HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-02-01, Page 4The Old BusinessLri.pUurieil tor 2-,,v)t wc.,F,:z) Aiidersti it Mrs. Joint Andersou bas retained Under a ilQuie after speeding 4 week with her soo, Mte Hunaphey Andersou. of St. Matsys.--Mitet Maggie Retcliffe eetert tented a number of her friende last 1'. ii evening.- -Mies Whetetotet of ,Nieeotni is the gueet of hot' brether, Mr. NV. Whetstone, at Ailtietteteeetilr. As; Die Itutett sace ssor, I tete title tippoeteeity to welcome all hie old reguler cuetemere. as well tee eolieit fake Sitar(' Of pateonage front all others, Reliable quality is the fleet imPortanee and fair prices come itext. We melee ' you kale in itoth reepeets aud elicit ,the trade of tiit WiiO vi1i tizr feel tertain that they.beve houghteeorthy • , elrugs at right prIcete, JOilli thtir of Nissouri fit ependiug few weeks with his • brother,Mr. Witt. AtU*uL It' V itiatu Hodge and hie sieter, Miss Minnie. atteeded tho wed.. ding of their cousin, Nide ItiztheffY of the tith con. of Blaoshard.-Mies tiara, Anderson ie epetaling a few clays in St. Louie 1 4ne. ef Toronto ie helm on a visit, ,• Stephen The following is a correct, reportt of the standing -of ehe Peelle of KS, •No - 3, Stephen, for tue month, of January. antes are in. order of merit. Sr. IV. - bootee Penhalet Cecelia, Ford, Fred eaver, 'Harry Triebner, Hilda Prese- ator, Ralph Willis, HarryParsons. r,III.--Gladys Dearing,Earl Persons. (twin Triebner, Sherman Willis, May enders. Jr.III..- Florence Hempen, reston Dearing, George Ilicke, 'Fred reszcator, Johnny Willis. Sr. It. -Ada illis, 'Florence Triehner, Gordon San - Lei -q, Chester Parsons, Aimee Willis, r. IL -Wilfrid Shapton, Olive Peesz- a,tor, Gordon Penhale. Part 11.-Gar- ie1d Stanlake. Jr. II,- Merle Willis, egie .Parsons, Charlie Triebner. Part .-Gordon Hearne% Verna Preszcat or. No. on roll 81, average attendance 9. -Percy S. Banes, Teacher.. IN Satisfaction Guaranteed, a 1 0-,- c ALWAYS JN STOOK: e 1 & full line of fresh (lenge, drugs sane e tries, pharmaceuticals toilet articles i Ind choices perfumes, at I Cole's Drug Store 1 , 1 Oxtter brotate i , 1 le Sanders a Creech, Prop. • . TiltiltSDAY.,, FEB. 1, '06 ...„, liarpiey Ge Holtzman of *nigh, agent for the ' Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire ' Insurance Company, was through this section renewing policies 'last week; ' also soliciting for meathers to form an inenance for wind seornts.-Robeet Stone, Wife was on the tick list for a ' couple of Weeks, has recovered, which I will be pleasant .news to his meny old 1 friends. -Geo. Sawn is 'preparing to I build a new wire fence round the pro- ' perty he recently Purchased, . from W. Pickeieng.-Sae. Hickey's sale of farm ' stock on Wednesday- week was ' well I attended. Live stock sold high and ' anything with feathers on sold higher, , his flock of hens selling for 47 cents each. The proceeds amounted to $1300, --Horse buyers are verve plentiful these I days. -Geo. Sherritt has purchased a new Massey Harris binder and mower, , lilaOr'ekitille , .. Chris, Vitzgereld,end his mother of New York are visiting friends in ` the neighborhood. -Mrs. T. simpson. has ' returned from London and we are sore , ry to report that she is. quite 111. -Sate , B. 'Simpson has returned from the ' Weiteted is looking hale and hearty. 1 Walter Hodgins of I.ucan and Miss ; Ella Herbert, daughter of James Her- ' leert of Mooresville were united in mar- riage On Nfonday, Ian. Ze. We extelia ' congratulations. -The family' of Weate i on Maguire are laid op with. *hoop- hig cough.-teHarry Hodgins and ,Vitill i Londsteeeetnelt are baying iip horses in this tocarteette'the North West. -Jas. Miller / thitiltineof.diepbsing or hs tlIVi g outfit, .and going West,- , Out boys are getting anxious for an- , other shooting match. . Let it be Boob. ' -Wm. Fraser and, Sohn Gilmore have. 1 taken a contract to cut 100 'cords of ! vebeid for the Colwell Bros. -Goo. Lew- i is is into the Moving business again. ,.. ' ' 1 Derunarles King Devil. i , . Copenhagen, Jan. 29t -King ,Chris- tain died at -8.80 this afternoon at the age of 88 years. He wets crowned in 1888. The king's eldest daughter is Queen :Alexandra or England andhis second son iti King of Greece. Anoth- er daughter is the mother of the pees - tent Ozer of Meseta.Besides be is COD- . nected with several -other rulers of Europe. • As a mei], the king is said to have been of the very highest type. t HuronCounty CounfaiL . _ The fellowing are: Some of the re- ports received. by the county . council In session last week: -The Jailer's tree p'ortehowed fifteen persona in the jail, one female and fourtetin males. . The woman and seven men had been coin - /flitted, for vagrancy, 4 for theft, 1 for tareetielt, i on a charge of horse steal- „ ing, and 1 for insabity.-LThe, County Registrar's returns for, 1905 showed ,total, inteuments registered as 4,110. Patents 1, deeds 1,531, mortgages .908, wills 209, leases 9, abstracts- furnished 1.139, mechanics' liens 39, , other in- struments 366. The gross fees was ' $5,851.80, as against $5,7460 for 1901. The payments were, to registrar, $2,- 128.10, deputy, $1,200, to etaff and for eitationery $1,252.83, and to the county 41,270.51. There were 947 Mortgages registered of the given value of $1,- 485,231.20, of which 12 were for a nom- inal amount, • 428. under '$1,000, 265 under $2.003, 219 ' under $5,000f anti 22 over $5,000. . tee-- • ., • For Lung Troubles Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer- tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption« And It certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake shout this. You know it is true. And your own doctor will say so. The beet khid of a, tiettletiortiel- " *one for over si*„ty. years.” britststin: cairosiers.atrtrre *we P Seittetieltille. tiers's:tr. ........ ~OE t Wo 101441111 *4 iteemalom Oen eimp issiteeeeree. • Shipica sed death took place here Oli Wedneteley afternoon ept last week of a reepected reeident in the person of Johii Pickering at the age of 44 years, Decetteed had been affected with tang trouble duritig the pest five year* arid the decline W&V *IOW bat none the lees certain. IN was 4 pleast ant tend good heerted gentlemen ira every way and hie detniee will be rt. gretted by neatiy.beeidee the iturnedtt ate family. cot -meting, of a, bereaved widow, three deughtere and two sons, wile have the sympathy a their many friends. tle was it member of the lo- cal lodge of Maccabees end the funeral took place. under 'their ituapieees Sateada,v, interment taking piece at Grand Bend. The fonered Wail very large, there being about one hundred and twenty rigs following the remains. Whalen. • Winter is passing very nicely. -p. ; Avery spent Monday and Tuesday 11- London ,on business -Miss ' Edna uniting is on the sick list. --T. Tapp fllanitolite, and his daughter Eva of Whalen, are visiting .in iss Cummins is visiting with Minnie orley,--The many friends Of °ViTtn. orley met at his home on Tuesday vening and spent a very pleasant ime. Will treated his friends to oys- ers and otbergood things.. -The young eople spent *Ate*, pleasant evening n Thursday at the home of Mr. and rs. Thos. Morley. -Master Chester ims'of Crediton spent Sunday with, is brother, Isaac„ -Miss Ella Brooks pent Sunday with her parents. -Miss arab Sutherland returned home Sun - ay after spending a few days here. - he farmers aranow takingadvantege f the fine -roads and trying to get ease the gravel for building this sum. er. . es, , • Dialloan WEDDING.—A very unust tat and longeto-be-remembered cele. )ration was held' -at the home of Mr. nd Mrs, Wm. Gunning on Friday' veiling, San. 26th, the DOCaSioll being he 6eittitanniVersarst of their Marriage. bout sixty of their descendants and., member of other relatives atid friends. vet a heindeedin alletassepibled to do onor to thein einCetiloy their 'genial tispitality. ;After enoy1ng a hearty‘ Upper, two of theitegrandeldldrenmid wogreat graettlehildettetwOOtePtised. Oder directitintief nAliteottarant., on. an excellent neustettand literary regraeti followed. *; pridtvery good iteeches wereeleliveretterilogizing the nod qualities of the host ,and hosteest hen followed the peesentation, of a, ell -worded addrese, to Mt. encl.Mrti. tinning.' The former • made an able nd touching reply. After the pro. ram all, enjoyed' themselves by earl - us amusement mita about 3.80 a. m. hen once more, they gathered in the lining room. Shortly after,, .the aged ouple were again heartily emegratu- ated t -R1 all departed for their homes epling pleased that they had been bus privileged' to, de honor tit ,sueli a vortby couple; A SHowr illsToRar TITEIR Lam. Mr. and Mrs. Gunning were married n England in 1846 and left, the • old and for New York the same years. He 'worked with the 'Niagara Dock Co. the etext year and lived- at 0hippevva. He is One of the earliest pioneers of lanshaicl, having settled there in 917 and living there ever sinee. There were ten children in the' family, nine af whoni are living at the presen t time, 11 within a couple of bOtirs?, drive from the old home. Mr. andetetS. Gun-. nibg have 45 grand children and five reat grand children. He is in his 86th year and Mrs. Gunning. in her 81st year. Both are enjoying excellent health at the present time and are re. arkably active considering their age. MreGunning is able to read the email- st print without spectacles. At twee-, ent they have bright prospect e of cele- brating the 75th anniversary, of their marriage. That they may do so is the sincere whit of their many friends. (We regret that we are unable to publish a lengthy and well written amount wbieh a kind friendhas ent, but owing to the lateness of its arrival and the a,Ac of space it becomes Khlva Miss Nora, Collins has been visiting her sister at Dublin for the past week. Miss 'Tillie Hoist, who hae been ort the sick list, we are pleased to note, is able to be around again. -Jos. Querrin has been engaged with Wm. Ryan of MeGillivra,y for It mouth. -John Ratz bought it fine big working horse from John Snell of Exeter last week. -Quite a number feoth here attended the fun- eral of the late John Pickering at 8hipka, on Wednesday.--Ohas. McDon- ald end Louchie McCormick have' tak- en a contract to cut 1000 cords of wood for John Ratz.-eWm. Hooper sold valuable colt to Jas Canby for a good sure the other day. -Mrs. Angus Mc- Donald vieited fteends in Toronto last eweek.-The boys report a good time at Mr. .I-Ienhofer's last week and are equal tea similar occasion at any time, -The Many friends of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. &voltam, con. 15, extend their sympathy to thetaa in their recent be- reavement, their little babe having paseed away on Sunday week, -Mrs. Wm. McCann, who has been ill,: is daily improving. " Sow His Fesete-Wm. Hooper leas disposed of his farm near here, ,being Loe12, Con, 12, to David Lippert. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper have been good and much respected residents of the town- ship and should they move away •will, be much missed., We 'are pleased to learn, ledwever, that the farm has, fait leo into good Ands. Percy Saunders of lieaChville visited his parents here during the week. - The attendance at the Brinsley school is very slim, owing to so much sick- ness aniong the Children. -S. lienstior. ough and Wife of North Dakota are,on a visit to friends in this neighborhood. Miss Mae Dorman has resigned , her position as clerk in J. IL )II,cKtey's store, Ansa Craig. -P. Buckley hae gone to Durand,Mieh, where , he has -accepted a position On the railroad. - Mr.. and Mrte'A.mbrose J. forest of To- ronto, formerly '' of McGillivray, were blessed witlia little daughter recently, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilbert of Manito- ba, are 'spending at few Weeks in this vicinity. -Mies Annie Baynton, , who hae been receiving treatment et the heel:eta]. in London for some tieuet has returned and her many friends will he pleased to leant that the Is steadily i'Mt proving.-MiseBelle 'Cowan is recov- ering from her recent illness.-Wro. Fenton, con. 4, who hap been ill. is , on Kay MAI -mum The beetitifel borne of her pet elite, Mr. mid Mrs. John Pfeff. Blind Line, was on Wednesday evc in the scene of the marriage of Mies Violet Pfaff. to 'Peter Seliwalne, a proe- permit, and highly eeteeneed young farmer. Surrounded by their unwed - hoe frteade the Lives of these two were landed in one, Rev. Sehuelke tying the knot. 4. dainty luncheon was iterved at the conclusiou of the eeremony, aft ter which a pleatiant tithe was Opeut by all present. The young etneple are now comfortably tiettled iu thew new home, which the (groom recently purchatted from his father. May the choicest tileeeinge rest on them through the journey of life. • Hay VoTitell - A. special meeting' of Hay 0:11111011 was held on Wednesday Jan, 17th, for the pitepose of 'considering ma Engin., eer's report, plans, profiles and assess - meats of Mud Crook drain of Stephen township. All members present, also the owners of land assessed for benefit in Hay township were in attendance. After consideration the report, etc., were adopted and a by-law was pro- visionally passed to that area. A court of revision will be held on March 5tie The auditors' report was present. ed. to the council and was adopted. A number of accounts were also passed. Council adjourned to meet again on Mondale March 5th, at 10 o'clock a. ta. F. Hess, Sr., Clerk. , KIPPen Aiss.A., McGregor, teacher, is taking temporary charge of a school at Dub- lin. Miss McGregor is an excellent teacher and her services are always in active demand, -Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pollock of Saskatoon, N.W.T., are vis- iting at the home of the latter's moth- er. Mrs. Wm. Kyle. -Jas. C. McLean, who some weeks ago iteceived a bad fall while working around 'his barns, is, able to be around again. -The La- dies' Aid of St. Andrews' church in- tend holding a social shortly, -Mr. ,Wtn. anclikliss Martha Batt, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Petty and Mie and Mrs, J B. ,Dinsdale attended the funeral of their uncle, the late 'Weary, Butt et Benmilier on Sunday last. Statia Leonard Campbell of Toronto spent it few days with his mother during the week. -John Patrick of Michigan is A visitor in our midst, as 18 also James Wood of London. -Miss S. White of Stratford is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Drake. -Miss May Batson of London is & pleasant visitor at her.brother's home. e • Mannten 1.14/ eNteete-A event which will be learned with pleasure occurred in India afew days ago. -We refer to the marriage of Dr. Mararet Norris. sisteibfRobert Norris, of this place, to Professor Patterson of India, for- merly of Woodstock..Miss Norris went to India some five years ago as It med- ical missionary. Her malty friends here join in extending toettereelf and worthy husbandbeet wishes for a hape py and:prosperous married life, ' Blake Mrs. R. N. Douglas, after a lengthy illnessee is daily eimproving.-Sad in- deed veerethe mews that was received here a few days ago, announcing the the mend.-Messrs.'Bentamin Pile and death of Miss M. Yule, vehich sad event T. Fairless of WS township has. Pair- occurred at Brandon, Man. The young lady at one tune Was the obliging clerk at R. GeNicitors store, a former merch- ant here. but owing- to ill health went West with the hope that ' the change of climate would benefit her. , All twent well for a short time when she con- tracted a severe cold which* developed into pneumonia,. She received the best care and attention but despite all her enfeebled constieetion could not stand the fatal disease. While hereethe en., cleared herself to many liv her winning Manner, and her death has caused deep sorrow in our midst; • The remains were. brought to her fionie in Fuller- ton for interinent. ehased the furniture leusinese of Pimp - pen &Simpson, Parkhill and took p0 - session last week. We wish them every ettfcesss.-Jas. Dinsdale, toweline, is early at the hatching business. On Jan. 16 he had it batch of chicken hatch- ed by a mother hen. We trust the lit- tle brood may surviye the cold weatb- ertetA few evenings ago it goodly num- beret the members of McGillivray Bap- tist church and its friends assembled at the residence of Edwin Holland, 8th ,COn. ,Singing, games, etc., were intlidge „ed in. During the evening Mr. Holland wag presented witlea sum of money ;is slight token of theteeteem in which be is held by the congregation. Mr.. IIolland thanked the donors for their kindness toward hitn, after which all enjoyed a tempting repast provided by the ladies. At it reasonable hour the -gathering broke up, each one feel- .. i .that they baa indeed spent a, pleas- ant evening.-ThoseOunninghaue con. 4, intends putting it wall' under- his heroin the near fuehre.-Mise Lizzie Wasnidge, who has been ill, is COTIVa- lescing.—Iloward Harman of South Africa is spending the winter atthe home of Mrs. Itobert Gray.-Freek. Brown, con. 18, has rented, the fartn of John Brown, and will move to it - shortly. :te Pashwood s 4.1a Miss .Eeterearaybiel is spending a. bort titneather home here. --Miss Lim Mot -lock of Caseville, Mich., spent Sat- urday and Sunday with her uncle II Iteokenshire.-los. Snell of Exeter paid his official visit to the bank here on Saturday.--JohnHoffman leaves' thie Wednesday for Toronto where he has secured a 'situation in a large Rash and door factory. We wish John atle‘ cess. -The trustees of the Credition pubite school wits here one day lest week looking at our Helmet They are contemplating building this year. Arthur Trturtner has secured a situa- tion itt theSovereign Bank atZurich. Some sneak thief took upon himself to empty Adam Birk's milk Calif; one 'night last week. It's really too bad, that slieh people were not caught red - banded and an example of.eaThe eontract for lighting the Street tamps h Di been awarded tolltitf. Brokenshire, his being the lowest tenders -Mrs, Sat colt Kellerman' and fdre, J. E. Goetz Spout Sunday with friends at Parkhill. -It IN rumored that eteveral Weddings will take place in our burg soon. More pal ticulars later ore-Itev. W. 3. Ya. ger, (.4 Zurich, preached to the Evan.. geli-aIpeople her on Monday even ing. --The revival tneetinge in the Evangelical chureh have been it grand eiteettem thus fa,r.t ,,Two teeee of scarlet fever *re reported to the health an thoritiett bete, one in the township of Hay and one in Stenhen.--Sohn Snell Towliattp °max DitaD.-The death of a loving father, kind husband and valued friend, whose presenceluts al- ways helped to alleviate the ntallY ad- versities of lifeis indeed a' sad 'blow, but tottlay the 'battle is - o'er and be rests at peace with all the world. The subject of our sketch, Mr. William Fraser, retired to rest on Tuesday ev- ening, apparently in his usual good health, but about 11.80 took a weak spell. Ile afterwards retried but 'had two more weak turns, at 2 and 4 a.m. from Which he gradually sank and at the hour of 6 o'clock he closed his eyes in death. Deceased, who was aged 72 years. 7 niontha and 8 dare was born in Paisley, Scotlevi, and followed the occupation of cabinet maker in the old land. About fifty you's ago he emi- grated to this county, settling in Mct Oillivray, where he followed the occu- pation of farming for a short time. Tiring Of thie he afterwards started etorekeeping tit Max Cornets, known ao West McGillivray, In corineetion with this hie was appointed potatoes - ter and has been faithful in his duties to the pulite. Fortytthree you's ago Vfati appointed Clerk of this town- ship, a position he has held continuous. ly ever since with honor and upright- ness, and his demise is keenly, felt, att his place will be hard to fill. About forty years *go he took an hie life part- ner Miss Some Patterson of this town- ellip who with oue daughter, Mrs. Sun. Dixon, 4th con., and one tom. William. on the homestead, mourn the Inert of a letv ing hitehand and indulgent fat her, The Attlee Orem Friday from the family residence to the Perkhill cemetery wee surptietting poptiltte tribute of revert ;trice and eympathy. No wtitten word* horeebuyer, of Exeter, woe in, the vit, 'en (woveto the bereaved on.* the lege Titeedsy *fternonn. Louie Moser condolence extended in their behalf, he* some notion of buying term. , nor wilt words afford'them any thefts - Miss reedy. Reit who hs* boom work. tire of rellrf from the' *Pr ore shot* and Ing in Ilventford for aome tittle peso profonnd affliction td which they have returned to her home here on Tueiday just been subjected. Riasse)d'ale Geo. Roy's many friends will be pleased • to teem that be is recovering from the effects of his . recent opera- tion at the • Montreal hospitalee-Alex, McLean Of Edmore, N. W.T., is home onit visit. -J. D. Stewart, who has been ill, is convalescing. Dnen.-The angel of death entered tbe home ofRiebert Clark Wednesday and carried Away his cherished help- mate. at the age (471 Yea:vs; 4 months. Deeeased has been it long but patient sufferer, and toward the last, while loving, hands vvere unremittingly ad- ministering to her wants, it Was visi- ble that her spirit was fast taking its ' flight to the better and, happy world which she was prepared for: Those Chet had been in close touch with her found her a W0111114 of eweet sympae thetic nature, a kind friend, and it: prudent wife and loving mother. Be-' sides her soirowingthusband and fam- ily of four daughters and three sons, she leaves a host of friends. , Zurich Dan, the eldest son of Conrad Thiel, who is suffering front an attack of rheumatic fever, iteelowing improving. Tall Worm is also recovereng front his ilinesst-Phil, Sipple who received' in- jury to his eyes while out shooting lest December, was handed a chernie ,for $20 by Andrew Blots Agent for • the Dtiminion of Canada 'Guarantee and Adeident Ins. Co., in which coinpany Mr. Sipple carries it poticy.-G. Camp. bell and 0. Dias° n e tte of St.Sosetilt were in village laet ,week getting a petition signed by the business men in favor of telephone line to, St. tIosephs-Miss Emma Shoemaker of Parkhill, watt visitor in our burgh during the week, -Mrs. Carter, of Shoal Lake. Man,, is vending a few deye with Mr's IL Zimt inermare,---A. Truett -neer, Goshen Line, hue' accepted a polition on the Sov. ereign Bank start at Henry Mattel and family are now comfortably settled "in their neve hot -me -Daniel Smith, Santee Line, has rented it por- tion of his farm. on the west Ade of the Lake road, to hie neighbor, Joeitth feararaii. Hie eon, Olyton, has rented the farm on the east tide.- $t. Peters' church. Dryiebile, was on Titeeday the scene of a peetty weildittg„ the con- tracting pollee being Joseph MOSiteall f Drvedsle snd Mb* Ten* Plant of title village. The CersMon't WAS pci formed st 0 tarn. by Rev. Fether 1 - Nellie To Mr. rind Mrs. Moseettii w teed our best sviiiites. THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act a Fotlianleot 13,54) Ifead, Office, Montreal CapitalPaid. TS:p Iooi'vod vti4.......53,000,000 FORTY-EIGHT 131tANCIIES IN TI1E DOMINION OF CANA.D.A. mi‘ EXETER BRANCH OFFICE, X1QV LS. 10*. in, to 4 p, SIMTVRDAYS, 10*, 01. to 3. p, tp, U13NhRM BANIIING OUSINES5 TRANSACTED. Farmer s Sale Notes easbed'or collected. Forms *applied on applicatioti. DRAFTS•on ell points in the, Dominion, Great Britain and United Statee bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. ADVANCE'S made to Itartnere, Stock Dealers and • Burnes Men at lowest rates and on most favorable term% • DEPOSIT Receipts issued WI :dplipsile.gteshenoeitbSsot:03 rt rateeauti tz,twa tiroe efv it cue e. e:ntt weiett c oeu?.. poiii?etaitaleyeette and added to principal June UOth Saying Bank Department' Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. , Molts= & 0ARaxo,e§o1igite1s. N. D. TITTRIDON, Manager, 0.• • *tee Greg ShOilthatild is easy to learn, easy to write and easy to read after it is written, " The students of the Forest "City - Business and s Shorthand-. College are subjected to tthe test of the •• Business Educators' Association of Canada for diplomas. 95% pass and 65% take lionors. Catalogue will give you some pointers about our system and is free for the asking. • School term--Segv till June inclusive. . trie$TER 'VELT, Principal. .M C LONDON, ONTt- , Parkhill: Messrs. Welsh & Cooper who recently purchased the draying business of H. Turner, have dissolved partnership. Mr. Welsh wain future take cliarge of the freight lameness, "St,. --Marys: Stafford ' Woods, the popular accountant of the *Aeon's Bank, has been transferred to another, branch. It is pleasing, however, to hear that the change meatrea promo- tion, Mr. Woods having been Appoint- ed manager of the Molsen's Bank at Meritie. For the Kidneys If y010 kidneys sre all infism, " lateci.--if there are sharp, !hoot- ing pains in the small of tile back and dull achethrough the hips --if there is a -constant desite to initiate -la -if the urine Is hot and ectilding--if the bead aches and specks float before_ the eyes-- you can't imagine what relief there is for you in The principel reason for the excel- lent quality -of White Isdueto it.s tieing iniinntactuied frotte the very beet selected wheat, and the latest and znost modern Machinery is used in its.manufacture. Thittpeelebrated flour is known by every person who beta used it to pos- Seas 'the very.finest quality both in life and color. .and to make the most ex- cellent btead, rolls and pestry of all kinds. Manufactured by . Jos. E idt, Dash wood THE' GENTLE KIDNEY CURE. .. These wonderful little pills soothe and heal kidneys and bladder -take away ell pain -- clear the urine-eenable one to go through tile night without 'arising - geld relieve every , trace of your kidney trouble. Curets ithoususitisres PrOCO• . . I I THE rearli4 CHEMICAL 00.. ICIMMEIN •Witiceoti, owe, e • Nov *we • Pure Tea 1:vgienic Patliage • Usrs of4 Grand Mogul Tea pronounce k the beverage of good bealth. Grown on the sun -kissed mountains of Ceylon, it has the delicious and m, flavor of purity. ct Prepared by machinery from plantation to cup. The packages, lined with air- tiOit paper, protect it from store dust and' inkrobes. Never sold in bulk nor in poisonous lead. The effort to substitute sorne other tea to be",`just as good" is the desire of some dealers for art excestive profit on an -inferior article. Grand Mogul Tea ((Sold at 25e, 30ce40, and 50c per poo tal Leek far the prelim eau- poti and lit of premiums in *eh package. Vecials Phottiodlesi The Great EngliskReireck.s positive attre for alt forma of sginalwealniessOsouto and BSTORIL AND ATM Vain WQrrr, Eintlitition4h,SPer• orrkiettImpotency, Encu- Abuse or 1, peso, all- of which lead to Consumption, ‘7, Thsatilti and on early grava Teal $1 per pte,. six for t.5. ono Win please, 131X will ours, isoldhisaidroggioto or mantel plain ptekaireartMclphOf priets.Writefor Pamphlet). The W000. wiittiohro Windsor. Ontario. I FERRY'S Make sari teletitot Cuan and ctualltpr,Whea7Ottr Otto)* p tea lett,' a. they were Lb* Dew 012 the roerket.bot thol have been Improv - Ing ever *thee. 'We ere expecte In flower and vegetable aeede. 1909 Seed Aranniallibeautirany toted, tree to all ep011ftote. b. M. FERRY & coo wind•or, OTIC -1411110081011110:.P0111... 1111-84810. As the spring is cowing on now, gather up your old truck suck', as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, All Kinds old Irmo Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and take them down to M. Jackson 4/6 Son Mal* Street, Exnter. One door South of Metropolitan Hotel ewe - That's where you -will get the hi - (moth price for them.