HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-13, Page 412, LOBO TEE TIMES and Reliable. kinds of Vegetable and Agricul ft&t 44444444444414444.4.444444 -tY 414... 44 4444 resit and Reliable. tural Seeds direct from Importers, at 4;74 of the very best quality, j01-XN F.A.TIMMEVS. Exete ". • t 11 W. HA 11.TLI:,7 riA TARIM ! CATARRH ! USE P+.+„1. . ' I 4 • grvat 1 Pi to 1 17 lee.,iveitiist *iatureliet. Renate mat birds Sr Nevada S11701114 COMpO ltd. The only positive °ureter Caar trh ye t discovered. POU SAVO UT LUTZ'S UENTRAL JORL 0 STORE. W. General Agent, Arkona, Ont. "1.1, Lite; •- boott 1 4 17 , tc,rroil iu the retort approved t • Pito • . • I'" , .. " tot 1 Pie•e, e ft enittv: in the beet and clitenetet 11 to e“ ie. sleet t, Muter, 8 re. d titritif ,. et L ' 4, itt etee -lei a he go variety of 1 ieturee ( "" 3-- i "' - ." - :: e i'i i'e • .•1 Trt)1'1 liXl*IT Ell t`.11tEENTIOUSlil. j„,, Ail 1,..1.2,, ,,e wizla,nv and 13,0d,og P1tutt4. :0 ' CO ;1;:.....'', A., i.i,,n,:ir,g ba:iwts iiii,,i l'aiels filled to P-',1''t!or - '.- •-• ....- -1.. ''' '''''l '''''' ..',.. ti ':•..: -•:...."''t ;':::,i'''.1.'0„(,..!•'.tibifi.f'Uteitaiu„litise().N‘is101ti. 9°,1-e,,f,',' .. ... .. . .,..I.3.-0. .„ .. ... .,. il .2. :-,.. k, ''`' ,4..'‘.e,"-. ....1-+ 'Ai il!:, i'l...1.011;i....; roll:11411y at11,1ett to, 1,.=.t.t,f4;,0^,-.1).1Uott, .„, • ..; . , .. ti, i 'a u ''ii'llt u..ot Anioriltol Fruit attil ,, ,. i.1 I: 1;1 A V.sif'Fi, TY,..'i'' '''''..',.: .. .. ..... - .:.• '%'.' ,'-' ' ,:" ..".''''''''''S-",. '.-1‘ .1, P rl, It al 'I' ro,....t. ()etiorg oo1irt!to41 .‘.;,...,!....., !or 1" .. ... • !... ... . :".1 ' , '" .."!') oi,,I..,,,;4,4,. -4 'ot: Vo.,r4tstootl, W".1.1kItTillittlIll. it el tiee • le• es,..•.1.1,er :ea ... ,.. . it ;•• I e , .'!; 1.' _ ' 1,,,..1 ... ..... ....... .. . .. 1 • -. r, co Ili 14,4, roll. 11 11;-.• it‘ il 2.:.14"' T Ft) It f,..' 8,,:o1 ire eirouLirs explitining..our . , , , r! li ''.7•S'i: 7r.O. 'fr.' X. canvassinat , - , • 1 - - , J " " slio..1,pori.r.bn ... ... - - . -0 ''. .. 11:.: 0 ;.i •.. • .. • ,. • , .. : ".,.,t-, 1".1-,' vv., •!.',..;".•fill sueoosq. 10 0srUscnin - :iy..?r 1, ,,,, ,,i, ... ... . ,., ,,.:, - '..-.: 5,..:• 5•• . i , ; `., ' \Mr 1NIS, our ptil.lif,attnis are ‘1 , . ‘,. , ,•. . i t . , .PP11.• ..,•: 0•,,, I 11101i.4. lier 1. 1."-1. ....... • TAO ii.Wiry iII Pab. r. t. ctliefeiel:et eV, Nerwielt. Omni F,1,17 r, oor It; 0 V _A_ L 1P,ripy ........ .......... .... ..... , ....... o . , ]1A.Ll 1111ni 111, /1111Dernit,. . .... ... . ....... . te e 0 it • " .. ' "- tt at he Itii al:moved to the eer •tolon u It o , lestrer , .... ....... „ ....... 8:-,,,,,101te-LY Read, Shure por.;1; .. ... -to t; tl'ae..a ailzu,:statm,Itt 4 7.1 te 1,,,LUtttieiT .......... ... ti 1., .2 NN'oo.1 pt.oor:t ,„, , fio to i 71 _ . TiOMC D.—On1•141'dveler • ' at tho iu r...;vervr, it ani.;41 po,ro4,1 of latty'a 'ra,% ,r iv", 1, celliug at W. n. •iro , itt, the property, and pe,yine ,or this advtietheneet, Exeter, May etb., 1830. DO NOT RiAD THIS _Taring receiVed a lot or now mechinery, I L would incom the fartnees :a the eur- nitodine tient:try that I :nu pee: el i.e.', te mann_ facture till kLi,.s oi Aorto* Ilitkes4 Barley Takee, Grain Oreellett, Stheiths, etc, and having procured the services- of a liest-clas Turner, 1 =Prepared to no ALL KINI.)8 OF TURNIFG 0. IIAU, creiliton. SPRING MILLINERY AT is MISS GARLICK'S N ew Black Strew Hats, Now Satins dud Silks," NOW Bibbone, Feate ere, Flowers. and Othaments, c.heaper thee ever before. Fancy noniton and Point Braids, Berlin Wools, Mot- oes, New 'Braiding Piot IntS-a, full line in of all es?, Goode. Cell .and see them. InAIN STBE - - EXETER. on the shortest notice, and for efrIc and prir'e I defy e.onteten roc. Always on timid a hist- ei•res stoev: of Fork and Shore]. handiee.Mb half a niile south Of Exeter.. A. COTTELL. D02114101q LA,BORATORY. FIT.711PHTIEY'S HOMEOPATH.; SFECIFICS. These -preparations are arranged to euro every diseased condition whish it is propelfor amateur or tenni:: to treat. Hundreds of phials fluid monthly. Call for List and Marital. PERRY'S COMMON SENSE JOHN BACK having purchased the stock oil:tit:teem R. Lk Fe Spicer, has requived to the :store lately oc- cupied by thorn, North of Post Office. All kinds Flour and Feed Always on Hand. FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS in groat variety. Horse &Cattle Medicines JOHN BACK. The only scientific preparation in the mallet. Nrg'"W GOODS YEW GOOD't kt ROCK CRYSTAL SPECTACLES The best fina cheapest in the market -scien- tifically fitted. WELL s & BICRARDSON'S.PEIIPECTED utter Color 10 cents worth warranted to give strich dan- (lelion coler to 50 lbs. batter. 25e. worth is sufficient for BOO lbs, Sign of the Golden Mottar, Exeter. Just Arrived AT THE CHOICE FAMILY GRO OE roY, A Brand New Stock of Garde, and Field Seeds, 6--y-sTre,RS. ORANGES AND LEMONS A. Hyndman FANSONS BLOOX, EXETER. .1\1.A.N.E.1001) : HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED We have recentlypublished a now edition of 017 IMP, tv areles 0E1,16 BBA.T D S SAY 00„the radical andpormarient euro (without ine. dioine) I Nervous Debility, Mental and phystiettl Inottpacity impediments to Ilariiage, ate., re- sulting from excess. rex, 1?rice 10 a seale1t envelope, only 6 cents 0e two postage etatups. The °chir:nod anther of this admirable essay, clearly dertionstrates,from thirty years' succen-,. eta practice, that alarming conseepr mice:ern ay be rittlicelly cured without tho dangerous use ef in toruli medic; aes or uta use of the knife Point - wit (*100.10 01 euredit onetesirnple certain and ef- Zectuni, by means of whiell every sufferer, nom tt- tor white liiS condition may be, may care himself 4hOrtp1y1 privetely, andradieelIy. This Lecture should be in the hands of eyery wouth, and two y man in the land.. Address, TUE COLVERWELL ME DICA.L.Clo, 41 Ann Street,New Y rk, Itteitk,046.0e BOk . . constantly arriving at W. D. MeGloghlon's Mammoth Jewellery Store, 180, Dundas street Landon, Ont trio. Whenever you visit the For - eel, City 0:101 fail to visit this fine establishment, the only firat•ela- s store of the kind in the City. and beat arranged Jewellery store in the Donn. Mon. The W, D.VIeGloghlon Watefi stands un• rivalled. AP whOTIFJO there recommend them to their trends, All kinds of 'Watches in stock; Clocks -of every' desernitien, Bich jewellery of er- ery style, Main:in:1s and Precious Stones ,Fancy Goods, Speutacles, and all NY edding Watches, (iloeks, and Jewellery repaired and warranted W 1).11ebL,OGHLON. LACHINE CANAL. NOTICE TO MACHINIST CONTRACTORS QEALED TENDERS addreeeed to 1.-,7 the undersigned (Secretary of Railways and Canals) and endorsed ” Tender fol: Leek Gates, Lachine Canal," will be received at this other until tee arrivs 1 of Weill:tete= and Western Mails onTairit:WAY, the Sid day of JUNE next, for the constraution oggates, end the tioceetetrynia- chinerp connected with them, for the new locks en the Lachthe Canal. Plans, Specifications and General Conditions can 1:0 Keen at this office on and atter DAY, the 20th day of M ‘.-ir next, where forms of tender can also be obtained. Parties tenderine are expected to provide the sneeial tools it ecessary for, and to have a practi- cal knowledge of, works of this class, and are re- quested to boar in naud chat tenders will net be eon:du:wed unless made strictly in eccordance with the menthe forms, and -in the cane of firms -except mere Vire attached the extualsignatures, the nature of the occupation and the residence of each member et the same; toed, turthee; an ac- cepted *mar oheque fog a sum omen to tate, for the gates of each lock, must eiecompeny each ten; de , whish sum shall be forfeited if the party ten- dering declines entering rite contract foe the work at tb e rates alai DU the terms stated le the offer submitted. The cheque thus sent in wil) be returned to the respective perties whose twitters are not accepted k'or the due fulfilment of the eontraet the party or parties whose tender it is peoposed to accept will be notified thet their tender is.aceepted sub- ject to a deposit alive per cant of the bulk euro OZ the contract -of' which,the etpn sent in With the tender will be censiderecl it twat -to be does • teid,to the coedit ot .the Receiver: General Within eield days after the date of the notice, Ninety per rent only of, the progrees estimates will be peed until the completion of the work, This Department doeriot, however, bind itself to accept the Lowe et, or any tender. I3y order, BRAT.IN haersitiry. 1:Apt of Railways and Canals, Letta3va, 29th liareh. 1860e ted 5 HE N 8 ALL. FURNITURE ROOMS, Why 'go abroad for your Furniture When vett eau get Better Vidue for your money iu Nensal. JAB. CO2CWORTI-1 having bought out the Furniture Busioess of Mr S. Fab -bairn, and added largely to the stock is enlaaed to offer fUrnithr6 itt vary pridoa. My Undertalciug Dep.: rtment win he found su- perior to any in this eeetien, having just received a large addition of all kinds of undertaking gooda. arst-elnes hearse v, ill be furnished for funerali. 00 reasonable terms, Also eguut for the Warmer and New York Singer Sewing Machine. JAS. COXWOitTH. wrika.0 .7,7,7: Pete-v.:re: 117.7ii.YXATviltv 71•F',74•01.1tTettt"ft":7" Undertaker .i AATOuLD SA TO those who intend Plerelmehig to do BO from the manufacturer. The dottier who bays to sell • agate must imeessarily have it profit. We eleirn to give the parch:Leers Iho benefit, which :mullet tail to meet the views of the Grangers, Our expenses axe 1 08 IS than those of 011',3 Mann 7itethreri 00140(1,1=y. WO Call gel eheaper. Emblems EX f....a.••••••ua.yaale•uIM+rWo.M.I•Pnsod.•mngk,a11•41••••tway. C. t.t S. c...1-.11)r.xy 1 and -.F.-4"1 .1- r 1 1 i t i.1 1 .se. Ala nli. ft I(...'It 1.1/' 0 rs IvE WOULD ,..Vatillsl'eeillatbt.1 T„..,,,.-:. ;- 10 01(1 uul(tttigtatL ',":•:;-:: ,...;<''',, 7:”. ',,3 inent,which ie more cool - ::,,.„, . ,, , ,... , , plc( e than 0 (Pr, ati W Int NO . . 1 .{.( t i ;I .t.,VPI a" ne'W 1.1eSitala ........,'4...,... ....__L .- - ..-,-4 .,.. ,' -- -"..1 o'itnte The , best nnconithnse , ' .. 0051(0(1 shrmillsettl every 'nueral rodiiihite at the ,ft. \ /,-, inV,9t pried 1. our now iionriis pronoued by , ,.e,,,i)('tont iut,etto be 1. . second to neral i ,........A.,,,, ,..' ,.., provinces era 4"1 of all the Iffuent Sonotin.",111,11.0 JUST RECEIVED AT THE TEE GROCE qirr 4.; AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOCK of GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG IIYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED -FRUIT, SA.RDINES. LOBSTERS, SALMON, BITTER SAUCE' AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRI.TPS. RYE, .1.1.A_L scoTaH, IRISH AND 001‘11110N WHISKIES, TOBACCOS ANI) CIGARS, .,4. Wholesale and Retail. .A MAOE Main Street,Exeter, This great tiousehold Medicine ranks amongst the leading noresseriee of life. These famous Pills purify the iteoen, and. act most powerfully yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, ffulneye, and Bowels, giving tone, energy, anti vigor to these great mein spriug; of life. They are eon. identity recommendei1 as a never failing remedy in all cases whore the cenetitation,froin whatever cense, leas beeome impalred or weakened. They are wonderfully, effieticious in all aitmente inci- dental to females of all age; and as a geuer al Family nicedeine are unsurpassed. Its searching and heetrug properties are known throughout the world. For the mire of bad legs,ba.d bre fists. old wounds Sores andUlcers, it is an infralib le remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and ehest, as salt into moat, it °liras son threat.Bronclaitis,Coughs Voltis, and even Asthma.. For Glandula: Swel- lings, Ahcesses, Piles, if' istullis. Gout Rheumatism and every kind of Akin Disease, it has never been known to fall. ThePills and.Uintot�nt, 008 10011' ufaetured only at 583 OXFORD STEET. LONDON, And aro soldby all Vendors of Medicines through- out the civilized world; with directions in almost every langnege. The Trade Merits of these Medicines are regis- tered to Ottawa, ;tepee, any one in the •British Pee sessiens,who may keep the American Corm- lei:faits for sale, will be prosecuted. i'•••••Purelietters should look to the tow' on the mi Boxes, If the address is not 533, Oxford. ,Lc ndon, they aro Spurious EMOVED—H. KINSMAN, D.14111 - TUT has roil -lewd to Pansou's Mock, three doom north of Carling's store. 011100 upstairs. CANADIIN PAC/FIC RUWAYI TENDERS FOR ;TANKS AND PUMPING MACHINE 3Y. MENDERS. will be received by Lite undersigned up to noon on BA TURDAY, the 15th MAY neet, for furnishing and erecting in place at the several watering stations along the line or the Cauedian Pacific Bellway under con- struction, Frost -proof Tanks with Pinups and Pumping Power of either wind or steam, 013 ratty be found most suitable to the locality. Drawings onn., be seen and specifications and other partloubei's obtained at the onIce, of the Mngineor in 011(131, Ottawa, en and after the 15th April., By order, BRAUN, Secretary. Del$ of 'Wiwi= and Canals,, Ottawa ,ist prit, 1880. td CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY.. TEADERS, FOR TRO". BRIDGE; SUPER. SPRVOTURE.. ENDERS addressed. to the under. • signed wiltbe received up to noon 4 DAY the the 10th MAY. next, for funnelling and • erecting Iron, Superstructures oyer the Itastern and Western outlets of the Lake of the Woods, apeeilleations and other particulars will bo fur- nished on application, of trio office of the Engin ear in Ohief, 0 ttavat, on and after the 15tli April, Dept of Railways and Cenals, Ifs, XI 14, Ottawa, let AIM] 1800 • Just received. a choioe supply of FLOWER PLANTS & SP.FDS Call and see them. Gold and Silver Fish for sale. Pure. Wines and. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. W. B. SELLEY, Prop. ALWAYS ON HAND IN THEIR, SEASON, the best of Soled a ley 'And Oats ALSO Quicklime & Waterlime LAND SALT, LAND PLASTER it BlaciproithsTpoal AT SWENERTON'S WAREHOUSE, Exeter Station, where mv warehoreemen will nlways be tonna from 7 am to 9 pm to wait On customers. B. SWENERTON. Harper's Bazar Patterns. They are graded to, FIT ANY. FIGURE 00(1 90 adjusted that them oat ineXperioneed, with the aid of rhe printed directiene, which accom- pany each nth, can secure& perfect fit. Thoy aro cheaper than any others,. ONLY 26 CENTS FOR A COM- PLII4TE, SUlT. 48enttforZ10ter and VloinitY,, A CANFIELD. t0 .would itiso Call, apocittl attention to his well, assorted stook of Fancy Goods, Berlin Wools, Ignoring Yarns, knitting Colton in all colors, knitting done to order. A. good supply of hos- iery always on hand. Please es11 and exantlao stoce and peloos before purchasing elsewhere. Opposite Panscer's Block, W,,,C4!IEL1. ip THE EXETER P1aninall1111,Sash DOOR AND. EN 1E0.111 ALL KINDS ori T I\T. INT D.031.e to order:. iterapinherthe piano nVerc oward Canadian Pacific Railwy' T4)7t1,6,t78 tor Rolling Stock, rUENDERS are invited for furniebing the Rolling Stock required to be delivered on the Canadian Pacific Railway, within the next four y,ottirs, comprising the delivery in each year. of about the following, viz e- 12°6 I'Lix°cs°t-inel°atsitTeC1larris$4(jaille:roportion being sleepers), 231 Second -elites Cars, clft. • 1 JD Apress and baggage cars, 3iPestal and smoking care., 240 Box Freight curs 100 Plat ears 2 Wing Ploughs COnow Ploughs, . /liar gars 402gtetilithdwir0oltrg it00 1331 bfA.NtrPittepintED TN Trig DOKTNIOX OP CANADA and delivered on the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, at Fort William, or in the Pr,ovince of Manitoba. 1)rawings, tipeenications and other infortnetion may be had on nim at the ellice of the kingleeer-in-chief, at Ottawa, .on and after the 15th day of letAttOlt next. Tenders' will be received by the undersigned np to noon of TaultsDAlt, the let day of JUDY next.. By order, BRATTN, Secretary,. DitPArertimrr 031 Jtiariw.VP AVD CANAr43,1„, itttawit 7th Vob.,1879, •