Exeter Advocate, 1906-01-18, Page 8Take Your Time • "When you. ate readY to lotok w0 at'41 ready to show yea. Wiwi* yeti are ready to buy, we are eaily tsefl If yea are iu a hurry, eo will wet*. Made4o-order Clothing Made with care. with sty t, to please, • , ' And at no time doyoupay more an ththe lowest possible price. Fit7""""1"1,11 TAIVIAN Merchant Tailor, BuTat,,r; Oritario BRIness Locals iii '-5 is the most elegant applieetieti or . e sVia in the market. 010:11.7 0. tfitzE*4017; 1.„ t -r A tee esisee " \ TheRxister Advocate, the wilt Herald, avid Weekly Star,enel Met% Manual and 'Veterinary Gill -e-sesil three for$1 Rq '$ubecribe early , t , seetice. . • , . , ' Rasing- disposed of my business and .. intending to leave town, 'all accounts due me must positively be settled, bit - fore January ,2oek 1006. 1 will be at the officelately yeeeted ..lik Mr. B. S. O'Neil. -E.' J. Stss.etestage Stook raises enetitd ow.. Improved English Stock Food. ' It te the . beet, and cheapest stock food ,. IP the mrir- ;lot. Sold by J. Lutz, Exeter, '4 'POy.U011 31.1411.teS. , , , Connell met hi the Town Hellas per adjourpeuent,'ou Wednesday, Jan. 10; All present. Mr. Bobier cengratulat- ed the. members elect ands welcomed ., them to the village council... ' Also ad:" dressing them regards • the likelypre, positions that Would from time to tithe be brought before them. Minutes Of Wit:meeting of the old comscil for 1905 and also the meeting held on. Meoday Jan. 8th as per statue of the pcmricil videt. .read and approved. Oreept3- liee4ltin-4tbekthe 'clerk. edvertiee for , 0, eueeekesefeetb.efollowingpoeitions: et....1.. rees . .....e ettreet Conino,--2-- ' ,..-.....,onr 1 lp-ar LOCAL DOINGS. Mr . 3 O taubury enterenied a smell party at cards; on Friday evening. The linesee Rieeett etatertisitied number of their young friede it etight (Wed.) Rev. John Veale, of Kirktou, will octupy the Jennie street- pulpit on Sunday next Greet reductionsin furniture for the next two weeks. See Rowe & Atkin - son's afivortlimunent. Mrs. r.i1i Knight Remo a delightful oMuelcalew to a numberof lady friends en Tuesday afternoon, .rupili of Mimi Johtie, Piano and Voiee, will hold A recital in. Oyez% House on the eyening of Feb, 2nd. Here isa bargain. Six teskalioons for 25 cents, at Howey Drug Store. three 000 of soap (rirlar ec mike) •Miss Mary Mack, daughter Of Mr. David Meek, has commenced to learn the art of expe-setting.ntethe Advocate Mee; Mr. Alex Dow tele Monday for the Northwest, taking with him a carload of line horses, Mr. Dow will return shortly. The death took place in London on Tuesday of Geo'. D. Heamatecpusin of Mr. W. j. Beaman of town, in his 2/st year. Shareholders of the Durham Port- land Cement Company will hold a meeting in the town hall on Saturday at 2 p. m„ to transact important busi- ness. In the Intermediate O. 11. A, series on Friday nightlast London beat Hen - sail 10 to 1 and Clinton beat Seaforth 5 to 2. The winners were on home ice. Mrair blmtvv, 42- Wham - CUM. 1,0,4 home from te three weeks' holidays to her mother's, near Exeter, Ont. -London Adver- tiser. The many friend., will regret to hear ,of the illness of our esteenied towns - an, Mr. Geo. Sanswell, who is suffer - g from pneumonia. at hie home on /OM ifsseet, Meiftr 1.44.erns the P. S. A. of No.1 r 'feu, ill§peeted'09 P/PiPMent of 174 ' of Kelnistsekr gen ...Affm. —o. 6 Compaes Irian day evening. Everytaiie, in a satisfactory condition. . Mr. Wilber cuchnore has now im- proved sufficiently.to enable him to be oat fl,r61212d. His sickness pulled him flown eimeiderably, but he will he OR WO P. PIrpr in a few days. Conetehte,W., Dissett accidently jemmed the gip§,P tingev on his lefthand on Saturday; sieeeeuit ehe member' is inconvenene;flg /NM At great deal, '13fis sides giving hi coosiderable pain, The South Huron Agricultural M. ciety held their anneal meeting Wilson's hotel, .13rucefield, -yesterda as wewere going to press,. The..obje of meeting was to elect officers. - ere will be five Sundays in Aitri July, September and December r spectively. , Good Friday comes o latliCEastee Sunday: comes o pril 1.5th; 24th of May on a Thprsda and, ttifi July on 046dfty and Chris Wdar; The alinton New ;gra,. says: "Th oderiett Star is booming Mr. Robert M. cLean for the'wardenship. There is athitight roper thie, and the- New 0 hirre R. II. Collins and idiee Booth- rou gave an intiweeting aftern000 ti souse lady friende on Thuredey atot. 11100X1 ;gilt their home on Andrew etreet. The many friende of the. Rev. Dr. Retniey, pastor of Knox church, Ot- forrnee Exeter boY and son of the late Jamea Rainsey1 will be pleased to Iwo thmt hist work im the utinietry in that city is appreciated, au itt oleo that of Mrs. Ramestys evidence of which wee shown recently when the congregation presented Mr. Remelts! with mink -lined coat and cap wailed at $900 aucl Mrs. Ramsey with a cut -- glass set valued at SUL l!ofts Ramestr Is °neer the eminent ministers of the ,Presbyterian church in. Canada. Mr, J. IL Stephens,. who was of the crew of the big freight "vet, Oreficeitt City, wrecked 011 the rock a at Lake- WOOd, few weeke ago, is visiting friends in and around town. A.ecord- inKto the newspaper reports his ex- periences well as ell the crew, were thrilling and unpleasant, and aa con- sequence Mr. Stephens was obliged to spend several week in the hospital. Tile-Dulutiv-Berakt kiPeakirile of the wreck says; "It was a miraculous es- cape for all of them and had it not been for the fact that the boat jost- happened to hit in such a way as to bring her port side up against a rock and thus afford a natural landing place for the members of the crew, some of, them would have undoubtedly been drowned. Ton 'fliousaii.4 Selected haiultrants. The efforts of the Salvation Army on the lines of immigration. were so successful last year that,arrangements have been made for ten thousand people to leave the shores of Great Britain through tile seine agency..dur. ing the coming season. These immi- grants wilthe selected from a possible one hundred thousand applicants, and when it is known •that each ' 'case is thoroughly investigated, and prefer- ence giyen only to those who are likly to make good settlers, the effor ts of General good settlers, worthY movements will be ' thoroughly appreciated by every Canadian.' Farmers Who have not secured their help. for the towing season will -do well to write itureedietes ly. to•Bripdier Thos. , Howell, Secret- ary, S. A. Immigration Department, janues and Albert Sts., Toronto, for application forsand further partial', Wiagotisior 'rranspoyt War, • , Whg ; r)ePartment t°P e°4003 tit:tie ;4:1811 Utife been busy enrolling -'a for trianspOrt fo orses an t military service'fifillie 0/2,(M• tiniefief rietionatethergeticy.. WagOss ;AO a minute description of the horses are registerecleand will ho inspected once a year by a staff office)... th district. If the inspection proms satisfactory $3, equivalent to one day's iervice pay, , The horses must ,t good proportions, Weighing no joss( than . end Werclie ser P viCetileits entl not old. Two hundeed 3r. wagon e are required to be 'enrolled .in et No. 1 military district,, and these ap- portioned and selectedlioro different pa.rtsof the respective counties wheree es in the different regimente are Sitlig,04, 12 -so many wagons -being detailed as reg- imentaltransport to each corps. Lieut. r.;- W. J. Heaman of tows informs up that t- some twenty teams. and Wagons ;will. be enrolled In Exeter and surroundings Our Clubbing List, The ADVOCATE hes made arrange- meute eleb-with all of the leading Weeklies wad Dailies and other Jour - fiats of every description. The 4.0v OCATE and the followigg mimed severe will be sent froze NOW matid DUO. 31st, 1000, for the price of ONE YEA,It'S. SUIISORIPTION as follows:- . IVEEKLIES envogAise Mail oast Icrlipint .... . Free Prow , $1,70 raodly Harald and1:50,r;sa Rimer's 4140 Montreal Loodozk Advertlisr Weekly Sim . . tram:tete Adv0o.44 44, 411:' 40 04 ILIVS , • ADVOCATE and The „flews., • • •• $1•90 " Globe .. 480 "1 Mall and Empire . . 4.60, ig World —Adyerliser - 285 When Premiums are given with any of the above named publications you eecure them through the club with the ADVOCATE. Call at the office or remit the amount by p„ 0. Order, Express Order or, Reg- istered Letter, addressing THE A.DVOCATE, Exeter, Ont., Dr, Rollins is spending a few days in Ingersoll. Mr, jaws' McDonald is -here from Forest on a visit. . . Mr. and Mrs. Holland are visiting in the Forest City. . . Mr.. W1 O. Huston spent ,e few days in Goderichlast week, - - Mr. Wellington Johns; spent Tues- day in London. on businese. XI'S. Higgins left last week to visit her son, Thomas, In .Forest. t Mrs. (Jardine' of Darlingford, Man., is visiting her sister, Mrs, J. Muir. . ' The Misses Anderson are on a few weeks' visit to friends in St. Thomas' and Fingal. . - '• Miss N. Cardinal of "Seaforth was guest of Mise Mtge for a few days dur- ing the week. . • , Mr. Waring of St. Marys has taken a position, with Meeks,. Jones ,St Clark as dry goods clerk," Mr. Oliver Johnston of Clint -on visit - ell his one time einployer, 111r.. Samuel Buekinghano, last week. .. Mr, Henry. Statham, who has been VOlting,his.hrother here, returned to his iiiir Itellue'AS`t14111141:nnad.‘aersioLrlieni.aLn6 ' Fein of Clinton visifeli M AMOS from Friday' to Monde* . I Mr. Chas. Dorwood and sister, - of Pullman and Stratford respectively, . spent part of last week in town, . . Mrs. Hannah Sans ,,ia th14,,i;ter- ,' ... a i Hawkins & Son's HARDWAR and BED STORE •••••••••••=4.0.0800.011OR ails, Glass, Oils, Cemen Eavetraughtag, Heating and Plumbing - And you will tInd it is the cheapest spot in. town HAWKINS dic SON. fflg C IC 11111 11111111111110 Having purch4sed the stock of W. C. Ruston, and, de - 'siring' to reduce the same before removing it to our ware - rooms, We will offer the entire stock of „Furniture, comprising itchen, Diping Room, , oom, Drawing 13,00.gt, and Hall Furniture t. also many -Odd pieces and Roelcers, at a grO:atTeduction. Oa. 11 and see the many bargains we offer. „ , )419.0.:tn, Ntephen, entertained a few 'friends on Thursday evening last. Mr.- John Hatton; son of Mr. Geo. - Hatton, arrived here from Manitoba on Tuesday , to visit -relatives for a time. , - Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Eva,ps, after a three week visit -with relatives here, returned to their homsein London Fri - Aar, . Mr. Wm. raster, of Borten; N. Da- kota, arrived here Monday and will I 0P-9'24 t?..• ef..9v7 Y?'4.t1 141E.! Piettl`e, an friettde: . 1 Mr.. 'tied ttte dadghters, Misses NOM itud.Dorte Mane arrived here Tuesday on taw° months' visit to old friends. Mr. and Mrs, M. Jackson were in London on Wednesday of last week attending the raarriage of their niece Miss Shott to Mr. A. Cohen. ;Additional Locals on page ereskssessor, Truant Officer, and °ere- G . taker of the cemetery; elsoask for M Tenders for printing, bell rimenre teed el scales, All' amendment E. Fats) seconded Ed. Treble, atsj, Senior !be re -appointed clerk) Themotionweis declared derritd by e:asting, vote of the Reeve.--Oarried. The folio wi ng auditors were appointed; the colincil nominating C. Snell, Sr: the Reeve's appointment being W. D. • Weekes. 1/emit:to-Creech-that the auditors' salary be $12 each. --Carried. .11eainans-Treble-that Messrs. P. W. Gladman and Dr. Anderson be appoint - cd members Of the cemetery board. The nienabers from the council to be appointed lateree.; Carried. Treble- Fnke-that T. 13. Carling lid appointed to -,the hoard of Health, replacing Sa m et Sanders resigning. -Carried. sleathan-Creecteethat Mr:Jaeotii be re- appointed Poundkee&r for the North End'. and that the South end of the villitge be laid over until next meeting. -Carried. Creech --- Treble - that Mesisre. Jeo. Gill, Sanwa Sanders, Sr. and Bissett act a,s fence viewere for the mudicipality. Heamaneethe- matter of Li "grant tb the Sick Children's Vespital be deferred.. No seconder. Beaman -Trebte-the following ex - counts were passed and orders drawn on Treaeurer for same:: --.T. Grigg,, sup- pties. $5.10; Jas. Week6, aito , • and lbootbe, $1; It N. Creech, S2; A. G. Dyer. doe $2, G. If. ifissett, do 2f Sites tlandford,booth.$2eJos. Cob- bledick do.. $24 Times office, printing ballots, $7, Nomination notices, $1.25, and statement. at $12.40e Municipal World,election supplies and debenture ° forms, $0-50; Thos. Creech labor.$4 Gen.ortdinore do., $2; 'Win. -Brinsas cocabe doe $2.50; --Carried. Creech-. Treble --Council adjourn until Wednds. olay, Jan. 17, at 8 p. m. 3. Senior, Clerk. Good Winter Ooods We like to show our goods' to the man who thinks he cannot be pleased. Anyone eau -suit the fellow who is easily satietied, but it takes good workmainship, honer& materials and the best of tailoring experience to suit the really Careful Dresser. OM and be convinced that we heve the best of goodte we do the best of werk and fit you out cheaper than any other Ogee in town. • Order you Suit and Over- coat now. W. Jo siskig Wort ate attalo Era has no ostility for .11/r. McLean, for we shall congratulate him if he se- cures it met as readily ite anY one,else.1 It dots nob matter to ns who is ward- en, but we venture to s say that Mr. Spackman, Exeter, will get it," Messrs. John Hunter anti Geo, Hers ton have leased the. machine shop south of Mr. Thornton Baker's livery and having taken the agency of the McCormick Harvesting Co'st. and are now ready for business. Being old and well known residents of the coin- monity, we, are not surprised, that theseegentIema,0 con fiden tly anticipate a large output Of machines. At; the annual business meeting of Cayen PreAgterian .eburch Monday night the reports of the different or- ganizations were read and approved. W. D. Weekes, J. O. Stanbury and Donald Alden ee were re-elected church =tanagers; .108, Senior was re -appoint- ed secretary -treasurer, while Dr. 4.41 - os and G. A. K. McLeod were appoint. ed auditors. At the close of the meet; ing the ladies served dainty lunch. In the efourse of an excellent sermon on "Walking with God" Sunday even- ing, Rev. Going under the sub -head- ing "Obeying" regretted the fact that the tendency of the age t,i=clay Vir,t111 to- wards disobeying, and dated that if it. continued for two or three More gen_ generations as it had, the meaning of the weird would be entirely lost. In the home, in the,church and in nat- ional life, the apparent Ohieet aee1218 to be "to evadethe lavv."Theeeremarks are undoubtly true and Wye Going's 1 is indeed timely. Obedience is one of the principal virtues and should not be lost. Mr, gar L. Fermin, of A.bernethy, Sask., who left here last sprilog for the west, is again shaking hands with old friends in town, having arrived on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Palma since goingto the west has been en- gaged in the hardware business and is enjoying a large and lucrative huffiness in that town. Abernethy is located on the Kirkill Railway and givee promise of being the best town on that line of Railway. It can already bout of five large elevators, three general stores, two hardwares and other places of business. It is rumored that RA, will not return to the Prairie Prove live atone. mitts M. E. Brown, who has been for Monte years an efileiene clerk in the Exeter post office, tete on Tuesiday morning lett-for Detroit,- where she will enter on a eourse of nursing in the ITarper Hospital, She will be much iniesed from' her ohl post of duty, where she WAS uniformly obliging and popular and where her cheery amile and kindly disposition won her many friend e who will regret her departure. That her ehoeen occimation will be, etowned e'lth 'maces, assurM and is the wish of all her friends. The vae. ancy at the post office hit, been tilled • by !Mee lieittrice Lulter.'s-On Thor& day evening After ehoir practice at the (even Presbyterien church Miox Brown WAS preeented with photo gromo of this members of the choir, of whieh the hag been ter ixone yeers it valued er. r. Tonilotit's Monier Detail One of the oldest resIirjg ef Lends township, Mrs. Eliza Tennent, eased. peticefully away Friday -morns g at her residence, Hyde Perk. Mrs, ennent was the wife of David Tenn, ts who fora Inees period prior to his ath Was one of . the most widely flown farmers of the township. She as born near Montreal, Quebec, and hen Six years of alp she came to ndOri township with her parents. here she has resided ever since -eta riod of 16 years. The following fern- y survive her: Dr. J. Torment. nd,on; John, Hyde Park; David H., rrister, London; Dr, Ezekiel, Locate lfred Edward, V. S., Exeter; and iss Tennent at ' borne. Mr. Joint, askett and *Mrs. Arctiel, both of Lon- a township, are the only surviving other and Sister, . The funeral ser- ces were conducted on Monday, at 80 p. tu„ !)y- Rev. Dr. Nixon, Presby- riateminister, Hyde Park, of whose ureh Mrs. Tennent was a consistent, d valued member. rtt en de Lo Pe 11 Lo be do br vi 1. te ch an Hicks' Forecasts for January. A reactionery storm perioci.will cen- ter on the 19th, 20th and 21st. AL this time a moderate reaction to higher temperature with return of failing barometer, Cloudiness, and moreer. n and snovv will he in order; The maxi mum tendency to settled, nildwinte cold will be naturalthrough all this part of Jan.'hence the 'storm periods will relax the natural cold only enough to allow precipitation mostly in the fo m of snow and sleet. Severe told will immediately follow in the wake of this reactionary period, lasting through the 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Those who figure on the reactions to Wormer at the storm periods, must also figure on encountering more or -less precipitate lot), in the form of rain sleet and snow at those periods, vviiilL those who figure on fair weather between the storm periods, must also figure on the, great increase of cold during those intervals. These facts well veinal) bered and duly acted upon will prove, it con- stant safe -guard against inconvenience of lose and danger, Braodsof.Flours . . Pure Manitoba -„ Our Star Flour is a 50 per cent Matit. toba. Blend. Only the best Manitoba and Ontario wheat is used in its mann. facture. The ideal is attained ierbread made fr.ont Star Flour The latest process ie used in the man- ufacture of our Wheatlets. Give it a trial and be convinced that it has no superior— as a bresto)f,_ise food, • ping pa • tronage We solicit your gristing and chop- tliatilitelti3Ros. Mr. Samuel Martiu was in Ailsa Craig on business 'Friday. Mr. W. E. Lawton of Ala in eda, A.ssn., is visiting friends in town, Mrs. and Miss Powell returned Mon. day from a vieit at Listowel. Miss Maud Hodgins left Tuesday to visit friends at London and Delhi, Mr. Thos. Tapp, of Virden. Man., is visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. Virendland, of the Metropolitan Hotel, is reeovering from a severe ill - nem. • Mr. W. W. Tet121411 5p1'lat a few davs in Palmeeston this week vielting his brother. Mists Smith of Carndnif, N. W. T., 'pent the past week vieiting her broth- er, Mr. Henry Smith, Lake Itoed, Miss Kate McFalls *pent part of the past week in attendanee upon her mother who is ill in Mt. Thomas. While away she Attended the motet's of Rev. Robert !fickle and Mims Hattit at Union. MAKES ME SMILE." "I've been wearing gleesett 1 could not read half the print of the 'News,' and now 1 can read it all. Thie pair makes me feel like a three-year-old." WE sou) THOSE GLASSES and now he's "nippy. Our glasees will do as much for you. No occasion for being ewes when you wear Oahu Tty them, buy them and see. Don't emit but a. trifle, We LOWEY, 0. Chemist and Optician. E ICTER INSO Ile Leading ruinitpre Dealers antiTuneral Direatori,t' Start , Our aim has,always been to make. January Sales compare, favorably with other months of the year. Sowe will not complain• of the lackpf snow, or too much snow. We wish to be able to say that trade has been good rigi mks during ehe.month Of January, so desire; to drawmYitiur atm" tion to the following leading lines in Drees Goods just received. ••. 44.py Chiffon .0110rotti-BreaidelOth ill,.al the '1p0;ditig shades. Also Fancy Tweeds, Shadow Checkei,.. Plain and Fancy Lustres and Mphairs, rey the lead ing eolor in different shades Our new Prints hate arrived, ale° Chambray's Ginghams a,ncl fancy • whitVesting's. 4 Geode Rentrinder: We are selling all our Men's Fur Coats and Caps, Ladies 'A.strahan Jackets, Ruffs, etc., at a discount of 25%. °cll.' Sale ifen's $30.00 FM, Coats for .,; ... ,$26.00, .,, . Mi4enn:: $$:1000° Viiii'i: COoettatt ffo°r°:* : .... *e....° ..i.... *. : .* .*$$22.5°.0000 , Men's $25.00 Fur Coat for ... i • .0 4, • • • • ..• i *4 • $20,00 „ Wornet;*8 $50.00 Fur Coat for .. ..., :...., . 00 , ., WOnten'S $45.00 TAU" Cloat for.. ,. . .,....$38.00 , Women s $35.0.0 Fur Coat for..., . ........, .$29,50 Women's $30.00 Fur Coat for... ... . . .. . .. ; .$25.00 Theso Furs are all First4lxiiiss All this ,Season's buying Come and Get an :early Choice .SNELL & ROWE -Psychielledical The London Free Prees of Monday Clalryoyant p Rat -Several London stock. speculat- Examillatiot Free, ors were bard hit by the dem of W. F. Dever St0o, which occurred Saturday. Through their 7,,ondon corresponden to Memos Chas. Abbott and Stanley Wit: lianas, the firm has done considerable Nominees in London and the neighbor- ing towns, and the Ion to their client* . will be considerable. The collapse ors, many having large sums at stake. Means it total lose to the local operat- Mr. Abbot mid yesterday that he had OCTICroli .clistomers who were heavily Intereeted, hnt declined to state to *het *mount beyond that it, would reach the thousands. Hy DR. I. F, ITLITTEltrIELD, of Syracuse, N.Y. Believing in clairvosts /ince or not, there it; no gainiiaying the fact that the doctor can explain the source and COAS45 of your disease either mental or physical and has restored to health and, hippinese many helplesi invalids all their lived. Send lock of hair, name, age end stamp to DR. E. F. BUTTERFIELD, Syrecuse, N. Y.