HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-13, Page 1 ldrsl:.rxti d;,atem" rr,d m t Vola ' ''1Lo TionA PROPERTY RTY LIST. Ton SALE O i, RE lr '—A rStore. .' alt (''eulr ttin, :,n sinner of Ste t° on ane1:.5 Mem titreets, We:1 r.i cli ul,, Liwt en:tLble for Dry, foods, Verneeu•y or (general Store, Fur further. ',arttetilarsapply to J. H, kli:iv113tAN,1•Ixcter, or• evaoh 'ate Y, bridle,. i1O1t SALE ---AIV k::a.O.ieLL1eN1 i!,#1tM of olio hundred faros on the 7,anrlol ‘.,'OSA lb* eJ'1w.:1i 11„1 v.)n,tel,i3a.11, roar the vi1l14i c '.of :Exeter Apt.iy tt•iytl ,12,x', 1.1,L111V, anol.ca. ; 'to: Exeter. 4ngust.?a led). BARGAIN )11 SAL1t, TWO G 7i Leto Q.tttlit ,i ezl :dal L "MN; b iu the Village 'cf Exeter, suits,b10 for 1,rivat u or lanblic buildui • L -will be sold c leap. Far nerticubtrs apply t)1 "OitN ora WI11., l,xetrl+,Un}. .._...1... .a.r.:•..n.dw=..a.i.rw.4,;,•..u, ::++'air.ta. - et,C-f1N S1102 AND DWELL1NG' IIol1aL, Ito sale iu Dashwood, itiitu one-; 7rtit et µu !bore et laud, situated n •nr 0111.es note'. ltaiu,t4rct a ain.4 1tA the }lest orasiues, iLaat of the a iltage. 1;nUdinr s aoa.'ay new, onirity of fruit- ''` oes•en t1L1+.11lart sa^t 13.eti "l d.1. ii No given to 'suit the perehase1 -:j1 s h' 1 1 r t. WINL.-I ,. 'Lreibnol1 I,n .l,Alzhl FOR SA.LE.—Let 0, kiaa biro' I,ue Stot•hon,tie &ores, the atlas oleured 1,' ^uu113,od ge,,.i b1 +k house,, good stable, wn1,tn Ooneed. • Levet ex•e0i}alrt„ On•lu.ltex ore, 0 of -t, 'uniloiton Poet a?tako. wl•.,a'o kotct ,rr;n there ;1 44inaes.e week, fwd 4 of a mite from. t,ra;rt? }rektdl 'OQnvorai h»t o 1. seneau.n i ol11 r;eoea. •oirgeod ra n1 I iioe, ,)t t?rn 4 easy; sett la U 1,SS,rilt t.:ii S E en,4.rlyo P13 1".0.1;. 1.1, CDN- ca , icu &fl erser:en, a rE! tx*.ulres lt,U ab1•es, v0 ,arts 010;LIYN.I. l ac i' F i, u c wed .ti-a'.oebarn gee. 1 ootl yelc.Vg eteha t g.,t.e,rl•trxtit, Tbc arm ie wet) #eon,,..!. +Led a acrid state •of. aji- ' J&oiva. klael' ' s r large ttn y •nt ",11;4CIC tastt,. ifs a nK Arr &Dila, wvoit. Vet tarda., aakr.ly to 31L1 1tY k`1' aY;l.:lt'I 1:. Cre,litnu. J:,ne S iia:,a.,re»,r. ss,it' sa srrraays , ,,k yy ONEY ia-CA.N.E D IP LARGE 011 v, v , falai resree o,t tau -rate to security ata mo- '•,laritte avle+i+.* p,;Ii'tt?`, st..& .01y to n, V,ELLIOT, i?rtl:.•+ '. vaii:er, 5.6+9, tf Su/leiter, Exeter, K'Ek.OR1+L, COUNTY AUCTION- ' ease . efee . Drcniptly attended to. Days of .,alaa.r.,irtaan,ged at;ti3le oslloo, 1 J. CLARE, Agent for the Us- taborne anal Ribbert 1 utual Fir Insurance fi 1e3t.}1s ay, 1losidonce—L`:areunar, Orders by -1 "ail pro1111>t1Y attended to. S. OS M.P131eLir ,PROVINCIAL • Land Surveyer, an. will Lo at the •yh l Rotel, hlzeter,ou the MIA Tuesday in each month. Orders for work left vita Mr. Jelin israeirlmait willro oolveprompt.4ttoution. FLUE INSURANCE 0O3!P Y, OF LONDON. 3STd.T3LISIi1:D. IX 17834 sgonoyestablished in Oat lade IInlilni- tea liability of all the Steekbolders, and large Deserve Funds. 'Moderate rates of premium. JOHN A. }I11Ni)51AN, 1fOBT TY TYRE, Manager. Agent et .Exeter. A//ON t'Y TO LOAN ON REAL ES - tato for the Huron & Erie Loai1 ' Savings $3.Ioiety. Lore rates of interesi. Apply to Jolhn fipaolanan, Exeter. OHN H. HYNDMAN, e ACCOUNTANT, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. moneytolnanon mortgages, notes and other securities. Rents and accounts collected on rea- sonable terms. Insurance effected iu iirst-class Compa, les at reasonable rates. Ouioe—at Dr. I'Ivndman's, Main S root ] cGet A LAKE, AUCTIONEER FOR L 5 • THE OOTI iTY OF HURON. it LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY C1 just- received for investment on mortgages at filter cent. 1l\EED3,WILLS, ETC., 15RAWN ..eon reasonable terms. D. ABBOTTL.• emanate ofl3oyaiCollego of DENTAL SURGEONS. Moe over O'Neilban.k, and opposite Samwell Pickard,. X1,000 KEGS T MAX Montreal Makers' Prices, .M. ItA0Elr, IMPORTER trriaue and Builders a IHard- metro, CLT-Nrrr'O NT Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, May ,13 DEATH OF BENATi3li, marl Toeent•o, May 9. ---When the fleet's was '(;test i3a'Ota(1'cast ou the e'fternoon of the Yeah of March trust the life trf Hon, freor o ;sown had beef.) attempted by I (ERA 'treed employees. social sand poli oa1'circrew. were deeply, moved at the bort/tally rest. Arte: the first tlittburst f indignation at so heitlotie atn,offence he people rejoiced to know thee ti, manna inflicted by the assassin's datpistol Vas:by leo i';eets'Cotasici ei rc'i nt;erou ly tet, medical Won Irho stt.dndad Mi 13rowu. 1'1tefleet thee after toe shoot Ing troWns einaeel`6tet1, descenee the •oaa,ce r; ars Ana too!: his place in oarC+iage,. itatft far to *infirm tllis.opin- ion. few ±•r'e*`kan me most, it was thought, and Ccilll'itl:'..n 1y hoped; would see iiitl anaie attending to his duties teat such the wlarse fee hie a.lveutiire At the o pirati,ou or two woke grave mCi?'f'i'rs se t0 bih condition were e0 afloat, Pee medical attendants were nether 'e'ficisnt iia giving the true state o1 tt1,r t patient to the public. It how 0ese. became known that a seriou eftenso had taken place, and what was at first con+idered a trifling wound ,arty gave the doctors great cause fo alarm for their patient. Dray by day kir. Brown grew weaker, and it was then made known that mortification had set in, aud that but little hope wa entertained of his ultimate recovery During his illness his wife and Miss Brown, aged seventeen, were hie faith fill attendants, the latter a few days ago became thoroughly prostrated, a was reluctantly compelled to 1e,ave the bedside of her father. On 'KTiintrsaay afternoon last the sufferer was so low that it was thought a few hours at the most eras his allotted terra of life Then, for the first time. his sorrowing relatives were sutnmoued' to the bed side of the dying man. A few hour rest followed sled with it a renewed lease of life. On Friday there was little i any change in the condition of the patient. He wits blessed with even flickering moments of oonsciousahess during which he sm•ilaal a recognition to his faithful untiring wife, who wa ever near at hand to smooth the pillow aud attend the wants of her dyicg hits band. On. Saturday the doctors saw the end was near, and a few fleeting hours and Canada's great statesman and journalist would bave passed from this sphere. What was hourly looked for came at last a few minutes pas: two o'clock this morning. His life went out with the incoming of the morning, unconscious and free from pain, and surrounded by these whom he had loved, his spirit passed geutly away. Although death was hourly ex - petted for some days past, the- shook to the public wheu it . did Dome was none the lose severe. A. heavy gloom overspread the city, and kindly sympa- thizing heart throbs went out for the afflicted and sorrowing relatives. Flags were fleeted at half-mast from all pub- lic buildings nut of respect to the mem- ory of the honored dead. Mention was matte of the sad event from. the pulpits of the oity churches, and prayers were offered up for those who claimed him as a husbsnd and father. During the day the streets leading to Mr. Brown's house were densely thronged by pedes- trians. 'Those who called, however were principallycler€ymenand iutimate friends of the deceased. The sorrow expreesed is universal. That a useful life should`be cut short by a worthless, drunken vagabond causes feeling to run high against the assassin. The rela- tives were in hourly receipt of sympa- thizing messages from those !nail in of- fice both in Canada and the Old Coun- try. The funeral tool; plane on Wednes- day afternoon. It was one of the lar- gest ever seen in Torouto or any other city of the Dominion. BR/EF SUMMARY OP HIS POLITICAL HISTORY. 1880. No 38 Caanadiitu Farmer, a weekly journ:aLcte. Voted to agricultural interests, 1864, n Is uow 'anaging :Director of "Globe l?rintleg and Publishing Company ;" aud lurgly enga_ed in stock rairsing,. A. member of the Senate of the Uni- versity of Toront,l. Was a me.nber of "Commission appointed to enquire into pertain alleged abuses in the manage- , anent of the Provincial Peniteutiary, e Kingston, 1849. Was fur many years leader of the Reform Party ot Upper 8 Canada, rendes such called on to form a • Govet ument for late Province of Cana- • da, 2nd Aug., 1851, whish he succeed. Red in doing in co-operatioti with the Hon. A. A. (now Chief Justice) Doriou. Before it was possible for the mernbers of his Administration to be re•eleuted, the House of Assetubly peesed a vote of want of unnfxclenoe.- He oolnsequ'ant• • ly determined to dissolve P;ar]iamsnt, but the Governor-General (Sir Edmund t Head, refused to grant a resoluniee, when Mr. Brown aucl his oolleaeues at ,ince resigned. He again entered Ex- • eoutive Council, 30th June, 1804, ail • a member of the Adtniinistraation form- ed to carry out the solemne of Confed- eration, being' leader off the Reform ✓ section, then in a majority in the Reuse, as Mr. Macdonald was leacher of the Ontario Conservatives, and Mr. ()artier of the -French-Canadian Conservatives, s . Hr. Brown had. in the sessinv of 1861, • obtaiued a Select Committee to enquire into and report nnou snail changes in • the constitution as might satisfy the just expectations, of Western Canada.d . The committee ren orted in favor of a Federal system, such as was afterward: established. He resagued 21st Dec., 1865, after tha Confederation scheme• was arranged, though the Imperial Act • was not passed, owing to hie disapp- ov- al. of the policy of the teovernneut, with • reference to a Reciprocity Treaty with 8 the United. States. Wee a member of the Chariottetown Uuinu Conference, f 1864, of that at Qaebee in same year. and of tt,e Confederate Council of 13. N. A. Colonies for the negotiation of • Commercial T eatiee, that sat in Batter. city. Sept. 1865. Proceeded to E ng - s laud as a delPraate on public business, 1865, and to Washington, March, 1871,. on behalf of Canada and the Empire, as jnint Plenipotentiary with Sir Ed- ward Thoruton, to negotiate with the Government of the United States, a commoreiaj treaty. Declined the Lien- tenant-Governellip of Ontario, 1875. t Sat for Kent in Canadian Assembly for general election, 1851, to general elec- tion, 1854; for Lunbton frum latter date to geuelaal eleetion, 1857, when returned for North Oxford at,d the City of Toronto (elected to sit for Toronto); for 'South Oxford from• March, 1868, until the Union. Was an nusuceesefnl candidate for 1:Ialdiwand, April, 1851; for Toronto Mist, at e,eneral election, 1801.; and for South Outa'io, in Hell SE of Commons, at general election, 1867. Called to the Seuate, 16th Deo., 1878. A Liberal. Hon. George Brown, son of the late Peter 13rown, Esq., merchsnt, Izlira- bourgh, Scotland. who in 1888 emigrat- erl to New York, where he edited the British Clironinle newspaper, and thence, in 1848 moved to Toronto, where lie estebltshed the Toronto Ban- ner es an indepeudent organ of Liberal Presbyterian views, by the only deudi- ter of George Mackenzie, Esq., of "The Cottege," St'nrhowav, Isle of Lewis, Born in :Odin hin lt, 29th Nov., 1818. Feluceted ,at 'Edinburgh Hitch School. Mitrried in the sante city, 27th Nov., 1802, Annie. oldest daughter of the late Thomas Nelson, Lsq., of Attlee Ilnuve,. Ii c inbnrgi . l:+'onndcrl'the Daily Glebe newspaper, of while he became chief political writer, 1844; founded the A !able. THE SCOTCH SERRIER AND THE IRISH POODLE, From Grip. An alert Sootoh Terrier and a die- oontented Irish Puodlo, being chained together set opt in search of a Pince where Loaves andFishes aben ld. For along time the Terrier led the way, but at last the Poodle demanded to go first. "Will ye be gaun strecht on?" iugnir- ed the Terrier. "No." answered the discontented Poodle. "I'll show you a trick worth two of that." "Ay now, but what'll the master say?" - "Divil a hair I care," answered the Poodle. Let nie speak now. Instead of going slowly . to the Loaves and Fishes let us - store a Paeifio Rail- way train, and by thus ss file tie) cairn - try tire expense of runnina it, wa shall gain the gratitude of the people, be fed at their expense and on longer require the master's assistance." ''Siecati a plan I neer thocht on," sttid the Terrier, "blit gang your aiti gait. I'm with ye for once, though not wi' oda will." 'Whereupon tine Poodle invited his companion to stand with him whining nn the -track before a train bound thrrmell for the west, and both were cut up into pieces just the right size -for the eansego machine. Moral?` Nn --there was nothing mor- al in the whole affaaie. .fie nlnlon, The. Governor-General is to visit St. Thomas in. September. The death of dr..t,'elletier, lei P. P. for L'Assoraption, Que., is annouuoed, Itir. Maasso11's tesignatiou has not yet been accepted by Sir Juba Maedon a41d. Woodstock monthly cattle fair was held on Monday. , Some g.lod cattle changed hands, aud prices ranged from 41,0 to 5o. There is only eleven feet of water on the side of the Sault Ste. Marie Oftnal now. It is estimated that 25 per cent, of the Ottawa public, school children are down with the measles. James McGinnis, committed to Bel- leville jail as a dangerous lunatic, on Seturday tuule two attempts at suicide which were frustrated. by his fellow prisoner's.' John Colwell, who escaped from jail at Sarnia and swam across the river on Saturday night, has boort recaptur- ed and committed- to jail to serve out his term. Further trouble is expected among the ship laborers at Quebec. Tho May- or has promised to protect the Union Canadian teen aud, if necessary, to call out the military. Work is progreesiug rapidly on the Thunder Bay seotiora of the 0. P. R. since the suew disappeared, and the trains are busy carryiug up supplies. Altogether, the prospects are good for a busy seasonaial that seoti,lu. A than named. Almoud Peel, who committed ari indeceut assault on a little girl at Brantford, iu 1877, and for whom a warrant was issued, but who escaped to the other side, return- ed on Saturday aud was' arrested. The export of cattle frC,nl Muutreal is now iu full blast. The S. S. Quebec, sailed on Saturday last with 278 head, the 9, S. Scotland on Sunday •with 378 - head, .S. S. Winnipeg also sailed with 850 head. The largest eousignnient was £mals Outerio. • At ono of the ohurehes•in Brantford. on Sunday, a most disgraceful row oc• enrl•ed. One young roan struck an- ther iu the face and in return received a blow from a taus. The conitatauts were finally put out by the ushers. A; young Ina!' named Loyler, while wallciug in .Dalhousie street, Ottawa, during the thunder storm yesterday, was struck by lightning and bad a nar- row escape from death. He fell un- curaecious to the ground, and when picked up one side of his face was found sourelted and a portion of his coat burned. lie ]ias since recovered from the shook. One of the most deplorable occur- rences iu the history of the townsbip of Euphetnia, aud one which elicits the sorrow and sympathies of the entire community happened on the 6th con- cession early Wednesday moroing,when the hone of Mr. Jaynes A, Gage was burned to the ground, and three young girls perished in the flames. An accident of a serious nature oe- cerred at Point St. Charles, Que., on Monday, in the rolling mill of Pillow, & Hersey Go,, Aadelaro Delorier was caught in a wheel, twisted around at terrific speed, and when taken out it was foand that his right arm had been tern from the socket, his left beet torn off and his body terribly bruised. He cannot recover. An investigation into the cause of the death of Hon. George Brown was begun on Monday. After hearing a number of witnesses, an adjournment was had for the purpose of hearing medical testirllony. The inquest con- cluded on Tuesday evening. The fol- lowing ver.liot was given :—"That the said Cleo. Brown did, on the ninth day of May Met., come to lits doAt'b by a wound, caused by a shot fired'vfro:n a pistol in the hands of the prisoner George Baucett, alias Dickson, whish stint was feloniously, wilfully : and of malice aforothon;tlht fired on the 25th day of Illaroh ]sat; with intent to kill mild murder the said Georgi Brown."' A painful accident ocour'red ea Har- risburg about 11 o'clock ou Saturday fast. Chas. Lerida, who is a car re- pairer at that station, was awaitin,g, it is presumed, the arrival of the 10 45 train from the east, and .while doing so sat clown on one of the rails of the sid- ing. The 13rantford train, which wee shouting on the same track as Larkin was'seated, and not noticing it, 1 assert over both Legs, onttiug them Globo off below the knee cap. Ilte sight as do - scribed by an eye-witnass tray : a meet uffecling oue, indeed. 7.,arktu's wife and children, two in .number, who'live close to the railway, were eumbeanedr and the scene that followed was most heartrending. The poor women and her little children wept together over the mangled remains of their father, and the passengers about the station were deeply affected, The poor man died, after suffering intense agony, iu two hours from the time he was run over. FATAL ACCIDENT. - Sunday afternoon as a young man=. named I'rederiek Moere,who is employ- ed at Alien's Dairy Farm, on the 3rd, con. of London •Township, received . fa - tat injuries from a bull. It appears that he was in the yard attencliug to the bull when the animal ran at hint and knocked him over. His injuries `did not seem to be serious, rand he went to bed. Monday meining he was - rotted dead on his face to bed, having apparently died from his injuries. His friends were notified, and upon visiting the place found hitn lying in bed, with an old pair of pants on. There were bruises ou his breast and groin and other parts. They informed Dr. Flock of the eircunietauces and demanded an inquest, but be advised thein to con- sult the County Crown Attorney upon the matter. Monday evening, at 10 o'clock, Cor over Flock opened an inqueet upon the body at the Pork Packing House, on Ridont street, to which place the body had been removed by deceased'sfriends. The following jury or being sworn vowed the body : J. 11. Jarvis, fore- man, Andrew Groves, James Groves, John Legere, Wet. Burns, James Smith, Robert Winslow, G. Pomerey, Thos. MoMnrgan, J. A. Schneider, E. Hausou,R. Winslow, sen.,Thos. Steele. The body showed, on examinatioi , several wouuds on the back ; there was a wound on the right groin, a bruise about two inches long near the naval, a wound and an abrasion on the right hip, extending several inches, and another extending diagonally across the back below the shoulder blade. The inquest was then adjourned un- til Tuesday. General. . The Union Steamship Combany's !hail steamer American, from Cape cf Good Hope, for Southampton, found- ered close to the eqnator on the 20th of April, after breakiug the main shaft. The passengers and crew escaped eight boats. Three, containing 54 per- sons, were picked up, and the passeng- ers landed at Medeira. The five other boats when last seeu were making for Cape Palamas Liberia, Weather fine. Ate extraordinary story is published at Charlotte, N. C., from Frauklinton. It is stated that a negro and a white man, while -exhuming the body of a lady who died two days before, were accosted by the woman when the IM of the coffin was raised. They badin- tended to steal jewellery from her per- son, and fled in affright. When they returned she asked to be assisted home, and is now recovering. The License Commissioners of West Huron are determined that the rules and regulations adopted by them for the guidance of hotel keepers, etc., shall be strictly observed, having given no- tice that any infraction will debar the offender from obtaininga license for an- other year. On Tuesday, of last week, the heat of the sun was so great that a window curtain in Harland Bros. store,Clinton,' was set on fire and about a yard of it burnt. The sun's rays were focused by a lamp reflector. The incident should show the necessity of watchful• nese in order to avoid like occurrences. !. few days ago Mr. Geo. B, John- stono left Goderieh to visit bis sheep ranch in Texas, which has been under the supervision of his two brothers for -' the past two years. it is his intentions to take up more land aud cuter largely into ebee]) ralsieg, Mr. Chits, Dodds, of the 5th 00000B sion of AIeICillop, is the possessor of a curiosity itt the shape Of a pitg:which efts born with four eyes and a orients identical with that of an elephant, pro' tending frotn the head above theiuont. being entirely seperate therofrotu, and with a hole running through it length. wise. It was Miro when horn, and . well shaped in other resile cis.