HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-02-01, Page 8et, Stock Taking We are offering epecial valuee in Salting et, Coatings mid Pautings tbie month ni order to make room .for Spring Goods. • Suitings made to orderfor $10 and $12, Over Coatings made to order •for $9 and upwards. • Panting s made to order for „ $2.50 and W. W., TAMAN Merchant Tailor. 'Exeter, • Ontario Business Locals - Read Thom Guaranteed to care your •cough. Cole's Cough Cure, Or money refunded. :Veal English Linoleumns 2, 8 and 4 verde wide. Bare panes. Stewart's. Great reductions in furniture for the next two weeks.. See Rowe & Atkin - son's advertisement. 1)o you, know any Gent that tants a Jur ,,collar for his over coat. Some great snops at Stewart's N'evrperfutrie odors, Egyptain Lotus •-and Droeera also La France Rose, Monad Violet, Fougere and Jickey, at Drug Store. ' .77:e sweetest lot of new Grey Dress Goods we have seen is at Stewart's, viontea.-.‘ " Girls to learn the Millinery, duties to begin: about the 2nd week in March. Apply at once. -1 A. 'Stewart. Buy afur coat at Stewart's and save 25 to 40 -per cent. .watoit IctuI A watch wes fouDd onthe street in Centralia last week.:Owner Can have tame tit" Proving proPert', aria peeing ex poise!. irArthur . Brooke, section - man, ceiitealia, ' full line ofAhren's water grain- calf bootsfor boysand girls -school.-wear'. Stewart's. 'Wonietes institute. The 'Woman's Institute will hold* their regular meeting in • the Reading Room of the Town 'Hall, Friday, Feb. 2, at a o'clock; Those having books eleintllyereturn them: _ Miss Halls, Pres. Mrs. Hestinge,See'Y * , Yew wall papers,altready for you at Stewart's. .2110 1uvethe best,5 , and 10 cent lines ar have, Op Dr , (hone comb*, nr,, ovens, .LanciOn• Iye owl. Ear gnn,-WiIL be et ttiv..0oulOcruial t'uleter, on rday e btb. Hours 2 pen. to 8 p.m. Glatses pro - petty fitted and diseases of Eye, Ear and Nose treated, Next visit Friday tM arch Oth. Death of 14tire Mat, On Thursday last the grim' reaper took away. -suddenly one of Colborn township's pioneers in the, person of Henry Butt at the age of 75 yeitra. .Death took place -While sitting in his rig. having driven over ea a neighbors and was clue to apoplexy., He was a native of Doreetehire, Eng., and came to Canada with his .parents 50.years 'ago. He was a vobsistent member of the' Methodist church and for many years a class. leader. Mr. Butt was highly 'respected. .The funeral took plare to the •Colborne cemetery, near Otelerich on `Stinelay and was largelY attended. Deceased was a brother of the late Elam Butt, who for many yearslived one mile east of town. Be - aides a wife and daughter, two broth- ers and two sisters survive him. DON'T 1IONKE f WITH r THAT COLD. 'USE nowPrs CHERRY CORDIAL. ONLY 25 CENTS AT , • novittra DRUG. STORE, EXETER. Good Winter Coods • We like to show our goods to the man who thinks liot cannot be pleased, *" nyone ean suit the fellow who is easily satisfied, but it takes good woeltmentehip, honest materials and the best of tailoring experience to suit •. the really Careful Dresser. Cell and be eonyineed that we baye the host of gootist we do the best of work and fit you out cheaper then any • 'other place in town. Order you Suit:and OVer coat now, NAT, JOHN "Out WWI tutor, 0 tufo k, LOCAL DOINGS. 6.14.40041/4"41144046ak 'London defeated Clinton 7 to 4' hockey Friday night. Miee Delia Willis bed a few friends in on Friday evening. ?Aiwa Olive Wright is learning tailor. tug with W. W. Taman. Mrs. Thos. Ilarton entertained,* few friends Morgley eveniog. • Mr. A. ltagsliaw hag moved to town and is redtcliug on Huron etreet. Mr.au4 3Ittiee Lindenfeld ere move log into tbeirrome on Huron street, Mr. Chew. Perititus who watequite zfl ttgain hist week., is now tioutewhat better. , Rumor says there is going to be an election in hay owing to the present reeve going to resign, Mrs. Amos entertained a number of friends on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon of laet week. Mrs. W. II. Levett entertained the lathes of the Companion lodge I.O.O.F. at her home Tuesday evening, Councillor Ed. Treble has been some- what indisposed during the week,but is oow somewhat improved. See sale bilis for big sale of COWS and feeders at Centralia. on Thursday Feb. 8th 1000.—Geo, Hunter & Son, Props. Mr. and Iiiree J. T. Westeott attended the funeeal of the latter's uncle, Mr. Henry Biett, near Goderic,li, on Sunday last. The Piano and Voice Recital of Mist A. aohns and pupils this Friday evett- ing promises to be a ...very interesting entertainment. „ • It is not every man that turns down at$10,000 present, AS Mrt-Ilaultaiti did at the Provincial Rights Convention, lest week. Haultairt is not a rich man either. The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends of town after their regular meeting on Wednesday evening. last, at which several _ new members_ were_ initiated, enjoyed a pleasant lunch in W. J. Statham'erestaurant. Quarterly Meeting services will be held in Alain street church. on Sunday. Love feast at 10 a, m. and the Sacra- ment of our Lord's Supper at the close' of the evenipg„serviee. Service will be. held at,Sextmith as usual at 400 Pan. * The Sixth Annual . meeting of the Canadian Association for the Prevent- ion Of Consumption and other Forms of Tuberculosis will be held in the Railway Committee room of the House of Commons on the 28th of March next. The Parkhill Post says: "The Park. hill Musical Society has been success- ful in securing the services of Mr. Lin- der of Exeter, to act as leader of the town band., -. Mr. Linder was in town and commenced -his duties on Tuesday night of last week." • ' . • • Mr. Stephen IteggerthrepOrtshav- ing seen 'a. robin on. Saturday This is surety a case of "The early bird ete.," and a further evidence of a mix- up in the seasops. ' If a, harbinger. of spring the man .with the straw hat will beano shortly. • • Messrs., Hervey Bros, on ''Saturd received word of the death in Hanti - ton of their niece, Edith Tucker, -wife of Mr. Chas. Voelker, at the age of 2,5 years. Deceased was a daughter of Mr, Geo. Tucker of Hamilton. The funeral took place in Hamilton. Mr. Thomas Handford last 'week purchased 'Mr. Dan. McCurdy's iine hundred acre farm in the township of Stephen, being Lot 13, Conle and for- merly owned by Mr. Sidney Snell. The price paid was $7,000. It is one ef the best fareeeir he Township. • Mr. it. 'Towle in remitting .hs sub- scription to -the,, Advocate, says:—"I Would notlike to be without the Advert cate; it lea real pleasure to meto 'read ts columns or news, as fromit I can foent a pretty' certect Mee ae to belt` ..thiliit? in general are in and ftettintd Dieter. ' • . The latest addition to the House of Refuge is Donald•McGinnis,att old. rest, dent of the township oftteidetteh, who was brought in with his feet frozen, and gangrene having set in, his condi- tion is such that medical assistance can only afford hin. temporary relief. , The 'Free Press report of Friday's game of hockey In 'Goderich between Seaforth and Goderich says.teRefere e Orooks, of Clinton, was too lax and did not punish Offenders for stripping and body checking." That's juht like' Jack. He is too good natured.topunish any- body. - • , Mr. H. T. tfelehet, who acted as tel- ler in the Molson's Bank here, and re- cently left on a visit to his home in California, • has 'Sent word to head- quarters of the 'bank that he would not return to their service, having secured other employment. During 31r, Bel - oiler's stay in town be made many warm friends who will regret to liettr of his intentions of notreturbing„ In the last issue of the Advocate Me.' T. B. Carling was asking who could beat the egg mord. Mr. D. Rowcliffe has a Wyandotte pullet which Tayed her flest egg on Oct. 4th,, another which commenced a couple of weeks later, and the two of them on Decembet 20th had leyed 37 eggs. sMr. Itotecliffe has 17 hens and in the mon- th of januarteup till 27th,', has layed 252 eggs. Who can beat this? oteiteeiteettarde Nuptial& - A very pretty wedding °took place in Exeter on Wednesday, jam 3let, at 5.45 iem„ when Mies Littera Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hard watt linked in marriage to Mr. Freder- ick M. Rickbeil of Zurich, The cere- mony took place at the hftae of the briileti parents and was performed by Itev.W. J. Yager of Zurich in the pre's- ence of only the immediate relative& The bride, who was beautifully dress- ed in white erepe de cherie, trimmed with embroidered and plaited chiffon, waft esemeed to thealter by her father. Mies Diane, Reekbeil, sheer of the groom, watebritlesniaid and VMS dregs - ed in green- (Irene de .chene. The groomennue wee Mr. Leolley of Zurich! ' The gifte of the groom were: to the bride, 4 necklet with whole peerl pendent; to the brideemaid, ring eet with pearls and turquoise: to groomsman, a pearl meerf pin. After ot short etety with Mende here' Mr. end Riekbeil will leave for Irene. N. Dakote, where the former hoot Imolinese interesta. To the happy cernple we ex- tend moist hearty eongratubitionot and good wishes. Reeve A.14, Dobler entertained the ringere aud their sieved to a pleas -- ant, evening at the Mansion House Tuesday eveoitig. After an hew ov two of titauteenieut iu varioue wa.ys all repaired to the dining -room and there partook of an eyeter *tipper. The saw per over the following toaet list was propoeede- • "The King." t`The Ringert." "Mr. Itobier," The Ladiesit` aud tIoline Host and Hoeteee;" after whiett a motion of thanks wee to Mr. Dobler and all'returned to their hotues well pleased. mew Forecasts tor Forgery. A reactionary storm peitod which bad its origin in January will cult:We- ide on the let end 2ntl of February. The in000 is in apOgee and ,>at, first quarter on the lst, uid storine nib) period will be at thew crisis within eighteen ileum of iiix o'clock at M• on that date. There will be general snow spleens during thee disturbaneeseand cold wave, worth keeping in •mirici apt to spread over the country from about the 2n1 to the 5th. A regular storm period, extends from the 5th to the Oth. " By the Oth decided ebangeto warmer, with falling barometer, south. erly winds and growing cloudiness, will be noted in western sections. These conditions will bring undecided storms of rain, wind and possible thun- der in the south about the 7th to the 10th, The crisis of the period will fall on and touching,the Oth. About this date a series of violent winter storms will culminate, first in rain, wind and thander, turning to sweeping snow and blizzards from the northwest, rroweiromereptgoirovirimipelporea P'ERSONAL. I itelatt046101141011te Mrs„.. lttorlock returned from Londoif Thurscley, • Mrs. Malloy, left Tuesday for levisit in Toronto. Mr, Wm. Barrows was in Loudon Friday night, ° Ed. Barrows spent Saturday, and Sunday in London, •• ' Mies Hall, of Brantford,eis the guest OfMrs. (Dr.) Amos. ° . Miss, Edith Sanders visited in Clin- ton during the week. • Mr, Geo. Cudinore.spent.a few days in, Seaforth last week. Mrs. Southcott is 'expected home from California shortly. • Mrs, A. Q. Oehler 'spent a few dayei in Toronto this week, • '... Miss Jessie Creech is spending a few days with friends in Forest.. • Wm. Piper of Seaforth is spending a few days with his mother here.' Mrs. Reed Of London is visiting her parents, Me. and' Mrs. S. Handford.' Miss Millie Oke attended. a eocial. function in London Wednesday night. Miss' May Snell returned • test week to Ingersoll after a month e holiday ather home here. • ,Mr. Alex . Doty.: returned: Saturday morning from his trip ,Ittest with horses. e Miss Leta liciltnes of Dorchester is the guest of her cousin, Miss Pearl f Mr. Robert Kerr, of . Crosebill, was the guest of Mr; A...Ile:sting one day • last week: • Mr. Geo. Powell of the Sovereignt Pan k'staff here, left Saturday forThed- fora to relieve. • • Mrs. R. Be Samuel of Highgate, is the guest Of herparentsMr., and Mrs. Jos. 13a,wdere , • Mr. McArthur ofDuluth, Minn., vis- ited his emit, Mrs. Cameron, Exeter North, lea week. Mrs. Thos. Elliot left Saturday' for !invalids all their lives.; • Send ' lock of Marlette, Mich., owing to the illness. hair, name age and stamp to of her daughter there. ' The Exeter Council, Abe Courteil wee perstetuf tie ate immanent (4t. Mt tialey evening at tbe Town Ilan, All pre6ent except Conti - ilk Teelte, Mirintes of het ineetiog rcad .0 01 Reeve leiter ete.ted that feeneral fiaperinteudent AleGuigan of the tirand Trirtik Rait- way was here Friday and promised the towns. new *Avalon, Ole year to he built on the site of the two north ware ht.:ingest' In auswer to 41 queetion re- gerding the moving of station merge the centre of Motown Mr. , McGuigan stated that it would cod the town$5,000 or $0,000. The etnincil then diot- cussed tlee °petting ot :Victoria street to tho track; Tbe resignation of Ed. Harness as belt ringer was .received, Mr. Voice moved that Jarnes Dennis be given the position if be would do vaine for. Ed. Harness' tender, $37.50; No secooder, Heatnan—Oreecle—that E. Harness' resignation be accepeed and that tender of Mr. McKay, being the w next loest, be a,ccepted, $40. ---Car- ried. A communicatittie was read re- garding the C.P.R. Wading a branch, L5 reported see in last ek's Advocate, and was laid on the table. A commun- ication was received from Ontsrio Municipal Assoeiation with a view to petitionlim the Government to lessen the municipalities regarding injuries because of defeetiye roads and walks. The petition was signed and ordered to be sent to riding's repecsentatiye in Parliament. . Folio wing accounts were ordered to be paid: Insurance on pump house, $4.80; 'Municipal World, sub- scriptions. $5( S. Sandets, exchange. etc., $2.70; Geo. Otidtnore, snowplow-, ing Thos.. Creech, do., $1; John Gillespie, Jr., draying 50e.; W. Creech, labor, $1.25; T. Webster, do., 03c.; T. 'Welsh, do.: $1,25; J. Dennis balance 1003 bell ringing„ $0; W. j: Bissett, balance 1005 salary $31,50. The Coun- cil granted Mr. Crocker right to trim certain injured trees. A communica- tion regarding cemeterytreesWas sent to cemetery% committee, By-laws re- garding appointinents of officers were read throe times, passed anclt, signed. Council adjourned to Feb. 12. SEAFORT'H MAN KILLED. '- Stratford, Jan. 26. --Patrick Mulcahy of Seafortiet was struck and killed by a Grand Trunk teeth near the station 'here to -night. It is believed that he sturnbled front ,of the train; His body was badly mangled. Mulcahy was a barber and -well known as a la- crosse player. • • - • Kioked to Death, , • Goderich, Opt., Jan. 29.—Miss AnnieLamprey, Heron road'was almost in- stantly killed yesterday ,while driving home from Knox eherch in town. --The horse kicked for some cause, striking the unfortunate young ladtwice , and . causing; her to fall outtef the, buggy. She uttered a. cry, managed to '`eviilk to the gide. of the road and there fell dead.° iirilitilre, -Having purchaspd the stock of W. 0. Huston,: and, d siring' to reduce the smile before removing it .t0- our ware rooms, we will offer the entire stock priFurnitUre,.eom,prisi Kitchen, Room/ Bed Room Drawing. Room and Hall IPurnitur Clairvoyant -Psychic 'Medical Examination Free ,13y DR. E. F. BUTTERFIELD, of Syracuse, DT.v. ,Believing clairvoy- ance or not, there is no gainsayigk the fact .that the. doctor cam explain the source and cause of your disease either mental or physical and has restored,to health and. happiness wally hel less Mr. and Mee. James Miller of Claiute- F. BUTTERFIELD, hope were guests'of Mr. and Mr,E, e.Syracuse, N.tk. Treble over Sunday. , • ° Mts. Clarke ef Colton* has been spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Harvey, town. Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Stewart of Sea- forth- were theguests of Dr. and Mrs, D. A: Anderson this week. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Gregoryreteeneel Saturday from several weeks' visit in, ,Londori, Ottawa and eltewhere. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Senior were in Toronto this week attending -the fun- eral of the former's bother,* the late Thos. Seniot. . ' Mr. and Mrs. John Satter left Mon- day for a three weeks' visit to friends in Chicago, 111., Pigeon, °Mich.,. and Essex Centre. Mr. and Mee. Chas. Ross, Whp haye been visiting relatives, and friends here for several 'weeks, returned to Strathroy, Monday. Miss Annie Cudmoref, of Crystal City, Man., who is on a visit to Exeter friends, is spending a few days in Sea - forth with relatives, • • ' Miss Victoria Itagslia,w returned last week from Lechute, Quebec, where she spent the millinery season. Since the close of the settson she visited in Mon- treal and Ottawa, • ' Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Hern and family - attended the Diamond Wedding,eele. bration of Mrs. Hern's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chinning of the township of lisbOrne on Friday last, Miss Lizzie Willis left Monday for South Bend, Ind.,, to visit her sister Mre, Percy Luxton. Mr. Luxtou in tends undergoing on operation in the hospital there for mete neck trouble. Mr. and Mre. Wm. Dew, who have been visiting friends in and around Exeter for the past few weeks, left Saturday for London where they will visit a few days prior to leaving for their home in Wales; N. Dakota. Among those who attended the inn- eral of the late George V. Sam -ells were:—Mie Bert Grigg and wife, Mon- trPai; Mrs. Lockhart, Kingston; Frank Samwell, North Bay; John Luxton, Flint; Mr, and Mrs. Willittrt8. Mt'. Rickard Sehlon, two sons and two daughters, Mr. end Mre. Berry, Inger. soli; Mr. Wm. Triek and son, Thedford; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trick and two son; Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Thooe Snell and Wm. Heaman, London. Peil1arton Wililani, eon of Louie Seebeeh4 met evith an accident that will likely result in death. The young man, who %about 21 years of MtP, wee •felling a tree when it fell npon him; Irshorne: The Anniversary service* eonnection with Thames Roe(' Prete ,byterian eht irch will be held on Soindey Febrizery 4th„ told will be t'nnduoteci by Rev. Mr.McWillitims, of Mt. Mary.. at the uswil hour*. On the following Monday evening the temel entertain - trent. will be hold and Mr. J. H. Coon- eron, Tornnto, the famous entertainer, will ambit: also many odd pieces and ROok,Prs, at a great reduction. °ail and see, the many bargainsve offer. Tiio Leading Fintiture Dealers arta Funeral Dire.etora. ttrotuutg. he . r_ higadr.. Jas.. ' an 0Wppaoirtettrn'sitbyit,ying 0- - taking .the entire stock from a manufacturer. By doing this we secured:a discount which enables us to mark these goods goods very much lower than. if bincught in the regular way. As to the quality itis only necessary. to 'say that they are the Sovereign,Brancl good, which °signifies "I'irStQuality,", A complete range of Sizes in lines which, if bought in -regular way, would sell at from $16 to $18; 'Bargain Prices $10 to $12 Up-to-date Styles and Good Values at $,.$10, $12; Bargain Price $6.00, .Suits. A Splendid Line in.Service,abie Tweeds for school . wear, sizes 22 to 25 Bargain Price $1.6 , Genuine Scotch tweeds made with box pleat and belt, sizes 23 to 28 Bargain Price -$2.75 to 8.6 • We know that we haye to bold fast to qintlity to hold fast to trade. This causes us to exercise the greatest' care in the seleceion of wheat used in the enapufacturteeof our Family Flour "STAR." The quality is supported by reasonable prices. ° Only $2.25 per cwt. at the mill. Wechave large quantities ef feed for sale at &tee prices. •HAITI/EY tinoz. rixsTER, ooratzio Do not forget that 'we are still offering a •cut of 25 per 0%4. discount on, all ruts. Clearing Out of LADIES' UNDERWEAR "SOMETHING 1.11C -f" in the way ° of a, surpriee is It pair of our epeetacles. The surprise comes in:, in the ease in which. you can read with any new pair we may sell you. SPECTACLES AND BYE GLASSES fitted Or us are, tt positive luxury' As a rule comt a lot of money don't. Anyone can sfford gases mottle and be Imre leg thern that they're helping instead of hurting them; Luzon but our our ob when ti their e W. 8. llowEy fthemief and Opt 'chin. EXETER Women's Volts and Drawers, Fleeced lined regidateprice Mc each, to deer at- • 44.. 0,".••••••11444.0. 0 4 4444 • WOnlen'a Vests and Drawers, Nattn,al Grey, fine ribbed regular price 400 quality each for.... Wo• thentt Vest and Drawers fine ribbed, large full size rep. tiler price atic each to clea'at ....... • .. , 40e 330 Women's Vests and Drawervery fine quality white or grey, all rizes regularprice 75e eaoh te clear at. ..... 58e • Women's Wets and Drawer all wool in bitt4k, red or grey regular price ftl each to clear • 700 Children's Wets and Itrawers in all sizem and. all qualitiee at prices which will sell every Gement in a finery. SNELL & ROWE