticket off
any of his presents."
- •
"They $611 .Well"` says Druggist O'Dell
ot Truro, N.S. Want any better evIl
dence . of. the e reale merit 01 Dr.. Von
,staws, Pineapple .Tablets as a cure for
,all.foems *ofsternachtrouble than that
-they"rein. such 'great demand? Not a
nauseonsdosed that makes -one'svery
insides rebel -but .pleastint, quick!, and
-harrnlees-a• tiny carry tablet to in your
. , •
'Pocket. 35 cents. -404;
Mrs.Smith: "Had :your • datighler
;pleasant voyage?" •.Mrs.. t NeveriCh s. "Yes,
but they must have had an accident.'
She Wrote theyelanded' oneTe.xra-Firrna.,
and I know the, boat was bound for
Malta." , , „.
- hilt Petverfilt-;-They
that judge Of the powers of a pill' by
itg size, would consider Parmelee%
Vegetable Pills tobe lacklng. it is a.
littld wonder nmon, pilin. yVhat' It
lacks in sire it makes up in potenc
The remedies which it carries are put •
up in these small doses, 'because they
are so po•werful that only small doses'
are required.... The full strength' of the
extracts la secured in this ferna and do
their work thor oughly"- •
A Scottish lady who wanted a. servant
so badly that she -hurriedly took one
without a recommendation h.appeneel one
day to look into a book which belonged
to the girl,, and immediately thereafter'
went to her with' some uneasiness eX.,
pressed in her face. "Is this your book,
Sarah?" she asked. "Yis, mum." "Ilow
is this, then? When you came you told
me youe name was Sarah Browne, but
here in this book is the name, 'Bridget
M'Gin13".'" ° "It's all rOight, mum/9 said
the girl; "that's me nondy plume."•
WORSE. • •
"E.Ver have experience with hold-up
men?" ' •
"Once." •
"Sand bag or pistol?
"Neither. \Ilium Topics.", °
0) a•
Postmaster Lee Looks Ten Years Youn7
ger Than His Severity -Six Years and
Ile Gives the .Credit to the` Great
Canadian Kidney Iternedy.
Tabucintae; Cumberland Co., N. B.,
Petty. -19---(Spe('0a1).-Iloratio J. Lee,
t;ostnuister here, is now in hiS seventy.
emth year, but so bright and healthy
eoes he look afid so enercotic is he in
hie movements that he would erwily pass
tor ten pars 'younger,'
"How„ de I keep* .voung looking," the
postnitteter "W(41 1 attribute it
lergely my' gold liettlth and my
health 1 mainly ' due 'to the use of
bead's Kidney Pills.
"I tit .1 lealeted the, value of this Kid-
ney Remedy some yoira am. I W01
then ouffering from Kidney Diseaoe. My
feet 'fluid lege ravelled and 1 had to Ilse
eight or ten times in the night because
of urinary troubles. bio..!ieo•
Bothies Kidney. reotored ray health
at that time and I have used them at
itttervals nittee. ,
"To anyone &filleted wah Kidnoy
We I eay 1)(ifitl's Kidney Pills are all
eight.' "Try 'hero mot you will beatire
to find a benefit."'
He: "If you loved me, why did yeu stt
first refuse me?" She: "I wanted to see
how you would act." "But 1 might have
rushed off without waiting for an expla-
nation." "I'd locked the•door."
Holloway's Corn Cure is a. speette for
the removal of corns and _warts. We
havo never heard of its failing- to re,
move even the svorst kind
f here, s just two tinngs„ that break up
tnost homes,"' observed a philosopher..
"What's them?"' inquired a' listener.
"VVOrnan's love for dry goods an' man's'
love for wet goods, .b'goShi"
, Dropsy* and. Heart Disease. -"For ten
years I suffered greatly from-leeart'Dis-
eaee: Fluttering of the • rt and
Itiering' Spells made My I a torment.
Dropsy set in. 'My physici told me
to prepare for the worst. I tried Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the ettrt. One dose
gave relief, one bottle cured me corn-
pletele."-Mrs. James Adams, Syracuse,'
'N.Y-107 , •
"Why are Youburning our , old love
letters., Adolph, dear?" . ' "I've ' ttist Made
my will. I clon't Want it eoneested on
rounds of feeble intellect."
1 Overworked ''. Persons. - either M1, ntally es
physically, should try. " Terrain'," the World
renownddnerre and blood -tonic and tiler will
quickly recover strength and health.
. .. ,
.. .
Life's outgo makes, its increase. •
Sacrifice sanctifies any service. -----
Sin is, setting appetite ,before author-
Dee,eit is the. poorest kind of diplo-
*eye •
Gold on the heart does not Make. the
golden heart.
-Haste to be rich makes waste of the
-real riches. ,
Every duty neglected is the loss of
something divine. ', • •
At, times of revival it Le eapy. to
•take racket for results. .
Verbal" virtues are blown away on
the first wind of persecution.
He who is in alurry to be wise isapt
to -succeed. in being foolish;
The most mistaken endeavor and
fervor is better than sleek apathy and
They are making the least out of
life who mai/eves. thinking of what they
can make. '. e .
Ira who is too busy to listen to the
'voice of a child is likely to miss the
voice of his lord, •
Thet feet of men are not keptinthe
path of right by the light of brilliant .
thoughts alone, -• •
The heretic hunter thinks that the cut-
turg of many thistles will create at least
a few roses.., , •
.Not he who has.no weakness is the
strong man, but he ,who makes them
serve hie strength. , •
The best' cure for the blues is to stop
thinking of: yourself and 'begin plan-
ning happiness for others, .
llow atrould the roen whe are going
to heaven on their wives' religion loole
wearing their wives' wings?
Teomany Christian soldiers. expect
to beceme warriors by hearing °there
lecture on th.e manual of a.rms.
ses away sthat caltired feeling and fills her with new -
So DeliclOti*'..too.
Only one best tea. BLUE IT
Oshawa "
11 11
Made . from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2, to $5.10
per hundred Square feet covering measure. This is the most esinabie 'cow
ering on the market, and. is me.ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele-
vators, Churches, etc. Any handy mart can lay the "OSHA.WA" shingles.. A
hammer and snips are the only toots required.
We are the, largest and .oldest company. of - thekind nnder thi -British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada,
making them
We also manufacture Corrugated Iron In long sheet., Conductor /Pipe and
METAL SWING, in Imitation, of brick or stone
METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. - •
Write for -Catalogue No. 1411. and free 'samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write
to day ,
M°312C313 3e333Dia.aLie. 3e3,3E:gaziliais,.
767 craw st.. 433 fluslfeR It. TT (Weenie 60 0110doe 711flosantr4 01,5Pstid*r
, we.= Inuit Nlemtest, Orrice. '
Fiend Office and Works. 011101W11, Ont.* CieliStilit
In 'Western
" laud. is
Saskatchewan, only 0 miles from two railways!, C.V.R. 4 n.T.p.
strong soil, 00 per centplough lend, eprin,e creek, no eleugho,
'About 40 miles N.E. of Indian Head. Price 110,40 per eel*
rite for map and full particulars.
PARSONS, et Wellesley Street, Termite. Ossvelle._
She -"Would you ealla man's. failure
to support his wife a misdemeanor?"
He (a young.lowyer)----,-,,No, it Would be
a mrsderaeanoy.'
. ,
Tearing Down Signals floes slot delay storms. •
Opium laden "medenties.' do . not cure, Wiles
yess.begin to cough', take Allen's L1.1113 Balsam,
free from opium, full of healing power .
'If I•thad a bad, aching tooth like yout,
Tommy, I should have it met Without,
delay. ' "So would I if mine were made,
to come out like yours,"
They art, easefully -,Prerntred,-Pills
which dissipate themselves in the stem.-
ach tonnot, be expeeted to have ,nmeh
effect upon the intestines, and, to over -
conte cestiveness the medicine • adminis-
tered must influence theaction of these
canals. Parmelee's Vegetable rills are
so Wade, , the supervision of ex-
perts, that the substance in there in-
tended to operate ,on the latestines is
'retarded la action until .they . pass
through tlea etoraitah to the enowois.
• Said the lecturer -"The roads up these
mountains are too steep and rocky tor
even a, donkey to climb; therefore I di(1
not attempt the ascent."
• Nurse's Good Words. -"I am a proles7
sional nurse," writes Mr. Eisner,Halt-
fax, N.S. "I was a great sufferer from
.rheumatismsealmost 'constant associa-
tion with best physicians I.had every
chance of a cure if it, were in their pow-
er --blit they. failed. South American
Rheumatic Cure was recommended -to-
day ray six years of pain seem as a
drearrt. Two bottles cured tne.-a106
The bass drum does not make', much.
good music, but it often drowns a lot
of 4bd.
A Time...for L'Verything.-The titne for
Dr. Thomas Eciertric Oil is when
croupy symptoms appear in the child-
ren; when rheumatic pains beset the
old;- when lumbago, asthma, coughs,
colds;catarrh or • earache attack either
young or (Ad; ,when burns,scalds, obrh..7,
sions, contusions or sprains come to
any member of the „family. Itt any of
these ailments it vall give relief., and
woi'k a cure ' ° •
write Nlore Posium the mire rood --the
More Coffee the Mpre Poison.
The Pres. of the W. C. 'I'. V. in
young giant, state :in the Northwest
."I did not realize "that 1 was a, slave
to coffee Jill I left off drinking it. For.:
three or four years I was obliged to take
a nerve 1oni0 every day. Now 1 . ant
free, thanks to Postturt Food Coffee.
"After.finding mit what, coffee will do
.its victims, I could hardly stand to
have My husband drink it; but he was
not willing to quit. I studied for months,
to lind a way to inditee him to leave it
off. I, inaliy I told him I would make
rib more eoffee.
"I got Postinn Food COMA', and nlado
it strong -boiled it the' required time, ,x
and had *hint read the little book 'The I
Bowl to Wellville,' that eomea.in every
"Today Postum has no stront';ee ,,,l.
1!' than my hitabandi lie ,fells our
filiends 116‘,.." to make if; and that he got
tiorough the v,fiiriter without a npell of r
the grip and has not had a headache i
for zonntlis he wed to be oubjeet to I
frequent n(4'1/61153 headaches.
* "The. ctronger pet drink Pmtuto the
more food you get; 'the etronger yott
thin% eoffee the ntore poinon you get"
Name given by Postum Co., Belle,
e ze, ie,
There's n 1:1 ''11,
Scads --"You „say he left rad money?"
Baggs--"No. You see he lost his health'
getting wealthy, and then lost his Wealth
trying to get healthy." .
Sunlight Soap isbettor than other soap.,
but is best when ued, in the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunligb,t Soisp and follow 'direction...,
A lawyer, whose eloquence was of the
spread-eagle ' sort, was addressing the
jury at great length,and his legal oppo-
nent/ growing weary, went outside to
ras . • .
"Mr. Blinke is making a great speech,"
aaid a'.countryman to the bored eounsel.
"Ohl yes, -Mr* Blitike aiways,Malo.,S
great speech. If you or I had oeeasion
to ennounce that two, and two inake four,
we'd be just foots enough to. blurt it
right out. Not'so Mr. Blinke. Ile would
"'If by that' particular arithmetical.
rule known as addition we desired
arrive at the sum of Iwo integers adtle
to two integers we 3110111a .find -and
assert tide boldly, sir, and without the
fear oe sneeeeeful contradiction -we, I
repeat„ should lind by the particuler
arithmetical formula before mentioneds.-
and, sir, 1 hold niyeelf perfectly respon-
Bible lor the.'assertion 1 ant about ,to
nate, -that the sunt of the .two elven
ntegereaadded to' the other two integers
vould bo four!'" •
Wolski, an Auetriart esperimenlee, has
eeently prttented a, 1r.e.of 11(111013'.
11 natural gas, aVitich, it is reported,
tar: been etteceoefully employed in the
Karpathian The liquid can
-?•e„nefely kept for etorage nr trtm51(or-
ation it orklinarY soda.water siphons.
Among the 1.1,S45 8ugges1ed for liguelitd
natural gao are the lighting of isolatad
houses and the driving '011
lines and Motor&
fit OR SALE -Best, cheapest and nicest
'L located 'stock farm in, Mo.:United
States; has a. beautiful Water front, and
!anteing, 800 acres. SAMUEL P. WOOD,
Farmers -Wet/rifted as
Land Agents.
Fanners wanted ail over :Canada so
agents for Western- Canada lands; all ,
seleoted lands; liberal .eonamission:„-Ad.
dress "Perth Lands.," P„ „,b. Box: 523,
Winnipeg Man '
.4.4. •
ttt any forra and void perspiring feet' positively
„aired within 30 days, by or newly patented,
Iiiagnetio Discs or money promptly refended.,
119;kled. anywhere $1.00. Write for descriptive
booklet. Agoutis wanted. ,MAGNETIC •
CUBE CO., Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
It's norby being against many, things
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Rose-coloteitspets on the 'bodies of Childress
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Promptly cured with Weaver's. Comte.
' A small man dodges -When he meets
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banknote often supplies the -key-
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For 33 Years •
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Coughs, Colds oral Lung trouble., Ltst
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"Lest wiWr I cesehea for Ass* eAsato ta
ti.soala 1 voe obis, inks Cbilkiekortetni. I leek al
'sods 4 asrolicesee. bet **Nee did' see shy tool
erg I Med Cetsbersone* * Owe. Feet
lades cused This itivioter I had Avery but
told; was Net Ate Ss' took, re how Wtee *eve
. *et the side sadbark. gist of Sittleh 1.11106
MO well *ea, 1 hive Os* it id
*rev osse of thoto Moo Woo osad,--D..
litoointso. Qin."
1UhI *1 ILI?