HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-01-25, Page 5ce THE orate, pabilisiaeal every Thursday Xorair g at tie 3 *e .lA,rJ•�r7-�iT.Ari1.F..rG..4, — EXETER. w011,04)ATa ruwrfak11NG'00x Tal er ttcErGIU TIOS. oar Degos per eau* If peid ha adrawei►. 'f0.00 • it not aro pa*. ,Ssoavvrawtteamir alettesia Geer .t .p ,. No paperdi.cositinued until all airserigee arstrald advartiesawate without epeailied dio ss will be published until forbid and charged aaeordiaaal . Librral`discount inadafor tranrcleu advertiatmen hearted for long periods. Lary, desoriptioli of JOB WONTING mad out in tha finestler, and at moderate rater. Cheques, euouey orders, ke., for advertising`. subscriptions, etc., to be nude payable o.. Sanders & Creech, ',xoreaaasionai Cetrde 411 DB. A. It. . KINSMAN', L. D. S., D. D. 8.4 Honor graduate of Toronto Univeriety. DENTIST" Teeth extractedwithout any pain, or any bad effects Office in f luton's Bloek, west aaide`; Gin- street, n16. D. ALTON ,A:NDBRSON (D.D, . as,•p.S • ^DEN` IST ---- Hopor Graduate of Toronto 'University and; Royal College of Dental Surgeon„„ of Ontario. A,leo Poet araduate-of Chleago Oehool of Prosthetic Deitfrtery (with honorable mention Allunilnuai, Gold and 'Vulcanite Plates made in the nested manner possible. A perteetly bapnleaa an• esethetio used for painless eStraction of teeth. Omce one deer south of Carling Bros. atore, Exeter. THE' TURN OF LIF; A 'nine W� Women Are ussieptib M� broad Diseases—Intelligent r ,Women rrep*i tor It. Two Relatetheir Experience. The "ethane of lite" Tarr thet most critical, period of ami women's. exisateuee, mid the `anxiety felt by ; women sot it draws near isnot without reason. Every woman who neglect* the care of her health at this time in- Cites disease and pain. When her system is mat deranged condition, or she is predisposed to aplexy, or congestion Of any organ, the ten- dency is at this period likely to become active and with a host of ner- voua irritations, make life a „burden.: At this time, also, cancers and tumors are more liable to form and begin. their destructive work. Such warning syrup. toms as sense of Buffo - cation, hot dashes, head- achesbackaches,. dread of impending evil, .tiiznid. ity, sounds in the ears, palpitation: of the heart, parks before the eyes, irregularities, eonistipa- tion, variable appetite, weakness and inquie- tude, and.dizziness, are promptly heeded by'in- telligent women who are approaching the period • In- life when.woman's great ' ch . ` array -be expecteic „ Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound was.prepared to meet; the• needs of woman's „system at this: train rutn � d 17.1.Jrorts p•eriod of her life. It invigorates and strengthens the female organism and tl d. MY per i t oh . builds up th:eweak�ned nervous system. • Porspecial advice. regarding: this'ira- r portant period women are invited to ?��rAfnp f i' write to Mrs..Pinkham at Ly. nn, Masss.u,• 11s,V4V UVluA 'audit will be y furnished absolutely ire„ , Read what Lydia E. 'Piiukbatn s Com. Elevators pound did• for Mrs, Powless and" M ' Mann: rs, } Desi Mrs. .Pinkham:— r CBS:'warms actor y. .idl r In my,op cion there is no medicine made f , u #' for wompen which cats comnpar`e with Lydias4 f7UT grain.. and load R. Finkhiam ai Vo� gotabbe Corapofind, and ou g bi►.e tan Srmer friend n rho Dominion than haeme with,few I At the time of clutna a •of; ,luxe 1 suf- fered until I was nearly crazy and Was not r fit Olive with. I was so irritable, irrational. and nervous, that 1' was a torment to myself and others. I surely �thougbt that I 'wouldloos myr:.restioa before` I got through, when fortunately air ofd friend :recommended your, Vegetable Compound. I took; ' ft....for, ,five Months end then et! and on .until• the criticaal . t gm's Yccetabtc.. Cole ala"if nae Q 'sr Roller" ,Floury: a _ • the is � verytopof the i t of flours. There ,.is none better made. It; m; ,kes the` god wife smile. Try it. �. CRISPING and CHOPPING. SONE' PROMPT' WE TZE FOR T z}FIOM E. Is that .which gives lasting benefit - and Pleasure, r Nothing' will so successfully do•this alvs,a good High Grade , ' PIAND or.,ORGA '. Every member -of the family will fel. atppreciate tt. ." We carry these instruments in the highest gradeand our prices and tetrads sire of the ;most liberal kind for the Purchaser. Our Seng Maobruel Surpass anything in the market for beauty and durability. Cal and see us; we will take pleasure in showing you our goods. . MARTIN&SON EXETER, MARKETS' F d it reetar+ed Met° _ per. r ect health. My advice to suffering g s to try your Vegetable Com' . . d, and they will not'be disappointed;».. ,►, POW Deeeronto, Ont, - Another Woman's Cash .few Mrs,.I'inkhatn " As I owe my splendid health to Lydia Pinkhaam's Vegetable Compound,'1 sun yr pleased to write and tell you my experience with it. I am the : mother of three children, grown to womanhood. and have safely` passed the change of life, and feel -as Yount Awl sal strong as 1 did twenty yea= ago, and I know that this is all due to your woman'„„ friend Lydia 1 . Pinkbam's Vegetable Compounds used it;•b *Orator children were born, aid 1$ :greatly- assisted nature and, saved. me zunch pain during the change of life. I took it,oft.' and on, for four years, and had; but lttle trotzble'and sickness. that most vintner' have to endure. "� : Mm.. James 11w, M enn, 806 Wit- hurst Street, :Toronto Canada. What Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Consmound. ' did . for Mrs. Powlesa; and Mrs. Mann, it will do for. any woman at this time of life. 4 . It has conquered pain, restored pro ons e, fns.casas the pound Swims ; Where dt health aid 1 ed lif a.L McGLHlyray • Percy Luther is visiting friends: in Part-Ruron—Mrs. W. : Bee,:' after -a pleasant visit here . left for Parkhill, prior to joining her husband at Wood- bridge. Man.. where he'is, station mas- ter.—Wean. McRann of Brinsley►, is one of the'tnen in these parts wilt)* believe in raising first class poultry or none at AII, He recentlyy.delivered to Jim.. Oar. son, townline east, who is another breeder of high class birds, a hatch of ten turkeys for which he was paid the neat little sum of $25.50. This is sure- ly 'Convincing 'that there is mimey in poultry if yen have. the right' kind.— The annual Meeting of the , congregaa- Oak's Cotton Root Compoun&C. -,l'ho only safe ef'eetualnionthly medicine on which women can depend. • Sold in two degrees of f.trength--No. 1, for ordinary eases, $l per box, No. 2; 10, de - stronger for S ia1, aseie,18 per ox. Bo by, -all d . flask for Cook ot- • ton " Boot Compound; tank eubetitute. The Cook Mtidtolno Co.. Windsor, mita Winter Term Opens Jan. 2. OENTRAL `STRATFORD, ONT. Do you want a good position 'in the Commercial Worl? The surest and shortest road is, -via this School. by any Bus news of ingCanada$1 We give individual instruction therefore you may enter et any bine, Write for free catalogue and get full I,articularas. " . ' ELLIOTT' &•MCLACHLAN`,, 'r ncipatls. l° t• Mort of thelMcGillivra,:. • Presbyteri chut�ch; was held recently- The pas Rev,, Graham rpredided, and' . W. Amos acted as Secretary. All the ports were -very` encouraging. Theo ferings throughout the.year met' a dernasnds andleft,a'substan.tial.oelanc 'ta the hands of `the treasurer, T amount raised for the mission' c;tams was $200. -The attendance has bee. gor4eisd everything proves satisfa;c cosy in connection with the church. 4Ia'Init.-the home of W. E. Marshall townlino. West Williams and McGil livray, which a few weeks ago-: was eornparatively.. new house is'now Mass of ruins. The fire occurred abou 3 o'clock<Thursday, during the ai rise n c of Mrs. Marshall and daughter,. wh were visiting in London, but how i originated is a mystery. Mr. Ma shall and . Robt. Dixon, were at th •`barn looking up some owl, when the noticed smoke issuing from the house They hurried• to the house but weir able to save:nothing but a few ' quilt as the fire had gained too much head Way. " We understand there is no in suraance on either building oar contents o Mr. Maarsahli and family we extend ur heartfelt sympathy, as at this see- n it is very undesirable to be left metess. Want --Seddon has it fallen to our lot to record the demise:of one who loomed so'largely inothe eye of McGil- livray inhabitants as that of Mrs. Da - via Robinson, West Corners, whopaass- ed away Friday morning„(it the age of 54 years. Deceased, whose maiden Mune wawa Margaret West, was strick- en a few days ago with •an attack of pneumonia, but her conditiondidnot assume a serious aspect ",until a few hours previous to' her, death when 'she took a turn for the worse,. and despite all her spirit was wafted to her home . sfl. for C. f.4 0 h0- 13 ' ran' t- a 0 t- y e s, .on high,: She was a dutiful wife and wingg mother and was respected 'by aa; 11 whio knew her. Her kindness and vele Christian character was an exam - le for all who made,her a ueintance. he lady was a devoted member of Vest "a church, a faithful '• friend,. a cheery companion and a valued citizen. The funeral took phtee on Sunday and was attended by a large numnber of sorrowing friends. To the bereaays ed ones we extend our sympathy. , Mr. John Miners is able to be around again after undergoing a critical aper- aition.« Mr. Geo.Andrewe made a sale of a.pure-bred shorthorn cell' to a Mr. Morrison, of iced, Leer, Alberta, for which he received a handsome rice. -Mr. L. Webster, Sergeant Major and Instructor et the Military School, London. spent Monday the ,guest of Mr. and Mt. S. Andrew. Stanley MARRICJ.-The home of Mrs. Mc. Parttime, 4th con., was the scene of a pretty event on Tuesdays, when her youngest hdaughterr, Miss Delhi. l e- ppy+ bride of Thomas Prat- er. The gown worn b the rrinarnine bride was a marvel of elegance and ne aattieas and diaplaayed,good taste nri thae.pert of the bride. The, bride and venom Want unattended. Only a few nvited gtte'f to witnessed the eprerntiny which was performed bya• the Rev. i)r. Stevr*rt. At the eonnlualnn of tall( a dainty luncheon wee partaken of. The gift received were very pretty. The evening waa plea„ ,ntly spent to globes And social Chet. As Mr. and Mrs. PEAK. se ere very' popular Among their mom friends we predict for thorn *long and prosperous married life, + 1fAN`(*E!) EAOR VRDN D,a4,Y I fes,,, yowl, Mends or relatives suf e r wadi - Fits,, Epilepsy, St, Vitus' Dance, or Falling Wheat , ..,s• • . • ... 7/8 822 treatise write for* trial bottle and 'voluble Barley, r ... r . r .. , ....... . t .40 45 treat e oa such diseases to Toe Lasnri r CO.. (Jaatita.. .'.... ., . 4...... ► 86 11'3 Xing Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All Pettit. r 4y.. +M.y,, ...... ,-♦.. 65 - 05 druggists sell or atn obtain for you Hay, , Per p.. * .. 8 (1 .150 LEI 1 IT per torn (J Flour, 'per cwt.,' &wilyr... 2 25 . �jierer, nw r. a per cwt 1 125 17 t r.,w.,rY�•°Atr34 v��a..�. 20 Eggs -.„,...,....4.,0104, tivehogas, per. +c'a`t .. , ... 6 10 Shorts per ton .t 41 w. i'.�.. 19 �0�0 20 00 Brest Der lton r...a.wfr.♦ 16 00 16 no 1� 5 8. 6 6 urkeyrs ..• ...w Ducks .,,.a,...., •,a•.. (thicket# . . , ,, . , .. , w ... Dried Apples•...,...,.., 1,00111 Tes Great Ste. Yy. . 'kilt cure i from xmraesii %eextiotw saJc /Metal ,ami,,.,.. ar vwbi °i�.:ac SIX ryabr* visa 00d 0014)1 Keep .airing it, over and over agsin. Ayer” tr Pills. Aysrer's Pills. Ayer's Pillet.' The best liver pllis ever made. They este censtipsid zs, itniij r"`• biliousness, seek•headache. A • vete. t , Ll'F laxative. r es.. Kitivit snow seem* tc, lie .i thing of the pest, --X-din Ziler spent Iasi,. week .at Msana ey visiting his cousin. Mi.as An-, We Jin glejonge -Win. Schrader tom sold hie interest in the Quarrin poultry feral to B. Clunriingh4u . He beta els. ° disposed ofInstall* and „thew valuable property which be uwritd in tide vici- nity. Uwiug to the ebitngein bniiiiaa'aaa Meek MoDonald, who •was engaged to drive the egg wagon, has xeaugri,4 hili Potation and wili,go to New Hamburg 1 where "lie will learn boiler building. Mr. Schrader will reside at Clinton fur. the winter,—Leo Deitric#,i *p,ent Sun- day with his grandmother. , Mrs. F. Barry.', Miss A. Burke spent last week with her`uncle, Mr. Chas,. Holt. Miss Lillie and .Lizxte Smith few tl y'a iso for London. .gin t,ivine � c • Ship,„ left a --Aliso 4i i Ginnes, Thecdford, spent 1 Sunday week with Miss. bine Lochner. J. D. Hannan aurid wife and Miss E. 'Weston, spent Sunday week in Park. hill.--Sainuel Sweitzer attended the Recount in Goderich Saturday. Mr. Sweitzer was elected by two votes. Ile will ibe the Reeve for the eoniiug yearinstead of Henry SVillert. ``Miss Ida Sweitzer visited her cousin, Miss Milissia Trick, in Creditona, few : days last week.`. -'We are sorry to report the death of the son of Thomas B.tynhiaun,. who passed away Sunday 1310rning. His remains were .interred in Grand Bend cemetery.—Mrs.` °john Gcwver, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs, Jas. Kinney, returned home. Sat- urday. 17trixtehelSea 'Mr. Bloomfield and family ate now comfortably settled in the dwelling ad- f joining the store.—R. Camxn.`iavisiting relatives at Highgate —Fenton Brown and wife spent the early part of the week in and around Winchelsea. Singe -Uri -Brown- left here less than year ago to work" for the Strathroy Dairy Association, be 'has been coin- ing rapidly to the front in the art of butter Making, having carried off two first prizes at the London exhibition and More recently at the Dairymen's eornpetitipn held m Ingersoll. He won the following priest lst, $ 5; 2nd, $15 and a.spedial.which was a gold medal foe baying scored the highest number of points at the competitiete He is, to be congratulated on his success and we wish'him another successful year.. rpFrank Durdle, who is attending the, ,airy School at 'Strathroy,; attended the Faanson-Rooke nuptials ' here on Saturday.—Mi..'Snaith of Grand Rend called on Thos. Coward,• of •tile firm of toward .arc 13loomdeld on .Monday. — Aiken McColley, who worked for Mr. Upshall• some years ago, was shaking hands with old acquaintances herelaast week. -The boysannd girls of our school have reorganized their Literary Socie ty. for the winter with the following efdcers.:Pies.,edaa .Aeywood; Vice Pres., Wilson. awkins; Committee:: EdwiOthellnaa (Reywaardianeor,od,O. larenee.Alex..BerrFletchybill,er, Jennie Campbell, Rhea Godbolt; Se�c'_ 'lattie Hamer; Question. Drawer, Mr. sMeDougaall and Miss. Howard._ : The:: fret meeting was held on Friday and partook of the , natureof a spelling match . Both roomsspelledexception- ally well, Pearl - Guhr remaainingt.last -in the Jr...Room and when one side was ;gone in the Sr. Room the oppon= ent had four remaining; Nellie Camp- bell and Othello Heywood were cap - CLYDESDALE STOCK FOOD For Sale emelt PRAYNE Yr POWELL ALP. SCRUTON J. PREETER JONES & CLAIM AROUND ABOUT EXETER EXETER EXETER Seaforth F.T. F. Coleman Slipped Oh the fee on,Sunday and sprained his " Brussels: Ronald' Shiclair while wrestling.at school on Wednesday fell and sustained a fracture to his right Miteliell. Wilfrid RaCe has been re= engaged es head master of Sault'SL Marie high school at an increased sal- Seefortis. Win. Ouditiore's young- est ehild hitd the Misfortune to fall on the register one day lately., and was Olintors E. Sly, of the HurOn road east, hotppen6d to slip in gettiblgokoeuthoisf a wagon on Thareday and leg at the thigh. Olintow Mr; tionibrai‘ivho hu had chottge of the tailoring department of 'Isas tendered liis reSigflatiOn, 11$ he ex. pects to goon the read. Parkhill Mra. Barnum, wife of 1. L. Barnum, masiagerof the 'Canadian St. Meryp: Noble Johnston won the ,$20 gold coin, by goessing the *leered number of 'beau in the jar which was on. exhibition in Mr. MeGolrick win. dow. ' Olinton. Miss K. N. Fialier, who has been running the book store at Winghain for W. Cooper & 0o., has 'purchased the stock, and A. T. Cooper wati there last week making the trans. the Doty Engirt(' works, WAS working on a cylinder. when it fell on hie knees bruising him somevvhat and be will be off work for two Cr three days through, IltirKtlitlet A number of friends end neighbors, gathered at the home of Mr. Arthur Mitchell on Prides,' night lest end particinated in an Ora* ter oupper end spent a, very plessoint time eocially. Ooderieb. The three boys Morrow, Welters Ana Beattie, whose. term of impriaonmerit expires Tueeday, were brought up agein the Remo day,. tech being charged with breeking from litwful custody. Brucefield. Word Wait reeelved here Saturday of the doeth of Miss Iferlith Hunt, of Toronto. fortnerlir of olir va- lise. flint lied been All for nearly a year with irestuotniption, and had bet reeched het lath yeet. Seitforth. John Lightowler hits trerviel hie/entity anti *greets to Inger 4011, having seemed a good position in Clinton. Mies -Corot Newcombe him token a posithw as soprano stiloist for the ebolr of 161110,11 Head itethodiet church end will Weave fur there its a few days. fib* will be accomptinied by Mies Helen Frost, itnother charm rouag lady of toms, who go.' oo visit to frauds. Mrs. Livingetone. .W41. owed LAO in the north ward, hiss hems rather unfortunate. Alsout year ego she sustatined a fracture 6f one of her arm/. and on Saturday She fell tie a idiPpery walk and again fractured the atiuse area. St.' M'arys: Win. Maxwell, who hos been connected with the M'axwell worka for it munber of you* has re. *yes of the works presented him with a handsome dress *nit CABO and an addrese. St, Marys: George Brenner has re. signed his position as night constable and will move to Stratford shortly where he has secured a situation. W Zittiner la acting as night consta- ble until a new appointMent is made by tht council. * Hullett. The many Mende of Thos. Quigley, an old resident of this town. ship. were very sorry to hear of Ids death on Sunday., after an illness of less than a weric. Ile lived on the Oth concessioo, a 's was well known and respecte He had reached the age of 78 years, his wife dying about six years ago. A family of three daughters and five,sons survive him. Parkhill. Yfr. Jos, Volk, while Ltasit slating to shoe a horse at Hawkey' blacksmith. shopisvasso unfortunate a to receive Severe injuries. The 'hors reared u and -in corning doitarstruck Mr. Vol on the leg with one of its front feet, tearing his trousers clear to the bettonlendliruising_his\leg, Mr. Talk making an efforkto get out of the way turned quiekly and hy some means sprained hisankle. S. -Clinton. Dan McGinnis, who has lived Goderich tdwnship for nearly thirty yeara WAS. brought to the House of Refuge on Wednesday. . Dan. has neVer known 'Mich of creature cone forts except it beef a spirituous nature and is now old, feeble and siek. He was Ohee before an inmate' of the House of Refuge atal do what he would thekeeper catildn't. get Dan to sleep anywhere elite 'thee on the floor, so strong bad the custom' become. • Crentn Sodas Canada's firma crackers. Crisp. inviting. dekiou,s. the air -tight I;oxes, that loop them in fauldess Your grocer - Miss Amy Elder reeelewilem. pleasant surprise On true$day eveitho e when her Sunday school class esiteeitt her home and presented her wit** beautiful' dressing ease 410 leittle41 perfume. Miss Elder is, one ot-$11ap in St. Andrew's ehurch Sunday was feared atthe time was mote seri- ous than it subsequently tiirned out to be. One of his legs from the knee down is artificial and while walking dOwn Etattenbury street be slipped arid fell heavily. It was thought at first his good leg bed blee broken, but on examination by the doctor it was found that the injury was cOnfined a bad sprain of the shortened limb- Godericb. On: Tuesday, ,on high noon, a large congregation Was preS- arriage Miss Dello neice of Mrs.' Peter AdmansonsOhurcb street to Waiter E. Kelly, jeweller, of Goa., erich. The ehurch was nicely decor,: ated and the music wag excellent, the wedding march, by Mr. Lethbricir, who acted as orgartist. being a choice yaerformances Sharp at twelve, Rev. s. A. Anderson eonstnenced the cere- mouy that made one of two of our popular residents. , , Ilullett. Mrs, Nath Jehnston enter- ed an action for dailiages against the Guylph and Goderich railway for in- juries received on. September 5th last, while driving ailoeg the division toad on jobn And,erson's farm. .The accid- ent was caused by the horse becoming frightened at the steam shovel, and bolting, threw Mrs. Johnston from the buggy breaking her collar bone and cutting her body on .sornefence wire. Col. A. H. Macdonald, of Guelph, see- retaey for the railwey, went to Goclee• lob Thursday and made a settlement with Mrs, Johnston by paying her DiamoAd iyo .3,E.A., SAVED 1.10Wk AND PROVED 74.4138$1.M.S DIAMOND DYE,: Ore Hummers-. vays N T P Our Canadian women iterr in mind that weak, adulterated Awe. imitation package glyes iire -sad by some dealers who catelittio. for tam mtithers and daughters. If iou would have bornedyeingatme successfully and profita tilv, insist open having the DIAMOND DYES. • Never he induced to a.ccept worthless ay.tai ruin yourhands as well as yOur goride. years the favorites of One wouireiii. are sold by all progressive and busy tizaar- gists and general stoirelteep0a Canada. tepping Stones to ealth Nethina I Ate Agreed vvitia Mr. Arthui Temilsba. Too Onto, minim riettoistaseioalIv or the waste of rascntrts for all stomuk trouble.. For six or wen loam I hay* bete trovaaiod *vim twit. Sottlon v*4 dird, Tee much itoidity s stouter*, .,the trouble. It Osoorea of ° x*11104160. Mr 1111101111 at home. with Man,' „mph rte. PS TOONE, although was thm, times the Wee of "fir bought. Yet every 411.** *wow swermassamat toilet, He 040 WoOohNOSOO 000lo It Is *a* tie.sy.to cross this etreato if ably you esters cise care sad aittetattoii., Ile careful where you step. as a false step wiltlavid" you in the Illstr,anadt lova wailer*. „ You are surely weary of remaining in Sicicftes and tnifery '5 not 000 °Vet tO ISM* These stole* wire carefully laid ; each is pato* sure sad *de. 141111111,411 was produced by *Mit mad andiatisaa and is the outcome of the highest Itileltmeili Nauatelleekialte ITst it as a stepping stone( and yoa corn thus ergo over the sittusei ibritemosi in safest and hada% will greet yau. PST' Glrelideet lit permanent tura for rikinasioalak. Iliattoriay tampouniqpalsoso and an Mumma siadt Lamp Throilliesi Teaks .SEEK SAFETY IN PSYCIIINIE Ornargists On* *ease ' so.T.A.stecum. &Sao MIS mu. Cams*