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The Exeter Times, 1880-5-13, Page 2
TOR ' '1MB 5.13 -,1,80 ITIIE BIDDULPII TRAGEDY, MAC Or TRIAL, LIKELY TO 1}19 cuaNGRla,. A few weeks ago it was .stated in there columns that there was a probe. bility that an applioati(1n would be made to the Goa-[ of Queen's Bench for a change in the venue or the I idclalph warder ease, We now learn that it is rnore than probable a motion will be made io term by the Crown oonnsel, when it is bnl:i+ved that the order will 1 e made-. Additional reagens have been advanced- for the removal of the trial from a pltxoe where local bias has been proven to be extensively prevalont,and where, whatever the result of the trial, snepteions would be entertained as to 1 the influences under which it was ar- rived;at. It is therefore likely that there will be little objection to the change of venae, as it is rumored that evenChiet ,justice Wilson, who refused an order ' when the case wits before hitn ab Lon- don, may be inclined to review his judgment in view of new light upon the subject which has been obtained. If changed, the trial will in all probaoil• ity take place et Guelph, that place bo- ing favored by the ta,ttorney•General as the most suitable,—Hatatilton Tintrs. HIS TELEPHONE. 'T guess I leaf to gif up my delephone already,' said an old citizen of Gratiot evet:ne yesterday, as be entered the office of the oompanywith a very long face. 'Thy, what's the [natter now ?' 'Oh ! eferytings. I got that dele- phone in imine house so as I could aphealk mit der poys in der saloon down town, ani mit my relations in. Spring. wells, but I haf to gif it up. I nefer haf much droubles.' 'Vhe11, my poy Shon, in der saloon, he rings der spell und calls me opp und says an old frent of mine vhants to see how she works. Dot ish all right, I say : 'Hello !' und be says 'Come d os- er.' I goes closer :and helloes again. Den he pays: 'Sthand a little off,' 1. ethands a little off and yell vunoe more and he says : 'Spltoalc fonder.' T yells louder. It goes dot vhay for ten min- utes, und den he Bays : 'Go to Texas, you old Dutchmant !' You see ?' 'Yes.' 'And den mein brodder in Spring• wells he rings der pell and calls up opp und says how I vhas dis eafnings ? I says T vhas feeling like:some colts, rind he says : 'Who vhant to pity some goats ?' I save : 'Colts—colts—colts 1 und he answers : Oh!. coats. I thought you saidt goats ! Then I goes to ask him of he fells petter,I hear a:voice cry- ing ondt, 'What Dutcllmens is dot on die line !' Den somepody answers, 'I don't Icnnw, but I likes to punch his head!' You see ?' 'Vhell,:is:lmeditnee my vhif vhants to sphealc mid me vlleu I am down in der seinen. She rings mein pell ua'd I says, 'Hello 1, Nopody spheeks tome. She rings again, und I says, 'Hello:' like divider-! :Den the Central Office tell me to:go aheadt,und den he tells me holit on, und he tells mein vhif dot I am whey. I yells ondt dot ish not so mind somepody says, 'How can I tally if dot olcl. Dittoltmau dean' keep sthill,' Yon Pee ?' - 'Yes.' 'And when I nits in bed[ at night, Pompnciy rings dor pell likeder house vos on fire, und vben I 'thumps nidi and says hello,Idhear somepody eayine: 'Kaiser, duan' you vivant to pity a deo'? I vhants no dog: und viten I tells en, so I hear anme, peoples ln.tlxhing:m'Haw! haw 1 haw !' Yon. see ?' 'Yes.' 'Urel so yon take i1t ondt, nail viten somep',cly likes to sphealc mit me (ley shall corns right a.vay to mein saloon. Of my brlui'ler islt sick be shall get potter ; rind if ecenspody vhants to tiny ire n *log, ha shall conte vhere I can flinch him snit a club 1 - PHIL'S PRAYER. Thorofare agreat many people, in their religion, t,Jntt remind me of Uncie Phil, to pinus old derby of the old tirne in Texas. Neil, 1'ltitl wee a fervent Christian. with -a areat Loft of prayer, He attend• ed ell the tintdrdny right prayer moot- ings on oot-ingson the neighhering plantations, and could pray longer and louder than any of the brethern, But Phil hadone weakness, he dearly loved money; and, 'different from the negro generally,loved. to hoard it. Near by us lived a roan who, not 'roobled by any. scrupies, would pay Phil a dollar to work in his fields on Sonday. Ou Sunday night Phi11 ct►me home after dark. .I accosted him with : 'Where have you been Phill ?' 'Oh, jnst lmoelcing about, massa.' 'You have been working for Mil. ler.' 'Well, you Pee, massa, the old fellow, is in weeds and he jnstlehowed me a sil- ver dollar, and T `jest couldn't stand it.' 'Ain't y"u afraid the devil will get goo far breaking the Sabbath?' PFlill scratched his head a minute and said : 'I (pees the Lorc1'll 'souse me, mas- sa.' 'No, He says 'remember the Sab- bath day, and keep it holy.' ' Phil went off looking pretty sober,. and it was not long before I heard his voice in fervent prayer at the back of a baro, RO I thought I would slip down rear enotght to hear hitn. "Ob. Lord ? I heard hitn say, "I breve this day ripped and teamed, aimed and smeared at them confounded oxen of tiller's, and jest broke the Sabbath day. Oh, Lord, please forgive me, far you know's Pse nott+ing bat a miserable heathen anyhow. If you'll jest forgive me this time I'll never do it again as long as I rive,' cepten he gives me two dollars and a half a day. At this point I was obliged to beat a hasty retreat, lent I nm thinking that poor Uncle Phil isn't the only two dol- lar and a hail. Christian in this world. — CLIDE STARR, in Detroit Free Press. important to Conqumptivea A gentleman having been so fortunate as to euro his son ofConettruption xn its worst stages, after being given up to die by the most cele- brated physioians, desires to matte known the euro (which proves sncoossful in every ease) to those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and the Afro - tions of the Throat and .Gangs, and will send the llecipe, free of charge to all who desire it, if they will forward their address to DANIEL Al)L+'fel, 34 Liberty St, New York. 6in, General. Every foot of lumber that can be ant this season at the Cbaudiere up to the lar of September is disposed of. This looks like a return of the old times. There is discontent in the New York grain trade beaause New -York Central elevators bevegiven notice of an addi- tional charge of one Dent a bushel after May 2rd. New York Stock Market :—Edison Electric Light, $1,800 ; Edisou Ore Milling, $200 ; Keely 1MIotor, tt10 ; Ccnitlin Electric lrignal, $51 ; Metro• pulitan (gas, $136 ; New York Gas, $101. Thousands of tons of Limburger cheese are produced every season, mostly in the States of New York and 'Wisconsin, at a cost of less than half that of the imported artia•Ie. It finds its markt and is consumed mostly by oar German -American population. It is more profitable to the farmer and maker than any other kind of cbeee.e, because from a given qnantity of milk more weight is obtained and better prices are realized. USES OF SOOT IN THE GARDEN, Soot is valuable for the ammonia Tilrch it cnntnins, and also for its pow- er of reabsorbing ammonia, The creosote it contains is valuable as an infect destroyer, and as a fertilizer of all garden crops. If the soil is dry, a little cormnnn household salt may be mixed with soot. Lime and soot should never be Mixed together; lime destroys the ammnt;ia. Soot that hag been steeped water for two or three days ie as good a fertilizer as horse -hoof par. ings for house plants, and inerP ase[ the vividness of the bloom of floe ere in the open air. Soot and salt in connec- tion with compost—one -quart of salt to sx+lnarts of soot—is au excellent fertilizer for aepa.ragns,' onions, cirb• banes, &c. Two bushels of eoinpnet I IN 'BRONZE LETTERS, makes a heavy dreN,eing for erten t-glltai a 1, ,� ,,, � ,a , roil of ground, to be worked jilt° the i Er, � s id laf, D i'xi surface of ti 5 s il.— CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, hav- ing had placed iu his hands by an East In- dia missionary the formula of a simp)e vege- table remedy for the speedy and permanen- eure for Consumption, . Bronchitis, Cattarlr, Ast thine, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also - a positive and radical cure for Nervous De- bility and all Nervous Complaints, after hav- ing aying tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering follows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, I will send free of charge to alt who de- sire it, this recipe, in Gorman, French, or Eng- lish, with full directions for preparing and us- ing. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. Shands, 149 Powers Block, Rochester, V. X.. GE1{A'LAN YRUP." No other medicine iu the world was ' over given such a test of its curative qualities as Bowman's Gm wAN &'PRPP. Iu three years two millions four hundred th',ucand small betties of this medicine were distributed free of charge by druggists in this country to those of cted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pnennmonia, and other diseases of t the throat and lunge, giving the American people undeniable proof that GreMfAN Bruer will cure them. The result has been that druggists in every town and village in the Ca -1 nadas and United States are recommending it' to their customers. Go to your druggist and ask what they know about it. Sample bottles, 10 Dents. Regular size, 75 cents. Three dose- will relieve any case. WHEN the little ones are srffering from worms there will usually be one or more of the following symptoms :— Bad breath, pale, sallow, or leaden complexion, with occasional flushing, swollen upper lip, enlarged nostrils, a a livid circle under the eye, with di lation or contraction of the papit and vacant expression, disturbed sleep, grinding of the teeth, picking the nose. a dry cough, slow fever or convulsions. It requires no coaxing to induce the sufferer to eat Abernethy's Worm candy. Pri3e 25 cents. T UP Wlri' B. E TIMES —0-- PARTIES _e_ PARTIES INTENDING TO PURCHASE ORGA N S SILOULD CALL AT FxTOr' and nsamine his Stock. the Best that are Made DOMINION ORGAN CO.'S. C A U T I EACli I'L( 0ir THE yn vy To IS 1IAI11C.ED �^�p No Beaverton, 113th Fib., 1880, at anal Poli I , • i1eesre. T. Afilburn aG Cn. GENTLEMEN,— The firers'te to the in- stant etl'eore of Yellow Oil in ti case of Orctno:aaro as follow: ---My little grand- daughter watt growing worse Vere rapidly with Orono, and Was giving the orninons melt so dreadful to hear. Nolle of the ordinary remedies seemed to help her ; but on my on asking if I had tried Yellow Oil, I did eo at once, administering a few drops on sugar, and rubbing it pretty ptentiftllly on her ehest and throat. Tho effect was wonderful. In a few minutes she threw off the nnieoual, brefetltecl freely, and in half an hour was playing and laugh. Ing. I ala, snt'etofnil;v yrt111'lt, SARAII CHURCHILL, PLOW'S, and SCO'l'CII DIAMOND • IIA IO WS constantly on hand and made to order McMILLAN & 1\1(BRIDE laving now g -seater I:511111os than ever, are,trre t ,0Il'tt) i piy :annexe atter :lion r elarct?tors /:1 slentrl Board, nisch by ourselves ; Chill Blows, ivul,+.epl t ,Hake; Seoteh 1liarn,a.e1 Harrows (lultivatnra, (Olin' ielows, C'n.rria+os and buggies nn fiend, and mean to or- der, ,. ,r0rt4hr,si1 ; att,-tulr(l to on the shortest notice, Horses Abell to prevent itlterforieg. ltolftr;T,A`1 & Motiride,R'ingSt.,Tteus:ati irqr. pot flay: at home, Se+nylon wo,rila �•1. 4)41 45 frac+, Address, Stinson' & Co' 1'ortid, err di'aine. THE EXETER TIN AND STOVE ' MAIN ST. O T4i E this opportunity of thanking my numerous customers for past favors, and wi5hto notify tkrorn and the public generally that I have Purchased Mr, D. Johns' stock of STOVES, TINWARE, LAMPS, &c. , and have moved my own stook into the building lately ooeapiod by Mr. Johns, in the Post Ofi'roe Block, where I now have ono of the largesc and best assorted stooks in the county. Coking, Parlor and other Stoves THE BEST IN TIIE MARK Also a large variety of Tinware, Tamps, Lamp Chimneys, Coal Oil and Cutlery. Eastimates given for Eavotronghing. ' Carriage Plating a Speciality, Depend upon it will give you good value for•your money. The very highest price in Cash peicl for Hides and Sheep skins, K L" Remember the place—the Exeter Tin nrd Stove Depot, Post Office Block, bfaiu Street, Exeter. *Meter, January 20, 1880. E 11. SPACXMAN. GO TO JAMES PIC ARD' S and don't miss the chance. Just Received - 3rd Let of those Cheap Mink Setts, 3rd Lot of Robes, Hudson Bay prides, Dress Goods and Winoeys—dirt cheap, Blankets and Etoffos at job prices, Grey, Scarlet and Fanny Fiauna:s—mill prices,, For variety and Latest Styles, don't fail to see our MILLINERY. Cloths and Tweeds, never batter seleete(1; and the best cutter in the county. OVERCOATS The UNIVERSAL SUSPENDER. For assortment and price unequalled. SOME REASONS why these Suspenders are better than others lat.—No Elastic required. 2nd.—Is Slack when stooping. 3rd.—It never slips off the Shoulders. 4th.—Sold at prices of common suspenders. Try a Pair and Secure Comfort. Manufactured by C. E. RAMAGE, 282 Adelaide St. west, Toronto. BOOTS AND SHOES Bought before the big advance; and our customers get the advantage not only of selecting from the, largest Stook in town, but AT OLD PRICES. Our object is to buy and sell at Bottom Prides, and by ;he way people are flocking around we think we are doing it. COME AND SEE, JAMES PICKA.RD ®N : ROTHE FOM. C©C13. Black Lustres for 12 Itis. Black Lustros for 20 Black Lustres for 25 Black Lustres for 30 Black Lustres for 35 Black Lustres for 3 Black Lustres for 45 Black Lustres for 50 Black Lustres for 65 Bla;k Cashmeres for 30 cts. Black Cashmeres for 45 Black Cashmeres for.S5 Black Ca,ihmeres for 65 Black Cashmeres for 75 Black Cashmeres for 90 Black Cashmeres -for $1,13 Black Crape Cloth for 45 cts, Black Crape Cloth for 75 itis, For anything in Black or any other Goods, try BANToN BRO.i_lIIE rS, Eaerett's Block, Exeter. E NATI ` .... POLI Haling triumphed at the polls. ISAAC CALING s prepared to give all his customers ins bet A9ts ,that will accrue frorn its adoptioli, and bay! hand entree stock of s Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines an Liquors, Crockery, Eta., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold' wbichwillbe sold 1st mice sunheard ofunder Fre e Trade. The farmers of the surrounding country will find it ten' their a vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, ou the :Exeter aararket,which is second to none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and ' ,gi Jaz �+�'J. N�' 4' :_ here to be bad in OvereoatIng, Fral..uloths, Broad-elo Doe skins, Silks, Wirlcey's, Delaiues, and everything ineded in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery ,Depllrtment very Complete*. An. inspection invited No trouble to show ,Foods ISAAC' CARLIN 114 T_EIIS IS NO BOMTBAT Truth Concerns You Moro Than Cotnte '131141f01•o read, poi 'Vaso, and enjoyits bergnins, When l say 1 iltrzl,lrfaetnre my own sin prepared tinny proet•,thnetthat the yoople eau inat,ocb ,t any time by calling rr,t,nts whore they will soda 1841,01•b die t,lai' of Furniture in All Its Branch; 13e5:3,1fre+•b'trollliy inrsalf 31113? snenTulsa mrtistic skin, wiblgo(awe Are finslti. nsaalsl'ying 0141).00e Idris t 01,150 of trlcetlttltro that -0001101 h5 001100ed; icr- (10 l crater ,u,11blowing to the contrary, notwithstanding. WHEN YOU WANT 4NY FURNITURE GIVE. J BRAWP. llcatslyopposite Kemp's Tobacoe Store,Maill Street