HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-20, Page 5Mit 20, tS5( Fresh an Axl finds of Vegetable and Agricul direct from ( E it Melt, Street. '®1,°, E::ate. 1i'hitc '"Vhf at Scott S1L4W': GEHOCHRY 11880 t` Itt > '*ZIPS `$1 Fresh and Reliable. tura) Seeds of the very best quality, Importers, at Nevada an1:71 ft? k:Ts SPRING u etvi AR I CA`1'A1tk1II 1 ! USE.1 if+, COMPANY'S 3M lIP:A 1', fi, 1 1:, 1 1"i "� I I r .l `i R 7'llu 1 E at p H1 RI:+'e �,cltr.ti'r •.• 1 li)tu 1 17 „J„ .•a,. 1 Slam 'Nevada (101]7 eu /]d. Drained fife • . ... ... 1 10 to r to ices! Chaff " ,,. ... , 114 to 1 13 1:4trley ... ... ... ... (1 .11 tot 05 0,1 Ls .. ... ... U 31 to a en t ton e+ Sen1.......................... 'i 10 Go '1''21 Pone 1 ... ,., ... (1 0.3 ton ell L"trs .,. 0 04 toy (19 l:tttt:+T• ... (l le to 1 i$ i font ye r5,1-5. .. .., .,6 23 to fl ,n Pot/It. ,C'-, (l.•1 lag 0 11 to 0 011 A)nd s ],or bag 71 to , 75 14ioi1.l(P(1 + pc 1: 1 :In to 1 •30 clogs, dross ((1 per 1(30 S uo to 5 ,i: }tool .. 4 (5) to C. (54 Midas, wni;'h 6 110 to 7 0.1 ncosm . 1 ,, 0 nn to 7 00 S hoopsl;tn tell .•.75 to 1 13' 11 a1 pee con a no tole ((0 1 on ion per basil a 50 to 0 71 1.11•4 ... O 10 to 0 10 `l cul pc•r lb 41 1113 to (4 2)4 n•1 1 vs per lb ( 417 to 0 li7 ' e,', ., 1 rucks, ekr nail' ST.11;1(i l'r 004 to(4(4 (' •10 t�' SO I J 0 E N BACIC Pall wheat pe.rbri.4%ol 1 1, to 1 �n hayingput2)hLsr lth' stock of11lo»,rs.Th. R L. spring O'hao o ,r l 14 to 1 19 Spi .(r. alas L(nl rvo l to the ,t),to latol nu- ncio; ., ile to U f,1 1 (';,t, :h: Un 03 lbw • 7 un to S to .11,t:14, 1).'i' tos,nt.......................... .,. e o 1 0: 0 a • (utter1n to' 18 Ifidas fret 11)............... ... ... ........ 4 1) to a in :iii uses 1 !toga ................ .............. 1 7 to (i 00 lhd Lto,a 1'er bag ....• 41 to 0 5n ai' (44 shuts ., 1 (1n 50 3 (01 Wood. 3p••; cut;t ........ • 2 10 to la 75 The only poeitive c(lroter Catarrh yetdisooc'ered. FPR SALR BY C. LUTON -CENTRAL ' G STORE. LS11ITiI, General Agouti .&rkoua, 0115, MISS GARLICK'S New Ills.]: til ran, Kitts. New ('(titins and Silks;" NOW itibl (, , .Fewt'ters, Clowore. and Ornaments, cheaper Chau over before. 't 14 114 C.; '%3 06a.H. i'inniton and PninI fat (i is, 1;erifn 13VooLs,1(ot- oes, 1,:ws liras t!u 1'u1.t t is—s- ftt31 lulu in of o11 hese (foods. .C44.11 a ut nee thl,u1. MAIN S'.L'11:11.21.', - - - EXETER. sussostrimuu-sommumnimuunssmoncosourrostessisormosistaso DO NOT RII.1AD THIS qq avinc cc alit Of new tr whinery,I fl.. we=.lid infortu the fanners of the Silt - rounding country that I am prepared to mauu- 3a:tnre n11 kinds of 'Horse llakes4 .Barley rakes, (ira)r_':i; lh' f 11=turns, etC, and staving ()rnourn,( tier Berrie^•s of a first -slats 'Turner, 1 attiprn))are(1 to to ALL KINDS OP TURNIF'G on the s(io, t''st uotic•o, and for style and mita. .C;lefy c.0031 titian. Always on httn•l a tirst- elas3 stoc': of Fork and Shovt i l ntudles. 31111 � half a mile=.(((t11 of Exeter. A. CO'TTELL. DOMINION' LABORATORY. 1: C'111'11.1fEI'S IIPICOPATHIC SPECIFICS. These 'preparations aro arranged to care eve>ry'146Pase•l r'nndition uhiell it is propel for 1n14tt1 nr hr family tr, treat. Hundreds of phials ((old Monthly. ('all for List and 'Manual. I'EIITLT'S t•OMCIkiON SENSE ' Horse &Cattle Medicines The only s4iellt]iie preparation in the uzallet. �( ROOK CIISSTA-L- SPECTACLES. S. The hest and cheapest in the market= -scien- tifically fitted.. WELLS & RICIt.inllao\'e PP.noECTBD utter Color 111 Ctrllt» Wtl1'tllleieritatedto give a rich dan- delion color to 50 lbs. butter. Zile. worth is sufdoient kr 304) lbs, Sign of the Golden 111c,rtar, 1 xete4. AUCTION SALE Hotel Property �r3 E.AZUwoo UNDER AND BY VIRTttE OI' A 1 OVER V of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage tvl)ieh will be produced on the day of sale, Made by Henry Orth and his wife, who joined to bar dower, default having been. made iu pay- ment thereof, there will be sold by Public A.LicL3LOX1 MoCANN'S HO1.El0 IN THE VILLAGE OF DASRWOOD ON tue.tday, Phe ' Fii'st Day 'o f Jung A. 0.1880, At 'Wtl'O'Cleek in the Afterneo i•, Tale following lands and gprenises therbs 'eom- prised, viz : Village sets 7 and 2'i a f1 lyre3t]a grfttey of Fia,sh- `wood,00ntwining 52.5 neves oflandyai )1 the west lend of the south half of the south half of lot '24 in the South 13o>xndaiy Condoled= of Hay 'f'ow)n$]oip. bolataiuting 5 toren 'of hind more or 1054. The Auto'fs a Val.eab'IC Intnetty and Th tve1Y located, Sale will be en term to suit pnr' 'ehaSora and which o21i'be shade knolvn on the 'dark' of sale or upon previous app'lieation to the 5(0dersignecl. 3'AM S I .B1U11S0N4 Vendor's Solicitor, N (')1'tll Cit• Pti' sL Ofllce. All kinds Flour and Feed Always on Hand. FLOWER, FIr LD AND GARDEN SEEDS in ((('Oat variety. JOHN BALE. N v ' GOODS,NEW GOODS constantly arriving at W. I.D. '4l'(iinglulon': mammoth Jewellery store, 1311, Dundas street London, Out'rio. whenever you '($itttteFor- EON Cit0 tt(net fail to' 3ait this ileo este blisineent, the only first-eia sstm•., of the kind in the City, end best arranged Jewellery store iu the 1)onii i lion. The W. 1r„1Ie(,loehlnn Watch stands un- rivalle'1. AP who tine them recommend them to, their fr.eu,ls, Ail kinds of Watches in steal:, Clocks of every dem-nit.lon, Itteh Jewellery of ev- ery style, Diamonds olid P eeions Stones, Fsncy Goods. Spot:Moles, and all 15edding clings, Watches, C'loeka, and Jewellery repaired and warranted W D.11c(i4LOGULON. SFR NG . AND S ann fts RISSETT BROS. aro now showing a Iarge and well assorted STUCK OF TINWARE, consisting of MILES CANS, PANS, PAILS, &C., (.t 0. Also n new and well selected stock of Harvest Tools, which they are 'afferiug at prices that dofy competition. Have Troughing a Speeiality. t Highest pride paid for Hides, Calf and Sheepskins, in Cash or Trade. Welland Canal, NOTICE' T3 MACHINIST CONTRACTORS Q ALED TENDERS addressed to * r the,mdorsign'ed (Secretary of Railtvaysbnd Canals) acid aniloreed ” Tender ror Look Gates, Welland Canal,' will he received at' this office until the arrival of the Eastern an'd Western )nails on THURSDAY. the ant clay ofJIINNI next, for the ooustruCt'ion of gates, and the necessary machinery connected with thecal, for the liow locks on the Welland Canal, 1'Ians, Specifications and General conditions can be soon at this offices 011 and after 'MUMS - DAY., the loth say of MAY 'nett, where forms of tender Dan Moo bo obtaiued. Parties tendering are oxpeated to provide the Special tools necessary for, and to have apraeticai know.tedge'of works o1 this class, and are request. ed to boar in mind Mae tenders with not be con- sidered nnlees made strictly its aceordance with the printed forms, and—in the ease of $ells -sex eo(,,t there apo attacked the aortal signttturce,tbe 2)4151310 of the occupation a4(1 residence of -each member of the same; and, further, an accepted Laub O'herple fora stun eqund to ,^x,250, fol. the gates of eael i lock, must accompany each tender, which sem shall bp forfeited if the party tenCerin de - Clines entering into contract for the work at the • rates and on the terms stated in rho offeraribmLt-' ted. Tho chorine thins eau'tan will be Yetueuod to the fespootiwo parties ,41(04)0 tenders are. hot ac- 'or thnd. e due fi "Po: of the eonkrake 1/ tya t' 'or parties whose twitter it is proposed to acnap}�t'� will he notified Mat their tender fir accepted 5.11( •jest to adeposit of five per'oo,)tof*the hulk sm. 'al V,ho cou'ti'aet- -of `(vllio(0 the etre sent4n with'th'e tender Will 4)01(01)81(1)41015 a nart--to be dopositorl Wo tiro deed it Of the ROceteeir (+euereo ltrithint1ght 'tilt-'_ - ice, incfty per cent only of the progy(ress'esti eatos 1•7111b0 pair) until the cotnplotion Of the work. 't'hle Depattnent Loos net, however, hind Itself to aceopt the dowost or any Milder. ' BP )rdol', k' T3S1AtTN, li) Out. Secretary., Secretary. Y)Mod 141 11•th 1880. ' sato tbept of Itailwari and ;, bap • of Railways and Canals, +LY ' r*Melva, 2051.1 afarah,1880880. t4 (Alma, 40th Mama, 1880 til HE N S A _■ s L' g. ;; fear esus% In order to meet the (.1.11(1.1 i?E•1 re(a inn, the Canada Cc yummy offer 1(1' sale or lease, on rosy terms and iu certain east :v AT R:1: ,D PRICES All that; Le eels ro-elaluled04boneflt"d by the " Lake lt'irwell'Ilotiu+aa Works," in the Township of 73osaugfiet,Stephen a'uii)2a(liuivr.Ly,L1(a., thateti('a et Lalubt=,u, Hui cm and Middlesex respect !rely, Lists of i,ands may be obtained, and flank, f the lots may be sec n, rat application to Mr. John Spr (Amen, Mxe.ter, .ifr, Ger r ge W. Del v,.11, "f file 110lw, 31 -inose," Milder Stat4(411, G. 1'. Railwt,3', or to 141r, John Irouside; 0f 041,1.41 Puna. For. ]et.;, )'1.10 (, l'0"1115 er other L4forrnation, apply: to the Conluli»+ions(((, Canada On ay. '1.00M1.0. n(t,L (L. W. A1.1..tN, R. M. ;1at.)3'0ATT, Ceuuini.sjuners. ('anode company's 01110eti 114y• At, 1444 2(a TICE TO E P!JLICI FURNITURE ROOMS, Why go abru8El tot your Furniture when yen eau get Better Value for your money in DensonL having bought out the Furniture Bus foes of 11Ir S.I'airbairu, and added largely to the stock is el,abled to offerful'uitnre at vary lea' prices. po=lo Undertakingt,n this motion having just received w large a d(lition of all kinds of undertaking geo,3y. A first-ehtss hearse will bo furnished for funerals on. reasonable terms. Alen a)(eut Itlrthe \ya11zer An- examination of my large steel,, 2311)011 is not excelled o:tt:ids of the cities, and a comparison • and Now York Singer Sowing Machine. of my prices with- ether factories, cannot fail to convince the public of the truth of what 1 say. Every Article' Marked Down to the Very Lowart Figure. I ha's-o male arlamrements to pnrellase aNew hearse, which will bo really :portly. Ca3113)3s, Shrouds anti all C uuort)eki41; Material on hued, Prices very reasonable, Society Emblems Constantly in stock. lie slue to give'llle a call, and I will wake it to your advantage to buy your Furniture frum nue. Remember the place—North of 141olsons hank. I having been drawn into the Furniture Line by r1" (1(f(1nlue»a and fetheekets1 is semi cells ce,nti d 30 offs the unnIIlesS, and 'SWILLIAM3R V F URNITURE DEALER IS PREPARED TO SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTIILR ROUSE IN' il'IiLtn COUNTY OF HURON. JAS. COX.WO RTH. Title great notisehnld 1fedicine ranks amongst (be leading necessaries of life. These famous 1'i11s pilltify rho 13t,oen, and amt most powerfully yot soothingly on the Livor, Stomach, Kidneys, and Bowels, giving tone, energy, and vigor to these great mail) springs of lite. They are cnn- fidently recommended as a never failing remedy Mall cases where the c(ustitation,frote whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments inti. dental to females of all age; and as a gene) a1 Family'130(1iMi110 are unsurO l»Sad• • itt,Y' � p! t V V . ,W+>fl lilt Y Y JUST RECEIVED AT THE . OCERY AND LIQUOR ISTORE, A LARGE STOCK OF GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, H�ISINS, CURRANTS, .PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED) FRUIT, • SARDINES, i♦ LOBSTERS, SALiIION, through out hoot bllen,1 healing properties aro known BITTER SAUCE AND PICET ES, BRANDIES, GINS. WINES AND SYRUPS, RYE,1fAL For theitroofbnclit-imbedbreaats.oldwounds SCOTCH,IIiISHACJ)(AV ON LSIiISIsIF.S,TOBA(iCOSAA'DCIGdR)9, Sores n,nddllcare, itis an infallible remedy. If effeottlally rubbed on the neck anti chest, ae salt (lltn meat, it cures sore threat, Brn11C31lt1S,(ionells Colds, and 01,012 Asthma..' For Glandula: S)vol- ling», Abcessos, Piles. Fistulas. Gontlthelunn.tisln and every kind. of Skin Pi»on.se,, it has never boon Icnown to fail. 'ThePiils /Aid Ointment are num- Machina only at 583 OXFORD STIIIIT. LONDON, And aio 86111 by 1511 V0015049 ot119111clna9 t1)rogh- 1 . '- out the Civilized world; with directions in al111ost every letig ulgo. The Trade Marks of these Medicines are rngitt- tered to Ottawa. fiance, any one in the .British Poesossious,wbo may keep the American Cotin- 1eifeits for sale, will bo presented. (� 'Purchnsors 5130111(1 look to the Label nn the 1', tijand Boxes, If the address is not 530, Oxford Street London., they rice Simians WELLAN D CANAL. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS, SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned (Secretary of Railways and Canals) and endorsed" Tonder for Bridges, Wel- land Canal," will be received at tine office until the ari'iV.ui of the Western mails, on TUN)S1)AY, TER 15th DAY OF J1711k. next, or Mho construe tion of swing and stationery bridges at various places on the lige of the Welland Canal. Those or highways aro to a combination sof iron and wood., and those for railway purposes are t0 be of iron. 1'1ane,speci1catIons and general conditions can be seen at this office nu and rfter MONDAY. 51st duty of MAY next, where forms of Tonder can also be obtained. Parties tendering are expected to ha'6o a prac- tical knowledge of wetics of this clays, and are re- quested to bear in mind coat tenders will not be colnsidered• unless made strictly in accordance with tine printed forms, and—in the 011,90 of lime -.except there are attao(aed the artea( sigusturos the nettles of the occupation, and rooiceneo of each member of the same) and further, an acs eopte(1 bank eheqquo for a sum equal to 1350 for each bf,idge for which an offer is made, mast ac - 001511 m/7 eachteuder,which sum shall be forfeit- ed ifthe orfeit-ed,lgthe })arty tendering declines entering Into contract toe the work et the rake and t t a s on,the a terms stated fu the offer submitted, The cheque thus sent in win.te returned to the n e5()'lcSive parties whose tenders are stet aceep led. Tor the dale 10113hn ut of th0 00115raet the party or parties tviloso tender it Is proposed to accept wail ls° notified that their tondo de accepted sure .6 eat to a0doposit of five par ant of the )ntlluen111 of the4ontrftot-•'o+f which the sum sent ilk ,attli the tender will be ornte4clered •e plat —to he deposited tattle 0re0!L0 etf'the Receiver-Genetal within Ada clays dlit or ('10 dress oI.tho udeire. Ninety/tot cent only of tno progress 'osttr0ates Will be paid until tbo acimpleition of the worst. This Denartn ion% doe. not, however, hind itself to tuccopt the loweetor env tender. Dy order, a, BRAUN, Wholesale and Retail. �c. A, MA CE Main Street,Exeter. EXE T11 R. LL just received a choice supply of FLOWER PLANTS & SEEDS Call and see them. Gold sud Silver Fish for sale, Pure Wines and Liquors. for IVIeclicival Purposes. W. R. SELLEY, Prop. Just Arrived AT .'FIC CHOICE I('AMILY GRO- CERY, A Brand Nov Stock of 1 NEW STAND. Carden and Field seeds, i OYSTERS. OR ANGE , AND % /� N/ G. A. Hyndman PANSON'S B1-1OOX , EXETER, 'I Iwould acquaint my customers that I hayo re- moved my Flour & Feed Business to W. 13. TROTT'S OLD STAND; Three boors south of the Poet Omre, will'' a,s 03)0(134 out a olaoice stook of 1404413 FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. M., Floor and reed delivered free of obarge. 4omr Gmm' "is.