HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-01-04, Page 13a,1 tett=04-04-0+0404-0-4a0-+ Inthr PROPOSIII t'04 -O -f04-0-4-0 +0+ 0-4.-04e9:+:0+ It was exactly three yearto a cley tInce /tarry 'Morton had *et foot In tbe village, and the newe „ of hie return spread. quiekly'amongst the iee, habitants. The wildest rumors wette of conate„ afloat in next to ifo tinge and he progreesed from abselute beg - *eery and failure to the 'very heigtt of affluence -and proePerity (and the Ire,verse) he that brief winter's afte ,• The simple truth, that Ile was 'wither rich nor poor, but that he had just managed to save a few hu 2- eireds anti take a Pin honte, would a sever have satiefied the gossip-loviete villagers, to whom a voyage from Australia was such a stupendOus at - fair -that no man in his senses would etetdertake it otherwise than under great pressure: - It was getting late in the ever.ing as owe ,the any - be 'before the new reached as. far Willowlea Farm. which lay. s Belles away on the outskirts of 'village. and that it ha� net •lost thing in traVelling. %Vase, only .to eipected. , • • - "' "They do say;' rem arked Mr Marsden, as he settled himself ; down comfortably in acapacious chair at the fireside, lifting „hie churchwarden • 'frozn'the mantel at the, same time 'they do flay as. how' young flurry it'orton'e come- back." 'Young I -Terry Morton back?"' cried •his wife incredulously*, "',Why-•-'" . A crash of breaking china, in the scullerye(which led out of the kite') ,n fn which they Wereseated) cut short '*Jed worthy lady's sentence. r. •• 1"Whatever are you doingnow, natty?" she cried. "I declare yoteee, always breaking 'something or mi- t:alter,' ' ,There was a muffled opcpressiOn • os. Vegret, followed by a 'rapid accelera- tion in ;the speed or the duties beitig perfornied, 'and the farmer and his -wife took up the thread of, their-in- terrnPted conversation. • " it's only three ,years , since he :left,"•, Mrs, Marsden said, "and . if • `he's cenze back the same as Yie Went, then all X can say is that it's a bad job for his peer mpther.'Y "Aht but he's not," chuckled: the Sarn.ler;,' "he's eeme back; so e t say, ;with a big fortune, made up the goldfields Of Austraiy, and as its being A. bad job for his Moth ateaver could see any harm in lad -a bit wild, perhaps, but noth AvorSe." • , . -,,,,, .111:re.• Maxidere sleook, her elt niourntullYi . "YOu'vel changed, your tune latelye " ^ win and purpese in -bi'f,; Leen, grey cyee which contrasted favorably eeif i4s ChQ had forfeerly lielotea it. lietty had not ai yet trusted lee. self to talet° a fell and comprcheneicee view of him, her e1g3e2one• &meet hevieg been, sufficient to cause her. heart to beat rapidly and laer eyesi to heconie dim and toiety. What a little idol eIte bed been -net. ha. And be ue-2s preesing his lips, fevertehly to her hot elicea. ShoozticaVOred if) plic611 11131 ftWf.IY, with all the etrenetb of her two haw's" but slee w -s es littic 111 in his gratin and laet, worn orele, with her exertioes, ,he hung, and exhausted, at his mercy, tue„'" be whiseered. uie 4,nd will release --only tell " MYSTERIES OF OCEAN BED TUE Sritiriou LIFE SEEN BY A DEEP &:t D1Vt8 Deptit Giant Crabs' and Dee:it thisli. ebanges- in therms .of Fish at ,Great eti ity the awful panorameo of dealt' and tlieneter, which have heen meltices- .0`' hi* poefeateicenal exeperieneee as a "la, the vieinity of Ostend," be let latee. "/ was requeetea emelt to Cia.rfratie.'. the wiCeli of a veesel ivi,ich had suriez' not Lew 1-iefOre. This was /40 eeees-e, ion upon wliteit. I was ftesaited 1)y a Le ef They night,.at the gate of tile farm. ' ii,iei,td „anti a trerauloeely 'matte ed. fro n seehee, has am/him, shis lite cerpSet of me deal eailors. One "I have e,lwae-s loved YOU, 11:etiy,, *No"; end he inetent:ly relect-ed bee f-4"W'filif-i! Atneriertn, the divers intrtettt •ti'ihit'..1„ alciastera seized toe hY. 'lie - darling!" . be hail saititaTtliol, .011 Dow to et) teh' lier ll'abi the ne 't. n • t ai etiet, eeaninaiion t the. sithtnerhea seluett woold have ,beeti crusbedh ee i'l low and tender hie voice lead, ieeen! -..', ae she yeas 'Sitiltiteet belie faitittleg' „to '.1.t41 opfloriuraties for 'netting exiie,u,st,,,61:(1:1-,1...retP•zpe-rdeten3erboad. ib4;:.r.tf)ble 1.)itttc,?‘1;e* rhttlate atrial -10°r! ., --"ana If oelei you cotald love me in= the gaol -loth- • •' ' ' ,.. • five 'nal 'irnporterit exploratious of hie. retuen' '121st a, li.ttle bit e " ' "Olt,' let 'Me' fr,0!" She cried wildie ' I-tot/tow or the sea. In , these totals ee hitt of my diving 'dress. I ' had a airel And She had rsWePt his 'declaration "'Vent nettet nelte-oh, yon mlust '21.1211' # "1...,a4feeous exploration spithiai die, 08nrescweeadr,eli iiantediktrujohgantItvito' Woittit,th%eVshqieviboill., aside -with 'a faegh, epurninge tile .01..., "itte‘elly„" he lattelied, "ti think T ' tioe len hae been' won by .a young riath 4tors: tile shells T still ,pessesa., the' al' efigineee t 14 l4 De , Plury, who. 14' fer even at the :very -moment' 'When maee. • sliettet"-c.he 111 t1 frOM All objects tit the bottinzi .of the sea t her °wit heart „was paipitatilm ,,eie,e cool. incifii,,,eness of bie tortes-, "when tee aid of* an apparatus of his oevn ip-1 ere' ‘coveree with a, 'kind of'. eurioos =passion. etnother tvord from him. 4 h went twee?. iaom here three years ventifm, Succeedtid in' aeaching a (10.4111 love) but lie had turned angrily upoa village again; but toy . love for 37 and she would. have 101414' 41 her I SS 0 v t t f : 7 ou ,s'avi.:clier111 5!181e than 336 ,feet -a eit!pth c4(17'v'elei;i'etf°a1& a ,iirri;ib'° gloom _and sit lii 1 ciao - ed by Itngineer Marry in the eouree 0 f eaeter eapneeed te tee er4 ab e horile of .thoee giarit ere] to accept his oirer of three yeare' ne.isistepey hail conquered, enel preach ehhhei 'sully nut thh very 'Ong WIliCral have (timely speken. back, when they 6tood together that azthe gave the feinrett sliahe I at's) whert it weat to the leeitorn not 'ea were at tiO ttnie huaY devouring the arf s ee , and gone at arrapid pace proved strongee then my resolution, i De narya 1- Y,ev.hz;s irnyeen= a Fkeinndootalmn oft: C. inly The floor of -the ocean is strewn dowu the road. Once she had called and I was forced ee return. Since al armor which affords hint etiery pre- with bones, not a few of them . of ltu- hint back; but her voice was chokitor X have born 1- C!4 I have 1 arnt to t '4* xi. w a' y means of a stream! . Man oeigin. A very singular fact which, with sobs and he did ,not hear her. love you more. and more e erv dev:- . ate, obse.reed Ls that the !tea for a citernieal conaYnatiori respiration is nut ' and, with a coldness .of death at her hut X did not dare to , eonfe te it to.. iOnlaliCally prOvided for. Tbankti lo certain .period of thee keeps bodies in heart, she had staggered into tag 3 ou, I have. wavered ' and wa ere i. tide. he .has already made more than a perfeet state Of e preservation. 'I OriCe house and thrown herself in a pee- putting it off tintil this laet day Of 115 most daratg „note, vatted the hull of a vessel which had strangely blended -upon the bed. lie paused, and took her aces bee col er a most marvellous World. hither. deseente 'with "The crew were mostly asleep at the sion of rage and tenderness -the two! all: and now-- -,-,--- , safety. He has thus been able tcy'":h; 'gone down with all hands, ' A week later, Harry had gone on tween his hands, forging her to loOk. te seen hy no eYe it his; the Sea bed moment witen the •disaster occurred, his long trip to Australia wit -Inlet up into his eyes. had thus prattically passed 11-7 a scene of nuirvelst combined with ttnil sO much as a word or a line of part- NOW* iletty, darlingl now You, no small emount of tragie horrors. • sianlaneously front sleep te death. So t ing, and sbe bad „enever forgotten. have said you will not repulse )31e 1 "Tile first sensation experienced. ed b .8 far they had not been bitten or grimy - that hopeless, drearat winter's (lay X h ve gathered the neeessoret cdur- on which. she heard the newee with a , and X ask you --to be my .wife."1 terviet al It 11 j v w i an, a an °time ts , i. 4 fre, ways 'Were- closed. ' The men still ap- , y any ash. as most of the hatch- o Seld this intrepid. diveraat a recent int its Iong suceeeding night of bitter `Itut---e--" . • ' Peered as if asteen ere they v i tears 'and agony of remorse. Haw '"Oie t" he laughed, "you' Rending •• into a Mute. bu,t you • soon get ah epee. et e eeim tine , ,,„ , • ' something like that which is felt on tie-, e- , „nee ,_ e teen Th„ A mysteril;;f,7% 1S1ia had,loyed • him 1 And he ' was lost fear. X shall not be committing p.btf;- naneenstroerertiered otatiusia3t. ' bAepfea.n. doepthe oof b slumbeg I annroaehed, and climbing! r to her for eveteetie would never come aray. My first wife is et -a t . • t , dOwn to the afehways, _touched one 'IC e b f iinnd°,unt back -oh, how she cursed the fend e- nevtlit and if you will say 'Yes' lore() quantities. Seen through the the eorpeeS with my' hapd; the' fteeht n inc ally end light-heartedness whica She did not saY "Yes" e.ert• them evatoe everything appears magninea, , , LvIty being placed several yew. Mari htiuuhl have been. Frees hearal narrative •ws kuow wee lawn shurtly before the JI. 1111.1tbe Great, But Hared died Is the year of Rome 754-751, which eon* • tO the year which we now aloe inflate us B.C. 4 to 11. C. 3. Homo .J -7i WUS born at hetet as lit C. 4, But allowing for some elanse hetwgen the birth of Jowl mid the slaughter of the babes eh llefhlehem by Ilerod, and %Min b� tweeu Oh; event and the death of the during which thine Jasepb Wiik atarY and the. young child enjourned Egypt (cern. Meta, it. - 1, 16, 113), the attire. probeble attte becomes B. C. 5 to B. C. 4,- • . Herod the King -Son of Antiputar, governor of Idunnea thalotra, the terrf- ltiiy of the, Dead Sea where dwell the descendants to Esau: founder of the Ilerodian family and dynaStY. *nig Itnown later as Herod the Great. Soon after Syria and Palestine became pouit of the Roman emph'e, at the time erst the Invasion of Asia lay ItoinneY the Great, this Idtunteart family became prominent lief Palestine affairs. In Et. C. 37 Merit Antony, the friend and avenger Of Julius Ceeear, placed fieroa OI the throne of Judea: JOsePhulte exonnerates eight wives of tiered, and he is known. to have had two °then,: he had eight sons and six daughters. A. eruct, unscrupulous, and ambitious erent on the throne, he neYerthe cents never to have indulged In i reit ut. persecution; and on different (tom - ions proved himself a good friend of Is Jews. His life was surrounded by lots, Suspicions; and intrigues, and hia doubtless accounts for the increttee cruetty, well, as ,for the fear ant asery of his old age, Wise Men-Greelt, Magi a title given o learned men, priests, arid physician f the- Persians and Babyleinlarts, who ere also versed In astrology, poothaare " •declara.tion1 hied prompted, ha t.) refuse his maetty but under tbe circumstaneest Isere arid titeet aro apparently. of haps, words would have been, super- , „ • - , ENOfterOUS pROPOIITION.. Seemed to dissolve antl vanish under nay hand, leaving nothing, but • • auous. , A GIIINNING SKELETON. -------err. . _ "And the treasures of the seas! • Mil- t -The shiPPing company made no. ob-i All recollection of the protection • ef- 1 none alone are mowed not, tar tram .,,,. Xiarreee hoine-stay ants -limited' to Passage for a await, on the under., . . . Jection to, ' Harry's pestetonline his...forded by the glass front of the helmet' Sago.. i,•.iiiete!soonneaitiiyit,rnry.hs,,meee-n neverbeenbees.11 ( 1,4 forgotten, arid the first impression is' there. tine month, and the days sped swift' standing that he would re,luire tie.- 4114, lheSq masses of horrid flaeaid and a . elown there In the old diving elreshh gi, Ilette•-her hope increased -new ten 00e0a weekly* , IY 1;130. ' - - . ° ets-fortwo- ill Plaef-e Of oneeetreae- slimy riteduete Wal adhere to your face. alio unhappy man dice otiose directly A :a- lust,eatine lower down, and 12 8015. he reached the , surface again, hut i 410 el loideolived in a Perfect, frenzy 91 at' .4......_,:.:,...-..-. ' • Mating multitudinous shoat. of .emall had 'haft time to see several gelleolts ,,,n1 ternating hope and *tette, at ono , : SAVIr210 l'ilE'etfOLD•ljUsT, lishce Is encournefed. shinimering dike Wile at the bottorn, with the masts.still I moment declaring herself the unhafte RO 111411y stripe of ehirilitg copper, tr standlith- end • the timbeawerk still * dent that all :would , be put , right Precautions a tonem e an= Ur-, 1, o e bef,ore he went awaY • again. . Thet •„‘• ... tnghleiff.. Mats' Estaldish.inent. sh don'tb' or •about 162 toot \ tbtok the•fainceus-trekosu' re ship4s, but I di) hot th • thi k. wou e possible •to recoVer th ng. s and. In the ...Interpretation Of rearm.' In „1er.•39. 3, 13 •Nergaisharez,- r, a prince tif the 'dog of Bebylon, is vett the 'title "Rab -mag" chief- of the fagl, That the .wise men were three loronunitrbaeciritiaonnd rtellsauto-gthe9y07yeerreykLag,s,rrts ouridation. , • 'n. His star -A superriaturiti pheneM- non . vouchsafed these mete. to nuide, he shriplitity of the tnakrative at tids plesto mortal alive,, at another confie T c o'hett metal .in Slate of COiltirltiOUS V1. sound Thee° of coerse evere soine e lie still 'loved her was tin -taint eerie Niashinge innohtees eeeee rigtet..imesses of seaweed are travereed; seme thorn. Alt metals would have been .de. ceal tbe 'fact how he tnigat, and she :enough in a .1auudry; but ' 511 they' wQ.4id or' these Are hi irlike vegetable grOheihsi stroyettelay rust by now, OS bave judged' by the the st,rength ,of • her oat, scarcely 'be looked-, for the 00 ab- with, arm frern twenty to 'thirty Yerds been below 'water:ever since 1707, tt feelings that it '• would .be impossible jesiime-eree of manfaceeeing jeweller. II 10-ngth. wbiettwith. a kind of 'hare _ 4.1„,tbave seen personafly the vesshi to ' Three weeks passed-leurl In tyre- e • g a aro west stitate a reeve' eianerr, theY was wreeked en Mute , and sat* 'with In for birn leave -her, perhaps for .bYiet they 'play an important part in rid vitality, wrap therriseives roond OV" ab011t 1808f was conveYing Na - hays More his • ,ship sailed, and it this. time, without word. , such a, plant. .• ' • . ere' part of the body. These elate e9n- itaeeen'ti Aretrettree to ,flolland but it • would be neeepsaree for him to daily all the aProns% and 11 the easily parelyee tae diver's movements toif000 000 f 1 ern first ..to Jertisitlern and .then c house in. '13ethlehezn (coMP, verse to 9). pint is characteristic of all 'New TO - inlet* rassages he which miracles are entioned, 3. He WAS trOU140,1-nerOWS 1'010 ad 13eep much disturbed by plots and tripes, and as he' grew older he be - me doubly suspicious and teerful lest enn Usurper or •pretender should rob Orton his throne. Ile knew also - of e expaietation. of the Jews eorreerninie ossjali who was to be their Ring. Alf: Meth -Went -All Who heard of the sit and in wiry of the Wise. men, pecially those in. authority whose pet, triobnoiel.ike that •Of -the king, wais‘41,PPar• tly endangered. aeAn .exampt of by-, 4. Chief., Priest and end seribeh-Afee • „ CS., ea hey • home overnight .,9rder oe o es n y workers OMP oy,- and by rising up' above and ermand ennootntio have been -reCOttered, Ina the sr ',ed• 'that' manufacture of articlee of him. can vein' hlin down • with 1, relminder.'aS l have said, la Mill Mello lel on 'London in tiMe.torreach the do.ckS. . gold, !Then ,the tyadter pvir4ch. these weivh, aenremting to 'seveeal hundred . heteeni et the mann. The Prince of Mon- tit to • she had 'gone into the:village that things, have been a 15 elted .is piped to eveiOteasulneieait to hileak 'a 'POPe-011 tete statee. that h' 1i found- near, 'Cy- 14 er day, the last, th wake a fem.:, a room, where theegold contained in lifellnP who-' . hauled on. . anis a galley tstill full 'of. °Meets of Int aha •clattscse and. Pit as she eulorg9.tx int" itis extracted. aid•Saied• .° • - if2 foei there are stean snake- et the .bettom of the'sete. ,This where vi the ePgn eoltlatrer he had cOme particles of gold adhere' tee a. theelike fishen of about three feet slitenarine boats will have soca a great ee e'dwith her. •• . • hands and faces of the vvorkeis - other dertizene ' of the dee'e .aitere before -them, as, by thei25 r aid, we si 171 • "I: tun e said; laic- the precions, inetahe and even, get in- reclemb)Ing dol -hilts.. These letter obeli onat (-Ida be able 161 explore. urt en irred, that's all I COLT.1 say then.", she 11° retorted., ..,"Why, look at .the tine) e you; chased bine across the salt -Ipso. 'a, e And foti,nd 'when you laid hands-12par. se g- therheay'37": bag .from her , hail t. ,to their hair.- . :Twice a 'day -alt the , teeniseivee, violently avainet the dieereaknown (teeth sea grottoes. riea in. un- pe wh3a • what' •a• WeiFilt for Y911 to llta 'operatives Ittatth their hands and if ' as la d ' • " remarked.. e is some-, known felons nt tirp,.. vaulte full sof. en- .111,0(3h,1,/YI Yalurusseladf`'1,4°). iv, .61.‘;0' s'ineee faces- and • the 'water is, like that whdteyoung at the eame, and has for, "too-reeeatih, dna. the. tomb o'f 'moth "" from the- washing enacielne, piped to gotten the pre4eetrott afforded by hie poor 'sailor." ''' ' " ' intier. '',anti you know r‘am pretty ' h . , ,... , . ,. , , the extetteting room,' • 1 helmet."he. is still filled- with. a mortel • - , ettet, nomathiog that hewn e'en upon eahvas and 1 • • . , tlere there is installed a. big' filter, ria -1 les, they phovid sticheed in , ...--,.......ha.---e-o. h, "X have, ,something t to r, , you., E with its filtering seation„ *made of sreasitin77 the gIaaet front ,of the llellItct • • . . i '' -.!•• ...; . resembling„ outwardly desene jt feur indict; of tbialettese. of e yetips ever since I returned ...k, ee • • 4 , ‘ I , . th pleaitied. section of a lant a pare •omiree fetoeie vial (*ern. death')would . . STINDA:t g1100 tiehirtowt.......ntliast. i' wil,..°c°nut*I'L.47---- 3"?.P:., ehhenherti a", as it arotold look partly i ho- almost instantaneeus. . . . usAwn* out. All the 'water from the "Still' other and worse monsters ere lie, was,fookingeup. at htm•in 'won- ,,wahhing enttieltine and from the wash the -polyp"' or devilfish. Who wrap their erinent. 'Not, concern har mach? 'howls' in the factory is forced through elime teelaelea reenil the bold explorer; • . Id :he 'nett '''galessed ' Itetliousand this filter; and at 'regular intervals hut although - reeu'gnant, -, these Mort- nittO,h(*. matters Stood with 1° the eh',”Pitifid,, tittle heart? Had not the tfilteking section. is taken out and stars are ' cowardly,. am immediately the gold removed from. It * . I renounce the,r atteek in coming in eon- Lesson Gil.denTtiTee4wto.itsipeiollav.en23F:ii:Gd. Jesus.. t.ovexhit wistful glance,' her' everY A.D. tldv floord.. in the factory' te Ewe wila, the ur familiar:feel of the LESSON WORD STUDIES. .Note. -The text' of the, revised version IA used '' as a' . basis for these Word Studies, * - - • . - : „ Glad Tidings to the Jews.-That4 Jesus ,of Nazareth; was of a truth the. long- platisly. away from hira, restraiaed tt, factory -tomeany thousanee °root_ rine to their strmV 41Pns 'and Thrmiat imlis3d*Ibr and °ger/Y exPeetf4 Me's" Y ber-his °hold neon'. her. hand. 'ars' avorth of gold' that .without 41114? 'Plalys, 14eNi '.°3nstit'llt° a ec'ntini'(11 •siah °I the Hebrew PeePle' the' San t'l t tb f t t th d'ver whith David and the Saviour King ofhtfsree,l, is the burden, though not the sum total et the first evangelist's message tei his v-, et ir fe a. el• he ve I- ke or a pito her enbrts tq escapea he tee, grit in Your teeth. • , ' bk. to Obtain livirta specimens of Rime strengthen th6-' faith of Jewish (114 1' bine- that. he'd' got his cOat simPler heed With hares," - „ "And "Many'S ;the txtxte . don) the safne/: ale chimed in senteotioue- ne eetsed in the Hebrew Saripteres, and M,ho' therefore' might be expected te bee lordlier .with every.tprophecy 'concern -7 _ me theaChrint, the aneinted, thee the Meesiala. Probably Mend Sanhedrin are referred to 5. Thus it is weitten-f "But theta Bethlehem. Eph art little to be eracirik Judah, out . of thee 'saall one unto me' that • is •to ruler . .* . 'And he shall stand, and shall his flock in the strength of Jehovah., * '•Ihe majesty of the name of Jehovah- hitt God: and they shell abide" 8, Sent them- be Bethlebern-In ae;- cordeence with the information 'gained froilitt the priests and teribes. •, .9. The star . went 'before theme - They were not permitted. to remain de tandent upon the direntioae receive from the 'treacherous kiog, who Was ea 'reedy alotting the death ' of the newt, born -babe. • . • ' 1 same in which ,the balee had been in now doubtless seutie 'days, If TRY weeks, ago. • Frankincense and myrrh--Bothares Ir gums obtained from trees found and for embalming, and •• Very expel).- .16,111/eA.rebia,., used for inedieinef purpoeet 12. Another wate-Poesibly lerti south. from Deihiehem, past Itch, and .through Idomaea eastward, or . le the nertheeat aero- Jordan, leaving to Jerusalem to the westo ' POISON .IN EGGS. • „et - other Startling Dlecotery IFrenek . Medical Investigation. - One by one oor most cherished ertielet diet disclese`deedly detignett'upori out 8 well-being under the fostering; care za medical mote -081o, 'supported by medical press. " if Hitherto the egg has been regarded. - as abscautely innoemotts, until at least, - it has reached an age eteldeli quahllea it to take -an attiVe Dart in politics. Dut now a French medical titan Was &covered a hidden elangOr• lurking in its yolk, and- the dreadful intelligellea has been spread fer and e,vide by the "Lancet." ,• • The yolk of the eggs of hens, tineks, and tortoises, he declares, eontein a substance %officio Neaten Injeeted inte the veins, under the skin, or into tler general body cavity, eventually catteet death from an acute antotacallen of the central nervous eyetern. Ilen's egg yolk ie less to.71.!; than that of the duck, but that of the terlohn more paisoneue than eine a It le' Comforting to oliseeva IV.WeV(ir that the greate majority of die genera public who eat ewe lit the ordinaoh way .ar,e not threintened. "only, of cour,se 'didn't "tell "'ALA, .,37oUng •Rar,7 -s�-that a would aever have done). . • • d , "And then hidi • carryings -on ,with the, girl up,',at the 'Mitre,' anct-,bot, " there, that doesn't matter now. a P° IN'IVAINATIONAL LESSON SAN. 14. ten . you what, thealgh; X don't be- her t Neve a word about tais fortune of til his. Ilear not the sort of Chap to. co put‘ moneY, bye -it's easy ceme tied ha easy go with hini, to niet way of 1)a ' • thinking." '. • , 'Mr, Marideo did not trouble to ar- gue the ;point --witlrehls wife; but, like !r&. the good-riaturect"man he was, allow- nel • ^44Ilettyl", lie cried. i`tOme here, IlettY, .1 ,want- you."' 'haat She-eame into the hitchert at lets th call, her fatettaetwhito.as a 'sheet •of fon fnid response, her every Plea nig covered with tar paper, which eatehetheeetal armor platinga.ogfiamnvt ...deritrall,nsg:d:entlsiee. ropliance with hie lightest whsh- d not these revealed to him tlOa" that fall, upon it. • From • time, to Erten- mora intrepi es and holds all. tile; geld particles „There aro `alert equally. horrible, hree esionately she lived 'him? ' time S, new paper coverheg is laid „on' of thate I have eeen have me4suredLis She gave a low cry, like .Sontte -AV, `I• am married, notty, I---" . • tthe _.f_1:001acii.s.s.eothri erdic;ocliii tielnit Libtiqicd ". glited, -vTotTnded animal, itid shrank et' g .1 air " l'i'1"14:3'1:4E'E •Ft.EE-TIN DIA1148.T-111. ' .vay these mearis there are. $it-Ved ith ed her to have' the last word.. • toad 'Xee, r was inarried a Year ago. in such precautions would inevitably be inhlehlvaccl, no6rneeanasa teo3rb°0 deseolgiod, , StMlia... I found aite right. 'hack• 412 - - lost, e heart of the 1111812. VV.& intolerably • e--.....--.4.-- t"Thls Le about ell 'that can he said ei' , ,pepera• ' et? -' th ' no ger, and -but what is the' matter. ' I 1. The house -Not necessarily tht tbe score of the deep sea fauna. rhe.r.followteountrymen, who, haying belie bor tty-you are crying?" • • 1441°1:1'ITCE SE1111MXS':- deformation of fish 'Is ,not very hellee- ed on Jesus *for' his worlds sake, y able at such a . small adenth; by defer. needed for the strengtbening of the estion, am' the world -been laid at %%Scene°. , matioO I mean not 'onle change 4alth just such a setting forth of his 'ti feet for so doing but •she crush, The lights of the world are not ad-. farm, but else of chare.eter. 'This and work In the light of the Old Test back the'deadlY sickness at her vereising. Edges. , , take; place at a denth of about tog rnent pmpltesies which in him -foein rt. and paid in a lOw vele(); lictlaits\vs• no .ggeod who boasts he prase here thetrnature chanhes 'en- their complete and only fulfillnient. T .7''W113tealca*Itl :hiajttr:, alivet taleat ver S ails the •her-mleei. •qu r• ;'` "Feu, look tan' throUgh 'you'd .goct. her 011,04;','Whatsa the matter with 'ed 'Our hea . • he yoit she collie not Imsx,ver his 'Faith's fervor itt more than effer- lititalledg‘. Vern :of • long, ex- - latitt'y threw herself doon net itet the rug ateher father's 10421, itiuxne do Ming ords to the effeat that • her IC -head was ttching, and the good man, th with te trowel and a Shake of the Oil! ha *tier at his wifee-but hisemottah •dowie •dea sloce to the girl's ear and whispeee tadl .ed: . • "nave yoti heart' nevvs, Xlette? .steo Young' Iiterry ifortoths cfithe /lento." h; ale had 'expected to ode her 'raise but bee head a,nd a ltright sparttle to ." tome into her eyes; but, he was max/. ea golory 'disappointed,. for ahe obstie- the ately kept hart face averted and uttee- ed merely it inechanIcal: - a • "Oht hoe lie?" „ unc "Yes; and Iteat eozne back as rieh kee ati a---ao rich as u . _t -440h, fudge!"" ''interpolated the paac- , tkal Mrs. Atareeton; "don't you. " lieve what heat; saying!, lletty-itetiny ouly idle talk." "I "But. he 18 really' back?'" hezardea not lietty, feeling that sonic remelt k troin Iter woe called tor. "isn't bah" "Dacia 'Yes,"" cried her motber, ray heart, if Abut' fen't Ilia knock -I ahould know it in a thousand." t '- Site ran' end opened the back tlenr eathe front opt) vote only used on • state abet,' ceremonial oceasions-ree turning' half minute, later, followezi by ifarry llfortoit. ° „Tletty liad risen hurriedly from her " vett upon the floor, as red now as che had been white before, and 21 (1l elirunk back into ethe shadow until the eoneratutatione between Iter -pate, eats aud• tact visitor .tvere over. Thee -there . was tio .for itaahe atit *vititeed timidly, yet With eert air o.f Lead 'put out aer litterabia look bit() her f' ee and a sudden flush. Ile took it .inietly, witlit a quick log 'of color foto hie bronzed clieeks, ott haven't changed ra bit liettWp" 110 said; and elle, lalighieg now,. u,...3r;ured him that ift hie name had hot le' 14 $111110Uttri,.(1L. .o41si 1)e.17Pli have recogideetl 11121 at all. Ille, three eeers rottilt life lite., 'It is Ve.r37 1;11137 of mee-but have ttlees• no . harm.• • tirele. anti they, itesurne tile forms and author's purpose being' argumenteti 'beat vet9 well lateiet, atuat-ohl Losing the temper takes %the edge- ,eetlettutionel MOdiOatiens• !10('4'S 3(17 rattier than, biographical, he does nott a please let 55 hurry huiry home," • off any argninent. • "' 'enable then V) hear the entOpneseways in hie rtarrative' obserhe theca o., further tvord- wasespeeten Ffe can easily be...fearless who • dare eSSure whiell °•the,y. subjected, eel chronolegicel order of events., ey reathed, the ,.gette at whieh' they not make foot •• . aria, have their beim**. • , which th e gospel of afark is a bett 41. parted three years age; and here; 'Sow the sand and you reap only "Hitherin it hag, been (tithe itrirtneel4 I guide. , In addition to endeavoring, ned her, • e: Love's music is never perfect with; .suainarine ceeaturee, EIS the3r rOneletNi liens in Jeeus the Messiah., tie sought od here together?" lie .-asked; Obstacle le often only another way led. du° to the" reductiont Of nreS$11110. WhOtn he wrote by making plain 1,11 he 'woe too 'strong for her, . No inan ever broke his back under and their eanacions name nnt' universal in, • scope, ernbraeing n yoh reinember the la,se time •out the chords of pain. e the surtace with their, volume' (median). also to enlarge nee. vision of those fort he ti 0'. ...to disengage her kiattd., spelliiag opportunit St. • t. All 1111 S4 creatures are eernlynrnlIA, tite kingdom established by Chall rist wae at An 1/o• you renteniber hotte you. laptop. his brother's literden. , quentia :serve tie the. tomhe ?of onfortto tions and all peoples and thus altoliolat: et me, and let nie walk off down Yon are not likely to sley the nate senors, wbeee shins twee efeee, in int: all harrow sowtsf, hnntanona. . lane with never a woad -eat" enmity by di -awing a. long bate. the bottom- and their hodics gradflallY Very early tradition uniformly ascribe of I called A •niggartily, pots° in the packet efnle Owner. ana deener, wbile the • fare tbe, 'writing of the first:, gespel to Mat- the he words' had escapea lea art oeteotaea tb,orn. the side, tettleble preesnre to whieli they arestrit- thewe one of the less eonspicuous of the the oreseiousIY, Wrung front her in tile Many a Man • mistakes a floating, $0(.4411 all inereaelne intennity poon apostolie e7,rottp. lint the book liee nness °feller agony, and ho 100!(4'&l' infraliteditees for et einkirig fund.. • sfralstles all their honee, mad doers dees not merit -tort the name of an her .111 aznit2sinerit; Tears over to-dayet broken take erierhes the etirnses mate flat. Ria tbor, and there.are Many Able arid con You, called rnee"..he asked; Yes," site 'retorted defiantly, ea8t- tiliaine and reserve to the winds, called you back teigi you would come, X did not mean what t blind us' to to-morreeese ereaseeee, enough,- melee it to eat/ Met. this - nw- scleithous scholars who believe that Many* a Man thinks he in mellowing ful speetoPlo in scarcely visible after A this tradition in its earliest fornimeans when he io only getting mold3r. denth of thirrv feet. • timply that the substance of Hut gospel taking tliern ottt in a 'Wilda chair., eobreertne exeloretions is efforded hv of the naerative, is to be ascribed to 1 - You rannot. cure your corrows by "'on(' eurions Met. attendlne theta message, though peobably not the lona sold, 13111 04' ,but what le the uee Of , The fear of reputation in often iht riahle whie.h forma a'airange 131 .d falkIng like this?" she ,cried paasio14-4 taken for the love of righteouenesstI of eaten wit] violet, the calm, betne rt ately. "It'n all over and past now, Ile .who hair a good word for no lime stinger tzt that of the 'taveree and X weal X wtts dead and away one cannot 'illy° the word of Ctod I tahih'ttaroinli'fig°tivrto it inyai,c4fshet7;:110i. ' i'it from eyerYone." t . ' for any one. , sanahefthrtvh Ile had released her hend; and she Many a .man thitilts he 10 2irt110118 11P4'4ng io tiPi wort' and mewl' diffneed, stood leaning againstthe' gate, her because he fettle vicioue when ho Una file een viewed through flte notes face buried in her folded arena, her cese othere happy, of sonerineurehent water anneere tete tears flowing unrestralued.. I 'law reason some are not' wedded 0 renal:01,034101M StlfibP.. buttearut tine va ITO 'L011611(4 Iler lightly and pit 111:- to One bad habit in. beeatt:e-they are .st'nli'tYlltlt ill'al-ife::-‘111116n 1 07'llereil 1,3# ,111)011 the 8110111der. courting no many. fr(Vil 'the rave or toe 87111 .(f)thind , a ohdeou inuet tiot ' cry no, • natty," Whelk folks get to fieltting ()Yee milt*. for Instarli)el „nth° 1 Malts become mistake -I Can nee it nowi and," elle another part of 'the richt' - ' lie said:. telt has all 'been a horeid crew1 the enemy takes] hitt forces to -11'1' ('1''11 titiva,tn., itieletluaktIgilliNt'tn:tha„. i how' a felt hie breath ution her face, "if I' • When, aou bave"to do' with those n,e1Ter„ t,n4,141t/ 1.4-1,1-',(),,tt,e,"., .4,PlittePt„Ct (.1°0111 were to ask you the Sallie tnteotion, wile ttre blatantly honest It in ' tittle °' ''''' '''-'-'" ''"el '111 vv;lil ""''' r''' Hie would you----•" 0 tier mole patIlocke. . She turned her teartetatned face 'Ille nex1. beet tilingto ithe* oppor- upop him. .. tunity to take a college course is the , "You inuetn't a6k nie,". elle cried, ability to forget DIOA of it. ' her cheeks aflame. ' "You are -mare elteerfulneer is a' virtue hard to tied, anti I-------." , • practice wire I youpeetiet in indede Attain he ceized bet- feted. „ II genee in lot suppere and neanufriet "But if I were :Jingles' Ino urged bleed "liappittess." J eit,- 'ed zuo, would &ttit repute& lire it? t There ea21 lie no berm in a It would be wrong to cell(1 some ie reply, and X really have 4 people to heaven; they WOnlil i11113 .3n for eattino."` et) taeli tile chance to wore' over ,;1l, you have no right to rte., the' t' 11(111(55 of their neighboe'n she flamed: "ht is ttn. inSillti-,-yoU Children. tauntmg roe, rool it im cowardly.' 41" 11.118 rt, strange light el:lining. It feu% eltveys ativicable fer a mar at eyee, anti suddenly, ere Phi with a Maly compleakal tet engage' it 1 rociln his arm" we* aroUnd the 8Ugat* business. aged 4111411) 144374 , reeve ott me,' rerteinly etronetit a wondrous ebartee 1are lit him, teed there were wee? a. (k(it '111 Pi1/111 and manliness 121 hie heaving, a, itt It 1111JUK`8815 hie strong mouth. And el cook .47e5i11). The holfttel ulnae tylhielt ntood conelete,d of line witite cettd. tee' tile reflection of ' The lifelit rinrai tire snowy carnet gave me the linpression of etandliot linen Ott MOLTEN GOall. At 41 (1et)t!!t ot a26 feet the iolbserrrity le cattiplete; at, 8:17 feet the da1141 tee itith,eitettetitte, anti !,it, rieeeeeeeity to traVe ree,etane to eleettheify foe purpont es etf 1, 1.12 1 it eleeteie leuepe If lt),()Oti (554 4..''4i' hut' even ' Ghat) tatinet diffeat the !haft let;tetie reoo ue of' ninety rec.t. A route teerie :1);2(1. taele /Ilea p1'etterit,e1 h eittitnit 1,' 201:, 1)roleet .botite. tt,t1iiiterol oapine atilt No ECCIlej Iierror eon be eureetn- the. apostle Whotte name the gospel hears.There is, however, no positive proof for thin contention. 'the problem resolving itself rather into a question or the interpretation of the rattier mea- ger data available. We are therefore, justified in msutning that the earliest tradition '.concernirig- the authershiP of the gospel is correet-that Is, that Mat- thew, tneeapostle, did write the goepel borinte. ble name and that he wrote it in sulatentially the fortin which it hen come down to tie. anneertang the data end place of the 00441110 4114411 - of Matthevv's gospel nothinei definite 141 !mown, though the data available points Ike years (1i-70 So t1IO approeheate time arid to Palestine te1. the probable place of ite ttoroposition. • t Vere 1. When hem wee been-Orre preeent eystent of ehronoloey, oceerta in to which eve numbee yearn fatevard and baclievaed frioni the derth of telielet (Ab., Anna Domini. Year of our and•;itafere, • (hrii-J), (lake, atielt 44544510nto tire : middle of 'hie ('4414- 31113', about, time a !lomat) aaaet, Diouysitze Eel/elute Is reoutca to dealt tette itharitreental 45 inattguratine the r2,16ot. nut i1 tiNing Ito date, of t4p birth of jatue wheel) wag to to tIff), r,tertinv point f,f the new Pt 1' 4 trE13tu- 1a3644 tag (TIN) niatM by EN:ions:1 old 14,3 co.laborers, the date of the NO, - NEW plant etnr. The authorittee 1iIstouteay tate/ ellecovered p novel way af curate drunkennaes. thee) ',:patientlf° in tillact ed under loch: end Loot, tow Ine notte. Jobe -welt coonieto in giant part ot bread noalted in port wine:. The !Sleet dap the (inn/earl/ eats his food with pleoreetee and even on the 27t.',g,31; dee be enjoy° it. On tile third thee ht finch.; that it is say irronoteone, the feurtIt day lie th(.tinee )11ips, tient, and at the eed of eight flay% he receieee the vie" with bnrrote, 11 marine that the dizottutt inert -elate., ant that thie eltre give* good oassitit,