HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-01-18, Page 10UPPLEMENT TO
Exeter, Ontario, March 8th, 1906
Stepnen Council met as a Court of
Revlaitio ttYitear the appeals re Mud
-Creel; Drain, in Town Hall, Crediton,
'Monday, March 5,! at 10 a.m. After
i li mel!ber of tlie. Council had taken
• the necessary oath,, they took the
sworn evidence of all,perspins present,
'Who appealed.against their assesament.
*The i5lwing°"changes; in the. Engl.
-x +a : repo;$. v .as to allowances and
eompeni ttiorr;to ,be paid were made,
r iz:T� he assessment ;on ' Lot 3.9, °on,
0r'-°. ion' ,allowance . was divided into
threeparts, viz; W., 62'acres to be al-
' Io d- "i.10; 8. E. 20 acres' to be al-
lowed $21; N.E., 18 acres tobe allowed
$18.90. The following changes were
4Lot l9aCsna. $.O. Weillivray Tp,, toI,ot 19 C?on.N.13.
if 20 44 �.ff ... 44 .f 19. 46 .f4
8 .4{::'11.44.. .f 4i '..3 tf 15
s. 4- 64 11 ' ., ' 46 44 _4 f. 15
f, . 5 . '60 11 ; .,116 46 5 .. 15
1. ``
tnt'iaten adjourned to meet, again
in Town ,Hall, Crediton, Saturday,
Marc'1,=at I o'clock. After • Court
• c#1" Reztiiiitni had adjourned. Council
'',.':ipe`t fou the transaction of reguia.rFbus-
in _,.:f. present. Minutes' of last
iagread and adopted. 1{'itikbein-
^v- "earley that the . , ditors' re-.
dived.-'=7arriecl.' Aetistion.. was pre-.
sented tib `the Council, ,'praying ' that
Pettliteftohool Section No. 1 be divided
n o two `sections.' 'The Council
+the cleriZrto tuna,il.each` of the
trustees of the ppresent4,$,S.- No. 1 ,a
registered letter, notifying them that
they-.Iaw dividingthissection would-
' be cotteidei ed on Mo.tnday, April 2nd,
at 10A,m. and that; he Council would
betettaredto' receive any 'objections
t,.p ing 'of'-sueh By Law • from
the'*Otis interested.'' And further
that a .netieee to that effect be inserted
in "the•Exet.er'=Times and Exeter -Ad•'
vacate. At Arson -Webb -That: Tay-
• Laws Nock. 5..and.'0 of X1906, .having; been.
read a third tinier be paeeed and sign -
the leeve.aud Clerk and theseal
of . ', tiorpora-tion attacrhed`thereto,=�•
C11atir7�ted. W. D. Sanders and John
Brow were• re -appointed Drainage
• Viewers. Resolved that Pathmasters,
-� Pgindkeepers and Fence Viewers for
;, tit$= resent year, be appointed on 2nd
;;Aper next. Tbe"foliowing, orders were
pp*ed,; - Tieing Bros., account $8.05;.
.etpenses for removing.
. F., "eincto House of Refugee.$5.65; J.
Wein, rep.- Aux' Sauble. bridge, $4.25;
p'. moist, do., $2; W. Anderson rep.
,„; Eeery bridge. $5; J. Grob, work on
43rd`ti.r..,$2; d. ,Link, " attendance on
Ehlers Board of Heialth,. $6; Advocate
Printing Co., account and supplies,
.1 aiid`"prihting 'Mud' Creek By -Law,
$131.94F. Green; gravel, N.H., $18.40;B oinp&stege, $8; W. Witzel,
`rep• tpfgravel,
'$(1. : Council
Adjourned to Saturday, March 17, at 1
p.trt►H. Eilber,. Clerk.
GOSh011'1.Liiii Stepl ea��
(Wended for last week.)
ER.• -The.. Zut�ieh (+un Club` and an
aggregation of the Goshen Line boys,
levelled guns in a friendly shoot. Tues-
day last on Mr., Peter Krafts farm, the
object being to.shoot-foran oyster slit
,Per.. There was some ' good `shooting
bone in both -sides .nut 'th'e Stephen
boys came out victorious.Following is
the •score: -=•Stephen -Yearley 7, F.
Snell 9, G.`Maw bin ney 5, Lnetuis Kraft
5, W. Mawhinney 8,• R. Mawhinney, 8,
R. Sheardown 0, T. ' Mawhinney`6, G.
•Hirtzel 5. Total 66. Zurich= --A.. Mittle-
holt' 7. A. Sipple 9, B. O'Briep 4, -'H.
.Yoking 4, C... Rau 5, W. Stephens 4,
O. Weaver 0, C. Mawhinney -6, '0.R`Di*
ney 2, W. O'Brien 4. Total 45. , Mrs..
Kraft field a'quilting•bee the same d4•
and quite a ntulaher of the good ladies
of the neighborhood .gathered to; do
duty. They succeeded in taking off
two quilts., In the evening a very en-
joyable time was s ent by all present
The following is the reports of `the
of S.S. N,,,.;5,Usborne. Namesin_.or-
der of merit. The results being based
chiefly upon the weekly eXflninations.
Sr. IV,•Herbert J3issett, 'Wr . Siliery,
Norman Perkins,; Lloyd Rivers, •Ger-
don Herwood. Jr.. IV,-- .Myrtle
Moodie, Hazel Bissett. . Joe Sillery,
John ' Riley, Herman Days aai n Mary
ltydd, Emily Ford. Vietor Heywood, '
Sr. Ford, Blanche Ford.
Jr. III, -Irene Rivers, . Wm. Kernck,,,
Vera Hodgson, Vera Moodie, 'Elmer
McFi lls. "1I. Hn h Sillery Ed. "•'Sil-
lery, Emma Fisher, Rufus Restle: Aids=
tin Fond, Gertit,Johns. .Nnr� nart Johns.
Sr. Pt. JI. -Harper Rivers, Freddie
Perking, Irene Ford. Jbsenla Kernick.
Jr. Pt. Harris, Arthur Ford,
Pt. 1.--IlTery n Davman
' • P. Gowans, Teacher.
Scnoor. REPORT: -Follow le.the
standing of the pupils of 5."S; • No..,5.
°McGillivray,' for the month' of. Jan.
Names in orderof merit. V. -lames
pp O'Leary 856, Tito `O'Leary 703, ' Ray
in games, and dam eiing,'until midnight. ' mond Coughlin '575 'V. -Fred Lewis
when the oysters were emitted and then,: 1837, Arnold. Coughlin- 1734, Aaron
all departed for their. respective home. Scott, 1422, Violet Short 1239, 'Thomas
Kilmer 1043, Eliza Hodgins -385.,, ,' III.
_ Alice Lightfoot 1735,` Lorne Sholdice'
St; `M"ailr s, The drug'l a�isin ss F • 1462, Ella' Hadgins. 1400, Philotnene
Y pp F. 'Coughlin 1203, • Dalton Lewis. 1067,
Sanderson been purchased by., .Johnuy0 nghlin 4)65, -1Wr. Maguire
Messrs. Frank H. Smith: & go. _ Mr. 352. IL -Alex. Hodgins 1579, i eery
Smith comes from Mar ham.:' ;Hodgins,.152e, Melvin • Lightfoot : 79A..
St. Marys:, George Ifutchings, who .,Lizzie Cook ,ti61 , 'Wm. Tilbury 584,
has been a resident of St.' Marys for WinnieO'.I;eary 4O' ,Alton Sholdice423.:
nearly half a century, died at his home, Pt. II., -Gordon Lewis 1796, Mary Hod-
Sunday, Feb. 25, aged '74 years. ' • • ins 1613, Merton. Morley 1506, •Fior-
ence Kilmer 1028.Oecil,Jones #381, Vera
ilarmilon 807, Cornelius Coughlin 681.
Harold *O'Leary.SOL Sr. It. I.--Nor.-
man Short 824, Mary Delancey': 817,
Sylvia ;Jones 657. Clarissa Scott 617. •
Matilda Dauncey 578, Elsie Lewis = 517,
Wm, Hodgins 260. "•Jr. -Part .I. --Roy
Hodgins 783, Cecil Lightfoot 134. No.
on roll 40, average attendance 34,"
Alvina. Wilson, Teacher.
feeling that 411: had enjoyed a good
School Reports.
,The following as the report for S:+ 8.
No. 2, .'Stephen; for February: V. -
Roy Hill', 77:4 ' Sr. IV.-Laura,.,Sims 84,.
Herbert' Mitchell 80, Clayton,Siws"733;.
Olive King 72,•Everett Sims 71. Jr..
IV. -Beryl Hill 70, Mary.Chaa.nnbere,69.
Jr. Sims76, Lillian Stabls 74
Sydney Smart, and Matilda Edwards 70 w
(equal). Jr. 1T -- Viola' Cornish.. 90, McGillivray.
Irving.Stahls 73,:Gertrudeins 70 ,Oounerl met_ .per'snat t_to djr trr
.Andrew 'Flanagan 61, 'Elizabeth Siris, went in Town Hall„ McGillivrey,.,Meh.„
55. Jr.Part II. -Myrtle Sims 75. ,,: ' Fr'esent. J'. Robinson, Reeve; W.T.
O i11. Turner, Teacher. LTlens, J.. Gibson. J. Poore, -and. W.
Mtwson, Councillors. Minutes of last
Thefollowing is: a correct report' of meeting
read; approved of and signed.
the standing of the pupils of, S.S. r No. ' J1en s-Poore-thatt James Neil be re-
3. Stephen, for the month of Febrriarir. appointed to the Board of Health and
Namesare in order of merit. Se. IV.--. Thos. Pearson . be appointed in stead
T. Penhale, F. Beaver, •11: Preszcator, of James Gibson. -Carried. UJ'lens--
().Ford, '11. Triebner, 1C Willis,• 11'. MMawson-that the Auditors' report as
•,Parsons. , Sr.III.=-G. Dearing,: E. Par-. read be accepted and 800 copies he--
sons, E. Triebner, S. Willis, M. San- pr nted.�--Cairried, Poore---Uletek that
ders. Jr�.' IH.-F.liearwan, 1'. Dearing, the Reeve be nstructed'to consult our:
G. Hicks, J. 1'Villis, • F. Preszcator, E. Solicitor regarding the legality 'of op-
Shitpton. Sr, IL -A. Willis, G. San- eointing inspectors toeh'force the B
ders, F. Triebnei', C. Paa.rsoi�s,,A.'Willis. La:w prohibiting . stock from running
Jr, II, Shapton, 0...Preszcator, G. , at large, -Carried. • Gibson -Poore- ..
Penhale. Sr. Part 1I, --G. ,Stanlake. .that accaiuits, amounting ,to $142.40;
Sr. Pt.'T1. M. ,Willis, R. Pai,rsotas, O., be ;paid. -Carried: Council adjourned
I:''riebner.-` Part 1.-- G. Ileaman, V. to meet- in the Town Hall, . the.first
Preszcator. No. on roll 32 average at- Monday in April; at' o'clock.
'!tendance 30.. -Percy S. Banes, Teacher. J'. D. Drummond, Clerk.