HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-27, Page 1rnort!,ItTP LISP. UR SAt,E----AN :EXCELLENT team of nnn to ndred aerOti alt t11,4 Lore road, Arst coal :Kalea of Stephan, near the village of Fare, or Apply to Ult. 13, V, t•1T,t.itl r, S 1 t n• Exeter. lingua 13 1670. it:Toner Kerr a MMES.. t�a,t�FWAN 1' t IRI, W"s.N' ED, AT'- tips to htrtS, E, Exeter, T L).11IES OKE, COUNTY AUCTION - `e neer, Sales l> omptly attended. to. Bays of• • Exeter, ntario, Thursday, ay, May 27, 1880. No 40. CANADA. AS A FIELD FOR ,'MI-' (3 RATION, Foe the last month, Band especially l o pere�ous beim:ging to the agrienl- be well if the agitators directed their hundred aud twenty Gores. Now that the question of peasant proprietorship is ono of the principal features in the revolutionary scheme of Mr. Parnell aluric � 6 the past tv(le1T a large number and the Irish Land League, it 'would timid, class ho.e loft tuis oo'autry for the attention to the undertaking of the United States of America and our Oenadiau Go'rorumeut. Au opportun- Aostraiian and Canediaxl colonies, ity is now offered to those who would Sen. ng the thousands who are depart- only exist in misery on. small patches' int; our awn couutrynieu, as usual, of land under the system advocated by land reformers to mance a trial of the advantages of a real peasant proprie- tary on au extensive scale, instead of depending for assistance on the money extorted from heavily taxed British ratepayers to purchase the lilliputtan farms that Mr. Parnell desires to es- tablish. The plan of the Cauadian Government, and the great schemes of progress which are opened up in the eplendld new territory of the Dominion, tin the majority, and Ulster is help - de of eurigr :tion; but lore then at wry Limner patient the gricultural die tt icts el England and S collated aro also coutributiug a fair bare of the farming population, and 1s remarkable to witness the number f our fellow-snojects ou the other side f the chaired that sail fain the Clyde lid the Mersey. Mealy ~veto never liuughtof quitting the old pend are 1I-._"ONEY TO LOAD ON REAL ES-iT a st tato for til e, Ilurou A4 Ni'ie Loan ' Savings 3 rciety, Low rates of interest, Apply to Johu , Spe.cl{nitan, kJ:cuter. R V , ()NEY LOANED IN. 'LARGE tilt it .t.' k'auscu Moak, three doors nort1, of Ce>rlu0's btnre. (111100 upstairs. ow complied to seek provision abroad place a rich region before our country - r themselves aud their fatuities, and men that we believe will induce many he good prospect of realising, an inde- eudenee through industry and per- ererauco in new territories which are eing evened up by railway comruuni- ltticu and other facilities holds out ninth encouragement for emigration. 1 D fC ? to avail themselves of the advantages which Canada presents as a favorable field for emigration. -Londonderry Sontinel (Ti•eland). great change are such as the public Might suppose to be made up, aud are withlield in cousequeace. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. James Barber, of Barber Brothers, which took place at Georgetown last 'Wednesday morning, The deceased was widely known as one of the senior members of the well-known firm of Barber Brothers, paper makers and manufactures, and for years past devot- ed his atteution to the management of the paler mills at Georgetown. He was highly esteemed not only in the locality in which he lived, but through- out the province -and especially among the newspaper: profession -as a mac of high prilrciple and unswerving honesty, and his death will be larneuted not oi- ly by his relatives and more intiluate frieude, but by a large circle of busi- oese acquaintances throughout thePro- viuce. ..o. go--• Huron News• lVingliam has the measles. Wingham has a x,ew lawyer. Fred Rogers by name. bir. John Routley, formerly tt Sea, forth resin and later in partnership with Mr, Richard Fortson, in the bak- ery business in Kincardine, recently died. in Holly, Oakland County, Michi- gan. He had his life insured for $3,- 000. A oar load of horses left Seaforth station on Monday of last week for the U. S., about 25 cars in all have been shipped this year, and it is estimated that $50,000 cave been paid out for horses in the town. Seaforthhorses moat be almost as good as those of Exeter. The anniversary of St. John the Baptist, will be celebrated by the Masons of Goderieh by laying the tor - nor atone of St. George's Chnreh. It is expected that the. Grand Master of the Grated Lodge of Canada will offici- ate on the occasion. Our Goderieh brethren in expectation of the interes- ting event, are preparing for a IFood time: blr. J. W. Smaller, of Goderieh, pas.. sed his emend Intermediate law exami- nation at Toronto last week very credit- ably, being second on the list without an oral. Shake, and do it some more, P. Carrot passed his first Intermediate at the same time, and Mr. Eugene Carey was called to the bar, at the very early age of 21 years. Stephen Honey, of Clinton, was committed to Goderioh jail, ou Tues- day of last week, by Esquires Ferrel- ter and 11IeGarva, J. P.'s, charged with having stolen a Dash box from Mrs. Freer, ooutaining $50 in eaeh and notes to the amount of $300. Prisoner was followed to Winghamn by Constable .Paisley, to whom he acknowledged having taken the money, and pleaded' guilty before the magistrates. Crediton. n this reRpuot the Dominion o auac a 'Tele irate Robe. McKey, of Goderieh, lffers a vast field of profitable leans- was buried with Oadfellows honors, rv, and wo observe that hundreds of .Cattle shipping from Seaforth to Large wItILlies of salt are still lar nglisb, Scotch, aud Irish small farm- England is becoming an important. q pur- chased at the Seaforth blocks. They are orgttntziug an 1.0. F. Court in Seaforth. nand farm laborers are turning their tsps to the new maguifieeut territories n the North-West of Cnuede which a branotl of trade. It is not true that James Carroll,one of the accused murderers in the Don - ow years ago passed into the hands of Helly massacre, escaped from the To. he Government of the Dominion. ionto jail. He didn't try to do so. ince the Government purchased this No cause has beexr assigned as to fertile provint.e en excellent authority, 11 Ir. George I3. Wyatt, of T':lronto, iu a pamphlet which we havejutt received from W. E. Smith. t& Son, Dublin, tells us that thousands of of settlers are yearly pouring .into the country. A. rich soil, a healthy and pleasant eh - mate, and all the advuuta;;ee of British connection,which secutit k for life and property, and regard for leev arxd order, are the specie' indneementle. presented. Air. Wyatt shows that ti,e:itosition of Canada is far superior to elle 'Clotted States of America. it occupies a greater area, very large portions are cultivable, and others are rich in mineral anti vari•>us kinds of wealth. Its rivers and lakes are among the largest and most remarkable itt the world It possesses extousive tertile t prairie Iaand, stud aIle fittest ani richest 1 forests on the Western Continent, and has the largest breadth of land yetopen for settlement, adapted to the growth of grasses and cereals, and other pro- llUt;tions of the temperate climates. There are fisheries of boundless extent ou its Atlant.io and Pacific coasts. It is believed that the largest meal deposits of the World lie antler the surface of • es prairie Laud east of the Rocky Monuttains, and there are gold, silver, ooppor, iron, lead and other mines of t greet richness, every description of valuable building materials, end salt, peat, petroleum, &c. The great enter- priee of censtruetiug a railway to the e Pacific. tat the east of six millions ster- 1 0IIN 11. IHYND\IAN, e ACCOUNTANT, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. money to lean alt mortgages, notes anti other securities. Rentsanclaocounta collected on rea- sonable terms. Inserttnee effected in fixst-claw {Lonna. leis at reas„naable rates. Wm -at Dr. 111•iidlnan's, Main) .i Leet 1ffx000 haat., A. ;U 1.0Ni J 1 IS0 era_ • Tette COUNTY OFHURON, LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY just receivcdLorinvostiu©nt in mortgage a fit teller cent. ruu over two L+'E7>>,WILhS, ETC RiWiling, lr l e dfivehundd miles of a legionopr • lifle in natural wealth, will iu o. short time develop all its re>ourtee. and abup- dimly remunerate the tillers of the on reasonable tonna. J R. A.1313OTTL,. 1).S.,M.R.C.D.S Graduate ofltoyalCollege of 'mil who are now str'eringalong the .D1 NTAT,, SUB. -1 ONS, (treat highway connecting two oceans omze over . aY 'etlban, and opposite k t s n land two continents. The Government o , I'i'okards, hrlpe, iu undertaking the work of the r 7 W. HAMLIN • Taxidermist and Naturalist. Beasts and Birds Etuff,,d mut Preserved in the most approved rtyio. In stock also is ln.rti variety of Pictures, and 1'ictur„s .framed in the best and cboapnst sty]u. Main dtroot, IOcctur, 3 m I -Canada Pacific Railway, that the in- flux ofinlmigrants, nod the wealth they will be I ble to produce, will be of enor- mous benefit to the :Dont 0100. It will not be their fault if the new scheme of set ttemeut is not largely availed of by why John Lmmene, of Conseeon, was murdered as :alleged .by the priscner now about -to be tried for the deed. The directors of the Northern Fair are to meet at Ailaia Craig on the 22nd to discus; matters of interest connected with the fall show. The erops around Seaforth are look- ing well, indeed. The whole• oonntry is now patting on the very be appear- ance. 'tElm EXETER tiUi.5N.UUUihe,. lthe airrionit•urnl olaeseR of tine ennntry "' lle:tee of aontiow and Bedding Plants. who field if impossible to euWilt) t at Iis.ut:ing Baskets and ,Nates filled to 110rne, and are, therefore, bent upon Mt Cabbage, aandflower. celery ,1nd Tomato Plants in season. Joh-' betterini; their condition by means of bing ()ardente); carolsl1v attended to. Canadian and Ainort an Fruit and -- Ornamental `rreos. - Orders stlioiteil and saLiaiuction c+narJLuteed. yy"b1. MC11000th es Tate COUNCIL OF TUB COUNTY 017 i:Trme will moot in GOD:MUCH, on Tuesdays lst of (Pone Next, A.1 aranl,llts against the Cytinty must be pro- sia:,t;r1 'before the drat so,as5In of tile se.oud day of meeting, PETER ADAMSON, Guuutp Clerk, (lotlaricb, Bray ti, i13130, - a ItteT IS llis;113113Y G1VEN teat the 1563,000.pertee re Lep formerly NiAi.ctst• 103 br't1vetm 5110 mad lorMigli01, 3n.nr',a 1-fvfl1110 1011 t1'iliiatu 1+Io vl 11 i-il !IR 317110011 1)1114 1101111.01/1 111 tter•. S'ih„r n of 1' nu1n11 under the style or firm of 111014101%n 1C ,N1,0 ride; we.s llJolveitl by311050al non• emit onthe fonrlll day of 11oy, nee, anal theles(` teed 11110/1101{8 1-i to tore be carried on by the -sant Wili:an, 111oAI/11ami marts, who will receive :uta pay all debts 01 tbo tali c„•pal tm nsl,ip. W O. (1HANNTT.fl. , 'W II lI tTt/Jtll.r..\M ti"ituna 3. JA11I::3141t:1#lt•ID13. S3atua eat elate less. - The seats in the St. Paul's Church, 'Wiugham, axe' now free. The'youth of Goderieh Township are given much to debating. 'The wife of Mr. Nowlin, one of the proprietors of the t eaforth Sun, has presented a son.. to her husband. The Cantata of "Esther," was pro- duced in Lrabb's - Hall, Goderieh, on the evening of the 24th. The„ assessment of Wingbam for 1880 is 011e third more than in 1879. Ruiued by the N. P rluubtless. The Brussels Mecha:.irg Institute is The trot of $40 iS h Tl clear of debt, and `has 537 volumes a set ti tarsen t rn'r Royal and the Powell at Parkhill came t valued at over $500. off ou Monday. There was 'great ex- citement. The Royal was left behind. Sixty thousand dollars :from insar- ance companies and a monument wor- thy or Carmel% to oreet must be consola- tory to the family:of the late Hon. Geo. Brown. exuigratiou. The Govsriment have resolved to diepoee of the land on 01101, side of the ne3W railway track oh such easy terms that ktnall capitalists yril have, no dlfiientty 111 a very short time becoming independent tend prosper. ane. 'There are eine lir:mired miilion; acres of land at their dispoea1. 01)11 thio has beim divided into lots of one hund- red and sixty acres, It is 'proposed to give to every head of Afamily of sigh - teen years of ego and upwards mob niter:tetie lot of Ws quantity, which, after being wtn•ked, for three years, will give the °evier a right of pre-omp• tioil of the next block of a similar p.11 lion of laud at the moderate figure r*1 ono dollar per arra. The .owner will have nothing to pay on the Dreamt). tion for lona years, and when he is it t,TN P0at01ltill tell V09,ra 110 will enjoy all the security Lie requires through a Gov- ernuleet title to itis holding of three. Three members of the McGillivray Tweedle family have recently passed away, viz., the fattier, mother, and now the son. Ile wile twenty-five years old Mr. A. Davidson, of Seatfottll, who and greatly respected iu the county. has beers ill for Koine time with neural gra, is able to attend to his business again. Mr. Gorden Sheriff,one of Goderiell's most popular tailors, is removing to Hamilton. Walsh & Copp have secared the con- tract for the erection of the Seaforth wator works, at $1,159. A cow valued at $40, the property of Mr. Wm. Smith,of Seaforth, was found dead on the street one day hast week. Two of a trade &a. Who ever knew of several medical doctors living in the same town and nothing but peace and tranquility to exist there ? How they do pitch into one auother just now at Exeter, and how they still keep at it in Parkhill. Mr. W. 0. Merritt, of Parkhill, chal- lenges the Rev. titre.. Anderson, the evangelist, to a public discussion of steam -diem, to which bir,. Anderson has of late frequently a;`lnded in hie ,discourses, calling it a humbug, &c. A dreadful storm of wind and hail passed over Ailsa Crrig ou Wednesday. We have not as yet heard of any serious damage resulting. Limbs of trees flew in all directions, and many a whole tree fell. The barn'of Mr.J. Armstrong, McGillivray, was completely uuroofed. Between two and- three hundred cat's - t is passed over the C S R within -Oa Wednesday of last week, Mr. Ii. Switzer, of Crediton, met with a severe accident. He was attendiug a barn raising wheu the chain broke,, letting a bent fall upon hitn,injnring him severe- ly in the spice. PartxIyeis.of the lower. part of the body occurred, and at the last account Mr. Switzer Was lying iu a precarious condition. The following is- the score made at the recent glass ball match at Crediton. The members of the "Left Wing" Club have on.y been practising since spring, aud deserve oridit for their good shoot- ing. Mr. Charles Grassick acted as - umpire to the satisfaction of all.- Harry Cilia 1011111111-9 Levi Jones 1011010111-7 C. Maguire 1010101111-7 Mr. 0. Maguire and Mr. Jones being ties came forward to the snore again. Levi Jones 1111111111-10 C. Maguire 1111111110- 9 Mr. Buchan inspected the Goderieh High School last week, and expressed himself pleased with the proficiency of the students in the institution. The Seaforth market miles are out of Ritter- they cheat the seller about 3 percent. Let the people conte to Iaoter, where the scales are perfect. Henry Fillamore, arrested for steal- inggoods from Mr. Nible, of Ulinten, was sentenced by Judge Squeir to one month's iwiiisoument. Mr. David McOloy, having received the appointment of 1'receetor in the Iigmondville 1'resbyteriau Church, has removed from Clinton to Seaforth.. The men employed on the Seaforth waterworks struck worts one day last week, but a satisfactory arrangement c xl cc a having bion arrived at, they returned the twenty-four 'hours on day last week. to work the next clay. This company now contemplate tt seven The Warden ofCounty dthe Mr, J. T. miles of line from Niagara Fails to Weliand, aud thereby save 15 or 20 Garrott', has pinch:wed a handsome tones of travel over the route by way of house and gronotit, formerly occupied Victoria to wtispilusi In bridge.by the lane sheriff I11c.11ailald, for the The Grand Trnulc iutend pntting on' a 'fast express train to run from Mout- real to Chicago in 2o" hours. What a coutrtast between now :tad the days the N. P. It, sl,ouldu'tI they. Their which sante of us remember when the 11110 increased dente it relook wheel oars couldn't be. got to go yeas adoptede fluter than at the rage of 10 toilets in - Tho Seaforth Expneitor fuels sad be - 17 boars, o8,nse a. shower et•ruck Walton while .A. freight trait: became detached from none fell on bila. (��S 1 it appears then its engine neat '1'heclforll a few day„ that the rain doesn't always fall on the since,whoxl it rolrogl•tldetl for four tnilos nuj•1st at the saute tittle as eu the ,at nor nuns:eel crate of speed. Wean:in't' just, A ptomiuent citizen of Goderieh, while paiutlen his hoose, sopped from the ladder. 'When he recovered from his surprise, he fenn1 Himself sitting' in the paint pot. He anbaegratutly order- er[ 0 wive pith' of pants ft'itnl the tailor. sum of ;4,000. PiIlsrn at1 'troy. of Seaforth,' carriage makers, express tlte.ul.:elves Battened ilio Parkhill people have been 111011 if it reached the Co's. delaliidatterl bnil(11IIua et that place, aud. nelxd the old rookery to -the !ii gdom come, The Rev, Alt:. Atl(lhtl00, of Xilea CT'ing W11106 to say he itCOMA ct hitte.i' frena tt 'V,ory respectable person from The AVillghani'A.d6'611(0 reeorde the ITe eeliw00it het week which matted that strange fact :that a brother editor at - tie Incl: hldv's etalvo heel itrelight ti tended Ohnrch in 4Vingilleni. We el. '1' cure 1'e in his case. IIe 10(1 ant- {yt1ya 'thought 01080 northern ellitore.. perfect L (ered long and 81.)erelythe eltpres- wEioeitnlli,ln3 wrrtcl e',. WO acro glad stoke of wouder and grtitit. d, fur bis they chow ,:igus of iulprovliig. Dashweoct At the Queen's Birthday celebratiou held in Dashwood the following prizes were taken :- 100 yards naming ming race -5 entries - 1st prize $100, A. Weseulock ,• 2ud 50o, Mr. Haymaker. Three legged race -3 entries --est A. Weseluh, 2nd S. Baker. Fat men's race -200 pounds -4 en- - tries--lst prize John Baker, 2nd Geo. .Miller. Ituuning bop step aud jump -5 en- tries -1st prize W. Green, 2nd A. ' Ennes lRunning jnnp-4 entries-lst F. Sipple, Lad A. Ebnes. Standing jump -3 entries---lst F. Sipple, 2ud I. Bossenburry. Shoulder stone -5 eutrles-lst Ir. Single, 2ud. N. Barry. Uigh jump-•-2ontrie.s-1st prize F. Siyple, 2nd A Elutes. Vaulting with role --8 entries- 1st A Llluefr, 2nd J Ilattlelb. 'Wheelbar'r'ow trete-3' entries ---186 W Barry, 2ud G Buloy. Egg tact ---5 conies -let J Zeiler, 2ud divided between two. 11(11se Race- Trutt -11s;---3 entries -- 1st Mr. Pollack, 2ud W Green. .Horse Rale-1runuing---2-entritre- TI. MOCauu let and 2nd. Quoits -4 entries ---11 t J Lsmbrnok &i Wosclon, 2nd C. Ilrtrtleib & J. Hat- leib. Stephen. About two weeks ago a Heifer which is not Fest two et'a1'8 Old, elle pi'Opf�rfl" of lir. Wm. J)t ilig, gave birth to it ri calf which wei,;hea At the time 80 pounds. The weight is extraotxliilatr'v from the fact that the ttothor only weir lis 480: pounds at the proseut lime --and titre Into f,uprnved very tnuelt since the calf vats barn, I111111'rs e01 - clow calve whoa still -yearlings. i sn411 suits 0,1,trst-rate security ata ane- 0 neraw rete of interest. Apply to 0 13 V. i'.LLIOT, Solicitor, Exeter, a P.Oth\ovvinbor, 1070. if - _ t T UriEY '1'0 LOAN ON FIRST. n 1 care ;,fortg.ges on steal Estate Pr for f building purposes for too Dominion t,aviugs &t investment Society, of Loudon, Out, for any t 1' umber of rears from one to twanr,a Apply to t tii". tiLNIOit, i'ltotegr(zpher, 'Exeter. k. aNJ. °Lr1..1tK, Agent for the Us- 1: eLarneand ,Ru>l,vrt :Buten alFire'insur'ance Company, Residence - lharonnar, Orders by mail promptly at, ,,ucl,tl to. ... 11 8.C.xti-bit'ialeLila P1tOV.INCIAL f '• Land Huaey'or, &:c., will 1. e at tiro a 11 yal Hot.1 eixetc'a,ou the tirstTuesday insets t mouth. orders Por work left with Der, Jo11n 1 S.pacitulau wiltreceiveprolope tttontion 1 YOTIC'U es keret.y I31ve11 tlett elle E Court of Levi ianof the Assessment roll for tin. Tillage of 13xc.tor for the year 11371 it ill beheld '1 at the kt.teltot iltoi e. Exeter, ou Friday, t:elth of 1 Mayinat , at 10 o'clock u, ua. By order, AI. EAU- t atExrdCTork, 1 �TOT1CL is hereby given that dile _e nano of revision of tho Assessment roll for the rat n;:t ip of Uboruo for the year 10.30 will l,a hula at the'lowuship Hall, 1� litnvillo, on Sat- nrday, Octet ILay ivat., ut 10 o'clock ant. 1)y order., h. J. n:L, l,tali, Clerk. A,TOTIQE IS 11iJ3iiB). Li1VLiv lit that alto Court of Revision for the Town - shin of ;tel,ii-'ai assessment roll tar the year lade will he hand at tete Town Hall, in Crediton, on • • rue, day„slay 113Ch 11i$0. at 10 o'clot k a, iu. By iir3t'r. 1113 1:9 t Blatt p11'aerie r,ic lc . iii •+Si�Cso'..a: ,dnil d6G'c 'IIt 1\S1::RANU.E COJil"i', OF LONDON. J, i lr :erase 4; rx 17024 sglm v established in Canada :iu1304. tiultrni- '3ett 11:,h.lity of .ill the 1tklii,olile:s, and large 11eserge Funds.. ,Moderate rates of premium. JOIIN A. IITIct °LLC', 11onT W TYBT;, afs,un,,ter Agent ut 1•'a„i•er. EMOVED-ii. iiIntnelti:i`i, AI,.�'s- !LIST, s .1, y. }r,- .:..-'N'',:''.01,.. . has lemivoil t ' 7 . _' 1 � .t.' k'auscu Moak, three doors nort1, of Ce>rlu0's btnre. (111100 upstairs. ow complied to seek provision abroad place a rich region before our country - r themselves aud their fatuities, and men that we believe will induce many he good prospect of realising, an inde- eudenee through industry and per- ererauco in new territories which are eing evened up by railway comruuni- ltticu and other facilities holds out ninth encouragement for emigration. 1 D fC ? to avail themselves of the advantages which Canada presents as a favorable field for emigration. -Londonderry Sontinel (Ti•eland). great change are such as the public Might suppose to be made up, aud are withlield in cousequeace. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. James Barber, of Barber Brothers, which took place at Georgetown last 'Wednesday morning, The deceased was widely known as one of the senior members of the well-known firm of Barber Brothers, paper makers and manufactures, and for years past devot- ed his atteution to the management of the paler mills at Georgetown. He was highly esteemed not only in the locality in which he lived, but through- out the province -and especially among the newspaper: profession -as a mac of high prilrciple and unswerving honesty, and his death will be larneuted not oi- ly by his relatives and more intiluate frieude, but by a large circle of busi- oese acquaintances throughout thePro- viuce. ..o. go--• Huron News• lVingliam has the measles. Wingham has a x,ew lawyer. Fred Rogers by name. bir. John Routley, formerly tt Sea, forth resin and later in partnership with Mr, Richard Fortson, in the bak- ery business in Kincardine, recently died. in Holly, Oakland County, Michi- gan. He had his life insured for $3,- 000. A oar load of horses left Seaforth station on Monday of last week for the U. S., about 25 cars in all have been shipped this year, and it is estimated that $50,000 cave been paid out for horses in the town. Seaforthhorses moat be almost as good as those of Exeter. The anniversary of St. John the Baptist, will be celebrated by the Masons of Goderieh by laying the tor - nor atone of St. George's Chnreh. It is expected that the. Grand Master of the Grated Lodge of Canada will offici- ate on the occasion. Our Goderieh brethren in expectation of the interes- ting event, are preparing for a IFood time: blr. J. W. Smaller, of Goderieh, pas.. sed his emend Intermediate law exami- nation at Toronto last week very credit- ably, being second on the list without an oral. Shake, and do it some more, P. Carrot passed his first Intermediate at the same time, and Mr. Eugene Carey was called to the bar, at the very early age of 21 years. Stephen Honey, of Clinton, was committed to Goderioh jail, ou Tues- day of last week, by Esquires Ferrel- ter and 11IeGarva, J. P.'s, charged with having stolen a Dash box from Mrs. Freer, ooutaining $50 in eaeh and notes to the amount of $300. Prisoner was followed to Winghamn by Constable .Paisley, to whom he acknowledged having taken the money, and pleaded' guilty before the magistrates. Crediton. n this reRpuot the Dominion o auac a 'Tele irate Robe. McKey, of Goderieh, lffers a vast field of profitable leans- was buried with Oadfellows honors, rv, and wo observe that hundreds of .Cattle shipping from Seaforth to Large wItILlies of salt are still lar nglisb, Scotch, aud Irish small farm- England is becoming an important. q pur- chased at the Seaforth blocks. They are orgttntziug an 1.0. F. Court in Seaforth. nand farm laborers are turning their tsps to the new maguifieeut territories n the North-West of Cnuede which a branotl of trade. It is not true that James Carroll,one of the accused murderers in the Don - ow years ago passed into the hands of Helly massacre, escaped from the To. he Government of the Dominion. ionto jail. He didn't try to do so. ince the Government purchased this No cause has beexr assigned as to fertile provint.e en excellent authority, 11 Ir. George I3. Wyatt, of T':lronto, iu a pamphlet which we havejutt received from W. E. Smith. t& Son, Dublin, tells us that thousands of of settlers are yearly pouring .into the country. A. rich soil, a healthy and pleasant eh - mate, and all the advuuta;;ee of British connection,which secutit k for life and property, and regard for leev arxd order, are the specie' indneementle. presented. Air. Wyatt shows that ti,e:itosition of Canada is far superior to elle 'Clotted States of America. it occupies a greater area, very large portions are cultivable, and others are rich in mineral anti vari•>us kinds of wealth. Its rivers and lakes are among the largest and most remarkable itt the world It possesses extousive tertile t prairie Iaand, stud aIle fittest ani richest 1 forests on the Western Continent, and has the largest breadth of land yetopen for settlement, adapted to the growth of grasses and cereals, and other pro- llUt;tions of the temperate climates. There are fisheries of boundless extent ou its Atlant.io and Pacific coasts. It is believed that the largest meal deposits of the World lie antler the surface of • es prairie Laud east of the Rocky Monuttains, and there are gold, silver, ooppor, iron, lead and other mines of t greet richness, every description of valuable building materials, end salt, peat, petroleum, &c. The great enter- priee of censtruetiug a railway to the e Pacific. tat the east of six millions ster- 1 0IIN 11. IHYND\IAN, e ACCOUNTANT, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. money to lean alt mortgages, notes anti other securities. Rentsanclaocounta collected on rea- sonable terms. Inserttnee effected in fixst-claw {Lonna. leis at reas„naable rates. Wm -at Dr. 111•iidlnan's, Main) .i Leet 1ffx000 haat., A. ;U 1.0Ni J 1 IS0 era_ • Tette COUNTY OFHURON, LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY just receivcdLorinvostiu©nt in mortgage a fit teller cent. ruu over two L+'E7>>,WILhS, ETC RiWiling, lr l e dfivehundd miles of a legionopr • lifle in natural wealth, will iu o. short time develop all its re>ourtee. and abup- dimly remunerate the tillers of the on reasonable tonna. J R. A.1313OTTL,. 1).S.,M.R.C.D.S Graduate ofltoyalCollege of 'mil who are now str'eringalong the .D1 NTAT,, SUB. -1 ONS, (treat highway connecting two oceans omze over . aY 'etlban, and opposite k t s n land two continents. The Government o , I'i'okards, hrlpe, iu undertaking the work of the r 7 W. HAMLIN • Taxidermist and Naturalist. Beasts and Birds Etuff,,d mut Preserved in the most approved rtyio. In stock also is ln.rti variety of Pictures, and 1'ictur„s .framed in the best and cboapnst sty]u. Main dtroot, IOcctur, 3 m I -Canada Pacific Railway, that the in- flux ofinlmigrants, nod the wealth they will be I ble to produce, will be of enor- mous benefit to the :Dont 0100. It will not be their fault if the new scheme of set ttemeut is not largely availed of by why John Lmmene, of Conseeon, was murdered as :alleged .by the priscner now about -to be tried for the deed. The directors of the Northern Fair are to meet at Ailaia Craig on the 22nd to discus; matters of interest connected with the fall show. The erops around Seaforth are look- ing well, indeed. The whole• oonntry is now patting on the very be appear- ance. 'tElm EXETER tiUi.5N.UUUihe,. lthe airrionit•urnl olaeseR of tine ennntry "' lle:tee of aontiow and Bedding Plants. who field if impossible to euWilt) t at Iis.ut:ing Baskets and ,Nates filled to 110rne, and are, therefore, bent upon Mt Cabbage, aandflower. celery ,1nd Tomato Plants in season. Joh-' betterini; their condition by means of bing ()ardente); carolsl1v attended to. Canadian and Ainort an Fruit and -- Ornamental `rreos. - Orders stlioiteil and saLiaiuction c+narJLuteed. yy"b1. MC11000th es Tate COUNCIL OF TUB COUNTY 017 i:Trme will moot in GOD:MUCH, on Tuesdays lst of (Pone Next, A.1 aranl,llts against the Cytinty must be pro- sia:,t;r1 'before the drat so,as5In of tile se.oud day of meeting, PETER ADAMSON, Guuutp Clerk, (lotlaricb, Bray ti, i13130, - a ItteT IS llis;113113Y G1VEN teat the 1563,000.pertee re Lep formerly NiAi.ctst• 103 br't1vetm 5110 mad lorMigli01, 3n.nr',a 1-fvfl1110 1011 t1'iliiatu 1+Io vl 11 i-il !IR 317110011 1)1114 1101111.01/1 111 tter•. S'ih„r n of 1' nu1n11 under the style or firm of 111014101%n 1C ,N1,0 ride; we.s llJolveitl by311050al non• emit onthe fonrlll day of 11oy, nee, anal theles(` teed 11110/1101{8 1-i to tore be carried on by the -sant Wili:an, 111oAI/11ami marts, who will receive :uta pay all debts 01 tbo tali c„•pal tm nsl,ip. W O. (1HANNTT.fl. , 'W II lI tTt/Jtll.r..\M ti"ituna 3. JA11I::3141t:1#lt•ID13. S3atua eat elate less. - The seats in the St. Paul's Church, 'Wiugham, axe' now free. The'youth of Goderieh Township are given much to debating. 'The wife of Mr. Nowlin, one of the proprietors of the t eaforth Sun, has presented a son.. to her husband. The Cantata of "Esther," was pro- duced in Lrabb's - Hall, Goderieh, on the evening of the 24th. The„ assessment of Wingbam for 1880 is 011e third more than in 1879. Ruiued by the N. P rluubtless. The Brussels Mecha:.irg Institute is The trot of $40 iS h Tl clear of debt, and `has 537 volumes a set ti tarsen t rn'r Royal and the Powell at Parkhill came t valued at over $500. off ou Monday. There was 'great ex- citement. The Royal was left behind. Sixty thousand dollars :from insar- ance companies and a monument wor- thy or Carmel% to oreet must be consola- tory to the family:of the late Hon. Geo. Brown. exuigratiou. The Govsriment have resolved to diepoee of the land on 01101, side of the ne3W railway track oh such easy terms that ktnall capitalists yril have, no dlfiientty 111 a very short time becoming independent tend prosper. ane. 'There are eine lir:mired miilion; acres of land at their dispoea1. 01)11 thio has beim divided into lots of one hund- red and sixty acres, It is 'proposed to give to every head of Afamily of sigh - teen years of ego and upwards mob niter:tetie lot of Ws quantity, which, after being wtn•ked, for three years, will give the °evier a right of pre-omp• tioil of the next block of a similar p.11 lion of laud at the moderate figure r*1 ono dollar per arra. The .owner will have nothing to pay on the Dreamt). tion for lona years, and when he is it t,TN P0at01ltill tell V09,ra 110 will enjoy all the security Lie requires through a Gov- ernuleet title to itis holding of three. Three members of the McGillivray Tweedle family have recently passed away, viz., the fattier, mother, and now the son. Ile wile twenty-five years old Mr. A. Davidson, of Seatfottll, who and greatly respected iu the county. has beers ill for Koine time with neural gra, is able to attend to his business again. Mr. Gorden Sheriff,one of Goderiell's most popular tailors, is removing to Hamilton. Walsh & Copp have secared the con- tract for the erection of the Seaforth wator works, at $1,159. A cow valued at $40, the property of Mr. Wm. Smith,of Seaforth, was found dead on the street one day hast week. Two of a trade &a. Who ever knew of several medical doctors living in the same town and nothing but peace and tranquility to exist there ? How they do pitch into one auother just now at Exeter, and how they still keep at it in Parkhill. Mr. W. 0. Merritt, of Parkhill, chal- lenges the Rev. titre.. Anderson, the evangelist, to a public discussion of steam -diem, to which bir,. Anderson has of late frequently a;`lnded in hie ,discourses, calling it a humbug, &c. A dreadful storm of wind and hail passed over Ailsa Crrig ou Wednesday. We have not as yet heard of any serious damage resulting. Limbs of trees flew in all directions, and many a whole tree fell. The barn'of Mr.J. Armstrong, McGillivray, was completely uuroofed. Between two and- three hundred cat's - t is passed over the C S R within -Oa Wednesday of last week, Mr. Ii. Switzer, of Crediton, met with a severe accident. He was attendiug a barn raising wheu the chain broke,, letting a bent fall upon hitn,injnring him severe- ly in the spice. PartxIyeis.of the lower. part of the body occurred, and at the last account Mr. Switzer Was lying iu a precarious condition. The following is- the score made at the recent glass ball match at Crediton. The members of the "Left Wing" Club have on.y been practising since spring, aud deserve oridit for their good shoot- ing. Mr. Charles Grassick acted as - umpire to the satisfaction of all.- Harry Cilia 1011111111-9 Levi Jones 1011010111-7 C. Maguire 1010101111-7 Mr. 0. Maguire and Mr. Jones being ties came forward to the snore again. Levi Jones 1111111111-10 C. Maguire 1111111110- 9 Mr. Buchan inspected the Goderieh High School last week, and expressed himself pleased with the proficiency of the students in the institution. The Seaforth market miles are out of Ritter- they cheat the seller about 3 percent. Let the people conte to Iaoter, where the scales are perfect. Henry Fillamore, arrested for steal- inggoods from Mr. Nible, of Ulinten, was sentenced by Judge Squeir to one month's iwiiisoument. Mr. David McOloy, having received the appointment of 1'receetor in the Iigmondville 1'resbyteriau Church, has removed from Clinton to Seaforth.. The men employed on the Seaforth waterworks struck worts one day last week, but a satisfactory arrangement c xl cc a having bion arrived at, they returned the twenty-four 'hours on day last week. to work the next clay. This company now contemplate tt seven The Warden ofCounty dthe Mr, J. T. miles of line from Niagara Fails to Weliand, aud thereby save 15 or 20 Garrott', has pinch:wed a handsome tones of travel over the route by way of house and gronotit, formerly occupied Victoria to wtispilusi In bridge.by the lane sheriff I11c.11ailald, for the The Grand Trnulc iutend pntting on' a 'fast express train to run from Mout- real to Chicago in 2o" hours. What a coutrtast between now :tad the days the N. P. It, sl,ouldu'tI they. Their which sante of us remember when the 11110 increased dente it relook wheel oars couldn't be. got to go yeas adoptede fluter than at the rage of 10 toilets in - Tho Seaforth Expneitor fuels sad be - 17 boars, o8,nse a. shower et•ruck Walton while .A. freight trait: became detached from none fell on bila. (��S 1 it appears then its engine neat '1'heclforll a few day„ that the rain doesn't always fall on the since,whoxl it rolrogl•tldetl for four tnilos nuj•1st at the saute tittle as eu the ,at nor nuns:eel crate of speed. Wean:in't' just, A ptomiuent citizen of Goderieh, while paiutlen his hoose, sopped from the ladder. 'When he recovered from his surprise, he fenn1 Himself sitting' in the paint pot. He anbaegratutly order- er[ 0 wive pith' of pants ft'itnl the tailor. sum of ;4,000. PiIlsrn at1 'troy. of Seaforth,' carriage makers, express tlte.ul.:elves Battened ilio Parkhill people have been 111011 if it reached the Co's. delaliidatterl bnil(11IIua et that place, aud. nelxd the old rookery to -the !ii gdom come, The Rev, Alt:. Atl(lhtl00, of Xilea CT'ing W11106 to say he itCOMA ct hitte.i' frena tt 'V,ory respectable person from The AVillghani'A.d6'611(0 reeorde the ITe eeliw00it het week which matted that strange fact :that a brother editor at - tie Incl: hldv's etalvo heel itrelight ti tended Ohnrch in 4Vingilleni. We el. '1' cure 1'e in his case. IIe 10(1 ant- {yt1ya 'thought 01080 northern ellitore.. perfect L (ered long and 81.)erelythe eltpres- wEioeitnlli,ln3 wrrtcl e',. WO acro glad stoke of wouder and grtitit. d, fur bis they chow ,:igus of iulprovliig. Dashweoct At the Queen's Birthday celebratiou held in Dashwood the following prizes were taken :- 100 yards naming ming race -5 entries - 1st prize $100, A. Weseulock ,• 2ud 50o, Mr. Haymaker. Three legged race -3 entries --est A. Weseluh, 2nd S. Baker. Fat men's race -200 pounds -4 en- - tries--lst prize John Baker, 2nd Geo. .Miller. Ituuning bop step aud jump -5 en- tries -1st prize W. Green, 2nd A. ' Ennes lRunning jnnp-4 entries-lst F. Sipple, Lad A. Ebnes. Standing jump -3 entries---lst F. Sipple, 2ud I. Bossenburry. Shoulder stone -5 eutrles-lst Ir. Single, 2ud. N. Barry. Uigh jump-•-2ontrie.s-1st prize F. Siyple, 2nd A Elutes. Vaulting with role --8 entries- 1st A Llluefr, 2nd J Ilattlelb. 'Wheelbar'r'ow trete-3' entries ---186 W Barry, 2ud G Buloy. Egg tact ---5 conies -let J Zeiler, 2ud divided between two. 11(11se Race- Trutt -11s;---3 entries -- 1st Mr. Pollack, 2ud W Green. .Horse Rale-1runuing---2-entritre- TI. MOCauu let and 2nd. Quoits -4 entries ---11 t J Lsmbrnok &i Wosclon, 2nd C. Ilrtrtleib & J. Hat- leib. Stephen. About two weeks ago a Heifer which is not Fest two et'a1'8 Old, elle pi'Opf�rfl" of lir. Wm. J)t ilig, gave birth to it ri calf which wei,;hea At the time 80 pounds. The weight is extraotxliilatr'v from the fact that the ttothor only weir lis 480: pounds at the proseut lime --and titre Into f,uprnved very tnuelt since the calf vats barn, I111111'rs e01 - clow calve whoa still -yearlings.