HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-20, Page 3MA7' 20 1880 HOW TO SU (N 1Y EU1'tUi.'E.N SIJ01t,'1'}'. I am spe;tlsl pit' ttn V cmammies; the teeet tee of It natebet• 'or dcligill;flti Saturday ltkwitt l at L ts1y 11'4. 0tce a .'entiPin a,-cn aeoert;titlit'ig that ,1, WW1 an Ain 'Ocala lseenette for a time much 1tlterreett'd, to n'lEa, I'1,•[lailse T was en Atuerieau 114 seemed to take it f,•t• emoted that I had been under lire, and that niv body tithe n lead mint) of bul- lets. 15 °targe 1 wail there alive he el- 1,l ,teentnt tl that I had killed Houle 0411, cr mat) kit., had tried to kill roe. 'Ifni have -.tem aulrle rough times in t ttlif'ol•tlltt?' lead he. 'Yes, 1 had'' eert1UtM1 net tights?' ' LY if4, some," 'Inv, Well, now my dear fe sae, hope you t4ult'1 u.),1: i1ler ui. ithrli+l' ire, lett really I've a gra 1-t d.4 -.it a to k'Low entire of the details of these personal attempt le ere, you kea:v, and .1 hope se eal tltti•tlue ma 1104 for ttiliioe slice a 41110tH 111. hot—ilia Nilo ' yet kill a wets?' Idiot tiutt 1 wtaa, i. shill 'N II„ e]i,tllpe t1 %tie aluieet lnitltt3:li'ttely. 1 fell far down in his e.Erin tt.lun. 1 Iva, t*) Ilial no lotl,ar an rtuj: et of interest. \Vllat lilt welted. wee a recd handed Am- erican Innrtl)rer. Ile hod tlltltll=lit me e+l>t3. Zia had 1>r,iwleeettt-1 n) •, laud felled no etrl),e on the lodge. I .slue 1. 11t''re tl-Ltd; of pee il, btu»-tlesi, b tr ref ol,t\ I ottnsted net: 1?f'ltiti'.V crime, lnilyder, ttol• blood. I e,nl'l feel, ton, what he tirni:;lit of me. Hie face slid: 'This 111411 lots nut itnprovt'd his pall}• opportunities. Ilea has lived in Oali- furniee for nearly half a life silne tend never WW1 a than .nor got killed l:im- self.' i tl1antt4Od afterwardtt to regain it little of my to t etantlittg in this gent• letuan's estimation. 1 told him that 1 Nvtl.3 ftnee, ill. O•tlif. tutl,on a ;try whirl, tried Texas )ack for murder, awl 1 v ,ted for his act:pilt:'!. Bet this wee a mere ru-dtligllt c )mnare.l to the ln,tre l'i"tniting frool killine myself. Young mate lt. f)t•e piing to i -;rope arta t11Rrt IiO'1nnt i'iit '8'teii t3',t 1f3 snre that you have killed your loan. K'll eonlethittg; kill a tramp or an editor if you can do no better; dairy than your knife and pistol tc'.uitlo)t; beep thin profilin eut.ls bring up in vo'lr ettambert; lay the:e an the tache at club dinners; tont pistol; feel ah+ently and lin rredly ob-tnt our hip as if to know atni,l the rack- ets' rod, glare. bomb: bursting in air, your Smith & \Yi'seen it et.ill there. It pave. My fri' od Ranchero Ariz me Vaquero, w1ir e nrtitlt'n mime itt Amer: ea is Jones, 411'1 it, and gained a valu- able reputation for a desperado smitten with oec tti':n:el spasm; of remorse for the oven men where he vaguely hinted be hard shot thronih t•ha 1"lend. � Tt.IE laATE SEN.ATUa, 13POWN. ).1ST TRIBUTE 01 EINP^CT.—DT8CR1PTIn'13 017 TITS RF1t41NS—TIED PALL-B1;AItE1•:S AND THE PfOOESSI.IN. TPIit1NS tr R13FPI0T. Toronto, May 12.—The late Senator Brown teas Untied at, the Necrnpolie to clay. The rernaios were followed teethe grave by the largest °oilcanree of peo- ple and carriage ever witnessed iu Unlade,. Thoueantls of spectators hoed the streete through which the 'funeral cortege pn•s$ecl, and flags at half niest were displayed from all the public and Many private buildings. The ilifaretrt tailwaya brought in L1113E N1111B0RS 011 vI51ToRS from all pa•rts of the Dominion, eyljn came to pay the last tribute of respeot t+) the departed statesman. The pub- lic were allowe.i to view the remnius fecal ten a, rn. to two p. to, Over two thousand persons dict so, Many of whom were deeply affected. The burly was in a casket which was planed in the drawing room, the apartment being draped. TUE 11FYIAINa. The feataroe of the deceased were quite 'lateral, and he seemed to be 'merely sleeving. The casket was de- corated with svreutlill of flovrera; a handsome silver wreath encircled; the word; "At rest;" a beautifully engrav ell plata bore the inscription "George Brown, died 6..11 May, A8SO, aged 61 ,.tarn." Shortly after two o'cloelc the rntltnllere is( the tit. 11udrewe and Cale• ,ieuiau eOCietieti, mat ftt Lrsl sue church, and,tl1er at ranging the order of tits proctta 1')It, proceeded tt) the l'ot:11011c, of the d ceesed. Shortly after the E'ln plt1;'res, past at)d present, of the (;;lob, arrived stud took up their poettioll t .tale sort• h of the residence ready to fall Into their proper pleee. Meantinit citizens in thousands had began to a8 - soluble ill llie alljuiitiug streete, aim earriages in greet numbers, Sh'trily after three time 1iray. Mr, King held re- 1igiou se) vices in the room where tet remains wet e. Tl10ae 11resotat west vie,bly a.}lapel'. T111: PALL 131 AEl1UUB, ;leiter the service the eaqket 11tfi8 ear. rigid to the hearse, the following gent r le nt a actin its pall beery PH ; Sir A. A. 1) trim), lion. Alex. 'elaokenzie, ''\\1;ttitsul Il')'rlautl, 131 word 13lttlio, sir .11. a. (1:trtltr'tt'flit, Sir Alex. Camp- bell, S1nt t'tr Allen. St'll'ttor Chri-t1t' Senator 14f0al,tattrr, Prof. Wilson, Prof. ixteig 0141 i.ittn. it, S. tlulttiugdon. T1114 I'itt)Cls:r81 N. The pinsto sl to wasAlien formed ,1.4 rt)tLrr> : Tilt t'ffiri;ttinte, elc,rgymt'n, Rev. Mr. King, Pref. Greig, Prof. 111eLeren and Itev. 1)!. Rhitt. '1'he nt"cliceel attendante of ties de• paa,ed, Drs. That burn, 1I. II. Wright, Clarke and .Le lira. Trettr'44 anti Hall bearers. Ttu' 0 of •tuurners, George Mao. kl:uzie 131 jvi tt, oely sell of deceased ; Mr. Gor•d •n 13rown, (tiny 1>rulhcr r,f deceased ; 14Tr. Edward Bron•11, Rev. W. S. Ball and alt his sons, Mr. Thee. 1lenning, Mr. Betley and a number of others. Three li ijclretl pwet nod present' em ployeee. of the. Globe marched silt abeeatst. Lieutenant Goveruor of Outario pod leis Secret ry. 'nor S0il)ttitrR. Members E•f the II„use of Commons. Members of the O,itnrio L-1t;isla• tar. The Clergy, of different denomiva The elnvnr and C trporalion and the Pul llu School Beard. The 13oarti of Tr.l' o. The Cnrn . Sellar iTe, St Andre'v't. Society. (';fled"1111111 Society. New England S tciety and several outer Societies. J•'ttri'ali<cti and Printers. A. large body of Pt,iue, marching futl4. alil'c':tet. Over two hnntlred ea'riegee, 0411- telt:iiie prominent citizens, friend^ froom the u,untr'y, and a large nun)• bur of t' h re. Don' e tnassee rtf penele lined the Mi(Jewal;'s. W00 stood in respectable silence, nneovesing as the 1 ea e p a>• sell. whispered words of redrei• a•erP heard Ivary wit Pre. TIIN priers -inn procpf'ded a;nllg B i kiwitl. a.ioOnttl, C ter II w'11, Elrn, Y)uoe, C trlt'tnu Iand Parliament streets to the neeropo 118, where animrTlsllge ll)IIltifnde was a4sombletl. Arriving at the grave. the eel].)Pttrere lent there last aid. Roy. Arr. Kine,, Resisted by others, conduct• ea the burial serricee, and the earth (dosed on ;chat was mortal of the great statesman and journalist. A STATUE T() )3E ERECTED. A. ewe', in pl tater of the fade was taken Wednesday. A startle is to be erected in the Qneeu's Park. M 1st people suppose that the man- ufacturer of tobacco consists merely of taking the leaf and pressing it into pings, The feet is, however, that the process is a very (wlicate one, mei the least false step will Injure the Saver. The leaf must be properly attended to for months after it leaves the planter's hands. It must neither dry too clnick- ly n0r too slowly. Even after it has reached the factory the utmost delicacy 'if manipulation is required. The wea tiler thiel be carefully studied, for if there i8 too winch moisture in the air when it is pressed it will mould, and the same will happen if too Mucci mois- ture is sprinkled I1 041 it fur the pur- pose of opeuitig the leaf. Again, if it ie overdried in the oven it will turn crisp, and will nip the tongue in stook iug. It is by oareful attention' to all these points th at the "Myrtle Navy" has been brought to s0oh perfection. The firm who tuannfitelure it have their owo storahon:sess 10 Virginal, ;tori from the time the leaf leaven the plant- er's hands nutil it is tnrued out of the factory, uyo0,„he afterwards, in plugs, it is uoder.tile °tire of thew skilled and trusted employees, TOTICE is hereby eivsn that the Court of rev;=ion of the ilaeoesmont roll for j tht 'V til o of LxatS1 for 41)5 yet r 11180 18111 be heal at the M,tricet Ririe, i xetor, on Pi'1day, ZBtic of I may hist , at 10 o'oloek q.nl, By ardor, 311.1:40. ii mr, Q104k, TRS TIM r Trine tal>'E)x., OUL3) SAY .ru V X if to KO Who Lukrisl 'archaic:14 to -10 no fr„111 110 toituultaotItr,a J }ia lottloi' 1Y110 1)11)1 tt' sail. .41111 11)14st tt ina1t4lrtll' 181)3 to profit. We 411 itn 10 give Oho t tt'sO sere tiro .,,,.. ,anaflt, which cannot tali ' q meet the view» of the 1 1,�e,��' 1rnttgc s.. 01u' aY Ye' (-'L„,-;”?%>iS tro 14.44 titan tltoso of cit, natal`aetin•eito'l'twtict"eat are eau aeilcue16ocr. t C. 66 S. OIDLAi 1 I a .d I+'lcA;atili.!l;iazt,La^'r;.: Vr E WOULD call ispeolelattentical 00 our uutlortaking eloper' nient,•Nuteh is,inore 0 3)44' ple'to than o vor,,ts tv It t VIE .cdtlotL sevoi'ttl 11e1♦'tlesigni R of late !.'lie best eotiln••. tlaslt•uts ahrouds,ancl 0102,) •uneral requisite• at .the 108,5stprices. Our ne11 Hear -e is pronounced 04 competent judges to is second to mire in ;tile pro vineea Emblems of al' the Different E IL Soc t es. luxe -ter North I1LOTT t. awl GRIST' MILL, .beingin r;oo,iv1Orhinporder gives evrry ecouu,- 0atiou possible lo grz ti0g and louring, .L'luur and 94111 fecalootiirtat•ed to parties leevino their order,; before oneo'rinek at.J 131•'1.,1,'Sbakery,or O't37 lt1 L r$ Ct)°li, or at n]ill Bance (lay TERMS CA.SET. . WPM 4 ;roc, EXETER R 1” O. axe now howings lines in New Dress Goods,. Prints White -Cottons Grey Cottons Denims Ducks Shirtings Tweeds, Worsteds, &c. A.1,20 AN EXTRA. ASSORTMENT Gents' Pelt ilioiu%:iug the Latest Noveltiel. • Boots cC Shoos in Great 'Variety. A. Choice Line of Wall Papers Our New FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS are now in. No Worthless Stook. Your Patronage Solicited. 111 Sall W1iLL el"' PICKAIID. -- --THE .�,T All kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch Order your work where yoit can get it done the cheapest. Colored Work a Specialty ! The TIME SO FIDE has excellent facilities for turning orit CARDS, BILL HEADS, >, POSTERS, OIO \ LAS Arct3ER, CLoCna, Serif g 141'cilines organs, Accnrdf'ons, and Uiuh) elles tel iced. A,: el.i Er A the WO' Ler series 4041- '" lug Mao iltcn. )1 tnd- hancl',ewing Machines for sale cheap. All hinds of boodles and alma les for a:ewin8ltfnaluitt'r l' tau hand Shop -Aloin Street., nuehwoed. Jtt, 'N G. S;)LDON, Proprietor. May 10 1-y. HO ! FOR; MANITOBA. During, 4110 iomttldtlaror the season of 1880, C�x R.Y"!1TaN WA `Y'S Manitoba Parties will leave on The FIRST TUESDAY of Every Month Best party 0n 4th nal" - For particulars apply to JN0.ENOX. 4.W. It,Apeat, Centralia U'.ir. M 1111'S .) IMEWOIBES. )urlrawnkiln beingrimy infun onaration:and toruln40rttdaily alarge emu. 1t, of •.E thatforall purposes aannat be surpassed in the Do-elin- i0n. Pnrtiesfrom w 1Latance ean:aiwaysbet•• •plied. ,itheratthe kilns o aeliverri by teams atlow st reluunerutiv erlt tee. Orderetram n ciilitanoi .ruwt)tiy fatten deato. ve1IITSON & SOLATFR LEGAL R II. C ADDX, 134.RBISTEB c; ATTORNEY At Lair, Solicitor, cvo. Office, Fauson'a Bleak )xebar. tr McD1ARMID,B3.A,q.,• �� T }� i t iti'lisTE eNO1'AR( [, CONVEYANCER E�rANGER .4tf3., LttCAN ONT. MEDICAL. 1:. IIUTCFIINSON, 11lelnber of the Collogo of Phy4ciand and Surgeons of intuit., &c., .tc., E>iriea next door to I, C'arlings, ;Iain Street Exeter it. lll:NDMA.N.---COI1ONij R FOR the .County ofMiran. ti)Aaa,nextdoor to .1 r.I. Cariing's 4 core, 'Exeter. W. 13ttQWNING 111. D., G. M. a • P. S, (aroduate Victoria:University' Offies tndresi,le•nae. Der' eon l,n•hsrntorv, Exeter. I.e C. MOORE, III. D. 0. M. V • C,raclnate of 1f0Gi11Jnivorsity, Montreal )Hlceauctresidence, i',xeter,On4, 0.:1eo 1 ours - Fite 1011. m ata 7to lea ni R. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. P. S. 0.,Vtetorio 8`, C:roditon, Ont. 0111ee how: roc -Oto 10 a.m.:2Go0p.m. LU'i'Z, M. D., • (,,91ee at his residence, llxeter• Il. IRVING,.0-RADUAT1) UNI. .% VEIISITY TrinityCollege tion Lel cot Lege ,nvsician4 and duration( Qu ., ofl.ceXirlttort. HOTEL'. YENTRA.'L I OTEL, CBEDITON J -Win. Maher proprietor. This Hotel had ,eon notvly ttirninlled :aid fitted up In ftrst-class tyle. Large and convenient Show Iteerns for lo1rmerofalTravellers ; best oflil nor and cigars 14the llar. Attentive Heelers a�vvnys on Band 11 21 -Sm . WILL LAU 13A4.. 4111., DRIN'CE O1, WALES HOTEL. CLIN 1'011. (1. WARTS havi2lg ptiYcha45d Ito above hotel, and tlttea it throughunt,now of - ors fir.t-e,ass accommodation to travelers, Good liquor and cigars at the bar. Good stabling and attentive 1104411er en hand, lveiy attention pall to guests lA1i•11 RS, FEED Tll.t_ LAND andit will ftled you. 'T'ry Superphosphate of dna.) and 38one 1.34ist for your land. A spies- pa per given away fall of infar,nation with (0sthoo. oi•a1s. Apply to O. 111 1WP, Agent, Exeter, 2m LV E W ,13 U'.1.t O.%.Illii, KROP. •llie undersigned wouldioforr the 11111811- tantso£li;seterand vioinitythat helms .JP.LN.L31i A NEW BITTOUEli, $=OP )ti0.ioor e0u414 of his Slitekanlltbshn;,anclhope.e )h0salno liberal patronage that lies Ueeu cad Corded to him in the UT...i0EdisITYE AND WAGON :f,til133(3 hue willbaaxt011c1t'1toi111)3 Tullis new branbl e )usine8r, 111144m0atwagon willan.11at4tae rem. lents of the villagtlthreetin)eEea51 w001can,d 16 :..E, JES Ii •M A T A14. kcuds kept ocnatautls•)u hand at hit bnteber4hop, Illaekireitilinp and lvagnli makingeorejet1 on 0113.e04 in allll4 bi•atlaet R. DAVIS.