HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-01-04, Page 2The average borse,.withtlic „
,..uanal 'flow. of e4lte,t Cate, one
41,9/41 of 'onto in 7100nt Afteen
minutes; with .-this flow
Part141.17 stopped • ittake
irbi ,n
This shows hot! important
it is to have the proper quantity
of saliva and digestive pikes.
tock. Food
increases thesalivaanddigeitive
juices because tbe.,,fed bong
Imad l "tasty" it mikes % the
Animals, "mouth' Water,"'the
'alne ao011r, own when we add
hut* or „)aiu to ',14.V soda bis.
=it; it makes it marc enjoyable
to eat. "j',he horse,- *relaxer
*-eat itsfeed up clean.
; %The increased, digestion .;i
assimilation inalfes . The;blood;
circulate;"better loosening the'
Nothing iniarions'. in learnt oan,
410P feeding. K., withotithartn-
' Jul effects,
Our tr,6•Tge,:`,Putei Tar tt.dot
Remedy Colic ,Sure,„
cation Liniment) Gall ,Cure,
Daisam rine' 'Healing 'on, and
Worm Pewders,, are equally. as
,goed,inthwr.dwn way.,
•' -Money theerfillly.unded "
• y the oealer if any: C/Ydesciate;‘.
rttimations do not .ghott• satis7L.
fattiest - • • ,
• litorouto. Ont.
his efterta" are prowua with 'suppers%
forwomen itnd ehildren o,re not al-
tropbies. Tha liil1 Dyahts,
ShOW their ,S-111)1)0,ft - OUStriltAtt swArr 'IAN 410 tillT BY
hYr less cruel means. - When. a young
man. 1/104a girt he. ,goga,, out of
way to perform servirks'lor her.. He
Often assists her When,Plio is at wO514.
in the, fields; "carriica loads Of wOod.
eAd vegetables to, the house, and is
etaXieW4 tq, prove his ability. to .01.101. -
port her, „
Tho',too mow,
4.1.4)y, iriuch crueltya,man 'can
sO•mtetiMcs, is,*hat ho can,. .Oniinre.;
• 1019 '.41,PA, 3.x0St si,tter a `10,1110.410.;;
thc',relation* of bhe giri toshOW•his
,conrage;,,, "if .40.1,1s:hesto b� Foto*
Ist9rt'Ci.sit91,4 by au. AMb wIi�
4s:49 :tibutWa;lt--- ey,-..:askodz
" , ''•*" "'„
; "No;!' Ite anSWererL'
.0*Vou'ire, 'heen..;.to,"" Onneb?"2-theY' 'thou
'Ablest .,0en, in ' ArtnY ,t4 rilt411 0.0;itrorp.'
1,109,- V001 -, Selected: on '
'rho new ptilly'vbitolt is to control
the *formation' of the. -pritish ...4ixr4'
general sten' is: 40t out '.):)y 41.c,:' Xl.. ,
' Ynold,,Vortiter.: the : :ipoy_ektary •.. ,:for
:.„.:wdraeftsi .10,1,ii3,,47.,31,1.i.ir4),0013ti-tott,i.i.tc;i, 01•=-1,04,14:Gt10,'" 0•••tii441,4''..?
•r'in 1 '. (2 ii'. ':'.‘ , ei T: : V: 1 1 4.- . :S. ' 'Pt ' a gi 4 e 44 r9r: I '434e*Q11.961•14)1,04411,0f‘91,; .
: ,14:: t 4: 19•4731 14,‘ t; :Tii,,,' 4' , i ,‘; s:', gather,t,,'1' oi'' '.10,1t49vl : ''''4. , ;riu: . ;!,'; 4,.....'. tr'1.4'' ablesty., .si '.,0' r.414 f.i 1 •-• : -•'y s ,
*);641,-(it,,6,001.e613164t., 0,1•14,,,.peisit.*.4.;!•,
Ito; makq: eure,.,:that Abe ,,forttines'.,: ;al,' „
;.the',4fix,gir iiia.:arirays,-,in 'their. :40us,.,„.:
-,'„ q..g....,, -,,uy• ,M,eans', of:: theSeicagA: to f9,M,' '
a, tich.40).- af ntliitary, 'thought ,.;.' Which
,sital, be. 'abreac or ....ahead "Of that of
beeir to. tlipat ,e, to. dance, assi t;i:ri,ttlic,;. • cIttl'eS ,,, of: War and traiait* toI, '1,,,yc1:r, .
---. .; . ... ..
“I.VO," be answered.,•• Ft,py ,,!(41..ker,. arm , . ,, . , '-
' 4.14).",•ont. this -it tolloginfr'"..sa57."P ,- the
. . ... .
' "Y01117V,f )3=1'"..1.)1.1, 1•;,''''. --
minute, .-!.that the oiheers: of, the-gen* •
thliy, then -:;s0,14,0y.cort4i.ri Alley were .eral staff 'should .40 the ablest , and
right '','- -. -, '. : , ,-,,,,, . - ' '. -- . , • , most eu0rgetic; otneers of ' the', army,
...Tbex' plied .lii - .‘ with questions nn,*:. and should ' ba ' Ili the :Prime ef.:;,41fe.•
but .X .11.44-",10. S. Of 'No.* My* , frientin ,. ' ,2' SMEOTiGN, • .0ii" 'OPiaCtfta. •'
til. he WAS' tar 0.4 t9 say: "1 have not Tb.e.,i),' clixtig.,xuay be - cloned as . tim
gnye.'ine 0; 7111PPX1.1g.„, .41.1st it IsF148- ,re,4... ''111.0 '.:folIct•Nting. are • tllo 'Vl.n0;41'
__ . • . A t' , ,' ,. ' :. , '
a, good whipping It 41E09' =6 g14!'4' aq.- 1.1,,irtes en. Wh' h 'tli f '. 't-- a r th
ic 0 . ()rine, io a ;,... A
Pver- rto,. to :. lie oterried. to :,a, nice - ' : • -
girl, So -2X ‘41ce. it" . good, .5VIiiPi5,111K,',': : 0: eral, staff. 'will proceed:.
.!`,0#4ea'a : will„, 434 :seloi.iied: on„. their. •
..D:(istocrp,c.3::0.,,, iir/.1:14illyis,ii,t,.ctibta.eoricu::',toil,it:.,0",lp,:rtilenci,,s., .'"i,,i7.,5,1.,, iia:,,i,tilbh:-,:itjui.:,,11540::5,11,ti•szi,,q6ui:,:ifi.,:iirt.,:ifat::,,what: jacl
emphatically.' ; oat. • ,ail, a,o,ceimit' Of, any', 40641446n*
!fit "madS'.....,.M.0.-sinitit all Q'trer,. . X. made thek int4be seiectedi.-The list ,of .se7;
i,b4ettn.,10vore, ,-Iviulioetilat'itidtilaireetaliubei,e6,,...,,the ,.girrs, riecto, atool, , will.,,ati,, pres6rit_÷,.0,07,.
rpti.1:; :',40001it,ocla4t4 ',. wiiibef.,; for
It ., is A,, ' eeareela '•,, 611'St.°V, „ among
,15612P166. 'iPt -'0,. 31°11.11g *'''''Xqa.14 •,.°' Pl7q". °.4i',. 7..6a -t44' -.. • • . '• ' . • e?mg.'..O're,V;it-
. , .-
•his.',woith, hY".--Paftaering.' service t0. ,'!'4,-.. :1;!,;:q8ao.%15.1',...,ptif;O:irli-d'fl',x-b.';', .tliltt''' Abr.rasi.' `.0.0'ai'-'.'
girra fatherhe goes 4,4 Vqii'k-S"'40': e'
servant. •,x0ifey -pariipt„., always.isayp 'Pit 'g°401*41,17, ''.;,,'411..'„'lkitAlra, SOreettO
, kind of as,(1 ,prothe'tioits ' .if,t; ' the ,gerkerai,
'4 young man from' :t1110 440' °', ' °':-'-': sti3.ft Will', be -.,r.eehnlinended,- by: tb.e.
*Titlicle, "040'713,0 af,I;or:Warlts''',. ' I.O'n'g"' pils..0: ,',.0( :;.:. the ,Grerierat. Staff' alei4oi.'.
thno ,:.6.4.0re he can ii*J77;!'' 140-. 4ti'l' ''' ' `ti. - t ;t1 - 't. -17 t..ii '-t., at s i,
. , • - ,,, , le 14. er„.,eu io , o . e- . e „,
'This practice... is. .,prev-xt , :among, •
, aBtfab, , ,1,$oarrl ..,or,.. Of . the:, Arra* ' 9,onti.,.-
4iich ',)71;tdo VOOS as `.h!z",. V9IO-1.q 411 '411t,'' au, : -,:, . , -,- ; ,. , . ,.•-' ''''
0)4 Ileiliiieri.' ' ' ‘,"' ''' ' ' '• ''''''r'''; ' ' ' "
Witli'i9tbpro'!gi *att. is -d&sPiseit ,,--it' be..
fail* . -:in 'Ilia ,.. duty '-',AP.,, ,h,1104iill'.' •..iamd
father:, ' 41.'....gtdo. ,ito. .1341.(10-09124 - has
.:t_Q;.'4eOut0-....' his 1-;f4'thei-iti,laiti !.. -Oliva,
iiiii,e0 • *Ii4tt ''40.,will 'protect „his 73;6.1;.,
,04114,,,g;t1-1.0..pecoo;:orp8, epl.,:to,iivit,nest:-
.A.Ta Ii7i,rattar',.ttio (11)1E0.0g6 .e, reati 151%0;
deserts his Wife': is ,punish&1 severely.
abocied and Men Must Peeve
he ",Worth ieforii° They'
story of a
who was ..tle,SPerntel;
irl, ho cO61d...not
.,' native! , was '4: 'spien.
ikt-„Whon :Pains to
rOne ,went • .against
in. iTo Was ih greatdespair u11
.naily told rtg•ItS
catch fish:for mo girl—you
isli and ttte . give you
664871' 0-/C..s;.:, 4.1Nraa'and,,fruit,
TIie.*4g11.4-1;Triatt., eitirrietel$ored the
Tiard'titnes....he:, had, , enjoyed with ,his
4 et4'471atv;,*.atid'
Ofi!,'fish:'..t.tii the nati.Ve:',,,,,;" When;
'lighted; Old, .17tiegian." saw that
'Ung man was an angler he 417:'
P.4:'Wherr6nion„ and WO:inewarol')0;i'.
had..,'arc.„Childreiv!,this-test-,*.id• -not-
.A.inong.:;•. the Indians , of
Guinea boys and giris usually are
betrotbcdat an -;,ags4 but the
the game • • .ho,
Wheri 004.1....:be, ,is free to
eleot the wiiic hewill,if he returns
th&gitta',atidi'‘,proVeS "..that :. he 'IS a
.t41?,* 0.54.; ;Sr. 111,043.LiT, work.
'510;t1iotit flincliing ho endures wounds",
,ftesit. 947 he 1, etle#e!„,
v4zun a
• blearing •411' the toteet.; to bo
,',iilante:d !With .*.cassava and to bringing
asit.inuch...,tsh,: andgame' AS he
%Many, Men . fed „it right Lor "therii
to stiffer:-.; these' tests.,:. as it, is .Avkang
fOr.. then*to niarry Wen:ten, mniess:
they' can 'support thcin This
nt" abounds , 'among the': 0411fdraut
ans., :1,041.4 by
• inat„ repairing the ;cahin
or constructing., a . new
Cannot 'do work,
ttel,ke his frientls to lielp- him.
airs- consider; it a inareO luty
t.toride toed,clothing; and orn*r,
Alexi ",:it 'Wife; ',Ix/hen they...go, '
.Courting they always learn whicb
,i;d411 an #0.0.
Select accordingly; 1n selecting
laVer, a Nctir girl • tilti'tko, that It; 13
itiorci*linportatit for a mita. •o:
ort :110t.' than . to, love. ' to4
igets ttl..:41isation; hint - • C.4ke,
writing, hi flnineial Standing..,
gh; in iturthat the 0,i4tb (fees,
, courting. and thoir wootoo.-
-flialce de:voted .firifoa•iva,- il.arraNM Oa*
'oait-got a divorto for non-support,
.,4ad this; . one Of :their' chief
„ouln14,A piettsr, Ilurtnesit ,girl let
4-6t, Jitis444 ,4,0„ when %lima:: afgo.:,
-10 the reasonShe said;' .!'lle" like my
intshand Logo be Was haralSonte,
nice 'manner; and "goo& .1314- ho
could bny 'me. no pretty cltheS. gy,
Mali may 'buy inc pretty t1othea4..mb
tett Suitors; -.We ,marry ".'ofts snd
" he bitty' Me: iolt 0 pretty etothes,,''',
Attfrv: 1414101'$SA14*
. •
'Jh tests. put ail, $91110 'POOPI4V
more., sover,if thanbuying - of
"Atuong tlk riyaka: of itorneOe
,of upper Atatit,...,* Alflna
o mart 'Pan inatty, untee
hparls in hiii *vOseeSsfo
utter, tkpresees itwish
rt hi. before,
dl 41 7410Y young Innit . 10
o d4'1lU' In th* rke.44140011'of
1ti4.i Ito*, Aiatiy• hes,4*
cI li.,;*ttSt, be half
Of the
• stort-Ezkit•Z'S 'spi'4W...Air'vis't13;:,
. '"It. is .0100n,',:tliiiii,, ihe:b1110 .b.g' '09.: • ,
00Apral: 'St4tf' !,, IAti4 . `,.',,h'ai,e'v '11..lispliita, .
00#4er. '''eYer :::41i,tlif,i9fri0Ore , ;Pi ;'- :the
goller0;'.s.tP;f7,,,,'.1.711'.A 1,„ 1.'1?.P.-'•a'' ,'fIN.W. its*',I
sibli.i...ti..79th orOiaarY, 'ct.faCo, ' ic4tirio'
work,.:b4t. must'1,36 f;116 • :sble • ad37L/sei:.
01'• the ;.'o9t4e,-ary'''; iat:StAta on all AlAtit'
,ation8;',I-10 'NN'in of CourSe • . remain 6.
tcrS; Of Strategir...Or'-01"- -.Militrity. reper,
.,merpherOf., the ' cci*itaittdd ,a•p', Iiiipoin'
.40.',,,,Xleteilq0::.., .0,..e 4:011,•alga..pq:944igoa
-.v.i14"thei,'seleatigi),:', 444 ',Per'Seitaf: -431.i7
'1:''of:''ilihisei':?g40;4:aei"rittli::::::11:1144!7:f. ''''):.''''''L'i*:::...:,-.:c°:e.-..6.i's '
., .`71100,!,...,%Ati,..;'-t'xiii417.i! titat".'t niti..,:,
- — Ile• ei.'!ija".T41,,,,ps'o.titittolff s,niotfi btplit".i.it'f.-'9ciii,,,,oikii.,.1,1,..of.,,
Fot t - it 4 A i, 3
0,7. 1 LS ' 6ttalit-,„tlit.4,, . Iii lorder,,' to s06:iirs.',.0u,.?.
itliAtyi..**1.4911' itil•Cr` id066,:, it my
, , ;
.., ' he neees..sikrY.'..' to exthnctqlifg",tennroi of
teadhict.,4,11sinesS..Mart, of -, l'i,4111.A.,•Giirei. fa -66 ,,b6Y(:141t1 '..tai4'. : laid''0601.-:'111: the
pieSsiat • rekaiatibriS-.• :_: ,.';,, •''''' • ' .
'''',11.11.0.', ,q4jfet..•,,;or..iiie• 1 Genera ..taff'j
ought,..to.,,be.,'able"','!t0Crirepare."01tor :
,• kawbuditoxyg.!Ate0: .
for; .special ", work ' inontha, it may ',he .
„e, -.Et,z, .1,,, ., Ont,,, oc...... A, ,..,„,,, pilo."' '3,e,ears...: Slidad:.--.• , 1 -- • ' -- '
-..-T/ist.4 is ..40 -better' known'et.; ,mor . .!Tl'i:e • rpw•tikt, .for 'good servico
:.: '-4'''','Jfn.„:,-,;': Weli1P414 ili,.cf.-gq'rieritl'..ette4-,',Ivil.f.' 1.)e-,-,a,cdel,Orate.
than. al.r.....2; '',./',.. Yoko*. '''i4orn ., and! -,promo.tion., : ',,,....,' .....,.:,..„,,...:H, ',:'," ',.- ' , ' • r'',.'
bialmb*: 1,,T*. IA ' the ' neighboring .0*,11,-:, . , The.' prQSeat. ,01fiet,!.:b.i,the.' Genet
li-of f-(-1.viandi..b.Y-.h16:::' own' induS',-ttill' is GeerSir; l'4';',10/2.ttsi..toy4'
try. ,and,- ..sterlipg''flionehtk,,...he',",..has
-groWn, ta.,'be,...one of ,Ntreliand's leadiiig. . 0.c,pd. twoitio, . sucitait. wail* A , ,
,nierehatitS'a . •wK0ert8ecluerttly I.,-,u;hert: ,Mr..-. • tite..4-Ta., ::16,,*yo vlos,„,athula, 41
" VakOnl; conies 'ont,..with,...* ,etatentent . have : tite pervett. -,0 •eteitt''. Well. ; 'N',0,11'
that. he•Was• - ..etii•oct',or - .4'.,et416.1S,i11,L '1::12:1.1Z^tre°nOtiltt.e. Ittff 6t1TtIgirl',:imA:„1„",
1#04i, 1*, Pi;i4d'a'-r<01:10*,,,:,,i3i1i1.1;,,....ypiSt,.; - phasic changes affeek- berm, . Wheii 7thivit!
• 7.,(3(1y ko::.!Va, It ,must ,be se:. ' -P*001.1?-0..diA.e.TrO.R..getl;:_tte '• It'it,":*5'3',,i, , t',!;;',,oftlit. r ,
. .i'Tgr :.b,-4.•Ye4i 0;1. #10e0'.-1;‘W•k:r,sieleisi,. '.:vrl.Pq,?iltrtglirrsiasrePgrv,A!t4).;12.1..r'..'.
, Troup:1010- ail 'ir worst:.eymPsonlo,," . ',that, the .hetttkv; eater' will eutter no lilf
; says' Ati;-: ;Irokoini..,,gt : head ; 7,va , icifitiviliril':etlliiv-1!ii. .c1.&*.X,XP t!•14 ..00 ,...Itte7 :
. , .
: bad; * X had. no 'aPPet_ite.., 04 X' icist,„ ,,,, ;‘, :., . , , - , 00(1.
'.W,iall,,C, fast. I "..,; At 'tinteS• r 'w.agi eirt#4,,,,
*,iticeapa:cifict,04.: - • il,,, doctored with,;':a
•:PhySiciiin.,..of vast„experieep'P 1.,bp.t,,, get
•,,,no, geoil(resitits.,,. i ,•,..,*--.,.. , :,- .‘;;;-,„..,:. •
..” .'!".L.,-- becaine- ditspiefirident.„-oti.eVer
...chanced , 0...'tl'St.' POd.crs ICiOn•Qk''.11.116.
",.Ing. well, :cgativ,,..._vben. by , good, luck i
nd' front'," thp,,:„ilrst• ,they` :seemed ..to
'snit, MY °Age*, .4,L;,,ilte,!!•boteS.',.etired. meC9tt11110,. ely,, ;,..
' * - '' • --• •
is EiPerieoPe with the Great Gana-,
A, very sniall. boy, Was tryin$
a 'big' St. Bernard' :UP the 'load: "What'
are. you 'gonig • to de ti.filh the deg,: my,
llltle nian?" inquirea. a passer-by:: •
pp,. going to .sed where—where 110 witriCS,
.10 Q' .first!" Was tbe',' breathless'
• • ,•• •
• -A. Little:Li:4S of flesh, a little tibetintde„ cough
And it,little pain in the , oliogt are oigna that,tenst
net be neglected. Allen's Lua5 nalsaixi loeSens
the cough ana.,eZeicti•ti care Vith09.V, rit-gik4,4 'of
9.-f;.; ' '
-Aniii•onS, 'Mother:, •••.;"1),e you ,inean' 1.0
say ,'that,Jo4rifliUrinitte
red! Engine een PI' Put' bts-..rni ;.about -your . waist" biArOlul;
prOyed Since Iflvention.'„ owre.free will?" . .Prettk tDaughter: : "Nct,;
▪ .wina'crbar''Qurigahrlti' It;Olab''''f'1()r-.!uPidoetira.rnbi6e; Pfrr'SS$Ulirre4'
torpedo has:, been immensely' • .
od., these daSro' range - was Y0,111.7, •••
barelif. over -'yards. ,would
trswas Sent!' AnteriCari flheinnalic Cure Cures
it to .ba 1'1 "a' 01:4° .att'd'•• acts quic1c—give almost instant r'calinOdf
boat .;',Which. fired :Stood. =Volt „aria itbsolUte • .etire from one to;
of ' Tett.yeara. later i'V-Wits
,u-.0.'depehd.m..k.ip.otfor 1,000 dels."VOrk0. " Wonders in. mos
4,41144.d(oiri,o(tou.6, y.00faxit:ioytHi;or,oi;aeogppe,,,,tt,t4i4 gi:itivoercal ,tatickesr04,2m:00.foritriax.71,,m.ste,loslet.ple:,iti:fte, 1,1111watei.sekals...'ulfOribtlos-In.:1;brve.4.,
14ent. designea. • to Wake% t.11,6 torPe,q0 curad • ta •. Itf.es,
it&tp its course without ection—,
'doubled the etfectiVe, Yange, itt the
recent war „,.1.11',tli& „east' torpedoes
c uned up to '2;000.' Yards.'
0341 -nate '.tirricr,distatire .was
,thrce. minutes, . for though, the ..tIrpo..,
'Yeariltavel.: t Shott dist anes-,.'at.
thirtyknots, lOr any long .ratigV1,14
speed ltas; to be .redueed order • to,
Wieke the lireifed"' *Up); polger-11,alto
tho ,weapon • furthet., it was of' this
la4, that Capt. Wirstp4a.saidA0
tal'en advantage _ when the
1,iras sunk, According to 'the .tipaaet
hiable Russian accounts the "roduC-,
,Ing ValW.s" ot t'OrpedOeo;,•-wete. oper-
ated so that insteao at travelling
1;001:( yardalat /thirty., kii,ots titer
Would rug d,.00.0. or 14700- yardo at a
very' reduted speed. TorpedocW 'SO
treated ,liraveboon, katimett :to ,7-tratet
f,t..everal fliileai, Of sixteen,tdrodoes
so diseliarged :two hit the 1-fati4uss
.rtiodt ons; perhaps, the Yrishinta*--
,thouglx this. ship Wu* have struclt a
Mr. Ship! • z%hd` when sbttll ;yob; be'
settling :your bpi, 'Mt been
standing out •. long 'timno." Mr. TOff:.
'.'Settle My brill; " W,h3ri hang' It, man,
rye'jmt given you anorder for .-w-vo
oro; suits. Ayhat, more do you want?'
Yin for .0entreas tters-Dhiere re
intay pernontl of itealt10-:-. appetite artr*.::
poor fjigestieti who.. after rit
are subject • to Itruelt • titifterin'g; • The
-Nod. 01 10.14oli •titox „have 'PrataAon• lien -
tare lead, in • thelt ttortiatha,
ogiressien. a' sinethering teetisg, 'tenor/.
Otto -SS Pillfeteit la. unfit for , butlruStit 'of .
404c of ittlY, land, ,,ttr thisk oonaltIo4
Parmelee's, Arefte Oble 'Vila • Will brio
!Valet. ..They. tviLI assist the assimilatis
• tt1 the ;Pita uted:AcC0111160, to ,
direction win restoi.o':11,e'Aititx digesPtell.
DOit 1,066' fiCains.
The latest ternaricable• feat in 'walking
hat itist been accomplisi.hod In Martehee,-..
For ..torty!,(the 601 and nighti.
nualer, aged fitty-six, amh ex-
trittnpod round the tit* at;"•lhc
.444,tdvoick Athletic (34$6404, and oxit.'
plelol• NI iwo mfles' yards
each bonSeeffifve. hours tits lotal. disr.
Unto travutotd In ttot thofisantl hours'
1300' ovo..2„(48..toilet,
it Is i'lfillittutik6 k stiiipo$6 that ;every
mot who oiocotellt Irk looping Out. of
Ali is gObSg, to get Intet heitven, h
is 'better than'o,thor' Soaps
but is ttest. vvtlPri used in
the Sunlighi wiy..z, Follow
_. .
...txt..-i:,..")1,0,.ifi0;.-,,t1.40, ..
te...,V14$401 44'4 ttll*'''Cir''''.
' -
' 049.0,a wash14444 444 tii. -,
' 114, 'SPaElli ;,IlightlY,'', over it..,,.,,,-.
, AO-, ttl,4611,,ikentg: .til, .kniii.:
spapiag. all or. lilEN
=Olt it to Allot .1,01.,., tax
Irt thetatt under the woteri,
and goeo the Same. we.r, .
until ell thO7,404.11.1v0 tha,
',- t4mP, rabli(l, on,: 44 itte-
lolio pp,..7. , ., ,
.Thea. ie,,.',awe'y', 'ter'..
thirty einees' to. ooe, .
1 hour gala *let Ilse ".$4.0A -
light" Soap do its work. 7.
,NF.,X.T,,.-4 Atter •;04,ieg •
• the full time re4314eelethe-tt
.110,ft ‘eeton a wash board,
and the flirt Will drew'
..0at't roro Ilio g.orso6Ot so,
,sidetent to get .4 tho seam$,,. . .
• •.,-but dont:tlas0 ano! more
soap;: oon't'4qakl.P.r.b0z1.4:, .
: zegla :piecei7, ' )1uui,:deait '
.,•ilva.44.throegp twOon$:: ,,, Jr ,
L'tto ."Ai.'eter ."getstOg:. dirty,,,'•
"lodil,i';n:littlgt out and add
.Tes'h, .,. If a' .0t00k. is hard '. 1
- ioNosai.rtifs some ,r0Ore ;.
..7. 'soap-. oa it, ' and ' throw% ..7:
••'Ithe:'iliel4 bar* into lite .
...:...stalslOr ei,Jew-atiaatiet.'
•'!:' LASTLY.""COMES' :TrIB•
11114WSIO ,,,ti,....1410i'l4-44.*:ho
done ,i„o'4.1.,O.4ovr,rol„.V4041.,
- taking.-social:•care.to get:„
, 41 ,;14a'. clul}r,snds' asi,41744 , ..
iTtasii.,*.t.i..Q4,',opt*Par 140.4.,...
Haiita dry'. -.. : ' •,.: • • - . • .
: ;for WOO1OdS7004rielf4, .,
"id% *cocod. as, follows :,,,, '
.! , Shake thc 00:014 11*0 fr§rci
, • thistA'' -•'Out,:-,,a ,•,tablet,'., or
-"...stiNt.101.1r, -.§oAp• .: Into
.0,4vieg4,poer into a gallon
tPftetliilleg writer and #11igk:,:',.:'
, inai a lather,-;, ,Whooltist
;la:awe:re ...worle-ortiolOs .i.a.'
the lithet.:. without ,trith! ••••..
• ., Wog:: ,.$quecto out • dirty,: .. •
. water. •Witti0OC.',W5tlag:
and rinse•therouglilk in two.'7.
• tO.laY,51: Of it*.',0,,aria.,..waii..„,,,,,,,,
Stlootte•Out•Wnt,trwlithIlliit':- "
twl4thin,'.4.4c); 1,n4),F.. 111 the
,pPtnnAt,,,,..,,,,.- -',.' .:
'.' ialfrilia,tnOtt dclictitO4..,',
cOlOre•-• 010,•,0 ' ..p4roy
Washed': • .14, WO' -.,."'S,411(....
tflgREWARE!will he idlti
to any per.sco.Ntlitt,,
v�3 that Sunlight ,sotto oda.
tIS �.)1Y Injurious ohemuicala
AOY feXim pt -adulteration.
" ,
our. Moneytied. , e the
dealer fr9,.
p4 Nv11.°14"'"•ifitti buy 4-
Saalight•-0ORP 5'911,
1.1b0" for ednipleAny..•
. .
' -
,'S OtTE.S
my son."
• :11• \:'181611111118b011.tr'Sr1111a111"Y:1°°'1111:' Y1711.2tigoy,,,,
*with,' nap to it, 1 SuppoSe.
Yes, Indeed; "Moo& will telliP when blotches
Qu411.1:L is a ,o4 Sa
(x;rubined rink FA R Pstca 'Thrtrismistx, '
and it your ,,,ore not
,pare" It With , -others. • ;
% ,
Only -one besttc
Nvo ;we Riviud
i11,w9:is that AM.,gi'Ve it a 449 and em
tlf,*?:*44/4trimurur :jossisssamp- 1,0?.."1"1=41
.C> to. el 04.64*16. e
.teltitttk+StottWM4 V3r,
4VtietiVfa AWAVIgMl61,Z*. MA%
40.we,0 \,44:6 d›:
.t.P.,7avw......_....aiw=iw7or..f•r-vz..v.oke..,ma0o..."-A.v..te._....mtaawp_:v...v.,v,.P...cr.,srotr:o".o.v.Tip, -11;
mow os
IMO Mei 4111i
Galvanlzotl ablt04,:rstt..S.a.bo-tiLs1401;,., 104 Auta.1)1pfaira'00461 cl covoring
.orSidlaglo oeldeacos,tteitstai-Llarfl, loo,gloOtOre..$tores, citureoogorthtta al4y, otlior,00tertngbets PotiltOteap,er.than weeil
shingles or slate: ..a•TO exilerienee,iteee$01r14... hapirRer‘agfl'an11)3-'01`q;'034 '".1.Y•toc40.
Valgy.soitt.t:,' .,,,
It 1.. Seral,h4d01194.41Werade steel, AMC., Corrugated Iron, PAlotearer. ,
jatthoots 98•IrtchoS• tong.; -.Beaded • and Embosscd CeLlIngi. V"-Cris4pod•goefirm,:„ 206,0i
.13,6o4gc MOO and veillugeriii• grade. • Miioit*n44:•:fit liA414,11)go' 01044:71)10,;
pontialen Pio ,corgreidltithOor•libeet•lgotta, Ooodtl, tnq,kiugthom...„•••• -. • 4 ,
ell4t " r *10
; wAT..gw_ AND I, Ff,. 00,
--setiala3roto orijerlor ogrgOegooinjoiV,0Aletet9;ip$ToereApara woorerIper neyr orel
The( very best roofing for this PoAttw-_-. e-,4o,v;:ieuppiy.fleve Trough, •10.4;Ofir---4
• ,C7iii,o.(.41?,:gt440tooecirdsti:,:81..7.p.ltiolitiido,14,,,R,...foiga.„.4.4f;4"tc4ottlt;oarilticlietoroclii:0:3..,;srit*.tcos;;0,-.,dhye),)7i:s„:0.P.:.lftri,
'1,1/4•Itel9r•frotti4eOltikalid ,PeAttl000 of our 9441'4.0000. '••WStt, to,1".•
„ :101'11E-1011Zit3ciotat4a•':,
20.7 olVt.cAtt •••!, „
xotors 0440..x.4.44-0 virQuir..s:-.-..684v4A;, .
• 0°L])
*iiritisktetploretireeentliy returned
font: nlonths in a -'
jo'yg;tt'. t45.!
.atar.ies of -Blue Nile Ito lound
washing gold. ie reports that.:"'there
Buy • Sunlight Soap andf0iiQ"ir0otiona. -
• '..P6t4'-'"P9.1)17,•..,t,'Ote....: the hey,...,:froin':.'the
art schooI,
„wired.1110."old man, "you'll - never make
O You aro Neqvous
&' italtik'take
' .,the,tunei,you..-a,, pv9.
"Areet:'you ashamed to gi around
and inerustations mark the skim •Weairer's Cerate
and Weavor's"$Yrup l?Ii!Ce short :work 0.,141, ldood
n14,81411 trouVes.,.. • , • ,
"Thering of sincerity was -in' lila .voiee
when he told, inc of his love."'„ •
sh4ild-hasee.been in his hand.
ring in the liand is *011 two. ia the
, .
Titito Has 'Wented-Trt.—.TItee tests*. 0,11',
that-whichrirertby Uvt"s;', that
*hien-Is luttnleat .t"O'.::Initn't Welfare' ,
laties; hat proved ,3".)t.: ThOztaik'
• • roni 'foiv;'"tlialrerkelft'
• t
ltiittlee itt the ' *clay0 of nie.fra=,
rapture the :'.wtleirtaria bps tided ?..to, • that
now Ake ..arfiductlrio •':rubnink. into • •1.,, •
tottii.Otodtr`of -thOlitanat, of ,bottlerti-..,Mikt'
Is Otigit,tizr.sonOtt, lor'.:,-rout be' good..
• • -
Alt things that;,,tire supPotied'' to' .001114
10 hini Who Nirait's are Subject to, Change
;without notice: •
• ,•
' :kelp ilto Overworked Is the.
goat 2engine Which •Pl2/11pS jiff) ilitkitlga',
your systein herd- pressed, .over -taxed,
groaning, under, itsload"beeAUSa'..dfseaSe
has, ,06,ggeil 'Pr; AgneW'S Curc fbt'
!he Heart' is nature's lubriator..., and.,
Oluanser.. and ,; demonstrates;10
hertr,t).Sufferers [hat- it -is the safest,, sur.
1,Ati ; and Mottipeed treinedy, that fried-
'stiendo ,:knowS: '
; .
A . ehergaligtrev reeciM
in g, interesting route rmom tbe Mether"
one -of her pupils !---"Piutr
writ lite 11,11011t whiptn tny here,.
by give„you 'permigsion to hnt: erty;.'
time it 13 'necessary to, tern itirn.100,Phs
Ha is JusteAihe his father;you halm' le
tern hira with 4 oltibt :Pound-, itoiego.'.
inti) Idni.+4 want hirn 10 'get it;:•and'
don't pay no -attedShan to What AO
father sayS."-Pli
Wit:fillet f (meditatively). mar**
yellow the luck onto' Men have
trobbor:, pavtioldar imtante?"
Wigg1et6t0, usti, happened to . OW(
,rkte; Nitxtlt_terly,P trolib5t. "Why, he
dial: last' night,'" Wiggleton; 4aYes;
„jumrt• twents6lour • hours', .betott the nett
:prenthoni for hiS life, insuraty% vtas
?"- 1
,When t woinan, is 'final*: to attract
attention 'Arty other :way she eels it
ohaPerone to a, phi; dug in
I . . .
Only those igho have liaa•, oip`erlertes
• ditti tell the tartUre to,rils, cause. - riot
with.4str bot on,, pain Ivan .ttieirt,,oix
'night . arta' daY,1. "but relief , In
CO ith,o140. Vrha' I .#0110Witea
,CLA's *
qShe says 'she's 'cry fond ot-infiSte.:
"Instruinehtal?" - •
it's In9tttniefit41:all
neighbors. sad • when, she
'heq61110•Oil?el iiaPigl'a..13:4"•4'1.ewill,11;. :t!,,P.i' i:-.11.':0::,'''14:11:::',:.
t,tlu'itr; ;,.7Tt. li.0' ' ':(1497:1_,',:Ytritili'. ‘'er:(r4.;:d:'13:/zilr:' 'e:t.t'14:1;:e'lt: :::: igliv'-c:
q.he'..•.ftivi...1,104.:lif'''s 'Ttatii. iseit., -0;i!i`g"-
x(i.,t,er• -,..;.„(ustr4.he--,•--efrerPi,a3statliti!,.
tta.;9`,0,- thor"-Eiriogliie.,•-•.:, ..4 :•.,.20:.%••1"
frP.4 .„,,.0.4.1vo• .whiphealthy state, cute.ant, ,
Coaliciait....5'.' '-tJ'' "a, linqor ''w )1,94tstits,-, ;
„43,ru, -0„t;,i.vt,a,..0.anit :-4,4'.4.•
rotl',di*44IN', alr°4Atfle, '134,1°•!3•
eacPthe-,,, te-6,,,0 , i 47,
.s°:•01,t4i1,11,,:-.t.b. , )7,,
— ..putis STUFF.
4thaillates ' dtgc,§400.
r Ai iiih:::, .v,..:, 0'. ', i e. krlos, 4s, c2 is:. , toodl:,a,ss tli t i4,Sti 1,.,,, ticerilti 10separately"ipure'Lti,;dem-p- s. tet: I;fe,' : ?•:: 1. i. ', . i . , :, t,', 6, i: :::::4Ili 48.,.. ,a, , A ,i,':i it assaults, 1 ', , ett.,, , isv, i: )::.i: °O... , .. 4. scjil e.,4°. : It: .17: ,s1: ,
'-r--ilulloiior.,di,'e;'41n-t.:;,,::',..StIfittth,64).1..-,:.A4nniaor.. tio.a.norcio.:Iteorniitinda.;
.,'Itiditosti,00,;.that.: in co, 10- ' lucin:rae •s,
lild8- blitUlatieti., drives o infiti S •
7- .':,','.'-' • ',' -77-4 ' Menaco . 'it li
,dispels . eitiOiationi,.:- and '''.,,,,hrings . .haelt.''',
the glow of'. perfect •,;.;licalt11;
tutidredi ' Of .,46broniCO''' 'Oat '110v0. ‘..hal,:'.
pod physicians. —G - ... •;-
fc.1 e,N4'.-gi
ilAtuisiliP or
"\Vho Is,your .' favorite CoMPOser7";
.tigt01 Atte ''!11 deal,
'knOW,It* 'answered .Vtri,•-ts!tirfarok.
"%nu,' .if 1 iikr be abio
to pninouneu.,,b1s-
; One', af tho 'greatest biessiaga to pox,:
enstei.a. ' Maher Craves'Wesrui liIxternalit A,.
it eileettioaly expels *0171,11n and
goes , siiith itt a. 1-4.0tono,4.3:.,.pio,o.rpt- to
-the little. ono; ' " -
EonciNG sA.0.4o1$
Ow Men:Who Oiled 8EC yfaiiiiitui in
• Vritish rsiavk.• ,
• $Witutaiog(la 'essential to. all Mn•KS'
Of..th6 Tkiti•Oh. Navy; .,and'' 'those,
aro unable to swirn,..gtrs l'Otritoged '4'6
eVery:poasible opportunity. Iteeciithr
on board. 4 certain butt/010.p 6f ',the
:Xedfterrartati, Vleet;
Jed antipatiytrr 'the wa-
ter. *
It, 13 not '*nttssal4ito throw inen
:jit, $o the %matter , was ',reported' to
the ;captaiil. re • protriPtIY' told *the
glen that, it wag- las duty to visite '
fine provision • for .thcit. safeq(i ,both
Pettee :and war As they could not.
'and declinekto Igo taught; :ho.
tafreatkd that; 'they' inust'' Wear a ilfe*
. belt vitinmoVer titer -came on dockrand
also , ,wheri 'entering a boat ,for ',duty
,• going on
11ies0 added, *Wild be
*narked -With theii' nainxs, axit they
‘votild he responsible for thou,' .r.n.
porting, them t 446, oiteo of tho
utat,uh every four hours;
rlhe noneAwinsinerd , held out
ttio tlays,. 'but the rIdlcuIe of their"
oblpintites, anti the kno*ledge • that
' thug could not land wit/tout their
belts convincedtheffiof the; wisdom
of joining Ms swi*I4tOg. Platof„
ileoause. a girl rOCtISOS Fit Y44i.fg part
.yout needn't suppose it is n ,Sigfi, 1, 81I3
4403 gOillg
ran 91
• - • two
, :railroadThcn- hirc -out - your teams for rail- -roacl grading at $5 per day You -. contractOrs. 011 -the spot.
tt.'..ebeitee...fe:t. stott-'%
. ,
- another - year. Don't • waste uny -
.sale of ,equal quality.
lii�h a- situalion on such Iermns and
at so low a price.
acre; si year tcrms.
thing needed' to make.e),n4ti.'weigh. '150•••.
lb.,,,eah be ,et14" •
•03itel.114;8..,Otiti:e.1:4204.r,4a64/101,siricigto.0..",..w.• ,01z1},i.edicsUtr,46diel'ct.tp:0"as.:,,'
cubictmetres ..ofoilturninating
hs',Clrogen: endiigh to 1111 a-balloon.;capa..;.,..,
blc of hifting :145 'lb, • 'Tiie,nosmal Ingtan',
body haein :it, the iron ritiedett •rtelnalte
Oeven.,Aarge.nalls, .the fat Lor 14
• ottpdies;, the 'oar-hti;i. lo,r sittk-lour
bf crayons,and •Phesphortis -enotigh....for":„
820;000'.nlatcte3. Out of it ,takt•ob.,-
salt fifty .1unips of sugar,. and.., ortfy*.twew
zi*,oh; eit ,any, 'the: 'otnid*
night caller; So .the -.lector slip'pech on the top •
ftey butte did not leSe Ill: • 04 be ell Pea
ort•••'`The•Du.:Ev'reu7.:iilt;,lts. *9.4
." .1-(1
.;??;• itit's14°:i14.4,h4i.gt'.-011sgult,p't.1.,n'.A;°-ItO61.:1"ir' a
1(9/ titiii/i)a--d:6y
kidneys for CP
6P1:4.1 ` .8b
0 e ir
Anieritaii 'ICI:drier Cure IS t1e on1 ',Cum
1h4t "hasn't a:failure written naiist.
in cases 0 -Bright's ..(100 ,. a etes,..
inflarnatiolt:of the blatiFier, gravel erinu1'41
`other,,, kidney . leet4
atipareotly. insigniftettitt, ,",si
ihi powerfh.l. specific-'0,rev n.
tween golf and shinny
Cate, the .Lettir
'Teak, ites'heen befote' tho PO:4k, ',anti
hniethOt'-witti. the 140 that., its sites .
• have steadily iaeteitsed yeat by yearr;isifitt '
hestplii,of of tho molt of .
at a Oro tfor Couglit, .Colcisk tied all
* taittnoidtfi'tiaillet Thaio:oieg516t-,11:1.h0-6:47:0',.Phboitid'i:a4v:ti
Thoth *Ito Ittith`ttotrr nay
utecl it
sold. Willt a Iveittiite vortiotte-Vlati: it it
aotml *0 you, da: cliide.6411 rclgnd
Whit you pat to it,
0twg64tffi104"4:4st:,0s*ofl0i, tut0noo0to70lt'60ii:a*iti44aoiJdo
oft it podoov
1 aCTyhad