HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-03-01, Page 4Du Your Hens
lmprovod Poultry Food;
1a s' guerrenteet egg `predtaeer, 'ora
' ideal tonie and at sure avulse for chicken
Chelan, Roaip, Gape and ?,11 Poultry
Is. No Experiment�
But thoroughly reliable and effective
A call solicited when we would be
pleased to give you further informa-
tion and' recommendations,
Price 15e a ound; or 2 pounds for 25c.
,44.4 0 4-4,,M4144144
Prepared by
W. S. COLE, Phrn,, B.
Agent for
i se s ecial code
Prescriptions d speaa d byspecial
Ozteter r.
Sanders ee Creech, Props. •
LENT.. ..
Lent is a fest of forty days, aaot in -
chiding Sundays, It begins with Ash
Wednesda „and'ends with the Satur-
day preceeding Easter. ' The Anglicans,
Roman Catholics" and other 'churches
miikeit.a seesan'of special prayer and
self denial: Because of . this special
use,Lent is reewinentl the season of
+ p ,Y ,
, of Spiritual revival in the church. The
{ BishopofHuron in aa'pastoal address
to the rnelnbera of the Ohurch of Eng-
land has eix phaasied the two main ideas
of Leat. The fest isprayer, the second`
�'n both means to an end. ' The.
fai�ttt g`
church.' calls 'her•people to ra er.�--to
NP y
si» weeks of prayer—following the enc-:
. b
ample of Jesus;H•jea°seif, who wats;co ie.
tinuallet withdrawing Hit -itself from
burrian • sight and coin tact in ache deserts
of Palestine' .and` 'praying:. ,He urges
ire pee to take Same , tin pray-" nd
n#ntl not toself sh, eta Lheir prayers
Secondly, there is fasting or self=denisl:
and this should mean. something' more
thee the weak formal or eouventional
avoidance of certain indulgencies or
pleasures. ; Religious faatiing ahould
carry with it %high andxnoblepurpose
' #r else it is worthless.. The purpose Of
catch fasting is' the asserting of the.
aupretn ,cy of the spirit over the flesh.
sociations' with the .world are so. ab
orbing and intimate that people easily
become entangled end) earth bound.
Therefore the necessity reg laid upon ne
to retire from tithe to time, as Christ
retired, from•the sounds mad. attract-
eons of the world to see how we steed.
in reference to God and Eternity.
This,,the Bishop asserts, is the Central
purpose and and be
istrgea church 'people th'nt while there'
has Liberal opponent, ex -Mayor Ur
sled ale-elm`s' its the tele et heed &.r. 1� i
!Rh %L'. iPi ilasE'etp f�etentnia�;.`: lice
e) news what others
ave repeetee„
namely, the Lige na,antacr OI"b.acln Metre
ata- the scarcity of children, in those
seetioes.. Ian one iestenee e school
l ire
Middlesex, has been e~^lose a because
there Wee o.gly One child in the district
of the proper to ;Weed it.
The Toronto; Stair Bays: -,.Tti t°o is a
grand opening for the. Sal v.athat Armes
to ci epoee of their first importation of
me rnaageahle English girls, Juse ship
them. up. tta8ra . end Hueon and, the
ncer �..
west and north' divia ions of Middlesex,
and unless there 'issomething radically
wrong up that woy leteh.elor formers
shoule receive there with open arms
and wedding rings,
We haven't .toted any superabtani
aauceof bachelors orscaarcityof children
for many miles around- Exeter, al.
thoLigbit might be possible that the
importation of English girls would be
received with open arms should they
conte this way. With, .regard to the
farmers' buildings going into disre-
pair or the farms becoming over-
run with weeds, we consider the re-
port as nothing abort of a'slander on
the distr.ant, which, beyond coxnpfare
is the garden of Canada. The build -
logs and
s are second to none anywhere, and
the farmers,aalmost without exception,
to as °high" de ree.
progressive .g
TO�r,!'s Ai" COMMENT$
• u i ss ability ofMr. '11, Either
The la ,s roue• �, i y
•M. P. P. for South Huron, is being
recognized in the House, :as is. shown
by the fact that he has been placed on
n ' t-
each of the most iron clrtaiat commit-
a7 ma
tees, a triz:--Agricultural and Coloniz-
ation, Ptablic Accounts, Railways, and
1, '00
The followingletter to P. S.'Inspec-
tors has been nssaaed by the Deputy
.Minister of Education :Fourteen schol-
arships to the value'of $75 for•male'
teachers and $50 for female teachers
will be 'granted.'by ° the Minister of Ea-
ucation to :teachers holding at least
second-class •eertificartes. ' There is also
granted. °from the; Macdonald Rural
School fund five cents a mile fortravel-
ling expenses. • ;The Nattire.',S�tudy
courstecommences•on.the 5th of` April.
and extends over aa, ' period. of n•three
months. It.is desirable that the differ-
ent portions of the "province shall be
represented, and .that not more, than
one ' teacher, should come from any
comity, Yindly give this as ` pouch
publicity as pos8ibier, and endeavor to
get. the best available. teacher's to ap-
utply. . 'Applications should be received
this department not later -than the
loth of March. ` ' .-
AnA ed ,I,a rS�hot
'Mean, Feb.: 26.�--On, Saturday about
4 o'clock,.. while Mr. Jetties Brown With
his .another, a lady about. seventy Years
of age, was driving near McAuley'e
woods on the •edge'of the town, Mrs.
Brown .Was shot�through the lung•with
as"tb►uliet . from. • a rifle ` in the hands of
Fronk Nelson, ayoung lad, seventeen
years of. age. The story goes that
Nelson, in :t Monient�,of recklessness,
drew'"his rifle:,and.toid the other- lads
to see. how .close he could ;come. to
Brown's horse,' with • the result as
above. Mrs. Brown is still alive,. but
very low, and the doctors say she caan-
not recover.' • Nelson. wails arrested on
Sundev and confined in the county.
jail. yHe had only returned from a two
yearss term at Mimico,
Around ` about list
Legate The intai'1 dragster of Mr.
awl etre. John Y usper, ,)gats Wad,
diad Ort Saturday, aged 8 d4ay'e aand was
l.utttd on Sunday.
Mitchell; James Sillies. former reef -
dent i � the
dent Mitchell ell as . � aaq d d cart
f t.,h and �; � e
hoose :of bin daughter, Mrs. fdasiere,
Pittsburg, : .'a �, on Wedhesday, FCC.
21. The remains were brought here
fors lariat stn Friday.
. . .
Prtrl htll.. Melte Hannah JaCILSO i,
relict of the late 'Peter Jackeon, died
a t her late residence here on Monday
night, after an illneste extending over
[tome fve yeutre. She was bergs in June
1810, in the city of Monsters Ireland,,
her maiden name being. Hannah
Wright. Her parents emigrated to
this country when she was two yearn
old, settling :.near Kingston. She be-
came the wife of Peter Jackson when.
eighteen years.of age and then, lived
for some time in Portland; from there
they rxnoged to Townsend, and from
there to Parkhill in 1863. Her hus-
band' conducted a water power eaw-
nmill on the back part of James Plewes'
farm and saibsoquently he took up
God rish: On Fr'
daAgnes M
widow of the late Robt. Ben.
derson,.died at"the residence of Jailer
Griffin where she was Mrs.
I•lenderson was well known in Getter -
Joh, where she lived for thirty years,
her late husband having; 'Seen turn-
keyat the for a lon periods She
was a former resident of Buren.town-
ship, Bruce county. Deceased lady:
had been suffering fronts an internal
complaint for many years,• :but when
her' 'late.; husband,' teaas stricken down
with illness she seeened'to recover, and:
was still- able to attend on -hien till
death cairn'. Since herr ` widowhood
she had been visiting relatives, but a'
few week's sincereturned to the old
town. as the guest of Jailor an.1 Mrs.
Grifll.d, end it was while on this visit'
that an attack of the old complaint
came, and so severely as to cause her
death. The late Mrs. Henderson was
63 years of age. . `.
Goderich:. On Saturday evening an
accident occurred • at L. Iaavis' 'ware-.
rooms which resulted"in considerable
bodily injury to'three girls. Mr. ;Levis
wee• having- a hoist put in bis rooms
and the p1 tform of the hoist, it ti-
a p.
pears. Was not completed, some lions
at one side notbeipg put in. One of.
the workmen got on the platform to
test its working, when, the girls els°•
stepped DnWhen t ` platform- atform was
raised some :distance
from . the . floor
the unbolted side :gave ' way and the
MctTattght Eke ted.
Toronto, Feb. 22, -The Consersrvtive
stronghold of North Toronto elected
W. McNaught, the Conservative:
The Extended Popularity Of
tad.. Sulittors to Itnttrodhdo
Week and Wortalesa
Imitations. •
DIAMOND !ND DYES, true home help -
r$ and mentiyys3atvere for soothers and,
wives, art'' dear to ° every woman's.
heart. Recentiy,specnlatvre have gone
Thee ,the;.ckage ,dye trade with the
view of°gaiinin . a share of the ,inns
rnnense and everincreasing • tree held
by the manufaeturere of the DIA-
MOND DYES; but all eueh effortswill
'il i
as in the past, resent in
crudeand worthless dyes brought out
in opposition to the DIAMOND DYES,
can never become popular,' for the sim-
ple reason that they havenot one good
quality to"boastof. The merchants of
t1anadasevho were induced to buy these
adulterated package dyes now find
them dead and worthless stock. The,'
progressive and busy druggists nand
dealers of Canada, sell only the DIA. -
MOND DYES, S, which have an establish-
ed reputation of over twenty-five years.
The modern merchant has not the
time or inclination" to encourage the
sale • of 'worthless and deceptive
goods. If our Canadian women desire
full, 'brilliant . and fast colors, they
should at all tinges cask for the DIA.-
MOND DYES,the only 'guaranteed
package dyes .n -the world, When'
buying�pa"ckage dyes, see- that the
ear"aeon each paeltet handed out by your
dealer. Wells et Richardson Co., Lim-
•ited, Montreal, Q., will send free
to any address the New Dye Book,
Card of Dyed Sereples,and new book in
verse entitled "The': Longjohns'' Trip
to the Klondike." This little book is
interesting thousands.
' Leiea,h
Rev. Wilson isrecovering from his
recent illness►. -The Misses. Lee, mil-
liners, have engaged :Miss Pollen for
the coming season. -Ed. Mara intends
putting an addition to his -house in the
spring. ; The brick is .: already on the
ground.—W..J. Neil of Brigden is the.
new clerk at James Park's. He comes
highly recommended and Joie a num-
u n-ber of years experience, Miss: Sadie
Stanley had Miss Ella McPherson of
Bensaall as her_g.. uest during the week.
—Miss Nellie Hodgins, who had the
misfortune a few days: ago offailing
on the icy sidewalk and • breaking her
arm, is, we are pleased to :state,., get-
ting along as well•.ascan be expected,.
Jas. D.McKenzie, who has been filling
Otitis fell to the floor beneath. , Miss F. a position":ori the Sun staff foe the past
•Kerr, daughter of John Kerr, received nine months• bus. gone to Woodbridge.
the greatest ini'uries, being hurt con-' 'where he has accepted a position., His
aide. bl about .the head' her injuries $roe essor in the office here is Walter
.a p as end ' c r st.-- ecil Atkinson
'causing concuscion: of• the brain a Bow, of Mt. 'Foe a
being sed severe as to cause blood, to left ai few 'days ago for Ninga. aie. - Mau.,,
flow front her ears.. Mies Adelaide with a..ca`r' of horses.—Miss Flora Lee
Whitelyt,dau hter Of Thos. Whitely, ias:attending _ the millinery openings at
had a leg broken. andiMiss ,Florence Toronto.°-Misei Noreen Orine who had
Ross,; daughter of D 'H. Rose,' of then the misfortune a few weeks ago to fall
laungry, received a general shaking and fracture leer leg' below: the knee,
up and_a a' cut on :the face which' retries. and who was able to be out,,fell the:
ed patching.. a.' other day _and sprained ; the injured:
CluCorporated by Art f F rliaanent 1S;� $
Head Office,
n ib air4,, $3,000I �
8 iL'�I. P' • ! ■ M ,,4
X INYON' 4I' . CAN`.
l OR'>�'''�-E1GB.T' ,l�t�tANCItES IN UTE DCM
xETER �;. •.a
OFFICE IiOIm Xa . toy p. tn. SATUPD Y4 ,.10 a.`'in. to 1 p.:aa.
A GENERAL. BANK,1116'BUS $S TXtANseetrene•
Farmer s Sale Notes,ca'sba d or collect dr Form; supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all poi its'ui the Dominion, Great Britain a and United
States bought and sold at lowest lutes of Exclutnge. •
ADVANCES made to Fax'rners, Stock Defilers and Business Mee at
lowest `rates rind on Most favorable terms,
• DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current urate 9f interest allowed:
.' osits of $1 .and upwards res Wed. Interest cow-
aann , pounded half -yearly and added to principal' June sorb
S+� ( �Y11� it ng - Departmentsand December 01st.
Agents at Exeter fo� the Dominion GO •ernncient.
Dimes= S' O %Mae, Solicitors. T. D. ItT iWON`,,,Mapager.
The Sieger Sewing Machine Com-
pany, propose erecting a forty -story
building in New York.
*riot Winter, three years old,
VVestrninster township, near London,
was scalded to death by felling into a -
tub of water while playiug with a clog.
A mae paaained Harrison attaaxapte tl
blackmail on the proprietor of the
Bedford Hotel,..ixod�erich. ° He claimed
to have been subpoenaed to give evi-
dence in a Gane of breach of the Liquor
.Act bee tbe.hotelmaan, but guaranteed
irnmuoit�. for'ten -dollars. He signed
and the
two documents to that effect
proprietor banded.:them over` to the
police. •
Ma a' Woman is
akinft. Headache
ow ear
ho ou ht°to be' akin Ihte u.
gg �
The: kidneys are making the
headache. flit are not tieing
the work properly — not
purifying the blood—pot ridd-
in • the of tom.
Theseirupwntiea stagnate'the
blood—irritate the • newts-�•-
and bring 'the headaches that
ass �y lemma nesn suilr witrb.
School Reports.,
The following is the report of'S. S.
No.:11,Stephen, for the month of Feb-
ruary. Names, in,order of" merit: eV—
Lillie' Ehlers; Northers Brown.. Sr.. IV.
WesleyBeg-eland, Therisa' Zeler, Ar-
thur Winkenweder,FredPreetter,Louis<
Morene,....J.as. McPhee. Ste :.III,Geo.
Link. Louis Ziler, Herbert Krueger,
Milton, Ehlers. Jr. lit —Arnold Step-
hen, Frank Morena, Amelia Engeland
Pearl Teatreau, Olifa Ziler. Geo. Ziler.
Sr. .II. -Charlie Stephen, Will McPhee;
Frieda Krueger, Mabel Wild. Jr.YI.--
Minaa Ehlers, Clara Jacobs.. Mueril Wil-
lett, Albert Vincent, Willie Vincent.
Part IL Irene; Wiliert, Douglas Mc-
Thee, Rhynard Stephen. Laura Step-
hen. Part Y,—Olive Willert, Iran Teat-
renal. --L. L. ,Hartleib teacher.
The following is the report of S.S.,"
caandidaate, by a majority of 1400 over No.8,'Hay, for the month. of February,
Names are in order of merit. V—Dor-
othy Truemner, 926.. Sr. IV.--Aauron
Oestrreicher 267; Jr. IV.—Edith • Wal -
per 200, Albertan Truman 286, Milton
Oestreicber 203, Herbert Truetnner,
219, Lena Schroeder 195,,Stel1a . Ge.ir er
I78. Sr. III.—Mary, Schroeder 290,
Vielettte ceks tein,,212. Jr. IIT:—Tins-
neld arra earn ner 217,' Roland. Kleinfeldt
169, °Lizzie Meesne,132,J lc3oh `Messner
Ili yet time. and the day of gi"Be lli not whaler. The comXnplete and correct re..
�•.x ed
,, wholly passed away to learn t 'rough
the self-denial and self-discipline of
Lent to renounce the lower for . the
sake ,of''the higher life, the earthly for
the 'heavenly, the transitory for the
"There are more bachieIors and fewer
children to the square inch „in. these
'districts than'ai,ny,other vs�ectionof that
.sante in Ontario. This ieehe startling
state of affairs noted by o'no of the
• lecturers of the Farneers'' Institutes in
aa. report on lois work its the oounties of
Sifien , truce and the northern and
"'western portions of Middlesex. Be
notes that in these districts the.farm.
eti are oat, growing grass. buildings
are falling in to disrepair and farms Are
• becoming overgrown with noxious
weeds. One' reason for this condition
he finds in the transition from. grain -
ceasing and mixed farming' to grw/.ing,
turns3, as -receiv by the' returning
officer, ..ares:.
.MoNAUGHT, (Conservative); .3,833
URQUHART, (Liberal), 2,418 ,
SIMPSON, (Socialist), 260.
McNaught;'s, ajority overUreluhart,
1,421.6 s a
The total, vote. of: 6,597, compared
with 9,141 cast on Jaanuaar�y. 25, 1905,
when ..Dr. Beattie' Nesbitt and Mr.
Hugh Blain :were the candidates,
-shows a failing` off of 2,507. indicative
'of the lack•of interest that was mani-
festoon both"sides. • At that tirnie Nes-
bitt's Majority was 1,485.
Kippers `
Mrs,lEdwaard Grant and° daughter,
Who have been residing in Manitoba,
have*moved to Outr'villege and are tit-
caieying' the house ° of the late Peter
Grant. To Mrs. and Mist Grant we
extend a hearty welcnm►e. -Miss Ellen
Stewart recently entertained her Sna-
day &shoot classes -Peter Stewart of
the 3rd .con., Tuckersmith, who bas
:root been enjoying the best of health
for eonie years,. bats decided to take a
rest for a time at least, and with that
object in view he has rented. his farm
f.ar air term of years to W. Fairbairn.
Mr. Stewart intends taking�aa trip out
'Vest shortly' and we trust it may be+
beneficial.—John Babb ofTuckerfu pith
has purchased the residence of J. K.
Richardson at Seaforth and. intends
moving to that town shortly.—Miss
Maggio I". C3aarrnochan, daughter of the
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is not
simple cough syrup. It is a
strong medicine, -a doctor's
medicine. It cures hard casii,
severe and desperate cases,
chronic cases of asthma, plett.
risy„ bronchitis, consumption.
Ask your doctor about this.
Teo twist kissit of toitistortiat-..
"ileta for over sixty roam"
Arthur 3. Balfour, the fotener prern.
ler of Great Ilritaitt,was Tuesday elect.
ed in London by 11,340 majority.
By a ecore of 5-4 in home and home
games Bolin on Monday' defeeted the
A`rgona,uts for the O. II. A. chenspion.
Reports from Colombia etate that
ver 2060 people met death there laet
eek se the result of Ali earthquake.
with the object of a,verting the threat -
Johann Hoch. the wife murderer of
dsy et 1:84 in the efternotin. lioch
heel married thirteen times Arid ho 114111
imppetted to have murdered aeveral of
bee wives.
Ohleo Truetnner 156, Lydia Messner
152, Leonard Schroeder 143, Anna Wol-
per 180. jr, Schrtieder 163,
Ilellae0Yerholt 157, Lillie Messner 185,
ICunz 142, Bernard Ilartmen
Edwirellartman 105. Sr. Part
Reinhold Millers Ida Messner. Jr,Part,
IL ---Tillie Kunz, Theodore Miller.' Jr.
Pt. Iet- Hilda Schroeder, Charles Hart-
EMMA Meaner. No. on roll 40, teer-
' Theo, Ilartielb teacher -
The following is a report of the stand.
ing of the pupils in S.S.No.4, Stephens
or February. V.—Eigirt Amy, Nem
Brown. Sr. IV....-GladyiKestle,VVil-
Keetle, Nellie Amy, Willie Itoeezler,
Ethel Kestle, Sterner Eilber. Jr.
Wein, Barry Schwarz, Wesley "Wein.
Sr. "It --Leonetti Schroeder, Arm-
nish, Beulah Smith, Clarence Eilber.
Br 0 wn, Willie Schwarz, Mildred
Klumpp., Emerom Schroeder, Mervin
Itrokentshire. Sr. II.—Aaron Wein,
Otta Browns (lenient Cornish. Jr.
Roeselere Sr. Pt. /1.—Emereon Wein,
Edna Amee Clinton Morlock. Ir. Pt.
Eilber, taViria Smith, Joseph
Schwarz. Ste Itt.l. -Mervin Coxworth
Eddie ODenish, Som. 13roketishire. Anne
Aubire No. on roll 45, average, attend.
HOW'S This P
'cite offer One Ifundred boilers liewonll for any Op
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Mill's Catarrh
We the undorsigned hate known P. J. Cheney for
the lett. 16 years, and believe him perfectly hanoraide
carry out any eitligatione rmsic by hie firra
po4e. 7he per **Oa
Take Hairs family Pgla ter onatalratiovs.
limb badly. alise pathy of her . many schoolmates and
friends, 'and we trust she may soon be
‘ettes..ibee s, Wren, has been
appointed to fill the place left vacant
.the staff of the harbord st. Colleg-
iate Institute; Terontoeby'R. S. Strath
hie du ties' as teacher in Bornisb schteil,
near Parkhill on Thursday. We wish
bineevery success,
Dinte—We are again called upon to
chronicle the death, of a wellAtoown
and highly esteemed resident . of out.
tillage in the person, of Charles White'
who departed this Wean Sunday. Feb.
18, at the age of 65 years; About. a
Year ago deceased euffered a stroke,
but sufficiently recovered es to be. out,
,again. Ten days previous to ,bis de-
mise he had another stroke • tie which
be succumbed °nettle a.bove day, Ile
was a quiet, indostrious man and a
kind friend and neighbote arid his
death will be deeply regretted. The
Bite eemeteeye
takes aw y ,thee ' `he c
mouse . t$ke away the
directly' on these' vital,
mime, itt heal
. >nedncc
p- the" cs
Looe trace of
Tz til tggi *.:
y.Ci ui�u/h l CH tM�L c �.P,L LIMITED.
John Wagner of Guelph le on a few
weeks' visit to friends fifth's vicinity..
igen were visitora in our midst during
the Week.—Hay Council rnet on Mon -
father's faxen on the Zurich Itead.—E.
Bossenberty has disposed of his horse,
of London, for •which he received the
sum of $225.e -Ed. N. Talbot has dire;
p -teed Of t e farm on the Satible Line.
he recentl .. purchased ftsana Wm. S.
Wilson, 0 buyer wee Ben Charrette.,
Sanwa Oingerich purchased John '
Gascho's farm on the Gosben Line.
Mr. Gascho will move to the Bronson '
Line. where he has purchased 12 acres!
from his son, Chris,—Solornon Knee- '
fer hue sold hie 150 -acre farm to his
neighbor, Otitis Gascho. The former
intends, moving to the villages—Ilenry
Lippert, the township; assessor is on
local branch of the Sovereign Bank
'has been transferred to the- Exeter
branch of that Batiks While bore he
-outdo many friends 'who are indeed
sorry to see him leaving, but wish him
everyauecess. Ma Scott's suedessor
is V. Campion of Ociderich, late of
tlentot11.-erred Kibler, who formerly
carried on a boot tied shoe 'moistest; in
our village, but who has been eesiding
in Brampton for a timee lute moved to.
Listowel with hie family where he has
Fred's many friends here wish him tin.
botinded stiecess in his new venture.—
After A few weeks' Yleie at hie home
hero Ithnore Magel has returned to
Theil has returned from a more Ifs vis-
it to friends 10 Mitebell, Stratford and
other placee.-eMits N'ettie Well is at-
tending the milhnery openinge at To -
rotate after whieh SIM WM go to Mag.
ate where she will have charge of the
millinery &pertinent in one of the
large stores,—A, good tittle was speak
at the home of Louis Kraft. Stephen,
tin Wednesday teat. Ckthev ft ghtwtfing
Mite Amy Doweon of Blake peaked
with honot I" in her junior work. also
took first (lags lionora in printery ruin.
ments at the Coneervatory of Mitotic',
feendort. the exeminstions of which
were recently held.. Thitt speeke well
of her tenther. Mins Minnie Doareapho
hes peovcd herself thorough in her
war K.
Allierta and
With livestock and effects, from: Toronto at
Settlers travelling without live stook should
use 1.45 p.m. train from TOrOnto
on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Bat-
urdays, Cost of sleeping berths as follows:--.
lloose Jaw 5.00 Calgary ,- 8.00
"Settlers' Guide" and Weotern Canada
booklets of practical use and interest to set -
tiers, with rates and full information, fre
upon application to nearest Canadian Pacill
. Sunshine
Did you ever ha.ve a.
headache that m ad e
Sunday. feel like wash -
q Perhaps you have been
drinking irircribr teas.
No„ you don't need medi,
.cine—alt you need is a
pa.ckage oF Grand Mogul
Thil tON combs the kinks
out of the, nerves. Why?
Because it is rich in theine
(the ilavor:n3 essence)
which is just concentrated
sun/beams. Grewn on the
high table lands' or Ceylon,
this tea. contains the ele.
Tonship of. i
NOTICIIL is hereby iven that a, —Dy -taw r as
paused by the Township: -of Stephen on the, 12th day,
of February, A. A, heti, providing for the issue of
Debentures to the amout of $0.000.00 for the pur-
pose of erecting'a scbool-liouee'in School Sec tion 40.
6 in the Townsip of Sterh' n; and that ancli By -Law
was ave istetl in the Registry; office of the County' of
Ituron on the 14th day-ot•I' ebruary, A. D. x908.
w, Any motion to quash or.set , aside' the "same or
any part thereof, must be made within three months
t ` notice cannot
Ii n a the of e' erred n o
f e the rpt. u�b s t
be anadethereaftereotio
Dated the.l4th. day' of'F'ebruary,1006.
Township Clerk.
world because Ont seed*" are betterthaa
'ether*. Do you wish to grew theme*
• beautiful flowers sad the Bost. tete. '
tables I' ..Pla,Ut the beetseeds,4Ferrils.
tritiltitY $14 cm,
Vilndaor, Oats
lent quality of
the latest atadnuest Modern Maehleery
- This- .celebatted flour is kneWti by
seas_ the very fitieet quality both iu life
,cellent. beead; .rolls ands pastry Of ati
Grand Mogul_
304 40c Ai -,J 5Pc per pawl
C(Su%.I FActorges lined with
in 'Itch packitipt, Tim coot of these
ceopont ix not talcen cut, of tiss. tea
- but it empty a peel of ad,
von! n
The eireat Rao* Remedy.
A peattive cure tor enemies of
Sexual Weakriees, Ifental and
xxiroaxatie Mina ratan worst., Sew
Excese all of which lead tO Cooirorokti
infirratramay Auden early grave. 'mos
elver e stator II& One win lobate, nix win
'Thee W441iti M0010111110 00,9.
P31 kn nrodelpt apace.
urilop's ROSC,11
96 YOrsie St.
Floral Designs tote, *11 occasion*,
Flower. shipped 40 st4y *Obit betwaitiii E1*111.'"
-100.000 Rose Trees to blooft.
3011N,,n. DUNLOP
Laid Illsklice risme
,111141 1790
To Farmers aril Patio
As the spring is coining
on now, gather up all
your old truck such as
Wool Pickings,.
Horse Hair,
Old Rope,
All "Kinds old Iron,
and take th
M. Jack
Mai* St
(MP itoor Finlat of
That's where you
cash price
trine au
" answered