Exeter Advocate, 1906-01-25, Page 3IllEA11,311 AND BEAUTY.
COM* Ennn Rich, Bed Blood made
Av. Williams' Pink Pills.
Beauty is mare than skin deep, it is
bleed ileep. There is no t'ea l beeuty,
to good health without rich, rod blood.
Evevy graeetui curve, every spasIde
the ' eye. every rosy hiush, comes from
'evade rest •hloott. Dr. ,Williums" Pink.
Pills are the greatest blood builder anti
beauty maker in the world.:.
dose ectually makes Dm, pure, Nell
blood. By maitine new blood Or. Wil
hams' Pink Pills mg
the appetite,
soothe the worried nerves, regulate the
health., They. banish paleness, , clear
What 1rs Goiug .:& u tbe Uighe
lauds and Lowlands et
Auld. Seci )tia.
Mr. James Young, Sheriif Clee,
DePlity, Lanark,s dead. .
Mr, eiesorge Amos, it ilamiltoie,
Criiriean veteran,' la e died. • ,
, A new police oftlee is to be built at
• the complexion, bring rosy cheeks and - Dahnuir at a cost of tee,000-
sparkling eyes.. they give plenty. of
strong blood for ail the delieote rime-
tioris Of wornanhood. MISS, adary lack -
son, Normenciale, (int, says: " "i, or
wards of three years I sufferel from
anaemia: I grew so weak I could setteee
ly walk about the !souse. • I had no
color in my face, my • lips and gums
were bloodless, I suffered from tlead .
aches and dizziness, and fell away in
weight until I weighed only .04 Polulle,
No treatment gave me the feast betieht
until I began the use of Dr. 'Williams'
Pink Pills Inside., of , a few weeks after
beginning the pills I began to grow kti el -
ter, and they soon restored my health
and while using them I gained fourteen
*pounds in weight. I can strongly re-
commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to
all pale and feeble girls."
There are thousands of pale areteelic
girls and women througheut Carla
who should follow the example of Mite
, Jackson, and give "Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills a fair. trial. Bright eyes, rosy
cheeks and perfect healtb would stem
fellow. When you bny the pills see
that the full name. "Dr. Williams" Pink
Pills for Pale People," is printed on the
wrapper 'around each box. . Sold by
medicine dealers" or by mail at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2,50 by writing
the Dr. Williameeagedieine CO,, RrOch-
Ile Itaeed Against ,Death with a Burning
An net of great _bravery is recorded
in the London Gazette, whien,•annOunces
e the bestoWal of the Albert medal of "he
second class on ,Edward Nicholls; a 'mi.-
' nee. employed .at the ' Lake \Neter. Consols
Mine, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
' Nicholls was worldrigtaSt April on the
1,200 feet, level of the mine with, two corn-
pinions.They had lit the fuses - to a
round of charges of dynamite, anti were
„retiring . for L ,safety to the lower Wel;
When one of the charges eplodecl.
The lights ,were all eitinguished Dy
' the explosion, and Nicholls' called out in
the darkness to know if any one were
hurt. -. He . groped his way over the (16*
brig to The spot where he heard his cone:
rade_rientley, groaning.
The six-foot ' fuses of the other four
charges : were burning at the rate . 1
ninety seconds a yard, end Nicholls
, knew lhat if he could not rescue Pis lion With the purehase by the company
comrade in less than three minutes both of ground at Inchy Green, Greenock, 'he-•
would be blown JO pieces. . longing to the Harbor Trust and the ae-
---Cf-e—difiliKrtip the incline, from the top • quirernerd of ground by the Trust from
' or which Bentley's groans carne. On 1116 the ritilWaY 'company. ,The matter has
• top he found his comrade lying under been - tteitaitin'g :. setteement for twenty
an .enormous stone. , • ' years. - ' ' - •• • , ', . ' •
,1,Teebad ;to roil the stone away before Lord- Stretticona, Glencoe, ha6 put -
he could ineve hime but lie succeeded, chased fro Mr.' MacAlpine Downie, of
in getting his comrade 'down. .. of - about twenty-five . miles', marching
, Jost as he reached a place of safety there with the estates of Sir " john; Stir -
the ether Charges exploded. -.. Bentley ling Maxwell; M. P., • Sir N. Menzies,
subsequently died of hip •injuries. • * Lord Stralbcona 'thrill luell hrdl r rdrr
' •
The Rev. J.. W. Shannon, Hawiek,as
been elected minister of Gilinore Place
Li; Fe church, 'Edinburgh.
Brevet -Major J. E.eignatiue Master -
Son, V.C., has been appointed reeruite
ing staff officer at Glasgow.
One of the oldest agriculturists in Wig-
townshire, Mr. Alexander ,Stewart, has
passed away at the age of 86.
Mrs. Mason, late of .Mill of Laminae,
Stractian, near Banchory, bas died in.
Aberdeen at the age of 00 years. De-
ceased was a native of Straclia,ne .•
General satisfaction is felt in Dum-
fries at the lienor which has been con-
ferred on the burghs by the elevation
of Sir Robert -Reid to the Woolsack.
Mr. Andrew Dougall, who was long
manager' and secretary of, the Highland
ilailvvay Company, hes diek at his Lon-
don residence. Mr. Dougall resigned,:
office just ten years ago.
Inverness proposes to fix a voluntary
assessment of 4d. per sel on houses of
rentable value of X10 and upwards in
order to provide furides to oppose the
northern railway combine.
The finest Scotch fir in the country is
one which was planted in '4700 to 00m-
memorate the Union of the Crowns. It
stands in the ,ground a of old Auchen-
dram, has a girth of 10 feet 3g inches;
a height of 87 let, and is still. floorish-
' ' c
In the annual report of the -Scottish
Rifle Association pleasure Is expressed
that the increasing • enthusiasm for rifle
shooting shottid-beve produced a total
'entry of 8,809 for last •year's ecempeth,
hone.- Africa sent even of these, --Can-
ada four, New Zeeland two and India
•one. • , •
The Rev: D. 4. Macdonald,•
has, attained his send -jubilee as an or,
Veined' minister. -Kintyre Presbytery
extended their cogratulatione,„and Mr.
ade by Cures LIU 'Pat of $imon
Landey—s11e Tells About it Himself;
River BourgoiS, Richmond Co.,' C. B.
Ian., 15—(Sneciah.---Ainorig the many ,
mon in this part of Canada. whom Dodd's '
Kidney Pills have relieved of aches and
pains and weakne.s's and Made strong'
and able to do a good day's wuric, is Mr.
Simon V. Landry. .Mr. Landry has
numerous friends here who Call. Vouch
for the story he tells of his. cure.
"I was bothered for over a year," lie
says, "with lame back, weak legs, pal-
pitation of the heart, general wealmess
and shortness of breath; in fact 1 could
not work -and was a total Wreck.
'I could not get anything to help me
till I tried Dodds Kidney Pilla. But
they did me good and no mistake. I
used three boxes and tin back at work
It is the cures that make Dodd's 'Kid-
ney Pills so popular. Their popularity
has grown steadily -for thirteen years.
It must "be Well founded.
That's why any went= is atter Itot oar
chesee iivay that old tired fee ling mad MU her with sot Wes
SO pF.Licipus, Too.
ly one best tea. Blue Ribbon's It.
OshawaSteel Shingits
The armored cruisers Which are being
built et -Clydebank, Fairfield and Elswick
for the British Government *will be the
most powerfully armed in th.e, world.
They vill each carry four .12 -inch arid
'ten 9.2 -inch guns. It may be •doubted
whether such a gun power can be 40,
eonamodated 011 a displacement Of, eaet.
16,000 tans, but the recent developerient
of the battleship goes to show that it is
quite possible. It is a great achievement.
for Sir Philip Watts to give an armored
cruiser With the. Lord, armee
Merit On e.displaceinent of less than
hhat of tne
Their complete 'home cure. Post
free to readets of this paper.
, Sox- limited period only".
A handstime illtistrated treatise,
t,..t full. 1 wr}4 on ce PlumMatisin and
Macdonald's former essistants • resident ;eretswis, ieetritetions for a coin-
'Sbotland,, fourteen in • nutriber, are tote ome Cure, describing the most
coreinentled by the lilinistry and end s.
presenting him with a tangible token' ef eileeeestur treatieent ' .the ro-
thoir esteern,, GT
ed by medical men. his inglity in-
Aberdeen students ,have, decided to
raise a bill of sushension, in the recent
ccinviction of a student • for throwing a
a, bag of.peesetrietil and breaking a win-
dow inel tramcar In Union 'Street. The
students era, determined to leave. no
stone 'unturned in ,Order to conserve
their valued privilege of. melting theme
selves an occasional nuisance.
Greenock Harbor Trust • have nude' ae
claim'. against the Glasgow and South -
Western. Railway for £20,006 in 'conneee,
Lord Bredalbane,•-i and several other.
R .is one.ef• the finest' grouse and deer
al11,01.1.001) INDIGESTION.;Iliad -
• preserveselnelle an . • .
.. A • Ayrshire has just lost,. by the:, death
s of :captain John' Marr, one of Its most
Nothing is more common• In cliteliodlePorainent seafaring figures. The' care
than indigestion. . Nothing is inore lain was born at; Troon, in 1841, the son
dangereus to privet, grOWtresmore weak. •of one of -the .• leading 'captains • of, the
eeentrig to the constitutidn, or more likely day, and at the early age of eleven went
to pave lhe way to dangerous disease. to sea with his father.- .After sailing for,
Nothing is more easy 4o keep under con- various owners, he .lotried the City Line
-trot, ,for proper food and Baby's Own in 1.876;' and for a quarter of a century
_Tablets will cover' the whole ground.
Here • is strong proof. Mrs. G. G. Irv-
ing, Trout Break, Que.'say: "My baby
boy was troubled with-chronie indiges-
tion andwas a constant sufferer. No-
thing helped him until I tried Baby's
Own Tablets, but these esiomptly cured
hfin and he is now as nealthyea littie
lad as you would care to see. I always
keep the,, tablets in the houSe and they
quickly cure all the troubles of child-
hood.' Every mother should. keep these
Tablets on hand. They euro all the
'minor ailments 'of *children, .and their
prompt' administration when trouble
comes may BONO a precious, little life.
They are guaranteed to contain no opi-
ate or harmful drug. You can ."` -get
Baby's Own Tablets from any druggist
or by mail at 25 cents a box by writ-
ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
. Brockville, Ont.
etructive book was written by W. H.
•Verio,ei• gentleman , who has made- a
study Or these diseases. The preface is
bya grz,cittekte of the 'University or
Wurtzburg. Send postal to -day and
you will receive the book free by tem.
frurn.—Address,' Veil° Drug Co., „:44.
Kin*. St.., WeSit, Teronto •
. .
Mabe l (studying her -' leseen)--"Papa,
what is the" definitionof' volubility?"
Niabel's Father—"My : child, .Volubility
a' distinguishing feature of •your mo -
thee when, .oh account of urgent husk
riess affairs, I don't . happen to reach
home until after two e'clecle in the
• ,
What Makes you Despondent?-- Has
"the stomach gone wrong? . Katie' ' the
-nerve centres grown tired and listless?
Are you threatened with nervous pros-
tration? South American lelefvine is Na-
t:tire's corrector, 'Makes the stomach rich.
gives a world of nerve force, keeps the
circulation perfect. -A regular constitu-
tion. builder for rundown people. Orie
ladeessayse "I ewe my lifeto it." -84
...e.ose •
"—Mrs. G.—"I. never ' have any trmilale
with. baby. I've only to sing to ,hirn and
he goes off to sleep at once." Mrs, P.
(gushingly)—"What a knowing child"
Which is the thriftiest toWn. in Eng-
land? Speaking at the foundatien-stone
laying at the new savinge bank at Pres-
ton, Alderman Doper, the actuary, said
that years ago Samuel Smiles stated
that Preston. *as the thriftiest town in
the country. This' \was true to -day.
Thrall& the medium of fifty penny
banks and the savings banks the deposi-
tors totalled over half the population of
the town, and duringehis connection
with the bank elle ,capital had increased
from X170,00' to £1,700,000.
„es , as explctined by 'Professor
" Darwin, is a substance which is perliaits
millions of times more powerful than
dynamite. Thus, it is estimated that an
Omen of radium 'would contain enough
vowel' to raise 10,0(X) tone 0. mile above
the 'earn& surface. Another way of Stat-
ing the same estimate, is this: The energy
needed to tow 4% Ship a 12,000 tons a
distence of 6,000 sea miles tit fifteen knots'
.1 ontained in 2Zozs, of radium. The
Saxon probably burns 5,000 or -6,000 'tone
of coal on a voyage of approximately
the same length.
' "What aro you studying now?" asked
Mr'. Cninrox. "We have taken up the
suhi(o of etnoleeellee," answered her
em. "I hope you will' - attentive
and practise eonstert d the mei,
Ther. "I eg,y
trled tot
, _er to weer
te hut he could...it ni stay In his
was „a valued servant of that erm. For
many years he commanded the .City
of Bombay, .and about fifteen"years ago
with this vessel broke the then existing,
"tea" record from India IA this country,
carrying the largest lea cargo that had
UI' to that (late been brought froro Cal-
cutta to London:
Sepleigh—"Each night before retiring
I write down- .me thoughts in a little
notebook, doneher know."
Miss Culling ---"Indeed! And how long
have -you heal doing that?"
Sapleigh—"About, three yeahs."
Miss Cutting—Then you rnest have
the first page nearly' filled by this
tiOilir it ,Oftert IlapperiS From Coffee.
"I had no idea," writes a Duluth Mao,
"that et was the coffee I had been drink-
ing all my' life that wee responsible for
the headaches whielt were growing up-
on me, for the dyspepsia that no Medi-
eineS would relieve, end for the acute
neryousness whath unfitted me not OnlY
for work but also for the most Main- were cultivated on artificial media away
o.ry social' functions. from the body and were found' to car -
"But a! last the truth dawned upon respond in every, respect to those of
Inc I fovenvith bade the harmful hever- the human eubjeet.
age a prompt farewell, ordered in some In case the animal had been in -the
Postum and began to use it." The good hab't of sleeping in the same bed ,as
effects of the new food driek were up-
•ptu'ent within a very few ,days. 11,1y
headaMies grew less frequent, and de-
creased in violence, my dontach grew
strong and able to digest my food with.
out distrus of any I;ind, niy nervoiet-
nese has gone and I am able to enjoy
life with my neielibore and eleep sound.
ly Weights. My pliyeleal strength arid
nerve power have ,increased so much
that 1 ean do double the work I used to
do, and feel no undue fatigue after.'
"This impfovement set in just t18 soon
iv; the old toffee poison had $o woeldel
out of my system al to allow the food
elemente in the Pestutri to get rt hold to
build me up twain. I cheerfully teetify
that it was Post= rind Postum alone
Had did all this, for when 1 began to
drink it I 'threw hilYsie to the sloes:"
Name given by Posture' Co., Battle
Creek, Miele Mrs. Iteraelaiddy- -"Wane is the dcao
Three pi reasen. Read the fernous est epot on earth after all." Mr. 11.
littler book "The notut to Weliville" in when you rennt in the rent end
Pkgt the servant's wages."
ot • PA .4.4A
1‘ ter*
,$5,000 paid to
ereon who, proves that
sunlight Soap ,conrairia any
injuneue chemical* ,or uy
form of adulteration.
Vetter than other soaps,
but is best when used in
the Sunlight way,
S‘untight Soap contains
no injurious' chemicals,
Sunlight Soapis pure
'soap, scientifically made.'
Every step in its :manu-
" facture is watched by an
'expert chemist.
Sunlight Soap , saves
labor, and ,the 7....year of
rubbing Which aitronon
. .
soaps require in washing
„ •.
• Your .moneyrefunded by
the cleaier, from ' vvhorh. You buy
Sunlight Seep if you find 4.ny cause
for complaint. '
' * '
Leiter Brothers Limited, Toronto
. .
Fir0 14,„
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from 12.85 to $5.10
per hundred square feet coveriog measure. This is the most desirable ems -
ring on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses, 13arns, Stores, Fele
vetoes, churches, etc. Any handy man an lay the "OSHAVA" shing4s. A
hammer and enips are ,the only tools required.
. We are the largest and oldest company of Vie 'kind ,under the British
flag, and have covered tbousends of the hest buildings, throughout Canada,
makingthem • •
We also rnaunfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, (Conduct& Pipe end
METAL SHINGLES, in imitation of brick or stone.
METAL CEILINGS, in .2,000 designs.
Write for Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Writs
. to -day.
MIE131310.303003CsogIAM' le.134C01P3Csaa,
"Incr. "41.01111(1"ter.u--- OiTArtvsst stiortor, St./biter caolkoillinsro. St ""71401.111.orobra. rot i't.,""Ale.sts""Poortorlit 1.0s*t.
witrwrouzloguisav,orri,_—__osherw,_2-04 onts_citn_ada.
Head Office and Works,
The ;Southern California New.
- Best theutte • e
The Los Angeles Limited,electric
lighted, new „from the Pullman shop's,
with • au. latest innovatione' for travel
comfort, , leaves. Chicago ',10.05 . P. M.
daily, arrives , Los Angeles 4.45_,1'.
third day via Chicago, Union' Pacific
N,ortheWeStern Line and The Salt Lake
Route. Pullman. drawing -room •and
tourist sleeping ears, composite' obser-
vatien ear, 'dining ears, a la 'carte •ser-
vice. For rates, sleeping car reserve -
tions and full' particulars; apply to your
nearesteagent, or address, B. . Bennett;
2 -East-King St, Tabun), Ont.' •
• .
I3oarder (warrely)— Oh t know every
one of the tricks of your trade. Do you
think 1 -have • lived in a boarding house
twenty years for nothing? •
Landlady -(frigidly) — I eliouldn't be
at all surprised,
Sleeplessness.—When the . nerves „are
unst)ung and the Whole body . given Up
to veretehedness, when the mind is fill*
ed Witb gloom and dismal forebodings;
brothing 'looks more 'ugly, than to see the: result of derangement or the gimes.
with warts. Why have • these disfigure- , to the dietreSS If only the subject
MOrIt8 on your person when a sure re. could sleep, there would , be oblivion. for
mover of, all warts, corns, etc.. can be 11- while and temporary 'relief. Fern:ie.-
' found .in llollotvay (Joni Lure.
ift Person whose hands are covered over five organs, sleeplessnees mules to add.
An old coupleeettere gazing at asenerlde
mernorial to a.leishop, which showed him
sinking. into the arms of an allegorical
figure intended to represent the Angel
or Death: The old lady surveyed the „o
monument erfilealIY, and then remarked Ile won't allovv eve.ri me, his counsel, to
thatit was a good Aikeness of the 'Bish- approach him." "Maybe he is not so
OP. "Big," She added; "it bit like era•zy after ell," murmured the, Court,
his "wife. I knew her well, and she wore in a judicial whisper. e
ree's Vegetable rills will not only -in.
ducesleep, but will aet sus benenciatty
that . the subject will ' refreshed
.and restored to hanpinest. , • ,
"Your honor," said the attorney, ""this
man's insanity takes the form of a. be-
lief that etteryorie wants to. rob him, * "All I have In dile world owe to my
wife," murmured' the soillioriaire, who
Was about to fait, "and I think I had
better square up with her now." And
hie Proceeded to put all his possessions
in his wife's. name.
, Heart Disease: :Believed in 30 • Minutes.
"They 'Say the EeltiM68 are avery ab-
stemious ,people." '
"Never make a night • of it, eh?"
"Most assuredly not: A inert: couldn't
very well stayout for six xis.onthi."
• •
•••,' You need not shed any tears if yon will Mt
te The D Kaaba * on
that lame Viand be conrineed..
- Mr. 'Penquick—"Yes, wrettee_wae aw-
fully near-sighted when we wereeisterri-
ed.' • Alice (with conviction)e--"She !Mist
elaVe been." •'
"Man is Filled ' With Misery." This
is • not true • of all men. The Well,.
:Sound of lung, clear of eye, alert and
'buoyant , With health, aro .not miserable, ,
whatever' may . be -their soeial. condition..
To. he well is to be happy, and we can
all be well by getting and keepieg our
bodies in 8. healthful state. Dr. Thom-
as' 'Iglectric, Oil Will help all to do this.
Veteran laud Strip
, • •
"Yes," saktv the veteran of many wars,
, •
Wanted—state price and amount avail.
91„Wellesley St, Toronto.
"I'have Participated .in seventeen enga-
'merits."' "What," exclaimed the pretty
,young widow; "ancl,you are still a bache-
lor?" e. - •
• "Belle is such a mannish girls She .
wears a man's top -coat, a man's fedora
and a man's tie. Now she is thetelting
about getting. 4 man's • toiler."
"Well, there is one thing She will nev-
Lifie 'little volcanoes of disease, the ernptimii
�f 'eczema pour out discharges. Bad blood causei
the trouble. Tho local remedy i weaver's Carate,"
and Weaver's Syrup will drive the polOon from thle
blood. •
spectocles and side carls."
ritual -Petted AnimaLlikely to be Vehicle
• Disease.
• • •
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives
perfect, relief in all cases of Organie or
Sympathetic Heart Disease in 80 minutes
and ,epeedily affects a cure. 11 1; a beer -
less remedy for Palpitation, Shortness
of ,Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in
the Left Side, and all symptoms of a
-The apparently harmless 'domestic cot
'Diseased Heart. One dose convirices.-83
is a so•uree of great danger, atcording
to the London Lancet, for two eases of '
Diphtheria have practically been traced Gussie—"Do you think she'll marry
to children kissing and Petting these You?" • Jack--"rm afraid not. I propos-
ed by post, yon know, and although sile'
a ,
The bacteriologist for' the Burgh ef wrote two lettere in reply there wag no
Govan is resPonsible for this latest encouragement in them." "indeed??
medical scare. -Ile has iseued an inter- "Yes; the letters were %es": ,
estiog report on the result of hie investi-
gation Intl:, the possibility of the infec- Xi yolir children moan and are rest.
tion of diphtheria being carried by, the les3 during 81°aP" "litaell' when' awake,with lo; 3 of appetite, pale counter..
lo•ver animals, especially cats* totrAl. Pleking Of the niece, ote„ you
Two ('Lt; v. - taken to the la.bora-, depend upon it that the primary CtiAlt"
tory, where their throats were exam- of tho trouble is worms. Mother
Died. MiCro-organisms from .the throat f9erel'en:'S Ntv,Csul 11;.'gftrmoi.-ttrieree°ffregi;Viii'.g
the patient; and in the other the child
had heen carrying it in her arms anti
kissing it, ea 'children frequently do
With demestic pets.
As both eats- had been oiling before
Ili' children became affected, infeetion
is gene likely to have been carried, in
tide way, atid it is perfectly reasonable
euppose that, similar instances of un-
detected or •unreCognized attack() of die -
ease among the lower aninials have
materially contributed to the prevalence
et diphtheria.
Enpeek wets dining at the hone, of a
friend. "'Will you have some of the
terigue?" rieked the hostess. "No thank
you, replied Entrk; "I get too much
of that at home.'
the saffeereref.
-"Cede," eaid the trolley car conduc-
tor,: "you mustn't stand, on the back
platform. *fey brealcin the rules.'
"Some of 'cm ain't" piped en .the to.
tie roan; "they're .standin' on. my feet."
• , — • •
. - —
The Pall of ,Ithetrinatic Pains.-- When
a sufferer finds permanent relief in shah
a meritorious medicine as Smith keieri-
can '11heureatic. Cure, how glad he is to
tell it. C. W; Mayhew, of Thamesville,
e:‘' get."' ,
"What'e,. that?"
"A ruan's heart."
the ehOstess had been trylaigIn vain
to eeex a. young tatty ,to sin
Little' Willie—"Graridad what makes
1 •
4 man always .give a woman' a dianiond "
engagement,ring?" ,Gratialatliet—"The,
• Wornari."'
:ganliglit florin 10 'bitter than otter soapy
!hnt i b,ent wbort urea jn
Sul Binge1itg*"..0(1 follow throctiou.
"Walter, these are very ,srn ' by
ere." "Yes, .sir." "And the 'd nit a.pe.
pear to be ...fresh,' either." "Then it's
luchy they're small; ain't it, sIrr,
A riatter of Importime.e. to all these who *VI
run down and debilitated, is the fact that
"Ferrer -1m is tho beat fmtio ever componnded,
It Orbs strength and betide up the systera.
'Have rnoke., old min?" •Said Stitt-
jay,,Proffeeing,,eyeed. ;"faict thank you,"
replied WisemanT
. ' `What 6 ',•tfiti "ifiattirr-
Don't you enjoyea good. cigar?" "Yes;
that's what's the matter."
The Flagging raieegies„ ttevived.,--Coore
otant application to businces is tan
upon the energies, and If there ba
relaxation, lassitude and depressiori are
sure to interVeine. These come from
st.omach troubles. The want of exer-
cise . brings op nervous irregolaritite.
and „lhe, stomach ceases to assimilate
food properly. In this condition Par.
Vegetable 'Pills will be fund a
recupe.rattve of rarer power, restoring
the organo to healthful action, dispel
Ing depression, and reviving the /bagging
A A.:
Three different waiters nt dinner
aelted IX 'prim, precise professor, if * '
would have 'soup., Annoyed, he said to
the last wallet who asked' the questeon:
"Is •it compulsory?" "No, sir," said the
On4. couldn't walk of feed hireself ler waiter; "it's mock turtle.
months—home years ago three bottles of
this great remedy cured,hitu —not a pain
since—isn't that encouragenieet far rhea.
matic sufferers? -82 ' •
Mrs. Sones—"And have you any ref-
hrenceel" Applicant---"N0e murne,
tore 'em up." Mre. Jones lin surprise)
—"Tore them ept How foolish!" Ape
plicant—"You wouldn't think so, mum,
ig /on had seen ferit."
Time tries nit things, and 101 Bickle's
Ahti-Connumptives 1.;yrup has 'stood • the
tent of ;veers it now ranks, ,as a lead-
ing mediae In the treatment of all ail-
raents of the throat and lungs'. It
will 'soften end subdue the most etub-
born tough by relieving the irritation,
and restore the affected ,organs to
healthy, Conditione. Ilse will show
itS• value. Try it and be cOnvineed of
its ellicaey.
The situation' is seldora -quite as bad
to might be. Happy is the spirit that
recognizes this truth, and takes comfort
to Itself 'in the. thought of what is spar -
M. The Irishman whose tale of calam-
ity ig related in the Birminghaul l'hst
belongs to this elioice class of foetu-
nates. •
Eaesidy had juet been injured in a
"Poor le'yl." exclaimed 011a.ra,
ingly, " "ris toheedi luck to have yer
'Arid hlowed off."
"Oehl Faith, It might have been
worse," replied Cansidy, "Spppove Ord
had me week's wegee in it ' at that
There Is no rota thin* ae a barreless cough
The trouble goes from had to worse unless eheelr..
• ed, )1.11en's lantig Balsam cures the wort
11 aIl&yi inittonmation out clears the..0,1` pegs:slaw
Ma•-e"Tornity, you seem to love papa
better than yeti do me." e Tornmy—"Oht
ma, I don't mean to; hut, you me, p11
rit Of*
ith cern&
...shod her 12141 n
Wool: "Hew do you like your new
digginge'.'" Van Pelt: "MI right, 'ex-
te,pt that the man atereas the hall ie
learning to play the flute." "You ought
to get an eetordion.° "I did; that's why
lee got the flute."
always, has his pockets 'full o." pennies."
"Bought my Life for 35 Cents.' Thi
vvas one , man's way of putting it when
lie bed been pronounced incurable from
chronic -dyspepsia. It • was a livirig
death to me until I tried.Dr. Von Stan's
Pineapple Tablets. Thanks to them
to -day I arn well, and I tell tny friends
I bought my life for cents." 60 in a
"Yes," Said Miss Pass.o.y oyty, "it is
true that Mr. Dumley orid I tiVe to
partnrs for life." • "Well, well,"
claimed Mi:;:' Pert, "tvhat a reeponsibre
ity for you, being the senior parhiert*
feroosmovormverwomprampolloommomisirs,s, reos
Cash' or Cure
11 C cote kat to core
•per Cold or , you get hack all yort
pekt for it. You aro sate of el Core or
the Ca, ,
WO won't kr. ware ewe* this eler ereelct
siotibe *ale.
C416 **Phi% 'be law)
if it* lit,* a Cold, Omsk or may dhows
el the Thieet,bs. Mt Moor*. osi'
'11 3s3
Orit twee.
T N V Inmit no. -414I