HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-01-04, Page 14,444.4444.14.4-..4
- Take
Me. Themes olainore lee etill quite
ill at his laoine.
S. Fitton entertained a tieraber
ot her friends on Tueeday afternowt.
IHuron Olil /Wye of Toronto 'hold
their stinual At Home on. Friday., Feb.
Ilensalllostirt the Interntediete O. IL
A. game with Oceleetch last week on
liensell ice by a Active of 8--4. ..
'Rev. . Aridity/it of 'Centralia bee
charge of the special meetingii. itt .the
Jewett etreet ehurcli thia week., ..
' . Conductor McKenzie has beenap-
pointed to the position of Conductor,
vaeated by Mr. Jcittn Quirk on the La
11. tit B. . . •
Arthur D. Be Duncan, son of Mr, je
R. Duncan, Usbornet'hastaken a posi-
tion in the. Sovereign Bank here. as
junior clerk. .
. .
Mr. and Mrs. I, A. Stewart were the
host and hostess of a pleasant evening
at their home, on Andrew street, Wed.
nesday,of this week.
Mr. John Hackney of London Road
Southiost a valuable cow the other day
by the straw stack falling on it and
sntothering it to death.
Ntitten you ere ready te look we *re
iready toeshow you.
Virliert youtare ready to boy. we ate
awry totiell.
,T,1 you tire in a hurry, so will.whe.
NEade to -order
Made with care, -with stile, to fit, to
And at notime, do you pay more
thakil, the lowest possible priee.
/iterchant -
Exeter, Plitario
'.A.Zat'e Fur e. Line(' Coats reduced 20
Lookotent. at Stewart's,
Vediehaal Jelly is the most elegant
ation for the setts. in the 'market.
by 9. Lutz, Exeter: .
istiftitarents Grey Persian Lamb ,Furs
eitro.tueed-R0 per,040.. at Stewart's.. •
Stock raisers should: ir`l'ise Improved
littgliSti Stack Food, It tit the bestt
AMA e4heapest stock food in the Mart'
Sold 0. Lutz, Exeter. ,
Seto vt9ney on your fur. purchases.
cent., deduction on,"a1,1 furs at
The SuaP, '
gzelei. Advocate, the Family
Ilerattt and Weekly Star, and. Farmers
Mooed titicr '7,Tetteritiary .Gnide--all
*tee 'for $1.80: ' Subseribe
Aylmer Coward., son of Mr. Thos.
Coward of Usborne, is learning the art
of barbering with Mr. A. Hastings,
having commenced last week. '
Mr. Sas.-Walker, LondotiltoitdSouth
is having the material hauled on the
ground for the erection of a handsome
new brick house the coming' summer.
' Miss Nina (Jetting left Tuesday ev-
ening to resurae her studies in vocal
music. On Sunday evening. in the
James street( church ,she sang 'Far
Not Ye; Oh Israel." in excellent'voice.
The household effects of Mr. Etat
Speakman. were 6016. at the Opera
Weise on Saturday.. A big crowd was
in attendance and fair prices were re-
alized. • -
The Farmers Institute Meetings
pcis catt ()hon all Fur eaaa a
'Iteedontgfeated f1eett117,2 at hoc-
key Tuesday night.
Miss Derethy Dickson very pleas,
antly entertained a number of her
young frittecit, Inetjay eight.
Pupils of' Miss joinet, Piano arid
Voice, will how, a recital iti Opera
Route on tiot,eyening of Feb. 2tel.
The Ladiee' Aid of the Oe'ven Pres.
bytetian elitirch geve ii,very pleasant
itoeial evening at the mem*, on Tue
day erening hist. (toite number
werein atteudance and very much eu.
joyed the 1115°931M f singing, tflusi?
atut the choice luncheon served. '
_Thie bachelors end friends of • Mr.
Fred.Elleringtott gathered.. at ttie
hoar of Mr. A. SpencettUeborneaues.
day evening to do honor to Mr. Eller.
ingten in the way oftendering.tiitu an
oyster eupper on the occaeion 'of his
being elected to the Ihiborne. Council'
Boatel, The evening on the whole was
a most pleasant one. ,
The annual meeting of the Stephen
and lteborne Agricultural Society was
held in the Town Hall, on Monday al-
ternoon last. Mr. Thoe. Hawking WAS
vingdispeSed Of My business and
niltag to leave town all accounts
me must witivrellbe settled be-
ate- Unitary - 04900. 1 will be at
the otitce lately vacated; by 'Mr.' B. S.
wow, Voirroc*sts' for .fautiguir-
Irlike.iegular storm -petaled; central on
ItlibrUth, Will be felt in its greated
awaseteri and severity, from the 14th to
nth. The existing cold will mod -
,inning in the west, about guardians will cto well to see that tau.
eeognittontgl,tstotens of, ram, sleet and pits attend regularly. so that the best
"This,41s- veep -rapidly, and vtiae reeultS way be obtained. •
Our Clubbiug List.
The AirVOCATE bus wads arrange.
ments club with all of the leatlitig
Weeklies .tib ailies aud. other Jour -
!eats of every t- '-L
The ADVOCATE and tile followiri
named pavers will be sent from NO%
until DEL 31st, 1000, for thetairice of
4.1WOCATE and Tema° „.$1„ db
" 1.0141 and Wylie 4175
real Pfeig ,,,. • • ••.' •• "•.1•70
Montreal NiFitnesa 0,05
Loudon Advertiser . . . ...
..... ...
Faralefs' Advocate
. . •
4 4,,
AnIrObATE imml The Xevia.. 41:90,
Star 1.t35
40 Nail and :Empire 4.60,
, World . .. .. . .. .......,-, . 8.10
. .46AVOrtif;er.....• ' ;4 4 4 .2.35
When Premiums are given with any
of the above rained publications you
voted to the chair. A report of the secure them through the club witti the
financet.was read whicb showed that ,A.nvoitaitrl.
the socity was in a, healthy condition. Call at the office or remitthe amount
The following officers were elected:— by P 0. Order, Express Order or Reg -
President, john Delbridge; ist
President Ed: Christie; 2nd vice -Presi-
dent Jas. Ballantyne. Directors --W.
D. Sanders, J. Alliston, P. MeTaggart,
. Wm. Russell, John Moir, Simori Hun-
ter, Henry Smith, A. Q, Bobler, and
W. R. Elliott,
Mr. W. C. Huston, who has been
conducting a furniture store here for
a‘nuiliber of years, on Mot:idea' laet,
disposed of the busine,ss to Messrs; At-
kineon St Rowe. We 'understand the
perchaserswill move the stock to their
present premises and the other stand
will be closed. Mr. Heston is undecid-
ed as to his future intentions, but we
trust he will continue to temabat in
town. Dining Mr. Heston'sbusiness
career here, by his obliging manner.
courteous .and honest dealings he has
made many warm friends Who Will ee-
gret Very. much to learn of his retiring
take .place on Friday. In the evening
conceetts to be given* in the Opera
House, when a good program will be
. •
Mr. Sohn C. eould, whom we
tionedlast week as being ill of pneu-
tmonia at his borne in London, is pro-
gressing favorably and will soon be
out again. --
Mrs. Sanattel Cobbledick is confined
to her bed, euftering from an acute at-
tack of rheuto'atistri. Mr. Cobbleclick,
has also been quite ill from the same
Miss „Bella Miller, of Gtielph, will
Address the meetitig of the Woman's
Institute in the Opera flontie on Fri-
day afternoon at 2_:30 o'clock, in con-
nection with the Farmers' Institute
.People financially interested in the
York County Loan will find a conveni-
ent way of bandlieg their certificates
and passbooks by Intrusti:ng the busi-
ness to the Sovereign Bank of Canada.'
See advertisemert t.
.7. School re-olietied tOvinf Monday
with a full staff of teachers and e good
attendance of ' pupils. Parents and
*tear," saii -iiII pass eastWer..altracvets 1 The first real blizzard of the winter
tits . eyeshottre the l5th to the l7th.
.as let loege of the Moon, across the
Pale. astezqoaeor on the 1.0th will keep
tetainperatitte up generally, possibly
teravalog winter thender and lightning
axe& touching that date; buteudden
erttrente cold will break.from the
struck town on Friday and continued
throughthat night and Saturday
morning. The net resat is A little
more snow, but it is piled in heaps and
:only in shaded places is there the least
semblance of sleighing. A, fall oftmett
Tuesday made &tittle 'sleighing. -
front business.
istered Letter addressing •
Exeter, cot.
itlisa qeance be Visiting in Allsa,
OrAig. .
Miss May Wood. leftTuesday to Visit
in London.
Mrs.. itlerchand has beep. spending
the past week Buffato.
Miss 'Edith Sanders vent the. former
part of this week in London e '
Mr. Frank Bissett, London, spent.
Sunday with relatives here...
' Mrs, W. C. Huston is sp.enilieg a
'week tvith,relatives in Goderich.
' Miss Steinbach of Zurich is the guest
of her cousin, Miss Carrie Dy.er,
Mrs.. Eastwood of Whitby is visiting
her .daughter, Mrs. J. G. Stanbury.
Mrs. )tager, after a week's visit , in
101andeboyek returned home Saturday.
Mrs. A. Sutton left Tuesday to spend
Mrs. John Nervy and children of
Tilbury are the guests of Mr, and Mts.
Eli Snell.
Mr. and Miss Manning,ofBowetete
.ville, are the. guests of Mr. t and Mrs.
J. A. Stewart.. .
Mr, Putophrey returned to Parkhill
on Tuesday ' after a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. 3. Charlton, '
MissG, Bonthron'of Toronto' visited
Mrs. Itt H. Collins and Miss Kate Bon,
thrian this week. .
• Misses Nora Sanders tuadJuliaTrieb-
oer returned last :week from a few
weeks' Visit in Toronto.
Mrs. Morlock went to London Satur-
day ovting..to the continued illness of
her sister, Mrs. Wright. •
t „Mr. Isaac Reid of TorOntOtafte_r vis-
iting • hie'. sister,''Mrs. Harneee, Alain
Street, returned Friday..
The Missee Jackson and Sharp left
Menday raotnieg to spend 0,few weeks
at their homesan London.. . •
• Mr., Wm. Wade, after,e, visit with,
friends in an & around Exeter, returned
to his home in.Sarnia Frida y.
• Mr. Xefe •Greenwood, tof Crystal,
Dakota,. is visiting his uncles, 'Messrs.
Samuel and Silas Stahlake, Statoni.
breasts Coleman. Moncurand Melville
Ho wey returned last week to Toronto
to continue their Pharmacy studies.
Miss Evelyn Gill left Wednesday for
Detroit where she intends spending a
few days before returning to Toledo.
Mr. • and Met. Samuel Gidley of Blyth
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Rich-
ttrd Oidley of town, part of the week.
Mrs. Jost Myersand son of St. Thomas
sisited at the hp.mte, of Mr, and Mrs.
Samuel Sanders, MaititSt't pitit'ef last
week. '.
Miss Lou. Brimacombe of Killarney,
Man., is visiting her sisters, Mrs. C.
Wilson and Mrs. J: N. Howard of
town. .
Mr. A. Nash.Ctovermeiit inspector of
Electric lights. of:Londoniwas in town
Tuesday night; inspecting the . Exeter
Mr. John Torrancethenewlyappointt
el'Zicence Inspeetrir,paid his Arse of-
ficial visit' to the hotels in town on
Monday. '
Misses Grace and Frane Jaynes,
ter a pleasant vieit with the Misses
Johns, returned to Whitby Ladies'
College on Monday. • • . •
* Misses Fannie and Millieliatter have
returned to London after a visit at
their home here. Mrs. Thos..,Ilatster
has also returned to her home •in `De-
Miss Sara J. Northcott assisted AS
bridesmaid at the in arria ge Mise Cece-
lite Geddes, to Mr.Arthur E. Johnston,
London Township, on Wednesday of
last aveek. ,
Mr. Will Goodison of Sarnia, spent
Friday night here. Mrs. Gooclieen arid
little jack, whe have been visiting
Mrs. Johns for two weeks, retuened
with Mr. Goodison Saturday morning.
•Do you want a fur' cap or „Ladies' Fur
Ruff. go per cent.'obr at Stewart's.
Biz sale or cattle': "
Geo. Hunter '.St Son willhold another
big sale of milch,cetvs and young cattle
at Centralia, on Thursday, Jantt18th.!
Sep bills. •
c west. , 'Winging ' 0.: blizzard and
The new Reeve audConticillors were
t , win utt,..," .sworn in by the clerk, Mr. jos. Senior,
' ettsfitt wave aa the. • period w
Ilrart cold weather generally may . be on Monday noon. Rev. W. M. 'Martin*
ted for several tdays following
7 opened the meeting' withprayer after
mane of this period. .
t ' ' which in ordth
er e newly -elected reeve
clitereselt Itittottt.tt and councillors took the oath of office.
Ot4ettei1 met in the Toter' Hall Per They -held their, Ard council meeting
of Reeve, members all present. last (Wednesday) evening'. .
illatisteeof meeting' held .Dee. 15th, ma.•..
r. Wilbur Oudmoreof whOin inm-
ate& and approved, Armstrong—Le- 'Mon was suede last week as being very
the-iteettunts of Dr. AnIt)s and. illie still confined to his bed. The ery-
strise.Rititine as
presented, befiled.—Car- sip
pelaS hes some*hat improved, but
*4.. Woed—Aemstrong--the •council he has sufferel from several hemorrh-
tostserietT.5 from W. II. Lev tt in lieu <if ages, thus tendering his condition not
eisieteact entered into in 1and the very encouraging. It is hoped, how-
iteettritet .beceneelled.--Carriecl. Muir
wooft_the fouoiving. accounts were eyeit that his ease will takes, turn for
thethetter in the near fixture.
ittimed and orders drawn' on Treasurer . . . , . s_ - _ . ',...,_ .
„,- ess• ---i----.10:—Brown Eros., fees fee eerie. ,The marriage took place in ; union
1,I6; IticksongtOarling, legal -fees uesday.latit of Rev, Robert Hicks of
lekson & Oarlinet legal fees re Windsor,. 6011 Of Mr. Robert flicks of
lithie pavement, $07.15; O. B, Elimville, to Miss Iva Haight of.
eleetric light for Dec. $93.35; 'Union. The ceremony took ° place in
Jiiiimmete Connor, 'librarian salary, $25; the thitetechurch.and. was performed
MVO flaiettbrick for cemetery l003jac. by Itev. A. H. Going of Exeter at 3
• •
100000t $840; W. J. Heilman; supplies, 1 o'clock in the afternoon. They wilk
Fred Items', tile, $2.80; W. J Bis, reeide in "Windscir where Mr. Ilicks itt
er W. Cardince repaire to engine. stationed.
'It D. Carling, Secty Salt Co, salt Several of our towns -people have
Queen City Oil Co., gasoline. taken up the game of curling (teeing
' itillik Mrs. White, scrubbing iti Town the past week, and many of them are
Mak tat A. J. Ford, meat per 13rinta. quite enthusiasticregarding the oport.
eletemetet $8.50: W. J. Bissettineals for A, elub hag not yet been organized, but
V.25; Wm. • 13rimconabe, ,undoubtOdly if the players continue to
ng water, VIA; W. j. Bissett,, find, the game as interesting as they at
y to Mrs. -Delve, $5; Samuel Flan. present eonsidee it, a club Will 0000 be
Monk treesureits salary. $70. ----Carried, formed. , The stOne8 now 10 MO have
1aiwit-4,Vood-0ouncil adjourn einebeen borrowed for the purpoee of test-
tieetattente-Oretiatiie „ ,se
A very pretty wedding took lace in
the Goderich R. C. Church on,Wednes-
day t of this week. at OM 4. in. When
Mr; Charles A. 1;indenfeld, heaa' clerk
with Mr. J. A. 'Stewart, Exeter, was
united in rnarriageto Miss Gertrude V.
Grahamdaughter of Mr..Edward Gra-
ham of Godericli.- The bride and groom
wete unattended. The eeeemeny was
-perfortnectley Rev.' Fr: Renee ittthe
presence of only the iminecliete relat-
ives. The bride was gowned in,a mili-
tary suit of navy blue -broadcloth withpigtute.het.., Atthe concluttion of the
ceremony a dainty breakfast was serv-
ed,• after which Mr. and Ittra. Linden',
fejdi left on the 7:15 train' for Detroit.and other. points on short honey -
taboo trip. On their return to town
they will take ' up their residenee on
Huron street ' To, Mr. Lintlenfeld„and
his estimable bride we extend congrat-
ulations and beat wishes . for life of
prosperity and happiness. '
Tee .1:favorites are C0t4102.
Wilruont 'Young az Millie
AdamerBig Bijoii Comedy Co'yttwill
opetta Week's engagement at the Opera
Reuse, Exeter, on Monday, Jan. t5th.
Their. opening .offering will. be that
celebrated cernedy drama, entitled
"The Banker's Daughter." . This com-
pany.ia well known to Exeter audienc-
es, and although they have been-pleyt
ing nothing but large towns and cities
throughout Canada and United States,
they do not ititeed to go back on their
'old friends in Exeter.- The company
tiave wade rapid strides Canoe their last
appearance here and are to -clay consid-
ered one of the strongest repertoire
companies -travelling.. They carry
eighteen People with thent and put on
between,. k3-aila 10 big specialities be- •
tween acts ea,ch night, thus oiig
avvity with all waits. Among the vau-
deville artiste are Richards and Peters,
musical artists; Billy Conlin, song and
dance , artist; W. Q. Stuart; inaperson.
ator; Ed Stauffer, Betio comie soloist;
Stuart and Burton, singing and dam-
ing. Then there are The Sours; Jessie
and Beatrice in contortion and gaol).
ado feate. Ou Monday night Beatriee
Soars will take the sensational slide
for life, on a wire suspended front back
Of gallery ontt the stage. There will
eau entire change of progratimieeach
evening. Prices 15 and .25 cents.
Plans open Thursday at Letz's Drug
Stere. ' '
trauma's institute.
The regular meeting of the Wootaris'
Thatitute.wait held in the town hall.on
Friday, Jan. 5th. This naeeting was
exceptionally well attended. The
president6Mies Halls, gave 0, very ex-
haustive *port of the proceedings of
the convention held at Guelph which
shows a very rapid growth during the
past year. The report WW1 given in
ininutetdetail by Miss Halls at the
meeting, but is here given in concise
fortn. The fourth annual eonvention
of the Woolens' Institute' was held at
Guelph, on Dee. 13th and 14th. The
attendance was much „in advance of
former yeers, over three hundred. dele-
gates registered, and large numbers
attended Who were not delegates. The
mirk all over „the °Province is in a
flottriShing eondition. Note the felt
lowing figurete memberehip for the
year 1904, 5,433; the yeae 1005, 8,000;
meetings held in 1001, 900;iii 1005; 1400.
Addrestes weie delivered by president,
Ct. O. Creelman, Superintendent 0. A.
Putman, N'elsein Monteith, Min-
ister of Agribulture for Outwit), and
Mil-. W. Robertson. The lady speek.
Ps were 'Wise Laura ltose, Geelph,
subjeet "The 'Woratitily:Spliereof Wo.
mete"; Dr. Helen McMurchie. of Tot.
onto, on "Patent Medicines " showing
the fraud and evil resultiog'from then:
ose. A resolution was Pasted eelting
the Government to investigate mei
, itig the game.
*T. Senior, , Clerk.• "ItiVers. of Raymond,. Alta., s,
popular former resident of ()rediton;
. t in renewing his subscription to the
Witt to ehow our geode to the
SOW wbo thinks he cannot be pleased.
Aiayritie ran Emit the follow who is
tisitaly satisfied, but it takes good
waiwiliatiea,nothip, hellcat materiels and
Illooloyet• of tailoring experience to snit
• Ca_i_i_reful Dresser,
MU *rat he convinced that we have
alh,ntgod We do the ,best of
ivaertkamd tit you out cheaper than any
db. plaCe in
SIviisr you Suit and Over-
coat now.
litettri CottAtio
Advocate, saya in part:—.”We itre en.
joying beautiful weather—beight and
teionyttno MOW. Tillage were, very
lively here during . the election cam.
paign." The many friends of the Doe -
tor and Mrs. Rivers will be pleased to
know that both are enjoying good.
.health and the Debtor a lucrative prac.
At the invitetion Of the newly elect-
ed officers of Lebanon Forest Lodge,
A. V. & A. M., those present at the
Monday meeting, after the lodge
Work was over, participated in oyeter
refreshments in E. A. Folliek's lunch
parlor& After n, liberal supply if the
oystere had been, served the metal
toasts were- proposed ma responded
to by the brethren. Athong the visit.
'Wit brethren were W. reeott of Lon.
don andll. A. Davison, Toronto.
We notice thirt week that the Crystal
CityCourier, published in Cryittal City,
Man., the home of men, people who
have moved west from Exeter and
district, has been enlarged In eize.
The proprietor has also inettlit4 a,
new preas and 110 111 other ways endeav-
oring to iSatlOt a first.elase paper. WO.
are pleased to note that the Courier itt
proettering. For many year we have
exchanged with the Courier and it
cornea to the Advocate ()Mee AS 0, wet
entne weekly visitor, /old we "gab this
western paper outlets 4 prooperity.
w ins & Son's
ails, Glass, Oils, Cements
Heating and Plumbing
And you will ilnd. it is the 'cheapest spot in town
FIGUItt Having boeght very heavy this season vvefind ourselves
overloaded with all leinds of Furniture and in order to.
T4IS OUT reduce our stock to less' ttian half we've decided to give .
sA Straight Discount of from 10 to 20 per cent off
r on all lines for the next 30 days,
As you. know the amount Of motley you intend to spend in Iturnituree us
figure it out then come and compare our goods and find just the number of .
dollars you -vvill save bytinaking your purchase from no '
FOR INSTANCE—We will.sell you a three-piece bedroom suite, Maple,
Golden Oak or Mahogany finish, with a British bevel mirror, for $11,00, which
you cannot duplicate elsewhere for less than. $12.50. A sideboard. 48 inch "
Maple, double shaped top, golden oak finish. 'for $aw which you cannot dupli-
cate for less than $10.00, Everything,else in comparison.
We also guarantee to doyour repairing and ordered 'work
your entire satisfaction at very moderate charges.
take action in the matter. Dr. Annie
Bakes, of Aylmer, gate an eddrese
and a oumber of ittetruetive pipers
WPM 'rea4, by poruitictit Instittite
workere and discussion on the mune.
Arrangetneuttewere made for holding
pnblic meeting in the Opera House,
}tree% on Pt Way, J'in. 12th'st 2:3o
edrittk 14, whieh Mts. Bella Miller of
“nelph will eddreee the ntemiee; en
ale rorilially invited to ettena,,
,Brands of. Flour,
Pure Nia,nitoba
Mae tiading., Furniture ..Dealers and, Funeral Directors.
• - Our airn has always been to make January Sales compare
• favorably with Other Months of the yeer. So we will not
',complain of the lack of snow,'or;too much snow. •
• We wish to be able to say that trade has been good with 'us
doting thoroonth of January, so desire to draw your atten-
tion to the following leading tines. in Dress Goods ,just
*ley's Chiffon Amai-
n; Chi.ffor4 Broadc1oth:1 in all
e leading shades.
Also Fancy Tweeds, Shoo:10W Ohecks,
Pain, and Fancy 4ustres and IVIohairs,
Croy the leading color in different shades
Our new Prints have arrivedi,. aleo Chambray's Ginghams
ondlancy white Vestings.
• .
A Gentle Iterainder :
We are selling all our Men's .P"Ur Coats, *and,: Oapst, Ladies
Astra,lian Jackets, Ruffs, Caperi.nes, etc., at a discount of 'Sett. k
Our Star Flour is a 50 per cent Mani.'
tobe, Blend. Only the best Manitoba.
and Ontario -wheat is used in item/init.
facture. The ideal is attained in bread
me4e from Star Flour.
(eitt .
The, latest process is used in the marit
ufiteture of our Wheatlete. Give it a
trial and be convinced that it has no
euperior as a breakfast food.
----- (0) --
We solicit your 'foisting and chop
ping patronage.
EITErt ONT1114 0
Men's $60.00.,Por. Coat for
Mense $30.00 Fur Coats !km . ... , . 4. . .. , i.....,, ivs:0000
Meets $28.00 Fur Coat for .. ...
Men's $25.00 Fur Coat for ... 4440444441
1 A
. , .• ;olaoo
4444,441 4 4 4 4$20.00
Women'ti $50.00 Fur Coat for.
Women's $45.00 rut Coat for., ., . ... ..$88.00
Women s $$5.00 Fur Cloat for . . .. . ... ..$20.50
Women's $80.00 Fur Coat for ., t. .. . .... . .$26.00
• • ....
. i$25.00'
'NlatorOlk~/.1 1Orl0larro7dorwrI•040*.o..4r0474**10.01100.1
These Furs are 'all First -Plass •
All this Season's buying
Come and Get an Early Ob,oice
SNELL, et 11017,"E
The MiffSOR Mariam, and Dina Elston,
milliners, of Parkhill and Fergus re=
votively, returned to their home here
last week.
Mrs. A.14. Wilmon left for her home
in Petrolia on Saturday last, after a
pletietint visit with friends here.
Mr. Fred Wienintt, who has been
engaged with Mr. W., G. Dissett, left
Hatorday for Toronto, ivhere he will
vieit a couple of weeka prior to leaving
for * three months' visit to England,
the ls,nel of his birth. On his return• '
Mrs. Winniatt will aecompany him.
Olairvoyant-Psychic MedIca
Examination Free,
Syracuse, N.Y. Believing in clairvoy�
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