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The Exeter Times, 1880-5-20, Page 6
r ir North 1klitldlesex. A boy natned' lIatnilton waft drown'• ed in a drain not far from Slarnia',. while out baking for a calx,. IIs tress la years of age but subjected to fete, whieh were frequent tend severe: If Abet Ailsa Ciotti;; Silly() deserve% half the praise given to it, it must ba a' wonderful remedy for running Sores of ;all kind. The Dev. A.11(t•lson says it lever fails, if used aoatrding to tri rections. He replies to all enquiries if send a stamp, and addressed at Ailsa Craig, Out. We have heard of a hen this season which Laid 4OE eggs and slot Olt them all, bringing out 2'l chicks.. Ailsa Craig, ort rinrlly Crary, lets its preseut name frein the fact tel:at there was another Craigs with a pont office in the country and as a OR eflioul un• der that name coup not be obtained, the few inhabitants then at Orates, asked and get a poet o11iys with: the prefix of Ailsa. ..moo.,: LEARN A TRADE. I never look as ley oldsteel (tempos Iug rule, aaya a priimineut writer, that I do not bleesnee Reif that while my strength lasts lam not at the mercy of the wurld. If tray pen is not wanted, 1 can go bade to the type case and' be sere to find work, for I learned the printer's trade ttio)'oughty—newspaper work, job work, bcvik work and pres'i work. 1I am glad' to have a gond trade. It is a ruck upon which the posses or can stand firstly. There is Health auul. vigor for both mind and body in an Honest trndo. It is the strongest anti sorest part of a self-made men. G, from the aottdumy to the• printing office, or a farm—for t'1 be sure,.good farming ie a trade, and a grand oue at that. Lay thus a, sure fouutl.atIDa, seed after that branch off iuto whatever profession you please. You have hoard, perhaps, of the clerk who had faithfully served Ste- phen Girard front b:)vhood to man. flood. On the 2Iet anniversary of his birthday he went to his limiter and tote htln his time was up, and he cer- tainly expected prom''tien in the mer chant's service. Rut Stephen Girard l+ fid to hien : "Very well ; now ge and learn n trade." "What treele, sir ?" "Geed b'tl•rele ited bar to rnngt he in demand while you live. Ge and (tart' the cooper's trade, an(1 when von hay - made a perfect Barr"I bring it to me." The young mein went away, and in tense brought his old mnister a splendid barrel of his oche MA ICC. "Now, sir, I want `'on in my cr'nnt- iuzrnom ; but henceforth yen will net he dependent upnn the wlti'n of Atte plum Girard. Let what will name, yon have a good trade in reserve.' The young man saw th ewiedom and understood. Years age, when the middle -erred ai to (lav were boys, $'race Greeley wrote : It is a groat source of erns'alatiou to ns that, when the public shell Lc tired of us as editor, we can treks u .attisfaetory livcl:hood fi t.ting type or farming; rlo that,• while nnr strr'ngli leats, 10,000 blockheads, taking (dente et punto article they do not under - geed, could not drive as into the poor- house." 1111NH;G AN HONEST L.'ENNx. "04t1 Dilly Gray" used to cin a bit! temp of the foreign ntereantile bu.4i nose of Basten. Oise d.ty a new sales mean Rus employed by 1•Ir. Gray's fi•rrn. Re had hoard t.iu:;h of Mr. Gray's wealth, and was every day expeeti'nu to see it sleek u1'l gentleman dressed in the finest of ololhhos, with gold watch, chitin, jewelry. RC1. This new sales. matt bought a turkey nue rnornirlg and was looking around for some one to carry it home for him. A pinkly d'res- se3 taan asked him how mnnh he wntrld give him to cam' tire turkey. "Nine - pence.". Tho bargain was struck and the two walked down towards State street side by side.. the elder e'arrying the turkey by its legs in one Band. Whet( the young r'oan's home way reached the Larrey was duly delivered and the nines genes pai'l as agreed, whereupon, the elder returned: thanks to rhe oilier, attended with the. ►'aq:test Urea whenever he whited to per r.itttilx;ttoe for the ottriy'iug of a turkey «tete 4i;ucits on. tree>.wty Ito tvtLM ter tD t cell'.tvrl tr1d"I'ltlty Grey and le ttmtf•!t heeled f,f ,c yob l' )y ,vniett lie *mad teaks tai rite, a +c0 iia' rhsill'r 7.k AMdA+ew.'++maw+R..J44.&„yq. nrunw.. 041.1 OMAN'S NERVI lei_ chiliendelettty turned hack hurl 1. said to his pnisuerl "Pteese,• sir, give •O1II1I110a A. hill lady with a s,ttnruiile• enntl- tatiauoe came into the Chronicle office. t') -day frac! demanded �of one ot" the re, porters if Vi•ginha (dor d a good field for n cerins of to duz'i'u lecttnres on Wo- man Suffrage, "I d„n'b think the Ootnstnokere haste tboueht much about fernele suffrage,'> the a dime to buy (lut.'tllulg to ear.. I Anti tesla to get e hrskey, i'ud"ed 1, (IMO; luaysu't had anything to eat feel t.Yr1 days." "0reul k°utt1" exe'leinied the rootlets], 1spncltttiug hie s'ung•sit't nide profound disease, "to think herr' I've been piping , it a piper fur over a nails:" And he wanted elf, curling tele 'uterine Inuk to blazers replied the 1`tt1lortllr frapltty. " Deit't say female," bald the tall lady sharply. "'Why net ?" asked the reporter, In innncnut surprise. "131•oause, sir, a term that is used to describe the sex in animals should not be a 'plied to \Vomlui." !'the reporter admitted, in great lin. nliliatiou, this the point lytta welt taken, and !'!eked np in alarm at the severe 0.01utenitnee of the ledy, who was a Bend taller than 11Hlr(el1, end manifestly Rule to thresh him in the i'•tereet of Pr'g*rens if an ' disposed. The stern o'uultenence anftened some what at Arose sighs of confused in. teriority, and the lad sontintid : "The cause of woman is the dense t:f Mutuality. The cause of 1•inlnanity t'lh>blaces all presre'+s. Wiry, tip is should the peeple•of Virginia lee indif- ferent to w'tn iu ?" "They a+e not," Cried the smell` 1'e• porter, hastily. ".par 1'r nn it.. \'V mail i -t the burls to this u.t01'. Everv• ;lung she wants she gets, tt,,d not one in a hundred has to do a liana of hard work." "Mere toys,".said the Till oue, with deep eentee. "Playtllitigs for an idl. ooer. Yoe wnnld cover women wit h -iiks andemir(14 and sine: her soul to Iusignifivance by srreninscribiutr her .pllere and allowing her uo tutssiotl ie rife.' "\\re11," admitted the smart reporter, "tiirtt's about the way we look )Lt it up here, that's a fact. Women havn't got the nerve to rustle fur theuteelves like men." "Neer-r-ve 1" Slie uttered tris word in ;t terrific torte—so terrific that the small reporter half rose from his chair. Nerve 1 What is there requiting nerve that you du that 1 atn incapable of ?.r "'So offense, roil!:am,no offense. I m'Rnt nothing persoual, I cell assure yo ti," "Am I not stronger than yon ?" she detnluttted, scorning an apology. Am 1 lot gifted with as great a brin 1 \Vl1y do you despise my sex ? We min bear 'more pa11iralid are Wel afore your sup- e1•ilrs ill cow age." The sinidi r.•p''rter w,ts t szin'z fixedly :d a dark corner dale room, and tua•ii do nuelyer. 'Norvo, Indeed 1" °millen'l 1he till lady, "'why, woman have infintiele .acre Lem) then men. Oily yeeterd:ty I saw a woman— "'1'h t'e the biggest rat I eve • saw it. he (Alice," said the 141).1811 reporter, staring intently at the data °(,rifer 01 the teem.. , The scream -that rent the sir brought in all the printers and several. , i',i'zt.n_ from the strex t. When they arrived Lite tail elle Was standing on a (shah .Aril 0116 11a0(1 C )vel iu:t her eyes tied :he (]trier convulsively clutc'hi11t,v at tier ,karts as she gathered tlteul °Luce around: her. The small reporter wisely took ,td= vent'go of the crowd to slip nut,. and he telegraphed hem Gold Hill that he twits going dowel to Carson to work up a big Ltelli•, .E AND oT.ii:E1 WISE... The young man who want's to gilt up with the snu mast not sit up too late with the (:iughter. That is all intelligent Chairman of the Poultry Connuittoe who cteeided that ruoetors were rusty wheat they corrode. -'The court orders you to ennolual'e," said the Judge to a tedious lawyer. '•V(1ry well, your Honor;: then I cun- chicla that the court shall listen to me." An uld widower stays, when yon pop • the q;='esti+>u to tt Italy, do it with it kind. of a• laugh, eeif yon were joking, If she accepts you very good;. if she d'oee riot, you you can stay you were nuly itt funs Sime one,. who knows 841 about it, says Utiles "to ride a Veioeiliede alrccear- fnl'ly to young man should see that his hair is parted, in the n,icktle having. no MOM on one side thou the other, in the Ivey of b'4lauce. There is nothing like presence of miutl: after all. One ditrlt,'rainy night, old I,)t•. 1) )tts, who lives an Vet) Nees avenue, San reancisco, ,was trudging ttomewasri when he discovered that he I was being dogged hy a burly rufthoi,l evidently- intent on robbery. 'they were in tr, Wet, part of the to'vn, awl the man wa i just at his )leers+, when the D Jet it, but tottt,.g lap It'i:t curl nista AMRRIclS 'CRAI/ LLIN( ABROAD' will find alt tit ler. Pu'ree's F tnily MR' tliciales 011 sale in all pl'ieeipel drug stereo and at the L.u(h>n Le ituch of tit World's .Uispoesese, Greet Iiis„n1) street buildings. Gelded lledicitt Die o'>vet:,' is 11 01(101 1)0h -tit !alts wive n, blood -cleansing elixir. It dispels ,111 humors and cures blotches, pimples, eraptittos, King's evil, or ser.,ftit>t,` t u' itrlled gLu11: , swetItiit s,. int ere sore cess; ulcers. olid vi' nh'nt blood pniomns t hat, ottretnove i, rot nut tete 'dual 10(1• etnfitery. De. Prerue's Pellets (little sugar-coated pith) are an agreeable a•.d !nest ohne:augr ottthei lie ; remove 01- f tisive' frit(! acrid nocentilltalinos, 11iere• t». prrveleiug fevers It1,d enelr• daff01 11111ix, f \Ades Dispute -pry trJe'llieill Association, pr(tptitltors, 13uff,110 al,tl LooLl.>u.. Be>ive 100, herb Pt b., 1880. Messrs. T. Milburn & t10 (.1.):44T1.t+51es,—!'tie faces es to the iii• fent effew of lnw Oil in a erase of Orono are las fellows: --My 111110 grand • daughter was genuine; worse vt'rl rapidly will) (hoop, tu>d teas givin; 119 t11l}inn11s croak so dreadful to li None of the !'rtli>.8:y temesies Set lee'; to lit Ip her but nn n1y sou netting if 1 batt tried 'Yellow Oil, I did so at once, adnliui.t''iiug a few drops 011 sngar. anti rubbing it pretty plentifully ot• her chest and throat. The effect ten \vt.ntlerful. In a fen' minutes she thte.' off the 011100(15, breathed freely, and it half au hour was playing end laugh fug, I ant, I;1^St.efnily yc nrp, SIR ATI U Liu t.wliiLIi. BI•::vs:vs or Outirr.^•,iton rn Tito tti•;h reputation gaina,l byii.tiy.na's Pao - 10111), 11.11.14111 fol The care of (loturl1s, (lad , furl all 41,00553 of the `Coro tt and Lungs ha-. ;deo! rice to st'111'i0115 (11111 atid's. '.(lis: g•'ou• lilts Peeroit17, BALSAM has the name of ill yard btosn in tin) bot.e W0004 le of tet large sis.' (1)11 soils at :115 atv. We thunk i' pi opt, to: yarn Iht' uustt4p'ctiu; against 1i,u, '.,:'7s bearing a:liar banes, or remedies uu'ru,t AS sl. 1l1L."t(tnte. , Look oar.+fully to t11i14 ur>u tape no taller tinea IlauL.In'e Pecroa.u,. 1311,. a1u. USE. 3u1nrp I1WSp alt '... & Zone D LSt FO.t YOUR GARDENS. It will p^.y yet. sulci by (4. RFMP. a +"�. :rte LA RINE CANAL. NOTICE TO MACHINIST CONTRACTORS TENDERS addressed to L. ,Use t,ii4crr(gued (tfins 1(S('1ndy •ofr nLuw (i1.an Lachine er.loti,' will bo reoaiv.ld at 'itis onto. uul.il toe arcs v • 1 of tae 1laa)sorn and Western ail.. oliniUlt :DAY, the lh(1 d.ty of S.U.F. next. Li- the construction of;gatas, told the nece.tsrsy mil - warp connected with then*, for the new lucks on the Lachine Canal. P1nu',• Spoeificatiuus and General Conclitions nun he soon a.tthis office on sad alterDAY, tho 20th- day of ii .Y next, where form; ut tender cam also be obtained, Pu'•ti"s waterier aro expected to provide the sreaialto'19. ecossery for, awl to have itpeaoti- c;rl.kaowledu • of; works of this class, and are re - quoted to boar in mind cart tend..;es will uotbs autasiuered 110101made Stl'Latty 1u aec.'r'h4uou with tlin'while.. forms, unci -)n the case of hunts -exeunt there i41e 1attltelted the actual s13( 11(0)9 ahs+nature of the.•ccunation au., the residence of axon. MO/1117aof the sawn; •'ud, turttlur, ,411 ttc- 1 mood ',atilt cheque ft) a suer equal to ea), fn' th«, ;,atos 11f Dane look, must ancou,pany meth ten - du ,.v:tii.111xu10 Merit ue forfeited if the party ten - dining declines (mte.iug T. Ito contract for the wells. at teeru.tos.tu.d on the berms sa..tedin toe offer•submittud, Thu cheque dui; sent 1u wil' bo returned to tite respective`>arti..s whose tnueer� tore 11nt auceptud For. the duo fulfilment of the contract too petty or Partios wuo-e toielo • it 10 l!nropusail to u4:onpt wih bo noti;lutlthat their tender is accepted suu- ieuttoe tepustt of five l,e; crab of the bulk stilt tit the' muntr:tot-of ,.'Melte tau suns hent ie WW1 Luo tend r will bo cr:1;idoett.la .,art-te be dopes - toil to 1.)1., osc:tlt u1 too lioo,iver 1,oncral wit.th1 oi:ll'd dots u(Ler the .into of too notice. riniety per cunt (,111 v of tn.o progress estimates will hept4id with the completion of t.&e •,vo1•a, 1 uta Department dads nut, however, bind itself to accept ens la west or any tna,IDr. • lay cedar; L' BRAUN', NeorFiary. Dept cf Railways and Canals, uttr4wa, 20th Mu reit, ;tea), tel G)faNA)BAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, TENDER'S FOB IllON BRIDGE 'SUP.11 t- r3TI ICJTUI1E. r 'tJ1NDleiRS addressed to the. unlet. A signed will be received up to upon FRT - DAY, tho 1r,th AIRY next, for faro:ishing 1111,1 erectingJi•on Superstructures' ovr the Photon' and Western outlets of the Lake of 'ho Woe 19. O3peci'foations and other pparticulars will be rur- lashed '>rrapplies&,u''f thoo(oe of the guile stir in Gl.iof, Ottawa, on and after Was 1811 AprL1. Ry ardor, P. BRA,VN� Dort of UU,ttlwayn and Camas,• td Ottawa; est Aut•il, 1e00. 1\i`A '2u, .7"S )r2'ris a'n : Piaiios, The Largest and Most Coml)li3te Factory iri the Dominion, 140x100 foot, highest Honors e ✓l.'1' aw;trtle.1 to any 11,1aker iu the W oral, METAL AND PTPT,tllrla AT CSNT1 "NJAr', 11(7+1. 110 ,To SYI)Ni:`i, Atrbfi)ALtA, 1877 GOLD ::M'.1`)AL, At' b'1))Vfl tt)ALI 1,XI11i31+ tt'*1 '('t)lt))N't'O, la70. 1tI(itii bl' AWARD AT IND Utl'T1(IALEXL1iBIT.f.O 1, TORONTO, 18711. We itro. 13('VV ]lt')utt t('t".urit.Ig Sgnare and Upright i)ittnotm., Best in the in:trl,t't. t`.•(trr(,)::l)nl)(}t,.)1(w solicited. Send for Il- lustrated Cat:ilogn:.:. Mailed free. Ad(lrons .:;. L Da 07:g Ve. eat w, . vt94,• ' iii 1,5.`.✓ O+O GYL>m' ia.6,b ,p to Lt/W 's);VI .L1;, `JNTrLF.l.() . '� •rotes., 43 03 JOHN >L ry E ?1 ii.11.1o;;) 'tot?i' mtrnitit`el,raetor,i,a1 up,nett vitt sett LTu<'tvra:](i12z (Jonas thra,a'. tient. 8`•1ifOian,. OxLOtf S and all' SOCIETY EM- I' i'ierns ft'ltlishett ut low I!rieos. r•'c;l il its LS ATTENDED ND1:1) BY MYSELF. m. 'CIi.leA''1'Td)ls 1_i( iiAN'(EEi). t th'l.'k nee tmene1'O11P ct'sfnnterf; their fav014 in (1131031,11(11 : u.,e 1,1 i:lot•tt a cuutiuu>,11ev of their patron. gain rev new staml JOHN DREW. .or eleFTWeleeleVeBeeeelie 11 fit V 'fit ,+f1��,, S 1,5 ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST REL1J L?.LE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, a©t'e Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of tale Throat,. Lungs, and Chest, including CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PL'IYSICIAN WRITES t " It does not dry up a cough, and- leave the cave behind, as is the case with most preparations, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays irri- Cation, thus removing the cause of complaint."' DO NOT BE DECEIVED' by articles: bearing a similar name. Be eureyou get DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY,,. with the signature of "I. BUTTS" on the wrapper:. 60 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle Bra - pared by SETH W. FowLn & Soxrs, Boston,. Mash. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. ir. A Protected Solution of the Protoxide Circa; Is as easily digested and assimilatedwith that blood as the simplest food. Wherr the.131co(1 does not contain the usual quantity of lion, the, deficiency can be supplied by the use of the' PERUVIAN SYRUP: It cures a "'thousand ilis" simply by TONING Ur, INVXGOEA'mn(o, and VITALIZING the system. The enriched: and vitalized blood permeates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste,searching out morbid secretio^a lthing for disease to feed upon. 1 n1s ss rue secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in caring Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, EoIES, Dropsy, Chronic IIstrrllcea, Nervous Affections, Female, Complaints, And all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or accompanied by debility, or a lose state of the system, C&ttTXON.—Be sure you get the "PE- RU N PIs-RUV1 ANSYRUP." Sold by druggists gener- ally. Pamphlets sent free to any adds as by Sprat P oWI a 1 Sows, Proprietoru, 88 Bar. rison Avenue, Boston, Masa.