HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-13, Page 6MAT 13, 1880 .ems, Zan TIME S 'L'LrreA for the 01' TILE__ Sewingn 1t.GLA.NOL 11A,O 1 UNE IIUNDIUM tiug out o .`EARS. less often ----- ing hour, One lltaustro;t years ago not pound whose det of coal nor a foot of laminating gas >tac]dedi t had been limed in tbo country, No iron contrivances for economising heat • were employed until Dr. brae -kiln iu- 'routed the irou•framel fire•I)I e(.,tvltWit StiI1 boars. it, name.. All the cooking and war111iug, in town tiltlRoatiutry wits dude by the itai of it fire klutlletl ou the (leer h or in brick evens. 1'luo,koots or tallow etltttllee furnished the light f•,r the lung winter nights and sanded 1leore supplied the place of rugs aid serene. .ate water need fur the hatana- Iioi1 tsf.s drawn front tl gep wells with crealtikig Sweeps. No firm of putup was usa+d iu this cuttetry, so far as we oau letLru.uuti! tlaecommon cement of the presatut century. Tberowere uo trictiuli rzu tches in these days, by the add of which a fire noun( be easily !nettled, lint if the lite went out mein tet; hearth over night and the Bute, with datutneo that the spat It would Pot otitceb, the al- ternative. remained of weeliut* thruut.:lt snow fn. a mile or Rat ti burrow a hereat( of IL nei ;ober. O..IIy one repot in au; Louse wits warm, unless ttotne konabet of the household was sick ; in all the: lest the teinl•eratut'9 _way zero during itia'cy nights in waster. The Mon u Ulla Vtoaten Ot' a blttltlle i year.. age) went to tlreirbai.i its a tteintientturo a tder than that of our barns ruin wo aelnais, and they never c:, ttttiniued. A BOX EVANGELIST. A email boy,teu years of age, has be - gnu to ofleiate as at evangelist iu Greenvilel, IV. J. Some evetagelists preach iu barns anti some by the rend. sale, blit this y aitb has fatted piwt of a chicken house. Au old wagon serves (lien fur a puli.it. Coutrary~to the u• nal fashion iu /thicken Looses, the fiat r of this religions retreat is carpeted. A utlmbat[ of yeung:neiazhb':r> ~culler he e and listen to exhortations from brew youthful Ottopaulon. Before dismiss. lug his yotttliful congregation tl.e boy calls their atteution to some Bible ex- traotsl a portion of the Sermon ou the Altttwt, or oue of the commandments aucl requests thein to think over the subject during the week. At the olose of the meeting he is prepared to an- swer ataei.tiuns thatgn,ay be asked i Ire- ]ation to the Bible. He wee a regular and deeply interested atteudaut at a series of revival (nettings held in the Reformed church in Greenville a few weeks ago. Siuce thea he has beeu .a etudious reader. He entered on his -work with the remark that he wanted -to see if he could not do some good iu the world. TIME TO GET UP. There is no doubt that if an instru- ment could be invented to indic. to the various degrees of difficulty people ex- perience iu getting out of bed in the mornrug, it would have tit be graduated from zero up to a very high figure in- deed, Many persons know absolutely clothing of any diflieulty of the sort ; they tura out of bed with the alaerity of a bird, glad evou that it is time to gat up ; while others have to fight a battle more or less severe the moment they open their eyes every moruiug. We purpese]y dosoribe the difficulty as that ofgettiug;;ortit bed, becawtae it is to a very great extent a mechanical difia- iulty; When a Haan was once rallying =other on has weakness ne tbistrespect, tie said, 'WEty don't you (hake up your ,aalnd to i'.?' The reply was, 'Make up your mind to it 1 Oh that is easy en- ough ; I have done that hnudreda of tunes ; but what I can't mintage is to make up my body to it.' It Wake face tious way putting the tnatter,but it real- ly did describe the mail) difficulty. A person goes to bad with his mind fully made up to rise in the morning at the proper time, tvhonever that may be. he knows very well that he ought to do it, and that it will be better for him in every way if he does cto it. Entranced in this virtuous resolution he falls asleep ;• but when. he awakes a dull sense of inertness weighs him down, and if he stops to think about, getting too he finds thet inclination has neurp. od the placeof reason, and if there is one thing under the sun more ridreelt• oua tbtu1 au4err it ill SIN Wes of get. it to pull til (lour, no ti' put thea 3`here lett the will, taneime ti lLUeratiou en to nt otherwise in our hold the pt•oe and cons o gnestiva. I)irootly ave begin to thiuk we etre meet sure to lie abed, but when the reuse to titinit we are mot .more likely to a;(•t u!1. S.) the advice we give to every one who flab it very hard co get, asp in the moraine, but 'wants to coaster the s S:140) 'xa, is,—Italie tip your body to it, and turn out instantly without a moment's parley.---Qctsell's ?i%R�rl2l U P, A LOST HUSBAND.. • Oue of the ofieiais of Justice alley ewers lately waited nu by aL man who mind hir atone with Smith, end who vol. Rtiteeted the further inturtutuz n that he .vtis !;nine; t0 get weeded. The only stuniblteg Week was the fact that he wooed nut agree to give up driulcit.g. lle end rote to moot! L his Hotter ou tittit point cud see what Wets a'ivisnbit.. 'Weil 1'd pruauise,I gueee,' replied the justice. it's a bad habit anyhow, and the rcr;iner yeti break it the better,' 'Well, 1 gu;',s I wil;,' auswvered the than, and went tint. Iu (calf an how' he returned, and t aid : 'What de you tbiutt ? After I pro- mised that, site wanted me to leave off o.ta',•iu' tobacco 1" 'Wall, I'd no tnut,too,' said his Hon- or. 'I, s another bad habit, and you will feet all the better tor breakiug off from it.' Snaith went away again, and when he returned he loulred Twice as solemn as a frozen whiteii-h. 'Avcl :tow she wants me to proruiee to strip swearing 1' he gasped as be fell iuto a chair. '.Is site a nice wolnau ?' aske,d his Honer, 'She is.' 'And you truly love; her ?' •I du.' 'Wen, thou I'd stop swearing. It i a Snowless Ix•tbit, and you lose nothing' by promising.' The LUAU conclude to promise, and departed quite htppy,but when he once more returned after au interview with the bride elect he was clad. 'There woo t be no tuurriage,' be an. uouneea, as he sat down and pounded the table. - 'Why ? What sow ?' 'What now 1 Why, when I promis- ed to stop drinking, quit chawin' and leave off swearing, she said I um 3 pro •mise to clean up, shave up and go to church with Ler,' 'Judger replied Smith, after a strug• gle with his mental agitation, 'do you suppuse I etsv.going at it and change thyself over to e. gentleman just for the sake of marrying a 50•year Did widow with a mole on her ebbe ? Never ! You eau go Boole 1 'Thera won't be any stilieing to do, and from this time out I'll drink and chaw •and swear around four tinges worser than ever. It's too much—it's the.last straw on tho camel's back t' PASSION. • It is not te.uper, as exhibited in the shape of violent passion, that has the most pernicious inilueece on human conduct and happiness ; it is temper, of a cool, deliberates spite and secret ran- cour, that id mosito be guardedagaiust. "It ie the taunting word whore mean - Lug kits. The syeech lnteuded to mortify one's self-love, or wound our tenderest affections, it is temper under this gat b that is most hateful and most pernicious; when inflicting a series of petty injuries with a mild and placid lace, then is temper the most hideous and disgusting. The violence of pas- sion, when over, often subsides into of fectionate repentance, and is easily die - firmed of ate offensive power; but noth. ing over disarms the other sort of tem- per. In domestic life, it is to one's mind wheat a horse -hair shirt is to the body; and. like the spikes of an iron girdle, whenever it moves it Lacerates and tears oue to linos. GENTLEMEN t --I desire to express my appreciation of tue National Pili. I suffered for several years with Diepep- sia without permanent relief until a friend mentioned your Pills: I took one box according to directions, am well, and weigh '.5 lbs. marc tlaara be- fore taking them. MRS, 1;t3I:lERT ONT SBY. Vrooieaia o>a., Dela, n'st. 15th, 1879, Testiimo virtl9 a:,e sent to ns unsolioi• ted iters all i ;ester of Lite ootlutry. Any person gni n eteina a person giving a teittimaui tor reply al, Altould enoluso a postal earl ! r1I:lli 1)A,L1.A.N 1Y1 IN'1'Lf;i`l'IL.o%: 0, tS Quit ho tett 41 oz. TAILORS farad CLOTItil:WS) rr HE L.11010, /,' ANI) BEST STOCK O) Silverware, tend 1)etf over seeu iu TakepteaAutetotzf canonry, iity hive to the i} est, at acid surrounding canonry, that they have jus olto.tedout ,u. s.ueellentassortzuontof TO:2Z. Mr.Drow has just received an oxeollentstoolt:o Silver Tea tiotts,ituttor Coolers,l)oubleuutl Single Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card !woe ivcrs,0era muuiou Sot ts, oto.,uf the Bust QuaiirttitleanclTriple Plate, and is oifaring the same at prides that oldu ASTO\I:sl YQtr FOR CIHE.APrESS! 1'16 has just opened out a new a.n,i complete as- sortment of China, Class and Sten uaores. A large stock of Lantpsjust arrived. Call andsatisfy yourself as to quality and tdtoapness. Conic and try our instruments. Music 'Teacher still on rand. Services at lowest figures. Speoials,ttontiolt oalludto tate Raymond Sowing raohiuo. Organs and Pianos nnsurttasseit fur beauty of design, and duality of trona. 1'laatetis, aniti'n;/s, i estirlyseto., iu tliotatest styled a talpetterus,audft) el assured itiatiutuowetter ofotnt?ting, they eau suit the ulostfustidioustast6s. W' ]•Alcutts, Crones, P Sewive itltultia qt Organs, Aitoci'tipens, tend Umbrellas roz'^•irod: Spout Ye ergo Waltzer series sow- ir); i'iaelanes. Heoottd- its rid sewing Alaeltines for sale olcettp. Alt kinds of hoedles lend shah les fo I• Ron its V els eh to es knl.t on hand Shop -Blain Street, Ihtshwurnl, JUi1N G. $0LDOl , Propriator. stay 155 1-y. E. DREW. f7o / FOB MANITOBA. .During the icnnaidder ox the season of 1880, .._ ..�.��....�.�. GREE T W., .Y';� THE PIL!C VA '1Pi111eaye 011 Manitoba Parties 1 LILLIAN REIN FURNITURE DEALER Having been drawn into the Furniture Line by deeeitfnlness and falsehood is compelled to continua the liuoiuess, and 1S PREPARED TO SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. An examination of my large stock, which hi not excelled outside of the cities, and a comparison of my prices with other factories, cannot fail to convince the public of the truth of what I say. Every Article Marked Down to the Very Lowest Figure. I hay.' made arrangements to purchase a New Hearse, which will be ready shortly. Coffins, I Shrouds and all Undertaking Material on hand. Prices very reasonable. Society Emblems ciatstnutly in stock. Be sure to give me a call, and 1 will make it to your acltautuge to buy your Furniture from ole. liemember tllc place -north of Molsous Bank. W , DREW, --_--THE EX ', TER TIMES ES The FIRST TUESDAY of Every Month Next party ou 4th May. Par 1turbtoulars apply to JN O. X)tOX. • G.W. A, Avant, a;entralia ST. AC kPkORES. ourirawnk!Ius beingnow in Pull opera Moulting 1urningoutdu,ilyalane yuautiLi 01 Loss that! orau purposes cannot be srirpassed in the Domini -- ion. Parti.Hfronl A. distance eanahvaysbeer rpliee ,itheratthe, kilns or deliverdbytown s atlow est ret1ruaerativerates. 0rdeisfromu distance ,)xoulptly atten.deuto. W HITSON & ScLATE1t T - LEGAL R II. CADDY, BARRISTER chi ATTORNEY Mu Law, Solicitor, Jce. Quids, Bansou's Block Fixeter. MoDIARMID, B.A., ltAitRls'l'EIt,NOTARY, CONVEYANCZ•;' &C'•, LVCAT ONT. MEDICAL. R. IIUTCIIINSON, Mon tbs,., of the College of Physicians and S` .u,.aons of . 0nttesio, acct., Sae.. Otiiee next dour to 1. tiutitu Street )(:aster u,�?Alas, 1 i' R. HYNDMAN.—COI3lc` -°��ij-�- L. the CountyoflINron. ufl' 'jN-."'•EOFb ' ara..d.Carlthg'satoro,Exeter. cdt;• PS , t}rBn rosea Vis ` G ]VI - G•. �41e! . anitreefde uce. Dozz_ni °Oxialhli' P. ,Seity . •�t•aq.` C. M00RE; Itz, D, Ti + tlrt tduato of ttioC,i1lUn' C- Ofii•oeaue tet )sidence,Exotor,C iversit'y.-yZOo at Ste lttia. in and ?to10u.1 mt. 0:4e9 All kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch' .�I't.. . A. ROLLI Order your work where you can get it done the cheapest. o �7ucturia st, teed fool 0 to SO a. Lt,; 2 to 51) LUt'Z, m..7 t,J • .Uftitie at his I Colored Work a Specialty The TIMESOFFIC8 has excellent facilities for turning out CARDS, !SILL I- LAOS, POSTER$, non !tense 1.00 • r R. IRVIN VEItSITY ^ Pnaeieiana and `CENT -w been boen nes style. Comms ' gt lir the 21 ,G, GR , rine, O'U1`k%S° s„rgeoni Oibt. .S. Iva, Aon �,• BaY.er pYe '-�' L, GRED L'. ON:. ,lyiurniahed' praetor. Thi, Hof : el hes.. Lax a ,sod c .end tatted ap iu gra t-0)ase 1370!.. iq+savellt onvenient Shote (tot ons nor. X,ytent' .ire; beat of liqc1uor, and ,eiLsro .: f ,vegctsp)dXe elwny, on hind �� t'1'�;~ta�ill, BMi gu•^ � i mt r 0 ,• HALE o H0T1 U. _. edVE17d'11N. a• ltRA i9Ct1' a)aioar hotel, anrt n har ing puroLP �frs Aral -class aoiztrm; .ttoti it tha' aughout, no0 ' et• . gguaranacigaratAt1 °ftdation; otravolors, ail iotl•:lin ealivetloablotpr• she bare/. f400dstahling un:t; "oguestt. hand. deist ---.-.�....�..,..,.sexy attonttouytrARitItRS _""'andicwill i Aa, Tt.111111 j fl1I1i j,AA11. k'' inos and Bone 1) .Ater+.e' 81von awayf alt o, F ottr landTxi k1 e1oetttn0 hooplukte of d l 2 cafe. Al so a � oxmation with t.eetito r' Ihe,undeesi6ned i:' — .A. *rets wfE.zett , wouldi"aform the inhabi- O.1�T+,sI<11I;1D A + ) r and vicinity that lie has l 1W BUTCHER SHOP h ATI. i O I- ilembf }Coliege , 01'110E1X irkton. ••••—'^1 otte.togrtacit - 0 'LPIyt411t}?Il#j 00 ifna,jgll��n1, den netts -V.° bttcf001 4 e l e]ipA ) (leDpi it osi 4h; a t flaisTntaoastnithshofr andhopss patronage that has bean ac' .tied to htuz in tits tI'1•lt gun WAGON 4tA):i)i6 dodtotaini tuhis newbranc1 a oat wagon Lyilit Il.n tatthe'rebi' )agethrOetimeseack wool. and t constissetl, ou band at bit and wagon Tonkin geIYriet Ota,•, tt lirar.aLc,It' AVIS..