HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-03-01, Page 1a r fi. Si at.ements ate ;low. Send in you cosier ie the .peo- R .Alla els aid work. e Farm, ?::; other pi eia it ty +d 'i oeuht ;vi`e for you atr i3 lllannestt 1pply.. reeirees NI k Tg` iNTH :YEAH. AND ; & ' lawn, Prop' re You Sending Money Away? xo�tlmSOVBREIGN BANK MONEY ORDER Payable anywhere. No Blanks to fill out. Receipts givez1 to purchas- ers. urchasers. Issued at the following rateat. $5 and uudor 3o Ove , 10, and up to $30 100 � 0 � �3 .$ Over 5�d 1 oyer $U0 Drafts issued tit hest rates. Renitriaade to sill oirits 1>y, Gable or Telegraphic b,ia p )� 'i'rrcnsfer. Bila of Exchirnge sold on -all Foreign ii �t g l � IJ Countries,. ., JOS, SNELLz g Mana er of Exeter, Creditor), Dashwood, anandZ *rich. CARLING BROS. Soutb Hur Farms� IRMpO! 1191r Or* Willoughby Dies� • Vre[ t n Rev. 1 'b ., R X R. aetc I he > presiding elder p d e g' mh..an.nto none «. :x.wrinos of �6w ... The.su Ietnentary' ineetiu of the R PIx l� ..1�, gx'iatt �xnau of the •irt�ayderitr� of of Berlin, exnlnd�xt�tad'tee �;xaar•tc�rlysc�r„ t held n � week a Evangelical ch ;mph teat Insti Ute e d dur�i the' past w e at ' vices i • the Eva oilmen , Over Zurich, Rental!, Saturday Farquhar,>�zxshvw :, �� � >i•i b, >�eu l , 13 t;clay° +end r3udaay.� %fuer• �� �aai�ilr Varna, and Strong's .Rall in Tucker- ; sacrament on Sunday morning. The- smith, i°” s `. h e all� could be desired. revival meetings a mit, were tb1 t c d.-« n e t; d 1 h l d r. i 1 m ,et lx}�s� Are being continued The pre�eidexit, Mr. II. Horton, and the . ter of tf�e titer dcraares s rt a Me thike ret k. Rev. Kncteliei is assisting street th our pastor,Rev. Dain ni, at the services. -Mrs. Agra, Link is attending the spring millinery openings at London and Toronto thiis week, -Weare pleas- ed to stat`.i that Ales, Jr o. Isaac and Mrs. Wes, Winer, who have been very ill, are recovering. -Fred Ramsay lavas. HUN d titin engaged as hostler at hull � hr��l. -'I'he`Liter'ary Society of our village are melding arrangements for a. can- ''ttel't t(f )e give�ti the letter paint of next rritanth. -Mr. Mathew Stetter, fr�oin Frankfort, kf i t, Germany, h�ra been engaged by Mr. Fred. Heist. The young maxi is intelligent and We re sure there is a bright !il .ure before bine-Revival, services have cemrrienced 111 the Meth .xeter arid twig boyhood will greatly regret to heat~ of the sudden death of Rev. De. 'VS ilionghby, only. a few years sir a res ec a and rirue ova .p;is- secretary, kir. Robert Gardiner, who odist u ' , church. Bi. Willoughby went took charge ofthe different meetings ,from here to Fofest, where he remain - feel well pleased with the result. The ed about two years;, when he was ':sup. road were good, the weather hilar and emir/filleted, and has during he past attendance large at all the meet- three years- resided in Brantford.AnIngs. atseount of the eii'.cnnietances of liis The speakers were on different twee. deetli is given herewith: 25 . -During ' r D. Anderson. Professor M . C). xI A e+aeor .� rs ri, tP I�enheirrx, Feb. ,�o.-.i�.trcing the sing ,Arkell of the 0..4.0., :Mr. 'hos. MO* : ing of the the second verse of the byton Millan of Hulletr, Mr. W.. D►. Sanders iriixnedietc l following ideliverance 'of .Stephen, Mr. L. S. Philli s of Ha bis i � �`_ ' of a vigorous and impressive , sex moxa Mr. Barbour of Crosshill, Mr. P. Madge of one hour's dutaticin, Rev. 1)1. Wile of Theme Road, Mr. Win. Lewis of IAughhy, of I3rarrtfQrd,• dropped dead Crediton, Mr. :M.: Y, McLean of Sea- of heart feiILne in the pulpit of the tn: forth, Mr. Jacob Ielleranu of Hash- MethodiP .st clrarre}�� liera� tonight. The wood,.arui Mr. J. Eider of Ray. end carne to Dr. Willoughby entirely A.naong the s,abjects taken by the without warning,. The;. second verge different sFeakers were marry` of great had just liegun when he was seen to interest, 1x11 of which were well and in- place,}his hand over his heart and sink terestingly delivered. Some of them tot* chair. The aged . -t ient was are:"hotatrcYOf Crops, Care and deed longbe�ore aid, arrived. Not - plication of Manuree "Breeding and withstunrug'his 70 years the deceasedFeeding Beef Cattle, Our Count' wee in a} erentl vi o ols health, d "'Farrers' Sons" 'Foodstu;" he.'doting Ce in ,connectionhorse,:its conformation and characterY ,rR1t�the revival being held, 1cora•leties„„Farming ns 11Oeeupation,,plaalut` of ill -Health , or ;htdisposition Relative profits of grass aaud °stall • Kirkton I,ALJ tir --re ther of ome h �.' rte the e t pe Kirk, the vara eh+`: .Mrs, ase la A y rib, and the holey toys .oa+ eupying the sprit where it was limit h,e placed by the little fingeritof ita own- er, speit,k (if the recent preeenev hiigtit ale fellow. The fonder' af- fections of loving hearts were lavishly bestowed on little Harold, who nature ally responded to their gentle touches. Only tem years at cI 7 months of inno- cent, joyous, child -life then Harada passed front the tenderest love that earth a,fforas pbo the richest love of Y Heaven. The little lad was of a cheer fill r.lisposition,p;tient undearafflictions an example to many who were older. ,He was a xnerril�er of the Junior F, worth I.eagte„which paid last :respect to his remains on Monday by biking part in the services, and walking to the cemetery. To the bereaved ones we extend our sympathy. Just Arrived” ournew spring Dress Goods. They ey surpass anything we have peeviously shown. We have something, that will please -everyone and will be only too pleased to show you our ful range. Crepe de chene all shades' good quality500 yd • tip g per 75e •R. 50.•and 75e `” 50 and 75c " 75 and $1 " 50 and 75e 50c Eolt'nnes " ;. Silk or Wool . Light Gray Tweeds very ne v Venetian cloth all colors. Broad cloth Mohairs in lain and` mixed. oods p g. Sheppard,s check°new and natty r ua�� � S i . s (Shirt rt ':a ists- ..... i . all kinds Plain Ginghams Vests s Checks: ating ticks, Drills Art z Fane Ging ams Linens Ves s.. �B f her � s. Satins.. feed Inge' "The `l re%m tt horses ' •'The fertilit y : f the soil; etc,. etc. , ,,. y o 11 , Tire evening meetings at the di fe r- eit points ere p r .olerlyentertain. i owing c the rendering., nf excell- ent progrittns, xcei-entmprograms, many choice. numbers being given by local taalentof the districts, in solves, recitations,: in- strumentals, etc. ' Muchgreater interest hes been liken e t. in the meetings throughout South Hoe - on this year tnat ever before by the farmirr e �u i ty pr kireit`l Ya and this is very encouraging to the direct, ors' who are yearly nt a great : deal of teouble_aind"expense, and who are.pio« Toxtionately anxious as to the. `. result. o the1? resident, Mr. •,Horton, .and. the Wa* heard from. shim. He is survived by three sons' and one daughter, his. wife: -having died about a year. ago. They are ler. Willoughby of SteGeor -e street, Toronto; Rev. Gerald W illoug ' by-Qof Johannesburg,, :South Africa;. Herold- cif Capetown, ` South Africa. 21:i1 yrs, fi` . Watson of Ia, lat South Africa. , His remains will be 'taken to Toronto for interment.' Anderson on ". berti in of. Sr. Marge : `s the l� King- . M..g r finest of ` Archie `Hyde.-WiIl ' Hodge and;'S. McIntosh are euttirxg wood at Meetierwel1.-Oharles Clarke of Lara• den is,visitieedriends at Anderson,----. :Mss Bella. Malay:.Who Baas beery ill for secretary',Mr. Gardiner,much of the softie time as •rt�cbvering.---Miss M1i'ry is ue a d theyare dee i Switzer is visiting ,her sister, Mrs., credit , t1 .�i � ag:Q,f $ the thanks' of the people for their good B ck;i1et Seaforth.-Jannis Beatty's' eaters is on 'Wednesday, March 70,; on lob t line rtsha� 3 dlet r: i r B d, commencing nt IOo'clock sharp. re showing,45 pairs Misses & Boys Shoes re Their first consignment of 4ew which you 'find, amingist nigh oleos English Peints bectutien,i patterns in all the best colors, every piece guaranteed to lend it's color in the'washing. Prim 12ic., New high class English Ginghams and Chambrays, in plitin piieks and blues, also checks in never and white and black and white. Price 15e. New English Voiles, hi four leading shades, Oxblood, navy, Oxford grey, and grass green. , , Price 15c. New Rook "fast Dellis colors. can't be washed out: These are the right thingS for shirts, aed boys'blouses, 3 patterns to choose from:s Price NeneOrearra and White Flannelettes et old prices, in spite of the ad.yancee in all lines of cetton goeds. The prides Iiiid,herre fbr produce are as good as were ever 0: ay cash when you dont-need goods \ .0WARD Sv BLOOMFIELD alKein as ..dash. Likw college of Fig/dolma and Surgeons, Ontario. rornicr Muse Surgeon Toronto Western RospitaL Successor to Dr. J. ,A, Itollins, Night call at office, Exeter, Ontario. tors, Notariel, Conveyancers, Commisslipers., Money to 14044 pt lowest rates et interest. Oftlees, Slain street, Exeter, 0 Rent* stable on Alexander Street, North•Exeter. Irnmedi, nto Possession giVen. For particulars apply to For Sale. Eight acres of land, a gOod barn, also a gOOd or- deal with kinds of fruit. ''.eleepiace is situated On Tharocs Road, North Exeter. Immediate pOsSesaion given'. For partieulars apply to For Sale. ewe well drained, Well Ire roYed and,trulY aP•to* date farm, being eotnposed o Lot,,,No. 11, in the 7th conoer.sion, in the Township of Diddulph, the We have alarge amount of private fluids to loan County of Middlesex, eonta ning 100, acret. of land. 0 n farm and village properties at low rates of inter. est. . 4 Situated on the premises tt,leC a good , Storer briek Earristers, Solicitors,Main et.. Exeter On ,,Dioney To Loan. private funds to loan on farm Alia vilblg treperties at lowest rates of interest. LLOYD JONES Organist mid Choir Master Mitehell `1,tethodiet Teacher -Plano, Organ. Voice, Ilan:golly; methods. Thoroughnesa Property, ifor Sale. di -areal 4liter/erne" the Township of /fay, near aro g stable, good waters de, Another 100 mere fah.. drained, small turhard, born, oltahle wed grainer SA.NDILR8 .16 r sale, in the thwoship of sores hush, ttIkMA house, It Foster. house, bank barn 00x40, cement hog pen, w mill and geed youtet,orchord. . This is t,ruly most ()mit'. able property, well stipplied with 'Water. convenient to'school and churches and one of the most improved farm in the County of Middlesex. For further par, Whalen P. O. Barristers Els..., Exeter. The Undersigned is offering for sale that desirable farm in the township of Stephen, being Lot 7, Con. cession 4, containing 100 acres of first class land. There is on the prcsmses a good brick honge, barns, driving. shed, good young orchard, two never. failing wells and Other conveniences; the land is well' drained and fenced and is all under cultivatiW Will be sold cheap and on easy terms as the proprie. tor intends going West. Apply to F. tiAr. DAKEK,Crediton East. The undersigned is offering for rale the farm Drop. rrty in the township of Diddulph, Lot D. North liouralarY containing 164 acres: Tins farm 18 tliViti- ed int* two sections, 100 acres and 04. and will be sold t ether or repo:Ate., 'There is in the PO ttere lot,* It tse, two hank orehard, ten kW. bush, two never., 110, Oiral mill att to one, rod Cot On the ti4 acre Ars ka hank feet and *MAO *Pres Wadi. This pmprety %Mho sold oftesp and on easy terms. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Messirs. W. Tiiyior and Kenneth Greenwood were in Mitchell Tuesday., Misses I.la.Oottle and ' Mary Newe coinbe have gone to London. where they have seeuredrsit.natiens. Khalva Miss Olaria Nebb wa.s• :the west' of Miss Lipperdt, for .a� few ; days last 'Week. - -John l aisi has disposed of his ,�. ,�► . ' - : Brig aand any' were tho ` -.words .of Mrs. G. H. Hoghes of Ottawa.arrzr�ace r M Y'in to t�I ls' ear ck for be 1I .,: r. ,� .,��� �... : � tiara alter the cctneert, OD the • ::.. # Ca: t'erTlxs r11- tits 0f,.$0000. ,The latter gets. posses..praise L1 lax i oft. Mess he aFitton."', siert: in the f;i -- i excellent P �' rig, he b' ysr . •.gYl who sof her- , thele, �r. I'Iyogi 1i Il T m ?�ollitss cva�s vis- iting rna�te ini beirx present, en- ' Mtt:a .A`ttntsa' ("i=trTrvtr�t�ca Who has been i�Xtit� it�fPit(�C,l ;tt�t'ttl�i�i 'this '.'6nsnir....: were �t)riC '��>�tTe......ai. ,• odist ehnreb this week, 'VVe tr')ist they will be cif great spiritual benefi to all,• -Between 12 end 1 o'clock Suri t . mix dayri' thi,' vicinity rti g was visited. gted by a heavy storm of rain, thunder and lightning. No damage was done as far as known.-Tdenry Either-,M.P.1'., whc is attending the L* gislature in Toronto spent last- Sunday at bottle with his far/lite.- School Inspector Torn, of Goderich; made his usual'inspectiot Of our school an Tuesday.. in found everything“' first-class condition, pith the exception of the sehoal, which is n as Very,t an �at a sa sfact�wy eonditan. We feel. that our genial" Inspector ill .g' „ p ' overlook the present condition laffarirc.as it will -only be a few months before we will have aa,haandsorrte scho house with all the modern ecin.vet-derices. ---Mr. McLean. is in our village for the purpose of installing an ;acetylene gas plant, 1t p t, pd so fear, is meeting with good -success.-'fur buteber got in; his sea- son's Ice on Friday,' After a great deal Of d.if ilcult a was obliged' to use" wagons`alai ,,. to t. t,,1 i Th co cert given by the Band of fur il. n y our village iii the Town Hall, was well attended. Mr. Wan. Lewis acted as chairman and needless to say .perfot rx ed . hie duty well., Will'McLeod, the ,comic enter- ta,iner of Seaforth, although ,suffering from a severe cold, kept the crowd laughing lint':" les good Immor. The selections of our local taleYat werex- cellent and we:are indeed' proud of the talent we possess,.':' The' band, , under the able leadership of Lloyd -Jones, did Centralia - ; „iss Lillie' Anderson, who .bats been Visiting friends' n in � e ds i Tined end rid ti oit for the pest two weeks, returned Mane on Tuesday best looking uoueh , better for her: trip. -Pat, Curtaaini, :Thos. Ryan, Wilbur and :Lutherhicks left for the' West cin Saatgidaty last, after spending the winter hate. --Alex. Falls �1c has hem confined to his bed through illness : for the :pest ween„ - Alex. Jamieson of con. 2, Biddul h Q has purchased a piece of ground from Wm. Moffatt ri o and. n, proposes building tt d d p op es i inn in 1 the spring. -Jas !Quarry of .-Toronto paid the town a flying visi ,cin_ Satin. - day last, Jimi says Toronto isjhet the plaice for him. -Shipments 'the week were: --Curtain aa,nddHicke, ,a c r of horses for the 'West; W. Elliott,.a cal • of horses; n .� � �r ``9G+ :Btiiiler, P a ear of hogs teeTaronto Lawson .and Brown, car of bogs. to Collingwood• Abbott & Son. car' of eggs to Whim. peg. --:Sortie of the village people, who keep bens, say theyaare, rrnssi eggs and that something is. taking 'them. ' It is• pretty early in t'heseason ,for"egg, .v thie es. s ,lie s T1ha rave e . s wife and t family of Lucan : were the guests . Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hodgins on Sun- day lest. -moire. Wm. Pyne is very' ittl« -Mrs. . . Elliott,'i$ i o her recent `mess. D i ale. :Much regret is..expressed hereat the unexpected dea�tli of aa., ire- spected resident of'Moore rte .in. the person. of Mrs. Wm. Kelly.' who sue- -combed to what.. is :supposed ° to 'be • heart disease on Saturdayevening about 10',o'cloek. Dace ed had ,been , ill about .one: week. She leaves to ,J"�rn,herd mise .bnsband3 ►, itt n``y. '' soils, one at nee u: e i' tee West. The f uneratt took plectra -ix Tuesday to the cenwtery at eidaire, visiting relatives here for some -weeks, 'at. Following is the 'program. given at tbe Literary Society meeting wilicb Mrs. jas. Taylor hoe 'returned from w AS held at Mrs. Bloett'e bome ott Fri - St. Thomas:where she was called tb- day evening: splo by Mies Ella Beever; paper*on Thomas A. Edison by Mies Wekla Banes; solo by Dr. Haist; paper on "Tole of TWo Cities" (Dickens) by Mrs.. Bluett; piano Duett by the Misses 13eaver. The meeting of March , 2nd nes been postponed. (-..eeein has. purehaae4, the -hotel are/Vet McGillivray from „Tames Maif. fary. Possession given May ls We Wish Sohn every soccese in his ven- ture. -Thos: McOefin, who has been attend tne fnnerail of laer father, Mr, engeged with Harry Wing at Shipka, John Guest, who died suddenIV of he laid aside owing to illness. • e • - heart failure. • millinery openings and from there will return to Niagara-on-thedake to. ',e- strum her position, ' J. N., Howard entertained a number of her friends to a'secial even. ing Friday last, her sister, Miss L. 13rernacombe of Killerney, Man., being the honored guest. ' Mr. and Mrs. T. Ilawkshaw and little daughter, Myrta, after spendinig town, returned to their bottle in Lon- don, Monday morning. Mr. Hawk - route on tbe road from here bnt ow. ingeto illness was Allged to retarn to left Tuesday fotsheig-hoine Cryatel For Sale or to, Rent. The brick two-story building on the carper of and Nelsen streets, Exeter, The house is in gdod repair and is large and commodious. There are three-fifths of art acre of rank With Orchard and gaY. den. Apply at the Advocate (Mee: • • For Sale, • The new brick dWelling on 03000111er Of Jatileg and -Andrew streets, Exeter, at. present occupied by Mr. El, M. Sanders. Price $1,150. For further particu- lars apply to For Sale. The half of Lot,I4, in the 5th CT:100.081On a 110. 'borne, containing 00 acres of choicest hind; 17 acres in fall Wheat,13 sores newly seeded, 10 acres pasture 10 acres ready for swing crop. Possession any time. Ear particulars apply to Seaforth. Exeter. Farm tor Sale or Relit for Pasture The undersigned is offering for sale or rent for pas - tura Lot 110, Con. 0., Usberne, containing 100 Acres, first•ciass land, situated gl.,14 mlies from Exeter, For'particularS apply to " Sale RegiAters. the property of Mre. W. ar. Cann, (4idley street, SATURDAY, Mare1110.—liouseltold eiteeto, the property of W. ti. Ilaston North street, Exeter, elale At o'eloelt. John dill, AuctiOneer. Gredlion Polies Village* Public notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 751(3) of the Municipal Aet, 1903, that a pctition has praying that the County Connell of Huron, pass a ny-law declaring the Trustees of the Police Village of Crediton a corporation under the name, of "The Board of, relict Trustees of the Police Villkx of Crediton. ' Crediton, yea Seeteee, WM. IL weezere Police Thews. Meri Wanted. Gooct reliable Men in this district to represent ns and sell witelenee to far. tilers; splendid seller. Work during sPare time or permanently. Splendid opening for a hastier. Write for par. tienlars to the • CANADIAN' 141141-1f: OA.. Ltd, Woodstock, Ont. • 4. DaehretiOil DIEne-Another resident of our yi- einiteepessecl away to her reward 'on Tuesday, Feb. 20th, in ehe person of Mrs: Jacob Weide. Desieaseathed not enjoyed very goode health for same months and at times suffered consid. eratile, eo that her death. came- as a happy release to a wearee.body. 'She was of a bright, disposition, and was, conseqiiently most'agree. able and entertaining companion. Her presence will pot only be missed in the home but ,-by a bola of friends. • The ,funeral took 'Place On Thursday. We commend the sorrowing ones to Him Mr. Meath our enteeprising butter maker, has Succeeded io getting in hi usual supply of- ice. -Rev. Fair is a present holding revival services at th onshine appointment.-- ° It is to b hoped that touch good vvill result from his earnest efforts. -Miss Edna God bolt and. Miss Elle CAM retarned" home Monday, after a pleasant visi With friends in Lenclon.--The Oburch of England, Kirkton, held a social a the home of Thos. Washburn on- Fri day evening. The attendance was large and ail report an enjoyable time. -George Turnbull and daughter, Miss Mabel, left Menday for their isome in ElIcemilleht are renairing their store making it have a neat and attractiee appeasethee, and vve trust that they will enjoy their shere of the public Johrt:Virright very ably filled the 'pulpit here on Sundey Morning, We learn that Mr. Wright bas recently been appointed one of the local preach- ers on this circuit. We wieh him every- StleCe88'..--W. Bray of 0Manitoba spent part of last Week With the Coul. tie Bros. and also wi ,a) G. Andrews. Mr. 13ray is one of en? boye and WO, ,s,re pleased to lime of his finaneiel prosperity in the far toned West, for W. Hem has retiirried home after a couple of weeks with her parents at Kirkton plaid ViSit ,some Of the barna in this vieinity on ,a sparrow hunt. We learn that they intend hav. ing a, sparrow match. teams having been Chosen, and the team having the certain. time have to provide au oyster Supper.' for Andrews la this Week moving onto WS farm Which lie purcbased front Jae. Ileywnod. Mr. Arelrevre moved Co Exeter from here eoine two veers ago. We weleonaeliiin , to One nsitlet onee more. We teeth gIntiot:ive divr: „.0 ta. r. 114 vlOt 7,01 .4: I 11. 1.1 41 is; vt81 ii)ote hfro,irendr:opt.t..:443,.. :111\r°,1.1,1:147:04.-77.r„:.mfr.. Tinu mone7, 'but Ws het Ittly than broke. Nets A party of young people from Me- Gillivary surprised Mr. Wm. Welsh at his bome in Crediton East on Friday joyably. spent. hi games, etc. The party broke up at 3 a, Ila.—Miss Hetty Sweet of Exeter and her friend, Miss Stewayt of Winnipeg, also Mrs,. Smith and Master Mervin Russell of Exeter, visited last week at the home of Mrs. Jas. Hodgips. WEnieneG ANNIVERSARY. -011 the evening of Feb. leth, Mr. and IYIrs. jas. Hill, who reside a short distance south of the village, celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their wedding. day. About twerity-five guests were present anti were royally entertained to a sum- ptuous supper. The evening was then pleasantly Spent in social chat, games, etc. -A song by Messrs. W.W. Kerr and Eli Sweet was appreciated as was also a speech by the: host, who hold of his successes and failures Lin different oetupations in Iife, and gave a short account of his courtshipe and and final triumph in winniag the best valentine any man ean receive, a good wife.. IVIrs. Hills' aged -mother was able to be present, althongh she is past her eightieth birthday. All join in wishing Mr, and Mrs. Itillgnsany happy returns ef the clay. and Ales. Henry'Goeld, a son. and Mrs. 'Wm. -Snaith.a daughter. EIARNICSS.-In Exeter, on Feb. 20, to Mr., and Mrs. John'Harness, a son. Correrc.-In Usborne, on Feb. 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas.. ()tittle, a daughter. WIDFIST.tR.—In Exeter, em Feb. 17,eto Mr., and Mrs. Thos. Webster, a son; • ruult—TUBEIVVILL—At the home of the bride's father, on Feb. 20, Sam. Deer, of BlYth, to Miss Mery Jane, daughter of James luberville of Meiez-SNownEw-At the home of the „bride's father, on Feb. ;20; by IteV. Shaw, Ed. Mole of Seafortin to Miss of Egenondville. WI/reel-4n Lucas], on Feb.‘18, Charles Wbite. aged 135 years. ' XACItS0N-In Parkhill, on Feb.10, Mrs. Peterjaeltaore aged 90 years. Itsitit -At Kirktore on Feb. 17, Harold Kirk, aged 10 years, 7 month's, 14 Mrs. Jacob -Weld°. INTING Yes, it will soon be hem !Ind this is thp store to suptdy your want6. Ever thing in 'the painting tine: Ho lywood Ready miiied--14 15, 25 45 ands90o. tins. " tlephakt Pttint in j'evirei Iten4y-Mixed and Adamantine Floor Paint at prices, to clear out: 22 gnly 1-2,gallon tins, 1,'egular 90e. for 70e, C 1 quart tins, only 1 pint tins. only 1.2 pint tins, 't;148RY CAN u 251e. tor 18e. 15c. 'Or 10c. Heaman's Hardware & Paint Store frOrn Ms