HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-20, Page 4The WI olsons Bank lbaca3iPOBAT1;n UT ACT OP PARbt•MMmxT,;1855, C(tt)itnt, $2,000,.000, • HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL. TRnMAti W01:1.MAN ZIA. - • Pzaurleat. ,L11, It. IguLsoN, Esq., - 1)11t(c'ro1 s. ' • Eon. D L,11tacpllersi,t;, it W Shepherd, ' xf A Nelson, M P, b H kering, �l Miles SViL'i'salns, F. Wom•orfa1AN TtIclblax, Esq., Gcrt£i'lU anger. R 1;r,r..to1 Esq., ca;7?n' MOntrcal .Uranch. M. Baro( ox, 1,s(,., - - - - Inepe gee, %xeter zl'anoii., HENBY G.BR1 SS belt - 1u.'tl\AGIsB. LOANS To rale: EBS. z rouee rod Val rt :i to tanners on easy Orme, on their alv't prcnru,o ; y notca 'With one al' more gooden- dorsere. romortgegerequired assecurity. SAVINGS I3AN:K 1Yu'PARTMENT 0 ver cant rrife est (Mowed o1a deoesiis. Drafts an 'Hutted States bought and:sold. Ster ng Exchange bought and sold, Collections made in all tarts of the Dominion an 1 returns promptly relu.ttud at lowest rates of h xeitange. Exeter August 15.11 1371. 6-1n NsL'C5'.�'.•0]Il•li'i� THIS PAPER luny be found n,3 tilt at talo. P. ll0WI.W, tC7 Co'S Newspaper Advertising Itureau (10 Spruce YORK. Street), whore udvor- Using contra be ula(1e for it an trite e tier .int01,, THURSDAY. MAY 18', 1880 WF: notice that n good malty journ- ale of the Province in speaking of the death' of the Ilon. Geo. Brown fly into a torrent Of passeau when they mention the name of his assailant, and apply suci> epithets its murderer and a8esae siu to htin, and speak most certainly of leis being flanged, usually winding irp with tee remark that hanging is too good for lion.. There is no o•ecassiou for so much display of feeling on the matter. The Hon. Geo. Brown has been killed, reed in a way the:( is most humiliating. . IIe r: et an uudignifled death•. His place in the ranks of Ce,nedian celobri- ties it wilt be ineposaiole to fill. tint in the eyes of the Canadian 113.W be i:( only George Browr and the Crown would not be narreuted in taking any step tri rnnish lois assailant because he ei,;::ed the death of one Canada's force most statesman that it would not take to punish him if he were guilty of taking the,liio of the commonest Canadian. As to the indiscriminate Iso of the epithets "murderer,'' and "assassin," they are out of place as yet. The lean has not been tried, and there is very strong presumptive evidence that his unfortunate victim ryas shot in the tietlfiie that ensued when Bennett ,.drew the pistol. There may be evid- ence of the most positive nattne to prove that Bennett intended to shoot Mr. I3h'own, het if there ie. the general public is not aware of its existence, and until they Lear the evidence they ought to withhold their opinions. At all events, the out cry in the press is ealeulated to prejudice the .minds of the people iu all parts of the. country against the miserable prisoner, cud under such ciecumstancea, a fair trial and an impartial verdict would be fin. poerlible. The death of the Mr. Brown at the hands of any man,• however blameworthy or blamelebs, is Enough of iteelf to enflame the minds of the people. But for the press of the coun- try to clamor for the hanging of the guilty person is beyond all decency. Give Bennett a fair trial. If guilty, of intentional murder, hang kiln, es he and all others in the same . degree of guilt, deserves: Let there be no par. don, 1f convicted ou unimpeachable testimony, but until he as convicted, let the people refrain from passing sentence upon hilar and executing him. Vire feel sire that in their calm moments those who have been the loudest in their dec1an atione against Bennett would not desire his death unless con- vinced beyond doubt that it was mer- eited. • uP Tnisl'ts members of the new Tiinglish Government have been defeated ou go. ing back to their constituents for re. election, This looks bad for the fut- uro of the Government. The people of England have apparently regretted the overthrow 'of the Beaeopsfield adminis- tration, and in their ealrn, moments are prepared to show that their recent eon- duet was unwise. General. London, May 10,—' -la the electiot, tot jklt.iti113 lar those election el' Win, b,t; Jvfeekth J'obni.sou, liix'his'e,llpointTzaeut as Solid - tor -General, the vote stood ;• 3oblusou (Liberal); 21 a Kelley (Perneltite), G .. Norway, Menominee Co.,?Iieb., May tittle after uliiuight Monday bight No. 2 shaft of tiie Lumberman. lliiuiug Ctampauy's' Ludington irou mine, P tatted' eight guiles frond' here, eaved fl';, burying alive eiXtetn miners: The shaft was fifty feet deep and Don. twined five feet of water.• John Tie, an e and. Gard.•- hisllul n,Isaae 1�inu a OliverO seer, Cornishmen, who were working directly at the bottom' of the shaft, were taken out dead. The others, who were working in drifts; were taken out alive.• Tie was married and the father of eight Eohildren, Operations in this part of the reline will be suspended for a few days. Immediately upon the caving in of the shaft the alarm was given, and the Miners from other parts of the mine, led by Cept. William', hurried to the stele and sot to work to Move the rock and realm at eetrlallce ieto the living tomb, The work was necessarily slows The rook bad to be loaded into the ore bucket; hoisted to the surface end dumped, a'nd as the work progressed the half suffoc"tted cries of the minors eonl'd be heard growing fainter and fainter, At ahem 0 o'clock an entrance was Made and thirteen of the miners rescued from the drifts of the shaft auiojured'. The re- maining three; bene direotly under the falletl rock, were killed or suffocated, land wore taken out cleadr The shaft was well timbered down to the walls of rock that were considered safe, and the caving in of the walls was not ex- pected by any one. Do. EP 4 '`S. The popglt tion of Clinton is 2400; tat -able property valued at $518,825, The Clinton Constable is dressed. in nnhforni. ( Duron t for., The 1r�r�ingh nal Ti;nas t births playing t1 Sr'll , f i'> #ut the year 16141 n 11C h r hold base bolt ou the street should be stop- ped. ti 6,000' worth of fat cattle were ship, pod from Seaforth c ne day last week, The new Ctazlada Methodist : Obureh, at She1 ardton , will be opeued on the 24th of May. a p Ata bailif'f's sale in C1intou, a suit of el'etties sold for one dollar. Senforth people are besntifying the road leading to the Healy School, by planting tneples, A trai'u of 81 tears passed through Searortli for Goderiolh one (lay last eek. 141'r, G. Wise, of Clinton, shot a loon hl the river at Clinton. Six shots were recsuired to kill it, P. Anderson, of \Vawenosh.sold inGo(lel'ioll the otherday, a cow which weighed over 1800 pounds. Tho Blyth Oen nen' offer a reward of $20 for the conviction of the party guilty of destroying a number of shade trees. The Seaferth waterworks' debentur= es 'Levis been sold at c04'. They beer 0 per rent. for 20 pare, The sale is satisfactory to the people. - Tiva oar loads of machinery have been added to the Oliuton woeleu mills —that. bnsiuess must be suffering from the N, I'. The Official Beard of the i\lsthodiet Clhercli, Wingham, have unanimously requested their pastor,Bev. fi1m. Dryer,. t'0 relents a third year, tai $2,- per (1ay at home, Samples wortl) W � -' #;,frac. 'Address, Stinson .k Go^ i'ortld, an Dia iue. ArGtllSfit CLOCice Setriug ]1'facrzfiaos Uamus, Ai cordeons, tams Umbrellas repoiretl. Aeon h." TOTIC f is llerelzvt elven that the rt y it n the 'Wei tier acmes sew-' f rev(-1An of the Assossutent,r,7' sew- ing 11f'ttehunea, Secan u 1 n u o _;•aw-arta, • hand Renin Maeltines for ut tiro 1lfrozkt'L' 11G t t , l;xo(w., ni li ri,laa•,, tl5tlt of sale nc�+lp, An ltintes of Atay ins t, art 1U (?'clock w 111, h3'y ordur, 131.1:Au- ii yi'rles tion] slanttles for 1;t wius.ATgchtnet ll' I,tozz 1O)TT, Clolk - - 1 1 Sl1np o 'Veit) `;etc ot, J)lisllwned, J()1•i->7 . S;)1'11)CN,PIaprJc•trr, laiuylu l^y. MONEY TO LOAN O.he P11tM�'.l'- .l `M Class Mortgagee on Real Estate or for bttilcliva puz1)ses, fur rtes Dolsiizlihli 1a�'iuga d Inveatiuotzt boctety, el I nuiluu, Out, for any rmnberofyenl:•sfrom ostuto twin1cy,. Apply to C11.t.�l. SENIOR., 1'hatnt"r'aplrer, Ext'ter. • �TOTICE, .t DEE r 1iai a purchased the lfaraw are Stook ,of the. ' lilts firm of 0 liii•z,ti.S Co. from 11ir. •1, Howard,' 'J'1 to ,toter consists of F he1f` and:: d eav to dware THE COUNCIL 01? THE C0U{QTS: OF rIl7P,O 1 Sjin.tles Anil Sniove1s, Draining Spades, Nails Will sleetinGUI>I,ltu'1i, on i GL ASS, PUTTY, OILS, PAINTS,* sons, ('bafus, Dent' Stu of All Mails, Plaster of Paris, Oiell Oil, Lamps enol Chitnnnrat Tuesday, ay, lst of June Next, A,1 accounts ag(tinat the Comity must be pro - mental before the first sessini of tae sut,uud day of iueetin5. PETER DA.1£SON, uvulae Gloria. Godorich, May 15, 1885. 2 CAN rrg. F3 shooed travel for the FO TTVTJT.1 NURSERIES. The largest in the .l)oini,uon. Good •saltaries and •sinattl' 00 'ln'-uleet to relitl'•le then, Apply, cur ing1'0 ereneea anti uneloning plot., to NTON'e; fossil 1,11\(e'roN Nntsor'weit T.n•unt out. CA 7T10\—\5'o nontrol the new white ,,.apo, Poch Wigton, Incl parties Balt only got t,.. r ..,:nuc: through au z• authorized. agouti,, ---1i, Cie Sawing AT,tr•7ipiinx at ",(,Aur",1 Prinea' A 1trgc • audition will ho male, to the,stock to a Few ay,}.i. A call is rest •l neer annul.' ed. No tr