HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-20, Page 1Vol.. VII.
Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, May 20.,
.L' NADA of one hundred acres n the Edon A
roitd,first caucus§ice of Stephen, near the_ village
of i.xo.er• Apl�1y to MR. 13, V, ELLIQ'r, Soliei•
tor Exeter, August.18 11a70.
PLY to Mas. o'BYI{NE,11xeter. a
!!!j���&A 11 ONEY TO LOAN ON BAAL Eli- 1
USA. tate fur. tits ,Huron & Erie Loan Savings',
Finitely. Low rates of interest. Apply to Jelin
Spaok)uau, xotor, .. ]
small quota mtllrst-rate security at Lue-
durate rate of interest. Aptly to - t
.13. V, NLLIOT, t
Solicitor, Exeter,
_ttthNovember, 1870. tf t
1.neer. Sales promptly attended to. Days of 1
sales arranged at this otlice,
NT J. CLARK, Agetit for the Us- r
.. borne and Litbbert Mutual Fire Insurance 1
Jeunpany, Residence — Fargahar, Orders by
nail promptly attended to.
JLZ • Laud Surveyor, &c., 1%-illle at the
1t yal Hotel, l:xeter,on the first Tuesday in each
mouth. Orders for work left with )lir. Join
'Sp aekulaa wilt roe eiveprompt.tttontion ,
�TOT.I.Ot is hereby given that the
-L Court of revision of the Assessment roll
for the Township of Ueboruo for the year lea w)]1
bo held at the Township Hall, F•limvillo, on Sat-
urday, 20th May inst., at 10 o 'sleek a m. 13y order,
N. J. CL tnK, Clerk.
1.'1 that the Court of Revision for the Town-
•shi) of Stephen assussweutroll for the voar 1800 1
•v ill be held at the Town Hall, in Crediton, on
Tuesday, Alay.25th, 1880. at 10 o"cloak a. m. By
'Order. CH ESTE R. PItOUTY. Merit,
ageneNstablished iu Celia/1n, 1n1801. Unlicui-
toct liability of all tete Stockholders, and large
Reserve Funds. Moderate rates of preutium.
1 OBT1W TYRE, Manager. Agent at Exeter.
p`i' EJ LIVED 13. Elia b111A.ly, o.n.ii-
_ Time.
removed „-,�„ �c•
to Benson's + ,"- • '. -°.
Block, three '. `At a
d oora north ; -. �' ...,,:rY=k. ...
of CaLl)ug'S
store. °Mee lin :^
upstairs. � `
moneyto loan on mortgages, notes and other
:lioouritios. Reale and aecounts collected on rea-
sonable terms. Insurance effected iu Rrst.olaas
eCompa.les at reasonable rates. Odice—at Dr.
Byncluwan s. Main S.reet Exeter
jest received for investment on mortgages
;at Japer cent.
.I len reasouable:terms.
• 1
'•Graduate ofRoyalConege of
1Offieo oder O'Reii.bank, and opposite Barnwell
• .Tickards.
that'ttie co -partnership formerly subsist.
`5u4 between the undersigned, James McBride and
William McMillan as general blackaniiths lathe
Vilb,ge of Hensau under the style or firm of
McMillan h McBride, was•disolved by mutual con-
sent on the fourth day of May, 1880, and that the
,said business willie future be carried on by the
said William McMillan alone, who will receive
end pay all debts 01 the late c:, -r. artners1.ip.
Witness. JAMES 11oBBID1i.
Dated 4th May, 1880.
Where did you buy them brick 7 Well, Jimmy, I
bonght them from Mitchell, of emirse. Has he
many of them left? Why, yes, thousands of
thein, and WA -class too,. How does he sell them,
dike 2 Well, ,Iimmy, he salla thorn so cheap that
I was not to tell, but •if you want anyust ,go righ t
'there, for he says lie is bound to sellas cheap se'
any in the 'county. Remember, he, lives south
side oredituu gravel road. ,
ire liton, b'ob.24,188 6ni
We1T vo' recently published a. new coition of
DR. OILV1a11.Wli..L'S 0EI.lt13.RT,
on the radioed and per)nataent cure (without me -
Arnim)) of Nervous Debility. Mental and pltysiaal
incapacity. impediments to Marilago, eta., ro.
cultiuefrom mess.
r -q, Price in a'sealed envelope, only 0 cents a:
two postage stamps.
The celebrated anther of this admirable essay,
clearly de monstratos,from thirty years' aucce-s-
fol )raobiee, that alarn)iug oonsoqueucos nay be
radically cured without the dangerous use sf i)t
toi'nai medicines or the use of tt)o knife ; Point.
out num Ai of dare at once SJfnple certain 'end :of-
f octus 1, by moans of which every sufferer, no m Lt.
tor what his condition may bo may Imre himself
cheaply, privately and radically.
This Lecture should be in the hands of ovary
youth and every man 1n the land.
41 Ann Strcct,Now Y rk,
Post Office Box 4180
mounter) AND S'1>I1tRING NEWS L00KLD
Loadville, -Col., May 16.—Jolie 01.
endorf ret>.arned to this city yesterday,
end tells the following story of the
nassacre of the ]prospectors iu the Ute
eservation,'as en weeks ago
"While at my 110lne, in Linn County.
tenses, 1 conceived the idea 'of .orgau-
zing tsn expedition for the Ute reser-
atiun. I was not long in getting to.-
o-ether 17 good trusty men, who de-
erminedto arm audeequip ourselves iu
he beat manner, say nothing to any-
Jody, either in Kansas or Colorado,slip
nto the country as fast as possible,and
nape a thorough searoh for rich min-
utia, There weeks ago last llinnday we
)emitted on the head waters •of the Gin-.
1iso11 river and -' {
We at once began washing the gravel
our earnings being over $10 per day
to each Man. After three br four days
we got out oar whip -saws and cut time
ler for sluice boxes. We had been in
the gnlcb ten days when our 'boxes.
were finishes], and we 'began sluicing.
The first day's "clear-up" was nearly
$2,000. From this time we cleared
nearly $8,000 to $4,000 per day, and:
good luck so encouraged us that we
kept putting in sluices. Having seen
no signs of Indians, we naturally grew
somewhat careless, and on fatal Mon-
day—which I 'believe was May 3—our
party was widely nattered. Six had
gone across a low divide which separ-
ated us from another dream, ilearly a
mile, for gold. The rest wet'e at work
sloioing, and I was nut huntiug deer.
About 8 o'clock in the .afternoon I kil-
led a fine buck, and was hurrying to-
ward it to ent its throat, when I heard
a volley from the direction which the
prospecting had taken.. T was some-
what alarmed, and rushed up the
mountain.. -
met my gaze. Fully 500 mounted In-
dians were galloping down upon my
companions, and there was no possible
show -for me to warn or aid them as,
they were over half a mile distant. I
was ogmpelled to w tntss the massacre,
and was so horror-stricken by the
sight that had any Indians come upon
me they would have found me paralyz-
ed with terror, an easy • victim. For
two hours or more the red devils ling-
ered at our camp and amused them-
selves by cutting to pieces the bodies
of my friends and destroying our oat
'fit. As night grew on the Indians de
parted in groops, • until at last all were
gone. When they bad passed out of
sight I crept down to the ravaged camp
and looked over the bodies. Every
scrap of clothing bad been burned, and
T could find no mementoes to carry
home to their relatives and friends. A.
few biscuits and some beim which bad
been cast aside by the Iudtans I placed
in my bag, with the intention of strik-
ing out for home.and'once 1 chanced to
pass the snot` where we used to bury
our gold every night, and saw neat it
miners about 40 miles west of that
place. Troops from Fort garland aro
on their way to that point. Owing
to the terrible condition of the roads it
will be several days•before the news can
be confirmed. As yet all these stories
are subject to doubt. The feeling here.
is that the Indians are making proper -
atoms for the war path, and stirring
news may be expected,
Washington, D. C.,. May :17. -The
Speaker laid before the House a mesa
sage from the .President, transtuitting
the correapondeuee with Great Britain
in relation to the alleged outrage on
American eitizeus at Fortune Bay, in
Newfoundland, with a report from the
Secretary of •State. The President
sups:—•tIu 'transmitting this corres-
pondence report, 1. respectfully
pondonoe a ie- ask
the immediate and careful attention of
Congrees to the failure of accord be-
tween the two Governments as to the
interpretation and execution of the
fishing articles of the Treaty of Wash-
ington, as disolosed'in this correspond-
once elucidated the exposition of the
Seoretaty of State, I eouaur in the
opinions of that report as to the
measures proper to be taken by this
Government in the maintenance of
tights accorded to our fishermen by
the British aonoessions in the treaty
and in procuring suitable action to-
wards securing of indemnity for injury
for which this interest has already suf-
fered. i Acoordiugly I .recommend to
Congress the adoption of these meas-
ures with such attendant details of
legislation as in the wisdom of Con-
gress may seem expedient. Messages
and other documeuts were referred to
a committee.
Secretary Everts' report, accompany-
ing the Presidente's message to -day re-
garding the Fortune Bay affair, reeo>;n
mends -this" restoration of duties, upon
fish and fish oil, the produce of the
proviucial fisheries as they existed be-
fore the Treaty of Washington came
into operation; to so continue until the
two Governments are in accord as to
interpertation aud' exeoutiou of the
fishery articles of the treaty, and in
adjustment of the. grievances of our
fishermen from the itfractiou of their
rights under that treaty. Everts also
suggests auditing the claims of our
fishermen for injuries suffered by the
infraction or denial of treaty privileges
by convention with Great Britain or by
this Government for their indemnity.
An American, who went by the name
of Joseph Casper Wilsou, arrived in
London ode day last ft.11, and took
rooms at the Tecumseh House. He
i e a ]ort. a terwar a his
was jo d t lf d by y
wife. Ho gave out that he came from
Warsaw, Indiana, and that in conse-
quence of his refusal togive up some
debentures, which he held in trust for a
frie.td, at the request 01 the bank an -
Lad been dugu and carried away. thoritios in whose employ he was at
P the time, a warrant for: his apprellen-
Not daring to remain longer or make cion was issued, and he fled to Canada
an effort to bury the dead, 1 have walk- o avoid arrest. Thele was a 'thin'"
on the bank in which he held a promi-
nent position, and he felt that the Di-
rectors bad no right to levy upon the
debeptures or any other securities held
hi trust by him privately. Subsequent-
ly, we understand, a eettlement was ar-
rived at, aud Wilson eliortly afterwards
opened a,grooery and provision store
'on the east side of Richmond street,
between King and York streets. He
did not thrive in this business as well
as he lnitellit have bad he used "pria-
tere''ink" judiciously, and it is alleged
that on the 8th or 10th instant, and at
other times quite reoeutly, lie unlaw-
fully removed and concealed a quantity
of tette` and other tnerallatdise from the
rear`' of the store, with in teut to defraud
two of his creditors, Messrs, Reload
I3enry43d Alfred Watts, of Brantford.
Infornatiou to this effect reached these
gentlemen, with theresult chronicled.
It is stated that a verdict was recorded
agiiinst hint I)y tllo Brantford wee -
infants, for a considerable sum, at the
Simone Assizes, 011 'Friday, and that
hie arrest was hastened in.consequeuce
of this,. Ile was remaded uutil \Ved•
uesday fur examination.
The Ontario & Nester.. Or),, have en-
tered into frill posale46inn of the N. Y.
t✓1t -Led I havekilled 12; Sr., Oeweee 1lidlaud :i..'ri.
Sir B. L. Tilley has gone east,
The corner stone of the new cotton
factory at $rautfurd was laid on Mon-
Oak extract is,ordered to be placed
on' the free list as a raw material.
Dr. Scott's residence at Presoott was
'burned' on Sunday, Loss $1,500.
.Fully 'insured.
Joseph Marion has been nominated
to contest..L3'A.ssomption in the Con-
servative interest.
A young man named Little, a cooper,
was drowned at Hammond's Plains,
N. S., Sunday, while trout fishing
About fifty men in McLaren Co.'s
saw mill at new Edinburgh have struck
for higher wages; the mill has shut
dowu. •
A very large proportion of the fall
wheat in the Ottawa district has been
killed, owiug to the peculiarityof spring
The .Finance Committee of the Mont-
real Council has granted an additional
sum of two thousand dollars to the Do-
minion Exhibition.
Hon. Sidney Smith is mentioned in
•oonueetion with the Senatorship made
vacant by the death of Hon. George
A woman named Belfer, residing in
the suburbs of Halifax, N. S-, attempt-
ed suicide by cutting her •throat with a
pair of scissors. She is believed to be
of unsonud mind.
At Beaverton, Out., May 16, a young
man named Archibald Molarthur.while
attending his horses on Thursday last,
was kicked in the forehead. He died
0n Saturday night.
The bill of particulars in the contest-
ed election case. of Hon. J. J 0. Abbott
was filed on Saturday. The trial oone-
menoes on the first of June. There
are 110 obarges against the respondent
aud his agents.
Dennis Lake, of Belleville, last Fri-
day night anointed Itis eyes: ,with e.l.
which he supposed to be sweet oil, but
which proved to be Croton oil. His
eyes have been badly burned, and 11e
will at all events partially lose his
A group photograph takeu lately ne
Draytou shows five persons of ono
family aud of:five generatiol,b :. Mr.
Tuos. Hayes, aged 96 ; his son George,
aged 78 ; George's son Thomas, aged
50 ;'Thomas' daughter aged 20 ; and
a grandson of Thomas, aged 12.
One thousand nine hundred and
thirty one emigrants arrived at Halifax,
N. S., durleg April, of which 526 were
English, 248 Irish, 68 Scotch, and 302
Soaudivaviane; 660 were farmers and
farm laborers, 49 mechanics, and 124
female servants; 181 remained in Nova
Scotia and 658 settled iu various parts
of Canada.
About 3 p. m. on Saturday a young
girl by the name of Julia Bell. of Strat-
ford, was wheeling a carriage with her
sister's child in it (Mrs. Dunmore)
across the railway track on Gore street,
when the engine struck the carriage,
knocking it a:ld the child a few yards.
The child was slightly injured about
the head.
Sunday morning about three o'clock
a man named Thomas Thompson shot
and instantly killed a young man nam-
ed John Emmonds, two and a -half
miles from. Oonsa•cor, Prince Edward
county, at a place oalled Pierson's
Point. Dr. Thornton, corner, of Con-
seoou, holds an inquest on the bodyto-
morrowevening at seven o'clock. The
cause is supposed to have keen jeal-
ed almost constantly, occasionally rest -
jug a few hours in night. The first
white' man I me'twas on E1.tgle River,
some 80 miles below Red 01. '. He
gave me fnod and I told him my story,
but he said I was
and hardship, and would not believe it,
For this reason:I have not told it to
anyone since. I will start east, and as
Poon as I have conveyed the ead Intel
igence to the relatives of my comrades
I propose to organize a band of aveng•
era and return to help wipe out some
of the inorderers. The name's of the
murdered inen are Chas. and John Au
drew, Ellis Moran, James Henderson,
John and Isaac Dittrnnre,Martin Henderson,.
illp, Peter Atnbnrg, Fred and Louis.
Edward' Martin, Phillip Jackson, Jo.
Oath Warner,: Jesse Jerry, Adam Flom-
ar and Julius Terry.
Telegrarno repirt that men coming
in from the reservation to , Lake Uity
report that a peaty of 25 prospectors
were corralled on the Gttunisorl, and
twelve of their number killed. '.Phial is
:3npltnsed to be. Bradbury`s party,which
left Del Norte three week ago. :Gran.
:tlackenzie's column is 01elte way to
the scene of the eliegod massacre.
A letter from $ugnache nye utast 1110
es aro' repos ec 10 c
Mrs. Cook, living near eV/liner, Que,,
was found dead iu bed.
.Worth ididdlesex.
Appropos of Nenagh 0a, Tipperary,
Ireland. The Ailsa Craig .Salve made
by the old Irish laxly, bas found its
way to the Nenagh general Hospital,
and as a matter of esurse the head
physician there, sends a good report of
it. All manner of open, or runniug.
sores yield to :its efficacy. Send stamp
and write to Rev.. T. Atkinson, Ailsa
Craig, Ont.
The new oil well is doing well for
Petrolia and.Petrolia is fast becoming
a plaoe.
Fifteen Orange lodges, having Bid-'
dnlph as a centre, are unitedly to cele-
brate the 12th July.
Mr. J. P. Brine, of Soaforth, broke
one of the bones ig his midlde finger
of the right baud, while planting straw-
On the 25th June the corps compris-
ing the first Military District, will en-
ter upon au eight days -camp ofinstruo-
tions at Salter:a Grove. The corps
which will be presentare the 7th Fugi-
leers, London; 22nd Oxford Rifles; 24th,
KeubLi antry ; 25th Elgiu Infantry ;
26th ]]Middlesex :Light Infantry; 27th
Latubton Infantry; 281,1) Perth Ia fantry;
29th Waterloo Infantry; 80111 Veliitlt -
Iufentry;; 82nd Bruce Infantry; 83rd
Huron. Infantry; the First Regiment' of
Cavalry, comprising the at, Thomas,
London,. Mooretown and Kingsville
troopee the Batteries., and the 'Windsor
and lreamington Independent Oonn
pantos, It is eatitnrlted, that the total
strength of the, force will . not be far
short of 3,000 mon. On the 'first of
July there will be a grand field' day, in
which all the troops will join, and on
the following morning the troops \vi11
return to their' houses. "The ' newel
rates of compensation for the perform.
alma ofaututl drilla will be paid to the
vnluuteer8 who will tape part' iu the
brigade camp.
A lady named Asbely lest her life at
St James' Hotel, Toronto, by blowing
out the gas in Ler bedroom on retiring
to rest on 'Tuesday night last week.
Give over the practice ,of planting
pumpkins with corn, as the increase iu
in theoorn crop more than compen-
sate for the loss of the pumpkins.
A drover from Washington, Ont„
named Bass,is-about to ship 500 sheep
and 70 steers, from Ailsa Craig to Eng-
land markets.
.Remember that on heavy clay lank
you, will want to sow more seed oats
than on lighter soil. In ordinary land
three bushels to the acre is about the
lire. John Keys, late of Strathroy,
went to bed on Saturday night, in her
usual health. Her husband tried in
vain to awake her 'next morning—she
was dead.
Some tramps, three in number, were
arrested at Welland. They got in-
side a bonded oar and had some goods
abstracted when Deteotive Rayner
pounced on them.
.A. horse valued at $200, was killed
by lightning near Lachine a few days
ago. The harnesse with him was un-
.ecathed. The man in charge of the
team received a trifling shock only.
A. valuable horse of Mr. Minoan
Drummond, MoGillivray, literally hung
himself in the stable the other night.
Ile took a scratching fit and getting hie
foot inside the rope, he immediately
committed suicide.
An incendiary fire at Thedford, at
midnight; last Saturday, destroyed a
quantity of wheat in Gadiss'e store, be-
side a good deal of other property.
Capt. Gaddis was fully insured.
One of the Biddulph alleged murder-
ers has lost an important witness iu
the death of Dr. McGrath, who was to
have tesitified in his behalf to the ef-
fect that he was his bed fellow on the
night of the Donnelly massacre.
The baggage master at Watford
station was knocked under the oats
while handling a trunk, on Wednes'•
day. The oars moved, but he was
dragged out by a passenger, and es-
caped with badly jammed and net '
The cattle chipping trade has awn -
mound at Ails& Craig. Mr. D. IL
Graig shipped for the Liverpool market
40 very fine beasts last week; average
weight about 2,000 pounds. The
tweet of the G. T. Co., , says the im
provementa to induce extensive' ship-
ping tiere.ere soon to commence. •
Be sure that the water you use for
household purposes is perfectly pure.
You greatly endanger the health of
your family by the use of impure water
or impure air. The displaciva of a
plug in one of the water pipes in Perth
allowed a little soweragewater to get in,
and now report says that between 400
and 500 of the 'inhabitants' are. suffer
iug'froln the effects of poliuted water.
The N. P. claims the credit of Raving
all ,the Parkhill nulls fully in operation.
The former Landlord of the Tuel.car
Man .has the establishment in full
]last. An employee in the ,wagon fen -
tory is supposed to have crossed tbo
}iaef3. 501110 mourn 1)18 nb6enoe, .This
is an enterprising viilatge—Cue .lady
five wcelce after. marriage preseet.ed leer
husband •'with twin:]. Ariothea' laity,
not to be outdone by the fernier, de -
'haled her hal'rbrwd with a pair just
'three weeks after the marriage ' sere -