HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-01-18, Page 1railheads and Statements aro pecesteary juot ahoet now. Send h your order to the Auvo- (Weft. (1004 work. VDIBTXMITit Yzats. other prespeety kessaliat 4 4' for you at »..obM coma -lista' akpply. AnDkitri r Ohmic ,01101R8& Czxa Prop's and•Savings,Company• Shareholdors and Depositors' Certifleates and Passbooke will be received branches of *41 Re SO1E11E1011 BRIXOF NMI - All neceseary payments and transfers .of money made free of charge. Fanners' Instil* AT 11XXVICR. The Partnere Institute mestinp heldsin Exeter on Tuesday best wore the beet in the history a the local stitute. The huge and enthusiast - tie meetings' of representative farmers showed theta. they were poosessed of the proper progreseive; spirit amd wire determined to learn all that could learned regarding -the best manage. went of their farms. In the afternoonthe Town Hall was filled to overflowing and all manifested interest in the proceedings. The chair was occupied by the presideot, Mr. Henry Horton, who opened. the meet. ing by a short introductory address, after which he called on Mr. Q. Barber Crosshill. • Mr. Barber opoke on "Breeding and Feeding of Fat Cattle," HIS' addreett Was, partieularly in analin- struetive. In the course of his remarks he said. there, was too much cross. breeding, and advised breeding ef ther. oughbred stock of ,the Shorthorn* Hereford, Poll Angus and Galloway bred, and less of the cross 'breeding With cattle of the milking strain. He liked the Shorthorn and Poll Angus prodticed the best re- • -Siilta,--te -showed a chart of beet, • - wi with the cuts anarked on t enst-the prices paid for the same at the mark* ets and advised AS to the best breeding to secure the best shaped ortimele for the market. Regarding ,feeding, he thought that twice a day WAS sufficient . 0.80 a.m. and 0,80,p. rn.-atidthat cattle should be allowed oath* a closed shed every day, Mite only te drink, preferably in the inoreing when sta- bles are being cleaned out. Cattle should helitept as quietaspossible and not often disturbed to oeoure best Te.- sulo. They should be ,fed out straw and ensilage, barley and oats mixed* few roots, and a little hay isOse a dal after being. to drink. many present asked the speaker questions which he answered muchrtotheir •satisfaction. The address being directly on the line of the average farmer, those present. were numb pleased with it. Mr. %II; VasOn of Streffordville Was next called opon. He spoke at length on "Maintenance * of sou rertiutiA': and Showed remarkably good grasp Of -the subject, whic4coold onlybe team- ed by a thorough stedY. The address was _of a„Seieritific nature and while not quite so closely in touch with *the* farmer, was appreciated by, elle I. spoke of the latest and most approved itiethctds Of 'keeping the soil fertile in BurOpeart and American' countries Comfmringthem with Ontario ond ducting ,frOM''''the comparison what ,Ontario Most needs,• * • . Mr. R. B. McLean of ICippen then gave a good general address in the course of which he compared the.stand- ing of the farmer With the 'other clas. Se$ of citizens, advised them to be par- ticular and careful in all their work, to be honest in everything and neighbor- ly vela' all, helping each other as raueh as possible and thus benefitting the whole class. He advised union'almong. the 'farmers as in other. classes The address was much appreciated as is io- Nariably the case with the • speaker Whenever he appears on -a platform. During the afternoon the directors bueied themselves getting members and secured many. , We are now busy stocktaking and are prepar- ed to give you some E4fa. Bargains in Winter Goods. Don't forget these prices : 3 only $25, Men's Dag Coats for „ 22 if 1 38 Ladies Curl 4' 3 4. 7 Persian 'taints. Cape 2"5 Ci ' Oa 4 " . 5 Seal, 2 7 Neckatnils .. 2 ‘4 S'IS, $17 75 1000 . 2500 4 50 a 25 3425.; 450 500 1 other 'winter, goods at stock taking prices. vercOats at your acirnbrice. 111EICES Specia cAsii Prices or 2 WEEKS No Goods, sola at reduced prices except for Cash. , "Bargainc, will royal' throughout e entirestock of .4, ULU pry Goode, Boots and Shi 'a ig Crockery'. and ‘ . . . Glassware, Wall Paper and Clothing.. COWARD' & iiii0OMPIELD Produce taken as Cash. Medical A E. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor: Univ.) MEMBER, College of Physicians otn&ttrge:-Ontario ijospital. Pointer Base Surgeon Toronto weste Successor to Pr. $. A. Rollins. Night call at office, EXAter, Ontario, , , .. ,„ Diogfitm & CARLING, lAttuATEtts, 'scam. tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, 04ininiss1Oners. ' Solicitors for Molsons Dank, etc. atogo) to Look itiovreot isttdot, interest. maces, mein street, Exeter. L R. Oaatuto, li.A., . I ',,, • ' IL, II: Mosso( ArateY TO LOAN, We have A large amount of private funds to loan on faTni and village properties atiow rates of inter. OLADMAtt STANBUIftl, Barristers, 8olic1tors„Main st.. Exeter On set. Money To Loan. I have partite tunas ta iosn on farm and village properties at lowest rates of interest. ERNEST ELLIOT Office opposite Central Motel, Main.st., Exeter IsL9YD P. JONES t'svganist end Choir Motet of Mitehell 1,tetliod1st Made Isorher-riatto, Organ, Voice, IlartnOny. Modern Methods. Thormistness Property for Sale A line pasture farm In the Township of thy, near Slifept41; MIA hUhdted acres, 83 acres seeded, Wilt house and good Stable, good waters tte„ Anether 10(1 acre tont for sale. in tha township of Ileborne.south of ittiniville.convenient to school.well drained. smell orchard, 10 acres bush, frame house, barn, debits and grainary. Apply to SANDERS AC CASECIft Exeter. Auction Sales. Tirssualf, 23.--,14rMil, being South Ralf ot Lot 4, Stephen, and East Balt of Lot 8, Bay, South Boundary, the estate of the late Rich. Box, also Parra stook, impainenta0 the property of A. Barbey,. Efate at 1 o doe.* sharp, on Lot 17`, ()on. t, Stephen. tr. Brown. Anat. , 11134011 COUNTY 0013NO;Li, 'At council of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, OOderleh, en Tuesday. the 23rd of Amigo at 3 o'clock • p.m., Alt accounts sagest the eounty must he 'placed vith the Clerk before this date. W, Latta Clerk. Dated San. 10th, 1800. For Sale Residence, Driving Marc, Montego, ne.inan • Bug. gy, Robe. Blanket, Two Con:skin Coats, Fur Gauntlets, Waterproof Coats, Etc.; 40 ,GottAge at (fraud Bend: Apply to Pg. ROLLINS. Electric tight' *Notice1 Nettec Is hereby given that Ms follewing rates for all lights lotion meter will go Into effect, on and after lanuary 15th, 1.008. II01.78E One to rive, Potty cents per Light per Month. LIOLIT8 One to lye Lights, Forty.Two tents per Light T.er Month. C. B. sNett, FARM POR SALE The undersigned s offerlmr for sale that desirable farm in the Township of Stephen, being Lot 4, Con. 8, containing 100 acres. There is on the premises * good htlek house, bank barn and other outhdidiingc, two never fatting wells of water arid the propertV fi fenced and drained. This is s, splendid WWI And will he sold rossoiNi, !Per pouttlettlses apply AS the premises or addrese Mrs, A. Chambers, Creditmx, - - The IT. Wilmot Murex end Marjle Adams Comedy Oo'y are holding forth In the Opel% noose this week, An interesting feature was an exhi. bition of dried et:mein:tees of the differ- ent weeds of Ontario. They,. caused much interest and „many remarked that they never soppeted there • were so many weeds. This Was a good edu- cation in itself regarding the appear- ance mad names of the weeds. ' Itis so. very necessary thing that farmers should know those enemies; to their crops and the best meals of getting rid of them. • NVOMENS' INSTITUTE. In connection with the Farmers' In- stitute the Women's, Institute held an afternoon meeting in the Opera House. The chain was occupied by the west - dent of the local institute, Miss Mrs, Vernon gave a well received reci- tation, besides which an interesting? address was given by Miss Millar of Guelph. • Mise Millar's subject Was "Our School." This subjeccie one that is new in institute work yet one of great inspoetance and, one that the Institutes in the future will have more to Ray about. Quoting Mr. L. H. Bally of Cornell University: "One's training • for the work of life is begun in the home and fostered in the school. This training is the result of a direct and conacious effort on the part of the parent and teacher, combined with the indirect result of the surroundings in which the child is placed. The our. roundings are more potent than we think, atul they are usually neglected." Miss Millar inged upon a greater co- operation between home and sehool and hoped that the mothers ,woUld' take a greater interest in that,. place where the children were spending AO large a part of their time. It is itn. floated that the teacher's influence be sound, forceful and effeetive, and the right kind of teacher cannot be had for a low salary. It is no economy to save on a teachee'ss salary, yet this; Miatake is oomefinitai made, espeelaily in rural sehoole. Speaking of the school age it watt found that hoped - tors, Doctors. nod Teachers agree that it wm & great mistake to send a child to school too young. The introduction of such anbjecte as Manual Training, Domestic Scienee and Nature Study WAS spoken of and many of the bene- fits were shovitt forth. The value fif flowers!, pleturese ete,, in the Achool room cannot be estimated and the in - thence of such is for good. Besides speaking of 'simple means that would add to the comfort .of the pupils, the stibjeet of the oehoot grounds was dwelt upon and how they might be made betray spots by the planting of treeo and flowers. 0011Cmier IN Yeritillse. setertainetent given in the eV- it4 he Opera House Wes Isegely by'h4th townipeoSe and, country_ Jolo. The chair Wa*oecupi. god by Mx* T. IL CArlitsg in his .eatual /manner, and lirst.clairo: pro. filtoennee wee reisdered. Pleiteing solos wero snag by Mimics johns And-iffartin while Wipes Rittman and Dow gime an excellent piano duet. The orchest. rit Wes preeerrt and played eeveral choice seleetione. Interspersed among the tomeical numbers were three ad. •dreoots from the forme speakers who spoke in the afternoon rueetinges.--Mr, MasOri• orit"A Trip to the Maritime Proviaa4.10e; Mr, Barber on "Partners' Senile" and Mies Millar on ..‘Domestie Seience Muctv ittformation wae gained 'irom the description of the eaatern provinces, bilany good sound reasonwere given why the farmers' sons ghoul:el titiek to, thefArin andaveid the allurements of the city.. Valuable' hintaettere thrown out by Miss_Millar - **to tbe, management of the lidme, and the gieatinfluenee of a knowledge of the many household duties to the Woman o to -day, particular attention being greti to the many, useful things a childsj.. *$ Gold, be taught. With the sitigiiig of "God Save the King."' there closed a very instructive day's Meet- ings* Ow i4tat`thst-inetitute have,ever heisther6 'AP IIRPCMFIEL41), The institute Meeting at 'BrtiPefield on Saturelay Afternoon was of Much theea100 nature as that at Exeter, Mr.: Barber Sand Mr. *teen spoke On the eanns subjects while Mr...Horton Occupied the *chair. In. addition Mr. It. Carling of Exeter gave a talk on 14*1.'rialtry ,and -Farm- -Prodece." spoke at length And .interestingly from bbs .vieWaJoint-Of the nierchatit whoie ContinitaliX buying the farm' produce and selling: .the Saline, :and therefore 'gains a knowlenge OS to the Meaner in.which the "produce ,Should be put up. He advised the greatest care un- der alt cireinnataneee and the result. would be that the ' farm. produee. Would • derreted the highest ourrket prices at all, 'times. Regarding •the raising of isoititrYbe.atrongly advised lareedingthe better claaset altogether ttS from these the best, results were ehttkitietthothli3 flesh, arsieggs at the Seine post. alsoaraakeof t sity' Of keeping ...the 'poultry in st2,01604,' place as theiarwaa nothing like filth to keg . the *feathered tribefrom doing wel • oo,O000dilliro, 'ADDITIONAL LOCAL onsoo Willienis ansi little d y of Ilistreine, returoed. last 'week fromat, visitrWith Mrs. Will. ittinsasister, Mts.Miller„ at Kincardine. ,Mrs, Richard Pickard and:Miss Pick-. ard are visiting in Brantford at the home of Mr. Win. Verity. Mr. Verity intends leaving for Australia on a busiriess triP. Mrs, CARR and son Percy, who is here on a visit from Manitoba, -re- turned Thursday from Detroit, Baden, and Kalamazoo; where they have been visiting for two weeks. • Mr. Thos. Coward, who recently pur- chased Mr. 1. G. Tones' general buiii.- ,ness in Winchelsea, 'last week moved, to town, occupying the residence of the late ,Tohn McInnes. The revival services continue in the lames street church this week under the leadership:of Rev.' Min. Gedwin, •These services are being well attended, and muchgood is being done. 4' s Mr. Uriah Cunningham who has been visiting friends andrelatives in and awned Exeter for the past few weeks, returned to Strathcona, Alta.. pri Monday. Mrs. Cunningham. who accompanied him here will continue her visit for some time: Mr.' nevoid Bissett, who has been, engaged in the Wiser& Bank here re- ceived word last Week from headquar- ters to report for duty at Amherst. burg on the return of Mr. Belcher, who is visiting hisparents in California and is expected home about February 1. Mr. Geo. Eacrett, an old Exeter boy who has been absent for about eight years; was in town during to past week shaking hands with old friends.. Ratcrett is a son of Mr. Michael ,Bacrett of Brantford. • He will be re. menaberedaui one of the team ofl, Exe- tsr's star baseball tint), of some years since. Daring his stay in the West he resided in many places. ?spending the gr eater part of the time in British Columbia in the mining town's. The past summer, however, he was back at „the old game of batosball in Winni- peg. Geo. looks about the sameas of rare. • Aithous,h our sale has been going on for some time, we cad still show you, a large range of Bargains in every department. Snaps in Cents' furnishing 1 Linea Collars, -band, tifened point, double rolled, sizes 14i 1 011 inclusive. Regular price 15 cents, now 12 vents. 2 Ties,-Fonisitsband. bows, etei, regular price25 cents, now 20 tents. Special Rue of 50 cent ties fdr 25 cents. a Way's Murders, -Regular price '75 cents, now 00 cents. N'eekscarfs, reg. War pre, 00, 75 and $1, now 40, 00 arid 80 cents. ,4 'All fancy sus enders, including the "President," regular nigse 50 cents', now 4 cents.. - pnaps for the Ladies 1 Printa---Ileavy,--doubte.threaded print,'*-regular-rnice 10--couts for* -81 -00'4 Fine English prints 12t 44 11 4. 2 White Madras waist goods. Bird's eye poplin Fancy Mail.pattern " Serpentine pattern " Clover Leaf " Plain Poplin • Meek And 'White Madras 00 4, 8 NVhite,Maslite; Fancy Stripe . Fancy open check Dirnity'stripe arid dot - Fancy Chitin stripe egular Price 25 eents.now 10 cents it 85 .,,f4 25 of 85.0 25 85 00.20 it 25 44 19 29 85 ' 20 • as 14 20 .,, .o " 15 10; „ 15 ,00 10 4 Coronation blue gilt.lined, Dinner Set, 07 pieces, regular pri& $11 new $ •ItemeMber we give -10% discount on Groceries. ' k lestone &Gardiner golden otteions from her eraire and Mrs; Sirepson were well reeeived as were also the solos by Messrs. M. Curtin, *Andrew Hicks and Wilbur Hicks Pasequa, Assa,. On the whole the affair was a pleasing success and the cominitteein charge are deserving of all kinds praise. The proceeds ansonnted to about $69,- - • Goshen Virte•..steptten ence. T esolos by Mrs. Nelson illeRs • • , The many friends of Mr.„ and goo. GeiaLllawhinney-rnet at their heenevn, Saturday eiieninsarisl 'spent a very pleasant time. Mr: and Mos. Mawldn- ney friends to roast goose tialt*.tairirtry. EveryboaY wear- igana qiifte ,plestaid_.with' the bountiful eq., clays,. Some 25. years ago Air. 'Green - wood's father lett these parts for Da- kota with' only entmtAh money to take itira there. He has prospered greatly sinoe‘ going there and to.day he' and his six sons are owners of nearly'. 8.000 acres of land, all in one block, On ,Whieb they raised this year a bo o t 80.000 busk.' els- of, grain. Kenneth Greenwood and a younger brother work between them 640acres, On which they- grew this • year 3,000 bushels' Of wheat, No. 1 Northern; Amo bushei§„ of barley and 2,000 bushels ofoate. Of this they have - sold 2,000 bushels of wheat at 74c., anti 2,000 bushels of barley at 80e. A far- mer'a telephone system is operated in the neighborhood of Crystal anclevery farnierhas a telephone in his heraie, for which $18 a yr.tr IS paid, this per. willeh' they- •received. -Mr.•Bigin. rt -k,11. -0-11a3' lc ila,*-.tOrteh with the- A.my..ot„,,Stutron, anent Saturday. with '''03.atgeis They rtIrsil mail. de- bMirs. 15Alsrtethri-i'irMGrtanWvittllie. 'aMndadbii'snsnOelYa;r-aliThivere, waiilsiOetthWaveeTkp8nirorbist4iotnisfaa•Vd°17; Neal vanpa ow, sister, drunken man is never seen in that Part 4igsjannien/lllei-61TlIrzdaYPf 1tse,-Miss n' eeentris spend- Dakota.• • in a tww days with Mrs. Davey: also luRrni Mrs. Staley of Exeter i svisiting with mother, Mrs. Davey. -Mr. Robert Ma- Patorrr-In Usborne, on Jan. 10, to Mr: whinney, who has ,been sick vvith .„saidMrs. JonProut,Jr.,adatgbter. very- had void, is ranch better. Mrs. i Mawhinney's friends are much pleased to see her out again. -Miss Lydia Schroder who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Sohn Wilhelms for sometime bas returned te her home in Dashwood. -Mrs. Thomas Yearly And Mrs. Wm, ,,Yearly spent Friday last" with friends in Boston. -Mr. and Mrs. James Lamport of Crediton south spent Sunday with Mr. Lainport's.sis. 'ter, Mrs. lhomas Yearly. -Mr. Robert Gower, who was sick with the In grippe last week, is able to be around Again; • 1 1,091iNgib. ,41 Centralia, Mr. NV. F. Abbot and wife have ar. rived home from Winnipeg to 'visit Mr, Abbott's father, Mr. F. Abbott. They spent the mummer in the .West. Mr, Gins Coughlin is still very ill with rheumatism. ' Silooibrill4 ,.smAermr. - A. shooting match will be held at Moffatt's' Hotel on Thursday Jan. 25. Three evente will be shot Bios reeks' at 10 11. 111., live birds at 1 p. in., and blue rocks at 3 p. m. Win.flofferA is the manager, and 3. O. Sheartlova the umpire. A load of young people attended the show in Exeter Tuesday, iiight. -Mr. 'brio. Baskerville is improving frOM his recent illness. -Mr. Hodgert and family spent Sunday with Mr. sma Mrs. Thos. anniveraary of the reopening of the Methodist church hero on Sunday last WAS at tended with suecess, Rey,.. Manning of Clinton „ occupied the pulpit both morning aed evening and preached two able and appropriate disconrsee. On Monday evening an oyster supper was 'served In the besement, of the church followed by A choice program, Coneldering the very wet and °U1105 _gree. *hie weether theattendanee was The selectione by the Centralist Quer- tette were highly pleasing. Mb's Mi. Nil Hit**, of Alms. College, gave ilev. eral elocutionary owler,tions aria acquit. I tea herself admirably and she won - Spdotri Miss McArterls the new teacher at our school. We wish her every sue. cess. -A large sleighload from here enjoyed a pleasant evenifig at the heme of Mrs. Wm. Dearing. Sr., on Thursday night, ----Last Sunday a cer- tain young gent front Exeter drove back here with fixing colors ansi took a'couple Of our fair ones for a .drive. It appears that the horse took . fright and beeeme unmanageable, upsetting the buggy, throwing the occupants out and smashing the top. However., we are pleased to learn thatthey es- caped with- hot a few scratches and a severe shaking up. It might have roved a very seriousaffair.--Kenneth G reenwood of Oryetal,N,D., is visiting is uncles, Messrs. Silas and Samuel Stanlake. When he left home a few weeks ago there was a footof snow', and the coideet weather that they bad up to the time of his leaving was 20 below'zero, which lasted only a few ..**ARItlaanse SWErmEn-Towtat-At the, bride'e parents',iesidence, -Reborn% On Jan- uary 17bh, lay Rey. -Mr. Fair, Mr, * Sweitzer,,bf-Blanshard, to Miss Bin - ma Towle, daughter of Mr, John. Towle.' SmALE-TowLE-At the residence of the bride's parents, ITaborne,on Jan. - 17th, by the Rev, Fair, Mr. Tharp - ton Sinale,... to Miss Louisa Towle, • daughter &Mr. John Towle. .;•• RYAN -RYAN -In Lucan, en San. 8, by Rev. •Thonaas. Nathaniel A.Ryart to Miss Abigal Ryan, all of Lucan. Dretstatt-Dovrao-In Parkhill. on Jan 10, by Rev- Fr. roster, John Dig- nan to 'Miss Lizzie Doyle of Parkhill. 110VVALb—PIARD -At the Luther- an parsonage, Zurich, on San. 0, by Rev. Schnelke, Henry Rovvild, to MissClaraFlaxbarkboth of Zurich. PAnntsa-M.6..awt-In 131ansharci,on San. 10, BerbertTarrish of Mitchell, • to 11088 Emily, &lighter of Samuel Mahaffy, Blanahmid Syrisniame-Bnoww-In Mitchell, Ori Jan. 10, by Father Roriaiii' Auttin, Stedman, of Treherne, Man.; to Mies Lizzie, daughter of Mrs. John Brown of Mitchell. • i'Form0rt-MONxe0r,0-At the home Of the bride's parents, on Jan. 174 by Rev. O. Fletcher, Lawrence Fulton,' , to Misa Laura, second daughter of ' D. MeNieol, Farquhar, * S ee 44.tioar We 'need the Boom and Money. 2 Garland Double Heaters with oven, reg. $3.00, for $28.90 4 jewel a 44, 44 44 8.90 1 Souvenir 41 " " 3100, “ 81.00 1 Seeond.hand Heater $ 9.00 1. Second-hand Heater, with oven .... ...for, $20.00 Our Stock was never so eoinplete—Garlandss Souvenir* and Crown A large coal or wood Cook with mervoirt special $28.00 Reaman s Hardware 86 Stove Store fltV-