HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-01-04, Page 31 CEYLON NATURAL GREEN TEA once and you will never return to the adulterated teas of japan. LEAD PACKETS ONLY.. mk, spe, 40c per . HIGHEST AWARD st trAms,, 1004 - - . "Mr "That'is Ira abeence the heart "Vol avo a good fc'Eow,7gt k, ;e eceeea fer Irc'ese 're.e.ti of yeei, ms fonder. 1fee, ilotes bad ar cle. ewe -there IN riw30. tehe Iloueet of ariri atheive eau. Yee, my oeleeira- OMMOVe.---NP ° rene on foers with key love 'Ifaiee, 0,0 lions° of Correeronfii! and geetitteio het •-,-,e1-1,-,a), e Lear 3,,oe tell: Jae thet I nz)rt 1.9 /welt; I want to laugia leae... You tale. like a, ieme, bet- like et boei; that kk' ;10('S illy a Iraa lv,t701 11:15;IL12.,0Q 1 g • 1_1) Lnow. ,tehat leve ii.. '• letven't the A 13„0 of it even, ldt1 yOu U'eVer See'a woman who tonelied eour heart?" he WOULd Up, SaVaVly. • "That'S ft .TA ,t qnestion, and deeervestLStreigift, aft§wer. Jutle'e for youreelf. You raid inee, eow that 1 ,was the:' lion of this off season'. 'That may or may not be. Anyhow, for Some reeeon best 'kuown" tii themeelvee; the peeple who, 0,11'134 'Iona in. 'their theavingeroores • !twee elone nie the honer to :lett Me to go. and roar- or ,braye-in them of late, Generelly I ref0e, but the other night X went to ene of their eon - room, which was furnished like a, founded receptiolis. 'The card of in- faeltioriable huntingbox, but, lined 'vitetion was merked "smell and with pictures, among theni being early.': There wee a; terrific crush,. some of cyrirs *earlier onts, show- and everybody came late. I Po%ed ing that -Lord Newall lead- taken a my nose inside the door, end, not very solid faney to Cyril's worn. liking the ° prospeet of beiog jostled "Conifortable quarters you've got. in a hot room, Was bolting, when a But, by the way, where is Lord woman 1 didn't know from. Eve, but Lor Of course this is his who turned out to be .the lady of iileeede beg his lordship's pardon the liouse who had asked ine, came for not thinking of him before," UJ), and after keying soneethieg pleas - „oho ,ha,s E9ne,„ aee was to have ant, offered to introduce me to a stayed for a month,' but he found a Young lady who was 'a lioness,. She, week of mei genial ebelety sladent. hadn't written a voituae 'of. poem% He fled' the festive acerte which ray or, Committed any crime of that kind, cheery' Preeencewas rapidly' trans. but She was siMPly' -famous for her forming into a-thirdeclaas funeral;' ! 'beauty and her --charms, .as the ,ala- -"Afal how did he like the. picture?” faehioned.writers used to put It." , asked (lash. • • • Cyril sok into his their and, lean- - .• "I don't think he liked it all, i 1 lug. his head upozt his hand, listened may 'judge ,Irem his remarks. . •110 rather listlessle? • observed that it wasn't up to- "my "I'm not, it painter," went on Jack ,oeual Virile,' and I could have for "and 'Oe r can't describe how 1 only given egrokell e4thixnr''e trifutihitadn'ct felt that he ,kanwo4syv,t,hidare iythereat-eat,t.loa,elieele: are. ro YbreLthy,, little off color?" Said ;rook. More beautiful woinen in the world: “yegtbut 1 eban be all ootei. Iehaven't taken much Steck of them . X wanted re glimpse: of you, Old MAU) in the , flesh; mine -are born' In my that wee what. X wantigl.' There Will tinuigleatiten; but this young person .,bet some . lieert • in 'the daub, new, letchaie.M0 la a manner peculiareand you'll eee," ' , - strange. , She was neither (lark nor, ."And, when de you come baceve\ • fair. I.Terneeehere, she had kind Of-, -er "Never.' •That• is, not :Sure.. I red -gold hair; and that her face had nee; it's lonely, :arid, quiet "and --e---", shan't:hurrY; I like,Brittany,, It snits vwerriytorslictathe'ivcoolyofw.4lint'eepitVil:ini„atist4•1; "Better than Santleigh?' pa fri not; and her eyes -1 don't think' I ' Jack,„ quietly. •• can, tell you thele color; They Might eeges, ,better than Santleigh: have been brewa,, but I am not.sere le you love' me, ,don't ileeeetiou the they Were notblue;, let's .say they Placeuot• 'to -night, at arlY rate- were vielet:,:Aad When she,eepeke,_ There ' are chords in the- hennan faint, shatlowY* 'kind of smile ;canto ,beareeeeee over her • face like the play Of Mbone, . "What's the matter, with '•, Sant. light'eupon water. her our,' 4 uar- 1,hoai'd ni your miu'eFli, Jac'koDnd wrete to- youhe lett riaLinlef;tVediY, aelint writte.a, yon know Int Wei eneti'eli. I alevaee knew You'd bo. 10,2tvols. The Palter 1 ew the rOCIOW PI your book in raid you weri the earning poet„ and for Oneo pare': did not lie: Mull siuppwia ;eou. ere the lion of the ifff sfeizon, and Will roar all through the noNt pne# pear' old ineki!' „ „ •"1".,.f.)t much cif a lion. X expet,,t, You'll do cell the roaring, arid. mite, of. the ret of us Will be ,We to make ourselves:heard." • "My koar will lee good tor „nothing; a, failure* of the very first magnitude. Ilut go on: Instead of going on, Jack, after a glanco at him, looked round, the ki? 3:( Th STEWARD'S.§ON " +0+3cx+-t-4!(+-t4o.44:(4):(441+04.0 4-A+A+ri+):6t-o+o-ftcftwtt+A+tt+ CILU'TI'R kxIx, t. Throo, days before the papers an- nounced the "serious illness of ttte Right nonorable the I'ctr1 of Arrow - dale," Cyril Bunk) Sat at work upon the beach at Lorient, - Brittany was anything but a beast ler Place, as Jack Wesley ,had deelar- ed, and the -Prospect of golden sands, 'deep blue sea and t1kr,and rugged •eocke eught, to, have filledCyrire ax- tiStie eoul Witla rapture. ; • • • • • . . But thee', eaprbssion. on his e face was -anything hut . rapturous and he Worked at Ilia picture with dogged enantenance. :con- vict pursuing his allotted'. taski.... 'Vvei:y. now and then lie stopped • • . painting and stared- at the canvas as Klee were looking throogh it, and at' stieh tutees 'his head sank upon his breast; .-and • whatelittle light ',had 'been In in his eyes *died out; and a .hopelees, sielelind-sorrst look, crept over his handsenee, face: a ,look ijhich Wa0 110t.100.4 -to See.on•the counter).- . once * of •a' man young, •‘ciever„ aad. with ATI the world before,hiba. It. is scarcely :necessary to say:II-tat these times he was thinking., of 'Nqrah; It Would be rather •tiiiMult tO 'sey wh.en he was not thirikiog4tef: , 'her; and .just as her 'thoughts of.him. evera full of problems and •unanswere able enigMaa, 80. were his of hee., , When a Mari *118 in. lOir(rWitil. a Jegier,-he flatters himself that at least he knows ,and.;.,,p*Iiirst.tlincls her tut-"` ture.. „ - Vizir 'instance: I1. any one had. asked Cyril' describe .Norah, 'he Would have eninened her. Up' soineWhat 111 this, fashion: - • e' • "Beautifdl, tentleful, loving, limiest! as the day to all, the World, an faithTul to 'me ..ureto death!" e` And this girl, this pearl among, Werneaa had quietly •aied 'coolly jilt"- ed him; mad, had either grown,tirecl eflefra in a.fAIIV days, or thrownt him aver•oat the beheat‘of her father. The more he thoUght,---ter and her desertion . of him, 'ettee. More bite tee, he became, the more puzzled and the moreeoniserable, netwith- etandieg Ver. treatrneht et him 1 .knew that he roved her -still -that if she chose to turn to him.andwhistle Win. to her side MUSt fly to -her,. -.eget"- kneel -at her -feet just as mach her worshipper "ana 'ill:1Np as he had •ever been., - In the• weeelse'61: the Petsian- poet Sadi, he had given. his heart to her, and could not. take It back. Behind him, perched oh the. cliffe, was the house which 'Lord Newell had built for 'himself, but his lord- •ehip had gone. away and left tYril• 8010: XnaSter. , fact, • his loedshiP had Viand t,he young artist so gloomy and morose, a companion that he could not stand him for longer •than, a week, and had flown in selt-s 'defense,. . • Cyril would have 'town, too; q,itita ..a hundred. times .0, day he had been assailed by an int.enee longing to kielt his trefiniehed picture into the) Vea and etart ore soinewhere, or. any., whero; but he hied learned something else beside the 'creek of painting, and that wits that for his complaint there . wren no remedy half 80 eiticecionses hard work. Ife could manage to forgot Norah-esay,, for a, quarter of an hour at a 'tirne-while he was pilinting, :and he felt that if he threw -up his 'work 'and wandered orli noth.' to. do but brood over his trouble /3"he' should. Probably go mad. ` So, .he :worked on silently and Moodily. , The good people of • Lor. ient, 'who are soeitible enough,if you th rub em the right way, cottiti make nothing of. the youpg painter whO woe staying . at "milord's" house, 'The men got nothing to answer to their genial "lion Jour, enonsieer," but ,trt growl, and the girlo-niost . or whom, are tetrible pretty-raight as wC11 have cast their smiles at" the rocks and stories as bestow them. up-. on the handsome young foreigner who . did nailing but paint, paint, paint, or tramp, tramp, tramp, tip and down the 11 (1 Whey called him. "The Silent Eng. lieher." Oi thie poiticuler afternoen lie ettett on painting and thinking till the fadine* light narned him that it uas tO leaVn off painting and lake to thinking only, and he Wa4 abOUt to rise and, put, hia things 1.1t),4 %' 1.1')) he heard a step on the each behind hint. frid not turn hie hea(14 because eeie-ri flid no, the Peanants, 'who hod oecee4onally etrayed from the he aero5°,b• tbeach, would per6ist .tryialf: to talk to him, cold he kteet eeee fixed eullen'y lefoie him int. til tlie footsteps taint elore behind blia raid ttieftive "the eleet hir.". "II0W doth the busy:: bee? W'elt lad, how goes the picture?" . '''"WhY, man,' where did You come from?" be demanded. "What, • on 'eerth bringsyea here?" "I will be 'merciful and not reply, the Ilavre boat and. my own-. legs," saki Jack:, smiling.,"Is ,there any law, French or otherwise, which fgt. bids Me •. to put foot*. on Breton shore'?" , •• • • ,1.4r couldn't tell ten. , you how glad •I am' to see youif. r triedit, ‘.1sktifi Cyril,ehis 'face .flushed with 'theun- expected pleasure: "X' was °thinking of you no.t ten minute's ago, 1 was, bldped,' now.' well' you leek, Jack!" !,`And how. Unwell Yoti loele, Cyril!" • he retorted,i;mi1ixig-till, but with 're sneaking suspicion' -of tendereessin. his voice, for the tush had, 'died out. • Of CYril's face, and it lookede...Pale. and .harre,esed. „ "What's the matter, lad? Brittany,, air doesn't suit 'yetrlo•• "Oh, „I'm all right." • ' . "And this- IS the picture?" ,said jack'Standing before it, ' ,...""YeS:,Whit,t do' you think tot ftV „ '"Pretty; very. 1 eike*the composie tion. That. piece of traYleree.n is good,deelded1Si go0:4,"•,• Them lie .stciArtecl and looked hard at if, and wietn"Ya 'hind the easel and11' "What ,we yp looking . on ma;,,, ana. - not fintlP.eue.,elee said, bitterly, "because vetdiere*is heart in it, But never' ,thind the pieture. • Here, shelp me -with these things, and,let-us get up - to the heekeee" • • / 'crhey ee.houldergcl 'the' easel' and things .and 'Clitrtb6d thebeachA talk.. es they .went, and leek noticed that Ceril talked coretknuoirely,'• as he Vera afraid•OX a pause., - They reecho(' the •houee,-ind *ere soon seated at the meal which served Cyril AS dinner and supper dembined. ."And now tell me all thee news; old maxi," he -said. - "Try SOMO Of now you are hate, I know how I :now you are here; 1- know, now X have missed yoal", - above prtitare of the man and fish is the trade. mark 'of Scott'sZmulsion, and is the synonym, for Stren'gth, and putitty. It is sold in almost All the civilize(' coun- tries of the globe. If the cod lish became extinct it would be a worId.wide caIarn. ity, because the oil that eoincs from its liver surpasses all other fats initiourishin6 and life.giving properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott's Wind. sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyorie can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott's Pinulmion is the beat thing intim World for weak, backward children, thin, delicate people, and all emditions of wasting and lost strong( h. Mai abr etaipk. KOPP as Bowilit, core - Pk, mut dn." 411 otraggitia wa* EEDA ,ct.,0-T.vskt* AtirONIATI 011,411) AA-Abirt CANA DA) 8 ARATOR 4-017ARAIITg4"0") \MACHIN Er, -;11,11111FACT611,Ell PAY/481411 IN AtilitAWA/Kli letAtilreS1. ViNA.9441115. acturill Z,X.314D-C141:,' ,HEAB 04101•MID TAB4ORIES PpriaRoKp,, . ONT. , WESTERN 4041011 VVINNIPEO. MAN. ft,asnItativos amt. . 121$71111314TING OENT!tErt$.3 It,.Johns, 14.1114 Londino Set,' Now ws•isttost•e, o. Ostigarse AllhiOrear took a letter froee' his pocket'. "acre leigh.?, „ thought the „preserice of a don if . I Trow poetical,- nut tills the ..poetry it fel ' tore. it into fFag- certain yoUng' lady -1,Jeautitial and•young lady deserved all made it's,' distinet and prec,ieitta,pare .p, man could grind out. Iter Ments ahd tossed it into ;t110. wood. .auiseee,‘, , • • ' I heard her before / „spoke to here- fir° luzeniug' °11. tho open Ile4rtit. "For'Ood's sake, don't chaff me,' was like' MPsic;, not 'the loud, obtra..- "rme awake now, thanks to you Jack." he-seidi and.,hia shoo, sive-kind 'Of Mille;*but, soft and, low; and there „goes the grqat -the bile you knew; • , . • the Sort' that steals ° 0 -Ver you and swee'A' dream - °f. '''raY 111°1 Fill "Tell inc ape" .sai'd .O'reek,. quietly. Sets „year heart aching with ,pirs1 - "Wan, I .cen't"etiroke out Cyril, and pa)n.44.-xyri,raixed."11i ta3' drink PuditiOn to ail t,nn one to .catch the buyer by its attrao 'Oyu' color. It is, always disappoint. lug. wherever° or by when 'used. .11 -there is no -sound reasot, (03 growing. it variety cit. a low' grad( . 'quality when the juicy Jonathan an - Grinies Golden may begrown..equalli. well in. the ,south.or' southweqt, li the ,north ,tho high-ilavored Greening,' in •a smothered 'voice... "It's . "bad ' 43.-ear$13..,-.,t"--.7" *en oufelei' tek• think- .tfefi'. elflip'eggible, to . "She was dressed, well, /. -suppose into Words."' - ' ' • she. was thaebest dressed woman in 4 r • "What , has happened? Is She deed? the room. Ism not a a:minter; but; ft .." / ..,..--.. , ti.,, ":::(7.r.,rbv..0 .sr.Q.71, : ',34.• ' : . : $703..44040;,,,,a40,1...,,,,Iwhlia4ich e,twzteril oaf tir ,,,...i.,:r.1,..1.1-..., ..To increase the oonSuniptio and the trees live longer. - That t'‘ good word Jack. yes X were • lid 'try tb. Paint. that girl, 1"- 1-,. article it must appeal tel.:pit She is dead --dead to me, at any rate. and when I'd suCceeded--but X 'never... +. su' merupon whom the vowel. Jack,'I've'beert- almost mad. I think should' stieceed-I'd remark; 'Fieis,' .,+ ,, tirely 'ilependent. Only apple- aficholy silly.. '' Don't . Say ee word, "Just go. X 'Wes. ' I forget all the , e Otirtho. ,.ar + to the.market, honestly 11 ' you had ' not turned up this evep,- and lay ;down my brush." . + cellent "flavor,. and -there artp. . , ., 4, of) such, _should'he grown a ing, I really should have -.gone ntel- "You aro ia love with her!" Jack Was . silent ,a en ment.. as he 'noise" of ' the idiots cackling and* „A„„ A-. i /. best. of all fruits, woul the consumption of .this A p . . , and T11 tell you-lrve lost. her!" , rept of the people. I was deaf to the t sloWly railed his pipe. latighing; I -ceased to hear the,-, tnan 4.- .4.:4.' 4,444,44,4_44,44.4.4,4,• 4.4444' \ 4* .ct•ease, ''vldence.' of i 4,1!"(itirve lost herreehe said, quiet- at the piano. who had been inakinn• . ' ' .' ' ' ' .' ' ' ' ' " " " ' ' " ' the fact t -114't the.1:010-00 Vali . r, . . . pies do '. not chamge in . val ly.' "That, hear rather a wide sig- life a burelen to vie. 1-.4thought of GRADING AND PACICING FRUITS. nificance., What do you, mean?" .'nothing but- this beautiftet, creature i ' : . - ' , . . season of plenty or of scarcity. Th. -"DO- you want the. PrOPer word in with the face of an fingei..-.. sego. be . . Caro' in picking and handling fruitaPPleS from Orcha:rd farm are ship. all its vulgar 'brutality?" asked Cyril .1hanged; a" woman:I-and I. thought; is of vital importance'Weites Geo. T. Ped to ',foreign marketS,. excePting a' . . almost. sJavagely. , ave it, then! ''.7:ttelt,, my friend, if you everlaii. in.,,l'Ow,01L' • taskets sliould, bo .used but liberal ,Portion. %thigh we put in cold ,* . She has ilted inet There, now, YOU love, fall in love with .some , one like never bags. ' The.apples after picking- storago for our 'home .markets. know what's the :Matter with -me, this, if you can find another like her.. should :be tbreedcarefully from, the On of Ulu great hdvantageS to a . and Why- .yOu can't land aner. heart •For here, f enshrined in this lovely 'baskets into crates holding ..0; buhel. deounsririlstyt iloaft. &out ettteenusiltveerea,poli. Pi't'rt illinYto Pilte-tu"Yr°;,. sililv6(.311' Ilit'so''jhiletaerclt ln'te°, daersitneets; lelnI4 .tilrek1a,t11:1.t...°11.0°rucirl'is"tlilogdit.elli -Thingesehusillidtlig(.1 abn.(3dch•e•aawie4fut116y t-ttli:sesoT4te 'ft,. Is awakened in women and th",.., a%Inir. an _i_onloerrl'o_voettryeasovsue.;0_41,11.1v_uouird,.= ‘,40,Egut ,t),r,e,i2resttorri; iwrileii.6.11_,mer(ienuisliiad viseaervle ctrna° dl graded and paeked. k lz.`roni, the 'crates Pneta0Pbil,e0, e'linVi)111003711rinden-tcOng:oenoiraol 71°6 up. oifeidenthseeappat:reiii 4-thseoritlelanstr- unita, nil ivearing myself., into a shadow price; If ever purity and. tmseinsii.. graded into the pockets . The packers. saon pfrfecittlheel:ituork i7a-SanenlS18°ui .irtl'Onl'ulniglY- '‘Pyhoottsceere a miserable imitation of. u. -1110» that ruber; not', to say a: diamond, • aboVe . tf°u, the other: side of the table wrap become experts in grading and cever her.", i - , - nesse,' And innocence of . all sordid •0/1- 116 laughofibitterly.emotionh dwelt in a human heart' and pack Into 40 or '50-poand..stan- 'Packing the fruit. It gives" them '' 'You know :what 'the Spenish' pro- th(iy owell in..,..the heart of thia ex- (lard boxes.' In „packing, corrugated healthful. employment while the earn - ,verb, says, that 'man was plat!, .fo, quisito specinion of weeeenhood, . rrer Pasteboard caps' are Used in the ings are Satisfactory, The dost of boxes:and -on both ends. 'of the. bare v.mtPPIng a 44:) --pound- box. of spots at. first Will be ti ments. Withe experz winnau, 'and VVOirM111 WaS nia'de ' fqr sria,file is ':os the perfume` of Shiraz; For if dile is false---aail she is -Aber() I:hat flies over Darnast,:ns; her face is• bOof Bld x awins.handsontely displays illustration/ of a .30-p0Und fence.this ,niv to ,r6dttoed to a cent.. herself.' A.nd it is ti 1)1- .1Iertvene 'her voice is like, that of •t he turtle, reis• no hut -0smaller inot a true, unselfish Wolnark in the dream anda delight—ew Aiy. g, / The A i the fruit. : We Peek thr6o •grades. To -wrap ii.barreclotN is.a.PPvleesfiwatiti 1 fcrou4 fOlidit before heee , grade..is the finest 4tud: •oers' ftrcrt Il5 'ti.ap°2pClen ed keepsmuch 1,oliger_ l a . e:" '", „ . . , , tilsmiled, I thotight I roaned egainwould try,1 the ame clu°3113r l and Norah flitted ' gra(19, '1'1'144 is g°6(1 but:"n'ar"--S° eleattge tolow.headedhd trees, thinning of the fruit will .,. • • . r specimen ' is perfect; the ' 13 grade is h e . leSg .' '' a "Andthen X spolfe to re: Altiesho s -., ,. Thand Withrraleh logsWI t , ln „ -,., . ' - a .....„. - _ , done in the future. This will red 'the quantity of the lower geadee• improvethe standard of the first. ."That's rather a large order,-'fiard Jack, under his .".breath. "'Why. hat3, she thrown, you o -ver, 'lad?" "Ask of the winds t'hit blow - at even,. Witsr shouldn't she, yOU mean? Whe should the daughter of an earl be faithful to a man. 'who she thinks Is only a p001' devil of an artist? X know it all, X can'",see it all. ]leaven knows I've thought .enough" aout it to enable me to arrive at the troth! It, was all Very well while Iewas with her, but When she was lett to herself; to think. of what She had done, to face the fear of 'ter father' --end oh, Jack, 1 believed in•her up to the Itilti" l'''Vtrhy don't you write to her?" :."Why don't I?, Oh,. my good eCaeretr, What a qttestioni X have Written to her -twice. X put ;my heart into the letter, '',:tireaugii haven't into .the picture. I implored , • ^ liere-theree that's enough! I beggell her to write 1110 One word, and ---‘the rest is ellence,' as rfamlet says,,m, "She, would not OVen write?" "She wottld not even Write & word," srtid Cyril, grivel,v. "Not even the word "Go!" Great "leaven, when 1 think of her X wonder wlietli.- .er X have not been dreaming; so true elle "eeenied, so purea-the' driven. snow :vw oed not .to pure, so unsullied 115Sile. WW1. And SO brave -nothing eliould separate us, she eaid overstiisi over again. X can hear Iter now. Ire lookfal before him with lined eYees,ns if,, iefleed, he heard Norali's voice, and 'hits head sank upon 'his breant, , "'Vet, it was a 'dream, and sweet, enough while it lasted; it's the aWake ing that is efo bail. And it imt bad, old umn." "'And are you awake?" said Jack. 'That's ffornething; for 'leaven's ake, keep ; eo! I'm sorry for yOU, lad; heft, after ell, there's something besides love in the world. It woul 1 he a bad sort0f world for aft of tilt If there weten't. You've your art left you; that's the mistress who never betreee you, never! Stick to her. 'last, Pay yimr 'ilitvntiong at ItWr shrine, and reap your reward.'4 eer gooa aeleee,, .for.-2eLo my Perfect, 18 peeked inbaerelee, bottnois evaporated; e Even the 'friend, I happened to know the man ' ,who IOVId'her, and, I thought . eun.-. skim orid cores tuc'.e 'Saved and ex- nenglY; that his tame would bring P01' ed. • .1 a Wash: to her fee°, antV 13aidi Viv° "w'snit* and three u120n v°1il1. bushelS 0-Pl'tes a' daY. m4ctsrd Burrpit. something like this: 'X trust you.,wilii Aw,o'kb'usiulaPI 34°9appies will from rum". 1,'O1 PRTVAP1 not receive me altogether as a.",:stran-e Uer; „for I 11014 as\ friqud- the man who to 7 Poends of evaporated `fruit,* The milU is run through ,a haml separator morning and nigikt,41 ly after milking, eivata e - away lie the cellar, cal% being taifee, to have it properly ' teethe" before turning in with other ere Odes, . this. is done White flakes will appease .the.butter.. Warne weather iv churn every other day in the Sum not churning - any cream tbat hate Ikea Coparat(41 within* 13-1 hours, keepitig that la euother cream pail, toward the next churning. We u a barrel ehure, have the ttmpera of the cream about 60 414.grt,es, use a little butter color. , The churn seopped the butter cotoee iu soiree' orcag herds .will be planted so 'that all of th.e Modern improved facilities I In"' buttermilk is. drawn butter ill tweeted in two eatere, may be employed in culture and the employment of expert labor. Desir. able varieties are )tanted in car lots. Such fruit will, command higher value than small lots of mixed kind% But few varietiee 8hould be rrown The butter is worked ,Inflt ;.n.oighk 11) eommerciai orchards, and 0.10,4 „distribute the Salt. It is tltf,n only of urinortvses;0, :el:, Lady urn saherurlidlinbge fleoWertia'i°PPlevalilittr lutoTilhelar.°- 'Mhati 'Ilave you teen her? 1;1(318 aen:lapbo°r1:a°tso'r.'... and moiapp(lleseniiititrAtert, for eastern, fruit is unsatisfactorY "It was Lady Not Arrow:dale."' much of the tbne, for the reaSori of '."And -what (lid she say?" . bad packing. So MU011. inferior fruit "She said -in her musical voice,`',,, if, put into the barrele, and •esPeciale he 'grinily, "you are mistakeni ly 'the middle with the ends top- btr. Cyril Burn°, is U0 friend of p6d off with good looking apples., „ T that bueers have,,act confidence in • ‘-'37r."'s "ou" 4e"' ".°111 " the -packing. They cannot' guarantee der, and lie dropped, back into the chair and hid his fate in his hands. it)110trferstititsg1;agtine(Fifinx. the' Price 'AP" tho the barrel. This Jack Tose and laid. both hands (-)n does not pay the grower. his shoulders. . Apple growing in the futuz.e will be ',And thenil knew that either some Aitne more by specialists, Larger devilish work' had come between this lovas, creature and the man who loved her, or that aewoman could be as fair as live, look ae tender as a lily in the morning dew, anil yet IA utterly heartless, arni 1 resolved to go to ray friend and help him smash up his illusions, help him, tear that Vete. Atorgazia from 1u1 heart, rind be a man agaia. I inquired about her afterward, and X heard that the man who Neon her pieart-,if she pos- sessed ona-,-was a certain Guildford Where the locality 18 suitable, the , following may he planted, as stand. Cyril ate,rtell. ard varieties: For early f'.Utra,chan. "I sew him before came away. Williams, Yellow 'Transparent, Hweet good.-lookinef man -just the matt Dough, Autuniri, 'Itutchess, Gi;exen. to touch a atatue in the eembilance bf & WOJItati; Plat tha man 'to teeke effeet, upost--. ' Stop. Don't „heed what said, leadt Ifeavent even as I epoke the recollection,of her face broke .itt ilpon Ale, and 1Cannot-1 (atinot believe holt haw, are, oven with her own words in My ktowt OZ InkoWt Eihe he,* 'cast kir split Dyer real sa"licits .3;411 Irritt4110 ismisuport. imalt..413 WM"010,1,10 'ths „Pavia siosseocto taken up in a hovil and calted suit our custom saers. Soni6,lIke ounce of lt. to pound,of but but more prefer an ounce and a TrItillGIIEST smay for leco or three. hours, 'ahem (5 QUALITY. t VS, OtRed it very little and pactwere In five and ten pound jar.% The.rroelts are cove;1-/t with wti cheesecloth and then v.ith PAM!' neatly tied over them. are now ready to be delivered eustomerm, We do not Ilse iee. V stein, Fell 8trawberry, Vail Pippin cold well 'water ani a good rel tnd Ilifentosh'. For vrinter, Ila/d4, pretent our having s ft, butter W1, Satton Beauty, Ring, Rhoda dta in former clay* hele , Island Greening, Spy, Newtown, In . the old motn, , raopui Rpitrenburit and l'onntl 'e---------4------*---.• Sweet, , Senior Pariner--"bidn't yrkg The Be* DaVis and aPplc,:of it ' 1 class, aro, '' grown by t'hose whose nevi' boy roll *On 'Tones' tbk standard is one of pure commercial,. Junior Partner- PYes; hut ism. To° grow thee in an imposition been here, a week. Yon give upole the ronsttener, for the only Ile t‘en't Inia, to oildl war utZt wk"'