HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-20, Page 8Choice_MUSICL' Seng) ,, 1WSE OIi' TIAL r E FISi1U1 S • HALF MAST I IGH 14 SART JIIi.1TLSI:f LION • WHAT .4afil THE WILD WAVES, &o. .Duet. - COME O'ER. THE MOONLIT SEA. Duet, U • Vrtce 10 cents each, stud postpaid on receipt of Brice: also: in stock " 3'ousse's Musical Cate - einem " Price Zs tents, G:zeruy's 101 Velocity Exercises, standard everywhere as a weans of acquiring not in stock supplied to order.ity in Auguring J. Eooltueller, blain Street, Exeter, Ont. xl.\V ADVelRrISMENTS THIS WEEK. Land for sale, -Cetraria Company, Grenville Canal. -F. Braun. lliali OontraeL-G. Griffin. County Council.-P..S.damsou. Pride; this month. -G. Y. baton & Co, Ganvaseers.-Stone & Wellington. k'razer'e Axle Gree:se. 4777 a year. -P. 0. Viokoy. Pamphlet -G. P. Rowell ,t Co. Money to•Loan.-Chas. Senior. Mortgage Sale, B. V. Elliott. Mortgage Sale. -A. Lake. lienalIMMAZPICOMainiatgrEMMOCIMa3:31ES lee he tufa (r11(0. TTURSD &Y, MAY 20 1880. LOCAL NEWS. The Foo tale Belt Co., Narstiall, Mint., win send their celebrated Electro -Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days trial. Speedy ourea guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write to them without delay. Land salt fur sale at Bissett Bros. The only place in town for children's carri- ages and velocipedes is at Chas. Eeeeett's. Uail and see them. I3uy only Rock Crystal spectacles at Do- minion Laboratory. Sign of the Cioldeu Mor- tar. Geo. TnxxxoN will open his new stare on 311138.1st with. a fall line of Pure Drugs and Chemicals in the corner store opposite the Central etotel. Laud salt for sale at Bissett Bros. Compton seed corn, vellieh took first prize at the South Huron Tall -Show. Excels any other. For sale at 1. CA1L1Nri s Buy your Dye Stuffs at the Dominion La- boratory. Sign of the Golden Mortar. Farmers 1 Send at once for the Canadian Farmer, the only weekly paper printed in the Dominion that is published entirely in the in- terest of the far ser. It gives fall and reliable market reports, wbien are, alone, worth the money. Send for epeeist' club rates. See ad• vertisement'in this issue. Buy your Patent Medicines at the Dominion Laboratory. Sign of the Golden Mortar. Compton seed corn, whiter took first prize at the South Huron Fall Show. Excels any other. For sale at I. Carliug's. Crognet setts, at Central Drug Store. FOR HUI:MT.-Rev. Mr. Webber, of Exeter, will preacn in Blyth B. C. Church next Sun- day;. Hot. Dusty. Fly -time. • All s:crea to beclosed on the 24 of May. Bee crowd in town on, Tuesday. SnzPrxD.-Mr. John Willis, of Exeter ship- ped a number of fat cat:le to England yester- day, (Wednesday). Tufa watering cart of Mr. Jahn Gillespie commenced watering the streets on Tuesday last. GONE FOR TEE SD3nnER.-Mr. Geo. Dyer't,has gune to Muskoka to spend the summer in fish- ing, and shooting. CBAGe.-We sod that the hours of Sunday attendance at „the Medical Hall have been changed. They are now from 12.20.to 1.30 p, m. la' Beeeen, look at the new advertisements' in tbis week's issue of :the Times. You may see something advertised that you need. Look and see. „ WATERING CoxxaacT.=0n Monday evening the tenders for watering the streets were open- ed at the Market House. Mr. Jas., Oke's being the lowest, 014 per week, he was awarded the contract.. A Bre D ezerez.--Mr. P. Drew brougrit into the Tins office a dandelion.which mea- sured over three feet. It must have taken Peter a long time to piece it. Fuenaer Snatroe.-Rev. G. Webber will preaolh the funeral sermon of the late lets. Wood on Sunday, May 30>:h, in the morniug, to the Bible Christian Churele • 13nAexeiiNo.r.--It its not so generally known as it should be, that those who alLiw bleak Icnot to form ori their pinta or ehorry trees are liable to fine under the statutes of 1870. Such is the case, however. Enos roost A Drers1N0u.-Mr, Geo. Sam- ty,e1, 01 this pl:;ee, Is becoming famous as 0 viv.i.imm mocha, lee liars a Y umbel of erst- e 20w18, and i:f cwnstiently improving the ,x•,i. fie is bringing li;}lit Brahma ;eggs all r:.f way fioru l,iont10al, :and hopc8 to show na n..iitihi1, beyond thi63',:u'u..Cn m .'in thio aoflrse CONSERVATIVE :1\fra rnRo.--Tho annual reset - ins,' of the ,South Ituron 'k,iborai :Cohiservittivc Association was Held in 'teeter yesterday. Mr. 1). !If. Bitclzio was elected President, :tiled Mr, G. B. jtsokson Seo, Full list willbe given noxi week, To 0ogt:auAoxons,---A job of digging a cellar for a new store for 11ir.I. Carling will be let by section on Tuesday evening next, on the spot. near old stand, in order that all may have a fair uliaiwe. , Mr. Carling will furnish all par -1 titulars. NO.ENr,ARaxNG.-It has beendecided not to enlarge the Methodist (lure's at present, bat to make awl alterations in the interior ar- rangemeuts as will meet the presout demand for increased accommodation. G. Y. Barge as Co. -We would' aired. special etteutiou to the advertisement of this St. Marys firm which appears in these columns. They have established a reputation for cheap selling and fair dealing, which is elle foundation of sucoese. Isetnenu.rs,--Last week a family of over twenty arrived from Devonshire, Englaud. They appear to be industrious, and obtained work, we believe, on the drain. whish is being dug in the northern part of the town. M 'z REDnvzvua.-On Tuesday last, we were. surprised at a visitfroui lir.Geo.'.1Tay,of Lon- don, formerly of Exeter. George can't leave the place, and cavae out to see it once morn. Ile says he has shaken the dust of London from hie feet. May he ever wave. Pesame.-Mr. Bobt. Robinson, a former employee of this office, and brother of Mr. C. 33. Robinson, of the Canada Presbyterian, has purchased the Emerson .veers. Bob is a good workman and a first-rate fellow, and we wish him every =loess iu his new enterprise. Do you want to buy a farm ? Look in the 'advertising columns'of the Teams. Do yah 'want to buy olreap goods ?' Cousu).t the Titres advertising columns. Do you want an agency Look at our advertisements. IT P.M to know what is advertised iu the local paper. A. WATtlititi TO PRxv.TE BANES. --By an set passed at the recent session .of the Dominion Parliament, the term "bank" inuet not be ap- plied to those monetary institutions which have heretofore been known as private banks. For instance Blank ck Co. cannot do business as Blank & Co's back, but Blank it Co. may cid business es bankers. LARGE Frnmean.-The funeral of Mrs. Wood, of 'Gaberue, which passed through the town on Monday last to the Exeter cemetery, was one of the lar gest ever seen in this neigh- boorhood, there being in the neighborhood of eighty vehicles in the cortege. Mrs. Wood was highly respected by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Tns Cxnces.-Pulman ds Hamilton's circus visited Exeter on Tuesday last, and gave per- formances in the afternoon and evening. It was up to the usual standard of exhibitions of this kind. The tumbling and trapeze acts were difficult sed well performed. The Boisset family were especially deserving of applause in their several feats. WIND STonir.-A furious wind storm struck Exeter yesterday at noon, for a few miuutes. Considerable dust had accumulated on the roads, and this was quickly lifted in the air., It was impossible in some parts of the town where the dust had not been laid by the water- ing cart to . see twenty Lode. The dust iu the streets resembled the smoke from a ten mil- lion dollar blaze. A little ram followed the ab atemeut of the wind. FAT CATTLE. -On Tuesday last, a number of fat cattle were sold in this neighborhood for the Liverpool market. As usual Mr. James Pickard steed at the head of the stock raisers. He sold four for which he received over 650. , .A. shorthorn bull four years old weighed 2,800 pounds. He is considered the heaviest in the eowwtry at that age. A. stser. weighed 2,040, aged only four years ; a heifer,1740, and an ox 1740 -making a total weight of 8220 pounds. This would be hard to boat. BOATallo.--Boating on Pickard's mill pond, wLich at this season of the year is at high wat- er mark is the leading recreation of many vil- lagers. All those wno Can afford the indulg- ence own boats, while those who cannot, rely en the generosity of others. Every morning and evening the river, presents an attraetive appearance. No one as yet has thonght en- ough of the mesa to give them agood iters by getting nearly drowned. Three citizens fell in, but they were tolerable swimmers, so that the excitement incident to drowning was not there. The exercise is a very healthy one, and should be indulged in as mach as pee- sibie, AN "UPSET IN :gess Nivea. ---On Monday even- ing last, three young }nen, Oliver ,lolrnaon,, Wei. Weeks, and Charles Sproal, met with a duckingiai the River Bauble. They were out boating when Jolinsan stood up in the boat, which commenced 'to rock, and he made an attempt to sit down which was not character- ized by that method and iieliboration soncees- sery to the safety of the amateur oarsmen. As a 001180g1ua,ce th,.. boat tipped over, and tlhc t11414 X1`4t MAI. c2J,1 $O three went out. Weeks at once swam for the shore, but the other two managed to get the boat righted and got it to shore. They were all rather damp,but boyoud that no damage was doue or uneonveuieuee suffered. They had better take lessons on elle art of sitting down while a. boat is in motion before they again handle the sculls. Tem Cow Nurse:sem-We do not think there aro many owners of gardens iu town who;do not have cease some time or other during the sum - mor to auatltatutiae the cows that ars to be found strayed an our streets at all tithes of the day or night. Loud and ntnnerous, last sum- mer, were the complaints of •tne unlucky grow- ers of '‘garden sass," who had the misfortune; to have the fruit of emus an hour's work de- stroyed in a few minutes by the "breaoby" pro- pensities of his neighbor's "erummie." No gate is proof against them, and in fact, as a councillor remarked on Monday evening, "soma of them could climb a. ladder." Not only do they play havoc with the gardens but they stake the sidewalk in a shocking dirty condi- tion. The Connell would have the thanks of a majority of the ratepayers of this town if they would pass and have carried out a by-law pro- hibiting cows from roaming the streets after nightfall, even if they are allowed to be out in daytime. The above from the Wingham Times is applicable to Exeter as well as. SVingliam. commie McBTZNG,-Tine Council met pur- suant to adjournment at the Market House ou May 14th. All the members present. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by J.•Pickard, seconded by W. Birsett, that White & Sons account, 60.00, be paid. -Carried. Moved E. Drew, seconded by J. Ieautou, that the peeve and W. Bissett be inspectors of drain. -Carried. Moved by J. Pickard, eeoonded by E. Drew, that the fire- man be paid $5 each per year inelusivo of poll tar. -Carried. A petition signed. by Ina. Oke and thirty other residents and ratepayers, praying the eouuoil to pass a by -lay to provide for the watering of the Bain street from the north side of Drew's Block to the south side of Huron street, the expenses of which are to be defrayed as the council may direct. Moved by J. Pickard, seconded by J. Banton, that this eouucil accede to the request of the petition- ers: Carried. Moved by J, Banton, seconded by E. 'Drew, that tendering for watering ou Main street be received up to Monday next at 7 o'clock p. m. -Carried. Moved by E. Drew, seconded by J. Bacton, that the railway fare to Rome,N. Yeand return be,paid for Mr. Thomp- son, and that he be granted. X10.00 to cdefrr,y other expenses in order to procure medical ad- vice in the ease of cancer with which he is afflicted. -Carried. Mr. Morsehead addres- sed the council respecting his son, who he said was imbecile, and that hewas not able to support him and asked advice from the council in the matter. Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by E. Drew, that Messrs. Banton and Pickard enquire into the case. -Carried. Moved by J. Rauton, seconded by N. Bissett, that this council adjturn until immediately after the the Court of Rivision on the 28 inst.-Carried. M. EAORETT, Clerk. Kensall. J.n addition to the long list of sports announced for the 24th of May, in Hen. salt. there will be a dramatics entertaiu- ment also a dance at the Centennial Ho- tel, in the evening. The tickets of. which are placed at 75 cts. Lumley. 2'a the L'delor of the Times. Dear Sir, -I was greatly astonished in looking over your valuable paper ' few weeks ago, in seeing an item under the heading of Lumley, in the shape of challenge from the Lumley Quoit club, to that of Hensali. the malehto be played on the 8th of May. And near- ly paralyzed in looking over your last issue to see that the match had been posponed till the twentyfonrth of May. is the club had not the blightest ilea that such a challenge was going to be issued. But as it was sent by one who was Dot antlhorizod to do so by the club, we hope that the Hensel! club will not be disappointed if we fail to toe the mark ou the abosementioned date. .Expecting this will be seen by some of the Hansell players so as ,they need not spend their spare moments in praotisieg to defeat a club who had to intention of playing. --I retrial!) yours truly A 11iammR OF THE LuuL>er Oxon. Di:itlltACIIFUL -A party was peen angling in the river, ou Sundaylast, if it had been an Indian he might have been excused, but being a civilized white •man he should hays more re- spect for the Lord's day. .•, -- _ A Letter From The Notre -West, Zer the i'dzto.rof the 7,'.rcte;,• 2iniee.. DS Alt Siit,drop a few linea to Soli as 1 boo; you put my ' last letter in your paper. It offended some of the people ou the big p111ins. They may be •ol. feuded, but what I said in retread to wutet''i am still prepared to hold feast, to. Winter is nearly gone. Tbo, snow is going': fast,. and it won't be thereby aye before the seed will be sown, for ST. A.1It3.S� TWENTY MILES FROM EXETER ---1Q FROM WOOD}IAt.1 c KIBET0;3 Cutting Go ds at Close Pr Every Farmer in the Country ought t0 buy his goods now, and (Des u r '' hero 'You Can 131617 the Cheapest. PRICES FOR THIS MONTH. STRONG TWEED -32o.: and 45o. per yard upward. COTTON SI3IRTfNGS-Bost `value in the ruo,rb,et, 121o., 15o. and 16c. TOWELLIt GS, uo. per -yard up. DRESS GOODS -Special Lines, 10o, 12:Fo,,15o, and 25o, BLICK CASHMERES -Best Colors -Cheap, See our wits of Clothes to Order l:?,00, 610.00 -STRONG -CAN'T 'TEAR TIE GOODS. Beady -Made Clothing. LARGE- STOCK -WELL MADE -MEN & BOY'S. MILLINERY -Grand Show this Season. TERMS CASH -ONE PRIe3E. G-eo. Y. Eaton & Co,, St. Marys. they sow as soon sad the frost is out of the ground cheep ouougll to allow - yS O , the seed to be covered. This has been a long winter up here. but we are like. ly to have a splendid summer. It is 0 pity so many came up so early, for it is very expensive travelling in the win- ter, for those whd keep stopping place on the trail don't know how much to charge for a night's lodgings, and yon must find your own buffaloes and pay for the liberty of lying on them. It would be a fine thing if some of the smart men in Iinron who have kept hotel would come out and start boari. ing houses iu some places on the trail. But when the iron horse makes his appearance, the expellees will be cur- tailed to a ereat .extent. We will soon have the first hundred miles of the rail- road this side of Red River -the rails, flea, and other Material are on hand. And that will help us in the N. W. T. I think 1t will not be long till we have the eeeoud hundred miles and then we will be all right. Feed for cattle is very scarce here this spring. The fire buret slot of feed last fall and the long winter has used the rest all up. The spring birds are here. The ducks and wild geese have come too ; bar they are not plentiful yet. There wi,1 be m re of there soon. Provisions are dear. Flour is five dollars per hundred ; bac. on, 17 cents per pound ; beef, 12 to 14 Dents per pound ; venison, 10 Center per pound ;' wheat, $1.80 ; oats, $1.00 ; barley, 1.25 per bushel- Haidware is also very high. Stovepipes at Rapid City are 40 omits per length ; nails, 10 cents upwards. Iron must have raised very fast in Outario, for it has taken a great julep here. This year there willbe a lot of grain sown, so that it will be more plentiful next year if it does well I adult the chances are that we will fare well. Rapid City is iu the nicest place in the west, There are about 70 dwellings, 6 etores,2black. smith shops, post o.flce,hardware store, saw mill, grist mill. and school house. It is a business place and .there is room for more. I saw a piece in the Huron Expositor on the question of the North, west and the railroads. Tho gentleman whoever the may be that wrote it, has wither forgetter to sign his name er was ashamed to. tr He thinks there is but little use of a railroad up here, lielI also says that there won't be anything.. for it to do for years to some. Elis heart is very email, We doawant the reed, and the sooner the better for us and the intrnigranta who are (souring in, If the government IS 11(11 gab10 to build it now, I don't think they will be tans better in Tears to envie. We think that Ontario is brit doing her duty in helping us, and pushing the road, for most of n9, if note all, have; h,aid' our sten 0 of building the roads in Ontariu and paying' for them, 'Yours truly, 13. Lurie, tory, April 18, 1880. North. West Tur A1727.)XAR ES Having purcl,usod the Boot and Shol trade of NIT,11.. Trutt, we eau now offer to the Public ane of the Best and. Cheapest Stocks of ready made work over offered in Exeter. would also remind those in want of first ass, home-made Boots and Shoes, sowed land nagged:„ that we cats supply thorn with what will Ova sat- isfaetiou. itepairing lona at 'lowest rates and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and sae for youre elve s. emu' forgot the place-iiactetb's Block. C. EAORETT, j R. ABRAHAM. Exeter, February 10, 1880. eau. Huron Presbytery. Tho Huron Presbytery met here on Tuesday; in Willis church, and was constituted key the Moderator, Mr. fitieveright. A very interesting discussion took. place upon the best nrEans of eucourg- ing religious parental nratructionl, and how to interest the. young in the work of the church. • The Rodgerville eongregati:on made appliceti•in to the Presbytery to be separated from the Exeter eangregatiou and to Have the Rev. Mr. Hartley -(af present minister. for both congregations) as their minister. It was lard over tilt next meeting of the Presbytery, when. all parties Concerned are to appear on behalf of their ioterost. The Rev. Mr. Cameron was granted four months leave of absence, en ac. count of sickness. It ivas agreed to have his pulpit supplied by members of the Presbytery. A deputation eomp.osed of foul min- isters rind four elders way appniiited to visit the congregations of Bayfield and Bethany, and report at next meet'»g. The next meeting of the Presbytery is to be held at Brucefield, on the sec - and 'Tuesday of Jnly,at 1C a. m.--Sea- f orta ,Sun. The Mitchell Recorder says the ,'.leas forte: ivilltinen adulterate the hulk they vend, end the.bxpositor says the Pe - corder man is another. Mr, Zirtlmerternu, of Zwich, h.ac'1 a eow killed by ligbtniug during a re- , cent storm,. • Mr. Time. :M1tiller, of now of Dakota, had his new house and hie destroyed destroyed by fire. Hard on the settlers. HAMA ffl COURTNEY. The retie took place rl1 Worthington' yestetala,y, Itanlen weer, Courtney gatitting 0n the fourth n,1i.o.