HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-01-04, Page 101
sgx der boorate,
Sautiera eeeeectie teetepe.
TUURM»AIT, JAN'. 11, '06
Wedueeda,y aftereoon john Ford
wed emu held ;e, shoothee neetch
blue roek, tire losing sista paying for
the supper. The evening as spent
14% Virt9rie and (le "oi'lge---Arter a, tveetes
visit with Mrs. Jane Kestle and other
friends, R. Johnston returned to his
'home in Linden. Mrs. Johnston will
iremaio for tt %bile ler-igen-Bert and
Vernet, Atey •end, ftiend, Miss Ivy
sey retureed UR Brantford Wednesday
aftt,r plot -tient two. we k.' visit , with
their pareete itnel friends nethis neigh.?
litorhoo(1.-A. veey favOrable report was
teed at tire annatil scbool meeting.
The trite', ere to be congratirleted
an Securing suety an energetic teacher
- • +
r•Metil ill ke ray
rfLe pupae 4rf S. S. NO. I. on iee eve
.f M.Miss Doylies deperture for Alberta,
presented. her with 31i V,Xee115.11t. 3d.
titess aud a siditi gold CIe$Z,.- ATV/ and
Mrs. T. it Ilatehitisw
on, co -Tesler -1.
recently celebrated the fifteenth annie
vereary of their w( ang day. About
twenty-fivn wete preeeetand all epeak
in highest praise of the hest and host-
ese.-At twelve oeietie cm Friday,
Dee. "2. the busy hum neually
,prevales the sehoot ein trePf S'.S. N.
1, elcOillivray, ceased. Diming the af-
tern000 m
gaes, it "taffy feeda
" nd
program, were the order, in the course
of which a presentation of an address
tted ver,v pretty eing, set with rubiee
ii,nd opals, was,made tbe teacher,
Miss Anne Dale. Miss Dale will eon,
hine to guide the ppils of this echool,
Revival meetings coearnenced in:the
Evangelical church. Sunday evening.-
Tbe meetings so far have been wellAS, Geo. Lawson. -Mr. and Aire. Josiah tended tt
and we trust they will do touch
lieestle atteutled the christening geod. They will continee throogliout
left Fisher'e on Wednesdays -Mrs.
Broltenehire returned lionie Wed-
siesoltey, ttfter spending' two weeks with
tier etster.111 Grey. -Quite a 114111 her
from here attetided the party at Will
• Mavirleinney's on Montlity evening in
of Brantford. A14..e ort tt good titne.
honor of Messrs BertlInd Garnet Aray
-Mr. tired Mrs. ThoseAmy, enter-
-Mined a number of young .friends on
Wednesday evening,
. ,
Mr.fGas. 'Coughlin is confined to his
Teed suffering from an acute attack of
rtheninatisin.-Mr. Chris. Baskerville
is also on the sick list, suffering from
an attack of la grippe, -Miss Henessey
Luean, is visiting her sister Mrs. W.
1. Hedgib$.,-Rich. Colbert, who lose
one of his horses la,st eveek, hes recov-
the Week in, the b,asement of the
churele commencing at, 7.45, Ceottloh
Brown, our geoial nix collector. is , ill.
Hiseinany friends trust the illness is
not of a serious nature and that he
will soon be around again. --Miss Miri-
nie Andrews of Manitoba is. yisitieg
her parents at the Methodist parson
age. --Albert Fahner is suffering from
an attack f tonsilitis. David Kilpat-
rick all er -Auderson are also on
the siek ist. eWe trust they will soon
he arouna agtiemeteMessrs. August Mi-
nes and jno. Broderick of Zurich were
in the village Fridayarediting the Man-
eget% books of . the Hay- Township'.
Farmer's Instirttece Coe-1/Vni. ' Law.
son of Napioka, 1VIan., ie in ear midst'
visiting friends. -We ere pleased to
learn tletat Mrs'. Atigeost ,Ewald, . who
has been very ill; is rapidly recovering.,
the beast again; etehaviogetrayed: -eQuitee.eamber were in the Town
- -one into the township of Stephen.- Ball lest Wediieedieeete ,eee eur Tee, Lie
weeteee Fero, of Wiseonsiin w ha form*.; ship clerk give his 'casting •vote to de.'
errly, resitiere-and Worked with 04 .cicle the election Of the two candidetes
'W -Smith AS Ch4e80P3ak4r, shook bands Seveitier and Willert, who ran forlhe,
vrith'taeny of his old .tilende here' last Office of Reeve. Froin all appearances
week. -Ralph Handford, merie keeently it was an easy matter for the clerk to
. veturnecVerona. the West, spent Sim- decide .although attene would - :have
tay. with ,bis sister,. Mee, . Ilead,ere Ile friend it ti ratleer .. unieleasitne position
London. -The AnniVersary . Services to be placed iieeethir school re -opened
of the Ladies' Aid Soeieey of the Meth. Wednesdayafter the Xmas holidays,
. *dist church will take plate on Sunday etiArse -Whin is recoveringfrom her
, simitaolIowedby an oyster supper and .recent illness. --C. Zwiekere: who had
, t Tendering Of a_programme Monday hisgaseline'engine in Bengali for te-
o oventog, Rev, 'a....: W.., Manning; of pairs has it in Working order again
()Anton, will have charge ,of the ser -e *Wed 'Chief 'Engineer rainier certainly
. *ices on Sunday,while tin. Moneay makes it hum. --The . services in till,
evening the committee in .charge have • Methodist clewed) on Sunday were of
prepared A oh0i9e p,rogriernine 0.ifiaing a special character. The choir is to
' Sh9ndixtberS being, Miss Mabel flicks he congratulated on the excellent muse,
.Of Arnie,' College, and other ft st-class ic. which they furnished. ' The sermons
taleet, Everybody will be welcome. he'.:YteveAndrews were interesting and
74- fel. Of the epotts, held a blue reek very inspiring. -G-. Baker has return -
shooting match 'die:Friday .afternooeed to London. -114e, and Mrs. &Brown
, Good seores were made, some of the ,bayereturned from a pleasant visite!),
shooter's breaking all the rocks at 'Bernet -Ma. and.Mrst II le Eilber are
'which theyehet, ten in number. . Theytow comfortably settled in their new
e- eontemplate .holding another nietbh in heine,:whete. Mit. Either Will be at
She - near ' future.e-Wm. Reilly last borne 4„-lier neatly; frienelee+Alfrea.
. :week had the misfortune to SUP off his Martin, of Wanwansee,'Man,. is 'visit-
, wagen and eall to the ground, break- ing.his mother, .; Mrs, *Mae, EilberSee
' fag two 'ribs in the fall. Be'isethus W. P. May of Mitchell, agent for the,
. Kid up for alevir donee Noticing:sheep Mutual Life 'Assuratiee'Co., of Water -
Mr. itieurbreke a hone in not men in 106;Wil,13 in the village during the.week.
*similar tneenneree-Mr. John. Colwill on * business' . for the CelelPaneeee
yet/trued mendeeefrom London , where James Lawson • has moved into the
&e had been consulting a. specialist re- dwelling he recently purchased 'freni
garding an affection of the leye. He .the execntors of the late Tobias Fah-
teneeeetteeabeen , troubled with itifialninatiori bete TV311". ithd Mrs; Litivsme we ex-
.iniin kh ,eyeis fir some time. . , , - tendat heaity•welperne.-Wm. Brown ik.
rig rree OleTte0e. AnBOtre-The i3ad of Kincardinegave - our -town- a brief
inteili ence Was . received • heee -last 'visit the beginning of the ' week. -11.
;week ofthe death of Thomas Abbott, Eilbere M.P.P.attended the eturetal
eivho ited in - Kincardine, on Friday meeting of thellay Tp., Farmers' 'Ins.,
too mg last, at the age of /3 Years. Ce. Zurich on Tuesday. He
T deceased was,a fernier resident or is dee'taTreas.-Mother Goose certain-
, For several' years he con- ftr picked h,er feathersie greet style on
cted aegeneral stere here and by his Tuesday. In a very short time the
onfmercral enterprise vas -' widely eeound was cemered witli'ageod goalie
nownin this district. After retiring tity of 8130W.. Sp far the winter hasn't
ffroin business he continued to reside been severe and we have plenty '74,mb-
/here for a time but later removed to phets in our neighborhood who see' we
Kincatdine *here he resided up to the Will: have a mild winter, We Will see.
there of his, 'death. Mr. Abbott has -7-Herb Either is telting the census of
teen in delicate health for some time, the village this week. The Police true --
from the infirmities of old age eonse- tees are having this done in meter to
etuently his demise was net unexpecte incorporate the,Boarcl, thereby giving
• ed. .Besides a.'sorrowing widow, he them greater power in the witey of Io-
,Yeaves. a large family to 'cern his de- cal inevrovemen ts. -The Ittege, safe • in
eipe,•toise--etieree eons aod six daughters the Sovereign Bank was moved to
jr he remains were brought - here tor Centralia on Wednesday • friena. where'
*trial. the funeral taking place from it Was shipped to Chatham -A num
-the residence of Mr, Samuel Davis on of our young people drove to the home
iltanda,y to the Nursery Church °envie of Jahn. Keys, west (if Crediton on
fiery. Monday evening to spend a few boars,
.Dgeeree-The death took place hi Although taken by surprise the host
leman on Thursday, Jan. 4th. of .Mr,, and hostess heartily
welcomed ebe vise,
Thomas Gilidieve a,t the age of /7 years, tors and threw their coin niodious
*menthe. trieceasea was the father of home open to thereeett was indeed a
Mr. James Godsa,ye, a Centralia eese. merry crowd tha eat town te Mao oy.
Aleut.% employed with Mr, W. T. Col.
ster surer provided bsr the youtne ne-
mte Godsaye t emigrated teem pie all etejoyed the feast. The ey-
englatui to Canada many, years ago ening was very pleesantly4spent
sod sin e& has resided in several parts Various kinds of amusement. At it
.of North Middlesex and South 11(31011 reaeonebleliour all repaired to their
and tvas weliknown throughout those respective homes, after thanking .Mr,
tlietrices, Death came very suddenly, and so*. Keys for their kind hospiteli.
Ike having been as well its could be ex. ty.--Lest, Thursday night Henry latne-
pected, of it roati of that ego up to a Port., le utiles south of this village, had
few itioinente before 'death, Ile were , a valuable botse stolen out of his stit-
'seated in 41. chair and it is supposed , Ms An old mare was left in the yard
tee heart was eteteeted as he dropped ' instead and after diligent searcheMr.
out of the chair and was dead in;t non I Lamport recovered his horse from
Meat. He leaves a grown-up family I some person below Bribsley, where it
of three sons and three daughter:4, all was found warideiing on the road.
of whori will have t'heesympathy of I The mere bits airice been elaittied by
their many friend's. The funeral took I Richard Colbert of Centralia. Who
place from the holm of his daughter., the thief wile is still a mystery. While
Mien Hodgins Liteteo, to 8t„ earned! exchanging the horses at Litmpore's
eemetery on Saturday. • I the party. was evidently in such a hur-
• ry that he forgot 8 mitt,
TheLiterary Soeiety niet at the home
of Mrs. Bluett on Friday evening Jan..
o. The following program WILS render-
ed: Piano duett, IViitimes Vivian rend
Ella Beaver; paper on Dr. Bernardo,
Miss Emina Brown; vocal eolo. Mrs.
Keret Pickwick paperte Perey Mums;
V(8331 eolo, Miss 13.
Beaver; piano solo,
Mi tie Myrtle Clark: piano solo, Bliss
Olive Holtzman. The next meeting
will be held at the home of Mr. (Dr.)
Ilaist, on Friday night. Jan, 12.
11arrett:4v' h01110 of
Mr. and Mrs, Fred. W. Baker, of the
C h e rty 4th conceseion of Stephen, WAS the
eeetre of it very pretty wedding on
Wednesday of lent week, the oceasion lectoral of Mr. Samuel O. Lawson and Miss
et, tieing the solemnization of the nuptials
Tieri(lrit Handers, daughter of the late
cures! Ask your doctor lf 11.841Kler'}‘111the 3)1*(1"nee of
he doesn't use It for coughs, '11"itfiftY 411"t4 the 'binding knot,
Colds, beonchltli, and all WAR tied by the Itev. Je W. Andrews
of this place. at four o'eleck in the ef.
throat and lung troubles. ter:more The bride IWO beautifully
ee seat teem that Ayar's Marry ttieform, gowned in white. but Wait nnettended
Nth. ewe modioins t aut be for brOn.
We* hafl*onsa_, roughs. Wit'S $4140 the groom. The teremony
X. imnInirAIN, ouicol, t. over Oty rieh tetpalt WitA eerviel after
which ft feW hornet were, pleasantly
for .4111,74:
wet try cheap cough tnedi;,'
dam Get the best, .Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. 'What 'a
record' It has, sixty years of
ti as..
epent eecially. The presents to the
bride Were nittnerotle, mieful end beim.
MI. The happy eoupte Nike lip
their residenee on the 8t1i coneeseion
of Stephenend will have the best
evishem of
it boet ne friends for theit
tutors biy.'">04StAlld prosPeritY.
.After a. few lguthbetay at the home
(41145 eister, Mrs. felaxbaril, Henry
Ilearonernue lute returned to his home
hi \¼ (1,13. Alta,-Charlee VI
sou of Pigeon, Mitta 8. vieitor LLI
our bargit laet weeile-JoinetLevegood
and hie niother, frora North Dakota,
are here ote 8. viNit.---The contreil
flay townehip met for the firet tint
this year at Zurich on Monclay.-Sinere
son Geiger and 'wife of Cavalier. N.1).0
ere on a visit to tricot's in thie neigh.
borhood.---Mre. riukbeiner has
returned from her visit to Milverton. -
Den Eieher and wife and - Miss Annie
Eie,her, u1 Elkttmetlichr., were Yisitore
in 'our burgh ,daring the weeine-Mise
Jena, Rannie:left Itiee week for, 1.otidon.
Where she willtake a course in the For-
est City 131,16itiesS °Allege, -Sehoel re -
(Toned last Wedoeseley with theea.
lowing teachers Principal, Aet Mc-
Leod: ee.ssistants, Missee reale' atiehoe,
son and Minnie Best.
• Mr. Gatnet Cockveill has purchased
a new driver that does eredit to his
°woo -et -The Misses Maguire spent the
holidays at Thedford.
paesneereeriotee-The beautiful new
residence of Mr. Jos. Shouldiee was
the scene of great • excitement, when
the friends and neighbors gathered in
acceptance to the havitations that
had been extended to them to cele-
brate the twentieth anniversary of his
wedding. During the evening the
table was laid and the guests were
served to oysters, cake, orugoes, can-
diesenats etc.. 'after which Mr. and
Mrs. Shouldice were presented with a
handsome chair and toilet set with the
following address. . ,
bfr..*nd Mr.,Tos.'S' houldicetPt---e'emb'er 2?thi 1916.
We, the friends ad neighbors, deem this a privilege
of showingOe esteem in which you are held in this
vieinitv,, We have learned br.yopr willing And oh.
Jiirliir-nrnot. iteir4Arec.t'ai1 tiraes-tot need to think
ot you not only as a weed but as a worthYneigh,bor,
Now, when you are settled in your beautiful riest
home, and are so kind to entertain your neighbore
among your Ant guests, we feel it aur alit, to return
the favor by presenting you with this chair and toij-
et set as a email rant% for your hospitality and may
many a Happy New Year be .etaent in your new home
Signed in of alipresent.
isigned in behalf of your neighbor& ,
• Mrs, .1; Short,
' etee, 3. Coekwill,' •
Mt. Shouldice made a suitable reply
showing bow he appreciated their
kihelness. •
• Mr. John 'Voellrer left on New Year's
morning to visit friends ae Tavistock.
-Mr: Jonas Hartlieb bed, his rails cut
into , stove wood last Tuesday lifter -
,neon. -Mr, John Hayes of 513. Marys;
was in the village on Wednesday of -
last week. -Mr. VVeaelleeEvven baseleft
to taktecharge of their store at 01,HQ.
-The r hotne of Ed; Resterrnyer of the
Bronson Line, has been gladdened .by
the appearance :of a baby boy which
event occurred oti Thersday last -Mr.
Sam Witztil was here on Saturday
night; visiting visiting hisenother. -The Evan-
gelical Sunday -Strimed officers were
elected 'apt Sunday moreing and re-
sulted as follows. .Tac, Kellerman,
Pres.; J. Je. Goetz, Vice -Prete; ..Geo.
Eelighoffer, See.; Sim Ireland, Treas.;
"MiseIdie Goetz.:Organiste Miss Minnie
Met's, AssteOrganeetetjohn Qeetreich-
ereend,Norman-Kelierrnan, Liberians;
Codiried Oestreleher, Geo. Kellerman,
and Miss Mionte. Elhers were ,elected
the committee on Temperance: -The
Y. P. A. neeeting on Sunday evening,
was ably Conducted by Mr. Sine Ire -
Henry Willare, reeve of
Stephen, attended the first meeting Of
the. council on Monday the :,Elth,
J. 3. Goetz has. purchased ea young
horse te mate the one he had. They
will be aline draught team,. when
grown.--Severel from here attended
the rite Intolerance -Meeting at Zurich,
011 Tuesday. -Sneak thei Yee have been
operating in the nearby- teighhor-
hoodse Keep your eye on themethey
,are worth watching. -Mr. G. Nadiger
besta 'valuable cow on Monday nighe
last, from milk fever. -A very , pleas-
ant surprise was given to Miss Ename
Eidt when aboot sixty members of the
choir of the Lutheran church gather.'
at her bonae one evening recently
and presented her with a kindly word-
ed address and a beautiful artiste Obi-
-nettle a token of their appeecietion of
her services as organist. Afterea 'very
pleasant -evening was spent in singing
and V3tri01113 amusements a luncheon
W88 servedevehen all returned to their
rionsie BADLY D.A.lateetUD JI Flame -
On Tuesday night last Mr. G. muirgees
dwelling took fire and before it' eould
he extinguiebeil the roof was completely destroyed and the building was
otherwise badly damaged. Willing
bands vie -re soon on the Beene and suc-
ceeded in 'getting the blaze .iinder con-
trol, otherwise there is ,tro telling
where the fire would have ended. -
DEvrn or, Mits. Oosesitis.x.-:-Deatb
has rernievea another of our oldest
residents in the person of Christina
Goseman, who pasaed to her eternal
teat on Sattirda,y morning. Dec. 30.
The deceased waft born in Hirtnotrias
Weiler, Germany, . on Oct. 20, 1812,
consequently she was in her 94t1 year.
She was married to the late George
Goemare.tr, in 1835, who died 29 years
latete Duringher long vvidoevhoott she
endured ixiany trials and tribulations
but through all wee happy and con-
tented. Coining to America, in the fall
of 1882, she first, fiettled in Cleveland
where two of her daughters lived. In
the spring of 1883 she came to Dash-
wood, where she had it brother and a
son, and soon after three of leer slaters
followed her. She had APC'ell children,
five of whom are living-fourhere and
one in Cleveland. She WA9 of strong
and healthly constitution but for the
lag two years of her lifeher health
foiled her. Notwithatandeng her in-
firmities, elle was alwaye anxione to
work and never seemed eontented
when idle. Friday before Christrnes
site was stritken down and Almost from
the start it wile quite evident tire end
was approaching. and oleo week later
she pireeted peaeefully anew. roe the
pest el yeare she haft made her home
with her yortnge4 daughter Mr. Meet
Guenther, remit w'hose reeideriee the
funeral to. place on dem, 1, to the
Lutheran eernetery. Bronson Line,
Ileitides the five children, elle is sur-
vived by 41 grand chilthein and, 31
great armlet childt ern
Nflom Geogine Whiting,
while welting latst Itoltnete shop,
unfortimateletiteptied through gape in
the eidervalk, bruising hereelf conga.
La Grippe
Twelve times and out !
i)cletors say that LA CrItIrlett
Nvi)1 come two or three )rear.
niore and disaprear again
for so years. , it litas a
periodic,a1 run of 1,2 years.
Each tinie, *come,s it
'kvorse than thetime before'.
This titne, LA Grttr,r4.is
prophesied to have teeribte
rieturaigic and rheurnatic
pains as a symptom, and
afterclap. 'These pains arc
the triost excruciating
worse than the rack and
torture. Avoid LA Gitiri,E,
prevent LA GRIPPE, or cure
LA GRIPPE, by taking the
specific, scientific repiedy
Sold by all Druggists; for $1 per bottle..
Mumma% "Sample Ditiats,
Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, iirrieteel
OlEee'and Laboratories
179 King viiVeat, • TolsOirrO
Miss Stoughton, of London, returne
eel borne Saturday after a week's visit
at Mrs. Southeibyee-Bert Diewnieg,
of St. Marrs is visiting his uncle Chas.
Hooper. Miss Edna Edna Gunning entete
tained a few of her friends on Tuesdhy
evening number of of farmers
around here are drawing gravel now
for the raising of barns and other pur-
poses in the spring. -The Rev. W. E.
Millson, of Rotnney, returned home
Tuesday, last after a short visit with
his brother Mr. j. Millsont-Isaac Sims
returned on Tuesday last 'after- New
Yeette vactition.-4nvitatione are out
for the Diaratniel Wedding of Mr. and
Mts. Jas. Gunning on Friday, Jan. 20.
-Mr. John Torrance returned to bis
duties of school master on Wednesday
afterta ten days visit to his parents in
Chiltern , •
.1 •
Gee. Jaekson of Kingsville renewed
old acquaintances here during. the pest
few days. -Mrs. R. Griffeth of London
is on a few weeks' visit to the home of
her parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. B. Sheppard.
-The school eommericed last week.
The teacher, Miss Fraser, and the pu-
pils report having spent pleasant holi-
daere.-eArchie McIntosh, wife and fa 'o-
ily, have returned to Port Huron after
a pleasant. visit •here. -At the recent,
school meeting S. W. Webb re-
elected trustee for another' term. '
• ,
". On Tuesday evening of last week a
surprise party of friends waited upon
Richard, Hodgins and wife to express
their appreciation of them prior to
,theiedepterture to Granton, where Mr:
.Hodgins has purchased a farm. Wb en
all were assembled John Sherrite, Ewe
ex -M. P. P., was called to the chair,
and in a few, well-chosen words An-
nounced the purpose of the assenably.
Then Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins were called
forward and presented with two' fine
oak chairs aria an addrees.which was
.read by Rev. F. G. Newton. Mr. Hod-
gins replied and thanked his neighbor s
and friends LIS did also Mrs, Hodgins.
Then followed speeches tVir Councilman
Webb, Wm. Sherritt. Nicholas Pol-
lard, Robert Hodgins, Charles Corte,
R. Stone, J. E. Hodgins, J. Sherritt,
and Rev. F., G. Newton. After the
refreshments vvere servedieet very
pleasant night's coeservezione weer
A Diveroge of
• Good Health
((Grand Mogul is the
nicest possible bknd ce
the finest and ripest teas.
Grown on the sun,
,kissed highlands, each
'package is a whole
bouquet of delicious fla-
Cold,.tepid or hot, it is
always a farpily luxury.
Pleasing to mothers,
able to childi4n,,it is Ceylon's
best motintaiti gift to you.
High in theine (tea -tone)
and low in tannin (bitters),
it is the beverage of hy,
geine. 25c, 30c, 40e 0,nd
5e per pound.
Grand Mogul
4561d °tie in Packages lined with
prepered paper. never in poimetss
lead Directions end premiers ewe
pone in oath pieta..
• (Zncorporated by Act of Vatliament 1805)
• Head Office, Montreal
capital,,Paici • " $3,000,000
r�drutt4.-- -$3,000,000
OFFIOL nouu 20- a. m. to f:.; ron,
8AtariiI5DAYE;, 10 A, n"2, i P03,
Itaroaer sSalo Noteettaelled or collected, Formfierepplied on, applieatioe.
DRAFTS on all points' in ,the Doininitin. Great Beitain „and ltriited
Statee bought anti sold at lowest rates of Exchatige.
' A.DV.A.NOES nettle „to‘Fa,rniers, Stock Dealerfe and Bvisine4` men- at
Jolliest ratee ltild on most favera,ble. terries, •
DEPOSIT Receipts issued ainl'higheet current elate el interest allowed
. . • Depinits of Si and upwards. received, Interest cote -
Saving Bank Departmento
andpecvnibe, alet.
poundcd kdflearly 4tnd added to principal hoe Wth
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government,
Decitsole & CARLING, SolieitoTs. N. D. IT'UttDON, Manager.
Great -Sale •
the Dashwood Furniture House,
:We wish to announce to the public, that our
stoc1 s one of the finest that can be Men any-
-where. We have lately added several new de-
igns in liockers'and Extension: Tables,
also 'Pictures of evety deSeription, such as
ave Never efore been Shown to
the Public
our section and will be sold at a price that
will astonish you. We have Made a big tut
in everything' in the shop for the next 30 days,
so don't fail to furnish your house- at a very
• trifling cost.
Thartking our Many customers for past favors, we wish
theni,, and other's a very happy and prosperous New Year
.Tliere is none -if , you would seeeeedi-eyou Itiest work.
• Some colleges claim to give a complete course in les*
lime than the
The Potesir City. Business and ;Shorthand College tea.ches
the differeat courses an the time found by long experience by
the best colleges, to, be necessary -no more and no less.
If the work is done in less. time it canna, be done thoroughly"..'
After you leave the Fo C. B. C. you waste ndtime in learning
what you should have been taught in the College.
Oilr free"b6oklet tells all about pians, systems, charges,
positions after graduating, etc. Write for it. -
* School term -September June idelusive.
*Greai Bargains in,
Ulsters -
Dress Ooods
Lades' goats
Ladies' Skirts'
and Suitings.
To Farmors aiM llio Publlo-
lil ONeral.
• •
As the spring is pooling.
On, now,gather up All
your old,truck 81.1.0li as
• Rags,
-aorse Flair,
.Old Rope,
Kirtds old iron,
Zinc, . .
'aricl take them down to
Jackson Jt Son,
, Main Street, i3xeter.
One door South Of Metropolitan tioter
That's t here you will get the 'demob
cash price for them.
We have those lines of goods
on our targain counters and
are going to sell them at
rock bottom prices.
Come .early and have a bhoicm
Wedding hells)will mon be ringing
again in oar burg.- Mime Weston of
Woodstock is engaged as teacher at
the Shipke school.-Sanmel Sweitzer,
the eawanill man, sold a enrioad of
three ineh plank to Mr. Squire (if
Owen Sound. -The eemeins of the,late
John tetimpbell, of the 14th conceesion.
wadi hid to reet in the Mt. Carmel
eemetery onNI 1 y on( a. Brown end
Miss Couch of Wincliebteit 'Tent Now
Years at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.
Sweitzer.- A number of young ram
from Crediton, attended eervieem le -re
on Sundey.
06 Youde St•
thrsieptio Cheiceit lehieters mile *twit lea
Ora tOr *11 OCC**10000
""osirissIM000141 lo Any DONA laidwoo* Help
fa* awl Calaiary, sea eats cosilleide
ght.rtAmirndia 6
Illairitateri retire List e* aaiolicatle**
100,000 Ito** Trees 1* bleae**
111011 r •
so. 4700