HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-01-25, Page 8• Stock
offering' special. value. in
• Coatioge s.nd Peititings this
4,1ordor to mitke mutt for
141.01110Z- Ono&
a mulct to (*ler far $10
and $12., -
Omit' Coatings made to order
for $9 and upwards.
ftsatinga made to order for
$450 and $3.
Merchant Tailor. -
Muter, Ontario
s Locals Read Them
Preete-Aek for sample Of Cole's Bak -
ii Powder at Cole'alOruit Store.
ateet, reductions in furniture for the
it two 'weeks. SeeiRowe rle Atkin,
*We advertisement.
[fere lea bargain. Six teaspoons and
cakes Of soap (regular 100 a cake)
Mcepte„ at 'lowers Drug Store,
Wee the best Betting Powder. One
- will convince you. For sale only
f,'Iateo Drug Store; successor to Dr.
Ce.-.1antee '
watch was found on the stivet in
Ceetralia: last week. Owner can have
*twitcher proving property and paying
oretenses.-Arthur Brooks, •section-.
Ritsita.Cep.tralia,r • ,
Hensel' hoe.keyists bevy dropped,eut
taMiesiateemediate O. H. A. series.
firrs S. Devitt has, taken 'out an
atitikioneer's License for the County of
MiCa May Snell Catee.a pleasing solo
arot%nday evening Iest In _the James
itteteet church,
Remember the Recital 'by pupils of
1w £t lobos Opera "Friday
Admission -150„
Edith Sanders Sanders entertained'a
. friends Thursday afternoon;
Illkow,Johns on Friday afternoon; The
McCallum Friday evening; and
auston,Saturday afternoon.
to t e roads being in an tin.,
ition. for driving,. Rev,
veleta of eirkton and Rev. Going did,
eesCexete ge.puIpits on Sunday as ex-
egotedthoinitkerrotedr''sgarige takeplace in
Vifteleer Welii:3"Kee'D1:1; lost his
•it,04 handsome arw,.
on Thfirs.;
•purobasea thc, fit;
VreVIQU, 5.1 --e7 'Idea OS the
1/1411 considerable.
GrAna abge'Lo4ge of OntariO
wilkeneet, in n n ual session at Goderieh
Mare' a and the town council
e a grant to their reception
romiaftattke for their use. From 00 to
likegates will be attendance for
whole week. •
Iltheitadeath took place on Wed-
toiretseelest of Charley Bishop, the in.:,
sem of Mi. and Mrs. John Morgan
ettorne. Trie little fellow was
ontha and , 9 days old. The
were interred Rodgerville
r on, Thursday afternoon.
W.1'. Carling, one of our moat en
tillosiaatio poultry fanciers, can boast of
einting ttotk of hens of the Barred
variety' that Can claim the prize
laying record. He has sixtet*
wages which have laid 308 eggs since
tbit2eith day of November lases Who
owe beet this.
A^ toteresting. shoot took place be -
°wee Thos. Rowteliffe, London Road,
aisaJohn Heywood, Sr., of Elemville,
swareislayafternoon on the farm of
titiefortitere Fifteee clay birds were
tertergetefor each shooter, the loser
for them. Good shooting ,was
iiito" the result being Rovvtcliffe 13,
flegetweod 12.
d Winter
Illifelike to show our goods to the
asifiowhii thinks he cannot be pleased.
seeteene Can milt the fellow who it;
tosehly etitisfied, but it takes good
vaseikeleasisehip. honest materials and
illatellotet of tottering experience to mutt
Careful Dresser.
end be eonvinced that we have
ot toods, we do the best of
awl tit you out cheaper than any
Owe in toivu,
you Suit and Over-
dbat no*.
Mat Mit
Eldred L/*leaven* tailoring'
with W. Vies,. Tamale
Mr. Geo4 Sainwell is showing slight
eigns of improvement.
ML' , mos. cedinore is able te sit up
for *short time yet% dwv.
• Mr. ;old Mrs, James Tom enterteins
a few oltl<tilue friende one evening
last week,
Mre. Morgan of ITaborrie, whose
little ;eon died lest weeleis quite ill but
believed to be improving. -
The recently appointed. bell ringer,.
Mr. Ea. Herneele lute' we iiederetatet
given up. the job. Mr. Mcli:tty le` iu
the tueentime doing duty.
. The marriage took place it-Lontlen,
on Monday, evenineeof Mv MarY
Friend, grand daughter ofMr. and
Mrs, Edward Hurt of town; ti Mr.
Geo. E. rankle, both ottremeose
• A (fun Club is being. organized in
town. It is, the. nurPoee of the clob. to
buy bine rucks and held regular shoots.
A large number have signified their
intentien to become members. • ,
J. IL Cameron; tbe noted Entertain-
er, has been secured at much expense
to take part in the entertainment in
connection with the Thames RoatiTett
meeting on Monday evening, Feb. 5th.
The 11. Wilmot Young and Mariie
.A.dains Comedy Company closed a
week's engagement here on Saturday,
leaving Monday morning for Clinton.
Veir sized houses greeted each even-
ing's performances, which on the
whole were of good merit. The ton of
c,oal given to the lucky person whose
name was drawn went to Frank Tay-
A vote of thanks was passed at the
annual meeting of the Stephen &
Us -
borne Agricultural Society for the
kind donations toward the building
tied °thee impeovetteeents of the
grounds, received from the following:
South Huron Agricultural Society $100;
Municipatity of Stephen $25; Munici-
pality of Usborne $241. and. Exeter
business men $30.
meeting of those interested in
curling - took place in. the, Town Hall
on Thursday evening last. A good at-
tendance was present. S. dub was or-
ganized with the following. officers: -
President, John 'Muir; Vice -Pres. N.
D. Ilardon; See-Treas., Geo. E. Ander-
son. The club starts off with a good
membership. The rink has been se-
cured for practice on all afternoons ex-
cept Saturday, and on Tuesday. Thurs,
day and Saturday evenings'. Entlitisi-
tam regarding this Atie winter sport is
daily increasing oxia Many. more mem-
bers are expected.
As time goes on the prospects grow
brighter for the .proposed new branch
of the 0. P. R. to pass through this
locality and everything now points to
action in the mato; in the near future.
• This week Mr. Jos. Senior, town clerk,
received the following notice, dated..
jan'y .12. from Andrew T. Thomasson,
the Company's solicitor: "The West-
ern Ontario Paeille"RaitweteCoMpany
will apply to the Parliament of Cana-
da itt its next session for authority to
build a branch line from a 'seine en the•
COMpapy's line at or near the city of
London, Ontario, in a northerly direc-
tion through thecountiesof Middle-
sex, Oxford, 'Perth, Huron and -Bruce
to a point on Lake Huron, in the coun-
ty of Huron or Bruee,and for other
,TLuker, St Young Male Whose
home is near Thedford, was arrested
on the farm of Mr. Jas. Atkinson;Did-
dulph, on Thursday last °bailee(' with
horse stealing. At a late 'hour one
night last -week, the accused- entered
thestable of Mr. Frank Davis and at -
tee harnessing and bitching up Mr.
:Devitt' driver drove away.. He was
beading toward his hone in Thedford
but finding the horse tiring left it on a
farm in Stephens, Suspicion rested
etroegly on the aecused.who, on .being
charged, with theittfr,ence, admitted the
eeline 04.ws thereupotic arrested.
He was taken before l'elaeletra,tes Par -
mer and Ray on Thursday last and
pleading guilty was sent to Goderich
for trial. The young man appears to
be suffering fromeome nervous trouble
and would seem hardly accountable
for his actions. • .
• June weather in January.fe a remark-
able occurrence in 'Ontario. From
Chicago to New York and throughout
Ontario the thermometer registered
between 50 and, 00 above. • In Exeter
the day was bright and warm and ov-
ercoate were laid aside. The thaw of
Saturday and the . rain 'of the same,
night had taken away nearly all the
foot and a half of snow which fell on
Tuesday' and Wednesday previeus,
leaving the sidewalks nearly clear Of
snow. 'Many a,veited themselves of
the chance to take long walks. The
elver bridge WAS an attractive view"
point for hundreds of people who weliA,
interested watching thelargely in
areased body Of /water rushing along.
The grass even began to look green
and reports come to us cif people , eec.
ing snakes, toads and bees in plitees
usually haunted by them in ''midaum,
I wish to announce to the general
pubic that1 have dispoed °fray Drug
business to Mr. W. S. Oole of London.'
For several years Mr. Cole managed
the Dispensing Pharmaceutical and
Toilet departments of W. T. Strong's
Drug store, London, which has given
him a thorough and wide knowledge
of the' different departments of the
business. I desire to thank my num-
erous customers for theconsideration'
and support given me during a long
term of years, and trust they will ex-
tend their patronage to my successor.
Mr. Cole is a young men of good re-
putatioti and character, is an *dive,
progressive, thoroughly qualfied buais
news manand will be an excellent
citizen. F have arranged to remain
with Mr. Cole during the winter
months end shall be plemed to meet
old hien& and customers in the store,
aft usual.- O. LIM.
eirestee 10air Warocksr.
A young men named Peter Molter.
inid,aged about twenty-five, ws,s erred.
ed near Farquhar on Friday last on an
alleged A.:barge of forgery eoromitted
in South Dakota soine moat* *ince.
After committing the offense be ab-
iteorided and bits slims been Uving neer
Farquhar where be ha* been engaged
on the !arra with Mr. Tho*, McCurdy.
Hie whereabouts were treeed by eorre-
spendence potting to and fro end on
Saturday Deteetive Charles I{. Young
of Huron, South Dakota, and
MeCerthv of St. Mary*, arreeted their
game on the mid near -Farquhar. He'
was brought to town:aid thence dries
en to Dean arid from there wits taken
back to Fotikota whoro hp. will heve to
Mars 0.14110 answer to the charge. of forgery.
Soldl Wits leesiesswe
Dr. Lute on ThuredaY 104t twid hia
drug iiii'4i1. tr) Air. Vie S. Cole kof
London, rosiie6$1,,)11 Was giteu im-
mediately. The Dr, hae betu in buSi.
It,;. here fora ereat inerty years and
durieg that time gained for hill14*If 4
great *natty friends who will regret to
bear of his retivenient, alittouith freely
acknowledging thet he hem well earned
a rest from active , btisinetis life. Hitt
health bite uot bet u et the beet tately
said be found it neceseary to seek re-
lief by .eliminatiog businese cerise,
Dr. Lutzisee always been a good citi-
zen of Exeter, having had the best in-
terests of the town , at tweet arid we
trust thet his health -will improve end
be will reinvin a resident of town.
We welitome Mr. Cole to towel. He
Coulee well recommended eat tins
doubtedly he will receive 4 fair abate
of the "community's patrenage -113 ' a
business way.
nuns of Mrs. iSfrlidit.
A former Exeter'lady. ftfrs. Barbara
Wright, '(nee Miss Horne) the wife of
Mr. James Wright .of Byrou avenue,
London, died at her reeidence early
Friday roerning, • Jan. 10th. She was
in her 57th year. Deceased had been
ill for several weeks and the end was
not unexpected. Shetrae born in Zorra,
Ont., and came to Exeter over twenty
years ago. While here she conducted
the millinery business, now owned by
her neice, Bliss A. Morlock. After her
marriage, some three years ago, she
resided in Point Edward until Novena-
ber last when they moved to London.
During her residence here ebe nmee
many, warm friends who greatly regret
her demise. Mrs. Morlock of town is
a tester of the deceased: The funeral.
took place to the Mt. Pleasant ceine-
tery ou 'Monday afternoon at three
Moue vorecasts tor atimitire.
A regular storm period pavers the
23rd to the 280. Thursday, Friday,
Saturday. and perhaps Sum:late the
2,5th, 26th, 27th and 28th, conditions
will be -good for many, very active
storms and blizzards. The natural
order" will be, first higher temperature,
low barometer, easterly to southerly
winds and rain; second, rain , turning
to sleet and snow, with rising heroine -
ter and winds shifting to 'westerly and
northwesterly;' third, high gates from
the northwest, . clearing skies and 4
sweeping caci, wave. . Of course no
two of these phases Of storm conditions
can dominate any locality at the tfaine
time, .but all of thein May be in pro-
gress at the sansetinie in different lo-
calitiess the rams in .the lead . to the
eastward, the snow'. and sleet and
changing welds next following, and:
the high ...barometer and cold. wave
bringing up the rear. As a ' result of
the Moon's passage over the celestial
equator on the 20th, continued threat-
ening weather may rue, into the re-,
actionary 'storm period, beginning on.
'the 30th and running into February
Waking and Runniest tired lieeretee.
,Writing of exercise for' children in.
the February Delineator, Di. 'Greed
Peckham Merry says ‘eWhen, children
are old enough 'there is no ;better exer-
cise than lot& walking. To be of ben-
efit it should be brisk enough to bring'
the blood to the surface, and to expand
theIutigs. ItunpIng inereaeee the en-
durance.' Systematic, ruening should
enter more largely sipto . the exercise
for children. Running, ' strengthens '
the`heart, increases the breathing ea-
pa,city and developes the muscles of the
whole body.- Like all violent ' exercise
in which children. indulge; it .shOpid. be
taken ender the supervision of: a tea=
cher to AVOW: overdoing. ' An ideal
way tor children to pass the Summer
is in camps under thei'udicioos care of
a teacher and guide who can enter into.
the games and feelings of the ticrytiand
girls. I believe in the same education
in eliese matters for girls as for boys.
They.can then become acquainted with
woodcraft, botany - and geology and
thetelise thati heaLth by tramps and
explorations. The primitive, which.
exists in all, 'whether of " younger "or
older growtb, has 'a chance to sbOW'iee
self, audit imprcives the heeltb, for it
does net do for children any . more
then for adults to..be too civilized." .
,P4sbetery of Sitroll. , ,_
The Presbytery of. Huron met in
Willis church, -Clinton, on Tuesday,
Jan. 10th. The session records for .the
year 1005 were examined and attested.
The auditors appointed. to examine
the treasurer's book reported, that
there was a smell balance to be carried
forward to the preseet year. The
same grantees last yearwerereeoni-
mended to aid receivihgeongregations.
Dr. McLean tendered his resignation
of the -pastoral charge of St. Andrew's
church, Myth, with a view to ' his re-
tiring frem the actiye work of the
ministry, Ott account of age and -ins
firmity. .Mr. Fletcher, of Thames,
Road, was appointed to confer with
the congregatiop with p. view to hav-
ing the resignation brought fully' be-
fore the Presbytery at its efextregular
meeting. Mr. Davidsen preeented a
Irepott on Sabbath school 'Work within
the bounds Which was on ' the whole
ver encouraging. . In connection
with the report, e conference on Sab-
bathschool work was held, during
which I. 0. Robertson, of Toronto,
the Sabbath School secretary, deliver-
ed an able and ' interesting address.
It was agreeetto eo-operate with the
Presbyteries of Maitland and Bruce' in
bolding a sununer school for S. S.
teachers and workers. It was agreed
to hold the next, regular !fleeting in
Willis church, Clinton, on Tuesday,
March 0.
Stitsol Board Missiles, ,
The Exeter Public Sam! Board held
their firet regular meeting Inc the year
on Wednesday eVening, Jan. 17, with
R, N. Rowe absent, No change has
been made in the appointment; which
stand as follows: Chaim] an, P. Prayne;
Treas., Corporation of the Village of
Exeter; Seey, I Grigg. The penmanent eommitteeto are as follows:. Wood,
P. Petrie; Supplies., W. 'X. Carling;
Teachers' supply, II. Hutton and Chair-
man; Repairs, R. N. Rowe and S. Mar-
tin; Insurance, H. Huston and W. J.
Otirling, Grounds and Sanitary, F.
Vitood and S. Muth]. A speciad see.
sion WAS held after the inaugural when
the following orders were epproved:
K. J. Spackman , brooms, etc., $2.70;
T. Hawkins & SIM, pall and eundries,
*1.175;1W. A. Balkwill, labor.,$1.25; T.
If. Meeellinn, sheopekinse Pt Itoee *
Taylor, lumber, 25ce; S. transom scrubs
bing, $4./5; Dr. Lots, chemicals, Stk.;
P. Thtwden, repairs, $3.50. An adde
floral committee,' was also added to
Lb. pertnanant list, on motion of II.
Haeton Anti S. Mertin, consisting of
pals whose dui tse are be deterusille
order tied needier of adutieeione to the
II, S, ;tilt/ to 4titiiiiit Welt
lite board aki they may
defeat expedient for the improved cou-
duct of the school,
Mr. Art. Woods of London' vieltstel
hie home here on $utelay.
Mi'., 011ie Quartets returned front e
visit to Ansa Craig ketturdays
Miss Montizanibert, of St. Mary,
is visitiugthe Miesee Hutton.
Clarence 'Elasterbrook ' visiting
friends in Seaforth this week.
Mr. William.'Weatcott, of Seaforth,
W.4 in towo Part eff the past week,
Mr. VVm, Blair of Portage la Prairie
is Visiting Mr. and Mt. Hail, Exeter
Mr. Wes Lynes. of Londote spent
Sunday as the guest of ,Mr, and litre.
Eli Snell.
Mr. and Mrs. It. Lug returned to
Toronto on Saturday from' their trip
to Europe.
Mr. Norman Cruikshank has return-
ed after it month's visit a his home in
Dr. Rollins, Ivho has been in Inger-
soll and London for the past week, re-
tureed Tuesday.
Mrs. W. 0. Iluestonl who has spent
the past three weeks in Goderich, le -
turned twine Tuesday.
Mr, Will,' Johnson of Toronto WAS
the guest of hi& aunt, Mrs. 14, Vrayne,
for a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Blatchford of Per-
lin, N. Daketa„ are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Rich. Blatchford.
Mr. O. Heywood who, has been con-
fined to the house with grip for several
weeks, is improving nicely.
- Mr, and Mrs. Jas. .Bissett and dangle.,
ter, Lovie, of London are. visiting re-
latives towo for a few weeks,
Mr. E. J. Spackinan spent Sunday
AI •
in Toronto owing to the -illness of his
daughter, Miss Stella Spackman.
Miss Tillie Yager, milliner, returned
Wednesday evening from Niagarasen-
the-Lake where she epeot the season.
:Miss Gretta Bedford, Orediten is
visiting her grandparents, Ur. and
Mrs j. T. Westcott, ,Hurcarstreet, for
a few days. -
Mr. 'Thomas Hearnan of Brantford
and Mrs. Samuel Peuhale of Parkhill
were here attending the funeral of Mrs.
Ann Hetiman, .
Mr. Chits. Lindeefelti and wife re-
turned from their honeymoon last
Friday. Mrselendenfeld is now visit-
ing Goderieh. ,
Mrs. (Dv,) Eastwood who' has been
Visiting her daughter, Mrs. Stanbury,
returned to her home in Whitby,- on
Monday morning. '
Mr. Ernie Hills of Port Ilurone W4E3
here on Saturday attending the funer-
al of his undo, the late Samuel.Broke
enshire of Stephen Township,• -
.4dciftional Locals on page 1.
Clairvoyant -Psychic Medical
Exainination Fr
Hawkins & Son's
ails, (Hass, Oils, Cements
Heating and Plumbing
Having purchased the stock of W. C. Huston, and, de;
siring to reduce the same before reinirving it to our ware -
rooms, we will offer the entire stack of Furniture, comprising
itchen, Dining
Bed Room, Drawing Room,
and Hall. Purniture
also many odd.piecet4 and Rackers, at a great reductfpn.
Call and see' m4nybargahis we offer. ,
Deale;s. .ank Furiteral Direotor�
Syracuse, Believing in clairvoy-
ance ornot,.there is no gainsaying the
,fact thathe doctor can explain the
source and Cause of your disease either
mental or physical and has restored to
health and happiness many helpless
invalids all their lives. 'Send lockof
hair, name, age and i3tarap to s '
Syracuse, N. Y.
urgtg our r. Jas. Walter's
ing tour had,, an opijortuln
tak‘ing *Pao entire stock froma' raantifactrer
doing this we secured a discount which -enables. u
to mkark these goods very much IovVer. than if bought
in the regular way.' ‘As to the quality it is only
40desikark to say that they are the Soyereigli Brand
goods, which signifies "First QUali....ty.'"
••• 1•••• ,••••• •••••• ,.11•••••• ••••••••••••• .14 •••• •
A complete range of S1Z‘ $314 in fines whichol-bought
In regular way, Would sell at from $16 to 18;
Bargain Prices $10 to $12
Our Star Flour is a 50 per cent Mani-
toba Blend, Only the best Manitoba
and Ontario wheat is used in its menu -
facture. The ideal is attained in bread
made from Star Flour.
---- (0)—
The latest process is used in the man-
ufacture of our Wheatlets. Give it a
trial and be convinced that it has no
supriOr as a breakfast food.
We solicit your gritting and chop-
ping patronage.
U,,p-to-date Styles and Good. Values at q1.0, $12;
Bargain Price $0.00
A Splendid tine Serviceable r'rlireeds for school,
wear, sizes 22 to 26 Bargain Price $1.60
Genuine Scotch Tweeds made with box pleat and
belt, sizes .23to 28 Bargain Price $2.75 to 8.50
to*t forgekthat we are still 'offering. a
, cut of 25 per cent discount on all Furs.
Clearing Out of
"I've been wearing glosses. could
not read half the print of the
end now I can read it all. This pair
makes me feel like a three-yeateoId."
end now he's happy. Our ewes will
do as much for you. No oceasion for
being cross when you wear them.
Try them, boy the.ni and see. Don't
omit but, a trifle,
08WEL Pipa
the Chairmen, Secretary and Panel.; Chemist end Optician. EXETER
Weerietes Vests and Tirewere, Fleeced lined regular price
Mc each, to clear *** ** • Ift• r • • ....it...P*1014 40c
Woolen's Vests and Drawers, Natural Grey, fine ribbed
regular price 40c quality each ...
Women'. Vest and Dietwera line ribbed, large full liiZe reg-
ular price Otie each to clear at .. • • . ft a ••••11. .40 0*aq** •*a
Women's Vests. and Drawee% very fine quality white or
grey, ell SiZel regular priee /50 each to clear at....."
Women's Vesta and Drawer all wool In black, red or grey
regular price each to elear nt..... "
Children's Wefts and Drawers In all sizeand all qualities at
prices Which will sell every Garment in to. hurry.