HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-01-04, Page 1, 2rio
EXETER,.. 024TARIO, Tfrplit3DAY, JAN. 4 1906.
$5 and
Over $6 not exceeding $10..0e.
*Ai X, 1; ir 4.,0 , $30. .10e.
1006 " " $50...15c.
Reda ,
Mrs. John Speakman spout Maw
vfm..AGR Yeats with friend* in St. Thorne..
gay Hacrett of Sarnia, e. former
'rho touteet in Szetercived to be
their frien * were busy all de Ralph Uandford, Mounted Po- 36e. do. do. dO.
boy, visited here for a few
ter interesti lone. 25e. Fancy Embroidered, or Plain Silk•HandkeroMe***
bringin in the v°t" with the result' lice of near Snowftake Man., hi Visit. 50,0. do. do,
thet ricrialarge vote wha Polled* islio tzeter and Cien'trali&
The lad .isot sewn very intereet- r. wad Mrs. W. Meek' and child, 75e. do. do. do.
1.'13e three.cortiered fight for the Reeve. of mt. 4,nd Atm .4k. J44py,..
sbip reeulted in tha. election of Mr., .4.is Mr. Fro* Samwell. after a visit 35 and 40e, 4 do.
Q. Hauer. Colincillere for 1900 art in bele, left on Tuesday for Woodatttk, .
roan, lwardTreble art Jas. Greenb. Ittr. A. T. Smilliaiimnbe of Crystal 75e, do. 60e.
For school trine:see the three old trUg' CitV. Marrived here last week to 25e. and 85e. Fancy Cups and Saucers only 16a;
ed and but few of there turned mit. of Workman, N. W. T.. are the guest e 25e. Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars for 20e, ••••.'
order, Messrs - A. Ple. W. Je elk' when. he htte secured a situation. 50e. do. 40e.
tee** were elected, MOW*. W. • J. Oar- idaitt r .4ti'ses for ,t time.
UD, Peter Fro ne end Huston. Mis s Annie Oudinore, daughter of trwo Dinner .,ets, 97' pmeeks to be 6old the fast buyer .0
while Mr. although not elect. Mr. A •ron Cesium's., Crystal City.
Mr, Huston who were even. An inrtifIT: "rA:relite3rdi8leijulnif;111:Eta.pvyalist siluitisnnbroern. Part...n.,y Linen and Cambric Handkerchief*
lar4 week to spend the win- Away D p
or only fag. vtites behi d Mr. Prawns* and
ed, mede 'iery Ire fourth, being man.. here vitiiting re atires.
it,itrtseilnyevisreit,vf te,otteutnoewilnwtbilliatratioraut "tile
• , „ own r ces.
thoisehoel, hoard will muds! of the t**1)41r.rs. T. 11. McCallum and danglibte'es
same- members.
After the clooing of the pails O. large
number of people congregated at. thet.
Town Han to hear the retOrne, tett-
e read by Mr. T. , Cortina,*
which 'Mrs MeColluro watenmved to Northwest. arrived here Wecineeday
and Ni.-. .Donglass, visited Mr. and
Mrs. (•.* •-s, Willisin London On Sunday
and Metelay.
Mr.John. Polinek, an old resident.
of Steed.en, but now' of the Canadian
ye my,' the cheir and shoet speeches,breatbing . , . .
see_. of "thank% ' "policy and "how it was relle_sell. tells.. Gregery On srueeclay re -
4011e," were glieeitird;ay- ly‘ the aoccerAtul tern ts Uriir to resume her digies as
evening the band elute out andm rn .
eandidates who e present.- -I the t2t,.!!".elsi, _raterstiFleselliedzi,en.g the holidays
serenaded the members elect. jaw.mii;nriati,,,svna:143ftv•Ilter.eizgi,nodr mairo'n. xwoitiftle,s.tmonr:
, The followirigie the result in etaiL
For Reeve , , 1 - 2 a .,, 4, Total visited et threhoine of Mr. Albeet Pein.
flobier 43 22 . 34 01 weeders tishoree last week.
Levett ' * 30 44 Ott•_- Nisei -Sarah J. 'Baker, who has.been
Taylor '29 . 83 22! 14-128 vieltift. her. grandparents. Mr. , and
' (iainelllore `' ,'' A.. ; Mra, , Wm. 13aker, returned to. her
Auderson'' . , 81 , -33 ' 28.,-611-1.45, home in Pert Boron•Monday;
And while looking for yietl,r ;was. Gifts, dont forget that
i-l*e haves very nice lot to choose from. 1
For Ladies rcir Gents
. Fancy frandkorchiers Dress;(11oves:
Plan-Handkeretefs 1,4Teek
1Fauey Collars ,Suspenders _
Silk Waists Neck 8earfs
Way Mufflers
P111°w SbAms: ilk Handkerchiefs -
Dressetcovers,.. ' Linen. Handkerchiefs
• Gloves and Mitts:, Fancy Socks
and more good Gifts- VS. hive -not space name-
. .„ , ,
• a'ney'China'and.
, . ,
We heyfithelargest-and best assorted stock of these goods in Exeter.
Fancy Lamps, dozens choose from; prices ,250. pp to $6.00
n, ; .Ranging Lamps $8.50 to $5.00 .
aneY sinintiff every 4eedrition. °All kinds and telore of Irene, • Plates
Iseult/ ishee °op. and'Saucers. It will pee you to see theme
1 have jusi.purchased-from the Ar.:
mour Company of Chicago oneof their
'famous Hot .Drink Machines, "The
-Vigoral," together with a full line of
Fluids. consisting of .
V1011114 I/Mat° Bouillon,
French BOuillion,Flnid
f Extract, and also
phicken Broth, -
one ot, all oftvhieh will be served to
customers at any time for ,
Only 6 Cents a:Glass;.,
Ogsters served in all styles except
in the shell.
W. tit. STATR/i3Y1
Are the 'kind *of -people'*.to
-whom we like to show'
'THELMA, Orli new perfume
,T1I-ELMA pleases everyone
but the supreme test or its
'excellence the tasteof the
ickstidious. Confidentially,we
sell more .THELAIA to such.
people than all other. odors
combined. If you wonder
whyp. call atourstore will
convince you.
P. MALLOY, X. 1). (tor.-,,.11niv.) MEMBER
* Cave of Physicians and tSargeoriii Oon4trio.
frner finte Surgeon Torottto Western -11
cows° to Dr. J. Roillats„ sight ea at offices
*cotter, Ontario. - •
-tors. Notaries, Conveyaneenis
swoon for Molsons Sinks\ etc.
Wt.itoy t. Loa* it lowed *stele: inters:et.
(Aloes, Main irtreet, Rutter,.
1.St. bows, B.A. • It Thom%
We hay** urge amount of private funds to loan
acitt lag* ProP•rtiss at low rate* of bin,.
bierligswas $olinitorsatidas at,, 'hetet Oist
Z i rate funds to loin on taro said yillage
• sit lowest rate* of laterest.
• . WIXOM 1:1410T
Odin opposite Naval jisted, Mainst, Rxeter
,•,...,„„ .
Creed* 40 84---_216 Mr. Wio. J. whti bee been
'Fake '`.;"' '00 100-3u9 visiting at his hooie during the holi.
Heitman 00 • 69 58 103-280 . rleye lett Monday evening to resume
ruetees 74' 52 01 .99-217 n. hie dot; et With the Paneree Coe, De!
Ttreit. •
Rawdeti 87 40 tta 79-210 " ,Morlock returned ThorsdeY
Carling • 85 fponi 14. salon. Where She bed beers,,
Preyrie62' 49 44 0/P-223 attendanee her • Sister, .Mrs.
HOston . • Oft , 43 72-423 Wright; who is ill and bite been taken
14*neon • "• to Vitt*** ie Itotpitai. _a
ehl:p ,onn. K817:4:116"ne 'hi Iv' o:ni..!e:t1;gro 11:40 evening
t'gtirT'eeall;11'4Dirielta:a4na°114t. Illei bel.7rillijtet:::4".:f44:8'‘ /33.tegl:111181:1-4thee*jet::i:' it°'•:-.111rvailesritill:,i's....elieff"1(1:8bX°tihneaae:g7lo°*;110rd°406;elpleeeeiv':i;C.b-17'ft:13:44'01444:171); :**'s
zee of Shipka and Mr. *tern', Willert
of •Dashwood. Per severel years thesis° loet7vidae,ymealcaSke! hMr Mack isisnvon;lev,
ewr toct,,tnede;Td;lulteehcr,atbvseorppeigredits.boktea,nbhotehr: 'hue frie,,do at .eirneefiew, adis.greert.
)ite The.'"first contest .•e'nd 20riell.'
was resititI•zit in favor of Mr. Mies riv* 'ettrling leavesto-day for
Sweitiet by...majority of 122.. In 1902 X., ..eir!....1!..°rk 'where she 'will enter St*
Mr. Sweitzer nest defeat Itt,1*.e bends :4P and studY nursing*
iiiirkisesionsy:ed,iosend ess:e Varling also rettros
aisooarin e by. niajoroy of ee* Brantford to -day to /continue her
56, Fancy White for 4e,
12 o do 10
20e, do. 15 and 16
350. do.' 25e,
Come and visit us and get the
nenetit of our Big. Bargains,
:Was only a few weeksago en atterurit
was triads to break into Meese% Han-
Ncse,onciztur6i,e_n"TeTleteerseu.arr-i.age, pr, miss
Grace t). Salto, daughter of Rev., S.
Salton, pastor of theMethodist (Murcia,
OharingiCross, -and 'Willians Cpartie,,
of London,was celebrated. ori Wednes-
day at the Methodist. pargonage, Ch,ae.
lag Oros% The bride il3 a -daughter of %yin Triebner, Shame'', Willis,- May
a former pastor of the Methodist, Sanders. Jr. M. -Florence :Elearnen
ehurch here. Gowned in, a handsome Preston Owing, Johnny Willis, Fred
' costume . of green ' ladies' cloth the. Presteator, Geo. Hicks. Sr. IL -Ada.
,444,404, 'bride was led to the elten.e. Virillia,Gordon Sanders,Florence Trish-
.**.lter bran -040;47 Vt, Ittlrli, "'" A.1 -,,,,,z, -.1e. ,....„nie- 'Chester, ' •
.of.Centralf,a, where tisidgeoons awaited - 4•e; 11.-49'ilfi7 Mii•seel9R-
her. i Miss Lillian Salton, sister of the tater, Gordon Penbele: Part__,lt '
bled% acted as bridesmaid, whilsieChas. sea Stenlake. Sr. 1.- 31rie
F. Turner, supported- the gro,etn. The Bogie Parsons, Charlie Triebner.
nuptial knot was securely tied by, the fj.___-"Lela. Sitalere, ' Gordon -Hearn
bride's father, and was witnessed only, Verna PreUtOttOr, Ne.i.oll'011 al; it
lisstheinunediate relative* and friends_ age attebdance 29. .. „ . .• ,„, ,
of the contracting parties. . The gifts ' .° '' ' . Percy S. Befit.% Tea
received by the bride were of is high. .,...7.`..----sees..7.- ---- .
order. M; -s. .10ourtia Is well and favor. ' , .. . - futons
orahly knoWir here'arid duringlier so- .• ; ' * ,, ,
ste'phen ' ,. ,..
, , ..,, .
The following is a correct report .,,
the Standing of the pupils of KS- AN .;,,;•, .
8.1Stephen.' for the month of Ihiee -- .
Names are in order of merit.‘ Sr: Iv.tt. •
Thomas'renhfkle.• Cecelia Foe**, ' - .-
Preszcator, tired Beaver, Ralph,
"Harem Triebner, Hwy° Pa
In i me. Willert was -elected by se. studies at elle Col egiete, nn - • jouen aniolpg navveri manY true friends JOHNS. ---At, Itiiinvilie, .00 Pees II, .
. .. .
elammation and in 1905was'Again de:. , - r. John 0041110re of Crystal City. who extenthro herself and worthyhtie. Mr. and Mee. Chas, ohoesA dadtrhts
o 59. The election on •Moriday laet 0 old friends,after A stay of soine set,- and prosperous sal) Over the metre. , . • • . _ , . ,
ated by Mr. Sweitzer by a majority an.„ arrived, berelast.'week on. st,visit band their beet. wishes for x happy- er• ,) • ', . - r` ". •
,tv nt a tie, and ,thelteturning- OffieeS, en years in the West, Mis. Otidmore rnonial sea. The Young teople will '. mikrtin."08, '
r. Henry Bilber, decided in favor of has changed but little during -the'', make their futura.howe in ondon. %. December z 040:5, in Grace
11 7 8 9 Thefollowing•were among t , etv It 0 .0 • • .0 ort iekard, daughter of the late Robe.rt
bY 7 " ' * ' a g e ' ` n e * ' Hhe N Lent, Vtilsze1e) Sale W 'I' 7
) t „.._ in re was so i t er o re Taanibling and MYra -P.
ei:e nil:: t ic 6/0' w or,,:.—ttalliiettY vldirling.
, .
Sys!. r_ ps 18 70 8785 2515 86 46--422 Year viSitors itt tavern -Sohn Crooki, Wednesday, Dec. 27,. when Mrs. Lanes Pickard, a forniveresident of BUter
Willett 48 48 3427 43 96 204f) 56-4,, 02 mos Minted arid Miss Pliritoff -Olin. MissLau ettelf h 11:4 b , otionale-,44Amoss.,..At the Method
. . , USBORNE. ,„ ton; Mr. anti. Mrs. S. 0. Inwood. Allen thebride of Welter R. Tho peen! a &nonage, °haring cross, on,
The MouleiPel contest held in ihie vlYriXenr, .ehloYilkoral.tarleltetnalle'114.6t•Wiaintif visgertie itri790241144-1:3 rliig':erAt'oxfyslawit's iy,,,,„,„,,,b,,„,. of s.,,,,,,t.
, Win. Cohrtis of London to
townebi0 %vas elle in which' eenslaer' retioegers, Nits and lkire. A,. 111...Inaman, Performed hY Bev. Hoare in the Pres- formerly. of Centralia. ••
able interest was taken. Mr. lose h
township for the last three y.ears was wi,piams, Arthur semon ,,,,,,a miss Thompson. tii"e 01 the, _grooni,, wile the -bride's parents,' on Dee. 27,
Mr, '1!ert. Following is tpe result itn n %fri ds ere pleased w
lit"Ykine" who has been ----m'c'Ve the 01
aandrj°,fiinmd9tin!olf Lrliacanncli M14rt.8Pilingihtblie, '-rtaanke eilrictre°wf ikutriettleantederea-tatytY"-eifdrell:%irTdhiee PA/wart-4 citEtx.--At the home •
mul3ePeuertilreo,Ar'niurebwns epeael.bBraltlegaen'ty.vanel, ,Mariah S"eldon, of .10gersole Harry and Mr. etre), Laneiperforined the duties ulti;ivElnir ,AilrtbinetrtJarantoA•mriasisrie4Yd, elaide-
RI°h' °Itillmt j.°1211 l'.11°lri irre°1 Eller* Bevtj.rtlle.ILun' Is84.eRttto°sr and allw(IrluifeaSntrHaetbril. °tetr.gerdcItGhmellmpatalrio'r XttehebrisataralinPsarotYf igl; ,:velooktoefit,,,, doungobritreorusibt nthoratt9:tEt3 xl?V: m:
lielti.for couneilloes, the,. latter two he. my; Mr. and Mrs. -John Newcombe; of wedding march, played by Mtge Ulla
ingtors•and Thns. Hunkiri were in the Norwich;
dates went into the tight to win. an
formed the Board for 1905. All canal -
jog the neweepiratte, while the ether; tSetnr.atefno,rilBiyEt41,; mrlipaer. o,f Ptiott:set.; Reg. Tpahompsors•niece of groom... The core-. Virirrri-rWATeCes"--AtParkhill,on . --s
lliot Norwieh; Mr, and Mrs IX Celt- mony and tongeatulations over, the 20, by Rev.v'Greisain, Levy•White to
4 . _ h Miss W. Q . Ail ese repaired to the dining room, Miee Mary B. Wateon; hcith of Mc -
they, together with . their respective, .41raig; 'X'Se M. Thompson, London; where a dainty wedding breakfast was Gillii ay. :, °
friends "liked. but(/' 4/r YieterY4 V°1* Mar*SateridthIrma. PItentoPnbf\ep710PrctornkbwabblYliter's Rnetil;nveearaousT,heetkoPwreggnttsbwee'rhIgegeteslYt= the bride'a mother on Dee. .27 - -
Itooits-Vit.i.xOriss-At,the home of ,
lowing is t,he result: '''' . i man, ,Virestfield; Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Bar* in which -the Young couPle were held* Rev. Rewson, Melv‘ in L. Hooper% of.
PorReeve ' 1 • 2 8 4 Total
den and daughter, London South; Mr. The grooro's gift to the bride , Was .. a miniama, man .. to Nettie,. daughter,
ilawkios Ios: 108 92 00 fla aitill
Delbridge S. ' 82 '83 13 - 53'-'11". S. jo,Iticosneto, De„..sine, tbs misses handsome gold wa,tch erid chain. with of Mrs. M. A. Elliott of Mitchell.
.* , .
.,--------° Anderson, of London. , ziartie and slate earved, on case, to the R
Aricirew Geo.' 122 442 Kt /-234 -4*---:-'--- to the groomsman a gold locket tvith of the bride's parents, on Dee. *
LLOYD. P, JONES . gold bracelet and IoUttottp-Bitistir;r3r-A,t tho honie
bridesmaid'a• solid
Organist and‘fThoir Master of- Mitchell Methodist
Ohara'. Teacher-Z*09, Or/OW, V0190, IfarmoilY•
Modern. rgethods. 'lehorourinielis
XeetIngs az the South nuton tostrmers'histltute
wdl be held ea foliws • • *,
EXE;TH11.-fr-FRID.A:r JAN. 12tii, 1900..
In Town MIL Xr, T. 11. Moon ot Straffordville,
wfll addreee the meeting In the efterti0On on "Mein.
tenence of foil radian" lathe overdo); on "Chang-
ing Conditloas of Agricidttae In Ontario." .11r. 0.
Bather of Cresskill will speak in the afternoon on
"Breeding and Feeding Fie Cattle" end in the even.
Ing Farmers' Sous." Mr. It. It, McLean of Rip
pats, will also address the Afternoononeeting.
moon* by Messrs. Mason and Barber on ewe
subleoto. Mr. T. D. Clorling of Exeter and Mr. 3. T.
Allison of Thames Road will address the ineetnoti
The ladies art particularly reque9ted to attend
these meeting% A lag speaker WM 4.180 NidrefIff
the meeting* on "Women," Inetitute."
Afternoon meetinge commence at 2 9"clotk.' Ev-
ening reetetinvo at 7$0, rverybody wileoint Pro.
grammes for et ening ineetlogs.
If. RORZON, President. R. GARDINER, Secretary,
Ballentine 3. $0 52 -2/33 10012tralitt.' initals carved on cover. . The happy fearinoleasulist RteircharnojecidhntonlYirilsgshaMm. Marill-
Bileringron se: ou Aavocrif. subscribers,
12_9, iisalitirt roieareoe for tee botietit of couple left Thursday for 'their, new • ,
nu&otkors flint home, carryinla with then') the good of .
moir John 95 ee 28,_230 Rate equal to ties very best:
Hankie T. s 30 15 23 68...44.2 tits prapristsit citig, gilt. yosi * Clgbbing veishes of a. ost of lei de" Ms. LAWSOINI-SANDRI18.-At the reside
B k S h a"
onmeon s to e eemgratulated on 8, er; tep en, o
' Airiorig those Who spent the bonder'
M. D. CounciIlorsi-,Chits. Parket*, S. miss Lucy Andiews, lellav miss Centre a girls for his bride, and on sic" Saltine George Lawson to M
Munroe. James Thoinson, D. Leitch. pleasing illoposition she Ora A. Sanders, daughter of
W; H. Sander% of Stephen.
Buiyeepris-Reeve, Robb. HeuLder. Polly Whittier, Goderich; Bert Ward, °aunt et her
will be much tnissed by her young
Stratford; Mr.. and Misses Simpson,
erson (ace.) Councillors -Alf. Dieser, mho ,An" friends in this vicinity. ' The beet ItOrziNs--MeTAvisit- In 'Detroit, \
11. James, 3'its. Ballantyne. Sae. jones and Mr. lfdwardo, Luean;
a happy and piooperous Christi:rte. day, Mt. Ozer .Rollins.
Gerry. Settforth; Miss Mary Hepburn, wish" fiT
and W. F. Stewart tie for fourth place. Toronto; Mrs. French, Clinton; Wises wedded li e is 'extended to the yonrig Cleveland, -son of Dr. Rollins" of town.
IATOAN-Reere 0. W.. Hawkshaw. Katie 141liott, Alvin.. Wilson,Josephine couple by a hoot of Ontario friends. to Mist* Millie MeTayish of Detroit.
Councillors -Geo. 13aveders S. I 111a- and Itttie Coughlin, aisle Ils.ndforsl.
gutre. Sas. Park, Jas. Burnett, Ten& auhkin, I Abbot, Miss Brown - - - ,
BA'VPIELD-Reeve, N., w. VY 00d8, .our.rni(b14 we noticed th fonowing: winninif one of one, most estimable Jan. 3rd, by the Rev. .A.ndrew
LONDON. ---Mayor, 0. Judd, Harvey Hieks, *Mr. Itamsecy, Charles:
majority. A.b t and wif Will Abbott and wife
PARRIIILL-Mayor, 0. A. Gibbs. I. Our best wish is th,at 1900 will be the haPPi
Lull° r Pym Mr. Paisley arid wit
Councillore-C. Itnapton. Thoe.,Mure w k of London; Miss Irene; ofrNew, Years to all our Oostomers and Friend
ro Dr Itelbor R be 7 es* u
• • • • Curtin, Stratfordt.les. Ourtin.Detroitt
jeffersoo. Neil MePhee. R. Itusteble, Hanalitots-Miss A.Hux-
Cooncillore--3. 0,, Greig, M. teble. who hag completed the millinery aasseissilieAst
" ErRAPORTH-lifayer, 11. Willie.
rrederiek, season at Rodney, has returned home.
. Geo lillordli%
14cCiallumg Y8' nen 1Y1 (:* R. .MeLaughlin of Rodnei, was tier
• TORONTO -Mayr, Coatsworth, Fgritarliesvc4;Ydrahlatririvt yclesiefitirt°01rt
inRinrity* Sundeyed at the home 01 3. /Instable.
-Miss Sarah Neil spent_the holidays
Greenway in London. -The Mines Wilson. after
R. Peck of Beyfield sokl R. Hoglish PLiesaIrt vildt in Marton, baveri..-re•
a beautiful Bell piano reoeptly.-A. ,turflan, n°412,e„,,..„*--)Ist Our Stock Is large.
McIntosh and famillst. swat 'the holt- wul u'vr. re‘"'L"'"
phritee epee were here last week and MI" Gries Salta*" -thir tAbiabirs' tt
.holklays at their respeeties 'in
Offs and _Mitchell. -Messrs. Lather
sod ilber Hicks have zietiersied from
Moose J'I&W -Mrs. Mots NA Mash
• 1,
, ••,•• •••
• • ,
Ladies and Gentleman: -
We, tbe undersigned, deeire to ex.
prees our sincere thanks to you for the*
confidence you pieced In 01 10 *teeing
us to another term as School Trustee*.
3. °Amami.
flullett: Mr. O. Bemisridge, who for
fnurtesn year* hove been lomat on
the Thos. Neon farm, boa rafted Ahe
ofid, 1110.sere foto of Oonnelner
14 on the boundary, for term
eve Tem% fa MO pet /nor. 11104441
poeueselew ha the aping. 1
*Ws mu mat
put in galvanised waist_
through O. H. Wilowo's
stables which is no* cots
Unglish, Norden, Mao,, vli
brrLbir, R.Bnglishoes
end wife of Load epessittes
with the fortosee Irma
With 1113b0011
very betertwdng sod
In 04.1.141 fa pilule of
Ile Entipirtshapetill.-The
er of Unioirt To* No. 4.S.
eielyant te Jane I" front lb.
a *hook for the Ati
tem Ruby anti reeerriai
from their vtsjt to 1.
usee RQa*T-Thlstore -Mrs B. Oole
mow this plates wet larditep into' bo.
*ma ieab twos Snaisy nigh_ Ant Menster
tooetaintond oil *he Noma ebonite of
re. en froltt the tin
reebbd breaking in ob. or the large
_ gloss De4r She trout dooti
things may /sots been Onion bet
at if so bas not bilY4 160,040114.
over them.
to he denvermi to
do not ufr,ice. VOlp
MO a good, cat*
'soft, ttu