HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-20, Page 71 'oar 180
ti•.,.., ._ n --,+..»w.:..... k 4lft**41rn`.M4,+iFu,'P!"
When is the tenet prefil able Imre to
"tell a steer, at twn of four mouths 1)1(1?
AH tui animal from two to four) years of
'Aky's pains less in 'proportion to the
.attilttut of And costenuted t'ltitn one lip
1.o two years, and if it'veti ba, grit into
'neer at two :sous it will ti ee a umult
larger profit than if kept y
The t,argttr rift's iar.iannlF r;roree the '"fhey are, (+1t1 Wet'!., l(at'em play!.
'snore waate tIte't'ia ii1 int > t:sitting runt- Win.'n I stat n y hands on $20 of Fatty
tltal !ifs, so tiiltt't xtrrw? food has. to he money' 1:'11 march dnau'town and play
`*applied on this Klemm t,rrbetlssitrii'at-
-log powers of a) (itln, ettinnel are gretat-
'er than these ()f em nil one. It +\til
vttrit,l)1ybe found that Ale way to
lnoeee rel strip;; •rioting and beef -pro. 1I,1:OISTl✓'RING WG:AIEN VOTERS
'distrix ty iv tete animals its IN BOSTON.
`fast rl6 possible to eibrly austerity, and
it is the c»)ly 'xtta'ible rl'n°y't11•ti"v tlto We are iodehted to a -"staff tol"t'e•
1•ultls in the Middle and F,:rstern Steles poudeut' 'far the ftttlowiog anecdote
.,Cosi he araa,at iut,a a hit, -h stlato of eat. "contenting °'tlte r('t etlt 'r:•egistraton ler
'female voters its Boston. 'Its aeenr'acy
is vouched Ter by an eminent arta.st.
eine of the most distinguished Stone -
'cutters of elm nab.
I'+ utar old lady of a aorta/it •t;g'e.
wish to register Fir,'
"flair wttt:'e please?'
4.Atmirw4true Shapers.'
`lyoer Cage?'
''Beg pardon,'
"Yost tagt
'Do I nuderetanil'Witt <I '+roust give.
my Jiggle
'Yes, miss, the lt.w Teo -area it.'
' VY Wolds, eir,•wcit d not tempt the to,
drive iii 'Not that. Flare, Ne; I had
as deaf wee b-r(t 'OE illy bonnet, as a hack-
aatanoes't a ar'ut;:tber•.; but I'm a twin,
nand if my tenter has la we l(uesa, it is
that-sheldielikes r.lry'refereiroe made to
her age; trust I could not give my own
meausetl don't wish to Offend her'
e, shucks of eadeees crossing his face.
"Yes, in vont' mind,'
.Note, tate 'game i+ to ivake that $15
E,ret fifteen illlf:rent "articles instead of
onto. You o Auld bny me the() white
shitt'.s, fiVO 0011A Pi, a pair of,socke, a
llunket'cliief; and a new pi ,e, mlik-
iug eleven ev teles, ')'"r)tfl' bonnet 'Mould
be twolvo, eted.the other three articles
child `i,o meets for the children. 'Theirs.
',shiest ))f Ioiug wives are pl+eying the
the imam of teent.y.'
'Vlutt's that (tear?'
''\VIty, I'll pay ant rtl'i I've got testi
frim yon its eltbt $5 more.'
''4ivation, The rule with a great maty
'breeders is to run tit's young cattle
'oolong \tit! straw, peer bay Reel it few
wools soinekt.ines, but oftener without
-even these. lu the sailing the a,teei's
tsl.re tett in as grate! C(atalitUOlt as ail she
/all, tltougdt tbuy have larger ft•lan eta,,
»'. wl they MOB kept, ttlutt;z till they attltin
at .certain k,;e, say two year's, they etre
-either sols! at It loran .!trioti or they are
elated on tle'tttx•n , wla c:la't'ires two o..
*':brae year...
The !lest vx p.iiinetlt in the litre, wit lr
'which we are aaatQnutritetl, was with the
-teleorrated cltee , ''Old Abe." His
a eight at iettie was 1-94 portutlt;; in .20
relays ism weighed 3e5 luurrele, having
•,igrtiueel151' potauds, or 2 72 pounds per
.day. Dearing this time .ac tired the
of his imiAll:aer, and after be was
'.ten hays old rte had one quart of Meal
stud cadre, the tuotIier tutoring all the,
meal she would sat", of vri cda lite got.
"the benefit i)3 the hatter •eirt tile: -milk..
At six .rtiontfi3" he weieli'eai 670 penults.,
•having gained 285 .psennis, or •4022
''(000(15ter day. Dur lug :tire secoind.
period tee kol twe(tau•te'of •mesel 'Ter!
eilatyt4 At -one year of elle rise voiithed
?1,03ts L.lrarrdx, dlnvi.�g getiIIed •the tec-
a 'tall six reentleeelt.66 .pouside, 2.44 • pet
...day, At 16 in tstint the aw lsedele.35t4.
pounds, genies! the Baird ai z morphs'
•78181portode, ex+! ;pounds tier cosy '
At two years aid doe weighed 1.;611
epc.'Voile, ley iug {zaailt.sd the fourth six •
•,7nonshe.s.0:? Rsoc.ues, or tl."12 pounds
'per eley. At two:tutd n half year's of
',age be weighed :.'i830 t;l.otaude, ;u�ts_Ca
214 povtnds, ,ta! 4..18 pouted pee slay.
At Gloucs •yefbie oil ire. 'wig/led 2070
pound:a, ,VrtirldtLg 'S4t) T11111Kl8 or 1.83
.pounds 3rseedey. At three end tb half
years 'he weighed 3270 pounds, gaining
•"?00.p(it',rrsh or 1.1.1. peut,e,s per dear.
-�'tt inner ;Tetras cid he weighed 2360
'�atoct.ats`aa,, a�t'the end of four years stud
attar mouths be «eighea 2530 poands,
.Jbsw.neg gslieer! in the !;tat ,.,ten months
e,r 300 dety s 260 pounds, only
tonucia wars• thee he .gained• in the
i !ret r9,t3 eitt e.
t. ret rtilust riot be forgotten that as the
a tagetinorelseed, the feed was also in
.creased, e e.as at two and It half years
1,e •tv:cs fE"€l si lit (laaa•rta of meal daily,
with gond roots al,d tray in winter and
errade "lit Hemmer.. This steer could
• lave been soled at a profit at two years
euld. Fara 0,45 year old t0 three year's
'eons it took 'taro years to double its
wri^dlt, w.h_e the fits( year it gained
:-02 pours(18, and consumed during that
,tithe by far the hest amount of food.
The ecateeny and profit in feeding is
lberef(tr•e to crowd all that is po.•sible
into the first two years, in place of
oeei ag on how little en animal 'can ge,.
aa'lui' R, An important consideration al-
fa 11, Ili the feet that the manure will be
worth throe times is nwoll from an
5.01()11 well fed AS from 00e run along
On swailellay and straw.
bee -
'What tae 11au1 puzzle of 'fifteen' they
eve talking ebony? i1 1(e(1 Mrs, Melrose,
it'. her 1,n,baatd dropped into her easy
the Ill
.'r r J eteveniug.
'4Ve11,1'1J exptlain the principle of it
he replied. 'tinptin8u L10(V, you :telt rill)
for $15 to buy n, new bonnet.'
'Yes, that would bny ac,er'1;1:•I:t'leua•
I gave yon the money.'
+06, yes! very to you 1101 Tel
lilt(+ t0 eve myself get 15 est of you
:for aq' soh thin',;. You'd have )theet
a thousand eeenses beep tue wailing as
r riots1) arra ihs � .eiv.>,Ine about. $7 to
buy e le.nnet a'1 (1 1 Inn or nolo!•' ,.
'As 1. wars siyiug,.I liive,yeit the ill5,'
"1 ;TIM. i
a livid ,oirole noder tiro eye, i.id) air
lotion or contr•totiou of the pupil alid
va(raut axpre' ainn, disserheil sleep,
grinding of the teeth, picking the i1(ise,
tt dr;' cough, slow fever or con+errs toils.
It requires no e(uaxiug to heels the
sufferer to eat Aberllei hy'a WQ1111
otau(1y. Pan 25 °eater;
11t1'i MA's W i la! t# eery.
'One of the •most thorougl;t* reliable
medicines now in use4y the Catlrb(llau
public is Wilson's Compound Syrup t:f
)Wild Cherry The suetess which itt-
ten;ls lie 'vaseH of fiOlile, Coughs,
Bronchi: ea 4„)toup, Whooping C.uelt,
,Does of voice•aucl l'trertk uup e, is tnost
"Originally prepared 4o meet the de•
mond for a good medloine of the 'dud,
in the retail .store of site proprietors,
' •its sale -increased so vapidly and be.
came •fro (tie that the tna,nnfracturer
felt+it watsc)nly:necessabry toiittroduoe it
throsat'h the ilewspa\Ears of the country,
to enertre'3ts adoption as the national
`dttre°'fur elitte'a)3es ' t the respiratory or.
grins. Every leadirigelrnggist in West-
ern Ontarie
est•tarn'Ontari•.i now sells it.
Be wise in time; get a bottle and
hat-ve•it on fiend when required.
large bottles are thecheapest.
Fee ern LAMS c+NLY.-There i,
r 'e, )tr
scarcely a li ,nHG'ht.ld in the cont d
where economy is not Itindied, end tt.
all shalt there are odds and ends' 0
silk, wooleus and cottons that may b
utilised and made to, do duty seaso'
after season by re -(dyeing. The pro
cess is simplicity itself; needing only
dish of toiltug. water and a patl(age of
dye of the desired colour. They art
put .tp in 1.5 cent packages in all col-
ours. For salt! by Dr'ngi:'its and d'ai
ere. Tale only Mrs. Freeman's Nee
Domestic Dyes.
GENTLEMEN :—I desire to express
my appreciation (af tae National Pill. I
suffered for several years will, Di.pep.
sia t\ithont permanent relief until tt
friend mentioned your Pilin. I took
•?R,:1+1A'>l' :ulll;A.i1I1�,Ii, one box according to directions, am
well, and weigh .5 lbs. more than be•
An imn et'ee Ftea'crsr`tino 'Sahara," fore taking them.
is now being tbrilt or the Clyde, from MRS. ROBERT OXTOBY.
wllin1s wonderful r,et�tttts are expected
sotfatr•as speed is �aoatcerned. She is
intended to snake the passage from
slatttari>e to 'the Tipper States in six days.
tel new ga'aFsetlger vessel, wllloh will test11TY0u1111 should enclose a postal card
Vroomanton, Ont., Oct. 15th, 1879.
Testimonials are sent to us unsoliui-
tcd from all parts ot'the couutry. Any
person consulting a person giving a Black Lustres for 12 cps.
I'TAKE tilis'opportnnity of thankiig tny, numerous customers for past favors, end wisibtu
notify them.aud the publio generally this
I'have Purohasud IVIr,D•. .Johns' stook of
and have moved my own stook into the building .lately melded by Mr. Johns, in the Port
OOiee Block, where 1 now have one of the largest. and best tussenled stooks in the county.
Crooking, Prior and other Stoves
Also a la.gevariety of Tinware, Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, CoalOiland Cutlery.
' astiirtatc s given for Eavetroughieg, Carriage Plating a elpeoialir,y. Depend ripen it
will Eire you good value for your money.
The very highest price iu Cassel paid for Hides and Sheep skins,,
Remember the place—the Exeter Tin arca Stove Depot, Post Office Biock, Main Street,
Exeter, January 20, 1880.
and don't miss tha rehouse.
Just Reoeived-
3rd Let o. those Cheap Mink Setts,
3rd Lot of Robes, Hudsou Bey prices,
Dress Goods and Winceys—dart cheap,
Blaukete and Etuffes at job prises,
(Guy, S(•atett and Fancy Flaune s—mill prices.,
For varlets• and Latest Styles, don't fail to see
• our MILL1i3E1tY.
Cloths road Tweeds, never better seleeted, end
the best nutter hi the county.
The UNIVERSAL SUSPENDER. For assortlnentand pace unequalled.
SOME REASONS why these Suspenders BOOTS AND SHOES •
are better than others :-- Bought before the big advance, and our customers
1st,—No Eleatic required. get the advantage not only of selecting from the
2nd.—Is Slack when stooping. largest Stuck in town, but
3rd.—It never slips orf the Shoulders. AT OLD 1'1tlCEs.
4th.—Sold at pricea of common suspenders. Our object is to buy and sell at Bottom Prices,
Try a Pair and Secure Comfort. anti by the way people are Socking around wa
Manufactured by C. E. 1tAMAGE, think we are doing it.
282 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. COME AND SEE,
(meed in datttenstoUs the ''Arizon" and for reply.
tale "Orient," 'Wilt be•of t10 less than
1T,�tltttd tons 1;urden, and will be fitted
with esay ibis of 10,000 efft'oteve horse
Power. From these figures it will be
men (Plat no ocean going steam vessel
!Let pveeent afloat hill be able to corn
1pete !sits! "Sahara." Site will have five
(',colts, or'e of whish will be devoted to
the purpose of a 'promenade, and will
he capable of a,iuomodating 450 first-
ci,tsupassengers,and 600 between deeps.
Her crew will consist of 200 ,nen. The
hull and engines of the "Sahara" will
Ibe costrnoted entirely of steel, and will
embody all the latest improvements.
Important to Conmrnptives
A gentleman having born so fortunate as to.
care his sou ofConsurnptiott in its worst stages,
after being given up to the by the host cele-
brated physicians, desires to make known the
cute (which proves suocessftl in every case)
to those afflicted with Astirnra, Bronchitis,
Coughs, Colds, Consumption. and the Affec-
tions of the Throat and Lungs, add will send
the Beeipe, free of charge to all who desire it,
if they will forward their address to DANIEL
ADEE, 34 Liberty St., New York. 8m.
An old physician, retired from practice,hav-
ing had placed in his hands by an East In-
dia missionary the formula of a simple vege-
table remedy for the speedy and pormanen-
cure for Consumption, bronchitis, Cattarh, Ast
theta, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also
a positive and radical euro for Nervous De-
bility and all Nervous Complaints, after hav-
ing tested its wondeiful curative powers in
thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make
it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by -
this motive mud 0 desire to relieve human suf-
fering,.I will rend free of charge to all who de-
sire it, this recipe, in German, I'b•ench, or Eng-
(1.h,w•ith full dire'otinua for preparing and us-
ing. Sent by nail by addressing -with stamp,
0)00108 this paper, W. W. Sinntan, 113 Penvers
Block, Rochester, N. Y.
No other medicine in the worl(1 was ever
given snob a toot of its sanativ(. qualities AS
i3oscztut.'s In11000 years two
millions four hundred tli 01110(1 smolt bottles
of this medicine were distributed fi'r'e ofchartge
by druggists in this country to those afiieted
with Consumption, AoMuua, Croup, severe
Coughs. Pnenutnm:ia, aril other di.eases of
the throat and lung:,, giving. the American
people undeniable proof that Gtin:\reN Sxuvr
will mire theta. The has been that
druggists in every town and village in the Ca -
mules and United States are recommending it.
their customers, Go to your druggist and
ask \mit they know about, it. Sample bottles,
10 rents, Regular sine, 75 cents. 'Tire,) closes
will relieve arty 01)30.
Withal the little ones are srfforing:.
1n10 worm 0 there wqustielly be one
or more ofthe .folloeitee symptoms
ll,atl itteitth, pisses, sallow, or lortden.
esr11101(iXio11, with 0001810rtial fin 1411111g,,
•wollela u►)laet iI(3, uu1taro.Cd nestle 6, it
$G } c $nf•> per day at home. 5a++�pleTV worth
aVd u u1Gl asfree, Address, Stinson & Co
t'ortld, an Maine.
The new French Medicine cures Sperma,tornc�en
IMPOTENCE, and all nervous cdnp. taints re -
suiting inLoss of Memory. serious impediments to
marriage, great depression, etc. 7Se per box.. .1
for $2. Sold by druggists everywhere Whole-
sale—LYMAN Blit.s. CO., Toronto. Sent by
mail, securely sealed, on receipt of price. Address
Imperial Medicine Ageyes, t3osadOP 0 -Toronto
J=LE N SAL _i -t
Having commencad business for the
Fa!! andWinterTrade
We are prepared to purchase any quantity of
Pork, subject to the following regal:Wens
We whitely) off two pounds per hundre(1 if
dry, and throe pound If soft. Shoulder stuck,
twenty-five cants. If auy of the bung gut is
left in, 25 cents extra will be deducted,.
No por will be bought at an price it
—AND ---
Pork Cuttings
on hand at reasonable rates.
We want all Bogs Cutting aright through
hreast to head, and Hams opened outtotail.
Tee (lraa(11itliseTRAne
ltowoklynn Saar! 4e j,t
r tn,t("1 afor 0ato1•
nal Woakuas'',
Sliiirtn)tto0011 ea,.
flit �p .Iutlrotenay,rttu£nil
.Dt,uadea tlatf(ri-
a i ,• lowess a:atlt]rtense
of self abuse, ast
Ltd sn
vv... , f 1 y
l"1a a < . >
loss s
f till TTitiv,'i,' al Lasaf• Aftei Tout t3',
Before laturlr,lnrn in tine � s
n ll7�'
to 11a e14Alt
13ac1r,1)itnnoss of vt4ian, Yr6niiatu age,
lotto other 1Yia)oase:a that lend to'1naaufty or
Cnn.,uutpdon and (1011", I'rllllla) 1100 Allyn. r "'Full
pttMI01;1tat11 in our pamphlet, which \vie desire to
:curt trwu hv mail t.' 7e e y one,r +ytta Spcicaftc
IM—loin° is sold by all ,Ir ill Ost0 at x1 per pacltage
n alt 'see egos for t or Nr 111 be sent by mall om
000011,1 bfthonum ee bynd:lretuiug
ti lt.\'Y At H. f )1
'1'Oti WPO, r)1Tr:rel,\NADA,
y < 50'b1 in resetnrby all druggists, and °yeIT.
s as 'tt .1101)('111 ),err the Wilted States'ly whole,
1 ^e tail Iruvair'ts.
it . 1`1.,a t .tn,n)d of ower business have nodes-
, c .n , r);; t'1 Trsrtuttto, (q Whish plaao
1,l...1.) s.esir,os , 11 tutoru aaaalrnaniawtou4,
Black Lustros for 20
Blaok Lustres for 25
Black Lustres for 30
Black Lustres for 35
Black Lusmres for 3?
Black Lustres for 45
Black Lustres for 50
Black Lustres for 65
Bla^k Cashmeres for 30 cts,
Black Cashmeres for 45
Black Cashmeres for 55
B1 act. Cashmeres' for 65
Black Cashmeres for 75
Black Cashmeres for 90
Black Cashmeres for $1.13
Black Crape Cloth for 45 cts.
Black Crape Cloth for 75 els.
For anything in Black or any other Goods, try
E€torett's Block, Exeter.
Having triumphed at the polls.
s prepared to give all his customers toe her is'that will ted stock of clue from its adoption, and itnad.o
Dry Goods) C-roceries, Wines ana
Liquors, Crockery, Etc.;
At his Store, Main ' Street, Exeter, which will be sold
which will besold at prices unheard of un der Free Trade,
The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad-
vantage to sell their produce without paying market
fees, on the Exeter market,which is second
to none in the west, and then
call at the store of the subscriber and
, here to be had iu Overcoatir'g, Full -cloths, Broad -cloth
Doe skirls, Silks, 4Vinceys, Del•lines, and everything
warted in the Dry G-ooc.s line. The Grocery
r 7�
Departmenteery Lomplote. Aa inspection invited
Tei() fll'chlll)1(1 t() show ,(foods
THIS IS N<'.0 . aOM13ATQ
a n
Truth Concerns More Than Counterfeit,
Therofnro,read,unveil aee, stud enjoy its bargains, When sayimanufacturomy own ferratum I
noprepared with myprool•,•licet.thatthe people can inspect Many time by calling at my d'art..
rooms 3,'11(5'e they will see a superb dis play of
Furniture in All Its Branches
invert •nverlfwnt1 nay commnert arttstkis1 i11,wit's good'wecnrnaa.na'hip, (tial tare, Gini
',satisfying the people wits .t nl,asti nt L'u. nttnre that oa,nttot ire u'1uallod leer ({u.ttity or utter: iu,
Ecoter,;tll blowing to tiro aontrary,uotwithstantling,
Nearlyopposite I(.ewp's Tobacco Storc,Maitt Street, Zsefer...