HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-01-04, Page 7e raair-Qie +ct+er-4,04-0,+0,riess+0+ *444.44.* e.- Tho wonteit leer() leo retseerieably weiLa . • ' . 1NOBLE BRITONS' WIIIMS m".." 3 31 71111-'33r LATE MR ELI HAWKINSTLEAFING rent as well as conSci eapeercet but could cee that tito esostaitt'sei a ) o o A RATC11 01 ANECDOTES FROM 1:1 1'n Hee ereert eerie...array els .1 in. Pre resent's' (Dealer- evaaies s • • 1 exel ley ' • 131 1:111 1.1 II taller& (.4; Lunigilitr, 1.1,tve-earraviirtegio were, ao cold, beer esel wozn, [41 - back t • flea. tVeseesiee the feteheee teare. Wo &Med all these LONDON. Aheui the Late Lord Dudley -Thrift 'In sc-'''Inn, 10 16) riairaAri ereeeemasileSSO arel te That we try to- climb the beets titat ISESS1S1.7 • preseiat esseee.rIete tiretescee. of the men etteareateal Dudley. - 4,04,04044)+Q++0,„ had :Ala; our Ameirean man who dealits tato soon„.r niaito than wo were ee(teen Via', a groat :31:via_t• 311Fili.S1CRING TIW BRlliI captalas have all had eta -Inge all ceateet. ta try it. Ilut eihriaing it nUPPP'71 EligL'atti bAr; returned helate, eaaerieueesse bee time of Captain - WWI MOM than ;le thoug,ht• ,141(t with e eoliefeson 4.4 ealURPetilloi-A and S'. 4.1. in in -Old if 22 Tuilier, port esasitain• ciar the' Tite eidese w.,Tcs almoet emeoth. end iertad nlO at Eurlieh' dinnor raohioned -scowl ti; ; • I en) el Pioneer Tee 'Company, ..of Seatt!e, • after in vain; -kir slopinc ah relate mere sir less, to , woutieeet , es e r ev It le 0. ,vs " Aveiviznown zigure among slowly; ,keklatii.er, ,iinaltier, one _t '112- two novo and alluNtrate the AnierieranN firm eon-, set -aims altat an -Neale in the uld fashion- :eirelefi on the r34)11711(1, 18 Unique' lit oif. That oue had- a long sheer tO 1.i1410..11 !ha hi' the Drill:AL upper elesese; 1 adelielarle end etSri,'aulihral 111 2. of 121. 2.21 resatecte, IrVreekea in the" the 'wetter, ands, we bad „no diftleuls,, Yisila 404 th,e. litggoa EA of elaudie St, ecarue, on, the iterate:let' eo(tet "ef North,: the W1400 coxnpanv Wlie.tever gt,,tttitlff OU 'board, s 1Vo" ' Set'lland• . • (hilted for three Weeks 1)0 It oessi pileti all the quilts, ,asia, bia,n4fa t'4"coier number of men and we.. It 18 an annueJ cozateA ,OL.Tia only to on. an ccebo,K, and 'searing, that time -tile lees'and mane a teat for tete wo. men borp to, bitsit rank, so he sarea liasebricks, ie jfergod .ata umpired :by the a (1 32129 1(2121117.W‘tt3' developed and men, which" tkt first the3; refeised to 1,1. OolitetliPt. for ehaveldtartatilY, Parish trainifaer the. parish-churelt later consummated when the castr.- occupy, stating that they would take 1'1'1 Lilemsolves emenellsited 1,a2 their and has to do eatirely with age and sta. T. were rescued. The experie.ncee their elutneee With the reet of 'Lis and birth, and do preeisily. as they Wage tare. fame money prizes of equto, v{.1.1,10 says • the Poet -intelHereveer, arid a &tee, *we gave eit ktnil patted to I , mbee, of th • el iet at e, • try queue Mtlt al of the captain differs from. alfuost would not Lave anthing better ilia.' 91.1„,everY all 0CCW31011.6. r 'Ali tded every year, There ,is 011e, any ()tiler story of ,the deep, its that - the rest. .14ct a, few hours in, the cold is' IneY orP (11.2. 1(212 set Of peoPleelo each for `the yeruttgest, the Oldest, die not one of the many' people oe, boar(' made the little tent with it O warm rne'et, and are immoderately JeAlgbea shortest caul the 11.112 22 brides ntax*riel' ane, by the outsiders. ' were loot Or even injured. blankets look mom • welcome, ! during the 'Course, of the year Ili the Ptsistain TUrner haa bad an raven- till firiellr crawled We got a,tl. Among the aristoe'ratia eccentrics Of pariSh`Church. * I re 0- it are - ,. i turous career Since a• small, 'boy: the stores up froM the boat void pile the English. smart world. "no one ever, Candidates, if not resident in the par - Born in Australia, he ran away to eci them isafely on the berg. 'ma' toe excited more comnient than the father ish, ntust talc.° up residence there at sea, when otily a lad, but later sct of tile bero was flat and made a of tile Present,' ViCeroy of Ireland, the least six weelte before the "Implicit knot late Lord Dudley. It, is,*es known that is tied. tied ashore ansi liecame a jockey. lit beautiful roof garden, if 3. may 'use The procedurefroll two successive years, he • won the that terms Auyway, it was a .wel- he, inade il a praelice always to (sleep owed is the eSSOnee ' :Cawfield cup,- the most' highly prieed come retreat for us. ae it gave lls a between black satin .sheeta; hut wawa, of. simplicity. At the close of the mied, atti.acted even rnOre talk' was the sisiglelZingeerVeineily,fries bride reUres to the trophy that 'a jockey cotird win. phance to stretch our legs ancl ex- . crimeon rose. Ste invariably wore to the vestry in orders to sign the uterriage FrOm jockey the captain drifted to ereise enough to keep the blood cire other work ashore and has tried al- culittifig. • , • opera. tuelted behind his. left ear, register and to have her competitive ' Indeed the Earl's ears, or rather lack qualifications Sseertailted, The 'birth most everything front selling gum, *'We had a small alcohol,stove aryl , drops to deeP-see. diving. But Joe over that, the women cooked our first of earS, as hiS enemies iiiiirtned„ never lines'''-asathey are familiarly` designated, life of the sailor, with its perfect'free- supper. It, tasted nue. TI- was: only, eeaSed tO be whispered about ha London. allow - her age, but no. documentary I ' . c f ' h doin Of all care, its independe,lee fried ham arid biscuit, washed dow 2 Sorilel said an niiureel IreSband eviden e o statute, owever authortta- anc1 excitement, .drew him back, and with a small amount of black coffee, sheared them 'off .as a, penalty for 'Ole tively attested, can be accepted. Preof front cabin boy ho worked his way but never . in ray liso;', did anyehiag. gay nohlernatt's, frivolity, While the Eerl must he forthcotning on the spot. For U2 to Ale command of taste better. The hot coffee was par Used to tell exiteeetaining atories. Ilits--P-UrpOsa -the cimaidate.,-has to snit, -tieula,rly line. After- getting ammo Of a romantic 'ericOunte,r with • mit to, aa, ordeal, tile first Trart of Ivhich EULL-RIGOED s,traigh:tened • up we. arranged lor *IlANDITS' IN TIIF oRIENT consists in removing ,rher shoes, Then Por the ,last few yeara the eaPtain watahes, So as tO aure. Whatever the truth. may have ,been; 710 tresses, en-gtb,,mgjaling, hang- 109§ely late been on the, sound, and there are miss any passing vessels. had the made it a practice' 10 \V( hair long over the shoulders. —sseseess,,,_ le* men better known` in ,Iocal Ship first watch- and to tell Y011 ill° trete and richly, curled. and On fer4ive oosea- .T.huaeterapoi,arily bereft of riiii.irte,„,k. ping circles than he is. I ,enjoyed, it, Tho -top of ',the berg - sions loved tO decorate 'his flowing locks adornment, she steps on to the measuring • comes" tilt undoing of her hair until the "In t''8g was second Mate of' tha' was about 100 feet - above the water. itl ,Britislz bark. $tinderland,' owned. b Ciewlipi reirbee " Co., of °London, She was chartered by,,,,,,a..Montre firm to carry a' load of cement- tc Quebec, . On this voyage the capta. , Wats, 'accompanied ,by his young, Wil P14, girl fetend . of hers. The yeung eA, ,frp nante .• was Mary Anstruther 4.r:'§I:Ctl she was 'One 'of tlib Most beautifu ee;firle that ever I laid eyes on, We Oe're' all in love with her as SGOU 53(5 like set foot 011 deck. She 'wits maks, ing the voyage for her health, as she was on the verge of nervous prostra tion or soinetliing like; that, caused. 'by too native pitrties, balls and pitik teas. 14 a • t ; Well, we dropped (Iowa the river on the fifth of Artay, 1888; and Start- - 'ed ote- It was a beautt, ful clay, ihdeeverything pointed to a proeiteroteegei I noted tile sign3 4particulariv and they were al lav- e, 4 Twenty days oat of *Lon- don we struck, a, fog; bank, aria then our 'troubles began. We Were am.c-' '••lotis to make a litetk a " P--s144gO.' .but the fog meant, reduced speed. Day after. -day meat byand'stilt no sign of a lett-up, in t,15ke grey mist that ens veloPed,qs pail.. Twelve days 'Vent by; and during. that time we 21ever caught. glimpse -of the: • sun nor the stars, and, of course, mulct not iet-, an observation. hit' the two weelcs'that we 'were in the fog the -captain aged ten years, for he was ..tonstantly t'hiuking of his 'wife ard her -friead. Vie WAS On. the bride in0St .of the time, and, seldom 1e'2. - except for an hour or two sleep foul a bite ,to eat. " "On• the `morniag ,of the fifteenth ' day in the fog ,I ell the bridee when smelled:Sete at once sent a -boy to call the captain, ...Who hail ' jusf-turned „ 'and when. he came On deck, 110,. too, nOticed It. irlutt rendered our position more perilous than before, but all wa, could do -was to keep even better lookout than, ,ever. White We were on the fO'c's'le bead, "'right before Us, loomed cup , f white wall that sparkled and glint inerect dully *in the slim light Ile" fore we, could, shout/ to the -man at the wheel to put her hard down,' TIIZ t.thASIT ;$'' and as the night was fine allO 'clear Olt is certain the late Lord Dud,, • • , : beautifidevieer was .to. .had,. Tao - ley could never lie prevailed, upon to t ace.itselr SParkled and allOno hi See answer a letter.' When his Pdst arrived r moonlight and at its. foot the Wavss of e Morning lie only very occaeloriagy. n. broke into silvery sheets of lea 01)2317 (1lfl envelope;,. cousin himself e While the „sea" all • around gllminerek like nuwe by secroing the ,rest of bfraorheathio,evelrigyht of the moon. 'whim his mail' itt curious 'out of :the wey. thing in a, radiance that placea. , I to • me is far 'more beautiful than the' ;• None os his secretaries eaUld ever m.ore. brAliant light.- of the sun. ',- paced' 4p and down anti tried to fig - 'tire Out some method of eseape. Due knew as' well as any of the rest that the only. chance was to be aiiek- • ea 711) 1)3' some Passingrireeeel„. I, •tilit not think eo much of theSpligat of naYself and the other' Men, but- he Position of the. .woMert. worried Me considerably., Ttqwevera all any of lis couldalo was • - . GRIN AND DEAR' IT. "1» the morning' breakfast was served as waa ,eupper ther,Previous ni.ght 'and 2.2.20 t11 qijoyed inunensa., ly. started to help Miss Mary,' hut the first,. mate hurried up.„ pushirig M0. aside, helped her hinitielt I saw right,,aWay. that he was ing close to' the wind in. thatdfree- tion, and that. unless he dashed hie tapes ailesinst anaunforeseen rock I would surely dance the hornpipe at a wedding if we ever got eishoree,„ Seee 'ing the lay Of -the land I let thein alone anc1gaVe the tip to the meli to get,. away from them WhcneVer the;' went; ,peonteriading • on - the berg, Which happened to be quife,frequent- ii. Morgan'-'wes a fine 'young' fellom and bright -as ahey make them. lIe beloaged to 'ood family ia. laug, but heal boot. a, little wild at, one time and they -shipped him tilt 'ap apprentice in erder• to, keel; hiesi ; out of , reiechief,' .1•Ie liked' the life and soen rose. ‘,. We. were then =aisles ,about eight *mita, and •the foree of the collisioa ' 'Was ettch that it etove'in'theetessel'e bow "clear up to, the heel of the forces. tnast.1 1loth: the 'captairi and myself only escaped by springing *baels, rke a shot. The vessel :was total wreck' and . had only " few inintiteN Tho. ncerte on her deeks we's terrible; tho "masts had all fallem. and contusion reigned. Criee front • the women, .cursest and yells from the crew aed ebove all the roar of the eurf againsit the berg' Made a eliaotic, scene never to be 'forgotten, The eaptain was the only etiol one on board. ,The accident seemed to have lifted a weigat from hisishouldef ere. Men can often face a, real dans ' ger much easier „ than they can antacipate ooe. tie took command t orei few. oS the .enett and 000n had. e the. lonerboat, whieh had been necret- Iy prepared for atter' contingoney, launched; 'and the women were hus- tled inlike a fleet. %vas '";eiven'ecan- Mend and told to shove oii, 'but' the 'captain's wife would not leave hini, . and sve had to .Wait mita the other, boats were leunched and every One. eafe from the vessel before the cap- tain would come in and allow tie to shove- Of. We were not more tbaii 50 yards. from the vesSel When sits; threw tip het. otern and weat down notx arca. • "We were, of course, caet down, bUt, So011 (started to lonk ,alteed and et,ry to figure ,out, what would le- iseine site There were tell Of 11.4 in the loins' boat, two ;women, the elpittis myself and •nix nallors. We liad the e breakers of water and sieee ittre;e eanottat Of food, eo had 11/0 ;Par of etarving. "What did hurt the though, Was the' fact that not mire than three after Unit altip street-. the 'fo • cleared, und froni that ti11143 l'ACIN w.fti 07,17/ aMt, 110 MO eight that we aid ;see caused 221 wonder how eve Led ceeeped so lone tor me Were, in -wen - we all e itad great- sport „ . . 'watching 'tais, wooln .,:oll.,.an-,igeberg• •'and weeactering . if it ',Wasn't, rather eoldS, work. Ilea judging ',from' 'the. 'way he „'weet about it,, ice does ,not etit much figere when it 0012208 'to a sod.10..._ntalcixi'g love.- Beier° We were ,on thataberg• ten daya*they Were coos t ing like a couple of Mother Carey' chickens .that had Ios their:pa.. , "As we • drifted far. her, south. tM iee gradually Melte I arta beeame honey -combed Until it Was- :unsafe. We then had to take to the lioa.tS ,onee .again and isteils0 out for "the track Of the Atlantisevssel. Two days after 'leaving th.0, berg ,we saw smoke .on the. horizon. Then WO (started, to 'OWL We Polled', until our, arms were almost'. Pulled‘ 9ut of the socket$, hut wo got close enough to Makie ourelvel • seen. We were picked up. by the Steamer 1,tett,itighant and takenato Liverpool.. Of course, they made much of ne and wondered how-, we`,,had eurvived the ' terrible wiper- ienCe Oil the iee, but to tall, you 'the teutli, I doubt if I ever lia.d a "anon! \pleasant outing ia tity lifee No one W118 killed, injured or (peen Nick, and 'the best. of it. WW1 that The "tailor; Isere all intelligent young 1(1112) 2.2.2) hat knew enough to .obey orders and at Make thiiinselves obzioxious,,Theri vith tiett little *rannanee t a enliven hings a bit, I really had a fine time. oThree weeks after recteating Lon- don, Morgait . mad Mise- Mary wero married, and we all atteeded the ca.- eniony. Of „coueee," lee* parents' tit first objected• strenuously to tt-e., Matell, .1)1,tt, 7/011 kriow how thee:, thingn iseijaW themselves. 'lictrisall le now a wealthy man i,t,. London alfd occasionally work; me a letter telling. me. of hoW hie children are. getting on. The last t;irile t Wag Cif little mail that she 12.- .11i'.. the 2114). 11.1 England' t WaN7 them faith, end stre eoriceried ViSitors that her stivieions of. hail a great, time talluillg OVer `OW Melling ' bits , of linen' are directed , tisneaa' 1) '(4)121.2 their maide and 'relit:: ",,\, vail. upon him to allow' his correspon- dence to be handled hi 'the ordmary way, and irmay be imagiried whet con- atsion. reigned in coneequence of these monkeyish. Woke. As for the wretched trustees of the estate . who were com- ,pelled ,to , examine his . affairs after 411$ deatia they were driven half 'demented by Abe tangle in which they found things.' . • •. • For instance,. in *a vase at Malley •StliffOrdsliire one of the'. Dudley couniry: 'seats. they discovered ti check for Xi,e00 in a latter, the•seal of 'which had. never keen .brokensa, The sender wrote from Australia in gratertillernls. thanking the sEarl •foe his,gerterous loan, was then and there returned in 'full with interest. , • 'Thia perticular 'missive had been lying at: the(,ball for ma te.ss than twenty years, a.ceurnulating dust, and. when 11, was examined both, of the principals in the Sransaetion were dead and Waled stand provided for' 11)18 special purpoeta and always kept on the' premises.' Now dimes, the crex of the cereMony. The ludge carefully wields the sliding 101:11 - Cater, and in the geatle,st pOtsibl Manner cheCkinates ' any suspicion, of unduly inaninulating the head and -feet . measuring {completed, the pastor en- ters the\ particulare in the:brideS!: re,* ster.• 'The entries close with the end eacii year, and it is an.interesting group that wends ita ,Way'•ta the thariSe Qn. the first week day of the 'year lo receive the doweies. • • .These, marriages' always teke place 2011. Friday, 011 which ,occasion there is invariably a good aufri out, ef specta- tors, the sinion of a deaf and durnb emle having aitteacted •ae regard at- terulance. The, brides' register reveals some eurious features." In ,one,'family three siiters and, a brothes. wife were succeisful in, anatexingethe gift, and r.,f two 'prIte-taking sisters .one was the *tallest „ and the .other theeshortest another Justine° only half a day, sopa- rated one of the luc,icy brides front ,the next in turn., , , -The present -Minieter ' of the parish has' officiated at these Oont0sts for the last twenty-one years, due:Mg which period 'the value of the dowries has -averaged a trifle over $30- each. • . • „. The' origin of this droll competition ie • • TIIE PRESENT .1,0111) DUDLE:Y.''' decidedly interesting. One -..boisterous Waater day a aveeithy local laird- ob. 'seelus te have inherited 'Very little c f serieds'ar .young couple weeding their his•fathees whit-n*41 nature. 'He is an ardent,' finpuisare, waern, hearted Man 1.!:).talYs•t°t0 ellknurocwil ttobe he "made one." Cur- cirsurnstances; ne with just the .qualities to commend hin; to his slosh sesnesubjeeta; - • made inquiries and learned that „ the imitate 'ioyo, oi tife,,ploughinan, and ,the His two rulaeg passions, after politics, are for ,jeive)g 44a racing,,,and a §toi.y ex -servant lase was their principal asset ts told of Lady, ,Dusneyss %hag as corn. for setting up house: As a" sequel the pared sto her',IMsband's freehandednes, laird left at his death a legacy of $5,000, After the birth of the last son, the Earl, the interest .of whieh he decreed was to 'in. aeburst 'of appreciation, ,ordered . a be divided annually for all tine coniing euperb crown, a diamonds sant- n13.. as a into -Oe equal .portions, four* among. brides fi',4 aireadr• anentiOneda and ,the present, to the Countess; Who at the time swes-still'coriliried to her room. ' fifth to provide oa.tineal, tea, sugar, etc., .After• expressing all the; admiration for the poor of tile parish:. - and gratitude the,most exigeant hes- This quaint 'custom, besides creating band cOtlid the cestly piece of jaw. Pleasurable 'excitement, -does much material go6'd. to the Bumble. partici- elry was locked up, and the first journey „her ladyship made out Of deors was to "PealS. • The 11211(1, whidh in niveeted in' return the blazing coronet to the meta Government consols, at' present stands chant wile sold P, first ascertainindthat $5,6.q-0,* and the next distribution --en the bill was yet -unpaid; ‘, Monday, January 1, '1.906s -will, be . the - 'It is conunon knowledge that the Vice- fitt•Yluntilt . 'Foy Is greatly under the influenee of las • wife, and tts his friends:all agree, with 01111, the.haPPiest, result's. She, it appearee *ratline' enteringhbart and %soul, into hie Canada's farest rOductw tot silel love for horses, racing and 'a gallant nit 80 millions '190 . , of betting now and then, has Made aer- • Canada leis 7,000 vessels register- sytrarathy conditional uicin a promise ed, with tonnage , of .8•1 million tons: that he shall absolutely ?sever visit. the course eSicepl, an her companY., Ile sticks Manfully. to his bargain, arid' "21 is 8.. very long,' My. when anyone per - suedes the latial, to take unduly long , There is one middle 'aged. laut stili beautiful 'Duchess gossip. tells of avhose many 'whimsicalities pass elk the'liounds of ,reason„ One of het' klioeyneraeles is a firmly grounded belief that the world is sin league to 'steal eertain valitotees and , • ' „ ' UNINIPOIATANT POSSIMIONS. •.M, • the, ducal palace in: Scdtlend are many priceleaa heirlootns, much tnagna fiCent plate, etea, to all of, which she' le seemingly indifferent; leaving the care of it to hirelings. • Not 140 tip •house linen, traveiling rugs and kitchen ,nten. tills in her Various reidences. •° Often, indeed, before hee guests iiinre ;left theie rooms at „the ceeelusion of a yisit she is upstaire stripping the beds, and witt a tape measure and ine11100 entlum, 'Roes' rerefully • over 02.•-ery sheet, towel, elip and rover in the place. It ,*3 Nire". 'Sender -PM stand there and 'tell eated.from tanokair Mr. Bender -"Yee, cob had been aeline; deinijelet mooneh yon 1/0,5211, mi! you got Who.. 71 eorneob • Maria von tlo!! '5u.-.; i.itOpper for 121»ifor five yeare." • eefeee'-'" Vi•reKt !q.1.(.1 `1,110M Viete A.3:N °FryTv v ..:m\A•11. oert;•-s Wink the rit(4111 ; rtitlarte.r Of a PAO •We Wteri! Greenwood ( 2)111.211 114 1 iN tile centt,r. Tres 72.27 17(77 howl the l'enneelyaela 1.722111104 It 11'. 1032 12'11 f,..TipvIl ;:Ali!,:p.g 11f(ore, dt)f co.,"a14 Viblel?, St.i"tili 'iV:w ,•C111, -,..i i,10/, )1 0....:_;-,, 1 lt 14'01V7 vete/ emelt 'f; VOltic. 44 fitet, fair ,:vot_ Water KV.; MI Pft.tot wi 11,7 12,3', ''''.(2 /vat( f'0 .1)1,1, I u Leea, waver so osev a mitrion (toil:ire :t'e 14 7112., 'a,' little boat seeeical ersitibly erenee. apeateiti 10;litiitg the Lee v..ith 0 Mim- e -A ttir91* &so bila 'tsessiisla bat'Sr. made tuts Of oirik and water, MARE% ODDEsT MILLIONAIRE INER LIVED. LtlEA S'Itr1.-F•a", 'i•a• .Trit'_.4 Jen_ -la; heat a _ Sirariiw Story tif a Once Plitt Mau Who fer isiete.• red or 14're/illy Died in Povexty. 7,A Merets-al•-Prieei at tali* Wk.son ItaWkir%. aria- iseral eve eae, fee Ne. 1 hard, We, ler No. nonait'o, ooki Iti5 wife taissretsA ;Ssat" ra. end S';io N". 2 thirty, yi.-:ar4 asi-) Sea Fretreiscee, mew. eiethieeseat?,,,alesia` esestat4 to Lee Angelea ease, aesteeieti Seala fee asi palent.i In "Icatiux qrsiPeasee Waf3 el,ifient4 Doneatie etdes with ties a:tot-Ai/es eleareresing etee. ce. see's.; le- esesie, this small pc,wtiLli of 1,licyir fog7tail.o in to $4,4041 the shol:tnst, f;O:-'..31410 tilUE;; wed fop bcc-*Nggi Desteeseo $1,30 tory 1'111%1, the,s, Ead 'it will bol:tvz; bia' be vilit Lot', 'generations in Son-tbe; altilfeed-efinieratalSeen $15,Sie te eargornia., Purclulding t',00 41•?rc(i: fa eur 1, -Se oeteide, ehoets kl7 t,L4 $18. •,of barren land In, isors Nietoe Valtera,'1, menitsese, 'aren...,e11T fe $17.0, Alerts IS11 eet tie wort to eoveet an re- sweat te sease Toi:,-,11,49 and coil 4,o;11, time intca' a veritable eeardela of freight peinta„ Edee, with a lordly pleaeure-houso sseeeesakeiet oe, Sae outeele„ for bin ctwellie6splace. Bailey -146e to 47e for No. 2,41O to 441) Ire enmed an army of Worlimen foe No, 3 0,etlee wee ere to sese for No. 3 41.11(1 Idi2patched egentn in all three,' at outeide news. • tionri to purchase fullgrown Shade Issas ...oteeey at ,-,.'20, to ego at out 2.1* t ra n ep o r2 22cit ItY nigh t on 8Pee2.e11 3r- '''' ''' r ' anol ornamental . trove, witich were point • tii(tialttluc:ii',i.,c,tg. 024.liziltootillieirs at;ittniat..ev,oafIltral ePuirt;„ 'oult11:11(°17,,,i,:ilti(teaa(1-Y:klautrnilitlittel, cnaittsidaPics, to .52 0 hundred etronse, scoured the coutitrY Corn-Ne'w Canatlian 42c to 44e Chat. for full-grown planes. silkele,„ Neer° ham freights. ' American No. 3 yellow processions of wagons conveying etc to tilasac at Torotito, and 2e. to le renaciritbo. hftillnati coisn,:wphaoret:,0.5frottiltiteusrptie.481; ultiroelleolititsci)daets_tecs5ordininbgartroolfsre,aleonhats-$ . -..11,5 up like ixtushrooms tn, a single ••day, .lakes and streams made their appear- broke °. lots here and 40c outsicle. ill bags on trick here* 2se more .1011 erica as if' by magic, until, under the ,, 444,444444... 010111.11 direction of landscape gar-, denera, svithin a few weeles „the bar- COPNTny prtoDue..., . ren acres -were, converted into . 13utter--Qtleaatione are unchanged. GLORIOUS GARDNS• EI - e Creamery .... .•.... --.. 24c to 256 1 Ituteatill the .artistic eeyees,...f_. ",do subtle ...... .... ....... 230 to 24e e • -Dairy lb rolls, good 10-choice.,1110t c tod 22CIlawkins was not atisiied. :ale spent do tubs e $7,00(i 011 statuary. for hie lawns do medium 4.;;;; .;;;; ....; 200 to 210 and groves, 1111d to crown the effect do inferior ,, ... ......e.e., „„,„,. lee to 20c. he set two of his eervants td:work .; Cheese -Steady to firra at 'I3c for on, them with paint-hrushe4. Iltoreury large, and laare for twins, blossomed into green tights awl. It hair; Venus WaS Made radial" 22e, td 23c tor cold-stOrageeand 20C (3) 210 Eggs -24e to. 25e for fresh, gathered, in blue , dais, rect hosiery, and ear- for linied. Fresh gathered eggs aro mine arm- Ps; all the Cupids corning in much more freely than at were painted b, c with blue stripes, this time ayear ago. and Racchus-gradu . in sober ,grey Voultry-Fat chickens 86 to 90,,,thlit '70 icltheallii,11,iAaillileinga1.1c!ps4atialQ s, hade.-ito 8e: fat hene 6*4`c to *Nc, thirt 5%o to Ar sprung., 'up, in the middlea • Q tilts 71-ge; dteugikase;litcuit.ily2s6latioitli. ,6C„. :th Sc; geese ready-made splendor: ataissetliat tioth- ',Ing might be lacking to its complete. .71eSspieartobeas-a Uonnettriaacyceid4ersegntritoo,..115r65f41 110875,' 1011 had, a Private bar -room an -r )3.0Xed ' 'at a coat- *of $10,00,0 and of -store; easterneri5c to 80e on track anti eoludriPrneldss sivilithalltfiCealiaifrogiVtl.,"sos:drrit°11net pc:Dt1;(te;'f)or95edctle ir°1°ulgtost°e-toSsf7tYldr5:P.sesredcw:hte'.rili$8 per charge of an expert bar -tender,. ger°, in ,gornpan3r with boon ,00mPaniuns, otiBi;liend olaiar,?71-'otr here 11)2(1 42. $61°rfonr°Nolet21111. -- he sPeilt '111112137 hours daily gloating tisaled Strtiev•-$6 per lea for car lots • over the fruits of his enterprise and 0 111. diSPensing champagne and cigars track here. -- with Savish band to his workmen - In hisstables ` he' placed thirty ,horses, the , costliest' 1)1011037could Mo buy; his, harneae was all gold-plated is eaak and • his 'equipages were the most., mare -14 euniptuous. inethel whore continent of Celia an America; while ad crown his absurd- morning -I, ity he would drive behind a pair cf Anterioanenaixe $3,000 • .horses, '1,veariug. Clothea n self respecting • beggar 'would •care to be seen. in., . " The story of iiis later eccentricities would fill "a valuthe and .has only .., space. for ' ‘' ' . . . BUSINESS AT MONTI1EAL. • e. • , . - reaec. 26. -The market for oats 11 to116,0 the, Offerings' being ale but buainese cont 1111108 Ka% were Intel-lenge(/' ti was. same demand, No. 3 yellow do' steady und" •rt oitd lo ' in pr1 if at ThILV-one day the, iaea occurred '7 -t -o him te • have a great running • match at night, on the roads of LosmIsTietbs , yalley. Vor this purpose he sent . . messengers far arid' wide to purchase 7,000 candles', Which were, placed at inter.valS, inaunted on sticka, Along thecouase; a grand stand was ereet- -ed, front. which Mr. and airs. IIass- kins, In, solitary epleedor, witnessed the .contest;- and a ;brass\ batal, im- ported from -Los Angeles, ,relieved the tedium by dis.coursiag_ sweet music for their benefit. On anether occasion when laawkins canad, 'tfonle` from San Freneis. co, his wife hireft' a , brass band in 'Los Ans geiias to =cot him. - Down-. the coust- . . , try road to the nay/king ranch came the ''' band; blowing horns,' beating di‘nits,,. and .clashing cymbals; Next followed an open landa,u • covered 'With the national -eolore, and dr -awn by 5 our eoal-black horses deeked with 'gorgeous plumes,. Hawkins and his, wife rode together like Royal person- . ages!. On the seat in front of them Was an open '' basket of champagne,' and whenever Hawkins Silled sopeone he particularly liked along ,,thh e':, ot. dusty' LidObt, rOticlo.lie toseed a' ',bet - The product of Canada's paper and tit, of champage th him. ., . pulp mills in' 10,03 reached $5,21fte. One day Kr. . gala "MrH s. awkins 1 .000. - . - - , . . 'took a sudden fancy that It, would Canada's, irrigation canals la •Al-, be a good idea to have their cattle, , berta are 'made up of 160 cliCferretashee7,, dogs, and cats • Only six other banks hi/America ael,a, - e, - - . • or laurope have ,a, larger capital than v 'um' we's 'Geo ' eglor ellOsail Tor the canals .•and ditches./ • / ALL OE ONE Eaelt of the ilereey cows, the the Ilank of Montreal. pite p. rt. are building, a 400;, , bull, the sheep, dogs, and eats Were, ,mile. irrip;ation, canal betWeen trea,ted to a sponge 'bath .of . violet" gary ahd mtbdictneIltit whiah will dyeing fluid. It was 'a sight long to cost five tolitan dollars, • ,120 reinentbered to tie pack of Via- letehucal hunting (loge selirrying, ' Over teorty mallione are deposited lit loan crympataies,, private. beaks, etc., the fields, "thile` she'el) gab:113611s in' Canada, . ed in the IIawkins, grove; and n the cattle drove of violot-tirited cows chewed • Twentrlive YOtt.lti. 'agt) trade of ' the Cana(liate, North-weet their' Cud° lu the licighbctiln , nw4(1- t0t1.t11ed .25 iiiead. • • ow*. ItEt,,, sad to 1,1137, the cowe licke.d , • their violet -dyed flanks too" freely, Canada's dovertantnit savings:. 1)2111.12.3 have 2 16,000 deponitoro, ',with 62 and several of the moot Vrluable railtionts onadeponit. • died of lig1 inollintrc 'otbeas Four huitdreci rift(' t esellt Y-tlirelt• 0110d. • '• , are, depoSitecr in chartered 11111110143 ,flivorite'paSt mo with .E11 and his bankS in Canada. • • Wife, who were both exeollent Canada's electrte rants -aye,' carried; W�21 to, use t12012'etatuarso targeto, en 111(21. las minion ihoseenooes•-,80 and In au iheredibly- there *121)04 'the population of .T.hinada. 2.1/110 le 11 etatue in the ,place whielS had no eheal• most of its litiabs and . . featurefe, Perhaps the most amusing GIBBAT.TAB „CIIMMLING AWAY1.11GX . ' 'dent of au, however,' was When, ,- , t it ii not , .0Tho111113( known MO tt-, :one .07, VII preeeeded tes his ' . new The flout' Market tat good del/mild, both -for' trade. Thete is re 'Mine ran continues; Very then, 11 'being 'Prices are stea rveek's advanoe. 'There:is no eh the rnarket for hay. Oats -Nr 39c; No. while, ase,,, and" Ii7CS-liarley-alanitona,••N 4, 46 yap: Corn2e-Americ No. 3. yellow, 533o. 2277 Itinito a spring wheat / wheat 146irtsi'$445 te $4. 'rollers', Si to $4;101 in to $1.05; extra, 01..65. to F Maeitoba bran,' hi` bags, tills shorise$20 per ton;'Offiario hrfin, $14.50 te $1,5.; „shorts. $20; milled xnouille, $24;• straight grain mouille, $21* per ton. Eolled (tag, pdr bag, $2.15; cornmeal, $1,45 to $1.50 Ilay-No. 1, $8.50 to $9; No, 4 $8; clover, tnixede $6 to $6.50 'clover, !so' per Ion, ear 1(112 Ontario=, -I23/4 .tb 13c;'• East Butter ---Choice, 233c; good to 23C., $ etro balse-re; $4.40 to • se, • filiFFAI.0 mAnKses Buffalo, Ian. 2.-s-Flotar-(Sulet, un- changed. Wheat -Spring dull; No. Northern, aSaao. asked; Winter, No. t red,„ Me' offered. Corn -Opened firm- er, ciosed easier; .i4o. yellosv, '49rie; No, 2,•cdrn, 49a0e.e.,0„ate white, .36%c asked; `NO..2 mixed, Barley -a -Dull; 45 to 56c. 'nye- •Dull easy ;• IVIA\111;.T. • NeW York; jell. 2,::-Wheate-Sp0t No. 2 red, tlge elevator and 03 f.o.b.' afloat; No. 1 Northern Dullith, Olge f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 hard Ma.nitaba nominal, f.o.b.' anoat1. a s SENTENCE SERMONS': 'Tact L3 touching with •love. %0NrVhledee.dsimazob avttioIe ea,11 trsavloisti 1;t".,,i(107; 0 tli# The blue heart" akways ha' sky. s The empty faith le'• usually made 8e0u1', 4, einPra do4e.s.n8osts get wedded to taaili b flirting with doubt - • The onlY work without hotter la II which helve no one. The de -4i1 is always svilling te eelarde abirevsai*(,tslof,:v,ssittltts118. 1011219 iv who bait icarned 12' 'bear, mieforloile, , Nahuatl's- she rnakee e2.0!'37 olio le" aaaat rcpt. .of Gibraltar.. is tinnlilino lariels reservoir to tato' a wini be- neath lier, roof Ile,'pertiads. t112.7e21.ttfot2.• fir)V11 \lhat 2.02i742g722 4 IC221* 2.1 1114 2. (1 dry. 11123 ting iiirjorb in wilily 7. (2. a • 171171 bound loift,th `Warited lard 11211 ;,:120 IXtrati .10`,1; S1!1;!'211::12' (12 7(14) 111111:;'4 I 1,vt,12 1221 2 p2:71 5 ut tneesefty aro hint if he 271 (1 it,. It twkine phinaed it W.; 3-1 !ill fur tt •t,She 1; equally (eller Vallp!>. 11111‘t,, laiye heate3 ei warm r carriage 14.14)21(4 1' (See netiinet the', ehreeed 1.212.' of 1110 11142 11(12.2.' purellase.i 11e-1•,1 1.4 1717. (1121 f) 1412112.1 on halal. Wleei he fesses for ea, +Isis,* all 11e. title!: titiites "haVe 1•4•01: Icarefelly 4.;:tt,4)11]..., et !,4"," if; 71 are • they sole ;sell Nee, oe.„ ,, in, :when 12741.10;1 woit a reeolose in the e‘keiekei eel ,notiee, ask Ilkeilaq., 41r7t:;1',17 V7011)4.),Lit'5) 1)and0. Ilr1.7.Wki1119. (91(1 r)) 71,14' 1011).1;13 on0rl11os.4 t721112-110114)0. vet, e010107,1 rialCh(W., 12 221.211, Ilt ow thee lie showed his; be 2.21 a 1),111t 131 ,vnct:-,e • (('11 112. in so2120 pats.. ''he kept Wel ..;114.'2.e2-. tintly or ffaity feet erlthzre, (lee tee ing tht,vp ,tho entire!. afterleeee TIN roof of flibraltar; diY,Inikv,ation, it! voneevoir vai‘i rained bv 111:; 11,2 32 to ttivy 1014, 114;3. 1141ot it: was dry. Ile retrit1i,- ‘111‘1,1 Ot,' the elift'e ei(h, feera 1uoki7e10 died a poor inlet Cie* Wee see. :see e pteine en,tce 11(1 in the tpIltvri-111,11 ;1y tht f;i fvw 111,c04);12lw hetai easenelve.1 2.472. diqY 47 112',101101,4 t 147 the raeleet deseeitt Feed ailit hey (4)'2( 14)21.01 :eyed', the Wont:ease (tit "eery ast-e! sell in the coor'e „Teel:ilea 11 feari3 a big pea 2tUL 19i170p1UC2221 4 •atp i„paltt ,:e1IN 1 or teeYiiM,4 !gat lte di4 «1 In) • yo() a eatid' - ' k , ralivZ- l,1;4i:; an1 ermtllitt: ilYM,thefla . L22I'2.j(0.h4)il h17 t;ocw al a lestee 114to olloorar,ly?' lo 22.17144(4. :Hwy s'av f( 73 212 "No." filisck:vPo(2 tho 2. 77 132)11(11 '1.11 tow iiir; imposing 7 Iiff t17t. exactly tatammoiNt. Rat we417.1 +Ai 2 4212 (21.411 thvet 212 a. t.etter than ilia,. \,\70 lad 1110101 a '2117'. 21021 U1 ot our matt 111414 trilct.); \,741111..„3 1,0441 :ti "‘A, tire town,"' ; 1 loseee %lila are more profit, able than the 0._tins, (11 11(1 men who is honest, fee "p‘kifiT be dishonest for promolien, laray a deacon who le long ea cleat e will be folind shwa on wing% , MillISELLA Or' GLASS,. 11114)4 adjunct h; nove112l3 the Alas.,;' 1,ovolred with "silk" -sciu,i; fr•uta These; umbre1. olltir;Ww,5. 312 rif2:6rd 110 1i,VM3liort from the rare of the 81111; but .they Solis 41110 olivirete eaventage, namety, that they .03t be aeld in front of the lase alien meetItig' 112 2. wind' and rain, funi at the ;emit., time the Item, Will able. tel SCO HMI he ell 11411 into uneifen1. ine inibeiduaist 01 hoop past.,„ • ' HP: ISN'T 4*1131POSE. IlortiMe If I • \,4re ask your Itetnet in matt -lase 'would :yeti IYW "11101."t Misa Ilotrox-Not me, I'd tam aver 10 para tind telephone An AM-