HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-27, Page 3ILay SWiO THE EDUCATED HO1tS.111, place the one reeeutly rdestrelead fire. His tender was $6,075. W115T THE FIREMEN OE Nio,W *reek •leen A Colborne farmer, was fined 01)0 shilling Ana •oo', to. all $4,50, for sell. ing better and eggs to a merchant without heyine first i30013 tO the mar. ,You ask if we Lev() any pnetioularly TAM= A HOUSE. brighthorses,' said a hook 'and. ladder enau. 'Here is Peter; he has been with us ten. years, and we eatbor bog ou him. Lot 'me ,lotroiltute you. Pet- er, here is a chap from the Detriet Free Press.' Peter nodded hie hoed Awl the floor. 'Peter, have you been to a •day?' Ho shook his head. ,Wore you out yesterday?' He nodded, e *Peiter, how old. are you?' The hoteawed thinteen times with ads right foot. , 'That's tight, old boy. Do you re- eneruber when a loafer stabbed you et et fair?' Ile did. 'Where is the sear'? Peter beet hirneelf alino•et double to bite his hie at a ttiot where e. ear tuld be traced. 'Now, Peter, show the Dstroit matt bow you take your piece tit the pule.' 'Down went the ehain, and the horse pawed fire to The asseasment for the Town of ,Ceoderiple, for 1880 is as fellowei— Raul property $1,040,66-5; personal do $70;075; tapable income $26,040; s.g- gregete valao of all property $1,848,• 870, Population 4828; lersous from 21 to GO years 102t3; number of dogs • 172; cattle 207; bogs 18; pulses 200. Mr, Joseph Holland, formerly of Gederich, but now of Leadville, Cole- rado. writes te a friend saying that there is a chronic ehard-uptiees" einem:et uine-teuths of the people of Leadville, which is very often relieved by a (roe tieket, punched by a bullet, acroes the Styx. Not very eneouraging to those who contemplate reworiug to Coioredo. DE. St'art, of 13:tieefield, who is a o welidate for the representation of Ma- biliefo and To ninselli Division in the medicel Council, i. proaecnting a very vtgoroue ettovess, and is cortaiti of atajority. We hope lie may win. Patrick Hughes, of Se eforth, will be one hundred years of age next St. Petrick'e Dey; Mre. Steen, mother of tee Moe 4rei. B‘MtLIV, is eight's/ and 0 - jetys the holier of b .ing the first citizen of the town ; and John Andrewis ()MeV Adel what seems mos oXtra- ordinary, he lent lived so long, aud covered the distance iu two jurnpe. remains a I.ard-shelled Grit, *Now walk all around the track and Ties mauy friends of Rev. Mr. Carn- come and tithe oil my bet.' eron will regret tu learn that ho The horse obeyod to the hitter. 'Now,'o wtinned the fireman, as he recently been itteeeetchattel from at- tendiute to his ordinary inieistet ial dut- ies through illnese. He is sufferine ley down on the floor, 'step over me?' Hem an, affection uf the throat and al - Peter liftett his feet very high- end eo from an ettaek of in ermittont fever stepped softly over, and returned to his and nervous prolora ion. brought on pa. tialey by overwork., The Presbytery • have very properly grauted httn a short season for relaxation and kecupet ation, which he intends avoiliug himself of by taking a trip to the Inwer Provinces. Notwithstauding the na,triy wareings to be been almost every day in the press of the iuttey taielce of eonfilence men, there are still enough bi nplotone loft to eff •rd food for this class of triol - stars. Friday a well to-do farmer of nuron County, residing seine eight wiles from LecknoW, named Douinton Boyle, came ieto the city. 11) was walking arm d taking in all the sights when hp met a matt who apeeered be very amiable, and eourteons. Ile was also 0 straneer to the eity. but there was a difference between them; the new COW er reads the paper, Mr, Boyle does not. Alter walking togeth- er for some titue they came opposite the 011 hello w's Hall,on Dundee street, when tho stranger who was g ing tu 13reeou, suddenly remembered that be stall. ‘That horse is one of us,' said the man as he brnshed off the, advt, and sat down, '\Vo can rest the f ot of a lad- der on bis back trod he will not move. Wherever we stand him at a fire, there be will stay without watehing. He eats With us, el nva iebacco, likes beer and could learn to play dominoes in a wee, if be could only handle them,' s. IYOU.iE,I1OL1) NOTES. Beeswax anti salt will indite your rusty flatirons as clean as glass. Saltft of Imaiia will remove stains fewn the ivory halidles of intivee. A small piece of pa.per en linen meis- toned with tnrpeutiue is a preventive againet, moths: Cloride of lime reofteredaleint where rats and mice freptent cause them desert the spot. - Keroseue will soften tools or• shoes which have been hardened by water and render thous as pliable as iiew. A. teaspoonful of pulverizA ann, owed some moucy to one of the basi- ness oflioers opirtirs.Ho bad nothing less than a t1;100 bill and wanted change, " Mr. Boyle put hie hand in his p( cket and palled $9.7 in bide out. The etranger very (Illicitly, but politely, transferred the bills to his own bands and, forgetting to hued Mr. Boyle the TUE TIMES & 8, GXDLEY Undertalcor-4 aud. I%TOULD SAT TO those who intend purchasing to do so from, the tusatufacturet. The dealer wIt0 buys to soil again metal) Wm iaurity have a profit. We Mai1)1 to givebbo n001111,40111 the benefit, which cannot _ail :54°..-'1' • to moot the views of the Grangers; Our OXIMU803 are less than bboso of cite menu htetnrerscousegoont WO CALL selicheauer. st a Parnituret 11f.arvolitotarers • wit') • to our undertaking depart ineett,wietch is more piety than overota w hae Sv (idea O VOrkil 11VW (10:41411S would) U.13 NEW STAND. X would acquaint m• y ottatomova that I intro re,. call specialattention Emblems n.e late The bes g siirotulsotuti every t matte, \\, 'littoral requital*, at the 101) est prices. Our new lieurF13 is pronounced by oompetent 014 to be seemed to ooze In ;the provinces of all the Different Societies. are now showing full lines in New Dress Goods, Prints White Cottons Grey Cottons Denims Ducks Shirtings Tweeds, Worstecs, .;,•:'-vi..!- 7.'4' ..11 elil ,n't '.„ 11'.. 0,0 6 r :1k.,:se,\..,....,,,.,..4.,,,,,t,.., including the Latest Novelties. ALSO Als: ExTRA ASSORTMENT 011Z19.ED c? P.E.A.177i&mOL•07,,MINCi Boots & Shoes in Great Variety. A. Choice Line of Wall Papers Our New FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS are now in. No Worthless Stock. Your Patronage Solicited. SAMWELL Lt.: PICKARD. .X T 7.7 774 " 1.211 4.10.a 9 .4 Lt7 mixed with stove polish, eill give your $100 bill as security, ran up the front stairs of the Oddtellow's Hall. cellieg back that ho would "fix it all ri,ht when be came down it) a mitt nte or two." Mr. Boyle waited on the stairs for a ern- siderable time, became suepicious and went up the front stairs Drily to diseov. few houre, then.rinse thoreughly% er a side stair, of which he was STEEL ORNAMEWES (TO OLVAN4 stove a luster, which will be quite per-- enanent. `Co Remove Inert Rese.---Apply oxa• lid acid to the spot with 1 he fingers wet with water, then lay in the sun is —Dip a previously unaware. It need not be ;small brush into some paraffin and said ti)" the man had not called at any of the oillese or that 11r, Boyle is then into seine emery powder (such RA MillltS $27, ---London Advertiser. s ueed in the knife machinate) end well brush the ornaments, and all the tust will 130011 G01110 oft; polish with a dry feather and Lusted ; it will leau any steel artiele. Proved. How To Cages BEN,111BS. BRASS.— Tiles° brass ornaments are so popular that housekeepers will be glad ;o know hew, with alt tho intrienciee of their work, they may be cleaned. Mix some cream of tartar with warm miter to a thick litste; tub al.( welt into tho brass with it flannel and laresh; afterwards rinee off under a stream of wild water, and dry with a soft cloth in front of the fire p3lhltiltg with a dry loather. ere.itreeee_—ereeereeeeeerre. Dornamaa. Mr. eemenel Johnson, of Seafortb, has gono to Winnipeg, where lie pine I poees eugeging itt the hardware busi• nem. Ati extensive bennery, of' Bev." Geo, Clark, of Blytta. the well kuown bon fancier, was deetroyed by fire last week, . A number of eggs imported from Eng land were (testroyed. During a teeout thunder P ttvrn3 a mat) namedJemes Wilson,of McKtitoi, ',yes knocked intemeible by what he cousidered a thunder bolt striking' tho earth beside buni Mr. L. J. Bram of Winglinan, has Many people are not aware that it is the wrapper of tobecco which gives the color to the plug, and are, therefore, often deceived by a handsome outside appearance. The wrapper is a single fihn of WI wj apped ronnd the plug, and Is never good smoking tobacco. It is wetly only became: of its fire col- or. In the "Myrtle Navy" brand the (thief attention ie paid, to the "filler," that ie, the inside of the plug. It is this Wilioll determines the smokiog geetlity of any tobaeeo. A tobacco can be made to look as well as the "Nlyrtie Navy" witheet much trouble or expen- se, but it iney at, the earns ameba a very !inferior article. Waiusee —Several varieties of kites- tioal worms infest the human body, anti these disgusting parasites are tthe special pleaguo or youttg childrett.. The most common species is the round worm (technically called esearis lum• eric)i(loe) which in, shape resembles the large earth wenn,, and varies ie length from four to ten iti6ilea. It has been nroved, however, that all W014110 which exed in the het matt bo.wele0Lsioinech (ten be safely expelled, and 0 eomplete Gera for every verinioular disease effect, ed by using Ifireeinati'e Worm Puwdek.s. according to direceioae. Price 215", ots., per pacage. •••••••ormoestimeam teen awarded the coutraet for building 1$5 t w we. et; Ire d ' • ' Samples worth i44, ivON 'I! o w u 4o,li ia Glluton, to re- vertu', euetatati. is $/el per day at home. ' o. A dream, Stnisen .d. e • ' • All kinds or ,printing done neatly cheaply anl with dispatch Order your work where you an got it done the cheapest. • The Colored Work a Specia;ty • /wind my our t Feed nuthiess W. II'T.ROTT'S OLD STAND, Tlnuu lioors south of thest Oillee, and has opened (eta a choice sttelt of fresh FLOTVED, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. 1%. Pleur and Fetid delivered free of charge. ZOX-EN 144011175.172ZZ. 1110 FOR MANITOBA. Litwin,/ the tamale:bier 10 t110 1030.011 1lee°, Manitoba Parties will Ware on The FIRST TUESDA Y of Every Afontiz, Next pert:von 4t11 May. Etaparticulars apply to JNO. KNOX. G. W. It,Aeuot, Centralia ST.31 .la's LLIIEWOIIES. • ....— ourlrawn kilns boinettow intuit )2eratien:and tirteint4out dull); 5 large trnititits of that (oi all prtrposes cannot be surpassed in the Donain• ion. Partiesftvon a tigtanoe can iIivaz,•e= b es* r plteC either a t the kilns or deliverd IYV teams atlow est remunerative rates. Ordersirom 8 diettwea. promptly attenalcd to . SCLA.TER LEGAL R. II. CADDY, BARRISTER & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, &a, 011iea, Eausou's Meek. Exeter. r 31eDIARMID, B.A., 5 t ,t1tIsTER,NOTARY, CONVETANCI LE'CAN ONT MEDICAL. nit HUTCHINSON, Member of - lee the (meet° of Physic Wes and. Ktirgeons of, Ontario, Odie melts door to 1. CarlillgSs. EXtitvr nit. II YNDMAN.—CORONER roR: la, the (.1%huity of }bran. Ouloaxextdoor to, .311.1 cuzliu4'sstore,linater. T W. BelOWNING- M. D., C. M.. P.1 *1. tI, Gradvate Victoriettheversity• Office, iltIticutsideuet, DLou...0108114a4oratol v. Exeter. C. -1\10011F, . 11. D. O. M. 1 to 1.,..,ausliettiewo,1=01r11:4(t)IniTort.L02/tocinatrrsc-- alt fit 105. in and 7to 10 )II -rill. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. P. S. J..../ o., victurio S.. Crediton, Gut. Oilice howls 1'01110 tO 10 a. In.; 2 to 3 P. in. CLUTZ, . . MPet• ()ale at hit ix:ail:fence. Exeter. 'IR. IRVING, GII ADMIT Er, lIntSITY Trinity0ollege Ottrobereeliege Pnrsicians and surgeont 0311., ollicciiirkton. HOTELS. CtENTP;AL HOTEL, CREDITON b 0 rien —Win.nelNtul3Akf esfi olt).11rdi Mire a 1T1111 aril Hftoitsetljamoss Istyle. 15rgo and convenient show 314.10)1)5 501 Cenranormal Travellers: hest of liquor* and cigars; lathe Bar. Attentive llostlers taws ye on hand hi 21-3m. WILLIAM' BAISEIL, TIME SOFFIC 3 has eloellont faeilities for turning out I PRINCE OP WALES HOTEL, -I- OLIN leiN. G. SMARTS having purchased the above hotel, wad tItted it throughout, now a- 1 (0833 1)811-311)88 acmm coodation to tra who's, Good ' liquor and cigars at the bar, CroUtl stielyliv g a me 1 attentive hostler on hand. Every attention Paid - to gaests I4IAILVLERS, FEED THE LAND.. audit Will feetlyou„ Try SupertellesPheie 05 Limo and Bette 1)ust for yam laud, A *toy pa per, &e1, LtNV?I,y full Of information with teatime, 143.15, Applv to G. Ekail?„ Agent, Excitor. 0,a. • CARD, • BILL HEAD Sy, POSTERS ' 2 CIROTI.LARS NEW BOTCHER SHOP' rilhe nude'. signed wo.dIdiltrom the tultauiL tants of Exeter anal vicinit,tliat Le114 33, OPENED A NEW BUTOHEIt SHOP. sue toot south cif his SlacoutiOshop andhopes. • the* tune lihoral patronage tient hay boo cortle d 330 him n the TRACIES1tITI1 AND WAGON AUXIN C lane caxtcad ea whim In blat new brave] o business, 11161.1t wagnii win eon athe tr4.138, dents of the villagetureetinio*etel west mad F i :LT; s E A T all kinds kept 00118tftlitj,, 0 baud kI butotershop. Itlacketnithinq and wagon tri akin gearri et' en; 88utrsa 1 all its braLtIA I